TRANSforming Fair Housing in St. Louis (2023 EHOC)

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Policy Goals Modernize Bank Standards Banking underwriting standards need to be modernized to easily accommodate name changes during the application process. Local lenders should review and update their own processes, and advocate for trans-inclusive updates to documents such as Form 1003 (Universal Residential Loan Application).

Create Universal HCV Vouchers Respondents indicated that housing costs are a major barrier to stable housing. Universal HCV (a/k/a Section 8) vouchers would provide subsidies for trans folks and members of other protected classes who face wage and income discrimination.

Ease Process to Update Deeds Trans homeowners often report confusion and difficulty with reflecting their name changes on deeds. Professional organizations and Recorder of Deeds offices can address this barrier by publishing informational toolkits with plainlanguage instructions and free legal forms, such as an "Affidavit of One in the Same Person".

Trans-Inclusive Local Housing Rights Many of the rental housing and shelter barriers reported by transgender St. Louisans also negatively impact other St. Louisans. County and municipal governments should enact comprehensive Tenants Bill of Rights and Unhoused Bill of Rights legislation that also explicitly addresses barriers faced by trans individuals.

Pass the Fair & Equal Housing Act The federal Fair & Equal Housing Act would provide consistent and explicit non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people in housing by adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected characteristics under the national Fair Housing Act.

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