L1 Premium Goods: The Left Handed Bastards

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LEFT HANDED BASTARD | ˈleft ˈhænd d ˈbæst rd | 1. Someone who is driven through their desire to perfect their craft 2. Unique individuals who don’t follow the straight and narrow path 3. Usually right brained, creative, eccentric 4. Abnormal, extraordinary, inspiring


We coined the term “Left Handed Bastard”

snowboarding. I think as a snowboarder, you

as someone who has a unique or inspired

kind of forget to look forward and really think

life. How would you say you have strayed

about what you want to do after, you just live in

from the unconventional path?

the moment and think its going to last forever. I feel really lucky for the opportunity I got with

I guess the things I’ve chosen to do in life as far

L1, and even more lucky that it’s something I

as making a living have been relatively risky, and

truly enjoy doing.

uncertain. I guess I’ve just always taken a slightly unconventional path.

I would say you have a pretty distinct sense of style, I even heard that you used

You have been a professional snowboarder

to dress your girlfriend. How does your

for at least a decade now – For many that’s

personal style affect your designs?

a dream – getting paid to snowboard, how was that?

Ha Ha! I would say that it affects my designs 100%. I just think about what I would wear,

It was pretty amazing, I feel really lucky to have

what colors I like, and things I think are cool

experienced that. Like anything you do for

but I might not necessarily wear. The women’s

money it does become a job, but I can’t think

stuff is a bit trickier; obviously I can’t say to

of a better one. I got to see so many amazing

myself would I wear this? I guess I mainly go

places that I would most likely have never seen if

off of things that I personally like to see girls

it wasn’t for snowboarding.

in, and get a lot of direction from [the design team] Ming, Allison, and Jen. I feel really lucky

What’s your favorite or most memorable

to work for a brand that’s overall look is pretty

place you have been to and why?

consistent to what I’m into; it makes the whole design process much easier for me.

I would have to say Tokyo, That place is just so amazing! You see the extreme on every end of

What is a typical day for you?

the spectrum; it’s really like no place I’ve been before. When I went I think I was 23 or so for a

Wake up around 7. Make some coffee or get a

shop tour and video premier. They had beer in

coffee, which is a must. Head to the skate park

vending machines, and the craziest airsoft guns.

around 8 or so, skate for a bit, come home and

I just remember getting this Winnie the Pooh

start working. Maybe take my dogs for a hike

costume and a fully automatic airsoft gun, and

around 7 or 8 when it starts to cool off. That’s

just raising hell for a full week straight. I’m sure

a pretty typical day for me, filled with routine

that hotel was happy to see us go…

and habits. I live a pretty quiet life these days.

Many know you as a Jon Kooley the

What are your favorite parts of the day?

snowboarder, but now you have made the transition into clothing design. Why did

That varies from day to day, normally I like the

you make that transition?

morning, having that first cup of coffee and checking my emails. I like to sit outside on the

I always had an interest in it, but I didn’t think

deck, its super relaxing.

it was ever something I would be doing after


There are lots of photos floating around

I really want a new Harley that is just stock,

the Internet with you and motorcycles.

something I can just take long road trips on

How did you get into it and Are you

comfortably. Plus having a stock bike the cops

building or planning on acquiring any new

wouldn’t really be able to mess with me much.

motorcycles in the near future? If you could do only one thing for the rest It started with my buddy Chris; he got into bikes

of your life – what would it be?

probably 10 or more years ago. He was always cursing around and going on trips, it looked so

I’m not really sure maybe play the guitar. I feel

fun and I just wanted to experience that. I don’t

like that’s something I can do forever.

think I’m going to build a bike ever again...



Justin “Chip” KENISTON 8

Justin you snowboard on a professional

really fun! Plus its really good for you, so that’s

level, and work a normal job as well. Is it

always a plus.

difficult to work and film? Where do you work to pay the bills?

What’s a typical day for you?

