La Prensa San Diego - March 23, 2018

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La Prensa 41 Trump Sues Woman Over Non-Disclosure Agreement

Paratroopers Receive Memorial at Miramar National Cemetery

EUSD Estrena Nuevo Laboratorio de Clases STEM

Barrio Dogg Moving Into New Diggs

Los Padres de San Diego Eligen a Abridor de Temporada







Hung Jury in Hit & Run DUI Case BY ALBERTO GARCIA

City’s Resolution Insufficient Residents Say, Proposed Ordinance Aims to Alleviate Truck Presence on Residential Streets in Barrio Logan BY ANDREA LOPEZ-VILLAFAÑA


ver a decade since the City of San Diego approved a resolution to reduce the number of five-ton trucks that drive through the community of Barrio Logan, residents and activists believe it has done little to solve the problem. Sitting outside of one of her neighbor’s home on Boston Avenue and 30th Street, Barrio Logan resident Philomena Marino pauses to let a semitrailer drive past before she speaks. “Monkey see monkey do. It started off with one or two but it’s increasing,” Marino said as the semitrailer continues driving down the residential street. The reality of having several five-ton trucks drive through the streets or idle is that it affects the health of the residents who live there, according to Marino. The community of Barrio Logan is unique in that it is surrounded by freeways, the Port of San Diego Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, and several industrial companies, all of which play a role in the amount of traffic within the community and the number of semitrailers that travel on the local streets. The Barrio Logan Clean Air and Safe Streets Ordinance proposed by a local environmental advocacy organization


Norma Chavez Peterson


A second jury has deadlocked in the case of a hit and run, DUI accident that injured a six year old San Ysidro boy. Judge Stephanie Sontag declared a mistrial on Monday after the jurors explained they were unable to reach a unanimous verdict on their fourth day of deliberations on three felony charges against defendant Constantino Banda, related to the May 6, 2017, accident. The jury’s foreman told Judge Sontag the jury was deadlocked 7-5 to convict Banda. Judge Sontag then asked each juror is they thought a unanimous verdict could be reached if they continued to deliberate. Each juror responds that they didn’t believe they could reach a unanimous verdict. This was the second trial of Banda, 39, after a first trial in September 2017 also ended in a hung jury. In that trial, the jurors deadlocked 8-4 to convict him. The case reads like a crime drama show because the two MISTRIAL ON PAGE 3

aims to set a strictly enforced designated truck route to prevent semitrailer drivers from cutting through residential streets in Barrio Logan. Under the ordinance, drivers who deviate from the route would be ticketed. In 2005, the San Diego City Council adopted a resolution to prohibit commercial vehicles of five or more tons from using certain streets in Barrio Logan. Signs were also installed on streets as a result of the resolution. Streets like Cesar Chavez Parkway from Harbor Drive to Commercial Street, Main Street from Cesar Chavez Parkway to Sampson Street, and others are identified as prohibited truck routes in the resolution. The Port of San Diego implemented a designated truck route to remind drivers not to go through the community, and nearby companies also ask drivers to avoid residential streets; however, due to traffic and unfamiliarity with Barrio Logan, some drivers deviate from the routes. Although the resolution has been in place for more than 12 years, a recent study found a significant amount of truck traffic on “prohibited” streets, including Main Street, Sigsbee Street, and Cesar Chavez Pkwy. The study, was completed by a contractor for the Port of San Diego to understand the TRUCK ON PAGE 11


City Council Approves Homeless Storage Facility Despite Negative Community Response BY MARIO A. CORTEZ

Despite resounding disapproval from residents of neighborhoods already struggling to handle homeless crowds, the San Diego City Council voted to approve the opening of a storage facility for homeless individuals to store their belongings during a meeting held on Tuesday, March 20. The vote yielded an 8-1 result in favor of opening up the storage facility, with District 8 Councilmember David

Just a one day after being honored for her contributions to San Diego, Norma Chavez Peterson is back in her office squeezing meetings back to back to continue her life’s work of helping undocumented immigrant communities. As the Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of San Diego and Imperial Counties, she’s working on a system that allows organizations to combine forces in order to protect and educate immigrants on their rights. That system, the San Diego Rapid PROFILE ON PAGE 9

Alvarez being the only opposing vote. The now-approved facility site, located on the corner of 20th and Commercial in Sherman Heights, will offer 500 storage spaces for homeless individuals to deposit their belongings so that they can attend or receive transitional services such as medical care or transportation. Residents of neighborhoods such as Sherman Heights and nearby Logan Heights and Barrio Logan, all of which have been dealing with issues

pertaining to homelessness for years, gathered to voice their disapproval at the project site. Prior to the City Council meeting, about 200 people, including families, business owners, religious figures and school-aged children, and District 8 Councilman David Alvarez spoke out against the proposed facility site. Noel Bishop, principal of Our Lady’s School in Barrio Logan, stated that the HOMELESS ON PAGE 7


Candidatos del Distrito 8 Discuten Temas Comunitarios POR ANDREA LÓPEZ-VILLAFAÑA

Los miembros de la comunidad tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer a tres de los cuatro candidatos para el Concejo Municipal: Antonio Martínez, Vivian Moreno y Christian Ramírez en el Centro Comunitario Sherman Heights. Más de 100 personas asistieron a un

foro de candidatos, que fue organizado por la Environmental Health Coalition y moderado por José Cruz, director ejecutivo del Barrio Logan College Institute, el jueves 15 de marzo. De acuerdo con la lista de candidatos calificados emitida por DISTRITO 8 EN LA PAGINA 5


| MARCH 23 2018 |



Environment Issues 'Have no Borders'


Trump Sues Woman over Non-Disclosure Agreement So She Can’t Talk About What Didn’t Happen


Environmental issues have no borders and cannot be divided by a wall at the border, this according to experts. The lecture, “The Californias in an environmental context” focused on climate change and the consequences, especially at the border, and the current need to face these changes through a binational effort. Octavio Aburto, a research professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, was one of the main speakers, who talked about a study called “Harnessing crossborders resources to confront climate change,” endorsed by 94 experts of 47 different agencies in the United States and Mexico. “Nowadays, there are discussions about a putting a new wall at the border that divides the United States from Mexico, but that doesn’t stop the air flow,” Aburto said. “The study talks about epidemic outbreaks that can go through one side of the border and to the next with pathogens traveling through the air.” According to this study endorsed by the University of California in San Diego, Chagas, Zika and Chikungunya diseases will increase through the vectors proliferation. The study also says that by year 2080, climate change will propitiate the migration of approximately 1.4 millions to 6.7 millions of people from Mexico to the United States, for the reduction in agriculture productivity in Mexican soil because of water problems. “The lack of fresh water in some parts of Mexico must get the attention of people living in San Diego and California because the reduction in agriculture productivity in Mexico will mean that the markets it usually fills will also reduce. There is going to be less agricultural products in the market, and the prices will rise. This is a connection that people don’t see right now, and it’s not been dealt by public officials in a binational effort,” Aburto said. “If we don’t start taking measures as a binational front, the adaptation or the solution to this problems will be very difficult.” The study also indicates that 14 percent of reptiles that usually live between Mexico and California could be extinct in the next 50 years,


he President of the United States is suing a porn star to enforce a non-disclosure agreement that just two weeks earlier he said he didn’t know about. No, this isn’t the newest episode of the TV show, Scandal, it’s just another day in the life of Donald J. Trump. A porn star that goes by the stage name Stormy Daniels alleges she had an affair with Trump in 2006, more than ten years before he won the election for president. Of course, Trump denies the allegations and his supporters call it another fake news story like so many others they object to. Daniels claims she was about to tell her story in late 2016 just before the election, but, instead, she agreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement and received a payment of $130,000 to keep quiet. The payment was made by one of Trump’s personal lawyers, Michael Cohen, who said he used his home equity line of credit to make the payment and that Trump didn’t know anything about it. Everything seemed fine until last month when Daniels decided to talk about the relationship. Immediately, lawyer Cohen threatened to

sue her because the agreement barred her from disclosing the details of her story, and limited her from even admitting the existence of the agreement. Things got really bad when Daniels filed a lawsuit claiming the agreement is invalid because it wasn’t signed by the other party, and attached a copy of the agreement to her lawsuit. The agreement was written between two parties, Peggy Peterson and David Dennison, but a side letter that was supposed to be held only the lawyers, states that the real parties to the agreement are Stormy Daniels (AKA Peterson) and Donald J. Trump (AKA Dennison). Yes, Donald Trump was a party to the agreement that he and Cohen earlier said the President didn’t know about. And to make matters even worse, Trump forgot to sign it as either himself or as Daniel Dennison. Last week, in an effort to shut Daniels down, another lawyer filed a counter lawsuit claiming $20 million in damages for Daniels’ repeated violation of the non-disclosure agreement. That lawyer works directly for Trump’s companies, and her address is one of Trump’s

community, the Attorney General he appointed, and the Independent Counsel investigating possible collusion with Russia, yet he continues to operate with impunity, seemingly unchecked by the Republican-led Congress. This story is not about two consenting adults: It’s about the sitting President lying about his actions, using fake names in non-disclosure agreements, and having a lawyer pay hush money to protect him in violation of both campaign finance laws and his own attorney licensing regulations. As always, the cover-up is always worse than the crime. In this case, Trump expects the public to simply accept his denials and deflections in the face of the agreement, the lawsuits, and fake names, and to just look the other way as he lies his way out of it. Beyond the political mess, the real danger for Trump is that he could be called to testify in this case, and risk committing perjury if he isn’t truthful. Remember, it was Paula Jones’ lawsuit against Bill Clinton that got him in trouble. Although Jones was suing over sexual harassment claims from years before Clinton was president, he still had to sit for a sworn deposi-

tion, and that’s when they asked about Monica Lewinsky, and he lied. If Donald Trump wants to keep Stormy Daniels quiet, he may have to show up and defend himself, and risk exposing the web of lies he’s woven, but will be forced to do so under oath. It should be embarrassing to all Americans that we have to live through the soap opera that is our President’s life. It diminishes his credibility when dealing with foreign leaders and exposes him to possible blackmail. No president has ever posed such a threat to our domestic security and international standing through his own actions. Congress may have to act soon to limit the damage to our country, our institutions of government, and our free and fair elections. If Russia or other foreign enemies see an opening to pressure Trump, they could do very serious damage to our country. For sure, the only person that has benefited from this fiasco is Daniels, who admits she’s making more money than ever before. In the end, it may turn out that a porn star, not Robert Mueller or Russia, will be Donald Trump's downfall.


District 8 Candidates Discuss Issues BY ANDREA LOPEZ-VILLAFAÑA

Community members had the opportunity to meet three of the four candidates running for City Council: Antonio Martinez, Vivian Moreno, and Christian Ramirez at the Sherman Heights Community Center. Over 100 people attended a candidate forum, which was hosted by the Environmental Health Coalition and moderated Jose Cruz, CEO of Barrio Logan College Institute on Thursday, March 15. According to the qualified candidates list released by the City of San Diego, the candidates running for District 8 include Martinez, Moreno, Ramirez, and Zachary Lazarus, who was not present. The candidates were asked questions pertaining to homelessness, housing affordability, land use and planning, and “rapid fire” questions about supporting community members’ needs, new commu-


La Prensa



1712 Logan Avenue, San Diego, CA 92113, Tel 619.425.7400 web:,

FOUNDED: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California PUBLISHER/CEO Arturo Castañares CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Enrique Gonzalez

Paratroopers get New Memorial at Miramar National Cemetery




properties in Los Angeles. She claims the disclosures damage Trump, who, remember, didn’t know about the agreement in the first place. So, now, the President of the United States is claiming his reputation is being damaged by a porn star, and that she shouldn’t be able to talk about something he claims he didn’t do, and that she should pay him $20 million in damages, but he says he didn’t pay her hush money nor did he even sign the agreement in question. In what other country, or universe, is it even believable to be having this discussion? When Bill Clinton lied about a relationship with an intern, he was impeached by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives for perjury and obstruction of justice like it was a high crime worthy of removing a president for only the third time in our history. Today, Trump is being sued and is suing a porn star to keep her from telling her story about an affair with him, yet many of the same conservative Republican congressmen that impeached Clinton won’t say a word about Trump’s behavior. At the same time, Trump is actively challenging the FBI, the entire intelligence

CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Andy Aviña, Estephania Baez, Francisco Barbosa, Augie Bareño, León Bravo, Ana Paula Ceballos, Mario A. Cortez, Alberto Garcia, Ana Gómez Salcido, Sandra G. León, Samuel López, Andrea LópezVillafaña, Alexandra Mendoza, Mimi Pollack, Diana Rodriguez, Eduardo Rueda, Netzai Sánchez, Marinee Zavala, and Paco Zavala


