KEZ Chronicles May/June 2021

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KEZ CHRONICLES The latest news in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. "Kaptivating" Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter In This Issue A Word From Our President

Youth Groups of KEZ Look Forward

KEZ Soror Spotlight A Mother's Guidance, A Daughter's Decision KEZ in The Community

A Word From Our President To my KEZ Sorors, thank you so much for serving alongside me this historic sorority year. Serving the Bronx community this pandemic year was a major undertaking that was made possible only by the efforts of each of you, working individually and as a team committed to

March For Babies Walk 2021

organizing, promoting, hosting, and fundraising a myriad of successful virtual events. Thanks to your hard work and dedication, this year we raised thousands of dollars all ear marked to provide financial support for our sorority's international initiatives. This marks a significant accomplishment considering the great need that was realized throughout the pandemic.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter

To our Divine Nine family, community partners, family, and friends please know how very much your participation and dedication to KEZ is appreciated. Every single contribution made by every supporter made a difference and contributed to KEZ's ability to care, love, and serve. We look forward to serving alongside you in the coming months. On behalf of the


KEZ executive board, it is my pleasure and my great honor to say thank you. #KEZCares #KEZLoves #KEZServes

cont'd p.7


KAPPA EPSILON ZETA In the community

Nicole McIntyre represented KEZ at the Bharati Foundation and Vishnu Mandir temple's monthly food and clothing distribution in Soundview.

Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter in conjunction with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Alpha Alpha Omega Zeta Chapter, hosted a virtual forum with NYC Mayoral candidate, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.

Kappa Epsilon Zeta in conjunction with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated. Beta Psi Sigma Graduate Chapter, and members of the Zeta Male Network performed a cleanup at the joint Adopt-A-Highway site in Wakefield.

Janay Phillips-Wilson and Nicole McIntyre represented KEZ and assisted at Bronx Week's Grand Finale Concert at Orchard Beach sponsored by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.

KAPPA EPSILON ZETA In the community


Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter members participated in the 2021 Postcards to Swing States voting initiative. Postcards were mailed to New Jersey voters reminding them to make a plan to vote in their June 8 primary election.

December 2020 not only saw the induction of new members of the Kappa Epsilon Zeta Archonette Club, it also marked the creation of the Amicette and Pearlette Clubs. So what does the future look like for Kappa Epsilon Zeta's Archonettes, Amicettes, and Pearlettes?


"As we forge ahead with our youth we do so with great love, expectancy, and promise that their future will be bright. Always KEZ Cares, KEZ Loves, and KEZ Serves!" KAPPA EPSILON ZETA ARCHONETTE ADVISOR VERONICA FARRAR As the Archonette Advisor it is both rewarding and challenging working with our teens. Teenagers are in that special stage of life when they are maturing physically, mentally and socially; each looking to find their special place in the world. Being able to work with a team of Sorors who help to mentor, guide, and inspire our future leaders of young women is an honor. This 2020-2021 sorority year as an Advisor was met with many challenges, going from in-person meetings, fundraisers and community service efforts to virtual events. I am proud to say that the Archonettes rose to the occasion. In reference to community service they offered ideas to provide books for hospitalized children at the Montefiore Children’s Hospital, contributed to a can food drive to support our Community Service Partner, The Bharati Foundation and their final project of the year will support homeless and/or runaway young girls ages 16-20 who reside in a temporary shelter until placement can be acquired. These types of meaningful service projects allow the Archonettes to reflect upon their own blessings while developing a philanthropic mindset. The young ladies were also successful in their fundraising ventures which included a virtual Poetry Slam and E-raffle. A portion of the proceeds from their fundraising events provided a generous donation to our Kappa Epsilon Zeta Scholarship Fund, along with providing funding for books and can goods for both drives. Aside from the success of their service projects and fundraising, I am especially proud to see them flourish individually. We began the year with "as shy as can be” individuals and during this year they have become more vocal, and less afraid to speak out to voice their opinions or offer their ideas. Now we’re still working on response time and follow through, but I am hopeful that this area will get better as we move forward and hopefully as we are able to conduct in-person meetings. I am looking forward to continuing to work with the Archonettes and for the young ladies to bond with one another. In the future I see the Archonettes moving from shy girls into bold future leaders. I must thank Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. for entrusting me and the entire youth committee to serve in this great foundational role in the lives of our youth. As we forge ahead with our youth we do so with great love, expectancy, and promise that their future will be bright. Always KEZ Cares, KEZ Loves and KEZ Serves!

