Commision Gorilla V2 Review - Do you want to join a professional sale system?

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Commission Gorilla V2 Review Helps Your Online Marketing Make 5X More Sales Many affiliates know that offering a bonus alongside any promotion can generate bigger commissions and more sales. In fact, two super affiliates have tested this extensively and found that offering a bonus can quintuple your commissions. Yep, that‟s right: you can make five times more money if you offer a bonus! But even though offering a bonus puts more money in your pocket, it‟s certainly not easy money. You need to create bonus pages. If you want to do it right, this takes time, skills or money. Not everyone has the resources to create the sort of professional pages that boost conversions. Until now… Introducing Commission Gorilla, which is a clever software system that literally makes it “drag and drop” easy to create high-response bonus offer pages, delivery pages and more!

1.Commissionilla V2 Review – Overview:           

Homepage: Commission Gorilla V2 Official Site Product Name: Commission Gorilla V2 Type of Product: Cloud-based Software/System Authors: Jeremy & Simon Target niche: Make Money Online, Cross-Platform Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Platforms Optimization, Money Making Platforms Boosting. Official Price: $27 Recommended: Very High Skill levels needed: No need any skills Support: Friendly and Effective Bonuses: On my review Refund:30 days Money Back Guarantee

2.Commission Gorilla V2 Review – What is it? Commission Gorilla is a web based, affiliate promotion page (bridge page) builder with a whole host of conversion boosting bells and whistles,

combined with a bonus management system and an in-depth reporting and analytics engine developed exclusively for affiliate marketers. Quite simply Commission Gorilla is the software (SaaS platform) that automates, simplifies and improves upon many of the author's affiliate marketing strategies that have generated $1M+ in commissions and prizes this past year and more than $10M in the last few years… … You could say it‟s the ‘software for affiliates made by affiliates‘ but it goes deeper than that: (A joint project between PromoteLabs & MediaKettle) Commission Gorilla has been in planning & development for 12 months and there‟s NOTHING else on the market like it. In fact, they‟d go so far as to say this is a „game changer‟ for affiliate marketers of all experience levels because it offers the potential to double, triple or even quadruple commissions while minimizing workload and reducing their operating costs. Why did Commission Gorilla team build this software? Well, they built it for themselves… Based on their testing, tweaking and the data they gathered from sending 1,000,000 visitors to 200+ vendor sales pages in the past couple of years. Commission Gorilla team wanted a tool that would improve their conversions, save their time and further monetize promotions post sale. And they figured if that was something they wanted it would be something the market would want to.

3.Commission Gorilla V2 Review – What will it bring to you? Bonus incentivized affiliate promotions are proven to out-convert standard promotions by a Factor of 5:1. That‟s 5 times more sales & 5 times more revenue for you. The only downside (Until now) has been the amount of time it takes to build a great looking bonus page… With Commission Gorilla, you can do it in just minutes… 1/ FREE Bonus Page Hosting: You‟ll always be first to market with your promotions. Add pages to WordPress (with our free plugin), upload to a regular HTML site or simply let us host all your pages + bonus delivery pages 100% FREE! 2/ Bonus Block Library: Build out bonus blocks, store them in your bonus library for future use then just drag and drop them into your bonus page(s) – There are 5 styles to choose from and your bonus delivery pages are built automatically! 3/ Built In Share Features: You can start promoting your offers the second you publish them with the built in share functions inside the dashboard. And you can encourage your visitors to send your pages viral with Facebook, Twitter and Google+ 4/ Page Clone & Deploy: If you‟ve created a high converting bonus page or you‟re running an offer in the same niche, you can simply clone a bonus page, switch out the affiliate link, edit as needed and start another promotion in seconds.

4.Commission Gorilla V2 Review – What Else it can do? You‟ve Seen Some Of Commission Gorilla’s Powerful Commission Boosting Features But There‟s Lots More…upsells and cross-promotions.

5/ Built-In Stats Dashboard: See at a glance your best offers, top converters and which of your bonus pages are getting most clicks & sales. 6/ Cloud Based Software: Nothing to install or update! Just login and use. All future updates & add-ons will be instantly available to you FREE! About Authors

For sure, the creators of the tool know everything about affiliate promotion and product marketing. Jeremy Gislason and Simon Hodgkinson have put their every drop of effort in the tool. These two masterminds of affiliate marketing have created a software that increases your sales and promote the product limitlessly.

5.Commission Gorilla V2 Review – Why should you buy it? Smart affiliates know one of the keys to generating more sales is to add value with a bonus to prospects. Super affiliates make up to five times more cash by adding value with bonuses. Totally worth doing, right? Creating pages to promote your offers is a huge pain in the neck. It takes way too long. There‟s too much coding involved. And it might even look like amateur hour when you‟re all done. That‟s not exactly going to boost sales, is it? Here‟s the good news… Creating affiliate promotion pages is about to get a whole lot easier. I‟m talking drag and drop easily. Point and click simple. How does it work?    