Veterans and their loved ones celebrated the unveiling of a new memorial for paratroopers at the Miramar National Cemetery in a ceremony that included post colors and an honor guard rifle salute. The monument is dedicated to airborne forces, especially to the men and women who have worn silver parachute wings, the uniform badge that signifies someone has passed paratrooper training. The airborne forces are military units, usually light infantry, set up to be moved by aircraft and dropped into battle, typically by parachute. Thus, they can be placed behind enemy lines, and have the capability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning. “It’s an honor to serve our country. We are the first ones to go in and probably the first ones to die,

and young people should be proud of the heritage we leave for them and what an honor would be for young people to see this monument and see the traditions we are leaving behind for all the things that we did when we were on the service,” said Secretary of the San Diego Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division Association, Al Gonzalez. “When we looked at the monuments here at the Miramar National Cemetery, we saw that there wasn’t one to honor the airborne and paratroopers. We come down to the cemetery for burials and provide the full honors to any veteran regardless of the unit they served in. So we formed a committee to raise funds for the monument, we had raffles, and received donations.” It took almost two years for members of the Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade and the 82nd Airborne Division San Diego

Chapters nonprofit associations to raise the funds to pay for the monument that was unveiled on Saturday, March 17. “Being a paratrooper is being part of a brotherhood, we are people of different ages and different eras, but we all have that common bond, we all jump, we are all crazy to sign on that dotted line and volunteer to jump, and we all do it again, some of us have bad backs or bad knees, but we wouldn’t change any of it, I think that is the beautiful thing of the airborne, that you have a bond and it just grows,” said San Diego native and retired Army Staff Sergeant, Miguel Alatorre, who was the keynote speaker at the event. “The bond goes beyond the uniform.” The new monument is located at the cemetery’s Memorial Walkway located near the main entrance. MEMORIAL ON PAGE 7

La Prensa San Diego is published weekly and distributed throughout San Diego County. La Prensa San Diego is an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District, Case# 4137435 of May 9, 1978. ISSN 0789183. Articles published in LPSD do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Letters to the Editor or Publisher are welcome, but must contain complete name, address, and contact phone number. Any materials submitted are subject to editing revision for space and/or content. Contribution and advertising deadlines are every Tuesday at 5:00pm. La Prensa San Diego (“LPSD”) reserves the right to refuse to publish, in its sole and absolute discretion, any advertising and advertorial material submitted for publication by clients (“Client Material”). Submission of Client Material to LPSD or its representatives does not constitute a commitment by LPSD to publish the material. Publication of Client Material does not constitute an agreement to continue publication in any future issue. In the event of an error, or omission in printing or publication of client material, LPSD shall be limited to an adjustment for the space occupied by the error, with the maximum liability being cancellation of the cost of the incorrect advertisement or republication of the correct client material. Under no circumstances shall LPSD be liable for consequential damages of any kind. © All rights reserved. La Prensa San Diego | MARCH 23 2018 | PAGE 3




sides argue vastly different theories of who was driving of the truck at the time of the crash. On the day of the accident, Banda and his co-worker, Jorge Adame, drank several beers together before heading to watch a televised boxing match at a local restaurant. During their time at the restaurant, both men admit they drank between five and eight beers a piece. A few hours after they arrived at the restaurant, Banda’s wife also arrived with a female friend. The Bandas, who have four children, had been separated for a few weeks because of trouble in their marriage. Sometime after the boxing match, the two men left the restaurant and Banda got into a fight with a man that had been talking with Mrs. Banda. During the fight, Banda received a gash on his forehead, a large cut on his lower back, bruising on his face, and several cuts and scratches on his chest, back, and arms. After the fight, Banda and Adame left in Banda’s truck. Surveillance videos from the area show Adame was driving the truck and Banda was in the passenger seat. Seventeen minutes later, a 911 call reported a car accident where a pickup truck crashed into a Honda Accord sedan, causing injuries to a young boy. The family was returning from Disneyland and was only

blocks from their home when their car was hit by a truck that had run a stop sign at a three way intersection. The truck had fled the scene of the accident. The entire front grille and one headlight from the truck were found at the scene, indicating it was a Chevrolet. Border Patrol agents were the first to respond to the accident and then fanned out to look for the truck. Approximately 30 minutes later, Border Patrol agents found a Chevrolet truck parked on a side street less than a mile from the accident. The truck was missing its grille and driver side headlight, had extensive damage to the front end, and the driver side front tire was shredded. The agents pulled two men from the truck, and found Banda in the driver’s seat and Adame in the passenger’s seat. During interviews with police on the night of the accident and the following morning, Banda maintained he was drunk and injured after the fight so he didn’t drive. He said he fell asleep in the truck as Adame was driving. Banda alleges he woke up and found the truck stopped in the middle of the street so he moved it to the curb, and was then found by Border Patrol agents. At approximately 2:15 a.m. in the morning after the accident, nearly three hours after the 911 call, Banda took a Breathalyzer test and he was found to have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.152, nearly twice the legal limit of .08. A San Diego Police Department toxicologist and an expert witness for the defense both estimated Banda’s BAC at the time of the accident would have been

between 0.172 to over 0.21, or up to three times the legal limit. Two days after the accident, a San Diego Police detective concluded that Banda was the driver without interviewing Adame or reviewing any surveillance videos. It wasn’t until Banda’s wife went to the police station and reported that Adame was driving before the accident that police requested the videos and interviewed Adame. At the first interview with Adame three days after the accident, detectives asked him about the events of the night of the accident. Adame said Banda was injured in the fight, but said Banda drove away from the restaurant. When asked if he drove the truck that day, Adame said he had never driven the truck at all. When confronted with information that witnesses said he was driving that night, Adame reluctantly admitted he was driving the truck, but said he and Banda switched seats before the accident. During the trial, Deputy District Attorney Christopher Chandler argued that Banda and Adame switched seats before the accident, and offered pictures of Banda from the night of the accident showing a bruise and mark on his left chest that the prosecutor argued was left by the seatbelt on the driver’s side. Adame had no marks from any seatbelt. Public Defender Juliana Humphrey used a certified accident expert to refute the seatbelt mark, arguing the truck’s onboard computer showed the accident was not severe enough to leave any mark, and added that neither the airbags nor seat

belt pre-tensions fired during the crash. The expert disputed that the marks in the pictures could have been caused by a seatbelt. Beside the marks on Banda’s chest, there was no other physical evidence to help prove which of the two men was driving at the time of the accident. Both men tesified in court and gave conflicting stories of when and where they switched seats, and both had lied to police about various aspects of their stories. Banda and Adame are both undocumented immigrants and neither had a valid California driver’s license. Some media stories have claimed Banda had been deported 15 or 17 times before the accident, but records only show two deportations. Other interactions with Customs and Border Protection seem to be voluntary returns at the border, meaning he was likely just turned away at a border crossing for lack of proper documentation. A hearing will be held Friday, March 23, to determine if Banda will be tried again. The District Attorney’s Office must decide whether to try the case for a third time. If they decide not to pursue the case, Banda could still face federal charges for being in the country illegally. Adame was offered immunity from prosecution for driving without a license and driving while under the influence of alcohol in exchange for testifying against Banda. Adame has been in the country legally on a temporary work permit during the trial. It is unclear what will happen with Adame after the trial is concluded.


Escondido School Gets STEM Lab BY ANA GOMEZ SALCIDO

Students at Del Dios Academy of Arts and Sciences will now be able to see specimens through digital microscopes and fly an F22 aircraft through a flight simulator with a new state-ofthe-art science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) laboratory. Made possible in part by a $100,000 grant from the Northrop Grumman Foundation, the new STEM laboratory at the Escondido Union School District will support the integration of Next Generation Science Standards and 21st century STEM technologies like virtual reality, flight simulation, and computer coding via Spheros. “This brand new state-ofthe-art STEM lab at Del Dios Academy is a foundational part of EUSD’s commitment to providing Escondido’s students with quality education that prepares them for today’s and tomorrow’s careers,” said EUSD Superintendent Luis RankinsIbarra. “We are thankful to the many leaders in our

community who invested in this facility to provide Escondido students and their families with top-notch STEM education.” The STEM lab will also be a creative “makerspace” for Del Dios science classes and enable Del Dios students to learn via high definition displays and Wi-Fi casting, to learn to use technology and devices in their presentations, and to foster creativity and team collaboration. “Northrop Grumman is committed to investing in the communities where our employees work and live,” said Alfredo Ramirez, director of engineering, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. “We hope that the new lab will strengthen the school’s ability to inspire STEM curious minds and continue fostering innovation for the future workforce.” Del Dios Academy of Arts and Sciences won the grant through a national competition that had the participation of over 200 schools. The Northrop Grumman


La Prensa


| MARCH 23 2018 |





EUSD Estrena Nuevo Laboratorio STEM




Los estudiantes en la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Del Dios podrán ver especímenes por medio de microscopios digitales y podrán volar una aeronave tipo F22 por medio de un simulador de vuelos en un nuevo e innovador laboratorio de Ciencias, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEM, por sus siglas en inglés). Creado con un subsidio de 100 mil dólares proporcionado por la Fundación Northrop Gruman, el nuevo laboratorio STEM en el Distrito Escolar de Escondido Union (EUSD, por sus siglas en inglés) ayudará a integrar los estándares de nueva generación de ciencias y tecnologías STEM del Siglo 21 como realidad virtual, simulador de vuelos, y códigos de computación por medio de Spheros. “Este nuevo e innovador laboratorio de STEM en la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Del Dios es una parte fundamental del compromiso del EUSD en proporcionar a los estudiantes con educación de calidad que los prepare para las carreras del hoy y mañana”, dijo el Superintendente del EUSD, Luis Rankins Ibarra. “Estamos agradecidos con todos los líderes en nuestra comunidad que invirtieron su tiempo en las nuevas instalaciones que ayudará a estudiantes y familias de Escondido a recibir educación STEM de gran calidad”. El nuevo laboratorio STEM también servirá como un espacio para nuevas

En el resultado de una elección se resuelven dos extremos de posibilidades: la continuidad o la transición. La transición de ve como una reingeniería del sistema gubernamental. Una solución híbrida es la alternancia, una especie de acomodo parcial y superficial para que una fuerza electoral opositora ejerza el poder, pero sin profundizar en cambios de fondo. La historia política contemporánea de México refleja un largo periodo de control unipartidista, el PRI y sus siglas antecesoras controlaron, por más de 80 años, el mercado electoral. Presidentes emanados del partido en el poder aseguraban la continuidad del sistema, lo que no implicaba, necesariamente, una armonía interna, son muchos los episodios de distanciamientos entre los relevos gubernamentales como son los casos Alemán-Ruiz Cortines; Echeverría-López Portillo; Salinas-Zedillo. El desgaste del PRI, señalado por imponer las peores prácticas de gestión gubernamental, particularmente las asociadas a la corrupción y la impunidad, se trasladaron al PAN (Partido Acción Nacional) cuando inesperadamente se alzó con el triunfo en las elecciones de los periodos 2000-2006 y 20062012. Vicente Fox cosechó el despreció de la ciudadanía a un gobierno que a pesar de haber mantenido la estabilidad económica no tuvo conexión con la ciudadanía, y Felipe Calderón se valió de la figura desprestigiada del candidato priísta y de una campaña de miedo para derrotar al candidato


creaciones en las clases de ciencias así como permitirá a los estudiantes a aprender por medio de pantallas de alta definición y con Wi-Fi, para que puedan realizar presentaciones en sus clases, y puedan incentivar su creatividad y al mismo tiempo a aprender a trabajar en equipo. “Northrop Grumman está comprometido a invertir en las comunidades donde nuestros empleados viven y trabajan”, dijo Alfredo Ramírez, director de ingeniería en el Sistema Aeroespacial de Northrop Grumman. “Esperamos que el nuevo laboratorio fortalezca la habilidad e

inspiración del STEM en la escuela, para que se siga cultivando la innovación en la futura fuerza laboral”. La Academia de Artes y Ciencias Del Dios ganó el subsidio por medio de una competencia nacional en la que participaron más de 200 escuelas. La Fundación Northrop Grumman eligió solo a cinco escuelas de los 200 participantes, y dos de estas están dentro del Condado de San Diego. “Siempre estamos necesitando a ingenieros en nuestro negocio, y aunque tenemos una gran cantidad de estudiantes en ciencias en las universidades, nosotros