I'm so excited that Jayden is an Amicette and for more than the obvious reason. We live in a mixed community, but there aren't a lot of little Black girls where we live. Jayden being able to get to know and become friends with other little girls who share her experience has been wonderful. I'm amazed at the activities provided this year and how the Youth Auxiliary committee was able to keep the girls engaged virtually. They've done a truly awesome job. I look forward to the girls being able to meet in person next year and watching their friendships blossom. Jayden told me she enjoys doing different activities that help the community. She is looking forward to meeting in person and being able to take trips with the Amicettes. She would really like to do a clothing drive next year to help the community. - KEZ Member Keli Bell-Cole

One common denominator from this pandemic has been the impact it has had on our socialization, especially our children. My children have been attending virtual classes since the school went remote in March 2020. While they miss participating in their variety of in-person activities, I can say that I have been able to see positive development in Mia, who is an Amicette in our newly expanded Youth Auxiliary. While she was nervous joining the club, she volunteered for the position of secretary, and has taken great responsibility with taking minutes, reviewing them, and sharing them with her group. I have seen her apply responsibility and leadership in other scenarios where I thought she would be hesitant to speak up or take initiative. I am super proud of her growth, and personally looking forward to resume holding our meetings in person. Mia cheerfully anticipates the monthly meetings and shared the best part other than participating in activities with her BFFs, is the community service. She said she felt good making cards for the sick and elderly, and hopes that someday soon the club will be able to visit those populations and provide additional services in person. She would like to see the youth host a coat and glove drive in the fall and continue planning an art and fashion show. -KEZ Member Nicole Robertson-Scruggs

I wanted Sydney to be a part of the Pearlettes because socializing with her peers was always a challenge for her. This was a challenge made even more difficult with the pandemic and being in school virtually for over a year. I saw the youth group as an opportunity for her to socialize as well as learn more about some of the ideals I hold near and dear. - KEZ Member Dorrell King-Stewart


A Daughter's Decision DR. TAKASHI CRUM

IT IS OFTEN A WISH FOR A WOMAN OF ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY, INC. TO GAIN A "ZETA LEGACY" OR A DAUGHTER TO FOLLOW IN HER FOOTSTEPS Dr. Takashi Crum shares her experience with letting her daughter Soror Laineise Hunter make the decision on her own to pursue membership.

