25 Aug 2010

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14 killed in Nepal tourist plane crash

Peace in Mideast! By Badr ya Dar wish


eace in the Middle East. It has become a riddle. We have been and I am sure we will be hearing this slogan for generations to come. I think that even my grandchildren will be fed up with this slogan. Who is the hero and who will finally solve the riddle? Could this be Mr Barack Obama? I don’t want to sound pessimistic but believe me guys, I am sure you share my feelings. God bless Obama! He has a big heart and since he became the US president, he has been promising a Palestinian state without settlements. At least, the man has the courage to try. Abbas and Netanyahu are supposed to meet on September 2nd in Washington for direct talks. How many direct talks are these guys going to have? Isn’t Abbas having direct talks and meetings with the Israelis since he took the reign of the Palestinian Authority? Continued on Page 14

Emsak: Fajer: Shoruk: Dohr: Asr: Maghreb: Eshaa:

03:48 03:58 05:21 11:51 15:24 18:18 19:39

NO: 14831

US court halts funding of stem cell research

Mexican beauty queen crowned Miss Universe


PAGES 38 & 39


conspiracy theories

RAMADAN 15, 1431 AH

Denmark’s Wozniacki wins the Rogers Cup

Iran nuke plant worries Kuwait Gulf state fears fallout from possible leaks KUWAIT: Kuwait has expressed safety concerns over Iran’s new nuclear reactor on the opposite side of the Gulf, fearing fallout from possible leaks, the official news agency KUNA reported. “Kuwait’s concern is based on fears of any leaks due to natural causes that may have future consequences,” foreign ministry undersecretary Khaled Al-Jarallah said, quoted by KUNA late on Monday. Kuwait is the nearest country to the Russian-built nuclear plant in the Iranian city of Bushehr, located like Kuwait in the northern Gulf. Iran loaded the Bushehr facility with nuclear fuel last Saturday and the United States said there was no “proliferation risk” from the civilian plant because of Russian involvement. A number of Continued on Page 14

150 FILS


42 die as plane misses runway BEIJING: A Chinese passenger jet overshot a fog-shrouded runway in the country’s northeast and burst into flames yesterday, killing 42 people and injuring 49 others, state media said. The Henan Airlines plane with 91 passengers and crew crashed in Heilongjiang province’s Yichun city, the official Xinhua News Agency said. China Central Television quot-

ed Sun Bangnan, deputy director of the Heilonjiang Public Security Department, as saying that 42 bodies had been recovered and that 49 people were rescued and taken to local hospitals. Wang Xuemei, vice mayor of Yichun, told CCTV that three of them were in critical condition but gave no details. Continued on Page 14

6 MPs among 32 killed in Somalia MOGADISHU: Insurgents in army uniforms stormed a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu frequented by government officials yesterday, killing at least 32 people including legislators, the government said. The hardline Al Shabaab Islamists who have been fighting for three years to oust the fragile Western-

backed “transitional government”, and control most of the city, claimed the attack. The Information Ministry said the 32 dead included six members of parliament and five government security personnel. “The blood of the dead is leaking out of the hotel,” said Information Continued on Page 14

ramadan kareem MOGADISHU: Mogadishu government forces drag the body of an alleged Islamist fighter in the streets of Mogadishu yesterday. — AFP

Month of Mercy — See Page 14



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ukraine celebrates 19th anniversary of independence KUWAIT: Nineteen years ago, on August, 24, 1991, the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) proclaimed the independence of the Ukrainian state. Later that year, in a referendum on Dec 1, more than 90% of the Ukrainian citizens supported the parliamentary decision. Although the country celebrates only the 19th anniversary of independence of Ukraine, the process of formation of the Ukrainian state and nation has more than millennial history. Ukraine is proud of many outstanding countrymen, historical figures like Volodymyr Velykiy and Danylo Galickyi, Mykhaylo Grushevskiy and Volodymyr Vinnichenko, hetmen Petro Sagaydachnyi, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and many others. Due to them the history of Ukraine was

created, which is full of struggle for independence. From Princely Ukraine-Russia to modern Ukraine, our state has the signs of the European and democratic state, which wants to develop friendly relations with all other civilized countries. In spite that during these 19 years we haven’t resolved all urgent problems, we are gradually becoming united Ukrainian nation, with its expressive character and culture, language, traditions and history. For these years of independence new generation of citizens were born and grew in free Ukraine. For them such terms as “national interests”, “human rights”, “freedom of speech”, “freedom of religion”, “freedom of movement”, “freedom of choice” are related to the term “independent Ukraine”.

The year 2010 became crucial for Ukraine: free and democratic presidential elections, formation of coalition in the parliament and the effective government has put an end to the political confrontation between the executive and legislative branches of power in the country. As a result, the new power within a short period of time has implemented significant steps, aiming to overcome the consequences of world financial and economic crisis in the country and increase the welfare of Ukrainian People. Trust relationship also has been created with the international financial institutes, which led to the strengthening of Ukraine’s image abroad. In general it is necessary to admit, that after gaining independence, the democratic

system of power has firmly established in Ukraine. It is based on the European values and democratic traditions, market economy, respect to the rights and freedoms of citizens, including the freedom of mass media. The fact that during last years opposition three times came to power by free and honest democratic elections testifies character of Ukrainian power. It proves the effectiveness and stability of the Ukrainian political system in practice. On a foreign-policy arena Ukraine continued to become stronger player of world and regional international relations. Due to the predictable and structural policy Ukraine enjoys respect of other countries, develops mutually beneficial and friendly relations with the international partners. Within last months Ukraine has built

the new level of relations with its strategic partners. Current relations with Russian Federation open the way for discussing and solving the most vital questions, such as demarcation of mutual border, increasing of mutual trade turnover etc. The main goal of Ukraine in relations with European Union - economic integration, creation of free trade zone, simplification of visa regime between Ukraine and EU. The decision of Ukraine to get rid of highly enriched uranium remains was highly evaluated by the world community. Such step of Ukraine was estimated as a huge contribution towards the strengthening of world security system. Important step towards refreshing its

foreign policy was the adoption by the Parliament the new “Law on principles of internal and external policy of Ukraine”. By this document Ukraine declared itself as a nonaligned country, but at the same time integration into European political, economical and law space, as well as membership in European Union, designated as one of the main goals of Ukraine ‘s foreign policy. Celebrating the Independence Day this year, Ukraine and the Ukrainian people believe, that democratic development of our country will become a stable basis for the integration into European Community. Taking the opportunity the Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Kuwait wishes success and prosperity to all Ukrainians, who live and work in the State of Kuwait.

Increase in marriage grants proposed Too many single women in society KUWAIT: The Cabinet has prepared a meeting to crea te a list of priorities for the pa rlia ment to focus on w hen it begins its next session this October, reported Al-Watan. Several parliamenta ry blocs a re sa id to be coordinating w ith ministers on creating the list. It’s specula ted that members of the Popular Action Bloc and the Development a nd Reform Bloc w ill meet in mid-September a fter the Eid Al-Fitr holidays.

KUWAIT: Chairman of the International Islamic Charitable Organization Dr Abdullah Al-Matouq stressed yesterday that Kuwait was keen on supporting the needy around the world as instructed by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Al-Matouq’s statement came after a meeting with Chairman of Kuwait Red Crescent Society Barjas Al-Barjas and the society’s board members. Kuwait will always be leading in providing aid to the sick, needing, and those affected by disasters and crises, he stressed.

School hours to be extended KUWAIT: In a recent meeting that was held, the Council of Undersecretaries at the Ministry of Education has approved extending class hours for the elementary level by 10 minutes in order to introduce lunch program for children.

The first recess will be of a 30 minute duration instead of 20 minutes. Those 10 minutes will be added to the last period. The council also approved extending class hours for the intermediate and secondary phases by 45 minutes. Full hours

will be dedicated towards academic courses, reported Al-Anba. Officials said that this decision will be first implemented on Tuesdays as part of the first phase. Classes will be suspended at 2.20 pm instead of 1.35 pm.

It is expected that they will create a more comprehensive agenda that both blocs can agree on. In other parliamentary developments, MP Saad Al-Khanfour announced the intention to propose a draft law at the beginning of the next term to double the grants a Kuwaiti husband receives from the state when he marries a Kuwaiti woman. The proposed increase, from KD 4,000 to KD 8,000, would help citizens cope with the difficulties of unstable prices. Al-Khanfour explained that several newlyweds resort to taking loans from banks in the early years of their marriages and that the government’s marriage grants are no longer sufficient. Meanwhile, MP Faisal AlDuwaisan announced that he will propose a draft law to provide Kuwaiti citizens with a second marriage grant if they decide to marry a second wife as long as the second wife is also Kuwaiti. Al-Duwaisan sug-

gested that his proposal would help solve the problem of too many single women in Kuwaiti society. In unrelated news, MP Dulaihi Al-Hajri called on the government to give priority to retired Kuwaitis when hiring at co-operative societies and firms that the government owns shares of. Al-Hajri explained that this would help provide citizens with a stable income following their retirement “instead of allocating posts at co-ops exclusively for expats.” The parliament’s financial committee held a meeting yesterday to discuss the latest updates regarding the financing process needed for the development plan, reported Al-Rai. Deputy prime minister for economic affairs and state minister for housing and development affairs, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad was at the meeting as was the head of the committee MP Dr Yousuf Al-Zalzalah. Al-Zalzalah indicated that “the Cabinet has

a long way to go before providing a draft for the financing method.” “The Cabinet’s proposal should first be reviewed by the Fatwa and Legislation Department to make sure that it doesn’t conflict with any laws,” Al-Zalzalah explained. He added that Sheikh Al-Fahad will nonetheless give a presentation of the Cabinet’s vision on the topic. Furthermore, Al-Zalzalah denied the existence of conflicting points of views between members of the financial panel as suggested at a recent press conference hosted by Ahmad Al-Saadoun. “We agree that it’s illogical for the government to deposit funds in local banks to provide companies with loans and then collect interest,” Al-Zalzalah added. The Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Roudhan Al-Roudhan asserted that the Cabinet needs to make sure that public funds are protected while creating the

financing process. Meanwhile, head of the Kuwaiti Banks Association, Hamad AlMarzouq, announced that local banks don’t require governmental guarantees because they already have the necessary credit requirements. A source within the parliament indicated that the government might eventually not need to finance the development projects through legislation “due to the presence of several bodies that expressed a willingness to finance these projects, such as local and foreign banks.” The Parliament’s other financial committee members commented on the topic before the meeting, including MP Naji Al-Abdulhadi, who indicated that companies that recorded losses in the past three years will not invest in the projects financing process. MP Khalid Al-Sultan asserted that all members of the panel agree on the same points that MP Ahmad Al-Saadoun rejected during his press conference.

kuwait digest

Injustices in granting citizenship By Baheeja Behbehani


he state can provide non-Kuwaiti people with Kuwaiti citizenship in cases in which they have made remarkable efforts on the country’s behalf. Only the Minister of Interior has the authority to make such decisions, which are taken based on the evaluation of the individual’s contribution and in accordance with the conditions of the citizenship law. Since the nature of the remarkable efforts which entitle people to be considered for citizenship has not been clearly defined, this requires the process of providing any nonKuwaiti resident with Kuwaiti citizenship to be carried out with exhaustive study and great precision. In reviewing the rules for similar cases in other Gulf and Arab nations, I believe that a set of rules should be drawn up to govern the

granting of citizenship to non-Kuwaitis. The first condition should be that any candidate must have lived in the country for a continuous period of at least ten years, during which they have never been charged with any security-related or criminal activities. They should also not be known for their involvement in any political or religious activities. Applicants should also have provided Kuwaiti society with their services or knowledge wholly voluntarily; one example of this would be doctors who participate in medical seminars held by non-profit organizations to spread awareness among citizens and residents concerning diseases, or contributing to scientific research. As for professors teaching in higher education institutions, they should have made voluntary contributions in their field of specialty, as well as being known for their constant pursuit of knowledge in light of scientif-

Imported foodstuffs KUWAIT: Kuwait Municipality has banned local retailers from storing imported foodstuffs and other goods in their own firms’ warehouses, issuing instructions that all imported goods must henceforth be stored at the customs department’s warehouses until the results of mandatory health and safety tests are known.

ic advances. Several people, including doctors, athletes and even artists, have been granted Kuwaiti citizenship after attaining a lifetime of what were considered remarkable achievements. However, I’m not sure that the generous salaries which these individuals received in return for their efforts were taken into consideration when considering whether or not to grant them citizenship. Those individuals worked in Kuwait and were handsomely paid for doing so, while transferring their earnings to their home countries. On the other hand, meanwhile, the children of Kuwaiti mothers and bedoon (stateless) fathers are suffering from the lack of citizenship status, despite being raised with a love of Kuwait by their mothers. In my opinion, these are the people most deserving of citizenship in return for their remarkable efforts on Kuwait’s behalf. — Al-Qabas

in the news Lower temps, high humidity KUWAIT: Temperatures in Kuwait are expected to fall slightly, while humidity levels are set to rise over the next few days, said a local meteorologist yesterday. Meteorologist Issa Ramadan added that while relative humidity levels were expected to dip briefly in inland areas from yesterday until Thursday, they would rise during the weekend, leading to low visibility. The temperatures which have soared to at least 50 degrees Celsius are expected to remain in the high 40s in coastal areas until the end of

the month, possibly falling into the 30s or even lower in inland areas. This weather pattern is expected to last until next month, Ramadan noted. MEW bonus pa yments KUWAIT: The Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) has decided to pay a month’s salary as bonus payment to employees of the operating and maintenance sectors of power stations. The allowances are being paid because employees had continued to work during summer and did not enjoy summer breaks.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Bodies found in Shuwaikh, Mina Abdullah

Two dead, nine injured in Kuwait accidents By Hanan Al-Saadoun KUWAIT: A 21-year-old Kuwaiti man sustained fatal head injuries in a car crash in Wafra, dying at the scene, while a 43year-old Bangladeshi man suffered slight injuries in the accident, receiving medical treatment at the spot. The dead man's body was removed for autopsy. In a separate crash, a 24-yearold Arab expatriate suffered a broken leg and fatal internal bleeding, dying on the way to hospital despite paramedics' efforts to save him. His body was removed for autopsy.

