4 Nov

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Jay-Z plans to run to be US President he rapper thinks he could do a great job as the leader of America with the help of future First Lady Beyonce Knowles but won’t put himself forward for another a few years yet. He said: “Give me a chance. Maybe in eight years, I’ll be the president.” Although he is keen to enter politics, Jay-Z insists he isn’t disappoint-


ed with current President Barack Obama - whose Democratic Party have suffered heavy losses in the US midterm elections. He explained to BBC Newsbeat: “In order to judge someone, you have to judge what they inherit. He inherited the worst economy, war, just a horrible time in American history. So if we think he can solve that, I mean, we

don’t think he’s God, do we? “He’s a human being. He’s going to need time to figure that out. “In order to get to that sort of success and that dream, you have to go through some peaks and valleys. It’s been two years.” Jay-Z has met President Obama since he came to office and has dined with former leader Bill Clinton. The hip-hop mogul - real

name Shawn Carter - has previously admitted he finds it “mind-blowing” that American leaders even know who he is. Jay-Z - who grew up in a tough area of New York - said: “It’s unbelievable because it’s so far away from where I come from. We were the kids who were ignored by every politician. We didn’t have the numbers, the vote, to put anybody in

office, because no matter who was in the office, we didn’t think that it would affect change where we lived. So nobody went out and voted. “For me, being with Obama or having dinner with Bill Clinton is crazy. It’s mind-blowing, because where I come from is just another world. We were just ignored by politicians - by America in general.”

ergie feels “blessed to be alive” following her addiction to crystal methamphetamine. The Black Eyed Peas singer - who developed a dependency on the drug in 2001 - is proud of her recovery from substance abuse, which she says she managed in her own way, which includes permitting herself to continue drinking alcohol, even though it is not recommended by addiction experts. Fergie real name Stacy Ferguson - explained: “I’m not claiming to be sober. I think that that would be misleading. I drink alcohol. My father has a vineyard, and the wine is really delicious, by the way. “Anyway, for most addicts, they would advise never to have any sort of substance. I just have my own journey, and I am very blessed to this day to be alive.” The ‘My Humps’ hitmaker admits she always believed she would conquer her problems, even when other people started to doubt her. She said: “There were periods of my life when a lot of people didn’t believe in me. I still had faith in myself. I really had to ask myself life questions. Where do I see myself in five years? Create a ladder for yourself, and walk up the steps. Climb that ladder.” The ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’ hitmaker - who married actor Josh Duhamel in 2009 - also admitted she chooses not to let allegations of infidelity surrounding the showbiz couple affect their relationship. She added to America’s Glamour magazine: “Our relationship was stronger than that. We live in a voyeuristic world, and it’s part of our business. But I like to focus on all the perks that I get in this business.”


Patel punched Pinto in the face

Knightley’s laptops stolen from her house eira Knightley has been left “mortified” after two laptops were stolen from her house. The 25year-old actress is said to be considering moving out of the London property after thieves raided her luxury apartment by entering through a faulty communal door and took the portable computers, which detectives fear might contain sensitive contents which could be sold on. A source told The Sun newspaper: “Keira is mortified to think anyone has been rummaging around her personal stuff. “She feels violated and doesn’t know if she wants to return to the flat.” The ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ star - who shares the property with her brother Caleb - was in Rome, Italy for the premiere of her latest movie ‘Last Night’ at the time of the theft. be worth £28million - was in Rome, Italy attending the pre-


miere of her latest movie ‘Last Night’. Police are now waiting for the actress - who is dating 29-year-old actor Rupert Friend - to return from holiday so she can list anything else missing from the flat. Thieves had previously broken into two flats in the same block the week before, quelling speculation the actress was deliberately targeted. A senior police source said: “Police do not think Keira, who has been stalked in the past, was targeted because of her fame.” An official police spokesperson confirmed: “Officers from Westminster CID are investigating a residential burglary at the flat. “It is believed to have occurred between 9am and 9pm on October 26. “A forensic team from Westminster CID was dispatched to dust for any fingerprints or shoe marks left behind.”