Legacy is defined as a candidate for membership in an organization (such as a school or fraternal order) who is given special status because of a familial relationship to a member. – Merriam Webster’s Dictionary I asked a fellow Kappa Epsilon Zeta chapter Soror, Charmaine Gardner how she felt about having not one, but two Zeta legacies, and she replied with the following; “It is always a sense of accomplishment when you find out that you have made an impact on your children’s lives. The joy that comes from knowing that you have passed down a legacy to your children is desirable. The knowledge of a gentle hand of guidance, the slow disdain for certain behaviors, and the careful tone of admonishment or friendly words of advice that hopefully influence decisions will bring parenting full circle. This silent clap or pat on the back exudes 'job well done!' Looking back, I can say that I am wholeheartedly in agreement, even though there was a time when I wasn't quite sure I'd have the chance to share this joy. For me, it was my hope that Laineise's exposure to our youth auxiliary groups from the Amicettes to Archonettes would set the foundation to seek the "Finer Way." Besides, is it not every Zeta's dream that her daughter follow in her footsteps? However, at one point I was unsure if I would gain a legacy as Laineise's selection was not set in stone. She made it clear to my Sisters that perhaps "Finer" was not the way but rather "pretty pink" (as it was her favorite color) piqued her interest. Of course, this revelation was rather disheartening. However, as a mother who always encouraged and supported independent thinking and knowing how Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. changed me, I knew patience would be a virtue. I knew it was imperative I act as a mother and not an overzealous Soror who could push her away with a threat or a tone of dismay in her potential selection. It was the whispered, reassuring words, “Sorority life is different at every college, you will know and feel a vibe when the time comes for you to make a choice.” My fellow Sisters, always exhibiting style and grace, supported my Laineise's need to be independent in making her choice as well. They never admonished her, but rather showed her the way with care and humility. We trusted her. I decided to ask KEZ Soror Whitney Kerr (daughter of Soror Kaye Kerr) if her exposure to Zeta at an early age influenced her decision to seek membership and her answer was a resounding yes. “KEZ taught me genuine kindness, the concept of sisterly love and the value of sisterhood at an early age.” Fortunately, this would again prove true. It was not an easy road to gaining a legacy, but the excellent presentation of Upsilon Chapter at Delaware State University along with the memories of being an Archonette solidified her decision. In the end, no brow beating or nudging was necessary. What worked was a steady listening ear and carefully selected words of wisdom which in turn, has transformed my heart to an elated glow of pride. My heart sang my daughter is my Soror! Finally, she is a legacy-my legacy, that will live forever, and we are forever thankful to the village. Soror Kerr said it best, “I knew that one day I would pursue membership and finally be able to join my mom and my 'Aunties' in the sisterhood. I wanted to be just like my mom because she is and always will be my best friend. I am so happy that I am able to call her and my Zeta Aunties my Sorors!” Gaining two legacies has given Soror Gardner a sense of elation. “Despite my legacies stealing my paraphernalia, it has been great fun sharing experiences, learning scrolls, and flashing the Zeta sign together. I also look forward to jointly attending Sorority events in the future.” Like Whitney, perhaps this is what Laineise felt all along but just needed a little time. Perhaps it was simply destiny she chose the Zeta way. I'm just elated that I can understand and relate to Soror Gardner's happiness. While Zeta Legacy is achieved with a mother’s guidance, ultimately it is a daughter’s decision. When the decision is made it is Oh, So Fine, Finer, and the Finest!

Kappa Epsilon Zeta Members & their Legacies CONTINUING

Soror Kaye Kerr and her daughter, Soror Whitney Kerr




Soror Charmaine Gardner and her daughters, Sorors Chantrelle and Jonelle Gardner

Soror Patricia Worthy and her daughter, Soror Whitney Worthy



Soror Cynthia Dunbar is a Zeta extraordinaire in every sense of the word.

Having held several positions throughout her tenure as a member of Zeta, Cynthia has given over thirty years of service in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Cynthia was initiated via Epsilon Nu Chapter at SUNY Albany in the Spring of 1991, and has not looked back since. Cynthia currently serves as President of the Kappa Epsilon Zeta Scholarship Fund.

NT: I just want to say congrats on 30 years in Zeta again. CD: Thank you, thank you. NT: How does it feel in a nutshell to say "30 years later?" CD: You know what? It doesn't feel like 30 years. It actually went by really quickly. So much as happened but what I'm happy to see is how Zeta is growing as an organization because when I first came in, everything was snail mail. So to see that there are many things we can do online, and have virtual meetings is actually exciting to see. NT: I see. So...take me back to the day you became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Was there any bit of advice you received that day that was stayed with you? CD: I will say that everyone said "this was the easier part" and "the work starts later." I think that they were absolutely right. Even though I thought the process was hard at the time, just being committed takes a lot of effort. It is a financial commitment, a time commitment, and it's easy to just say you know what I don't wanna do it..but this was a lifelong commitment that I made and I feel like because I made this commitment I'm going to stick with it. NT: And that you have. CD: Yes (laughs).