KUWAIT: Abrar Mustafa, Mariam Al-Najdi, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Wael AlSaqer, Dr Radwa Awad and Ehab Mostafa.

Microsoft hosts ghabqa for VIPs By Islam Al-Sharaa KUWAIT: Microsoft Kuwait celebrated the holy month of Ramadan yesterday by hosting an exclusive ghabqa for local media, VIPs, government officials, educators and students at the Sheraton Hotel in Kuwait. Microsoft Kuwait took the opportunity to recognize key students and teachers from Kuwait University and American University of Kuwait (AUK). The ghabqa was attended by Wael Al-Sagar, Chairman of A H Al-Saqar and Brothers and Microsoft representative in Kuwait. Ehab Mostafa, Microsoft Kuwait's Country Manager presented certificates to 23 computer science students and teachers from Kuwait University. They were awarded for their outstanding contribution toward the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Arabization content project organized by Microsoft in July 2010. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, is an advanced technology programming language used by developers to develop console and graphic user interface applications. The Arabization project was the result of a successful coordination amongst students from different Arab countries led by Kuwait University. For the first time Arabic content was used through the MSDN library for Visual Studio 2010 and .Net Framework 4.0. The data was then edited through a wiki which

KUWAIT: Minister of Oil and Minister of Information Sheikh Ahmad AlAbdullah Al- Ahmad Al-Sabah and Wael Al-Saqer with the Kuwait University Students of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Arabization Project. allowed everyone in the community to make improvements where needed. Additionally, certificates of appreciation were presented to Abrar Amin, Aisha Al-Ruwaished, Mariam Al-Najdi, Dr Amir Zeid the Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences at AUK for being the regional winners of the 2010 edition of Microsoft Imagine Cup. The Microsoft Imagine Cup is the world's premier student technology competition that encourages young people to apply their imaginations and creativity to technology innovations that make a difference and address real-world issues. The AUK team

developed a project titled 'Multitouch tutoring system for the physically challenged' for the competition. "We would like to thank everyone for attending this special occasion," said Ehab Mostafa. "Microsoft has a long-term commitment to work in partnership with governments and non-governmental organizations, to enhance local community programs, help improve access to technology and place Kuwaiti schools and education at the forefront of the 21st century learning practices." "The certificates being presented to students today is a small

gesture of our appreciation for their efforts," he continued. "We strongly believe in the transformative power of technology in education and we believe it can help create social and economic opportunities." Dr Thalaya Al-Fozan, Assistant Professor at Kuwait University's Faculty of Science Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences thanked Microsoft for giving students the opportunity to gain practical experience and enhance their communication and technology skills. "Such initiatives can help inspire the next generation of technology and business leaders in the region," he said.

In a third incident, a 55-year-old Egyptian expatriate suffered broken bones in his left foot in a crash on Fahaheel Road near Sabah Al-Salem Bridge. He was taken to Adan Hospital. In another accident, two men - a 45-year-old Kuwaiti and a 27-year-old bedoon (stateless) resident - suffered various injuries in a collision on the Fifth Ring Road. Both were taken to Farwaniya Hospital. Meanwhile, a 41-year-old Kuwaiti man was taken to Jahra Hospital after suffering head injuries and a broken left thighbone in a crash on Al-Addari Road near the Ali Al-Salem airbase. In a separate case, a 29-year-old Bangladeshi man suffered a deep gash to his left leg in a crash on King Fahad Road near Wafra Bridge. He was taken to Adan Hospital. In another incident, an Egyptian expatriate was taken to Adan Hospital after sustaining minor injuries when he was hit by a car while crossing the road near Sabahiya Bridge. The driver of the vehicle was arrested and taken for questioning and a case was opened at Sabahiya police station. In a separate case, two Kuwaiti men suffered various injuries in a crash near the Saidawi Bridge on Shuwaikh Port Road heading towards Farwaniya. Both were taken to Sabah Hospital. Dead bodies The body of a 55-year-old Egyptian expatriate was discovered in the Mina Abdullah area, apparently suffering from advanced rigor mortis. The body was removed for autopsy and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of death. In a separate case, the body of another Egyptian expatriate was discovered in the headquarters of a company in Shuwaikh Port. It was also removed for autopsy to determine the cause of death. Investigations are underway into both cases. Three fires A fire broke out early yesterday morning on the 17th floor of a Capital area apartment block. Firefighters from four local brigades rushed to the scene immediately on receiving the report of the blaze at 2:30 am, discovering that the fire had started in the elevator housing on the top floor, with the billowing smoke leading them to evacuate the building. The firefighters' speedy response helped to minimize damage, with the fire being brought under control within 15 minutes following their arrival. The firemen split into two groups, one tackling the blaze and the other organizing evacuation and inspection to check for any individuals stuck in their apartments, with an elderly lady in her 70s and a baby girl, as well as two firefighters, being treated at the scene for the effects of smoke inhalation. An investigation has been launched into the cause of the blaze. Meanwhile, firefighters from Shuhada and Hawally rushed to the scene of another fire that broke out in a home in Al-Rawda. On arriving, the firemen found that the blaze had begun in the air conditioning system, spreading rapidly to the furniture in the living room, causing heavy smoke to spread through the house. One male resident was rescued from the second floor by firefighters and no casualties were reported. In a separate case, firefighters were quickly at the scene after receiving reports of a blaze that broke out early yesterday morning in a home in Street 3 of Hassawy. The fire was eventually extinguished at around 5:00 am and the residents were unhurt.

KUWAIT: Fire-fighters in action after fire broke out on the 17th floor of a Capital area apartment block yesterday. — Photo by Hanan Al-Saadoun



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Media ghabqa event at the Holiday Inn

General Manager Ramy Haykal pictured with the managers of the hotel’s various departments. KUWAIT: The annual Ghabqa event was held at the Tang Chao Chinese restaurant of the Holiday Inn Salmiya Kuwait celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, in the presence of the people from the media and press. The General Manager of the hotel, Ramy Haykal, addressed the invitees, warmly welcoming their presence on this occasion and thanking the members of the media for the publicity and coverage that they pro-

Hany Nabil pictured with members of the marketing department.

vide during the year around. He applauded their valuable support in all the advertising and marketing activities of the Holiday Inn Salmiya. Samer Harfouche, the Executive Assistant Manager of the hotel as well as Hany Nabil, Director of Marketing, PR and Loyalty Marketing along with the Marketing Team were also present, greeting the guests and making them feel at home during the special evening.

General Manager Ramy Haykal pictured with Adnan Saad and his wife, along with other guests.

Nadiya receives a gift from the General Manager.

15 The lady called the owner of the Two Girdles (That Nitaqyn) was.... Asmaa Al Shymaa Aesha


The Holiday Inn’s team of chefs is pictured with the hotel management. —Photos by Joseph Shagra

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Ramadan tips for non-Muslims in Kuwait KUWAIT: Ramadan is a special time when dinner invitations abound. This article will focus on some customs related to such invitations and some tips on how to make these visits a positive and enjoyable experience. Since Muslim/Arab culture stresses the significance of honoring guests, especially during Ramadan, the host will serve large quantities of food so as to ensure that all the guests are satisfied. Another custom is that the host and his family are normally the last to eat, as a means of honoring the guests. However, in Ramadan they will hasten to break the fast, usually on dates and water or milk before performing the sunset prayer (Maghreb). Afterwards, they will have a heavy meal. Muslims tend to be more generous during Ramadan, inviting relatives and friends, whether Muslims or non-Muslims, either to break the fast with them or to a nighttime meal known as a ghabqa.

KUWAIT: Hassan Bayrlee, Adnan Saad, his wife and Nabila Al-Anjari.

KUWAIT: Hassan Bayrlee and the staff . — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat KUWAIT: Local media representatives attended a ghabqa at the Sahara Resort on Sunday night, with the resort's managers, Nabila Al-Anjari and Hassan Bayrlee, personally welcoming all the guests to the event. The media representatives enjoyed an evening of traditional music from a Syrian folk band, who travelled all the way from Halab in Syria for the event. The Sahara Resort also provided a sumptuous and beautifully presented buffet for the guests, offering a wide variety of Ramadan foods and sweets.

KUWAIT: Zyad Al-Majzob and spouse (left), Adnan Saad and his wife (right).

KUWAIT: Guests Ghada Al-Hariri and Sabah Masoud at the event.

KUWAIT: Nabila Al-Anjari and Hassan Bayrlee pictured with the Sahara Resort staff.

Do's 1- If you are invited to break the fast with Muslims, accept the invitation and don't hesitate to bring a friend with you. Although it is not obligatory, it would be nice to take either flowers or sweets with you as a sign of friendship. If you bring sweets, don't be offended if the host does not put them out, as doing so might be seen as indicating that he has no sweets of his own to offer. 2- It is not bad manners to linger around the meal before Iftar (breaking the fast), praising the host for the appealing dishes and attractive food. 3- Do inquire about the host's health, but if you are a man, don't inquire specifically about his wife in her absence. Rather, express your wishes that his family is well. 4- Since restaurants will be closed during the day in Ramadan, you are advised to take your own food when going to work. Don'ts 1- Refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking in public, since this is against the Kuwaiti law and is viewed as being intentionally disrespectful to Muslims. Some companies, educational facilities and other establishments will provide designated places in which non-Muslims can eat, drink or smoke during the day in Ramadan. 2- If you receive Muslim visitors, be careful about serving them refreshments during the day. If you discover that they are not fasting for one reason or another, you can invite them to a meal in your company's designated eating area. 3- When invited to break the fast in someone's house, don't eat and leave immediately. Enjoy more than one serving of dessert, coffee or tea, but be alert for the call to the evening prayer (Isha), since your host may wish to end the visit at that time. 4- Women are encouraged to observe more modest clothing during Ramadan as it is a month of spiritual renewal and piety. This modest dressing will be appreciated by Muslims. Courtesy, AWARE Center

KUWAIT: The Senegalese Ambassador to Kuwait, Abdul-Ahad Mbaki, recently held an Iftar banquet at his residence on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan. The event was attended by the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Sheikh Faisal AlHumoud Al-Sabah, and other ambassadors of Muslim countries to Kuwait. — Photos by Fouad Al-Shaikh



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A group photo of female contestants

Gang in police custody for kidnapping youth Four Asians arrested in Shuaiba KUWAIT: A group of youths were arrested for kidna pping a juvenile. The incident occurred w hile the youth w as outside pla ying w ith his brother w hen three cars surrounded the brothers and forced one of them into a vehicle. When the youth’s parents learned of the kidnapping they informed police about the incident and the kidnappers were arrested. They w ere referred to the proper a uthorities. Forged permits Shuaiba Port security arrested four Asians with forged entry permits. An investigation revealed that they work for a private company. They were referred to the Shuaiba police station for further questioning. Beggars a rrested Hawally authorities arrested 11 beggars in Hawally and Salmiya for panhandling in the street and in front of mosques. Roa d a ccident A Saudi expat was killed

after he was struck by two cars on Abu Dhabi road in Sulaibikhat. He was attempting to cross the road when the two vehicles struck him, killing him instantly. Domestic dispute A citizen accused her husband of stealing her money and not spending it on their children to authorities. The woman said she gave her husband power of attorney in order to furnish the house with a KD 7,000 loan she took out from a bank. She reported that

the man took the money and refused to return it to her. Cit izens r obbed A domestic helper stole KD 5,000 worth of jewelry and KD 4,000 in cash from her sponsor’s safe. The citizen reported the incident to Ferdous police and accused his maid of committing the crime. At first the maid denied any knowledge of the missing jewelry and money but later confessed to taking it to her boyfriend. Police are searching for the second suspect.

Assa ult ca se Sulaibkhat police arrested a sponsor for beating his domestic helper. It was reported that the incident was not the first and that he repeatedly beats domestic helpers and disturbs the family.

The second group of contestants

Co-op robbed Thieves broke into a cooperative and stole its computers. The co-op’s supervisor reported the incident to police and a case was opened.

The first group of contestants

Unprecedented female participation at Dama tournament KUWAIT: The sixth annual Sheikh Yousuf Saud Al-Sabah e-dama tournament is currently underway and features participation from female contestants in unprecedented numbers. At least twenty players from different ages and nationalities have participated in the tournament. During the day, an event was held only for female participants. They showed exceptional skills in playing a traditional board game and received compliments from the tournament’s sponsor Sheikh Ali Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah, and the Head of the Organizing Committee, Dr Nouri AlWattar. Al-Wattar noted that the oldest female participant, at the Touristic Enterprises Company’s (TEC’s) Yacht Club is a 53-year-old contestant. The youngest participant is a 4-year-old girl. Meanwhile, Al-Wattar also said that contestant Mohammad Jassem, a handicapped contestant, has vowed to take part in the tournament each year. He has made great progress this year and is touted as a favorite to win.