Aniston loves having butterflies feeling ennifer Aniston loves “the feeling of having butterflies” in her stomach which comes with falling in love. The former ‘Friends’ actress - who has in recent years had a string of unsuccessful relationships with several famous men, including actor Vice Vaughn and musician John Mayer - admits the initial feeling of falling for someone is still her favourite thing, and she hasn’t given up on finding the right man. She said: “I love the feeling of having butterflies in my stomach. Love is the greatest challenge for all of us. You can’t control love, you don’t even choose it. On the contrary, I think love chooses you, you need to be open to love. I am, I think it should be spontaneous.” The 41-year-old actress insists she isn’t affected by media speculation about her love life, and insists she


ev Patel once accidentally punched girlfriend Freida Pinto in the face. The 26-year-old beauty took a blow from Dev, 20, while the couple were promoting ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ - the multiple Oscar-winning movie that brought the pair together in 2008. Freida explained: “The only two people who can understand what happened on ‘Slumdog’ are the two of us.


Even our families, who appreciate and support us, are still on the outside and that is why we hold it so very dear to our hearts. “Small things bring so much joy to us, like when we were first doing the interviews. There was one time when Dev punched me in my face by mistake!” However, the Mumbai-born actress revealed she wasn’t the only object of Dev’s attention on the set of the film, as

he used to flirt with everybody. She added: “He had this typical British sense of humor, which is a funny, sexual kind of humor. He would flirt with everybody on the set - he’d just go up to all the women and say, ‘You’re looking very sexy today.’ “And they would get really happy because here was this boy trying to be a man, and trying to flirt with grown-up women.”

actually enjoys reading rumours about herself in magazines. She added in an interview in Britain’s OK! magazine: “I love reading about what my love life is like! I’ve been dealing with speculation about virtually every aspect of

Lady Gaga haunted by Ryan

Fergie feels ‘blessed to be alive’ ady Gaga believes she is being haunted by an “annoying” ghost named Ryan. The ‘Bad Romance’ hitmaker thinks she is being followed everywhere she tours across the world by the specter, who has “terrified” her with his constant presence. A member of her touring crew told the Daily Star newspaper: “She’s been telling us all for months that she has a male spirit called Ryan who travels the world with her. “She’s pretty terrified by this spirit, but more than anything he’s annoying her as he won’t leave her alone. “He’s hasn’t been doing anything too violent or scary but she’s freaked out by his presence. She’s a very spiritual person and in tune with the spiritual world but this is a step too far, even for her.” Although little is known about Ryan the ghost, or why he has chosen to haunt


Gaga, she has held a seance while in Ireland for her ‘Monster Ball Tour’ over the weekend, in an attempt to get through and see him off. The source added: “She contacted a spirit medium and organized a seance so she could communicate with him and tell him to go away. “She gathered all her friends over the weekend in Belfast, Ireland, and held the seance to find out what he wants. She’s convinced she picked this up as a bad omen. “Although most of her friends were skeptical they agreed to take part.” It has previously been revealed that Gaga, 24, has spent thousands of dollars on ghostbusters and splashed out $47,000 on state of the art Electro Magnetic Field meters to detect specters. A source previously revealed: “She believes in paranormal activity and won’t take any risks when she is on the road. It’s important to her to be safe from spirits.”

Chung’s effortless look lexa Chung admits she doesn’t make much effort with her appearance. The TV presenter - who is often voted one of the world’s most stylish women - insists she doesn’t have a beauty routine and is glad boyfriend Alex Turner has the same attitude as her. She told Stylist magazine: “That’s because I’ve got lovely people who do my hair and make-up for me. If I’m on my own I’ll deliberate over my clothes but never my beauty regime. “I don’t make much effort with my appearance so it would disturb me if my boyfriend did. Vain men are gross!” However, while has no skincare routine, Alexa admits to being worried about getting wrinkles. The 26-year-old beauty said: “Recently I’ve been getting paranoid about wrinkles. I haven’t actually found any yet but every time I look in the mirror I search my forehead for the first signs.” Although she has received criticism for her tiny frame, Alexa insists she has a healthy attitude towards food and is no longer obsessed by exercise like when she was a model. She said: “I’m rubbish. I used to swim every day but now I can’t even get myself to Pilates class.” —Bang Showbiz


my personal life for years. I’ve grown indifferent to all stories. So much gets written that it begins to turn off the public and people stop believing all the crap.” Jennifer does her best to live “as quietly” as she can, and credits yoga with helping her “both physically and emotionally”.

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