NT: While I know you absolutely cannot forget your Epsilon Nu roots, you have been a member of KEZ for the vast majority of your time as a Zeta. CD: 26 years. NT: Wow...yeah...long time. CD: Yes, most of my time has been in KEZ and I feel like KEZ taught me how to be a woman. I've grown professionally in KEZ, I've experienced spiritual maturity and emotional maturity. When I started in KEZ I was a young woman, and now I'm a seasoned woman. NT: See I like that you said "seasoned" because that is a word I like to use. You've mentioned how Zeta has evolved with time. How would you say KEZ has evolved? CD: When I first joined KEZ we had eight members. We were so small. I do believe that we as a chapter we have taken ourselves to task. I think we are good with parliamentary procedure now, which back in the beginning I would say not so much. I think we keep up with Zeta on the state, regional, and national level. When I first joined KEZ a lot of us were straight out of undergrad, so we didn't have money. We didn't go to conferences because we were trying to get our lives together and I think that some of that fell to the side. Now we are a mature chapter in comparison. The oldest member when I first joined KEZ was 26 years old. NT: Yeah, that is pretty young. CD: Now we have Sorors in different areas and stages of their careers and their lives. Some are younger, some are older, we even have a Dove (a Zeta who has been a member for 50+ years) so it is exciting. NT: Do you think the maturity has contributed to KEZ expanding so much? CD: I do think maturity is one factor, but I think the biggest factor is that we genuinely follow the principle of Sisterhood. I can honestly say that I see all the Sorors of KEZ as my sisters. I may not speak to you often or I may not even know you well, but if I see something in an email I will definitely respond to you because we are a Sisterhood. I think sometimes when people get overly political, the "sisterhood" aspect gets lost and I think that is why women get drawn to KEZ. NT: I can agree with that. So let us talk a little bit about the Scholarship Fund. CD: Yes NT: You've done a really great job with the fund. What influenced you or moved you to create a scholarship fund? CD: When KEZ gave out our first scholarship, we asked for donations and a lot of people were very generous. After they were very generous however, they wanted a receipt for tax purposes and I couldn't give them one. I spoke with my professional colleagues and I realized we had to do something to take it to the next level so we could get more income for the scholarship. NT: You know, funny enough, that actually wasn't the answer I was expecting. Not that it is a bad thing, I just didn't know that the origins of the KEZ Scholarship Fund were so "technical" in nature. CD: We were giving scholarships out prior to us getting a 501c3, but like I said, when someone gives a $500 donation, I realized that people wanted those receipts. I spoke with some attorneys I knew at the time from undergrad and they helped with the paperwork and it all came into place. NT: Interesting. I'm going to jump back. I wanted you to brag on yourself a little bit and explain the positions you have held in KEZ. CD: Ok, I have been the President, never the Vice-President, the 2nd Vice-President, 3rd Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, and Financial Secretary. NT: That is a lot. CD: Well we don't have this position now but I also served as Historian. NT: Thank you. Getting back to the Scholarship Fund, it has helped numerous college bound young women pay for college. Do you have a favorite memory from a past scholarship winner? CD: I actually have two and I'm gonna give you both of them. NT: Great.