It gets a little difficult at times, but luckily (blue

I wake up with some coffee, take my dog to the

plate) the diner that I work at is usually really

skate park, cruise around until I find something

mellow about me taking time off as long as

that will be a good time for the rest of the

there’s a little notice. It sucks though when

day, whether its cruising my moto or bicycle,

trips or opportunities come up and I can’t take

backyard games, hanging out with the boys

advantage of them because of being stuck at

or work on some sort of project…And there’s

work, But that’s life…

always work too.

To me its very inspiring to see someone so

You are a huge dog lover and advocate –

dedicated to snowboarding. How hard is it

everybody who knows you knows your

to come up, and make it as pro these days?

dog Red – what is it about a man and his dog that is so special?

Shit, Coming up is so hard! There are so many amazing snowboarders out there and new faces

I don’t know, she’s awesome to have around all

that are killing it. I wish I actually knew how to

the time. She’s always up for what ever I want

“come up” or “make it as a pro.” I’m just doing

to do so its easy and keeps her happy.

what I can, while I can and well see where that takes me.

We consider a “Left Handed Bastard” someone who lives a unique or inspired

What are some other things you’re into

life. What makes your life unconventional

besides snowboarding?

by societies standards?

Besides snowboarding… Well I’ve always

Well, Straight out of high school I moved out

loved skateboarding, that’s what got me into

to Utah to snowboard. Now I find myself doing

snowboarding. Got into motorcycles a couple

what ever I can to support myself and my dog

years ago, built a bike with my buddy and

while still getting out there every day and doing

have been hooked ever since. This summer I

what I love and having a good time doing it.

also got into some mountain biking, Utah has

You’ve got to have fun and enjoy life, why else

some of the best biking in the country so its

would we be here?


Do you have any of your own personal

If you could do only one thing for the rest

projects that you are working on?

of your life – what would it be?

No big projects at the moment, but there are

It would be pretty cool to camp for the rest of

always little day-to-day projects, can always find

your life, I love camping and living out of the

something to do or work on. I’d like to think I’m

back of my truck.

pretty good at keeping myself busy



Keith HAINS 12

How long have you been a tattoo artist

out at the shop all day with them while they got

for? What made you decide that’s what

tattooed , man I was blown away! The shop had

you wanted to do?

some old timers and younger tattooers working there the interaction between artist and clients

I ‘ve been tattooing for around 15 years, in

, shop antics tuff ass images.... Changed my

a shop since 1999. I got a scholarship for art

art style and started researching any kind of

school, went for a year then got kicked out

tattoo imagery I could find! I was just starting

for going to jail during finals week. Did a

high school trying to get a apprenticeship.

mediocre apprenticeship while working a full

Getting told to fuck off or ill teach ya fer

time job doing fiberglass work, then a year

10,000$ seemed impossible. So i started getting

er so of house tattooing up in Casper WY. I

tattooed often and found some one willing to

don’t really count the first while cause it was

teach me It was a lot harder thing to get into

borderline blind leading the blind... Seems to

back then. There wasn’t a shop on every other

be like most apprenticeships theses days. I really

corner Or Internet back then. It’s not that long

felt tattooing was the perfect profession for

ago but the mid nineties it was a different scene

me, still do! Like i was groomed for it growing

from today.

up i was around tattoos. All the men and most of the women in my family had tattoos, hand

You seem so excited every time you’re

pokes, biker and old military stuff. There was

tattooing, how do you keep it fresh after

never really a stigma about tattoos . One of

tattooing for so long?

my earliest memories was my Dad and Uncle Bud coming home late at night loud and drunk

It’s fairly easy to stay excited! Each day is a

with there new peacock cover up tattoos! I was

different subject matter and problem to solve,

probably like 6 haha. My dad always supported

guess I’m am fortunate that I never looked at

my art hooked me up with supplies and saw

tattooing for the money and the scene of it

that i wanted to be a artist of some sort. He

so never felt I had to chase or fit in too much

taught me to believe in and follow my dreams.

