215 Upcycled: An inside look at a young women's small business

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By Kylie Conners

An inside look at a young woman's small business.



Isabella Dahrouch

Dahrouch, 21, posing in her off-campus apartment room that is double as her workspace in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.

Isabella Dahrouch is the creator and founder of the small business, 215 Upcycled. What started out as a way to make some extra cash has now become a full passion project and business all in one. At first, Dahrouch was selling old clothes of her own but found that a better way to make money was to resell reworked and thrifted pieces.


Orders packed and ready to go in North Philadelphia on April 21, 2021.



Dahrouch, 21, sewing a top for a new line in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.

Dahrouch, 21, taking content for her Instagram in North Philadelphia on April 14, 2021.

As someone who has always been passionate about sustainable fashion, thrifting and flipping became an easy hobby for Dahrouch to pick up. This progressed even more to her beginning to sew her own designs and grow a following of young trendy adults looking for unique apparel. Dahrouch shares her journey of the growth and development of 215 Upcycled, and how it has impacted her life.



Victoria Betterly, 20, styling a Harley Davidson sweater, and bleached jeans for a future drop in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.



Inspired by fellow small business owners like herself, Dahrouch utilizes Pinterest to keep up with trends and help develop a style of her own. When Dahrouch started, she had little to no experience in sewing. At 19-years-old she took it upon herself and self-teach the ins and outs of a sewing machine, with the help of the internet. "Youtube was my best friend," Dahrouch said, now 21 years old.

Ava Ahern, 22, styling handmade Cow Print Plush Bag in North Philadelphia on April 14, 2021.

215 Upcycled packaging in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.

Dahrouch's sewing set up in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.


Dahrouch explains her process of buying and selling for her business. She utilizes a technique known as online sourcing, which is where one determines the most costefficient way to produce and distribute their secondhand products. One of her favorite online apps is called Vintage, where she has sourced materials numerous times. Dahrouch always made it a priority to keep her sourcing as sustainable as possible. She also makes consistent efforts to utilize local thrift stores to find cost-efficient yet high-quality materials to resell or rework. "I go to the Goodwill outlets a lot because it's like $1 a pound for all of the clothing," Dahrouch said.


Bundles of 215 Upcycled pieces at college apartment in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.

Anthony Essick, 20 styling vintage green crewneck in North Philadelphia, on April 22, 2021.




Dahrouch, prepping her packing slips to ship out to her customers in North Philadelphia, on April 21, 2021.

Abigail Newham, 21 styling Harley Davidson orange tie-dyed jeans in North Philadelphia, on April 21, 2021.

Running a small business as a college student can be extremely hectic, over the past year Dahrouch has found many sufficient ways to run and organize her business. Once her following grew, her typical process of Instagram drops and Venmo charging became too overflowed to keep up with efficiently. Dahrouch had enough following and traction to make a full website for her customers to purchase from as well as keeping up with new drops. "Everything's just basically through the website and then Instagrams more for advertising and customer questions," said Dahrouch. Occasionally, Dahrouch will still release small clothing drops via Instagram for her followers, these tractions are done through either Venmo, Paypal, or CashApp.



Abigail Newham, 21 styling hand-made reworked button up in North Philadelphia, on April 21, 2021.

Anthony Essick, 20 styling vintage Nike hoodie in North Philadelphia, on April 22, 2021.

Ava Ahern, 22 styling Harley Davidson tee in North Philadelphia, on April 14, 2021.



Dahrouch, 21 making a TikTok of outfits she’d wear to brunch at The Nest in North Philadelphia, on April 16, 2021.

Throughout her journey, she has also made numerous relationships with a wide variety of brands. Dahrouch would collaborate with other small businesses for giveaways to grow her following even more. Recently Dahrouch has been collaborating with Temple's off-campus apartment, The Nest. She has created social media content, pop-up shops, and a giveaway with The Nest.



As her business has become more and more successful, Dahrouch has realized she wants to transform her business into a full-time career. She's planed to dedicate her summer to growing and strengthening her business to a professional level. "I didn't get an internship because this is what I want to do, now that I know I can do it, I just want to take off full gear," said Dahrouch.

Dahrouch, 21 organizing her pieces on clothing rack in North Philadelphia on April 14, 2021.

215 Upcycled business card and tag in North Philadelphia, on April 21, 2021.


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