It‟s a new app that‟s going to change the way you do business. It‟s going to put you at the top of the affiliate leaderboards. It‟s going to put more money in your pocket. The team at Promote Labs, Inc have tested this across over 50,000 affiliate sales, and it without fail it puts thousands of extra dollars in our pocket on every promotion. How much money will it put in yours?

But here‟s the thing… Creating bonus pages takes too much money and too much time. You need design skills, or you need deep pockets to hire a kick-ass designer. No need to worry! Here good news come…

Now you can have a secret weapon to move fast and start topping those leader boards. It‟s an app called Commission Gorilla, and it‟s the fastest, easiest and best way to create beautiful, highconverting affiliate promotion pages. No tech experience required, no high-priced designers needed! This app is going to change the way you do business. That‟s because it‟s the fastest and easiest way to create promotion pages, bonus delivery pages, and so much more! Now you can get your affiliate offer pages up super-fast so you can top the leaderboards!    

You don‟t need any tech skills, because designing pages is “drag and drop” easy with this app. You don‟t need to hire a high-priced designer because this app makes it easy to create stunning, professional pages. You don‟t need to waste time creating delivery pages or call to action buttons because Commission Gorilla does it all for you. You don‟t even need a domain name or a website because Commission Gorilla will host your pages for free.

They have promotion page demos you can see as well. Whether you are a complete newbie with zero design skills or highly advanced experts such as Commission Gorilla’s design team that has over 15 years experience designed hundreds of sales pages, landing pages, bonus pages and more spanning tens of millions of dollars sold online. This software will be a joy to use and it‟ll help you create stunningly beautiful bonus pages that convert! There will be easy to use templates to get started with so customers can be up and running as quickly as possible right from the start. They will also have full support from our team via tooltips, tool tour, videos and even live chat inside the member area.

More Demos Coming Soon to showcase how you can use Amazon, Clickbank and Zaxaa as an affiliate. You as an affiliate will be among the first to be able to bring something NEVER seen before to market and we expect the demand for this to be through the roof!

6.Commission Gorilla V2 Review – How Does It Work? Step1: Pick A Product To Promote

Commission Gorilla can be used for any type of affiliate promotion across every network – On the JVZoo and Zaxaa networks you can automate your bonus delivery.

Step 2: Launch Page Builder With the drag and drop page builder you can build pages anyway you like – Choose colors, drop in bonuses, add text & graphic blocks, buttons, social sharing – it‟s easy!

Step 3: Drag & Drop Your Bonus Blocks Thanks to the built in bonus block library you can set up and use bonuses again and again, store them and simply drop the entire block into your new bonus page(s).

Step 4: Start Sharing Your Page When your page is complete, use the built in share function to promote it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn or via email.

Commission Gorilla V2 – 3 Exclusive Bonuses: Affiliate Gorilla Video Training Course – $97 Value

Finally discover the truth about how super affiliates set up their businesses, get traffic, and generate those eye-popping commission. This in-depth course spans 10 videos – you can read more about each one below…

Affiliate Miner Profit Strategies Manual – $97 Value

This manual is going to blow your socks off! You‟ll get access to 25 of Simon‟s proven affiliate profit strategies all guaranteed to increase your conversions and commission checks and each one of them simple and fast to apply.

The Commission Miner Tips Videos – $97 Value

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„Super Affiliates‟ Every vendor wants them promoting their products, and every other affiliate is jealous of their success. They got it all – money, power, success. So how are they doing it? Well, it‟s not a single tactic that generates this huge commission checks. It involves: Establishing yourself as an expert, building a wildly responsive audience and adding value to everything you promote. You probably know about these components, but no one ever told you the right way to put them together for maximum affiliate sales. And no one ever told you all the tricks the super affiliates use to dominate their niche. Until now…

Price & Evaluation Front End Basic - Commission Gorilla Standard Account First up is the basic version of Commission Gorilla. Just this version alone is enough to wow your subscribers with all of it's powerful features.

Imagine needing to create a super incredible bonus on the fly for a promotion and not having days to do it...well now your subscribers will be able to whip up a power packed bonus in literally minutes! For the basic version of Commission Gorilla, it's limited to 20 pages, you can import other Commission Gorilla pages (not export) as well as have 10 Done For You Bonuses. It will also include 7 and growing ready made bonus pages that anyone can use to promote and make commissions.