CD: The first is when we gave out our very first scholarship in 2006. This was the first scholarship through the 501c3. We didn't have an event, so the recipient's mother wanted to meet us. We drove to her building and said well let's get her some things for college. Her mother hugged us and said "you ladies are amazing this is so helpful." I believe the award was only for $1,000 dollars, but the amount of emotion displayed felt amazing. The scholarship winner also hugged us as though she knew us. It was a great feeling. We really felt like we made a difference. NT: I love it. CD: My second memory is from our 2018 recipient. By then we were doing things a bit differently from before. I became the Vice-President of the Scholarship Fund in 2018 and what I have now implemented is our policy of following our recipients throughout their college careers. If they need support or advice they can come to us. I met up with our 2018 recipient after her freshman year and she said to me she felt as though she had real mentors. She would speak to us regularly. She mentioned how she was afraid to change her major from Science related to Psychology due to her parents. We gave her the pros and cons. She spoke with her father then reached out to us again and said how grateful she was for our mentorship and to have us in her life. So yeah, that was the second memory. NT: I guess that is what it's all about isn't it? CD: Yes NT: Making a profound difference. You may not think it is that big of a deal but in actuality, yeah it really is. Tell me, how can people donate to the Scholarship Fund? CD: The easiest way is to go to the website. There is a link. If you click the link it will take you directly to the website. NT: Can they donate throughout the year? CD: Absolutely. NT: Last question. I know this may sound trite, but is there any bit of advice that you typically give new members of the organization, whether new members of Kappa Epsilon Zeta, Epsilon Nu, or members that you happen to meet in passing? CD: I always say that we're in our honeymoon phrase when we first join the organization. You have to realize that all of us are human. Sometimes we can have a bad day. I believe communication is key. If you feel like a Soror has overstepped, I believe instead of getting upset, approach her. Let her know that she made you feel uncomfortable or offended. You'll find out that nine times out of ten people will apologize. We need to be able to give each other the benefit of the doubt and I think that sometimes we don't do that. We get upset and write people off. However, as Sorors, just as in any family, we're imperfect but loving and we will be there when you need us. NT: Spoken like a true OG of Kappa Epsilon Zeta. I know I said this was the last question but I feel like there is so much more. CD: Well let me say this. I will always encourage Sorors in a chapter to find something that they enjoy. Whether it is public relations, technology, etc. Everybody has their niche. Zeta needs everybody and we're just so talented. With that said, I encourage Sorors to not sit back and just attend meetings. Find what you enjoy doing, so that you continue to do it. I will also say how important it is to be a mentor. There are women who come into the organization who would benefit from it. I am a big proponent of mentorship. It is something I enjoyed in Epsilon Nu and here in KEZ. It builds relationships. NT: Thank you so much for your time. CD: Thank you.

Tips for practicing

Mindfulness As Covid-19 restrictions begin to ease around the country, many people still find themselves struggling to cope with the impact of the past year. Mental health professionals in the community were asked to provide their favorite tips for mindfulness, handling stress, and calming anxiety.

Coping with Stress: We are ALL going through personal life experiences, especially now that stress is heightened. Stress can exacerbate many things, including your physical health and overall wellbeing. Here are some tips that I personally do and share with others: - Focus only on what you CAN control in the situation and NOT what you can't. - Identify someone you can trust that can hold space for you to feel validated and someone you can talk to in your time. - Make sure you REST and find time to sleep. This is how your body regenerates and recharges EVERYTHING (systems in body, relaxes muscles, etc.) Melissa Luke, M.S., LMHC Licensed NYS Mental Health Counselor

- Find a counselor or therapist to have a neutral person help you to sort out and make sense of your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and experiences.

As we look back at the personal and collective challenges we’ve experienced in the last year; we can all agree that nothing is the same. Life is different and we are adjusting to our “ new normal." As we are adjusting and creating a new way of living-be gentle with yourself, tune into how you are feeling, reintegrate into society at your own pace and prioritize physical & mental wellness. Life isn’t easy, but we can choose to live a balanced life where we tune in and out from the world as needed and put ourselves first!

Daniélle Fairbairn-Bland, LCSW Owner, Uplifting Hearts Counseling @upliftingheartscounseling

Journaling is an effective self-care technique. Journaling reduces anxiety and stress and helps with depression management. Journaling also promotes rational thinking and self awareness. This has a positive correlation with the development of effective conflict resolution skills.

Jennifer B. Jackson, LCSW-R, CEAP Founder/ Psychotherapist Safe Space Therapy Services, LCSW, PLLC

Anxiety is a natural response to stressful situations. Often, anxious thoughts and feelings are preoccupied with the future. "What's going to happen next?" These thoughts and feelings often lead us to feeling out of control. My suggestion is to ground ourselves in the present. What is happening in the here and now? From moment to moment what actions can I take to support a shift in my perspective re: call a friend, do something that drastically shifts the mood (I am a fan of the one man T shirt and underwear dance party/self indulging twerk contest). I suggest never worry alone and share your thoughts and feelings whenever possible. When we have the opportunity and permission to share our anxious thoughts and feelings, the power that anxiety has Tfawa T. Haynes, MSW, LICSW He/Him/His, They/Them/Theirs

over us reduces significantly. Do not worry alone!