Sheikh Ali Al-Yousuf shares a brief talk with contestant Zahra Al-Blushi

Mohammad Jassem

The tournament’s youngest female contestant Dhuha Al-Masoud

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Yemeni army regaining control of embattled city ADEN: Yemen's army is regaining control over the embattled city of Loder, a security official said yesterday, following days of fighting with alleged Al-Qaeda militants in which dozens were killed. "Yemeni forces managed to enter the city of Loder and impose ... control over most of it after AlQaeda elements fled," the official told AFP. "We will not allow Al-Qaeda or other subversive elements allying with it to carry out acts of terror and sabotage in Loder," he added. Loder, in the southern province of

US troops in Iraq less than 50,000 BAGHDAD: US troop numbers in Iraq fell below the 50,000 mark yesterday, a week ahead of a declaration of an end to combat operations, a key milestone seven years on from the invasion that ousted Saddam Hussein. The news comes as a spike in unrest over the past two months has triggered concern that Iraqi forces are not yet ready to handle security on their own, and with no new government formed in Baghdad since a March 7 general election. "Today, in line with President (Barack) Obama's direction and as part of the responsible drawdown of forces, US military force levels in Iraq are below 50,000," the US military announced. The top US commander in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, said around 49,700 of his soldiers are now stationed in the country. "It will stay at that level through next summer," he told reporters at a briefing in Baghdad. Shortly after coming into office in 2009, Obama pledged to end combat operations in Iraq by the end of this August, bringing "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to an end, at which point troop figures would drop below 50,000. From Sept 1, American forces in Iraq will carry out missions under "Operation New Dawn." The US troop level is now less than a third of the peak figure of around 170,000 during the military "surge" of 2007, when Iraq was in the midst of a brutal Shiite-Sunni sectarian war which cost thousands of lives. The US military has withdrawn tens of thousands of soldiers in recent months, and the last American unit designated as a "combat brigade" left Iraq and crossed into neighbouring Kuwait last Thursday. All remaining US brigades in Iraq are now labelled "advise and assist" brigades, as part of American plans to help train and build up Iraqi forces before a complete withdrawal, due to take place by the end of next year. A spike in violence over the past two months, however, has sparked concern that local forces are not ready to take over sole responsibility for their country's security. According to Iraqi figures, disputed by the United States, July was the deadliest month in Iraq since May 2008. Last week, a suicide bomber killed 59 people at an Iraqi army recruitment centre in Baghdad. US commanders insist their Iraqi counterparts are up to the task, but Iraq's top military officer warned earlier this month his army would not be ready until 2020 and called for US forces to stay until then. Odierno, however, disagreed with Lieutenant General Babaker Zebari's assessment, saying at the briefing in Baghdad that he was "not sure I agree with the 2020 thing". "I think sometime after 2011 (for Iraq's security forces to be ready). I feel comfortable with what they have been able to do internally." The top general already admitted on Sunday that a "complete failure" of Iraq's forces could oblige the United States to resume combat operations, but said this was an unlikely scenario. Odierno told CNN the ability of Iraqi police and soldiers to keep a lid on the violence was improving, with the country on target to handle its own security after 2011. "My assessment today is they will be (ready)," he said, speaking from Baghdad, but added the US military may be forced to resume combat operations "if, for example, you had a complete failure of the (Iraqi) security forces ... If you had some political divisions within the political forces that caused them to fracture, but we don't see that happening." — AFP

Abyan, has been gripped by deadly clashes in which 33 people have been killed since Friday, according to an AFP count based on official and medical sources. Eleven soldiers, 19 alleged Al-Qaeda militants and three civilians died. In the latest fighting, "four Al-Qaeda members were killed while the rest fled after evacuating their injured," the interior ministry said earlier yesterday. "The chiefs of the terrorist elements have started to flee" Loder, a statement said. Civilians had hurried out of

the of the city in the wake of an army siege following clashes that began on Friday. "More than 1,000 families have been displaced ... due to the chaos caused by the socalled Al-Qaeda elements," the official said. An army search of homes where the militants were barricaded found a large stash of weapons, including rockets and anti-tank weapons, the interior ministry said. "Outlaw separatist elements" collaborated with AlQaeda in the clashes, the defence ministry said on its website. It was referring to the

Southern Movement, a coalition of groups with a range of demands from economic and social improvements to full independence for the regions of former South Yemen. Several local Al-Qaeda leaders and members were killed, some were arrested and others surrendered, 26sep.net reported. Authorities said Adel Saleh Hardaba, 27, whom they described as the Al-Qaeda second-in-command in Loder, was among the dead. Meanwhile, prominent exiled south Yemeni leader Ali Salem al-Baid condemned

the government's "massacres" in the south and appealed to "the Arab League and the United Nations to immediately intervene to investigate the Sanaa regime's claims and violations". "The military campaign in Loder is aimed against our people's resistance in the south," Baid said in a statement on Monday. Government allegations that it is fighting Al-Qaeda are "an attempt to cover up the massacres committed against our people," he said. He described it as "an excuse (by

Sanaa) to gain international support ... and trying to gather international aid from countries fighting terror." "We reiterate our disapproval of Al-Qaeda," he said, accusing the Yemeni government of backing the network on which it "hangs all its troubles". South Yemen, where many residents complain of discrimination by the Sanaa government over the allocation of resources, was independent from 1967 until 1990 when it united with the north. It launched a failed secession bid in 1994. —AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mideast passions quiet on NY mosque showdown DUBAI: On the streets of lower Manhattan, there’s no mistaking how the passions flow: One side saying it’s their patriotic duty to block a planned Islamic center and the other insisting America cannot curtail freedoms as revenge for the Sept 11 attacks. But in the Middle East where the imam spearheading the plans is now touring on a US-funded outreach mission - the proposed mosque and community center near the former World Trade Center towers is viewed in less stark tones. Much of it circles back to what the showdown says about Islam’s identity in the West, theories about the roots of Islamophobia or even whether the plans in New York are worth the fight. Mideast commentators argue that

many in the region view the clash as a wholly American spectacle - about political posturing and the lingering wounds of 9/11 - that distracts from genuine troubles such as Iran’s growing clout or Israel’s pressure on Gaza. “The mosque is not an issue for Muslims and they don’t care about it being built,” wrote Saudi columnist Abdel Rahman Rashed in the panArab Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. “Some Muslims would even consider building a mosque there would be a permanent reminder of the acts of terrorists, who carried out their crime in the name of Islam,” he added. Despite the power of the 9/11 memories, other Muslim struggles in the West have brought far greater public outcry in the Middle East -

such as Switzerland’s ban on new minaret construction and the growing European moves to outlaw burqas and other Islamic coverings. “There is indifference,” complained Sheikh Fawzi El-Zefzaf, a member of Egypt’s Islamic Scholars Association. “The Arab and Muslim worlds should be supporting the imam,” he said, referring to Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, whose Cordoba Initiative is behind plans for the $100 million, 13-story project about two blocks from where the Twin Towers once stood. Rauf planned to travel yesterday to Qatar - home of the influential AlJazeera television network - as part of a State Department-funded trip that began last week in Bahrain. Rauf has avoided any extensive comments of the New York project. Instead, he

has stuck closely to less-volatile subjects such as battling extremism and Islam’s compatibility with the US Constitution and other Western values of freedom and open debate. In an interview with Bahrain’s Al Wasat newspaper published Monday, Rauf said he was trying to reach out to Islamic scholars to urge Muslims worldwide to become “more effective members of their communities” and have “complete nationalism” - apparently meaning integration with local laws and standards. He stressed that Muslims can remain faithful as well as actively engaged in the affairs of the countries where they live. “I see that every religious community faces challenges, but the real challenge lies in keeping true to the core values of the faith and how to express these

values in a specific time and place,” the imam was quoted as saying. But Rauf’s refusal to publicly answer questions about the New York mosque on his 15-day Mideast trip stands in stark counterpoint to the scenes Sunday near Ground Zero. Hundreds of demonstrators squared off - sometimes in nose-to-nose confrontations. “No mosque, no way,” some chanted. Others replied with cries: “We say no to racist fear!” Rauf’s wife, Daisy Khan, said the rage against the project “is like a metastasized anti-Semitism.” “Fear is back, with a vengeance,” wrote James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute in a commentary published in The National, which is supported by Abu Dhabi’s government. “It rules the street and we

have every right to be concerned. What is needed now is are strong voices appealing to our better selves.” Others in the Mideast media and Web chat rooms have chewed over whether President Barack Obama and the Democrats by extension will pay a political price for his stance that Muslims have the right to build the center at the site. Obama, however, has not commented on whether he thinks the plan should move forward. Obama’s election was widely welcomed across the Middle East, but his popularity has suffered over perceptions he has failed to take a harder line with Israel and expanded the war in Afghanistan. Lebanese political affairs analyst, Salim Nasser, wrote in the pan-Arab

daily Al Hayat that the firestorm over the mosque plans is a “political bomb” that will end up wounding Obama and his party. Two professors at Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam’s leading scholarly institution, stated in a widely read editorial in the Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm, that the real damage has been to the international perception of Islam since the New York battles can only end up reinforcing the memory of 9/11. From Kuwait, Egyptian publisher Ahmed el-Adly said Muslims’ image in the West has been ravaged time and again after 9/11 and other jihadinspired attacks in London, Madrid and elsewhere. He wondered if the New York mosque proposal is the right goal at the right time. “No need to rock the boat,” he said. —AP

25 peacekeepers faced some 200 to 400 rebels

200 women gang-raped near UN base in Congo JOHANNESBURG: Rwandan and Congolese rebels gang-raped nearly 200 women and some baby boys over four days within miles of a UN peacekeepers’ base in an eastern Congo mining district, an American aid worker and a Congolese doctor said. Will F. Cragin of the International Medical Corps said

Monday that aid and UN workers knew rebels had occupied Luvungi town and surrounding villages in eastern Congo the day after the attack began on July 30. More than three weeks later, the UN peacekeeping mission in Congo has issued no statement about the atrocities and said Monday it still is investigating.

NZARA: Southern Sudanese wait for food, shelter, security and medicine at the village of Nzara, along Sudan’s border with DR Congo in this photo. Thousands have fled their nearby villages following a series of recent attacks by guerrilla fighters believed to be Lordís Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. —AFP

Israel PM snubs IAEA chief JERUSALEM: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has snubbed UN atomic watchdog chief Yukiya Amano who is on his first visit to Israel, the Haaretz newspaper reported yesterday. Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), had asked to meet with Netanyahu months ago, but the scheduled meeting was abruptly cancelled last week as the premier planned to go on holiday, the paper said. It said the meeting had been due to take place on Monday afternoon, shortly after the IAEA chief landed in Israel and a few hours before the premier was due to start his holiday. The daily cited a diplomat familiar with the visit as saying Amano was told that the meeting had been canceled due to Netanyahu’s vacation. “Netanyahu’s decision to cancel his meeting with Amano

raised eyebrows on Monday, particularly given the premier’s fixation on Iran’s nuclear programme,” Haaretz said. Asked about the report, a senior official who asked not to be named said he was “not aware that that is true.” The visit comes against a backdrop of demands by some IAEA members that Israel, generally considered to be the Middle East’s sole if undeclared nucleararmed power, sign up to the international Non-Proliferation Treaty. Netanyahu last month secured assurances from US President Barack Obama that a proposed 2012 conference on establishing a nuclear weapons-free Middle East would not single out Israel. Israeli President Shimon Peres, considered to be the father of Israel’s nuclear program, is due to meet Amano in Jerusalem

today. Amano held talks on Monday with the head of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, Shaul Chorev, and was due to tour the Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, whose activities are monitored by the IAEA, Haaretz said. The IAEC, which invited Amano, and the IAEA did not immediately provide details of the trip. Israel is to raise with Amano its concerns about Iran’s nuclear program, which the Jewish state, the United States and other Western countries believe is ultimately aimed at producing an atomic bomb. Iran, which on Saturday began loading fuel into its Russian-built first nuclear power plant, denies the allegations, saying its program is for civil energy purposes only. Ties between the IAEA and Israel were chilly during the tenure of Amano’s predecessor, Mohamed ElBaradei. —AFP

Church, UK govt in bomb cover-up

CLAUDY, Northern Ireland: A journalist holds a copy of the new report into the 1972 Irish Republican Army bombing yesterday. —AP

BELFAST: Top officials in the police, government and Catholic Church in Northern Ireland conspired to protect a priest suspected over 1972 bombings that killed nine people, an investigation revealed yesterday. Father James Chesney was transferred to the neighbouring Republic of Ireland beyond the jurisdiction of Northern Ireland police - amid fears his arrest over the attacks in Claudy would inflame sectarian tensions at the time. Nine people were killed and another 30 were injured when three car bombs exploded in the quiet village near Londonderry in 1972, one of the worst years in the three decades of violence known as “The Troubles”. No-one was ever charged with the murders but Chesney has long been suspected as the Irish Republican Army (IRA) militant who masterminded the plot, although the IRA denied responsi-

bility. An investigation by Northern Ireland’s police ombudsman, Al Hutchinson, has now revealed the cover-up that allowed Chesney to escape trial. It said there was “extensive police intelligence” linking the priest to the IRA and the Claudy attack, and said many police officers wanted to pursue him. But the report revealed that a senior police officer contacted the British government asking their help, in conjunction with the Catholic Church, to help to “render harmless a dangerous priest”. The then British minister for Northern Ireland William Whitelaw and the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal William Conway, discussed whether he could be transferred out of the province, a suggestion passed on to police. Chesney, who died in 1980 aged 46, was moved to Ireland in late 1973.—AFP