OTO 1 - Commission Gorilla V2 PRO UPGRADE Add Countdown Timers To Your Pages: This option allows your referrals to use date specific or evergreen timers on all your pages with just a few clicks and choose to automatically redirect visitors to any other page when the countdown expires (or simply reset the countdown to start again). Perfect for product launches and works great for 'set & forget' time sensitive offers. When your referrals use countdown (or scarcity) timers across all of their promotions, the results have can be astonishing!

Add Attention Bars To Your Pages: Adding a new bar to your page is simple and it's a truly effective way to grab your visitor's attention. Your referrals can set them to display at the top of their pages, change the colors and fonts, add a timed delay. They can use attention bars to highlight a bonus, remind visitors about deadlines, link to demos or videos - They could even use them to link to other promotions or lead capture pages.

Add Exit Pop-Ups To Your Pages: It's a fact that not everyone who visits your pages will continue to your recommended offers. Our own testing reveals 50-70% will simply leave no matter how good your bonus is. But with exit redirects, your referrals will get the power to recycle this 'wasted' traffic. They'll be able to send leaving visitors directly to the offer page (via your affiliate link) and it can easily 'save a sale' or they can send visitors to a squeeze page to build their list where they can even show another bonus offer.

OTO 2 - Commission Gorilla V2 Instant Bonuses M onthly & Commission Gorilla V2 Instant Bonuses One Time With this option, your referrals will get a 'head start' and have their bonus library all ready to go with done for you ready made bonuses. They'll instantly get access to 25 pre-done bonuses and an addition 2 each month. (NOTE: If they cancel the trial, they get the 25 bonuses, but not the 2 additional each month) And while there's a ton of value in this upgrade, here are some important points to encourage your referrals to purchase:  o

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Everything Is Already Done For YouEverything is covered from product research through to graphics, bonus copy and automatic product delivery.

All Future Updates Are FreeDon't worry about updating content, we'll ensure your bonuses are always up to date and fresh for your referrals. You Can Add To Pages In 1 ClickThe 25 Bonuses and the monthly bonuses are automatically added to your bonus library - Ready to go! A Ton of Hot In-Demand TopicsWe've covered every conceivable hot business and marketing related topic your referred buyers will ever need...

Plainly put, when your referrals get this upgrade - they'll be ready to go with instant promotions!

OTO 3 - Commission Gorilla V2 Sales Page Bypass (Add On)

With the sales page bypass, you'll be able to leapfrog any vendor's sales page and still bank commissions. It's as simple as: 1. Create a bypass link and use it on your Commission Gorilla Page 2. Sell directly from your page 3. Collect your payment as normal, but with higher conversions! You can use this option to pretty much ramp up commissions on just about any offer that you want to promote. Plus, it includes the Black Dragon Protocol course that pretty much shows how to go from zero to hero in 90 days or less as a super affiliate marketer. With the Black Dragon Protocol course, you'll find out how to get more traffic, how to grow you list, and how to convert even the most lukewarm prospects into rabid buyers and fill your bank account with cold hard cash!

OTO 4 - Commission Gorilla V2 Review Block (Add On)

This offer allows anyone to enhance their Commission Gorilla pages with impressive, eye catching reviews. It's powerful add on to Commission Gorilla that all of your subscribers will absolutely go head over heels for! Here's a quick summary of the features:       

Unlimited Color Combinations Up To 5 Rating Criteria Slots 17 Criteria Styles: Animated Bars, Stars, Ticks & More Custom Headline Fonts Multiple Rating Options: Out of 10 or Percentages Clone Block Functionality Unlimited Use / Add Multiple Blocks To Any Page

The best part is everything is truly point and click. We've made it incredibly simple. There's absolutely no need for coding at all. Just use the simple editor and have a stunning review block to add to your existing pages in no time!

7.Commission Gorilla V2 Review – Conclusion: Commission Gorilla is an app that makes it “point and click” easy to create the sexiest promotion pages you‟ve ever seen. And it does it all incredibly fast. What used to take hours or even a day to create now takes just minutes. You can use this app to quickly and easily create all sorts of high-converting pages, including:

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Bonus pages for affiliate offers. Bonus pages for your own offers. Offer pages for your offline business.

And these pages are completely customizable with just a few clicks of your mouse. You can drag and drop in bonus products, images, videos, call to action buttons and so much more. Plus the built-in stats let you keep track of your best-performing pages! It‟s all of my Commission Gorilla V2 Review. I hope that you can find some useful information about this software. Don‟t hesitate for such an amazing product! Thank you so much for your reading and see you soon in my next review.

If you are on the fence about getting this product or not, please notice that the product has 100% RiskFREEalong with 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee that worth the try of everybody. By checking and purchasing the product through my link, you don‟t have to spend any extra fee or anything, and I will have some commission to build my review site to provide you more and more honest reviews.

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