Justo un día después de ser honrada por sus contribuciones a las comunidades de San Diego, Norma Chávez Peterson está en su oficina preparándose para tener varias juntas y para continuar ayudando a las comunidades de inmigrantes indocumentados. Como directora ejecutiva de la American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) de los condados de San Diego e Imperial, ella ha estado trabajando para crear un sistema donde diferente organizaciones puedan combinar fuerzas para proteger y educar a los inmigrantes sobre sus derechos. Ese sistema, el San Diego Rapid Response Network, conecta a las organizaciones y personas para ayudar a inmigrantes y monitorear actividades como redadas y arrestos en el Condado de San Diego. Muchas organizaciones

están haciendo un gran trabajo, pero juntas podrían lograr mucho más, según Chávez Peterson. El sistema funciona a través de una línea telefónica disponible las 24 horas que es atendida por voluntarios quienes toman llamadas y brindan asistencia de emergencia, conectan a personas con recursos y documentan redadas y arrestos. Chávez Peterson dijo que ahora más que nunca las organizaciones en el condado necesitan trabajar juntas,

algo lo que el sistema les permite hacer, y también le da a las personas que quieren hacer un cambio un modo de participar y ayudar. "Realmente queríamos crear algo para crear la oportunidad para que las personas participen en esta idea de que nadie está solo, que nuestra comunidad es más fuerte si nos unimos", dijo. Como una inmigrante, Chávez Peterson entiende que es a través de conectarse con otros con una historia similar lo que permite a los inmigrantes indocumentados a mantenerse fuertes. A la edad de cinco años ella llegó a los Estados Unidos de su hogar en Michoacán, México, y se reencontró con su madre y sus hermanos. "No sabía qué era ser documentada o indocumentada", dijo Chávez Peterson. "Todo lo que sabía era que mi familia iba a estar completa". Su madre, Esperanza, crió a sus siete hijos por su cuenta PERFIL EN LA PAGINA 5

empezamos a trabajar con estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria para inculcarles los estudios de las ciencias y ayudarlo a entender mejor sus mentes innovadoras”, dijo Ramírez. “Nosotros estamos muy activos en el fomento de este tipo de educación en nuestras comunidades, no solo por medio de este subsidio sino también con programas de prácticas para estudiantes de preparatoria y universidad que ayudan a fomentar los trabajos en las ciencias”. La Academia de Artes y Ciencias Del Dios tuvo que generar una propuesta en video de su visión para un

nuevo laboratorio de STEM en su escuela, y fue así como fueron elegidos entre los cinco ganadores a nivel nacional. “El salón donde se encuentra el nuevo laboratorio de STEM era antes un salón para los talleres de madera, y cuando esa clase terminó se convirtió en un Centro de Aprendizaje Alternativo que es donde se concentraba a los estudiantes con mal comportamiento o que necesitaban de alguna intervención, pero decidimos transformar y modelar el salón con un enfoque en STEM EN LA PAGINA 5


Komen San Diego Celebra Evento de Recaudación de Fondos POR ANDREA LÓPEZ-VILLAFAÑA

En una sala llena de médicos, sobrevivientes al cáncer y líderes de San Diego, residentes tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer los últimos avances en la investigación del cáncer de mama el miércoles 14 de marzo. Susan G. Komen San Diego celebró su cuarta cena anual de recaudación de fondos, “Screens, Genes and the Choices we Make”, en el hotel Hilton San Diego Bayfront. Este año, y con una asistencia de aproximadamente 350 personas, la organización recaudó 185 mil dólares. La cena es el evento de recaudación de fondos más grande de Komen San Diego, aparte del Race for the Cure. Presentado por Maria Menounos, ganadora del premio Emmy y sobreviviente de un tumor cerebral, el evento fue en beneficio de la organización local, que ofrece servicios gratuitos de cáncer de mama y apoyo a mujeres en San Diego. Karla López, coordinadora de oficina y alcance de Komen San Diego, dijo que los fondos recaudados beneficiarán los servicios locales de salud,

como mamografías, pruebas de diagnóstico y ayuda financiera temporal. “Normalmente, cuando una mujer es diagnosticada con cáncer de mama, no puede trabajar debido al tratamiento, por lo que cual en varios casos pueden perder sus trabajos o quedan discapacitadas y no pueden pagar sus facturas o renta, entonces es cuando Komen interviene para ayudar con esa barrera”, dijo López. a Al igual que muchos en la multitud y los oradores en el evento, la vida de López fue afectada por la enfermedad cuando su hermana fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama antes de que López comenzará a trabajar para la organización. Su hermana recibió un mamografía gratis a través de los servicios de Komen, dijo. “Decidí abogar por Komen y compartir el mensaje con amigos y familia del trabajo que hace Komen y esa es mi forma de devolverle algo a la comunidad y a Komen”, dijo López. El Doctor Brion W. Murray, investigador en Pfizer Oncology y experto en cáncer de mama, compartió risas con la audiencia mientras expli-

caba algunas de sus últimas investigaciones, que fueron inspiradas por su esposa que es una sobreviviente de cáncer de mama. De acuerdo a Shaina Gross, directora ejecutiva y presidente de Komen San Diego, la organización ha entregado más de 120 mil dólares en asistencia financiera, 3 mil 500 personas han recibido mamografías gratuitas y Komen San Diego ha pagado por 20 mil servicios de diagnóstico. “Estamos haciendo elevando las mujeres y los hombres que son directamente afectos”, dijo Gross sobre el trabajo de la organización. Menounos compartió los desafíos que tuvo que enfrentar y su experiencia al ser diagnosticada con un tumor cerebral y a ver a su madre luchar con cáncer cerebral. Ella les aconsejo a los miembros de la audiencia, especialmente a las mujeres, que se tomen el tiempo para cuidarse a sí mismas y cuidar su salud. “Como mujeres necesitamos enfocarnos más en nuestras necesidades y en nosotras mismas”, dijo Menounos. | MARCH 23 2018 | PAGE 5




Problemas Ambientales no Tienen Fronteras Según Expertos POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO


os problemas del medio ambiente no tienen fronteras ni pueden ser divididos por un muro, esa fue una de las ideas planteadas en la conferencia magistral “Las Californias en un contexto de cambio climático”. El tema principal de la conferencia fue el cambio climático y las consecuencias de este, sobre todo en la frontera, y la necesidad de tomar acciones binacionales para enfrentarlas. Uno de los expositores fue el profesor investigador del Instituto de Oceanografía Scripps, Octavio Aburto, quien habló sobre el estudio “Instrumentando recursos fronterizos para enfrentar el cambio climático”, el cual es respaldado por 94 especialistas y 47 instituciones de Estados Unidos y México. “Ahora se habla de que hay que poner muros entre los dos países, pero el aire no respeta eso”, dijo Aburto. “En el estudio se habla de epidemias que surgen de un lado de la frontera y que luego se pueden registrar en el otro país, ya que los patógenos están viajando por el aire”. Según la publicación apoyada por la iniciativa de la Universidad de California en San Diego, se incrementarán las enfermedades infecciosas

como Chagas, Zika o Chikungunya, por la proliferación de sus vectores. El estudio también indica que para el año 2080, el cambio climático propiciará la migración de entre 1.4 millones y 6.7 millones de mexicanos adultos a Estados Unidos, entre otros efectos, como consecuencia de la caída en la productividad agrícola del campo mexicano por la falta de agua dulce en ciertas áreas del país mexicano. “La falta de agua dulce en algunas partes de México debe de ser de mucho interés para San Diego y California en general porque la producción agrícola va a disminuir, y muchos de los mercados que se abastecen de esa producción van a disminuirse, los productos van a escasear, y los precios van a subir. Esto es una conectividad que no se está viendo y que no se está trabajando entre gobiernos, sobre todo con una visión de cooperación binacional”, dijo Aburto. “Si no empezamos a tomar medidas que sean realmente de carácter binacional, la adaptación a estos cambios o el resolver estos problemas, va a ser muy difícil”. El estudio también indica que se estima que 14 por ciento de los reptiles que habitan actualmente entre México y California podrían extinguirse en los próximo 50 años, incluyendo tres familias exclusivas de la zona. El documento concluye sobre la



STEM”, dijo el director de la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Del Dios, Albert Ngo a La Prensa San Diego. “Teníamos laboratorios de computación y tenemos salones de ciencias pero no teníamos ningún espacio dedicado solo a la educación STEM, antes teníamos nuestras clases de STEM en los salones de clases regulares”. Ngo mencionó que un gran porcentaje de los estudiantes en la Academia de Artes y Ciencias Del Dios cuentan con desventajas socioeconómicas y si no fuera por el subsidios, no podrían experimentar con la educación STEM, y las oportunidades de STEM que ahora se proporcionan con el nuevo laboratorio. “Tenemos el objetivo de proporcionar algo realmente innovador y de proporcionar un pasaje a los estudiantes para que exploren las ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y las matemáticas en una manera que se refleja el mundo real del Siglo 21”, dijo Ngo.

y buscó una vida mejor para ellos en los Estados Unidos, mientras trabajaba en varios trabajos para apoyarlos. Chávez Peterson dijo que su madre le inculcó el valor del dar a los demás, ayudar a los demás y ser agradecida, lo que la ha convertido en la persona que es. "Parte de lo que siempre me motivó fueron los valores y el compromiso de querer hacer la diferencia y ayudar a las personas y hacer el bien", dijo. En su juventud, Chávez Peterson comprendió los temores de viajar y permanecer en la oscuridad por miedo a la deportación y, aunque era demasiada joven para entender lo que significaba ser indocumentada, fue testigo de los desafíos de su hermana cuando ella intentó ir a la universidad. "Para mí, la inmigración no es solo algo que mi familia y yo hemos vivido, es algo que afecta a tanta gente en nuestras comunidades y especialmente ahora", dijo. El clima político y el


necesidad de promover la cooperación binacional para lograr una mejor adaptación al cambio climático e incrementar, en la medida posible, el bienestar social en las comunidades fronterizas. El evento fue realizado en el Consulado General de México en San Diego en colaboración con Tijuana Innovadora y el programa marino del Golfo de California del Instituto de Oceanografía Scripps y miembros de la Red Global MX, este miércoles, 21 de marzo. “Para nosotros es importante tener esta cercanía y estos puentes con la comunidad científica para que nos expliquen qué es realmente lo que está pasando y contar con información veraz”, dijo la cónsul general del Consulado General de México en San Diego, Marcela Celorio. “Para entender la frontera, hay que vivirla. Y este tipo de iniciativas sirven para que se conozcan en México, y las decisiones tomen en consideración todos hallazgos, en este caso del cambio climático y del impacto al medio ambiente”. En la conferencia también se habló sobre la sequía que existe en California, y se mostraron imágenes de algunas presas de agua al Norte del estado, donde se muestra la falta de este vital líquido al paso de los últimos años.

la Ciudad de San Diego, los candidatos para el Distrito 8 incluyen a Martínez, Moreno, Ramírez, y Zachary Lazarus, quien no estuvo presente. Se les hicieron preguntas a los candidatos sobre la crisis de personas sin hogar, la falta de vivienda, el uso y la planificación de la tierra y preguntas sobre apoyar las necesidades de los miembros de la comunidad, como un nuevo plan comunitario para Barrio Logan y muchos más. A los candidatos se les dio dos minutos para responder las preguntas enviadas previamente por residentes. Sobre el Tema de la Falta de Vivienda y la Crisis de Personas sin Hogar Moreno se paró frente a la multitud y dijo que en relación con la crisis de la vivienda debe haber más viviendas asequibles y afirmó que su objetivo sería tener viviendas asequibles cerca de las líneas de tránsito. Ella dijo que las personas están siendo desplazados de sus hogares con el aumento en los precios de restas de vivienda, pero luego enfatizó que ella no apoya el control de precios de renta, citando los precios de alquiler caros de San Francisco como su ejemplo de por qué dicho enfoque no funciona. Moreno es residente del sur del condado y actualmente es asesora de políticas de la Junta de Regidores Municipales y se forma parte de las juntas directivas del Border View YMCA y MANA de San Diego. Ella es la única mujer candidata para el Distrito 8. Sobre el tema de personas sin hogar en San Diego, dijo que la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de San Diego necesita intensificar sus servicios de salud mental. Martínez explicó que debido a su experiencia, entiende que las soluciones a problemas como las personas sin hogar pueden ser complicadas porque cada persona tiene diferentes motivos para quedarse sin hogar, dijo. Martínez dijo que las organizaciones deben unirse para abordar el problema y también explicó que es necesario enfocarse más en lo que él llamó "personas sin hogar de transición" y evitar que las personas se queden sin hogar en primer lugar con el control del alquiler. "Necesitamos formar una colaboración para resolver el problema", dijo Martínez. Martínez actualmente sirve en la Junta del Distrito Escolar de San Ysidro y se creció en esa comunidad.