Cragin told AP by telephone that his organization was only able to get into the town, which he said is about 16 km from a UN military camp, after rebels ended their brutal spree of raping and looting and withdrew of their own accord on Aug 4. At UN headquarters in New York, spokesman Martin Nesirky said Monday that a UN Joint Human Rights team verified allegations of the rape of at least 154 women by combatants from the Rwandan rebel FDLR group and Congolese Mai-Mai rebels in the village of Bunangiri. He said the victims are receiving medical and psychosocial care. Nesirky said the UN peacekeeping mission has a military company operating base in Kibua, some 30 km east of the village, but he said FDLR attackers blocked the road and prevented villagers from reaching the nearest communication point. Civil society leader Charles Masudi Kisa said there were only about 25 peacekeepers and that they did what they could against some 200 to 400 rebels who occupied the town of about 2,200 people and five nearby villages. “When the peacekeepers approached a village, the rebels would run into the forest, but then the Blue Helmets had to move on to another area, and the rebels would just return,” Masudi said. There was no fighting and no deaths, Cragin said, just “lots of pillaging and the systematic raping of women.” Four young boys also were raped, said Dr. Kasimbo Charles Kacha, the district medical chief. Masudi said they were babies aged one month, six months, a year and 18 months. “Many women said they were raped in their homes in front of their children and husbands, and many said they were raped repeatedly by three to six men,” Cragin said. Others were dragged into the nearby forest. International and local health workers have treated 179 women but the number raped could be much higher as terrified civilians still are hiding, he said. “We keep going back and identifying more and more cases,” he said. “Many of the women are returning from the forest naked, with no clothes.” He said that by the time they got help it was too late to administer medication against AIDS and contraception to all but three of the survivors. Spokeswoman Stefania Trassari said her UN Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid was monitoring the situation but that access for humanitarian workers remains “very limited due to insecurity.” Luvungi is a farming center on the main road between Goma, the eastern provincial capital, and the major mining town of Walikale. Kacha said on one day during the rebel occupation Indian peacekeepers had provided a military escort against the rebels to a large commercial truck traveling from Kemba to Luvungi, which is near a cassiterite mine and about 140 km south of Goma. UN mission spokesman Madnodje Mounoubai promised to get military comment on the assumption that the peacekeepers were protecting commercial goods but not civilians, which is their primary mandate. —AP

PRAT LLOBREGAT, Spain: Albert Vilalta (right) and Roque Pascual gesture after arriving at an airport yesterday. —AP

Spanish aid workers freed by Al-Qaeda return home BARCELONA: Two Spanish aid workers freed by Al-Qaeda’s North African offshoot returned home yesterday after nine months in captivity following the reported payment of a ransom of millions of euros. The Spanish government expressed delight at the release of Albert Vilalta, 35, and Roque Pascual, 50, who were seized in Mauritanian on Nov 29 along with a third Spaniard, 39-year-old Alicia Gamez, who was freed in March. But Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, confirming their release late Monday, made no mention of any payment despite one media report that up to seven million euros ($8.5 million) had changed hands. He said only that the government had “stepped up the activities of its political, diplomatic and intelligence services to secure their release”. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) said it had agreed to free the hostages after some of its demands were met, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported, quoting an audio statement it said was from the group. These demands included a ransom of several million euros, and the release of the mastermind behind the kidnapping who was jailed in Mauritania and freed in Mali just hours before the hostages’ release, according to media reports. El Mundo newspaper said that the government paid out €6.8 million in total to secure the release of the three Spanish aid workers. It said the kidnappers had demanded €3.8 million and Madrid paid the money in January, but only €1.5 million eventually reached the kidnappers, with the rest siphoned off by intermediaries, the newspaper said. The Spanish government then stumped up further payments of three million euros in April and May, 2.3 million of which went to the kidnappers to meet their full demand for a total of €3.8 million while intermediaries took a €770,000 slice. One of the hostages, Gamez, was freed in March following the initial payment. Vilalta and Pascual were released after the second sum reached the kidnappers. The Spanish government strongly denied that a ransom had been paid following the release of Gamez in May but has been silent on the reports of ransom payments since then. The two men still in captivi-

ty were freed on Sunday in Mali and arrived early yesterday back home in Spain after passing through Burkina Faso. On his return Vilalta said they were held under “very hard conditions” in the Sahara desert but were not ill-treated and he thanked the Madrid government for working to obtain their release. “We know that the Spanish government has made a major diplomatic effort with all governments in the region. We are very proud of our government,” said Vilalta, who walked with the aid of a crutch due to a leg injury he suffered while held captive. Pascual also thanked the government for its “patience” and all those who helped in a “very long, very complicated process”. Their release followed the August 16 transfer from Mauritania to Mali of the kidnap mastermind, Malian national Omar Sid’Ahmed Ould Hamma, who had been jailed for 12 years by a Mauritanian court. A member of his family and a regional mediator said late Monday that Hamma, who has strong ties to AQIM although is not a member of the group, was freed shortly before the hostages were released. In its statement AQIM said the release of the Spaniards should serve as “a lesson” for the French secret service, referring to a FrenchMauritanian raid in Mali last month that failed to rescue a French hostage and in which seven AQIM members were killed. “They had the chance to act responsibly and use their heads with the mujahedeen and avoid the madness and anger that led to the deaths of their citizens...” The two Spaniards were being held by an AQIM cell led by Algeria’s Mokhtar Belmokhtar, who paid Hamma to kidnap them. While Belmokhtar is considered more a businessman than a religious fanatic, he is believed to be under pressure from a radical branch of AQIM led by another Algerian, Abdelhamid Abou Zeid. Zeid has overseen the deaths of two Western hostages, Briton Edwin Dyer and Frenchman Michel Germaneau. The latter was slain in the aftermath of the FrancoMauritanian raid to free him, in which seven of Zeid’s men were killed. He is believed to have been demanding the execution of the Spaniards in retaliation for the July 22 military operation. —AFP

UK PM announces birth of baby girl LONDON: British Prime Minister David Cameron’s wife gave birth to a baby girl yesterday, while they were away from London on their summer vacation. Cameron’s office said the baby was born at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro, a town in southwestern England. The couple had been spending a break in Cornwall with their son and daughter. Samantha Cameron, 39, had been expected to give birth in September, and arrangements were in place for Cameron to take paterni-

ty leave next month. “The prime minister and Mrs. Cameron are delighted to announce the birth of their fourth child, a baby girl. Both the baby - who was born weighing 6 lbs 1 oz and Mrs. Cameron are doing very well,” Cameron’s Downing Street office said in a statement. “The prime minister and Mrs. Cameron would like to thank the doctors and nurses at the hospital for their help and kindness.” The family have two other children, Elwen and Nancy. Their severely disabled son Ivan died last year aged

6. Cameron has often used scenes of his domestic life in his political campaigning, including videos in which his children are heard - but not seen - interrupting their father as he addresses the camera. It was not immediately known whether Cameron would take paternity leave. Britain’s Parliament is due to reconvene on Sept. 6 following a summer recess. One of Cameron’s recent predecessors, Tony Blair, also had a newborn while in office. Blair’s wife Cherie gave birth to son Leo in 2000. — AP

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Rescue workers send aid down narrow hole

Miners rely on narrow lifeline as rescue begins COPIAPO, Chile: Contact with 33 Chilean miners found alive and in good spirits after more than two weeks trapped underground was ramped up yesterday along with food and medical deliveries, but the workers were not told it could take months to free them. The engineer in charge of the rescue mission at the

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti: People walk past remains of buildings destroyed by the Jan 12 earthquake Monday. – AP

US man gets 8 years in prison for hit list ANCHORAGE: A man from a remote Alaska community who compiled a hit list of targets he believed were enemies of Islam was sentenced Monday to eight years in prison. Paul Rockwood Jr, along with his wife, Nadia Rockwood, faced counts of lying to FBI agents when questioned about the list of 20 targets in May. They pleaded guilty to domestic terrorism last month, the first time such charges were brought in Alaska under the Patriot Act. The law was enacted after the Sept 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The length of Paul Rockwood's sentence was the maximum penalty for the crime. Nadia Rockwood, 36, who holds dual citizenship in the US and United Kingdom, was sentenced to five years probation. She will be allowed to return to Britain and take care of the couple's 4-year-old child. She is due to give birth in November. Authorities said Paul Rockwood, 35, converted to Islam about a decade ago and followed the teachings of a cleric who supports acts of terrorism and espouses hatred for the United States. The hit list included members of the military and media. Rockwood, who worked for the National Weather Service in King Salmon, an isolated town of a few hundred people, converted to Islam in late 2001 or 2002 when he and his wife lived in Virginia. He was enamored with the teachings of American-born cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki, prosecutors said. The couple moved to Alaska in 2006. Federal authorities say Rockwood did far more than make a list. He considered the possibility of shooting people in the head. He began research-

ing how to make explosive components, construct remote triggering devices and put together a bomb that could be delivered by any mail carrier, court documents say. At Monday's sentencing, Judge Ralph Beistline had harsh words for Rockwood and his wife, describing their actions as "cowardly" and "despicable," and designed to "undermine the rule of law in the free society that protected them." "They have betrayed everything it means to be an American," Beistline said. Tom Bolinder, vice president of the Massachusetts-based Military Combat Defense Fund, was on Rockwood's list. He made a personal appearance for the sentencing in U.S. District Court while on an Alaskan fishing trip. According to the organization's website, the FBI contacted Bolinder in late April and told him his name appeared on a list of people targeted for assassination. He was told to watch for suspicious packages in the mail and was informed of the possibility that certain people could try and make a trip East. Bolinder was choked with emotion Monday while providing his victim impact statement to the court. He said that after serving in Vietnam he made a vow never to take another life but sat up many nights in the dark waiting for Rockwood to show. If he had, Bolinder predicted it would not have turned out well, given his 34 years as a police officer and military training. After a moment, he added that it would not have turned out well for either of them. "I have forgiven you," Bolinder said. "My prayer is that someday we will live in peace." — AP

News of the miners' survival has been greeted as a cause for national celebration in Chile, which was rocked by a massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake in February that claimed more than 500 lives. Engineers plan an initial vertical excavation to bore a shaft 33 cm in diameter, which will then be expanded to 66 cm. But Sougarret said he had not told the miners how long the operation would take, withholding from them his own estimate that it could be three to four months - until Christmas - before they can be reached. Meanwhile, miners were in contact with rescuers through an intercom line lowered through an eight-centimeter diameter bore hole, and reported they were in good health and had water but were hungry after 18 days in the hot, dank mine. "They asked for food, and toothbrushes and something for their eyes," said Mining Minister Laurence Golborne. When they heard that their colleagues were alive and had escaped unharmed after the Aug 5 cave-in, the trapped miners could be heard cheering and shouting "Viva Chile" and then singing the national anthem in an audio recording aired on Chilean television. Trapped miner Luis Urzua could be heard telling Golborne: "Mr Minister, we're fine. We look forward to being rescued." In one of their messages, the miners said they had survived on emergency rations of two tablespoons of tuna fish and half a cup of milk every 48 hours. Paula Newman, a doctor in charge of monitoring the min-

San Jose gold and copper mine, Andres Sougarret, said he was plotting where to drill a hole large enough to lift the miners out one by one from a gallery nearly 700 m below ground. "The umbilical cord is ready," he said. "Now comes the engineering design, the topography, and then begins the work of drilling."