Kappa Epsilon Zeta raises funds for March of Dimes

For 50 years, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has enjoyed a partnership with March of Dimes. Kappa Epsilon Zeta participates in the March of Dimes Walk to help raise awareness due to the strong belief that every mother and child deserves the best care. Michelle Bobb, this year's team captain expressed her excitement. "Being the KEZ March For Babies Team Captain means so much to me. March for Babies deals with life and death issues. To be part of something that has such meaning, motivates me to encourage my Sorors to fundraise. I enjoy inspiring others and reminding them that we are truly making a difference in the lives of so many families. When my Sorors obtain donations, I feel a sense of pride. I'm proud because we are showing how we live up to our Zeta principles." As of June 5th , KEZ has raised $5,101.00.



This year I was motivated to walk for my baby cousin Nella! She is a thriving preemie that is also a rainbow baby. I am so happy to have her in my life. Thanks to the support of volunteers, donators, and walkers! - Juliet Duggins

I walk because I want to help provide resources that will help reduce/eliminate preterm births, infant deaths, and death from pregnancy complications. Just knowing how these issues disproportionality impact babies and women of color, motivates me to do all that I can to make a difference. - Michelle Bobb

I walk and fundraise because we need to improve access to community-based resources; to help combat preterm births. - Jennifer Jackson

I’ve joined the movement to participate in the March of Dimes. We must spread the word, and educate people on the importance of maternal health. Most importantly, uplifting our communities to make sure all moms and babies are HEALTHY!!!!!! Michelle Bobb Team Captain

- Cara Millington

Kappa Epsilon Zeta will accept donations until June 30th. To donate to Team KEZ, please go to /ZetaPhiBetaKEZChapter


r e v e r o F










































Soror Lynn Wills

August 2, 1985- Epsilon Chapter

Lynn pictured with Zeta Phi Beta Founders Myrtle Tyler Faithful and Fannie Pettie Watts

"Being in Zeta Phi Beta makes me proud to follow in the footsteps of a long line of women who made a difference.” HAPPY 30TH ZETAVERSARY

Soror Cynthia Dunbar & Soror Michelle Bobb April 27, 1991, Epsilon Nu Chapter

Cynthia pictured with Zeta Phi Beta Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful in Nov 1991

During my entire process of becoming a member of Zeta Phi Beta, Sorority Incorporated, I was told the hard work will come when I become a member. My undergraduate chapter, Epsilon Nu was committed to community service so they prepared me for my transition to a graduate chapter. Over the last 26 years of being a member of Kappa Epsilon Zeta chapter, I have been blessed to serve and give back to the community I grew up in. I was able to improve my leadership skills by serving on the KEZ executive board, and I formed lifelong relationships with Sorors. It has been an amazing journey.

My Zeta journey has changed my life for the better. Zeta gave me a sense of purpose. A purpose of wanting to give back to our communities. It also blessed me with Sisters and Brothers who have played a significant and positive role in my life's journey. Zeta simply made me feel that women of color can unite, inspire, and achieve.



Soror Deirdre Garrett-Scott

Soror Krystal Davis

May 16th, 1996-Omega Lambda Chapter

December 4th, 2010-Delta Beta Zeta Chapter

What ZETA means to me It’s the SISTERHOOD for Sorors are like no other. The ability to surround myself with strong, confident, fearless and passionate women who have my best interest at heart is the most rewarding. It is how my Sorors stand by me and with me during the toughest times and are the first to celebrate with me in the happiest times. When ZETA calls my Sorors ALWAYS answer the call. Looking back over my 25 year ZETA journey my heart is still filled with excitement, just like it was when I received my informational invitation!!

The principles of Zeta represent the standards that I try to hold myself to. Membership is a privilege not afforded to everyone and that encourages me to hold myself to a higher standard. To be "finer" means to be so in every sense of the word and I try to remember that in my daily life.