with the flavor of the month club... Hahaha

Moving around a lot as a kid I learned quick

also getting to choose who i work around,

you could instantly get in with girls and the

about the interaction with clients and being

badass crowd by drawing them a picture with

a craftsman has been the most important. I

some skull or rose with their name in it and you

fucking love the combo of the two. I’ve burnt

were in! I was that kid hand poking tattoos on

out a couple times in the past, taking a few

my friends in like 6th grade... making mommas

months off to just travel see family and friends

cry!!! Living between parents and moving

to let the stress and mind clear. Some times ya

around i had to start over in a lot of different

just get emotionally full, touching people you

schools. So that always stuck with me and when

absorb alot of energy positive and negative

I found tattooing natural it became a obsession

specially when you hurting them and listening

and career choice. Didn’t want to be a at home

to some pretty gritty life stories and acting

scratcher just tattooing friends, really wanted

as a guide or therapist in a way. But on the

to be in a shop doing conventions and traveling

other hand you hear the best most uplifting

meeting people of the same mind set. When

stories! This path has gave me a amazing cross

I was 15 got to go to Denver with my brother

examination of the human condition, thats why I

who was in a touring punk rock Band called

reckon I love traveling so much. I’m comfortable

One Good Eye, watched them play with Schlep

in about any situation and can have a amazing

Rock ,DFL and Pinhead Circus then got to hang

time with all kinds of people , man 95% of


people are so kind generous and considerate its

traveling pretty heavily. During those 9 years

when folks get in groups and get pack mentality

in logan i Started sailing a few times a year

going it can get dicey... Then there is always the

with my pops thru Texas,Florida, Louisiana,

true assholes, but they are awesome too cause

and Mexico! That opened my eyes wide and

its a easy trait to spot, at least you know how

made me want to travel more and more, we

to take em... Or just leave em be and they don’t

sailed together for some years and had great

care either way hahaha. I kinda found a great

adventures. It was very hard to leave logan,

appreciation for true assholes the older I get. I

had a great shop best friends and a awesome

digress... Man it’s like Bukowski said find what

clientele! My Dad passed away with no

you love and let it kill ya, that was a true blue

warning and it was a real hard blow to me and

human there!

my family, that Guy was my best friend and father. Through that I was now the owner of a

What took you to from Salt Lake City to

beautiful sail boat and was trying to split time

Texas? Was it hard leaving your shop in

between Utah,Wyoming,Montana and Texas...

Logan, and what are you doing now?

Gave over the shop to Nate and everything else i owned away then moved to Texas to live on the

Well the move from Wyoming to tattoo in

boat and try to do the damn thing... The new

Vegas in 99 was the first jump, was thinking at

goal is to be living and sailing Through Central

that time I wanted to move about every three

America for a couple years, seems that my soul

years and try to work in different shops. So

is yearning to leave the US and be in a different

spent around 3 years in Vegas and picked up

culture all together. Wasn’t running away from

some good lesions about hustle of street shop

my old life,it was time to start a whole new one!

tattooing that was a fun shop! Was burning out on the life Style and pace started to look at slc

Whats a typical day for you?­­

and met Rich from Big D, started to travel to get my sleeve started and landed the A job with the

A typical day... Haha well that’­­­s a tuff one

original crew there! Some great tattooers and

cause with no schedual or impending dates the

felt tattooing was the main drive not the money

last two years, it’s been wide open! Did some

or scene stuff. Was awesome the first year then

awesome trips gotta go spend some months in

that crew split and did there own shops. Started

Montana on my property just working outdoors

to go up to Logan and Work with Sailor Jim n

and pretty much living off the land, also went

Nate who i worked with in SLC and felt very

to Sweden and Norway for a couple months!

comfortable and a good fit so packed again

Lots of exploring the texas and Louisiana coast

and went to work with him, it was like retiring

walking and Kayaking around finding the

from the scene and getting to concentrate

hidden spots that have been forgotten about.