Ramírez, quien tenía muchos seguidores en la sala, dijo que el Ayuntamiento constantemente ha llevado el problema a las comunidades y explicó su desacuerdo con el plan del alcalde Kevin Faulconer para abrir una segunda instalación de almacenamiento para personas sin hogar en Sherman Heights. "Ese es el tipo de ideas a medias que han convertido a nuestras comunidades en terrenos de dumping para la élite", dijo Ramírez. Ramírez fue anteriormente director de derechos humanos en Alliance San Diego y ahora se postula para el Concejo Municipal. Sobre el uso de Tierra y la Planificación Martínez dijo que para resolver los problemas de zonificación y uso de la tierra, es necesario que haya un plan comunitario actualizado para Barrio Logan, ya que el plan actual data de 1978. Moreno agregó que hubo una actualización del plan en Barrio Logan que fue revertida por un referéndum, pero agregó algunas de las comunidades como San Ysidro y Otay Mesa que han recibido actualizaciones del plan de la comunidad. Ramírez dijo que entiende que el tema es una pelea larga, pero dijo que está dispuesto a trabajar al respecto. La residente de Barrio Logan, Philomena Marino preguntó a los candidatos qué harían para mejorar el estacionamiento en su comunidad, que se ve afectada en gran medida por la cantidad de personas que trabajan en las compañías industriales y la Marina, lo que dificulta a los residentes que viven en el vecindario. "Uno era muy genérico, uno era extremadamente sincero y creo que uno realmente ofreció una solución", dijo Marino sobre cómo cada candidato respondió su pregunta. En los comentarios de cierre, cada candidato reiteró sus razones para ser candidatos y algunos de los temas clave que planean abordar si ganan. El Distrito 8 incluye las comunidades de Barrio Logan, Egger Highlands, Grant Hill, Logan Heights, Memorial, Nestor, Ocean View Hills, Otay Mesa East, Otay Mesa West, San Ysidro, Shelltown, Sherman Heights, Stockton y Tijuana River Valley.




sentimiento antiinmigrante actualmente, dijo, es algo con lo que ella tiene familiaridad, al haber vivido durante la era de la proposición 187, una iniciativa que prohibiría a los inmigrantes indocumentados usar servicios estatales, lo que les abrió la puerta a retórica y propaganda antiinmigrante. "Siento que mi experiencia como inmigrante me preparó para hacer el trabajo que hago ahora porque tenía que ser resistente, tenía que sobrevivir, eso fue mi campo de entrenamiento para las batallas en las que estamos hoy", dijo Chávez Peterson. Ella dijo que, en su experiencia, si una persona indocumentada está conectada a una organización, comunidad o red de personas, tendrá más conocimiento de cómo navegar a través del sistema de inmigración. La ACLU y otras organizaciones están combinando sus esfuerzos para coordinar diferentes servicios para ayudar a las personas que

necesitan servicios de emergencia. La Rapid Response Network se lanzó en diciembre y, de acuerdo con Chávez Peterson, han capacitado a cerca de 200 personas para responder llamadas y apoyar a quienes necesitan ayuda. Ella dijo que aunque todavía es un sistema que están trabajando para perfeccionar, están haciendo todo lo posible para actuar contra la "máquina de deportación". "Literalmente tenemos que formar un ejército de protectores inmigrantes en nuestra comunidad, no pueden ser solo las organizaciones, no pueden ser solo uno o dos o cinco líderes de derechos de inmigrantes que siempre están en la televisión, tiene que ser masas y masas de personas ", dijo Chávez Peterson.

radical de la izquierda. Fox y Calderón desperdiciaron la oportunidad de lograr el cambio del sistema político convirtiendo la alternancia en una réplica de los gobiernos que habían combatido en el discurso. Fox en una borrachera de frivolidad y despropósitos, y Calderón que dejó crecer al priísta que llevaba dentro de su ser, como el jocosamente refería, además de haber emprendido una sangrienta guerra contra el narcotráfico sin ningún diagnóstico ni estrategia, además de que incurrió en graves actos de corrupción como los festejos del Bicentenario y otras áreas de su administración donde se desempeñó el ahora candidato (ciudadano?) del PRI. En varias entregas anteriores hemos elaborado sobre la administración de Enrique Peña; valga decir, a manera de síntesis, que la corrupción, la impunidad y la ineptitud son los grandes rasgos de su fracasada gestión. La historia ya se encarga de juzgarlo. Pero lo más preocupante es la duda de si permitirá que las elecciones

se realicen de manera ordenada, imparcial y transparente, situación que hasta el día de hoy parece que no será el caso. El uso faccioso de las instituciones, particularmente de las encargadas de la justicia, están siendo instrumento de combate contra los opositores, y los programas sociales se aprestan a ser punta de lanza para la coacción y compra del voto como lo han sido en las elecciones estatales previas del Estado de México o Coahuila, que ahora se aprecian como ejemplos de lo que vendrá según asume en propia voz el candidato del PRI. La ciudadanía no está como para resistir ese embate, y para el bien de la paz social debe ser una exigencia que el gobierno rectifique y saque, sin simulaciones, las manos de los procesos electorales y permita que las instituciones diseñadas para su realización cumplan puntualmente con sus responsabilidades. Lo anterior por el bien del país.


| MARCH 23 2018 |

Arts + Culture





Barrio Dogg is moving into a new location a few blocks away on Logan Avenue and has new surprises for their fans who can’t get enough of their creations. This Barrio Logan eatery has become known for grilling baja-style, bacon-wrapped hot dogs and topping these with an assortment of toppings such as a blend of seven chili pepper varieties in their extra spicy Bombero dog or sauerkraut and pickle in their interpretation of the Chicago hot dog, among others. Pablo Rios, one of the business’ co-proprietors, spoke with La Prensa San Diego about what is down the road, literally and figuratively, for Barrio Dogg. “So we started operating on August 26 of last year, on the day of the La Vuelta end of Summer Festival, and it was an awesome opportunity to see what we could do,” Rios said. “Business has been going well enough for us to need a full kitchen now.” Barrio Dogg co proprietor Ernesto Gastelum said that on the day the La Vuelta end of summer fest was held they sold over 500 orders throughout the day, which was a tremendous day one response from the community. Since then, according to Rios and Gastellum, business has been good and steady,

“ THE MIND BEHIND THE SAN DIEGO LATINO FILM FESTIVAL ON HOW IT STARTED AND WHAT’S NEXT that appealed to the Spanish speaking and Latino population on both sides of the Border Region.


Q: What made you want to start a film festival?

Ethan Van Thillo received a proclamation from the County of San Diego Supervisor Greg Cox, recognizing March 21 as San Diego Latino Film Festival Day in the County of San Diego. BY GENEVA GÁMEZ

As the San Diego Latino Film Festival celebrates 25 years of bringing film, arts, and culture to the community, La Prensa San Diego spoke to Ethan Van Thillo, founder and executive director of the festival, as well as the Media Arts Center San Diego and Digital Gym Cinema, about his invilvement in film and the evolution of the organization over the past two decades. Q: Where are you originally from? EVT: I grew up in San Clemente, California. My mother was a bilingual elementary school teacher. It's with her that I learned Spanish. Became involved in the local immigrant community. Traveled to Mexico. Played Cumbia music with my friends in High School. Attended UC Santa Cruz where I continued to be involved with the Latino

student community. Started a Chicano Film Festival under the mentorship of Professor Armando Valdez. Produced (a) short film with a Chicano film director. Majored in Latin American Studies. Then, upon graduating from UC Santa Cruz, I moved to San Diego in 1992. When I arrived here, I saw that there wasn’t a film festival celebrating the amazing work of Latino filmmakers. And, felt that it was important to have one

EVT: The importance of using film as a tool for education and social change and offering youth growing up in this region the opportunity to see positive mentors on the big screen. Also, the festival was started to combat the negative stereotypes that we constantly see on mainstream media, Hollywood, and in news outlets. Q: Once you knew that is what you wanted, how did you make it happen? EVT: I had learned at UC Santa Cruz how to write grants, market movies and curate movies. So, when arriving in San Diego, I connected with Voz Fronteriza, a Chicano newspaper at UC San Diego. I used a similar model that I had at UC Santa Cruz and received funding from the various school departments, professors, student groups, etc. Q: Do you have a background in film? My passion for art and film started early on. My family, originally from

Belgium, taught me to appreciate art, music, museums, etc. I started at a young age playing classical music with the violin. Then, in middle school I was introduced to films such as Koyaanisqatsi and Amadeus that showed me the power of Cinema (both visual and sound). Q: Twenty five years later how much has the festival evolved? EVT: We've grown from a small student film festival that used to screen only about 20+ movies and was attended by a few hundred people. Now, we are a 11-day film festival with 166+ movies; and expecting 20,000+ attendees. Early on it used to be a lot easier to confirm movies and special guests. Now, it's become a big business, and we need to compete against major film festivals and pay huge rental fees to Sales Agents and distributors from around the world. Most recently, with Netflix and other online outlets, there's more opportunities to see movies in advance. Which creates challenges for film festivals in terms of audience and premieres. Q: Where do you see SDLFF five years from now? EVT: The festival needs to

continue to evolve. Screen more television shows and spotlight more online/ streaming content. It also needs to present more Virtual Reality content and continue to bring in younger/newer audiences. Q: What are some of the festival’s/organization’s greatest achievements? EVT: Providing a space for Latinos from around the world to see themselves on the big screen. Many young people have either gone into filmmaking, acting, film producing, as a result of the festival. It’s one thing to just hold an event once; or, maybe once per year. But, it's a great achievement I feel, to be able to be rooted in the community and create continual and long lasting social change. Q: What kind of trademark would you like to leave behind in years to caome? EVT: Having a year round organization that educates youth and promotes social change, is for me the most important legacy that I would like to leave for the San Diego Border region. The San Diego Latino Film Festival runs through March 25 at the Fashion Valley Cinema.


creating an opportunity to expand their hot dog emporium into a larger location that is better equipped to serve their guests. “Right now we are a little limited because we are cooking on the back of our Impala grill, but once have everything in place we will be able to crank out the orders a lot quicker,” Rios shared. Barrio Dogg’s new home at 2240 Logan Avenue is slated to open in early to mid April, in time for Chicano Park Day. The new space will have space for 35 people, wine and beer options, and the team plans to offer takeout meals through Doordash and similar apps. “Growing into that space was kinda quick but necessary, and it’s also the right place because there is no other commercial space on Logan Avenue that has a full kitchen installed,” Rios shared. With Barrio Dogg’s famous Impala grill’s home duties being done in the new full kitchen, it will now begin touring local breweries. Thorn, Alta Brewing, and Modern Times are some of the breweries which will host the Impala grill during Barrio Dogg’s new weekly brewery engagements. With finishing touches being made to the new location, Rios and Gastelum are looking forward to opening day. “We are very excited and will stay concentrated on making sure every dog is perfect,” Rios highlighted. | MARCH 23 2018 | PAGE 7


Aprueban Zona de Almacenamiento para Indigentes a Pesar de Respuesta Negativa de la Comunidad



pesar de una indiscutible respuesta negativa por parte de residentes de vecindarios que actualmente batallan con el problema de individuos que viven en la calle, la Junta de Regidores de San Diego voto para aprobar la apertura de centro de almacenaje para personas sin hogar durante una reunión el martes, 20 de marzo.

La votación sobre el tema dio resultado de 8-1 a favor de la apertura del centro. El Regidor del Distrito 8, David Álvarez, cuyo distrito seria sede el centro, fue el único voto en contra. El sitio aprobado, ubicado en la esquina de las calles 20 y Commercial en Sherman Heights, tendrá 500 botes en los cuales individuos sin hogar podrán almacenar sus pertenencias con el fin de que estos puedan recibir

servicios de transición como cuidado médico o transporte. Residentes de vecindarios como SHerman Heights, Logan Heights y Barrio Logan, los cuales han tenido que lidiar con los problemas asociados con poblaciones sin hogar por años, se reunieron antes de la votación para dar a conocer su desapruebo hacia el proyecto. Poco antes de la reunión




storage facility site is too close to his school and a cause for concern. “According to the municipal codes, we have 1,500 feet that we should respect from anything that is not safe for our kids and the building is about 15 feet away from our playground, so we are concerned about what is going to happen,” Bishop said. Bishop also that his school playground has been closed for the last couple of years due to safety concerns over the large number of homeless individuals hanging around adjacent streets. Adrianna Flores of neighborhood group Compassionate Solutions was present to voice her discontent at the proposed site, stating that the nearby communities had no say in the placement of the storage center. “We were never notified the residents about this issue and everything was just thrown at us and it is not fair that everything is thrown at the residents of Logan and Sherman heights, it is time for other communities to step in and help,” she said. Michael Fernandez was present to voice his concern over an increase in homeless individuals transiting through the area. “Basically, we’ll see more homeless people walking and sleeping around the storage area all day,” Fernandez said. During the City Council meeting, changes were made to the initial plan for this storage facility. The total number of storage bins for the facility was reduced from 1,000 to the approved 500. Provisions such as creating a neighborhood committee to oversee the center’s operations and an opening date after June 12, when Our Lady’s School finishes its academic year, were also included.