COPIAPO, Chile: Elias Sepulveda (right) embraces her cousin Katherine next to a tribute and support site with candles, flags and messages for their relatives Esteban and Pablo Rojas, two of the 33 miners trapped at a collapsed mine Monday.— AP ers' health, said rescuers had already sent down a glucose solution and medication to prevent ulcers. She said they should wait another day before taking solid foods. They then will be given highprotein, high-calorie foods, including "a kind of liquid yogurt" specially designed for astronauts, Health Minister Jaime Manalich said. "They are all in perfect health, and none are traumatized," said Newman. "Their complaints are much less than we could have expected." How they will hold up for weeks more was a big question mark, however. The miners were believed to

have used a bulldozer to make a channel of water and had rigged up a makeshift lighting system from a truck engine to illuminate their subterranean surroundings. Miners who escaped the cave-in on Aug 5 said they believed their colleagues were not in a small cavern but in a spacious area 1.5 to 1.8 km long. A wave of euphoria has swept Chile since Sunday when a jubilant President Sebastian Pinera, waving a note from the miners, announced that all 33 were alive. A camera lowered down the bore hole on Sunday showed the miners sweaty and shirtless in the hot (32-36 degrees Celsius)

shelter, but in apparently good condition and high spirits. "Many of them approached the camera and put their faces right up against it, like children, and we could see happiness and hope in their eyes," Pinera said, adding that the images "gave me a lot of happiness and faith that this is going to end well." Friends and relatives wept with joy outside the mine at learning their loved ones were safe. During the past two weeks, they had prayed and left messages and symbolic piles of stones around the entrance to the mine. Early yesterday they were sending uplifting personal messages to loved ones trapped

below in a bid to accentuate the positive in the face of what will be exhausting work to free them. "Hi daddy, it's Romina, I'm so happy you're well. This is one of the greatest joys of my life," Romina, 20, wrote to her 63year-old father Mario Gomez. The mine's owners said the disaster had put the company at risk of bankruptcy, and told a radio station they might not be able to pay the miners once they are rescued. But Leonardo Farkas, an eccentric mining magnate, on Monday sent a check for $10,000 to each of the 33 miners' families. "When they're rescued, I'm going to throw a party," he said. - AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Solution to Beijing’s traffic woes? Elevated ‘super bus’ Equipment, told AFP on Tuesday. “From the second half of 2011, we’re planning to test the bus with passengers on board,” he said, noting that after a full year of trial runs, authorities would make a decision on whether to use the bus on a wide scale. Song said Hashi was in talks with three Chinese carmakers to produce the ecofriendly bus, which runs on both electricity and solar power. Authorities hope eventually to install 180 kilometers of “straddle bus” lines including a route to the capital’s international airport, Song told the official Global Times. Song said the “super bus” could ease traffic conges-

BEIJING: China’s capital Beijing, recently named along with Mexico City as having the worst traffic jams in the world, is looking for solutions. One could be the elevated “super bus”. The bus, due to be tested in the coming months in the western part of the city, travels on rails and straddles two lanes of traffic, allowing cars to drive under its passenger compartment, which holds up to 1,400 people. “We’re going to start laying down test tracks along a six-kilometer stretch towards the end of the year,” Song Youzhou, the chief executive of design firm Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking

tion by up to 30 percent, as it does not take up actual road space, but special tracks would have to be put down, elevated bus stops built and new traffic signals developed. Only small and medium-sized vehicles will be able to pass under the bus, meaning drivers will have to be extra-vigilant. An alarm would sound if an oversized vehicle attempted to pass, the report said. Song said the bus had to be tested with car drivers in real-time situations to detect any possible problems. According to government data, Beijing is on track to have five million cars on its roads by year’s end.

The four million mark was passed in December. The head of the Beijing Transportation Research Centre, Guo Jifu, warned this week that traffic in the capital could slow to under 15 kilometers an hour on average if further measures were not taken to limit the number of cars. Private cars are currently kept off Beijing’s roads for one day per week depending on license plate numbers. Beijing’s air is among the most polluted in the world, and the problem is getting worse amid high demand for private vehicles from its increasingly affluent residents. — AFP

Philippine police admit botching hostage crisis Hong Kong furious at Manila bloodbath MANILA/HONG KONG: The Philippines a dmitted yesterday it had bungled a hostage siege in w hich eight tourists were killed a nd which piled pressure on President Benigno Aquino to pull the country out of years of poor ma nagement a nd decline. The Philippine National Police (PNP) said the a ssa ult team w hich tried to rescue 15 tourists from Hong Kong, held on a bus by a gunma n, wa s ina dequately trained, armed and led.

MANILA: Relatives of the eight Hong Kong tourists who were killed in the tourist bus hostage crisis kiss the ground near the bullet-riddled tourist bus during a Buddhist ceremony yesterday at Rizal Park. — AP

Thailand to extradite Russian BANGKOK: Escorted by dozens of Thai commandos, an alleged Russian arms dealer will be taken from prison today to a Bangkok airport and extradited to the United States, police said, despite strong opposition from Moscow. US authorities have sent a private jet to Don Mueang airport to take away Viktor Bout - dubbed the “Merchant of Death” - on terrorism charges, said Crime Suppression Division acting chief Supisarn Bhakdinarinath. He will be guarded by 50 armed police commandos during the transfer from the Bang Kwang maximum-security prison, where he is being held, he said. “I cannot say the exact time and route because it’s top secret,” Supisarn added. Bout, said to have inspired the Hollywood film “Lord of War” starring Nicolas Cage, has been fighting extradition since his March 2008 arrest after a Bangkok sting operation involving US agents posing as Colombian rebels. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted in the United States on

charges including conspiracy to kill US nationals and to provide material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organisation. The extradition - ordered Friday by a Thai appeals court - prompted a furious reaction from Moscow, which voiced “extreme disappointment”, saying the decision was politically motivated. The United States in contrast has hailed the extradition ruling and said Bout’s prosecution would be an “utmost priority”. Washington, which has described Bout as “one of the world’s most prolific arms traffickers,” had lobbied hard for his extradition, summoning the Thai ambassador last week to emphasise it was of “the highest priority”. Bout allegedly agreed to supply millions of dollars of weapons to undercover US agents in Thailand posing as rebels from Colombia’s Marxist FARC group, which Washington considers a terrorist organisation. US prosecutors allege he agreed to the sale with the understanding that the weapons

were to be used to attack United States helicopters. A US indictment accuses Bout of using a fleet of cargo planes to transport weapons and military equipment to parts of the world including Africa, South America and the Middle East. It alleges that the arms he has sold or brokered have fuelled conflicts and supported regimes in Afghanistan, Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Sudan. Bout has denied the charges and says that he ran a legitimate air cargo business. Thailand has denied any political motives behind its decision to extradite Bout, a 43year-old former Soviet air force pilot who is said to speak six languages and go by at least seven different aliases. Russia’s consul to Thailand, Andrey Dvornikov, said he was unaware of today’s extradition plan, adding that he had visited Bout in prison earlier in the day and that the suspect was also unaware he would be sent to the US so soon. — AFP

Zuma in China for talks on ties

BEIJING: South African President Jacob Zuma walks with Chinese President Hu Jintao during a welcome ceremony held outside the Great Hall of the People yesterday. — AP

BEIJING: South African President Jacob Zuma met his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao yesterday for talks aimed at broadening the relationship between Beijing and Africa’s biggest economy. The visit is seen as an opportunity for the two countries to explore ways of expanding their already sizeable trade ties - and also a chance for two emerging powers to solidify their strategic partnership. Zuma - who visits Beijing and Shanghai during a threeday trip he has called “crucial” was welcomed by Hu at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People before the two leaders went into talks. “The talks will surely take the relations between the two countries to greater heights,” Zuma said in a speech to business leaders

ahead of his meeting with the Chinese president. After their talks, the two sides signed an agreement upgrading ties to a “comprehensive strategic partnership” and inked cooperation pacts on mineral resources, rail transport, the environment and other areas. China National Nuclear Corp, which runs the nation’s growing nuclear energy programme, is also in talks to build a nuclear power plant in South Africa, Dow Jones Newswires earlier quoted a company official as saying. Meanwhile, China’s Vice Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said Beijing would encourage domestic companies to invest in South Africa’s mining and resources sectors, the agency said. —AFP

There was anger in China and Hong Kong over the chaotic rescue and demands for a thorough investigation. The gunman, a sacked policeman who was angry at being dismissed, was killed by police. Eight of the hostages were killed, either by the gunman or in the siege, and one is in a critical condition. “In an assault to rescue hostages and save lives, the operations should be swift and precise,” retired police general Rodolfo Mendoza told Reuters. “It should be over in five minutes, but what we saw was comical,” added the former intelligence and counter-terrorism officer about the rescue operation that lasted over an hour. Hong Kong advised residents not to travel to the Philippines, and China’s Global Times tabloid, run by Communist Party mouthpiece, said the botched rescue reflected a deeper malaise. “The Philippines is one of the most chaotic countries in Southeast Asia,” the newspaper said. “A culture of colonisation, autocracy and rapid changes in government have created all sorts of curious grievances in this country.” The son of two heroes of Philippine democracy, Aquino swept to power partly on hopes that his family’s reputation for honesty could arm him to take on corruption, boost the economy and restore the country’s reputation. Corruption and poor governance thwart efforts to improve government finances, develop much-needed infrastructure and equip security forces properly. The problems facing the nation, where the World Bank says around a third of the population live in poverty, are many: insurgencies by Muslim separatists and Maoists, clan wars and criminal gangs and ease of access to guns are big security risks. The hostage-taker was armed with an M-16 assault rifle, small firearms and grenades, and Assistant professor Bryan Wong, of Hong Kong’s Chinese University, said he was an example of another problem in the Philippines: police involvement in crime. “This kidnapping thing or taking hostages involving policemen have been regular issues in Philippines society locally. There are regularly Chinese businessmen being kidnapped by people, often with police involvement,” Wong said. One immediate concern was a drop in tourism, with the government looking to create jobs by doubling tourist numbers to 6 million a year. Nearly 122,000 people from Hong Kong and China visited the Philippines in the first five months of 2010, up 24 percent from a year earlier and accounting for about 10 percent of tourists. “On the country’s efforts to attract big ticket investment, I don’t see any direct impact yet, but some executives would start thinking of their own personal security given what had happened last night in the bus assault,” said Earl Parreno of the Institute for Political and Electoral Reforms. The police said its command group noted “some observations and defects” in handling the crisis, including “inadequate training and competence of assault team leader” and “inadequate capability, skills, equipment and planning of the assault team”. —Agencies

HUAILAI, China: A cleaner picks up waste on the roadside of a jammed section of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou highway in north China’s Hebei province yesterday. — AP

China’s massive traffic jam could last for weeks BEIJING: A massive traffic jam in north China that stretches for dozens of miles and hit its 10day mark yesterday stems from road construction in Beijing that won’t be finished until the middle of next month, an official said. Bumper-to-bumper gridlock spanning for 100 km with vehicles moving little more than a kilometer a day at one point has improved since this weekend, said Zhang Minghai, director of Zhangjiakou city’s Traffic Management Bureau general office. Some drivers have been stuck in the jam for five days, China Central Television reported yesterday. But Zhang said he wasn’t sure when the situation along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou highway would return to normal. The traffic jam started Aug 14 on a stretch of the highway that is frequently congested, especially after large coalfields were discovered in Inner Mongolia, Zhang said. Traffic volume has increased 40 percent every year. Drivers stranded in the gridlock in the Inner Mongolia region and Hebei province, headed toward Beijing, passed the time sleeping, walking around, or playing cards and chess. Local villagers were doing brisk business selling instant noodles, boxed lunches and snacks, weaving between the parked trucks on bicycles.

Though there were no reports of road rage violence, drivers complained about price-gouging by villagers who were their only source of food and water. A bottle of water that normally costs 1 yuan (15 cents) was selling for 10 yuan ($1.50), while the price of a 3 yuan- (45 cent-) cup of instant noodles had more than tripled, media reports said. “A boxed lunch is 10 yuan ($1.50), and one box isn’t enough for me,” China National Radio cited a driver surnamed Lu as saying. “I’m spending up to 50 yuan (about $7.50) a day on food. It’s more expensive than eating in a restaurant.” The highway construction in Beijing that is restricting inbound traffic flow and causing the jam “will not be finished until Sept 17,” Zhang said. Authorities were trying to speed up traffic by allowing more trucks to enter Beijing, especially at night, Zhang said. They also asked trucking companies to suspend operations and advised drivers to take alternate routes. China’s roadways are increasingly overburdened as the number of private vehicles booms along with commercial truck traffic hauling materials like coal and food to cities. Traffic slowdowns because of construction and accidents are common, though a 10day traffic jam is unusual even in China. — AP

N Korea deploying troops, weapons near Pyongyang SEOUL: North Korea is deploying troops, artillery and tanks near Pyongyang in apparent preparation for a massive military parade marking key national events later this year, South Korea said yesterday. The military buildup near the capital began in mid-July amid high tensions on the peninsula, South Korea’s Defense Ministry said in a report submitted to a parliamentary committee. “Preparation for a massive national event is under way” in North Korea and the move is presumably related to a key Workers’ Party meeting in September and the 65th anniversary of the party’s founding in October, it said. North Korea would likely use the military assets to stage a

parade in Pyongyang, a ministry official said on condition of anonymity citing department policy. North Korea often marks important national holidays with military parades, often featuring newly developed missiles and weapons. North Korea said in June that it would elect new ruling Workers’ Party leaders in a party conference in early September, sparking speculation that the move is aimed at boosting a government campaign to hand over power from leader Kim Jong Il to a son. It’s widely believed that Kim is preparing to transfer power to his third and youngest son, Kim Jong Un, and many North Korea watchers say next month’s party meeting is aimed at giving the son a key party job.

