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First considerations for a winning sauce

Sauce is the smallest percentage of ingredient cost, yet it’s hugely influential in driving consumers’ choice in where to buy a pizza. Perfect your sauce to enhance the whole pizza experience in the most cost-effective way possible.

43% say the sauce is the #1 reason they buy a pizza.

Create robust balance.

A light, fresh sauce feels just right on a crisp crust, while a deep-dish pizza requires a thicker texture to stand up to it’s toppings. Consider the whole experience of the pizza when building a suitable sauce.

Know your tomato.

Villa Frizzoni® has options – from versatile prepared sauces with rich flavor to whole peeled and crushed tomatoes that are ideal for building your own.

Ready to use: Super heavy fully prepared sauce with ripe tomato and basil flavor. Most versatile, consistent, and convenient.

San Marzano style whole peeled: Authentic high-end flavor, best for light Neapolitan-style sauces.

Ground / crushed: Multi-purpose base for a wide range of versatile sauces.

Take flavor personally.

Sauce is, above all, a matter of taste. Incorporate Trifoglio® oils and Katy’s Kitchen® spices to optimize the final flavor and texture of each key sauce profile on your menu and draw in customers.

Pizza and Tomato Sauce

Sauces & Tomatoes


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Imported and Domestic Tomatoes

Pesto and White Sauces

Oils and Vinegar