How do I become a Cigar Aficionado

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How do I become a Cigar Aficionado?

Do you feel intrigued by cigars? Do you find yourself more curious to learn about cigars, their origins, techniques, and everything about the world of cigars? If yes, you might be interested in becoming a cigar aficionado.

A cigar aficionado is a person who loves cigars, knows about them, and displays expertise or zeal for cigars. To be precise, a cigar aficionado is someone who has mastered the art of growing, aging, and blending the premium tobaccos used for cigar-making. Their status as cigar aficionados is undeniable.

While there is no official certification or degree to become a cigar aficionado, not every cigar smoker is a cigar aficionado. To become a cigar aficionado, deep cigar knowledge is essential.

Most often people get confused between cigar aficionados and cigar connoisseurs. Let’s see how they are different.

What is the difference between cigar aficionados and cigar connoisseurs?

Most people think that cigar lovers are called cigar aficionados and connoisseurs. However, there is a difference between them.

In general, cigar connoisseurs are the experts who understand the details, techniques, or principles of the art of cigar-making and are competent to act as a judge of quality. On the other hand, cigar aficionados fall into the category of being a fan who knows a great deal about cigars and their different flavors and appreciate cigar-smoking ritual.

A cigar lover is simply someone who indulges in the passion for cigars as an aficionado but later becomes a connoisseur through critical knowledge and discriminating taste.

How to Become a Cigar Aficionado

Smoking cigars, gaining knowledge and appreciating the taste, aroma, and recreation that cigars offer is the key to becoming a cigar aficionado. For cigar aficionados, some people attempt to substitute the word ‘sommelier’ which is like comparing apples with oranges.

Unlike sommeliers, there is no formal study needed to become a cigar aficionado. In other words, you can become an expert on cigars without any exams.

Talk to a local cigar retailer when buying cigars. Listen to their recommendations. Read online about cigars. Check out premium bespoke cigar blends from an online cigar shop. Premium cigars are often handmade in dozens of different shapes and blends. Get to know them and recognize them.

Smoke different varieties of cigars, different brands, and from different regions. Notice the subtle differences. Start a cigar journal and log the details about cigars you like, identify the differences you notice, and also note down about the cigars you don’t like.


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