The Partners of InterContexts and their local projects. community work“ is put in place in Riga, Tartu and Vilnius. Contact: is a Vilnius based interdisciplinary platform for urban research, community and public art initiatives as well as urban activism. Founded in 2007 (and registered as NGO in 2009) the group focusses on creative revitalisation of public spaces and develops alternative communication tools for community building applying artistic tactics (art interventions, performances, happenings). “Citizen participation in developing public spaces: Šnipiškės neighbourhood“ is the local project of Laimikis. Contact:,
Metropop’! is a recently founded association of social workers, researchers, artists and volunteers interested in the question of the representation of Banlieue cities and their relation to the respective Centers. Metropop cooperates with “Ethnologue en Herbes” for the project in Paris: “My neighbourhood, our Patrimony”. Contact: Zeitpfeil e.V. is an association for nonformal and informal citizenship and (inter)cultural education implementing seminars, training courses, study trips and European exchange projects for young adults and adult learners on both regional and national level. Zeitpfeil undertook a study with the subject: “The participation of young people in the context of neighbourhood managements in Berlin.” Conatact:
ICE is a NGO founded in 1992 dedicated to the promotion of local development, animation and intervention in local communities by educational means in order to combat social, cultural, ethnic and economic exclusion and the desertification of rural areas. Their project takes place in Castelo de Vide: “Windows - views and stories of Castelo de Vide Portugal. An educational approach around heritage and memory.“ Contact:
Integracijas Centrs founded in 2010 by social workers, psychologists and pedagogues was essentially established to identify pedagogical and community work based methods to foster an inclusive society on state and community level, working top-down as well as bottomup, thus targeting all levels of society. In cooperation with the “Urban Institute” the project “Community work and participation methodology - Three applied research cases of public participation in
For more information visit InterContexts partners blog: http://intercontexts.