Speculation on the succession intensified after the 68-year-old Kim suffered a reported stroke in 2008, with Kim’s apparently falling health prompting concerns about instability and a possible power struggle in the nuclear-armed country if he were to die without anointing a successor. The North’s ties with South Korea were plunged to their lowest point in years when a Seoul-led international investigation in May blamed Pyongyang torpedoing in March the South Korean warship Cheonan, killing 46 sailors. North Korea denies involvement, and has issued a series of threats to South Korea over military drills between South Korea and the United States. —AP

Australian ‘kingmakers’ meet on political deadlock SYDNEY: Australia’s “kingmaker” independent MPs were meeting yesterday in Canberra after weekend elections failed to produce a clear winner, triggering the worst political deadlock in decades. The three were expected to talk into the night in Canberra as they are courted by both Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s left-leaning Labor party and the conservative Liberal/National coalition. Saturday’s dramatic elections remain on a knife-edge with Labor holding 71 seats against 72 for the coalition as officials laboriously count postal and absentee votes, a process that could take more than a week. Media projections give the two sides 73 seats each, short of the 76 needed for an absolute majority in the 150-member lower chamber, the House of Representatives. “The make-up of the parliament is looking interesting to say the least,” said Rob Oakeshott, one of the three MPs who are expected to hold the balance of power, along with Tony Windsor and Bob Katter. “At best... it’s looking very, very tight,” Oakeshott said. “All of these final seats are critical.” The trio have responded to their sudden and surprising entry into the limelight by promising to negotiate together as Labor fights to stay in power and the coalition looks to end Gillard’s brief reign. But Katter also pledged to use his “bit of power” to benefit rural residents during a strongly worded attack on the media. “We’ve had it up to here

with the media. You people have given a run to (written stories about) every single idea known to man except us,” Katter, wearing his trademark white cowboy hat, told reporters in Canberra. “We’ve got to the stage ... where every four days a farmer in Australia was committing suicide. Did you give us a run? No, and now that we’ve got a bit of power you will be listening to us, my friend, not dictating to us.” Voters turned on Australia’s first woman leader with a negative swing of about 5.4 percent after she dumped elected prime minister Kevin Rudd in June and ran a chaotic campaign plagued by leaks. The Greens party enjoyed a record vote share and its lone MP, Adam Bandt, appears likely to side with Labor, which bookmakers have installed as slight favourite to form a minority government. However, Liberal leader Tony Abbott made a renewed pitch to become Australia’s next leader, saying Labor is now gripped by “civil war”. “We will not get a new politics from an old government, particularly an old government as riven by factionalism, as controlled by faceless men, as the current government so obviously is,” he said. Several Labor insiders have pointed the finger at party colleagues, including shadowy backroom operators, over the disastrous slide from record popularity under Rudd to Saturday’s resounding slap by voters. — AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

14 die in Nepal tourist plane crash KATHMANDU: A small plane headed for the Everest region crashed in bad weather near the Nepalese capital yesterday, killing all 14 people on board, including four Americans, a Japanese and a British national. The Agni Air plane was returning to Kathmandu after poor visibility prevented it from landing at Lukla, its intended destination in a popular trekking spot in eastern Nepal, government officials said. Rescuers at the scene of the crash described it as “horrific”, with the badly burned remains of the victims strewn over a field around 15 miles south of Kathmandu. The remains were flown by helicopter to Kathmandu airport, where they were met by the US and Japanese ambassadors and by caretaker prime minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, who

KATHMANDU: Remains of victims of a plane crash are laid on the ground for identification in Kathmandu yesterday. — AP

How does the Afghanistan parliamentary polls work? KABUL: Afghans vote in parliamentary elections on Sept 18 for 249 seats in the country’s Wolesi Jirga, or lower house of parliament. Here are some questions and answers about an election that is costing foreign donors around $150 million to stage: W HAT IS PARLIAMENT’S ROLE? Parliament approves or rejects legislation proposed by the government, which is formed by the president but subject to the assembly’s approval. Afghanistan also has an upper house made up of presidential and provincial appointees, but real power lies with the lower house, or Wolesi Jirga. Parliament has been increasingly flexing its muscle and has recently blocked President Hamid Karzai’s choices for certain cabinet positions. SO WHO RUNS? Political parties are mostly removed from the electoral process in a system designed to prevent ethnic factionalism, so candidates for both parliamentary and presidential elections run as individuals. A total of 2,447 candidates, including 386 women, are standing for 249 Wolesi Jirga seats. The number of seats given to each district depends on population size, with Kabul the largest with 3 million people and 33 seats-nine reserved for women. A total of 664 candidates are registered in the capital alone. The number of candidates is slightly down from the 2,775 who stood in 2005 although the Independent Election Commission (IEC) says it made an extra effort to persuade women and members of nomadic tribes to run. Ministers and civil servants are not allowed to run while in office, and candidates require the support of 1,000 registered voters to run. SO DOES PARLIAMENT HAVE BLOCS? Members represent dozens of political parties as well as factions and blocs formed by warlords who fought for and against the Soviet occupation of the 1980s and in the subsequent civil war. Regional strongmen also form ethnic and tribal groups. These blocs are less important when standing for election than when voting on issues in parliament-

particularly when it comes to Karzai forming cabinets. WHAT IS THE SECURITY SITUATION The IEC says at least 938 of 6,835 polling centers- around 13 percent-will not open because security cannot be guaranteed. The Taleban tried, with limited success, to disrupt the 2005 parliamentary vote and the 2009 presidential vote. Insurgents have made no threats so far about next month’s election, but at least three candidates have been killed in attacks by suspected Taleban fighters. WHERE ARE THE CHECKS AND BALANCES? Fraud marred Karzai’s re-election last year and caused a major rift with Washington. Afghanistan’s U.N.-backed Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) threw out a third of votes cast for Karzai as fraudulent. Following the ruckus, Karzai changed the make-up of the commission and it now comprises three Afghans, an Iraqi and a South African. Complaints will have to be registered within three days of the poll, and the ECC has the authority to impose sanctions and penalties if it concludes an offence was committed. WHAT DOES THIS ELECTION MEAN FOR AFGHANISTAN? Civilian and military deaths in Afghanistan are at record levels and violence at its worst since the Taleban were ousted in 2001. The government’s inability to secure the election will cast more doubts about Karzai’s plans to put Afghan forces in complete control of security by 2014. Fraud is another concern, with some Western observers fearing Karzai will again have to make promises to appease opposing blocs, a worrying sign after the fraud and pork-barreling that marred last year’s vote when more than a third of Karzai’s votes were thrown out as fake. The presence of powerful rivals could create a parliament hostile to Karzai and frustrate Western countries pushing him to step up anti-graft efforts and improve governance while US and NATO forces push ahead with offensives before a troop drawdown begins next July. — Reuters

said he was deeply saddened by the tragedy. The cause of the crash was not immediately clear and Bimlesh Lal Karna, head of rescue operations with the civil aviation authority, said an investigation had been launched. “A committee has been formed and it will report on its findings within 10 days,” said Karna, who suggested the weather conditions may have been the reason for the accident. Witnesses said they saw the plane crash into a field next to a school in heavy rain and break up on impact. “There are small pieces of the plane all over the field and you can see body parts. We are all so shocked,” villager Pratap Lama told the Kantipur radio station. Bishnu Adhikari, managing director

of the travel agency that booked the six foreigners on to the flight, said they were all planning to trek to Everest base camp. “The Americans were travelling together and they had a guide with them. The British guy also had a guide, and there was a young Japanese man who was travelling alone,” said Adhikari, of Himal Reisen Travel. “They were all very excited by the prospect of seeing Everest for the first time. This is a very sad time for us all.” Thousands of travelers fly into Lukla, 140 kilometers northeast of Kathmandu, every year to access the stunning Himalayan range that forms Nepal’s northern border with Chinesecontrolled Tibet. The 550-metre-long sloping airstrip, perched on a hillside 2,757 meters above sea level, is consid-

40 militants killed Eight Taleban leaders captured KABUL: Afgha n and interna tional forces have killed about 40 Ta leban fighters ea st of the Afghan capital Ka bul as part of operations to provide security ahead of pa rlia mentary elections next month, NATO sa id yesterday. One coa lition soldier w as a lso killed in fighting in the vola tile south w here the Fighting in Kabul province began Friday, involving Afghan, US and French troops and both air and ground assaults, the coalition said. Eight Taleban leaders were captured and a large quantity of explosives and other weapons destroyed, it said. Troops were taking the fight to the insurgents in an area where they “used to feel pretty secure operating in,” Brig Gen Steve Townsend, the US deputy commander in eastern Afghanistan, was quoted as saying in a news release. No coalition casualties have been reported in the operation, NATO said. Insurgents have attacked government workers and threatened voters to derail Afghanistan’s electoral process. Despite heavy security for presidential polls last year, turnout was low and the result marred by allegations of widespread voter fraud. Elections for 249 seats in the lower house of parliament are scheduled for Sept 18. Heavy fighting overnight was also reported in the southwestern provinces of Nimroz and Uruzgan, adjoining the insurgent strongholds of Helmand and Kandahar provinces. Numerous Taleban were killed, but the Afghan police and army managed to avoid casualties, according to an army news release and Nimroz police chief Abdul Jabbar Pardali. Also yesterday, NATO said it was investigating allegations that eight civilians were killed and 12 injured in a coalition raid on a remote mountain village in the northern province of Baghlan. The chief of Baghlan’s Tala Wabarfak district, Mohammad Ismail, said the

insurgency is most heavily entrenched, the coalition reported. The soldier’s nationa lity w as not identified. A total of 48 foreign troops have been killed in Afghanista n this month, including 30 America ns, according to a count by The Associated Press.

JALALABAD: A man walks near the wreckage of a police vehicle at the site where an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated, wounding several police officers in Jalalabad, east of Kabul yesterday. — AP deaths - six men, one woman, and one child - reportedly came in the early hours of Sunday morning in the village of Tergaran. Villagers told him troops flown in aboard five or six helicopters also destroyed several houses during the fivehour operation, Ismail said. Two people were reportedly arrested and taken away he said, adding that Taleban have on occasion been active in the

area, a 10-hour walk from the nearest town over which the government exercises little influence. NATO said US troops fired warning shots on Monday to disperse a protest near the main coalition air base in Afghanistan over the arrest of a religious leader suspected of a rocket attack. The alliance said no civilian injuries were reported from the demonstration, but Gen. Faqir Ahmad, the deputy

Pakistan warns of more floods HYDERABAD: Pakistan faces a critical risk of yet more flooding in the next three days in its fertile southern plains, officials warned yesterday, as a major river threatened to burst its banks. The worst natural disaster in the country’s history has already affected 20 million people in nearly a month of flooding triggered by heavy monsoon rain, and left 1,500 dead by official count. Five million people have been made homeless across the country but that figure could surge higher if the swollen Indus river, whose fast-moving waters are piling pressure on sagging embankments, continues to fill up. “The next two to three days are very critical and we will have to strictly monitor the situation in the towns near the mouth of Indus river, which will have exceptionally high levels,” Sindh province irrigation minister Jam Saifullah Dharejo said. He said thousands of irrigation officials had been deployed to strengthen river barriers at high-risk spots near the teeming city of Hyderabad, but a full moon this week would fasten water flows and increase the risk of flood. Pakistan’s chief meteorologist Arif Mehmood confirmed the risk remained high in the south, while waters had receded in hard-hit Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Kashmir provinces, leaving huge needs in their wake. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said more than 3.5 million children were at risk from disease, with more than 200 health centers water damaged and a third of a total of 100,000 female health workers displaced from their homes. “As human misery continues to

Recovery from floods could take Pakistan years mount, we are seriously concerned about the spread of epidemic diseases,” Gilani told a meeting of health experts. “There is likelihood of water-borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea and dysentery, especially in children who are already weak and vulnerable,” he said. Millions who saw their homes wiped out are surviving on aid handouts and are in desperate need of food, shelter and clean drinking water. Under-fire President Asif Ali

ered one of the most difficult landings in the world and there have been several accidents there. The last was in 2008 when a Twin Otter plane carrying 18 people crashed, killing everyone on board. The airport is used by climbers heading for the heights of Everest, though August is the low season for both mountaineering and trekking. August is the rainy season in Nepal and helicopters were initially unable to fly to the crash area due to poor visibility. Landslides-a frequent occurrence in Nepal during the monsoon-also hampered road access. Tourism is a major foreign currency earner for impoverished Nepal and the number of visitors has increased since a civil war between Maoist guerrillas and the state ended in 2006. — AFP

Zardari has warned his crippled nuclear-armed nation, a key United States ally in the fight against Islamic extremism, could take years to recover. “Your guess is as good as mine but three years is a minimum,” Zardari told reporters on Monday when asked how long it would take Pakistan to go through relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation. “I don’t think Pakistan will ever fully recover but we will move on,” the president said, adding that the

government-strongly criticized for its slow response-was working to protect people from similar disasters in future. The UN estimates 4.8 million people have been made homeless. Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from flood-threatened areas close to Hyderabad, a city of 2.5 million people on the lower reaches of the Indus, where at least 36 nearby villages have been swept away. Dozens of volunteers could be seen in the outskirts of

SHADAD KOT: A Pakistani holds the holy Quran as he sits at an embankment surrounded by floodwater in Shadad Kot, in southern Pakistan yesterday. — AP

Hyderabad yesterday manning bulldozers and cranes, while others used shovels and hammers, to reinforce battered river embankments with broken bricks, stones and sandbags. Three hundred miles from Hyderabad, authorities continued to battle to save Shahdadkot from the surging waters, after most the city’s 100,000 residents had been escorted to safety or made a hasty getaway. Pakistan could take years to recover from the floods disaster, its president said, as crisis talks began with the IMF which predicted the catastrophe would have a “major and lasting” economic impact. An official in the province of Sindh said yesterday that up to 600,000 people were now in danger from rising flood waters in the south, nearly a month into a calamity that has affected a third of the country and cast some 4 million from their homes. “We are strengthening embankments but 500,000 to 600,000 people in low-lying areas are still in danger and we are trying to persuade them to leave their areas,” Sindh’s irrigation minister, Jam Saifullah Dherjo said. Flood victims are seething over what they say is their government’s sluggish response to the floods which have wiped out villages, bridges, roads, crops, livestock and livelihoods. In Nowshera, northwest of Islamabad in one of the hardest hit areas, the main relief camp housed 3,300 people. Several people complained they were being denied relief goods by camp officials. “We only get cooked food, nothing else. Everything else they receive from donors - blankets, water buckets, beds. —Agencies

police chief of Parwan province, said one civilian was killed by gunfire from an unknown source. NATO said about 300 people surrounded a patrol and attacked vehicles with rocks and iron bars outside Bagram air base, which is located in Parwan. “After several attempts to stop the attack and disperse the crowd, coalition troops received small-arms fire

directed at them,” NATO said in a news release. Coalition forces then fired the warning shots. Gen Ahmad said the coalition firing enraged the crowd with some then using rocks and sticks to attack police and the head of the district government, Kabir Ahmad, who had tried to calm the situation. The deputy police chief said Ahmad and a police officer had serious but not life-threatening injuries. — AP

Ahead of Afghan poll, security deteriorates MAZAR-I-SHARIF: As the Taleban spread their tentacles across the formerly peaceful north of Afghanistan, upcoming elections are proving a target for the insurgents. Across the northern provinces of the war-torn country, Afghans doubt the country can hold free and fair parliamentary polls on September 18 in a rapidly deteriorating security situation. Worst affected is Kunduz, in the northeast, though authorities in Balkh, Faryab and Jawzjan provinces noted the encroachment of Taleban insurgents who are trying to create a battleline marking their area of control. According to people in the region, the Taleban are on the march. “Taleban fighters are no longer just in limited numbers in our village, they are now in their hundreds,” said Mohammad Feda, 22, from Boka village in Balkh. Sitting in front of his shop on the Balkh-Jawzjan highway, Feda said Taleban numbers had grown so much in recent months they now had a visible presence in many villages in the area, day and night. People in Balkh, Chimtal, Chahar Bolak and Sholgara districts in Balkh province told AFP the Taleban were regrouping ahead of the elections, causing concern about how safe they will be in casting their votes.