Soror Karen Jones

Soror Nicole Bell-Simon


Soror Charlene Clarke




Congratulations to our New York State Parliamentarian and Kappa Epsilon Zeta's Treasurer Veronica Straws-Malone for graduating from CUNY Lehman College with a Master of Science in Education (concentration in Middle Childhood Mathematics). "I’ve always had a love for education, but when I entered undergraduate school I took another path because I felt I wasn’t ready to be a teacher. A few years after getting my degree I applied for an educational transitional program but wasn’t accepted, so I let the dream go. In September 2018, while teaching at my church, a parent of one of my 6th graders was watching me teach the class. He inquired if I worked in the field of education and I shared I did not. Not knowing at the time he was a high school principal, he shared how I possessed the qualities of an educator and encouraged me to consider it. I felt maybe this was my time. My husband and I discussed it and we prayed on it. In December 2018, I was accepted in the NYC Teaching Collaborative Program as part of the 8th Cohort. In January 2019, I officially began my journey entering both Lehman College and the NYCDOE. I am currently approaching the end of my second year as a middle school mathematics teacher. I know now is the right time. I am grateful for this opportunity and the connections I have been able to foster with both my students and fellow educators. With Him, all things are possible."

Congratulations to our Elder Care Coordinator Kechea Brown and Sorors Jennifer Jackson, Cara Millington, Jacquel Wisdom, Jessie Pierre, and Deirdre Garrett-Scott for being honored by the Neighborhood Shopp Case Management Program- Friendly Visiting Program for their outstanding volunteer contributions.

Congratulations to Soror Sharnise Wingate for being featured on the Penn State World Campus website highlighting her return to Penn State University to complete a Bachelor of Science Degree in Cyber Security and Analytics to pursue a second career in cybersecurity after retiring from Verizon. Sharnise holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Human Development and Psychology from Fordham University (Class of 09'). Soror Wingate achieved a 4.0 GPA for the Spring 2021 semester. Check out the article below.

Congratulations Sorors and thank you for your excellence! EXPO PAVILLION, 31ST LOWER MANHATTAN


COMMUNITY RESOURCES March of Dimes "March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. We believe that every baby deserves the best possible start. Unfortunately, not all babies get one. We are changing that." March of Dimes National Office 1550 Crystal Dr, Suite 1300 Arlington, VA 22202 888-MODIMES (888-663-4637)

PATHHSEO, Inc. PATHHSEO @ Caldwell Temple "PATHHSEO devotes and engages various programs and services to help in the fight against hunger, the dependency of services and the many social repercussions of poverty." Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

BronxWorks "BronxWorks helps individuals and families improve their economic and social well-being. From toddlers to seniors, we feed, shelter, teach, and support our neighbors to build a stronger community." Administration Office BronxWorks 60 E. Tremont Ave Bronx, NY 10453 (646) 393-4000 To donate: Assistance Hotline: (718) 731-3114

The Bharati Foundation

“Connecting Resources To Those In Need” Ms. Bharati Sukul Kemraj 347-229-3664


UPCOMING EVENTS June 8, 2021 Meet and Greet with Maya Wiley In conjunction with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated Kappa Beta Sigma Brooklyn Graduate Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter will host a meet and greet discussion with NYC Mayoral Candidate Maya Wiley.

Register at

6 pm

June 16, 2021 Community cooking class Please join Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Kappa Epsilon Zeta Chapter, Kappa Epsilon Zeta Scholarship Fund, and GrowNYC for a free virtual cooking class for the Bronx Community.

Register at

6pm to 7:30pm

July 2, 2021 Win Big With KEZ Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Kappa Epsilon Zeta chapter will be hosting a raffle to raise funds for our community programming, community service and the KEZ Scholarship Fund. We would be extremely grateful if you would purchase raffle tickets to help us reach our goal of $10,000. Drawing to be held on July 2, 2021.

Enter at

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! SEE YOU SOON! About the Editor Nyahalay Tucker was initiated into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated in December 2009 via Kappa Epsilon Zeta. She currently serves as Editor of KEZ Chronicles and chapter journalist. Please send all inquires to

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