Teaching ESL Learners - Strategies - Gr 6 & up

Page 226

“Danny” mom called with a nervous and trembling voice. I knew something was wrong. I quickly jumped out of my bed like a rocket. As I was walking down the stairway down to where my mom was. I prayed that nothing is wrong with dad, that something else hadn't happened. I slowly reached the end of the stairway. That's when I saw that something was really wrong. A lifeless body on the couch. It was, my dad . . . His face was pale white as a vampire, and his lips were purple. My eyes started watering. I quickly turned around to hide my face. I want to buried my face in a pillow. But there was no pillow around only my dad body. I slowly looked at mom she was sobbing so hard that her shirt was wet. When I saw my dad's spirit had left I felt like the world had stopped spinning, and time had stopped. My eyes were watering again, and this time I can't keep the tears from coming. My vision was being blocked from the water I was crying. I just stood and stared at the lifeless body. I didn't know what to do. It was like I have no more meaning of liveing anymore. I felt like my mouth was dry, and my legs and arms were numb. I was still kind of shocked and confused. Run up stairs and just died in my room, but my feet were super glued to the floor. The next thing I know I was in bed. I must have cry myself to sleep. I woke up because my back was hurting. I thought it was all a bad dream I wish it was just a bad dream. I raced down stairs but my fear was real. It wasn't a dream I tried to wake myself up but I knew I couldn't change the fact. That my dad was dead. I knew I couldn't move on. It's so hard to lose a father. I sat in my room looked at the clock my dad had given me. I look at the second hand on the clock it was moving forward and a minute and the hour hand was staying still. I knew I'd have to move on like the second hand of the clock and the other hand of the clock is just a memory. I may not see my dad anymore but my mom needed me and I have to surpport her.

Figure 5.3: Duc’s Fiction Writing 226

Teaching English Language Learners: Grades 6 & Up © Katherine Davies Samway & Dorothy Taylor, Scholastic Teaching Resources


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