on tattooing painting outdoors activities and

Those are the places I tend to feel most comfy,

traveling with a crew of three responsible artist

like the places your not supposed to go or ya

there was no micromanagement BS and had

dont really hear about hahaha Fishing,Painting

full reins of my life and time. Few people came

tons, reading, and working on my boat learning

and went but was always a nice tight family

how all the systems work. The first while it was

around there. I took Nate as a apprentice that

those sort of activities. The only restriction is

guy is very driven in all endeavors he takes on

money seems everything costs something! Haha

then Sailor Jim split to do a private studio, me

starting completely over with no clients no shop

and Nate started 1896 in Logan Ut and started

man i haven’t been this broke since I was 18

more top notch guest artist friends out and

years old! Seems I don’t get paid with monetary


value these days, instead it’s more about sites

mix now storm season is over and the northern

and folks experiences that are priceless! It’s

winds are back in the gulf. That answered both

great tho, like the decisions are made. Living in a

yer questions ther I reckon...

boat ya don’t have room for excess if I get a new pan or a pair of pants I have to throw one out!

We consider a “Left Handed Bastard”

So it’s like take care of what you have and if i do

someone who lives a unique or inspired

buy something it better be quality built to last

life. What makes your life unconventional

and worth the coin. No more disposable culture.

by societies standards?

Now I have came down to Aransas Pass/Port Aransas Tx. and opened a family style small shop

I’m super stoked to be considered a Left Handed

called Brotherwolf Sistermoon with my great

Bastard! After spending some time with all the

friends Josh and Samm, it’s just the three of us,

guys on the team I think each one of us has

Its the perfect laid back vibe. They completely

lived there life and dreams in their own way,

understand my goals and encourage all new

sticking to plan A and not having to step on

plans so its very stress free work environment.

or over anyone to succeed in life’s ambitions.

Man I couldn’t ask to be surrounded by better

No Egos and Letting our heart, mind, passions

humans, we are all on the same page with goals

shine bright, and be the driving force behind

about life tattooing and art styles in general.

goals! Not signing up for the American societal

Now my typical day is wake up around 8am get

norms. I have never really signed up the new

the Spearfishing gear together with Josh read

mentality of chase the money and power then

up on the water turbidity tides temps look at

you will be happy. Instead I’ve found my own

google earth for new areas to possibly hit up.

way to chase happiness and find beauty and

Drive anywhere from 5-20 minutes and hop

some contentment everywhere. I just don’t

in the water to spearfish for 2-3 hours, fillet

want to spend my life and youth making some

the fish, get showered up and go to the shop.

one else comfortable, instead I’ll enjoy each

It makes for a great work out! Plus dinner is

day having full rein on life and what the future

ready for after work! It’s awesome to wake up

brings. Living on the outside of “normal” society

get in the ocean leave the land and freedive

focusing the love and the energy I do have,

into another world, ya feel refreshed and alive

more towards positivity and doing the right

for the day! Get to the shop clean do all the

thing for no other reasons. The time is now!!!

shop chores get drawings together for the day

It comes back ten fold, its a shake of the dice

and hopefully bang out some tattoos work on

some times for sure haha. I plan on spending

paintings laugh listen to great music meet new

the next 5 years traveling and seeking out some

people... Feels good being back in a shop! Wind

truth whatever that may be? Nameste and Fair

down the day,drink a couple beers more laughs

winds to all the people who support and help

talk about future trips n where we will go fishin

out when no one is watching! Thank you guys

next... The last couple months have been great.

the L1 Team and all the left handed bastards

We will start throwing some sail trips in the

out there!!!