Foundation picked only five schools of the 200 participants, and two of them are located in San Diego County. “We are always needing engineers in our business, and our colleges have a healthy population that pursue technical science, but we start working with middle schools and high schools to promote the studies in science and to help them understand their innovative minds,” Ramirez said. “We are very active in fostering this type of education in our communities, not only through the grant but also with high school and college internships that help create a pipeline for science jobs.” Del Dios Academy of Arts and Sciences had to generate a video proposal of what their vision was for a new STEM lab at their school, and that’s how they got picked among the only five winners nationwide. “The classroom were the new STEM lab is located used to be a woodshop room, and when the class ended, the room was transformed into an Alternative Learning Center, which will house students for behavior and intervention, but we decided to transform and model the room with a STEM focus,” said Albert Ngo, principal at Del Dios Academy of Arts and Sciences to La Prensa San Diego. “We had computer labs before and we have our science classrooms but nothing that was dedicated only to STEM education, we had to have our STEM classes in our normal classrooms.” Ngo said that a high percentage of the students at Del Dios Academy of Arts and Sciences have a socialeconomic disadvantage, and if it wasn’t for the grant, they may no be able to experience STEM educations, STEM opportunities that can be now provided through the new lab.

nity plan for Barrio Logan, and many more. Candidates were given two minutes to answer questions read by the residents who asked them. On the topic of homelessness and the housing crisis, Moreno said that in relation to the housing crisis there needs to be more affordable housing and stated that her goal would be to have affordable housing near transit lines. She said people are being squeezed out of their own homes with rent price increases, but later emphasized that she does not support rent control, citing the expensive rent prices in San Francisco as her example of why that approach does not work. Moreno is a South Bay native who is currently a City Council policy advisor to Councilman David Alvarez, and sits on the boards of Border View YMCA and MANA de San Diego. She is the only woman running for the District 8 seat. On homelessness in San Diego, she said that the San Diego County Board of Supervisors needs to step up with regards to mental health services, one of the major issues affecting the homeless. Martinez explained that he understands that solutions to issues like homelessness can be complicated because each person has different reasons for being homeless. He is the director of publci relations for the Imperial Beach Health Clinic. Martinez said that organizations need to join together to tackle the problem and he also explained that there needs to be more focus on what he called “transitional homeless” and preventing people from becoming homeless in the first place with rent control. A San Ysidro native,



de la Junta de Regidores, aproximadamentes 200 personas, incluyendo residentes, empresarios del área, líderes religiosos, estudiantes de primaria y el Regidor Álvarez hablaron en contra del sitio de almacenaje. Noel Bishop, director de la Escuela Our Lady’s en Barrio Logan, declaró que el sitio de almacén estaría muy cercano a su escuela y eso le preocupa mucho.


“De acuerdo con los códigos municipales, hay mil 500 pies de distancia que se deben de respetar en torno a cualquier cosa que no sea segura para nuestros niños y el edificio está aproximadamente a 15 pies de nuestro patio de recreo, así que estamos preocupados acerca de lo que va a pasar”, dijo Bishop. Bishop también mencionó que el patio de recreo de la escuela ha estado cerrado los últimos años por preocupaciones de seguridad causadas por el número de indigentes que se presentan en calles aledañas. Adrianna Flores del grupo ciudadano Compassionate Solutions estuvo presente para mostrar su molestia con el sitio propuesto, resaltando que las comunidades de esta zona de San Diego no tuvieron ni voz ni voto en decidir donde colocar este servicio. “Jamás fuimos notificados acerca de este tema y todo se nos aventó y no es justo que los residentes de Logan Y sherman Heights, es tiempo que las demás comunidades se pongan de pie y ayuden”, dijo Flores. Michael Fernández, residente del área, se mostró preocupado por el posible incremento en personas sin hogar que transitan por el área. “Básicamente veremos más indigentes caminar y dormir alrededor del área y no

habrá lugares para que ellos usen el baño o regaderas y veremos más basura en nuestra comunidad”, afirmó Fernández. Durante la reunión de regidores, y antes de aprobar este proyecto, se hicieron cambios al plan de crear una zona de almacenamiento. El número de tambos de almacén se redujo de mil a 500 y provisiones para crear un comité de vecinos para vigilar las operaciones del centro fueron agregadas. Una nueva fecha de apertura posterior al 12 de junio, cuando termine el ciclo escolar de Our Lady’s, y hacer limpiezas a un radio mayor alrededor de la zona de almacenes también se aprobaron.



“This monument represents a lasting presence in this cemetery, a monument dedicated to the service and sacrifice that airborne troopers in any branch of the military have provided for this country, many of them gave their all, but many of us, paratroopers are ready to give the rest,” said Vietnam veteran and recipient of the Purple Heart, Nick Aguilar, who was part of the honor guard rifle salute at the event. “The monument it’s a tribute for the high-spirited and high-quality service that the airborne is committed to, and for the long-standing tradition of 78 years of being the best and elite of infantry of the U.S. Army.” Aguilar served on the Sweetwater Union High School District board, on the San Diego County Board of Education, and has been a member of the Color Guard and Honor Guard of the San Diego Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division Association, for eight years. The Miramar National Cemetery is located at the northwest corner of Marines Corps Air Station Miramar, and it was designed to provide a full range of burial alternatives to approximately 235,000 veterans in San Diego County.

including three exclusive families of the region. The study indicates that there is a need of promoting a binational cooperation to get a better adaptation of climate change and to increase, in any way possible, the social well being in the border communities. The conference was held at the Mexican Consulate in San Diego in collaboration between Tijuana Innovadora and the marine program of the California Gulf at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Red Global MX members, on Wednesday, March 21. “It’s very important for us to have this proximity and connections with the scientific community so they can explain to us what is really happening through truthful information,” said the Consul General at the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, Marcela Celorio. “To understand the border, you need to live in it. And this type of initiatives is for us to get to know what’s happening and to take advantage of all that knowledge for better decision in the climate change and environmental issues.” The California drought was also discussed at the conference, and the audience could see some images of reservoirs at the North of California, to see the change and severity of the drought in recent years.


Martinez currently serves on the San Ysidro School District Board. Ramirez, who had many supporters in the room, said that City Hall has constantly pushed the problem to communities and explained his disagreement with Mayor Kevin Faulconer’s plan to open a second storage facility for homeless in Sherman Heights. “That is the kind of halfbaked ideas that have turned our communities int to he dumping grounds for the elite,” Ramirez said. Ramirez was previously human rights director at Alliance San Diego and is now running for City Council. On land use and planning, Martinez said that to resolve issues of zoning and land use, there needs to be an updated community plan for Barrio Logan, which dates to 1978. Moreno added that there was a plan update in Barrio Logan that was reversed by a referendum, but added that some communities, like San Ysidro and Otay Mesa, have updated their community plans. Barrio Logan resident Philomena Marino asked candidates what they would do to improve parking in her community, which is largely impacted by the amount of people who work in the surrounding industrial companies and Navy, making it difficult for the residents who live in the neighborhood. “One was a cookie cutter, one was extremely heartfelt and I think that one actually offered a solution,” Marino said on how each candidate answered her question. District 8 includes the communities of Barrio Logan, Grant Hill, Logan Heights, Memorial, Nestor, Ocean View Hills, Otay Mesa, San Ysidro, Shelltown, Sherman Heights, Stockton, and the Tijuana River Valley.





| MARCH 23 2018 |




El experimentado pitcher zurdo será quien abra la temporada de Grandes Ligas para los Padres de San Diego Clayton Richard está por experimentar algo que nunca había podido hacer en 14 años como pitcher de Grandes Ligas: lanzar un juego inaugural de temporada. “Es un gran honor ser el pitcher que abra la temporada para el equipo”, dijo Richard. “Es un día muy especial por todo lo que representa para los aficionados”, comentó el pitcher zurdo de los Padres de San Diego, quien el jueves 30 de marzo se encargará de recibir a los Cerveceros de Milwaukee en Petco Park.

La temporada pasada, Richard fue el mejor pitcher de los Padres, a pesar de que su récord fue negativo con apenas ocho triunfos y 15 derrotas. A pesar de esa marca, Richards pudo demostrar que es un verdadero caballo de batalla al trabajar 197 innings y un tercio en los que logró sumar 150 ponches. A sus 34 años de edad, Richard deberá sostener con su experiencia al resto de una rotación de abridores que se ve débil y vulnerable. Además de Richard, los Padres tendrán que confiar en el trabajo que este año puedan hacer Bryan Mitchell, Dinelson Lamet y Luis Perdomo. “Voy a tratar de disfrutar esta temporada y ayudar en lo que más pueda”, dijo Richard “Voy a tratar de disfrutar cada una

de mis salidas y no pensar mucho en cosas que están fuera de mi control”, apuntó. La temporada 2018 de Grandes Ligas inicia el jueves y estos son los movimientos que los Padres realizaron en el invierno para tratar de pelear dentro de la División Oeste de la Liga Nacional. Se fueron: Erick Aybar, Jabari Blash, Jhoulys Chacin, Jarred Cosart, Rocky Gale, Cory Mazzoni, Tim Melville, José Ruiz, Héctor Sánchez, Ryan Schimpf, Yangervis Solarte y Travis Wood. Llegaron: Colten Brewer, Allen Craig, A.J. Ellis, Freddy Galvis, Chase Headley, Eric Hosmer, Raffy López, Kazuhisa Makita, Bryan Mitchell, Shane Peterson, Tyson Ross, Rowan Wick, Tom Wilhelmsen y Chris Young.



RIQUEZA AZTECA La selección mexicana y los equipos de la Liga MX llegan a Estados Unidos para levantar millones de dólares APOR LEÓN BRAVO

provocar entre sus fieles seguidores.

Tener tan cerca al país de los dólares es como si los equipos mexicanos de futbol tuvieran un cajero automático personal al alcance de su manos. Cada vez que hay una interrupción en la Liga MX, los clubes y la selección tricolor aprovechan el momento para organizar partidos en Estados Unidos. Los millones de mexicanos que residen en este país no dudan en acudir al llamado de la sangre cuando se enteran que en su ciudad se presentará el equipo de sus amores. La relación sentimental entre los aficionados y los colores de su equipo se traduce en grandes entradas dentro de los estadios y por consiguiente en una carretada de dólares en las taquillas. Este fin de semana se vivirá en San Diego un claro ejemplo de lo que dos equipos de la Liga MX son capaces de

El sábado, en el SDCCU Stadium de Mission Valley, los Xolos de Tijuana enfrentarán a las Águilas del América en un partido de exhibición. Ambos clubes dieron el salto a este lado de la frontera para aprovechar la pausa del Torneo Clausura 2018 que da paso a la única fecha FIFA disponible antes del Mundial de Rusia. Al tratarse de una pausa auspiciada por el órgano rector del fútbol internacional, las selecciones de todo el mundo tienen el derecho de convocar a cualquiera de sus sus jugadores, y eso es exactamente lo que hizo la escuadra mexicana. El conjunto comandado por el técnico Juan Carlos Osorio está formado por casi todos los futbolistas que juegan fuera de México. El seleccionado tricolor enfrentará AZTECA EN LA PAGINA 11

Los Toros de Tijuana iniciaron el ciclo de la Liga Mexicana de Beisbol 2018 en el Estadio Gasmart enfrentando al Club Acereros del Norte, perdiendo por pizarra de 6-1. El arranque de temporada se dio con una magna ceremonia de apertura, encabezada por el grupo musical Bronco, y, como ya es costumbre, los fuegos artificiales que iluminan el cielo al este de la ciudad fronteriza. Los vigentes campeones de la Liga Mexicana de Béisbol tuvieron el privilegio de jugar el primer juego del año, ya que el resto de la actividad se pondrá en marcha este viernes en los otros frentes. En 2017, Toros y Acereros se enfrentaron en nueve ocasiones y los de Tijuana se llevaron la serie anual con cinco triunfos, cuatro de ellos en el inmueble del Cerro Colorado. Sergio Mitre, quien abrió el partido, se unió a nombres como el de Delvis Pacheco, Walter Silva, Barry Enright y Alex Sanabia, como los serpentineros que han abierto inaugurado. Desafortunadamente, el titular salio lesionado de la espalda en la tercera entrada.