“Elections can’t be held, no one can go to polling stations because the Taleban have warned people not to participate,” said an official in Chahar Bolak with the Independent Election Commission (IEC), which oversees the polls. “I have lived in Chahar Bolak all my life, but now sometimes I cannot go there due to the insecurity,” he said, speaking on condition he not be named. The IEC’s spokesman in Kabul, Noor Mahommad Noor, said last week that a total of 938 polling stations, about 14 percent of the total, in 25 of the 34 provinces would not open for polling “as security cannot be guaranteed”. During the August 2009 presidential election, the Taleban made good on threats to disrupt voting, killing or injuring hundreds of people as they tried to make their way to polling stations. This time around, the insurgents are targeting parliamentary candidates, most recently in late July when a mosque was bombed in eastern Khost province while Sayedullah Sayed was campaigning. He died of his injuries the next day. Balkh police chief General Esmatullah Alizia said the police would be relying on support from Afghan and international forces. —AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010


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Security experts angry over Philippines hostage drama By Roberto Coloma


ecurity experts yesterday were baffled and angered by the Philippines' handling of a hostage crisis in which a lone gunman was able to monitor ill-coordinated police operations live on television. Rolando Mendoza, 55, a sacked police officer demanding to be cleared of corruption charges, was finally felled by a sniper's bullet after chaotic scenes among security forces outside a tour bus he had commandeered. Eight tourists from Hong Kong lay dead or were fatally shot by the time the police seized control of the bus after a 12-hour standoff on Monday, during which the hostage taker also spoke by mobile phone with local radio stations. "The fact that there was essentially live video was mistake number one," said assistant professor John Harrison, a homeland security analyst at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He said there should have been a media blackout to deny the hijacker feedback on what was going on around him. Instead, he was able to follow eventsincluding frenzied speculation by serving and former police chiefs appearing on Philippine networks-via the bus's internal TV. President Benigno Aquino, who took his oath of office on June 30 at the historic Rizal Park grandstand complex where the incident unfolded, has defended the police but ordered an investigation. Hong Kong newspapers

bemoaned missed opportunities by police to end the siege much earlier, including a moment when the gunman waved from the bus door. Protestors yesterday picketed the Chinese territory's Philippine consulate. Dennis Wong Sing Wing, an associate professor of applied social studies at City University in Hong Kong, said the police operation was "really shocking" to watch as it unfolded live on TV. "I am very angry about their unprofessional performance," he said. "They are indirectly responsible for the deaths of the Hong Kong people." Wong said the policemen assigned to end the hostagetaking appeared to lack modern weapons and communication equipment, and as a result were hesitant to attack the gunman, who was armed with an M-16 assault rifle. He criticized the negotiating tactics employed by police, saying they failed to calm the hostage-taker down and hear him out. A retired Philippine military official who wrote a counter-terrorism manual and now runs a security consultancy said the police had enough expertise and equipment to deal with such an incident, but they were not put to use. "We have everything, except the execution was poorly done," he said, declining to be named. He was critical of the stop-go negotiations and "tentative" assault launched after gunshots rang out from inside the bus, adding that the police should have disabled the TV monitor early on.—AFP

Somalia's terror attack highlights govt fragility By Richard Lough


n armed attack on a Mogadishu hotel popular with politicians that killed 31 people including lawmakers is a stark illustration of the fragility of Somalia's interim government. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. But the brazen killings in the heart of one of the few pockets of government-controlled Mogadishu bore the hallmarks of Somali hardline Islamist militants. Somalia's UN-backed government is dependent on outside help for its survival. More than 6,300 African Union (AU) peacekeeping troops are deployed in Mogadishu but President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed's administration controls little more than a few blocks. The assault, almost certainly by Islamist insurgents who control much of the capital, sends a message that they continue to threaten the government's survival. It is also likely meant to undermine outside support for the interim government and the AU's AMISOM peacekeeping force, analysts said, by perpetuating the carnage and sense of hopelessness. It also highlights the paucity of options facing the African Union in trying to stabilize a country that has defied peace-making by foreigners for the past two decades. The Ugandan and Burundian peacekeeping troops focus their energies on guarding Mogadishu's port and airport and shielding the presidential palace. But the attack demonstrates the challenge in trying to protect Somalia's more than 500 hundred lawmakers. The attack, in which Somali gun-

men disguised in army uniforms stormed the Huna hotel located close to the presidential palace, happened a day after the AU announced the arrival of hundreds of new peacekeeping troops, mostly Ugandans. CORRECT STRATEGY? Eg Hogendoorn of the International Crisis Group said that while the attack did not necessarily mean Islamist rebels had gained in strength, it did underline the government's reliance on AMISOM to remain in power. Some analysts question whether more armed outside intervention is the right strategy given Somalia's record of vigorous opposition to foreign forces. At a recent briefing, a US official familiar with the international assistance to the government described the security situation as perilous. It was not enough for the government to take territory, the official said, even assuming it could build the capacity to advance from the few districts it currently held. It had to be able to hold the territory to enable services to be put in to newly liberated areas in order to garner public support. Analysts say that is a daunting challenge. Al Shabaab, the militant group likely to have carried out the attack, is an ally of AlQaeda that numbers among its ranks foreign militants with experience of armed attacks on Western and other targets in Africa. The shooting follows a bomb attack on the Ugandan capital Kampala last month that killed more than 70 people and was the first by Somalia's Islamist rebels on foreign soil. —Reuters

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Philippine hostage fiasco highlights tourism security fears By Karl Malakunas


he Philippines may have some of the most beautiful tropical islands in the world, but a deadly hostage crisis looks set to reinforce the country's status as a no-go zone for many foreigners. Security experts said Monday's tragedy, which saw eight tourists from Hong Kong killed as police stormed a hijacked bus in Manila, would deepen the Southeast Asian nation's stereotype as a lawless, corrupt and chaotic land. "This will clearly have a tremendous impact on the Philippines' tourism industry and the country's ability to attract foreign investment," said Rommel Banlaoi, head of the Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism. Banlaoi said that bungling by police, who waited more than 10 hours before storming the bus and even then could not get in, highlighted the inability of security forces across the country to help foreigners in trouble. "It only indicates that our law enforcement agencies have few capabilities to handle situations like this," he said. "It reveals that our police and security forces really need to undergo training in order to prepare for terrorist attacks, kidnappings and other situations." The Philippines has long lagged behind its neighbors as a tourism destination, partly because of a lack of infrastructure such as airports and hotels but also due to security concerns. About three million tourists visited the Philippines last year, compared with 14.15 million arrivals for Thailand, according to data from both

governments. Pete Troilo, Manilabased business intelligence director with the Pacific Strategies and Assessments risk consultancy group, said that the Philippines was actually as safe for foreigners as most other Asian countries. However he said the "unique" and high-profile security threats in the Philippines-particularly terrorism and kidnappings-gave the country an unfair reputation for being far more dangerous than places such as Thailand. Muslim bandits who roam lawless areas of the southern Philippines have frequently made world headlines in recent years by kidnapping foreigners who ignore government travel warnings and venture there. "When you aggregate all the events it certainly doesn't sound like a place you want to visit for leisure... and perception is reality when it comes to the Philippines," he said. "But common sense can protect foreigners from the vast number of risks in Metro Manila and elsewhere in the Philippines." Bob McKercher, professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University's school of hotel and tourism management, said Monday's events would have a "devastating" blow on the Philippine tourism industry in the short term. McKercher said most travelers to the Philippines were risk-averse sun seekers who get jittery over security worries, and would likely opt for other destinations including Malaysia and Thailand. "Tourists are going to be pretty nervous about going there and they have lots of alternatives," he said.

"The perception is that the Philippines is less safe than other places. They have had a problem with insurgencies and there is a bit of a gun culture there." McKercher said the country should launch a major public relations campaign to draw tourists back.

"They'll have to try to convince people how friendly the Philippines is, how welcoming the Philippines is and how safe it is," he said. Philippine Tourism Secretary Alberto Lim said the government was indeed going to adopt such tactics,

when asked to respond to the Hong Kong government's warning to its citizens to avoid the country. "We have to take it on the chin but at the same time we also have to do our own public relations counter-offensive," he told reporters.— AFP

Philippine hijacker was once model policeman By Cecil Morella


olando Mendoza's crazed quest to restore his reputation as one of the Philippines' best policemen came to a gory end with his bullet-riddled body slumping out of a tourist bus he hijacked. One of his sharp-shooting former colleagues shot him in the head on Monday night, ending a 12-hour ordeal that began when Mendoza took hostage a busload of Hong Kong tourists in a bid to exonerate himself from extortion charges. Dressed in army fatigues, a pistol in his hand, a knife on his waistbelt and an assault rifle slung over his shoulder, Mendoza forced his way onto the bus in a desperate bid to raise awareness about his two-year personal campaign. In conversations with radio and television stations during the standoff, 55-year-old Mendoza repeatedly claimed he was not given a fair hearing by his superiors when he was discharged from the force. But as the siege dragged on he apparently realized he was doomed. "What is the use of living? I will just waste my life now," Mendoza said, but even then he remained defiant, warning he would kill his hostages one by one if his demands were not met. Mendoza was last photographed alive on the open bus door with his receding hairline framing a grave face, a blue shirt underneath his unbuttoned army shirt and a long knife hanging off his belt. Mendoza joined the ranks as a lowly patrolman in 1981, but quickly became recognized as a model policeman in a force infamous for being corrupt. In 1986 he was named among the country's top 10 police officers, one of 17 service awards he received in his career that spanned nearly three decades.

His last post was as head of Manila's Mobile Patrol Unit, its frontline group dealing with street crimes. Police work was also in Mendoza's blood. A brother and one of his three children are also in the police force. Mendoza's downward spiral began in 2008 when a hotel chef accused him of framing him over a drugs charge to extort 20,000 pesos ($422), roughly a junior police officer's monthly salary. A complaint filed with the ombudsman, a special prosecutor, accused Mendoza and his men of stuffing a packet of banned methamphetamine called "ice" in the chef's mouth and forcing him to withdraw money from his bank account. An internal investigation found Mendoza and four of his men guilty and they were kicked out of the force. They were also stripped of their retirement pay. "He believed he was relieved from his post without due process and felt the police leadership did not help him despite his sacrifices," said his younger brother, Gregorio Mendoza, also a Manila police officer, on Monday. In a bizarre twist, police initially sought Gregorio Mendoza's help in negotiating an end to the siege, then arrested him during the standoff for allegedly helping his brother. Police said Mendoza began shooting the hostages after rejecting a personal letter from the ombudsman, handed over by a police negotiator, to review his dismissal as "garbage". His father, 79-year-old Leonardo Mendoza, told ABS-CBN television that his son was not known to be a violent man, but had complained of being stabbed in the back by the organization to which he had devoted his life. "He is a very good man," the father said from the family home in Tanauan town, two hours' drive south of Manila. "We are calling on the president to look at what happened to his case." — AFP

Erupting Vanuatu volcano lures thrill-seeking tourists By Madeleine Coorey


s the Mount Yasur volcano cracks like thunder, spewing molten rock and billowing clouds of ash, it sends a warm rush of air to tourists watching from its rim. Amid the roars from the abyss, the hiss of steam, and the thud of large pieces of magma hitting the ashen dust on the other side of the vent, more visitors arrive to view the eruptions in the pre-dawn dark. "I've been here many times but I still get scared," says a tour group leader, moving back from the unfenced rim overlooking the red-hot gash in the Earth's crust in the South Pacific state of Vanuatu. The fear is understandable. The track to the crater's edge is strewn with rocks tossed skyward by the volcanic eruptions-ranging from the size of house bricks to one as large as a car door which almost blocks the ashen path. Kicking a dinner plate-sized piece of cooled lava that he estimates has landed in the last month, a guide points out that Yasur is not particularly active at the moment, rating only one on a scale that runs to four. In May, visiting the crater was banned and the huge plume of volcanic ash which fell over Tanna Island, clouding windscreens as people drove, disrupted international flights. Since the intrepid Briton Captain James Cook first spotted its glow in 1774, thousands of tourists have visited the volcano which lies some 250 kilometers south of the capital Port Vila and

