Reading & Writing Skill Builders - Gr 3 to 6

Page 64

Reading Response: Think While Reading


Pack Your Bags

Have you ever heard of an armchair traveler? That’s someone who sits in a chair and reads all about a place without going there. You can be an armchair explorer! Think of a topic you really want to explore. Choose a book or two to read about the topic. Fill in the first two suitcases (K and W) before you read. Afterward, fill in the other two suitcases (L and S).

Super-Fun Reading & Writing Skill Builders Š Scholastic Teaching Resources

Topic Book(s) I am reading


Know = What I

d I Learne t a h W L =

w Want to Kno W = What I


ow ll Want to Kn ti S I t a h W =


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