CANELO ‘UN TRAMPOSO’ El desempate entre Gennady Golovkin y Saúl Álvarez del próximo 5 de mayo se convirtió en una guerra de palabras por parte de ambos pugilistas, Golovkin piensa que su rival es un tramposo al dar positivo en un control antidopaje. “¿Otra vez con lo de la carne mexicana? Por favor”, dijo Golovkin, aludiendo a la explicación de Álvarez

La historia estaba en su contra, pero aún así, se atrevió a librar una batalla en la que no tenía oportunidad alguna de ganar. Las críticas que recibió fueron groseras, arteras, crudas, despiadadas, descarnadas. Ser el primero en algo siempre conlleva riesgos mayúsculos, más aún si se trata de una mujer tratando de poner su huella en un camino donde solamente los hombres habían pisado antes. Iris Cisneros se convirtió en la primera mujer en narrar un partido de fútbol en español en Estados Unidos. La comentarista mexicana dejó su voz marcada en la historia al describir por la cadena Univision el segundo tiempo del partido entre América y León. El encuentro de la jornada 11 del Torneo Clausura 2018 se efectuó en la cancha del Estadio Azteca y fue en ese majestuoso escenario donde Iris sintió el rigor de los que se niegan a toda costa a que una mujer narre eventos deportivos. En este espacio, ya te había contado la historia de Gayle Gardner, la comentarista de ESPN que se convirtió en la primera mujer en narrar un partido de béisbol de Ligas Mayores. En 1993, Gardner narró el partido entre los Rojos de Cincinnati y los Rockies de Colorado y la reacción de los televidentes fue de rechazo total. En aquella época no existían las redes sociales ni el Internet, pero centenares de personas expresaron su rechazo a Gardner enviando cartas y telefoneamos directos a la gerencia de ESPN. El experimento de tener a un

mujer como la narradora principal de un juego de Grandes Ligas fue un total fracaso. La suerte de Iris no fue nada diferente a la de Gardner. En las redes sociales, la narradora de Univision recibió insultos hacia su estilo de narrar, hacia su manera de entonar la voz y hacia su persona. De aburrida e incompetente no la bajaron la mayoría de los usuarios de Twitter, aunque algunos mensajes fueron de apoyo y admiración. Desde mi perspectiva, Iris mostró un buen ritmo para llevar la narración y su capacidad verbal es buena, pero falló en algo muy importante. La cronista no tuvo problema alguno para identificar a los muy conocidos jugadores del América, pero cuando el León tenía el balón, la joven del micrófono demostró que simple y sencillamente no está lista para estas lides. “Allá va el León con la pelota” decía Iris cuando un integrante del cuadro esmeralda conducía el balón. “El León se defiende muy bien con un despeje”, comentaba la joven de 28 años de edad cuando algún zaguero del León realizaba un quite defensivo. Uno de los principios básicos de un buen narrador de fútbol es identificar de inmediato al jugador que tienen la pelota. El trabajo no es nada fácil, hay que conocer muy bien a cada uno de los integrantes que están en la cancha de juego. Iris tiene un camino largo que recorrer para ser una buena cronista de fútbol, y aún llegando a serlo, tendrá que enfrentar la cruda realidad. A los televidentes, hombres y mujeres por igual, no les gusta escuchar a cronistas del sexo femenino narrar eventos deportivos. Iris está librando una batalla que otras ya intentaron y que no pudieron ganar.

de la carne contaminada en su país natal. El kazajo dijo que no era la carne mexicana, que el responsable era el mexicano, su equipo y sus promotores. “Canelo está haciendo trampa, se mete esas drogas y todo el mundo anda pretendiendo que no ha pasado nada”, finalizó el boxeador. Golovkin criticó sin rodeos a Álvarez previo a un entrenamiento en su campamento situado en las montañas del sur de California. Por primera vez, el invicto peso mediano de Kazajistán reiteradamente señaló que está convencido que Álvarez consumió sustancias prohibidas en previas peleas, incluyendo la primera que protagonizaron en septiembre pasado. Eric Gómez, el presidente de Golden Boy Promotions, la empresa de De La Hoya, respondió con dureza a los comentarios de Golovkin.

BALÓN MUNDIALISTA AL ESPACIO En una nave tripulada rusa de la Estación Espacial Internacional viajó el balón oficial de la Copa del Mundo Rusia 2018, fue lanzada desde el cosmódromo kazajo de Baikonur. El Telstar 18, que fue presentado el noviembre pasado en Moscú por el argentino Leo Messi, llegó a la plataforma orbital. Ese balón será el protagonista de una campaña de promoción del Mundial, aunque se desconoce si llegará a acompañar a los cosmonautas en uno de sus paseos espaciales. El comandante de la expedición, el ruso Oleg Artemiev, sorprendió a todos al anunciar que, probablemente, ese balón será con el que se dispute el partido inaugural del Mundial que enfrentará a Rusia y Arabia Saudita el próximo 14 de junio. En las redes sociales ya proponen que los cosmonautas rusos, estadounidenses y japoneses jueguen un partido de fútbol en la estación.

South Bay Youth Soccer Players to Compete in Spain BY MARIO A. CORTEZ

A group of talented soccer players is headed off to Salou, Spain this spring as part of a team that will compete against some of the best youth teams in the world at a prestigious event known as the “Little World Cup.” The San Diego Football Center’s Youth Leadership Academy has received an invitation to compete in the 2018 edition of the Mundialito youth soccer tournament. “Due to our Youth Leadership Academy's impressive local annual work we received an exclusive invitation to bring three teams of 12 players to compete,” read a press release from SDFC. As part of their delegation, SDFC will send out teams made up of players born in 2006, 2007, and 2008 respectively. San Diego’s South Bay region will be represented by four players in the 2007 team. Diego Valles, Fernando Renteria, Santiago Valadez, and Oliver Holt are the four young talents who will be taking to the pitch in Spain as part of the SDFC academy representatives. Tomas Valles, father of Diego Valles, told La Prensa San Diego that these four MUNDIALITO ON PAGE 11 | MARCH 23 2018 | PAGE 9



Response Network, connects organizations and people to help immigrants and monitor immigration enforcement activities like checkpoints, raids, and arrests in San Diego County. The way she sees it, many organizations are doing great work, but together they could accomplish much more, she said. The system works through a 24-hour hotline manned by volunteers who answer calls from individuals in the community and provides emergency assistance, connect individuals with resources, and document raids, incidents of harassment, and arrests. Chavez Peterson said that now more than ever organizations need to be bold and think together, which the system allows them to do so, and it also give people who want to make a change a vehicle to carry that out. “We really wanted to create something to create the opportunity for people to participate in this idea that no one stands alone, that our community is stronger if we pull people together,” she said. An immigrant herself, Chavez Peterson understands that it is through connecting with individuals who have a similar story that allows undocumented immigrants to remain strong. At the age of five she arrived to the United States from her home of Michoacan, Mexico and was reunited with her mother and siblings. “I didn’t know what documented or undocumented was,” Chavez

Peterson said. “All I knew was that my family was going to be complete.” Her mother, Esperanza, raised her seven children on her own and sought a better life for them in the U.S., while working several jobs to support them. Chavez Peterson said her mother instilled the value of giving back, helping others, and being thankful, which has made her the person she is today. “Part of what always drove me was the values and the commitment to wanting to make a difference and just to help people and to do good,” she said. Growing up, Chavez Peterson understood the fears of traveling and staying in the dark for fear of deportation and although she was too young to understand what it meant to be undocumented, she witnessed her older sister face challenges when attempting to pursue a higher education. “Immigration for me is not just something that me and my family have lived it’s something that impacts so many people in our communities and especially now,” she said. The current political climate and anti-immigrant sentiment, she said, is familiar having grown up during the proposition 187 era, a ballot initiative that would prohibit undocumented immigrants from using state-run services, which opened the door to anti-immigrant rhetoric and propaganda. “I feel like my immigrant experience has prepared me to do the work that I do now

because I had to be resilient I had to survive, that was just my training ground for the battles that we are in today,” Chavez Peterson said. She said that in her experience, if an undocumented individual is connected to an organization, community or network of people, the more knowledgeable they are about navigating through the immigration system. The ACLU and other organizations are combining their efforts to coordinate different services to help people that need emergency services. The Rapid Response Network launched in December and according to Chavez Peterson they have trained close to 200 people to answer calls and assist those who need help. She said that although it is still a system that they are working to perfect, they are doing their best to act on the “deportation machine.” “We have to literally build an army of immigrant protectors in our community, it can not be just the organizations, it can not just be one or two or five immigrants rights leaders that are always on TV it’s got to be masses and masses of people,” Chavez Peterson said.

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| MARCH 23 2018 |


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CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00008972-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Camille Diaz de Leon for a decree changing names as a) Camille Mar Diaz de Leon to Camille Mar De Leon b) Roberto Diaz de Leon to Roberto Diaz De Leon c) Matteo Diaz de Leon to Matteo Roberto De Leon d) Calina Diaz de Leon to Calina Francesca De Leon THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: APR-12-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: FEB-22-2018 JEFFREY B. BARTON Judge of the Superior Court Published: MAR 09,16,23,30/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00009395-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Jesus Gabriel Cruz for a decree changing names as a) Jesus Gabriel Cruz to Jesus Ricardo Maravilla THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: APR-12-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: FEB-26-2018 JEFFREY B. BARTON Judge of the Superior Court Published: MAR 09,16,23,30/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00004438-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Jorge Hernandez and Sandra Ocelotl on behalf of minor child for a decree changing names as a) Jorge Hernandez Ocelotl to Jorge Hernandez Ocelotl THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: APR-12-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JAN-26-2018 JEFFREY B. BARTON Judge of the Superior Court Published: MAR 09,16,23,30/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00004438-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Jorge Hernandez and Sandra Ocelotl on behalf of minor child for a decree changing names as a) Jorge Hernandez Ocelotl to Jorge Hernandez Ocelotl THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: APR-26-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St,

CHANGE OF NAME San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JAN-26-2018 JEFFREY B. BARTON Judge of the Superior Court Published: MAR 09,16,23,30/2018 La Prensa San Diego

FICTITIOUS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) USLBG, 2543 Old Quarry Rd Apt 1826, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92108. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Fei Wang, 2543 Old Quarry Rd Apt 1826, San Diego, CA, 92108 b) Xia Gu, 2543 Old Quarry Rd Apt 1826, San Diego, CA, 92108. This Business is Conducted By: General Partnership the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Fei Wang. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-08-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9003737 Published: FEB 23, MAR 02,09,16/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) FCB Janitorial and Cleaning Services, 2325 Rachael Ave Apt A, San Diego, CA, San Diego 92139. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Yanira Rojas Fernandez, 2325 Rachael Ave Apt A, San Diego, CA, 92139 b) Bahaa A. Qader, 2325 Rachael Ave Apt A, San Diego, CA, 92139. This Business is Conducted By: General Partnership the First Day of Business 04/15/2013 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Yanira Rojas Fernandez. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-22-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9004961 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Zero Waste Society, 5305 Robinwood Rd, Bonita, CA, San Diego, 91902. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Fabian Rodriguez, 5305 Robinwood Rd, Bonita, CA, 91902. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 02/22/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Fabian Rodriguez. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-22-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005007 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) TacoCraft b) SushiCraft, 511 West Valley Parkway, Escondido, CA, San Diego, 92025. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) DDHY Group LLC, 332 B Ave, National City, CA, 91950, California. This Business is Conducted By: Limited Liability Company the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: DDHY Group LLC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-27-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005457 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Olivas Landscape, 6318 Akins Ave, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92114. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Bladimir L Olivas, 6318 Akins Ave, San Diego, CA, 92114. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 01/01/10 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Bladimir L. Olivas. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-23-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005110 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Sanchez Ayala Auto Detailing, 505 Los Angeles Place, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92114. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Maria Carmen Alcala, 505 Los Angeles Pl, San Diego, CA, 92114. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 05/01/17 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable



by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Maria Carmen Alcala. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-09-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9003839 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego

Assigned File No.: 2018-9004911 Published: MAR 16,23,30, APR 06/2018 La Prensa San Diego

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Lash It Wax It Babe, 3846 5th Ave, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92103. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Eric Armando Gonzalez, 3748 T St, San Diego, CA, 92113 b) Rachel Dolores Macias Gonzalez, 3748 T St, San Diego, CA, 92113. This Business is Conducted By: Married Couple the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Eric Gonzalez. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-28-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005553 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Corona Fashions, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92110. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Peter S. Corona, 540 La Barca St, Spring Valley, CA, 91977 b) Martha L. Corona, 540 La Barca St., Spring Valley, CA, 91977. This Business is Conducted By: Married Couple the First Day of Business 02/22/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Martha L. Corona. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-22-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005062 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Bahamas Car Mobil Auto Detailing, 2772 Vista Way, National City, CA, San Diego, 91950. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Jose G. Castaneda, 2772 Vista Way, National City, CA, 91950. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 02/26/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jose G. Castaneda. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-26-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005245 Published: MAR 02,09,16,23/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) CASL Interpreting b) Champ ASL Interpreting, 650 E Vista Chino, Palm Springs, CA, Riverside, 92262. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Martin Yost Interpreting, LLC, 650 E Vista Chino, Palm Springs, CA, 92262, California. This Business is Conducted By: Limited Liability Company the First Day of Business 02/26/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Martin Yost Interpreting, LLC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-08-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9006634 Published: MAR 16,23,30, APR 06/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) AB & MS Logistics, 2624 C St #10, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92102. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) AB & MS Logistics LLC, 2624 C St #10, San Diego, CA, 92102, California. This Business is Conducted By: Limited Liability Company the First Day of Business 01/25/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: AB & MS Logistics LLC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-14-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9007118 Published: MAR 16,23,30, APR 06/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Libnas Nutrition, 212 Richmond Park Pl., Chula Vista, CA, San Diego, 91910. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Javier Jurado, 212 Richmond Park Pl, Chula Vista, CA, 91910. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Javier Jurado. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-21-2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Marcela Maid Cleaning, 671 Sea Vale St #5, Chula Vista, CA, San Diego, 91910. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Marcela Fernandez, 671 Sea Vale St #5, Chula Vista, CA, 91910. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 03/14/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Marcela Fernandez. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-14-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9007187 Published: MAR 16,23,30, APR 06/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) San Diego Cannabis Tours b) San Diego 420 Tours c) San Diego Cannabis Weddings + Events, 5063 Cimarron Way, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92154. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Carlos Alfonso Hernandez, 5063 Cimarron Way, San Diego, CA, 92154. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Carlos Alfonso Hernandez. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-05-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9006135 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) TDC Products, 1290 El Cortez Ct, Chula Vista, CA, San Diego, 91910. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Yoo Seon Lee, 1290 El Cortez Ct, Chula Vista, CA, 91910. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 03/16/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Yoo Seon Lee. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-16-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9007421 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Mr. Lil One Inc., 2451 Market St, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92102. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Jessica Lemus, 2451 Market St, San Diego, CA, 92102. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 02/27/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jessica Lemus. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-27-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005414 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Olivio Landscape, 1429 Dubuque St Apt B, Oceanside, CA, San Diego, 92058. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Jose Olivio, 1429 Dubuque St Apt B, Oceanside, CA, 92058. This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 01/20/11 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Jose Olivio. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-16-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9007402 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Visiting Angels, 1231 Third Ave. Ste E, Chula Vista, CA, San Diego, 91911. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Fortune416ix, Inc., 270 Dahlia Ave. #24, Imperial Beach, CA, 91932, California. This Business is Conducted By: Corporation the First Day of Business 10/12/17 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Fortune416ix, Inc. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County MAR-07-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9006483 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) S&E Janitorial Services, 4130 Altadena Ave Apt #20, San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92105. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Silvia Ramos, 4130 Altadena Ave Apt #20, San