Steven STONE 18

We coined the term “Left Handed Bastard”

becomes a hazy memory from a decade ago.

as someone who has a unique or inspired

Photographs help me remember, which I guess

life. How would you say you have strayed

is kind of their purest purpose. Beyond that, I

from the unconventional path?

love images. I grew up drawing and painting, having no idea that photography was even a

I don’t know that I would’ve called myself one

job... it never crossed my mind to think of where

before this... I just know that since I was a kid,

the photos I’d see came from, I kind of assumed

I’ve kind of been an outsider. I grew up in a

they just “were”, if that makes sense. During my

very religious household and community, and

brief stint in art school, I had to take an intro to

realized pretty quick that the only way to get

photo class, and I realized super quick that this

left alone to do my thing was to disappear

was a whole new world that allowed me to get

and do it, without asking permission... that’s

outside of a studio to tell the same stories I’d

kind of just what I’ve always done. I never saw

been trying to tell from behind an easel. With

much need to fit in with the people around me,

photographs, there’s no way to fake the funk ---

because I never wanted to be like them, anyway.

the only way to get a shot of somebody doing something rad is to go out and shoot somebody

What are your top three passions in life?

doing something rad. Assemble the necessities, hit the road, and do whatever it takes to make

Making things, be they photos or otherwise.

it happen... I like to think of photographers

Motorcycles. People. The order varies by

as being the plumbers of the art world --- it’s

the day.

about as blue-collar as making images can get. It’s all problem solving... how to get a light up

What do you do to pursue them?

there, how to tie knots that’ll fight the wind, how to get 3 generators, wardrobe, and a van-

I give them every ounce I have. I give them my

full of grip to the other side of that river... I kind

money, my sleep, my blood... everything I have.

of get off on all that shit, too. Beats the hell out

There is no rainy-day stash of anything hidden

of sitting around mixing paints.

under a bed... I’ll give whatever I’ve got today and have faith that tomorrow whatever I need

For those who know you, you are obviously

will somehow come through... and it usually

a passionate photographer and you shot

does. My kind-of-hippie-ex-girlfriend used to

our recent L1 Street wear look book /

always say, “do what you need - if you make

Road trip. What have been some of the

room, the universe will provide”... I hate to

challenges for you to stay true to your

admit that she’s right, but she is.

love of photography and make it your livelihood?

Why do you take still photographs of the world and its happenings – why is this so

Man...It’s the livelihood part. It’s so easy to

special and important to you?

get jaded. As I type this, I’m going back and forth with my attorney via text, trying to get

I think a lot of it has to do with my shit memory.

all my ducks in a row so we can issue a cease

I forget everything. I always have. It’s not that

and desist order against a dead-beat client

I’m unintelligent or anything like that... I just get

who hasn’t kept up their end, months after I

so wrapped up in whatever I’m doing that this

delivered. When all the fun part is handled,

moment, it becomes everything to me. And

there’s still the fact that this is a business --- it’s

whatever happened this morning suddenly

still my livelihood. I still have to give the IRS


a massive chunk, I still have to make sure my

office by 3 or 4. Retouch until I fall outta my

team is paid; I still have to pay rent and medical

chair, usually around 3AM... if the sky is cool,

bills and student loans, just like everyone else.

wander around and look for shots. If not, fall

And I’m a one-man show... I have a team of

asleep listening to metal. A couple times a

regulars that I use on set, but the minute I get

week, break the last part up by hitting the city

home, it’s up to me to retouch everything, to

with good people and puking on something.

handle the bills, to deal with maintenance on my equipment, to return rental gear, to handle

What are your favorite parts of the day?

invoicing, to pitch the next job, to meet with needy clients, and so on and so on... it’s a 24/7

Depends on the day! But I love nights...

gig. It wears on ya’ some days. Somehow in

midnight to 3AM are the best. Whether I’m

the middle of all that, you’re supposed to figure

out or alone... if I’m out, I’m enjoying myself.

out how to have a “normal” life... make time for

And if I’m home, nobody is bothering me and

friends and family and girlfriends and eating.

I can focus 100% on what I’m doing. Which is

But the days that it’s good? I can’t imagine

also enjoying myself. And pretty often I’ll just

doing anything else.

go hop on the bike and blast around looking for something to shoot at night. I love that

Are there certain photographers that

shit. I love people, but I value the fuck outta

inspire you?

my alone time.

