Photography Tips for Better Party Photos

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Photography Tips For Better Party Photos

Add Depth to Group Photos by Not Shooting Dead-Center When I first started taking photos of groups of people, I noticed that they tended to arrange themselves into a straight line, shoulder-to-shoulder, as though they were taking a class photo. Or, if people were sitting on a couch, they would always expect me to take their photo from dead center. And, in my experience, these situations often end up in a boring photo (at least in my book).

Create Interesting Photo Effects with Jaunty Angles A jaunty or canted angle (also known as a Dutch angle, among several other terms) is a photography technique that you can use to develop an aesthetically-pleasing composition from an otherwise dull scene. Jaunty angles give your photos a feeling of being dynamic and alive.

Try Using Props This is always fun. People seem to love this and it often brings the party together. In my experience, props can be anything from a hat, funky glasses or a fake mustache.

Take Portrait Shots (Even at Parties) I sometimes take portraits of people I find interesting at parties. Anyone who looks interesting or unique, I’ll pull them aside and do a quick “photo shoot” with them. The trick is to make them comfortable enough in front of your lens that they let you capture them in an honest moment. If they’re having fun, it’ll show. If they’re having a bad night, they’ll let that show too. It’s about attitude and emotion, and if they trust you, then you’ll be able capture these things.

Always Be Ready for Candid Shots Candid shots in social events are tricky to capture because bringing a camera into a scene automatically changes peoples’ behaviors and how they conduct themselves. So, it becomes hard to get good, honest, candid moments. This is especially true in environments where people are aware that there’s someone taking photos.

Always Look for Action Shots Look for the action! People dancing, people clinking their drinks, food being served, and so on. This all makes for interesting photos. A photo will always be still. That’s what makes it special. It’s literally just a split-second of light captured in your camera. However, that doesn’t mean that a photo can’t be lively! Be mindful of the movements of the party. Where are people walking around? Where are the people dancing? Who is the liveliest group of the party?

Shoot in RAW Image Format (If You Can) This is more of a suggestion. You don’t have to shoot in RAW format to get good photos. In fact, it’s more work for you during the post-production stage if you shoot in RAW format. However, with the changing light conditions of a party and its fast-paced nature, it doesn’t hurt to be able to make adjustments that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do with the JPEG image format. Things like white balance and exposure are very hard to correct (if at all possible in the first place) in JPEG format.

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