FICTITIOUS NAME Diego, CA, 92105 b) Erica Nuñez, 3410 Fairmount Ave, San Diego, CA, 92105. This Business is Conducted By: General Partnership the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Silvia Ramos. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-27-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005415 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Traviezo Wear, 710 1/2 Del Mar Ave, Chula Vista, CA, San Diego, 91910. This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Guadalupe Monterrosa, 710 1/2 Del Mar Ave, Chula Vista, CA, 91910 b) Jose Luiz Monterrosa, 710 1/2 Del Mar Ave, Chula Vista, CA, 91910. This Business is Conducted By: Married Couple the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Guadalupe Monterrosa. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County FEB-28-2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9005589 Published: MAR 23,30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego

NOTICE The County of San Diego, Owner, invites bids for REQUEST FOR BIDS (RFB) 8715 AMMUNITION ROAD SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS PHASE II FALLBROOK, CALIFORNIA A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT A FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, at 5560 Overland Avenue, Suite 270, San Diego, 92123, until 2:00 PM on April 5, 2018, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract documents including Plans, Specifications and Bid Forms are available for download free of charge, from the Department of Purchasing and Contracting Buynet website: https:// You must be registered at the site in order to download documents. The Contractor shall possess, at the time of submitting the bid, a California Contractor's License, Classification A, General Engineering Contractor. The cost of construction is estimated to be from $155,000 to $160,000. Bid security of no less than 10% required at time of bid. Successful bidder shall provide Payment and Performance Bonds for 100% of the contract amount. Prevailing Wage rates apply. All bidders must comply with Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Section 3 subcontracting and employment requirements and demonstrate their efforts. The Owner, as a matter of policy, encourages Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) participation for this project. For complete bid information, go to County of San Diego Purchasing and Contracting website at https:// For questions, please contact Carlos Santiago, Procurement Contracting Officer, at Carlos.Santiago@sdcounty. La Prensa SD, March 16, 23, 2018

NOTICE NOTICE TO PROPOSERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego (City) is seeking to receive Electronic Proposals for the below named Request for Proposal (RFP). Contract Numbers: H187008 & H187009 RFP Title: As-Needed Engineering Services - Contracts 3 and 4 The solicitation may be obtained from the City’s website at: https:// It is the policy of the City of San Diego to encourage equal opportunity in its Construction and Consultant contracts. Bids or proposals from local firms, small, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned, and women-owned businesses are strongly encouraged. Consultants are encouraged to subcontract with and/or participate in joint ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate with regard to race, religion, color, ancestry, age, gender, disability, medical condition or place of birth; and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on any basis. Proposals shall be received no later than the date and time noted in the solicitation which can be found at the following site: City of San Diego’s Electronic Proposal Site – PlanetBids at: portal.cfm?companyID=17950. Vic Bianes, Director Public Utilities Department Thursday, February 22, 2018 2/23/18 CNS-3102558# LA PRENSA

CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND OPERATIONS MANAGER Manage ARJIS projects and programs. Call (619) 699-1900 or visit Open Until Filled. EOE.




AVISO DE LA INTENCIÓN DE ADOPTAR UNA DECLARACIÓN NEGATIVA PROYECTO DEL PLANTEL PORTÁTIL DE TWAIN MAIN 23 de marzo de 2018 POR LA NOTIFICACIÓN PRESENTE, se comunica que el Distrito Unificado de San Diego (Distrito), como agencia principal, distribuye para su revisión por el público, un borrador del Estudio Inicial/ la Declaración Negativa Atenuada (IS/ND en inglés), de acuerdo a la Ley de California de Calidad Medioambiental (CEQA) para el Proyecto del Plantel Portátil de Twain Main, ubicado en la Ciudad de San Diego. Título del proyecto: Proyecto del Plantel Portátil de Twain Main Agencia encargada: Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego Ubicación del proyecto: El proyecto propuesto ocurriría dentro de un plantel escolar que le pertenece al distrito en 6402 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, California 92111. El área del proyecto no aparece en ninguna lista del Código del Gobierno de sitios de desechos peligrosos, enumerados en la Sección 65962.5 del Código del Gobierno. Descripción del proyecto: El proyecto propuesto incluye la instalación de 13 edificios de salones portátiles y reubicables, un edificio administrativo portátil y un edificio reubicable con baños en el plantel de la Escuela Preparatoria Twain Main (Twain Main) Trabajo adicional en el plantel incluye proporcionar almohadillas de asfalto/cimientos y servicios públicos para cada edificio portátil y reubicable, y también zanjas menores para las conexiones de los servicios públicos. El proyecto propuesto estará situado en la porción sureste del plantel existente de Twain Main, en un área actualmente ocupado por granito descompuesto. Los edificios portátiles y reubicables hospedarán una escuela autónoma nueva en una porción del plantel existente del plantel de Twain Main. La inscripción estudiantil propuesta para la escuela preparatoria autónoma nueva será de unos 380 estudiantes. No habrá cambios operativos a Twain Main debido al proyecto propuesto, tales como cambios al horario de timbres o los lugares para dejar/recoger a los estudiantes. Además, no ocurrirán cambios en la inscripción o la capacidad del plantel Twain Main con el proyecto propuesto. Disponibilidad: El borrador del IS/ND está disponible para su lectura en los siguientes lugares: • Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, en el Centro de Operaciones Físicas de los Planteles, Salón Anexo 5 (consultar con la recepcionista), 4860 Ruffner Street, San Diego, CA 92111 • Biblioteca de Linda Vista, 2160 Ulric Street, San Diego, CA 92111 • Oficina de Twain Main, 6402 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, CA 92111 • En línea en Comentarios: Comentarios escritos sobre el borrador del IS/ND deben dirigirse a: Paul Garcia, Coordinador Ambiental de CEQA Planificación y Construcción de Instalaciones/Anexo 5 4860 Ruffner Street San Diego, CA 92111 Se pueden enviar los comentarios por correo electrónico al: El plazo de veinte días para la lectura y repaso del borrador del IS/ND por el público es del 23 de marzo de 2018 – 13 de abril de 2018. Los comentarios deben entregarse a más tardar para el 13 de abril de 2018. Una versión final del IS/ND que incorpore las aportaciones del público será preparada para la consideración de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en una futura audiencia pública. Para más información, por favor comuníquense con Paul Garcia, coordinador ambiental de CEQA, al (858) 637-6290 o a Para averiguar la fecha y la hora de la junta de la mesa directiva del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, por favor llamen a la Oficina de la Mesa Directiva al (619) 725-5550, o visiten el sitio web de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en La Oficina de la Mesa Directiva también tiene información sobre cómo los individuos/grupos aportan información a la mesa directiva y/o hablan en la junta de la mesa directiva.

NOTICE Notice of Public Sale of Personal Property Notice is hereby given that the selfstorage units listed below will be sold on a public website by competitive bidding ending on March 30, 2018 @ 10AM at www.storagetreasures. com for the property at: U-Stor-It Logan Ave 930 South 47th Street San Diego, CA 92113 619-431-3765 Unit # 1096 - Quiroz, Hugo – Tools ,Tires. Unit # 1098 - Hernandez, Maurillo – Ladder, Couch, Chairs, Fish Tank. Unit # 2144A – Posada, Suzanne – Shoes, Totes, Carpet, Mattress, Misc. Unit # 3125 – Shepersky, Jonathan – Dinner Table Chairs, Coat, Frame. Unit # 3164 – Tyler, Andrew – Wheel Chair, Ice Cooler, Bags, Clothes. Unit # 4228 – Lewis, Rosalind – Boxes, Vacuum, Motorcycle toy, Metal bed frames. Unit # 5028 – Turley, Tressel – Bags, Clothes, Totes. Unit # 6067 – Rhone, Dwight – Bags, Clothes, Ice Cooler. Payments must be made with cash only and paid at the facility within 72 hrs. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of payment. Sale is subjected to adjournment.

SUMMONS FAMILY LAW CASE NUMBER: DN188675 Petitioner: Paul Cruz Mendivil. NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: Margarita Hale Flores. You have been sued. You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court appearance will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyer at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, at the California Legal Services website (, or by contacting your local county bar association. 1. The name and address of the court are: Superior Court of California, 325 South Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081. 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without and attorney are: Paul Cruz Mendivil, 15004 Cool Valley Rd., Valley Center, CA 92082, 949-6902308. Date: FEB 14, 2018. Clerk, by R. Corona, Deputy. Published: MAR 16, 23, 30, APR 06/2018 La Prensa San Diego



The County of San Diego, Owner, invites bids for REQUEST FOR BIDS (RFB) 8717 D STREET SIDEWALK AND PEDESTRIAN RAMP IMP ROVEMENTS RAMONA, CALIFORNIA A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT A FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Sealed bids will be received at the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, at 5560 Overland Avenue, Suite 270, San Diego, 92123, until 2:00 PM on April 5, 2018, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract documents including Plans, Specifications and Bid Forms are available for download free of charge, from the Department of Purchasing and Contracting Buynet website: You must be registered at the site in order to download documents. The Contractor shall possess, at the time of submitting the bid, a California Contractor's License, Classification A, General Engineering Contractor. The cost of construction is estimated to be from $148,000 to $155,000. Bid security of no less than 10% required at time of bid. Successful bidder shall provide Payment and Performance Bonds for 100% of the contract amount. Prevailing Wage rates apply. All bidders must comply with Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Section 3 subcontracting and employment requirements and demonstrate their efforts. The Owner, as a matter of policy, encourages Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) participation for this project. For complete bid information, go to County of San Diego Purchasing and Contracting website at For questions, please contact Carlos Santiago, Procurement Contracting Officer, at La Prensa SD, March 16, 23, 2018



AVISO PÚBLICO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA Y DISPONIBILIDAD DE UNA EVALUACIÓN DE IMPACTO DEL TRÁFICO Y SEGURIDAD PARA EL PROYECTO IMPERIAL AVENUE BIKEWAY Este aviso público notifica oficialmente al público en general, a las agencias públicas y personas y organizaciones interesadas que la Asociación de Gobiernos de San Diego (SANDAG, por sus siglas en inglés), como el principal organismo bajo la Ley de Calidad Ambiental de California (CEQA, por sus siglas en inglés), celebrará una audiencia pública para escuchar los comentarios sobre el proyecto de vía ciclista, Imperial Avenue Bikeway (proyecto propuesto). Esto también sirve como aviso oficial de que SANDAG publicará la Evaluación de Impacto del Tráfico y Seguridad del proyecto propuesto el 27 de marzo de 2018 en: Son necesarias la celebración de una audiencia pública y la preparación de la Evaluación del Impacto del Tráfico y Seguridad antes de que la Mesa Directiva de SANDAG pueda determinar si el proyecto propuesto está exento o no de la CEQA en conformidad con el Código de Recursos Públicos, sección 21080.20.5. La audiencia pública se celebrará el 11 de abril de 2018, de 6:45 a 8 p.m., en el auditorio de la Escuela Primaria Kimbrough, ubicada en 321 Hoitt Street, San Diego, CA 92102. La audiencia pública estará precedida por una sesión abierta al público de 6 a 6:45 p.m., que presentará las características y últimas noticias del proyecto. Está previsto que el Comité de Transporte de SANDAG delibere en su reunión del 18 de mayo de 2018 si el proyecto está o no exento de la CEQA. Los comentarios recabados en la audiencia pública y en la sesión abierta al público, así como las respuestas por escrito a tales comentarios se facilitarán al Comité de Transporte para su consideración antes de su reunión del 18 de mayo de 2018. El Proyecto propuesto facilitaría vías ciclistas en las carreteras urbanas existentes y el derecho de paso a lo largo de Imperial Avenue en las comunidades del sureste de la Ciudad de San Diego, y conectaría a las comunidades adyacentes. El propósito del proyecto propuesto es facilitar que las personas se desplacen en bicicleta de forma más conveniente, atractiva y segura. El proyecto propuesto también beneficiaría a peatones y conductores, al hacer que las carreteras sean más seguras para todos los usuarios. El proyecto propuesto forma parte del Programa de Acción Temprana del Plan Regional para Bicicletas de SANDAG (EAP, por sus siglas en inglés), una década de esfuerzos para ampliar la red regional de bicicletas y finalizar los proyectos ciclistas de alta prioridad aprobados en el plan “Riding to 2050: el Plan Regional para Bicicletas de San Diego” (Plan para Bicicletas). El Plan para Bicicletas y el EAP forman parte de los esfuerzos regionales para lograr que desplazarse en bicicleta sea una opción viable y atractiva para los viajes cotidianos. | MARCH 23 2018 | PAGE 11






