Lakeland College Comprehensive Institutional Plan 2014-2017

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Institutional Context Letter of Expectation The Letter of Expectation is an agreement between the Board of Governors of Lakeland College and the Minister regarding high-level outcomes and responsibilities for both parties. Lakeland College agrees to work with the Minister to support and promote Campus Alberta and its goals of a learner-centred, accessible, affordable, quality, and sustainable post-secondary system in Alberta that fosters innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration. The Government of Alberta and its post-secondary institutions are expected to achieve focused outcomes valuable to Albertans that support and encourage engagement, economic, social, and cultural prosperity. Comprehensive Community Institutions (CCIs), one of the six sectors represented within Campus Alberta, are responsible for stewardship of adult learning opportunities within their defined region of Alberta. As a CCI, Lakeland plays a strategic role in the region and province’s economic growth by providing relevant programming as well as applied research and maximizing learner access to programs and courses. The College works closely with Campus Alberta partners and various stakeholders throughout Lakeland’s region to promote economic development and to provide learning opportunities that meet the needs of individuals, organizations and industry. This letter will be reviewed and updated annually through collaboration between the Minister and the Board Chair that builds upon the collegial working relationships between the government and the institution.

Mandate Statement Lakeland College is a board-governed public college operating as a Comprehensive Community Institution under authority of the Post-secondary Learning Act of Alberta. The College prepares

Comprehensive Institutional Plan

students to enter the workforce, advance their career, or further their education. Lakeland College offers credit programming in the areas of academic upgrading, agricultural sciences, apprenticeship and pre-employment trades training, business, emergency services and public safety, energy, environmental sciences, health and wellness, human services, interior design technology, tourism, and university transfer. The College awards certificates, diplomas, and applied degrees and may offer baccalaureate degrees primarily in collaboration with degree-granting institutions. Lakeland College’s commitment to the collaborative principles of Campus Alberta is demonstrated through partnerships within the post-secondary system that strengthen its programming and service capacity. Lakeland College provides integrated emergency response, prevention, and leadership training at the provincial, national, and international levels. Areas of specialty include fire service, emergency medical services, incident command, and emergency preparedness training for pre-employment, municipal, industrial, and public sector clients. To enhance the college experience for its students, the College provides a people-centred learning environment with access to a full range of services including advising, athletics, cafeteria, child care, clubs, financial aid, health, library, learning, recreation, residence, and student employment.

Lakeland College 2014-2017


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