Alan Weaver Statement

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I am Alan Weaver I hope the new paper and anyone copying this does so in its entirety. Here's the whole stoiy. The tapes that have been released has two people involved, one is Dylan Hester that did the tape recordings, the editing, splicing up many conversations making the tapes that he wanted you to here, while cutting out all the many tilings he didn't want you to hear him say. All of this because he became so mad after his step granddad pasted away and he wanted to step in and take a big roll in managing his grandmothers good size rental business. Dylan had several ideas on how to get a piece of it, but his grandmother, aunt and uncle runs everything and I tried to help a little. They all knew through his maturity level and all of his past actions he was not capable of very much. I was really good friends with his grandmother and step granddad and had helped them sometimes with their property. They wanted to give me a piece of property while they were redoing their will. This is where the jealousy, hatred, and revenge started. All of this was in aug. sept, while He was going through this love thing with two girls, one that didn't like him but took all his money (we all seen the money transactions of 2-400.00 a week) while the other girl was a long time friend that was black and he was having a very hard time with this but he said she liked him. This guy is Dylan Hester, about 27 that was born very premature about the size of a coke can with some physical problems that required surgery and meds. during his early years. As he grew up it was determined that he was extremely smart but years behind on a maturity level. Tried to get into the air force, couldn't physically but scored in the top 10% of people that take this test. As smart as he is he just can't put it all together, lives at home with his parents, has never paid anyone back, worked different jobs, always broke. Remember Dylan is very smart, enough to tape record, splice it all together, put the back ground noise in where some of it was in a quite rental apt we were working in, but not smart enough that when he recorded it on to his phone the dates and times was wrong. I have to keep time tables for the days my guys work for my workers comp. ins. Several recording was on days that we didn't work, some was on a week we didn't work, one on sat that I never work, one on my birthday to where I was out of town all day and his grandmother was there as well and when she confronted him with that he went off on her bad, that he would ruin her business as well, and a lot of other terrible, terrible things. All of this has been shown to law enforcement. Dylan brought up a lot of conversations about race, from how it was when they integrated the schools. I told him I was in the forth grade and there black kids at Dawson st. before that and I tried to explain to him how so much had changed from when I was child where the N word was used out in public all the time, and in the 70s I heard it way more from blacks than whites, as I got in business in the 80s I would have to tell some of the black guys working for me to stop calling each other that. In explaining the past I used the entire N word several time as I heard it in the past, yet had not used in many, many years. Dylan talked all about the riots, black lives matter, antifa, that were going on all summer, politics, Trump, and when I heard the tape of killing men women and babies I was shocked, had to listen to it a couple of times and that's when I knew he had spliced this together, and still took a while to figure out how and when I would have said that, in a quite apt. Dylan said Trump never did anything good, I told

him to remember for mouths before he was elected every morning there was a bombing in some country some where in the world by radical Muslims where they were cutting off heads, burning them in baskets, and told Dylan if all that had come to America don't think for a minuet they wouldn't go through the streets killing men, women, children, baby's ect. And there is no telling how many times he had me saying Lafayette court. Dylan got in to slavery. We talked a while how bad it was through out the history of the world, about the entire slave business, about how many gained there freedom and became import people doing good things, about how the government of the time freed the slaves with no plans to make things right, and/ or the option for the gov. to buy land in Africa and take anyone wanting to go back. As you can see Dylan pulled me into conversations that it is embarrassing. Dylan inserted words and parts of sentences together months ago and couldn't figure out how to use it to get some of his grand mothers property or to brake up our friend ship, so a few weeks ago he borrows money from me and more from a family member and decides to use it as blackmail not to pay it back. And here we are. I am very sorry to have upset everyone with some of the words I used, and I hate that Dylan used my voice and my individual words together to say things that made so many people mad. His jealousy, hatred, and revenge from 7 months ago has caused a lot of damage to a lot of people. Be very careful, a very smart kid with a recorder, cell phone, and computer, trying to pull you in to several controversial conversations can be very dangerous.

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