POR LA NOTIFICACIÓN PRESENTE, se comunica que el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, como organismo principal, distribuye para la revisión del público, un borrador del Estudio Inicial/la Declaración Negativa Atenuada (IS/MND en inglés), de acuerdo a la Ley de California de Calidad Medioambiental (CEQA) para el Proyecto de Edifico Nuevo con Salones y Mejoras del Plantel para la Escuela Preparatoria Junipero Serra, ubicada en la Ciudad de San Diego. Título del proyecto: Proyecto de Edifico Nuevo con Salones y Mejoras del Plantel para la Escuela Preparatoria Junipero Serra Agencia encargada: Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego Ubicación del proyecto: El proyecto propuesto ocurrirá dentro del plantel escolar de la preparatoria Junipero Serra, propiedad del distrito en la Ciudad de San Diego, ubicado en 5156 Santo Road, San Diego, California 92124. Descripción del proyecto: El Proyecto de Edifico Nuevo con Salones y Mejoras del Plantel para la Escuela Preparatoria Junipero Serra (proyecto propuesto) incluirá la construcción de un edificio de unos 35,050 pies cuadrados, de dos pisos, con salones, al sureste de la Escuela Preparatoria Junipero Serra (Escuela Preparatoria Serra), y también mejoras del plantel. El edificio nuevo con salones propuesto será identificado como el Edificio 1800 dentro del plantel de la Escuela Preparatoria Serra. La construcción del edificio nuevo requerirá quitar el área de diseño exterior actualmente consistiendo de un césped verde grande con árboles y un patio Stai. Este edificio nuevo incluirá 16 salones generales, espacios colaborativos; funciones esenciales como baños, espacios útiles y un elevador; y un salón colaborativo al aire libre. El edificio con salones y el trabajo del plantel asociado cumplirá con la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades e incluirá baños y bebederos accesibles. También se construirá un área para reuniones al aire libre interrelacionada con el edificio nuevo y el resto del plantel. La implementación del proyecto propuesto quitará la mayor cantidad práctica de los salones portátiles existentes. El edificio nuevo, con 16 salones, remplazará los 12 salones portátiles del plantel, que serán removidos como parte del proyecto propuesto. Las mejoras del plantel incluirán los siguiente: remplazar completamente las aceras existentes del plantel y el sistema subterráneo de drenaje para tormentas que no funciona, reparar o remplazar líneas de alcantarillado dañadas, mejorar la accesibilidad a todas las instalaciones para cumplir con los reglamentos de accesibilidad de la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades, remplazar o reparar superficies de diseño exterior duro dañadas o quebradas, actualizar el diseño exterior y la irrigación existentes, renovar le entrada de peatones y vehículos al plantel, instalar un ascensor al escenario en el auditorio, actualizar el estacionamiento del sur, vías de autobús al norte e instalar una cerca en el perímetro del plantel. Disponibilidad: El borrador del MND está disponible para su lectura en los siguientes lugares: • Oficina Principal de la Escuela Preparatoria Junipero Serra , 5156 Santo Rd., San Diego, CA 92124 • Sucursal de Tierrasanta de la Biblioteca Pública, 4985 La Cuenta Dr., San Diego, CA 92124 • Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, en Planificación y Construcción de Instalaciones, Salón Anexo 5 (consultar con la recepcionista), 4860 Ruffner Street, San Diego, CA 92111 • En línea en Comentarios: Comentarios escritos sobre el borrador del MND deben dirigirse a: Paul Garcia, Coordinador de Desarrollo de Instalaciones de CEQA Planificación y Construcción de Instalaciones 4860 Ruffner Street, Salón Anexo 5 San Diego, CA 92111 Se pueden enviar los comentarios por correo electrónico al: El plazo de treinta días para la lectura y repaso del borrador por el público es del 23 de marzo de 2018 – 23 de abril de 2018. Los comentarios deben entregarse a más tardar para el 23 de abril de 2018. Una versión final del MND que incorpore las aportaciones del público será preparada para la consideración de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en una futura audiencia pública. Para más información, por favor comuníquense con Paul Garcia, coordinador ambiental de CEQA, al (858) 637-6290 o a Para averiguar la fecha y la hora de la junta de la mesa directiva del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, por favor llamen a la Oficina de la Mesa Directiva al (619) 725-5550, o visiten el sitio web de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en La Oficina de la Mesa Directiva también tiene información sobre cómo los individuos/grupos aportan información a la mesa directiva y/o hablan en la junta de la mesa directiva.




(858) 231-6054 9923 CARMEL MT RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92129

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of: Beatriz Cagigas. A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Maria Melton in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego. The Petition for Probate requests that: Maria Melton be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 5/1/2018. Time: 11:00 AM. Dept.: 504. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a persona interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: Dolores Contreras, Esq. Address: 402 W. Broadway, Ste. 1200, San Diego, CA 92101, 619-238-0616. Published: MAR 23, 30, APR 06,13/2018 La Prensa San Diego



amount of truck traffic outside the recommended route, and to specifically identify the traffic linked to the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. According to the study of two days in 2017, a total of 421 trucks traveled through the three identified restricted streets in Barrio Logan, 53 of which were Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal trucks. Jorge Gonzalez, community organizer with Environmental Health Coalition, has lead the efforts to have a truck ordinance and said that, although the organization considered the resolution a small victory in environmental justice for the community, it did not solve the problem. “It became something that the City put out there to prohibit trucks from going in certain areas,” Gonzalez said. “Prohibit versus enforce is different.” The resolution, however, is being enforced, according to the San Diego Police Department Traffic Division. Officer Christine Garcia, who recently began working the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit, wrote in an email on Tuesday, March 20, that she has stopped “quite a few large vehicles” for violating the signs. “I can say some vehicles I have stopped, the driver received a (ticket) and some received a written warning, depending on the situation on why they were on the street (i.e. making a delivery),” Garcia wrote in the email. La Prensa San Diego requested information on the number of semitrailers stopped for driving on prohibited streets and the number of drivers ticketed from the San Diego Police Department, but did not receive a response before this story went to print. Certain streets, however, were not identified in the resolution and are experiencing high semitrailer traffic, such as Boston Avenue. Marino said she believes the greatest offenders are the recycling companies near Boston Avenue, like SA Recycling, a metal recycler and processor on Main Street. Marino’s parents purchased their home on Boston Avenue 56 years ago, long before the five freeway was built. She moved back 12 years ago, and has made it her passion to stand up for the older resi-

dents on her block that have dealt with the noise, smell and pollution from the freeway and semitrailers that drive down Boston Avenue. “They could(n't) care less whether or not they are driving in front of our homes and affecting our health,” Marino said. According to Jeff Farano, manager governmental relations for SA Recycling, they instruct all truck traffic to and from SA Recycling to use Main Street to access the freeways and to avoid using Boston, a policy which has been in place for several years, Farano wrote in an email on Tuesday, March 20. “SA provides an important environmental service to the surrounding community and strives to be good neighbors and responsive to the neighbor’s concerns,” Farano wrote. Marino disagrees and says (SA) are not being good neighbors and believes that trucks exiting and entering SA Recycling have shown other trucks the way through the street. “We never had Dole, we never had Pasha trucks, we never had any of that come through until SA kind of showed them the way,” Marino said. Farano wrote that access to the I-5 southbound is on Boston Avenue and the company does not have control of who uses Boston to enter the freeway. “There may be times where a new driver coming from SA will find Boston as the most logical access to that freeway onramp and SA will continue to educate the drivers on this policy,” Farano wrote. Residents like Marino, and staff from the Environmental Health Coalition carried out truck surveys between 28th Street and 32nd on Boston Avenue in 2017, and found that, during peak hours, an estimated 35 to 55 trucks drove by in an hour. The surveys were a response to concerns from residents that the expansion of the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, which is located at the footsteps of the community, by the Port of San Diego would only increase the amount of trucks that go through Barrio Logan, Gonzalez said. And although the study showed that only 13 percent of the truck traffic observed outside designated truck




el viernes a Islandia en el Levi's Stadium de Santa Clara y el martes chocará frente a Croacia en el estadio de los Cowboys de Dallas. La feria del dólar Una parte muy importante dentro de la estrategia comercial de la selección mexicana es disputar sus encuentros en territorio estadounidense para de esa manera generar buenas ganancias económicas. Los ejemplos de los partidos en Santa Clara y Texas son muy claros en este aspecto. Un recorrido por páginas cibernéticas dedicada a la venta de boletos para eventos deportivos nos permitió sentar el precio promedio que los seguidores del Tri deberán pagar para ver a su selección. En Santa Clara, el costo promedio de un boleto para para el juego de México contra Islandia es de 162 dólares con precios que oscilan entre 280 y los 45 dólares. Este inmueble tiene una capacidad de70 mil asientos, por lo que un lleno total dejaría una derrama económica aproximada de 11

route is attributed to Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal operations, the Port of San Diego has taken several steps to reduce their impact. Daniel Valentine, manager of Maritime Operations for the Port of San Diego, said that based of the information from the truck study, signage at the terminal was implemented, and fliers of the Port’s designated truck route are distributed to truckers quarterly or as needed to remind them to follow the designated truck route. The Port conducted another truck study on March 21, to have an understanding of the number of trucks that use the 29th and Boston Avenue entrance ramp to the five freeway, according to Valentine. He said that, at this time, they do not have an answer for whether they support the truck ordinance, but they hope to get a better understanding of the impact with the result of the new study and conversations with the Port’s tenants. Marino said she is hopeful that there will be a change and understands that it takes time, but she is worried some of the older residents on Boston Avenue will not live to see that change. “I carry the passion for those that are here because I’m losing a lot of them real fast,” she said through tears. “Unfortunately, there’s a lot of red tape in between but it’s possible.” Valentine said, if community members observe truck violations, they can call: (619) 686-8282, and a staff member will follow up with their complaints. Gonzalez said that although the industries that surround the community bring in jobs, the traffic from the freeways, the Coronado Bay Bridge, and the cars and trucks that drive through the community account for 40 percent of the pollution in Barrio Logan. “At the end of the day what the community wants is the priority, not what the companies want, or what the industries want,” Gonzalez said. Members of Environmental Health Coalition will present a policy brief of the proposed ordinance to the San Diego City Council’s Environmental Committee on April 12.


millones de dólares para los organizadores. Una taquilla de esa magnitud jamás sería posible si el partido se jugara en México, donde el precio promedio para un partido de la Liga MX es de 12 dólares. En el estadio de los Cowboys de Dallas, el costo promedio de un boleto para ver el juego entre México y Croacia es similar al de Santa Clara. La casa del equipo de la NFL en Texas puede albergar hasta 85 mil aficionados, por lo que el negocio será todavía más grande. En el SDCCU Stadium de San Diego, Xolos y América tendrán una buena asistencia con boletos alcanzando un precio promedio de 55 dólares. Mientras los fanáticos mexicanos sigan acudiendo al llamado de su selección y de sus equipos, los estadios de Estados Unidos seguirán siendo una mina de oro para los organizadores de los partidos y santuarios de la nostalgia para los aficionados.

players have been playing together for some time at the club level and have a rigorous training regimen. “Right now, they play together at San Diego Surf where they train four times a week with the club and they are playing three or four games a week too,” Valles detailed. “The group is playing very well, and we feel that the boys will do a good job representing San Diego on an international platform,” Valles added. Agustín Valadez, father of Santiago Valadez, said that this opportunity should be a great experience for these players, as they will get to face very challenging opponents. Now in its 25th year, Mundialito gathers youth soccer clubs to compete in a seven-a-side format tournament, divided into respective age groups from eight to 12 years of age. The Mundialito 2018 tournament will take place from March 24 through April 1 and will feature competitors from youth soccer programs from around the world.


| MARCH 23 2018 |

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