L3 Magazine | December 2011 | No. 006

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR We are our own Savior I may anger some people when I say this, especially with the time of year that we’re in (Christmas), but I just have to say it: you are your own savior. Yes, you are! I’ve had the opportunity to speak to so many people from many walks of life about their career (not all are musicians, some are in finance, design, architecture, medicine and sports) and how they were able to ‘make it’ out of dire circumstances to now walk in a place of abundance. They have all told me the same thing. They had to make a decision to move from where they were, to where they wanted to be. THEY had to do it; there was no ‘savior.’ Each of us has the ability to move from point ‘A’ to point ‘B.’ we don’t know how we’re going to get there, we just know we’re going and that’s the way it should be. The beauty of life’s wisdom is that it will provide all the people and events we need to get to where we want to go. We just have to remain focused. This month’s edition of L3 Magazine features KES The Band, Tia Mowry and Tyra Myricks. Each of these people is incredible in their own way. KES describes his childhood, and how all of his early experiences prepared him for the path he’s on today while Tia talks about motherhood and balancing family with career while Tyra, daughter of Hip Hop legend Jam Master Jay from RUN DMC shares that there are no limits to what we can do. The common factor in all three people is they did not wait for someone else to do for them, they did for themselves. As we celebrate this Christmas season, and we share holiday joy with each other and make plans for the New Year, I ask one thing of you! Celebrate you! Celebrate the fact that you can take yourself from where you are, to where you want to go. You are your own savior, and that is worth a celebration!

Natasha Von Castle

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