So many. Some famous, some that will likely

What is your favorite part about the L1

never publish a photo... some photojournalists,

street wear and the products?

some action guys, some fashion shooters. There are so many amazing photographers

I love shit that fits. You could get away with

out there. But amongst the most influential,

wearing a pillowcase if the fit was right. L1

for me, I’d have to say Todd Hido, Nadav

definitely focused on cutting their goods to

Kander, Helmut Newton, Tim Heatherington,

fit in a way that looked good and felt right...

Adam Wright. Those are pretty solid as my

no ridiculous amount of slack, no sagging

top 5. Honestly, though, I probably pull most

armpits. Ill-fitting clothes are for Jr. high school

of my influence and stoke from music and

heathens... I’m an adult, I’m a professional, and


although I may not fit in like the squares, I still like to present myself as a dude who has his

What is a typical day for you?

shit together. The L1 line fits my style and fits in a way that doesn’t make me feel like a gutter

If I’m on the road, nothing is typical. If I’m

punk dropout.

home, it’s pretty standard: Wake up early, never later than 7:30. Drink some coffee and

When shooting photographs what do you

smoke some cigarettes before I bother with

always have with you, besides a camera?

pants. Gym if I’m feeling ambitious. Post up at the command station in my underwear and

I always need to have cigarettes, beer, good

handle emails, texts, calls and business bullshit

people and a desire to explore. If I’ve got those

until noon-ish. Shower for a minimum of 30

elements, nothing can fail.

minutes or 3 shower beers, whichever comes first. Burn by the shop and waste a minute with motorcycles. Then return back to the home


Do you have any of your own personal

If you could do only one thing for the rest

projects that you are working on?

of your life – what would it be?

So many, but I never talk about those until

Keep making things. I really don’t care what

they’re done... I’ve got a habit of taking on way

as long as I’m pushing myself to make the next

too many, and then getting called out for the

one better.

ones that never happened. I’d rather just finish the ones that are possible and let those shine.


Paul BROWN 22

We coined the term “Left Handed Bastard”

working things out creatively and solving

as someone who has a unique or inspired

problems. Working at home is a luxury because

life. How would you say you have strayed

I can be here for my family when they need

from the unconventional path?

something and they give me a lot of inspiration in return.

That’s difficult for me to say because I just do what I do. It’s not intentional. I wear the same

What are your favorite parts of the day?

shorts for days on end and watch a ridiculous amount of Netflix streaming movies while I

My favorite parts of the day are probably once

work. Obviously, being a creative person and

morning emails are done and I can turn on

making a living from it doesn’t necessarily go

some tunes or a movie and get into a drawing,

hand in hand but I have been fortunate enough

illustration, or something else creative. Sending

to make it work. I guess not having to commute

graphics off to the factory at some point during

to an office or another off-site workspace; I

the day is also a nice part of the day because

think I defy convention in that regard. I actually

there is a sense of accomplishment and I can

think of myself as kind of normal... kind of.

check those bastards off the list. Being able to take a break from work and go play with my

What are your top three passions in life?

kids is for sure the best part of my day. My son loves to come into the studio and sit on my

Family. Drawing. Comic books.

motorcycle too, so that’s pretty cool!

What made you decide to become an

You have been making graphics for

artist? Have you always wanted to work as

companies like, Forum, Nitro, Loser

a designer/artist?

Machine, and many more for years now – do you have any of your own personal

There was no other choice for me... I would be a

projects that you are working on?

lot less sane if there was not a creative outlet for me to pour myself out into.

I have been researching and reading a lot in preparation for a sci-fi graphic novel I plan on

What is a typical day for you?

illustration and writing someday.

Depending on deadlines and other scheduling

If you could do only one thing for the rest

I pretty much start the day as early as possible

of your life – what would it be?

and end when I have no more creative energy left or just need to step away from

Draw. Draw. Draw.

the computer, but even then my mind is still





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