Lakeland College 2015-16 Annual Report

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Strategic Goal 2 – Relevant Programming and Research Objective



Pilot curriculum unbundling and competency-based education initiatives

In progress

2.1a Optimize enrolment and programming through academic strategy based on post-secondary trends


Lakeland explored the competency-based education model with the animal health technology program curriculum within the second year. Investigation into a new double major diploma program in environmental and agricultural sciences began. Reactivation of the office administration program passed at Academic Council, along with analysis of courses in the program with anticipated changes/additional courses. Nine of the 10 courses in the office administration certificate program have updated outlines completed. It’s expected the program will be offered in 2017-2018.



Identify educational technologies to enhance classroom learning and learner access


2.1b Optimize enrolment and programming through academic strategy based on post-secondary trends




Progress made in last 12 months:


Tablets were used with great success in human services courses. A human services classroom was remodeled to allow instructors to employ a flipped model of instruction.

Progress made in last 12 months: Through a grant, Lakeland purchased the original manufacturing software and laptops for the automotive service technician shop students. Use of Desire2Learn (D2L) – Lakeland’s learning management system – was expanded to include exam/test delivery and marking. Two new tools were added to Lakeland’s D2L package: Insights and Capture. Insights is a data mining and reporting service that was piloted with the competency-based Well Site Supervisor program. The software can create and customize a range of reports to monitor user progress, course access and engagement. Capture is a recording tool that allows presenters to upload and add videos directly to course content. The Emergency Training Centre launched a pilot “blended” learning delivery of the firefighter training program. As of June 30, 2016, students were in the online learning phase of the program. Information technology implemented a new internet service provider that increased bandwidth by 50%.

Optimize enrolment and programming through academic strategy based on post-secondary trends

Develop enrolment Achieved goals for each program

Progress made in last 12 months: An enrolment plan including full-load equivalent (FLE) projections was developed and published in the 2016-2019 Comprehensive Institutional Plan.




Increase applicant conversion rate by 2% (where seats available)

Not achieved

2.1d Optimize enrolment and programming through academic strategy based on post-secondary trends

Progress made in last 12 months: The applicant conversion rate for Alberta applicants decreased by 3% from the previous year.




Increase governmentidentified target group enrolment by 2%

Not achieved

2.1e Optimize enrolment and programming through academic strategy based on post-secondary trends

Progress made in last 12 months: The number of self-identified Aboriginal students decreased from 186 students in 2014-2015 to 133 in 2015-2016. Lakeland provided an “introduction to trades” week-long program in June to six people from Beaver Lake Cree Nation. The college sat on the steering committee for the North East Alberta Apprenticeship Initiative (NEAAI), with the main focus of supporting Aboriginal students in completing their apprenticeship training.

Annual Report 2015-2016 | 21

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