VANUATU: Four-wheel-drive vehicles make their way across the ash field towards Mount Yasur volcano as it billows ash over Tanna in Vanuatu. — AFP within the "Pacific Ring of Fire", known for its high seismic and volcanic activity. One of the most accessible volcanos on Earth, the 361-metre Mount Yasur is also nearly always active-its super-hot crater a warm glow seen from around the island. Officials say no one has ever fallen

into the molten pit but acknowledge that at least two people have been killed by flying lava after venturing towards the more dangerous sites on the ashen mountain. Another person, a resident of another part of Tanna Island, died after he was hit in the leg by a piece of lava and bled to death

after failing to seek medical help, according to the Vanuatu Tourism Office. The volcano has also been known to cause a tsunami and locals live with the constant nuisance of falling ash destroying the crops they need for their survival on the island, where

most still live in traditional villages. Many of the poor roads which link the island communities are cut into the volcanic ash, meaning heavy downpours can make travel impossible, while the ash mud also has the potential for landslides which could bury villages. But the volcano, reached via a barren moonscape covered in ash and dotted with rocks of lava, also ensures that Tanna has some of the most fertile soil in the country and the island produces coffee, coconut and copra. It is also the source of hard currency, as tourists come to see an island once famous for its cannibalism which now boasts visitor-friendly traditional Vanuatu villages, where residents still wear grass skirts and subsist on coconuts, bananas and yams. As dawn breaks on Mount Yasur, roosters are heard and surrounding peaks can be discerned, as can the surrounding sea. "Before, the people believed the volcano was their god," explains local guide Fred George, who has brought two foreign tourists to the crater's edge for a dawn viewing. "I can say they worshipped it." In former times, a local practice was to push dry sticks into the lava to obtain fire for heat and cooking, with villagers saying 'Yasur, Yasur, we need the fire from you', George said. "It's still important to us," he says, but for reasons less sacred: the mountain brings hundreds of tourists to Tanna Island each year, each of whom pays 2,250 Vatu (22 US) to view the volcanic eruptions. "Without the volcano... no money," George says. —AFP


Wednesday, august 25, 2010


Chilean miracle may help Pinera's royalty push By Juana Casas and Antonio de la Jara

who has a personal fortune of more than $2 billion, has struggled with sagging popularity since he took office five months ago. His approval rating is below 50 percent, the lowest level for any leader since the country returned to democratic rule in 1990. "This pro-active role should be reflected in more support for him," said Gustavo Cuevas, a political scientist at the Universidad Mayor. Pinera has spent most of his time in office planning efforts to reconstruct infrastructure ruined by the February earthquake. Now, he may have a chance to put his presidency on a new course. "I think this will have an enormous impact on public opinion, the government has finally filled its posts and now is at cruising altitude," said Marta Lagos, director of the MORI consultancy in Santiago. "With this, the president will have public opinion in his pocket."


hilean President Sebastian Pinera may enjoy more public support and sway in Congress after his government successfully located 33 miners alive 17 days after a tunnel they were in had collapsed. The miraculous turn in a drama that most analysts thought would end in tragedy could strengthen Pinera's hand as he prepares to send a bill to Congress this week to temporarily raise royalties for mines in the world's top copper producer. Pinera-who became a protagonist in the story when he appeared on TV reading a note that the trapped miners had attached to a drill bit on Sunday to tell loved ones they were alive-says higher royalties are needed to help rebuild the country, which was hit by a massive earthquake in February. "The president took a big risk because he bet the miners would be found alive, when all other studies said that was unlikely. The bet paid off very well," said Patricio Navia, a political scientist at New York University. Pinera,

COPIAPO, Chile: Relatives of the miners trapped in the San Esteban gold and copper mine in Copiapo, hug each other after learning via a camera lowered deep below ground that the 33 workers were alive and in good health. — AFP

ROYALTY PLATFORM With an improved public standing, Pinera may have a better chance of getting his royalty bill past the opposition in Congress, where he lacks a majority. The bill proposes a

temporary increase in royalties in exchange for a longer period of tax stability in the future for the sector, which includes state-run Codelco and global giant BHP Billiton. Other leading companies include Antofagasta Minerals, Anglo American and FreeportMcMoRan. Currently, taxes for mining companies are not supposed to change until 2017, unless they voluntarily agree to pay more. After setting a higher royalty, Pinera's bill would extend the period of tax stability to 2025. Congress rejected an earlier version of the bill shortly after the quake. At that time, opposition lawmakers said changes to the tax regime merited a wider debate and excluded the measures from a broader bill to fund the quake response. Analysts say the scenario is now more favorable for Pinera and there is an outpouring of goodwill for workers and less support for mining companies. "The center-left opposed the new royalty but now it will be difficult for them to oppose," Cuevas said. "I think the rescue effort of the miners could favor the bill's chances." — Reuters

Afghan vote runs up against fear, disenchantment By Heidi Vogt


shopkeeper in Kandahar city says what others are thinking: Casting a ballot in next month's Afghan parliamentary election isn't worth the risk. "I'm not going to vote. I can't risk my life for nothing," says 31-year-old Hekmatullah as he calls out prices for lipstick and nail polish to women shuffling through the store in burqas. After a fraud-ridden presidential election last year that threatened to undermine President Hamid Karzai's legitimacy and international support, the Sept 18 parliamentary ballot is being watched closely as a test of whether the Afghan government is serious about reform. A second flawed ballot would devastate Karzai's reputation abroad and threaten US congressional support for the government at a decisive phase in the nearly 9-year war. The Afghan constitution required a parliamentary election by May 22, but the balloting was postponed by four months because of security concerns and lack of funds from international donors, which were withheld until Karzai replaced top election officials who ran the presidential vote. With fighting escalating in much of the country and bitter memories of the presidential vote fraud, many

Afghans wonder what's the point. "We don't know if we will be alive tomorrow and you are talking about the election?" said Abdul Jabbar Aghnozada, a farmer in Arghandab district just north of Kandahar city where fighting has been heavy. "I don't know why they are bothering to hold an election when the government can't do anything for our safety." In eastern Paktia province and southern Kandahar province, candidates decided not to campaign at all because it was too dangerous, according to the Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan, the main Afghan observer body. "There is a perception in some provinces that the winners are already decided by local officials," said Nader Nadery, the head of the group. Many candidates are using government resources for their campaign, and there have been no sanctions of these people or public denouncements, he said. Even in the relatively safe capital of Kabul, many say they don't see any reason to vote. "There's too much corruption," said Mabubullah Ayubi, who runs a restaurant. "All the people with posters up - they are warlords." He argued that the parliament hasn't done much for the country over the past five years, so he saw no reason to go vote

when there could be attacks on polling centers. Asked about reforms, Ayubi was skeptical that anything would change. "We're not looking five years back for that, we're looking just last year to the presidential election. There was too much fraud," he said, adding that he knows of people who have five or six voter registration cards for the upcoming election - allowing them to cast multiple ballots. Karzai's international partners, who condemned the presidential vote last year, are working to make sure the September ballot, when voters will choose 249 members of the lower house from among more than 2,500 candidates, will be cleaner than the presidential vote. But few are setting their hopes high. "They will not be perfect and they will not be elections that you would see in other countries which do not have the same challenges," the top UN official here, Staffan de Mistura, said in a statement to the UN Security Council last month. "But they will be better." To this end, Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission has blacklisted about 6,000 poll workers either for inexperience or misconduct during last year's vote. Election officials will swear on the Islamic holy book the Quran to uphold the law, said

Fazel Ahmad Manawi, chairman of the commission organizing the vote. Provincial election chiefs have been reassigned so that no one will oversee voting in the same province as last year. "We have learned a lot from last year's election," Manawi said. There are some hopeful signs. Polling stations will be open in Marjah - the town in Helmand province that was wrested from Taleban control in a major US offensive earlier this year. Abdullah Jan, who works at a transportation business in the capital of Helmand, said he's worried about safety but he'll vote anyway. He hopes that the lessons of 2009 have been learned. "I don't think it will be safe, but I think it will be a fair election," Jan said. The presidential vote last summer brought with it a spike in violence, particularly in the south. Poll workers and voters were attacked, and Taleban insurgents fired rockets into Kandahar city. Even so, Hekmatullah, the cosmetics vendor, who like many Afghans uses only one name, voted last year. Now, even with more US and Afghan troops in the streets, he said he doesn't feel safer and has lost trust in the system. "Nothing has changed. The Taleban still have their hold here, so I'm sure it won't be safe to vote. And it

won't be fair," he said. The major test of reform will likely be the number of voting sites that open. In the presidential vote, officials opened hundreds of so-called ghost sites that were too dangerous for voters to visit. Though observers said few voters showed up, boxes came back to Kabul full of ballots. Electoral officials plan to open 5,897 voting sites for the parliamentary election, having discarded more than 900 proposed venues because army and police could not guarantee security. Last year, 6,167 voting centers nominally operated. Security officials first promised they could secure 6,835 sites. The election commission persuaded them to reduce the number to a more reasonable figure, Manawi said. "The security forces are always trying to make the situation look much better than it is," Manawi said. "They weren't looking at reality." All the steps to encourage a clean election mean little to Aghnozada, a thin 48-year-old with a long beard in Kandahar's Arghandab Valley. He said the Taleban are too powerful for him to consider voting. "I haven't seen any election commission officers or candidates," he said, sitting on the grass outside his mud-brick house. Aghnozada said he didn't know who was running in his district. — AP

Power cuts cast shadow over boiling Ramadan in Gaza By Nidal Al-Mughrabi


ome locals blame it on internal Palestinian politics, others try to blame it on Israel. Whatever the reason, constant electricity outages during a summer heat wave are driving people to distraction in Gaza. Residents in the coastal enclave, which is run by the Islamist Hamas group, have been losing their electricity for up to 16 hours a day during the holy month of Ramadan, ruining festive family gatherings and jeopardizing businesses. "This is not a life," said Hassan Haweela, a father of eight sitting on the pavement outside his shabby one-floor house in Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. "Myself and my kids sit here to escape the heat. We sometimes even take our mattresses outside and sleep here where it is a bit cooler," he added. Gaza's precarious energy supply is bad at the best of times, with a rickety infrastructure system badly degraded during recent confrontations between Israel and Hamas. Israel's bombardment of Gaza's power plant in 2006 destroyed six transformers and at present, only one transformer is operating at a much-reduced capacity. But the situation has been made much worse by a row over the funding of fuel supplies, pitting Hamas against its arch internal rival, the Palestinian Authority, which used to control Gaza and still handles the enclave's power bill. Two-thirds of Gaza's power needs are provided by Israel and, to a very small degree, by Egypt, with the remaining third generated locally by the wardamaged power plant. The Palestinian Authority, based in the West Bank and a recipient of generous Western aid, pays Israel for the fuel

JENIN: Palestinian security officers pray at their headquarters in the West Bank city of Jenin, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan yesterday. — AFP required to run Gaza's generator and also pays Israel and Egypt for power they feed directly into the impoverished territory. Hamas says their rivals are not paying enough to meet Gaza's energy needs, while the PA says Hamas has failed to collect payments from subscribers, resulting in a cash shortfall.

MISERY UNDER THE SUN Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said in a statement on Tuesday that enough fuel to power two generators for five days will be shipped starting Wednesday, since the Gaza electric company had paid $2 million into the account. But continuation of the supply "hinges on the continuation of the Gaza electricity distri-

bution company transferring the money for it," Fayyad said. That means "collecting money from citizens who are capable of paying", including Hamas. Whoever is to blame for the outages, the outcome is painfully clear for the 1.5 million people crammed into this tiny splinter of land-constant power outages that plunge whole districts into dark-

ness at nightfall, render fridges useless and halt water pumps. "It is hell," said Haweela's wife, Umm Hassan, after eating a predawn breakfast in the ghostly light of an oil-filled lamp. The situation is perhaps worse in daylight because fans and air conditioning units stand idle as the temperature soars into the 30 degrees Cs (above 90

degrees F) during a summer of exceptional heat. Even a trip to the more breezy coast is hazardous-local water treatment plants are unable to cope with the electricity cuts, meaning raw sewage is pouring into the sea, turning the Mediterranean beaches into health hazards. Palestinian company officials say the total monthly fuel bill is 70 million shekels ($18.4 million), with the local Gaza power company collecting just 16 million shekels from users, many of whom complain that they cannot afford their bills. Aware of the growing public anger over the issue, Hamas and the PA are considering deducting energy charges directly from the salaries of the army of public workers and civil servants. Hamas pays the wages of 34,000 civil and military employees and the PA pays some 77,000 other workers, with a minimum, automatic deduction of 170 shekel per staffer under review. Gaza authorities have also promised to push subscribers for timely payment and the PA finance ministry has pledged to cover any shortfall for the next two months to guarantee supplies. But Gaza residents remain skeptical about any such deals, seeing no quick fixes to their power woes, which have compounded the gloom of an already very depressed economy. "Business is bad. I am afraid to keep large amounts of cheese, dairy products or even preserved food in the fridge because of lengthy power cuts," said Mohammed Abu Osama, whose Gaza City store normally does brisk trade in treats for Ramadan, when Muslims feast between sundown and sunrise. "People also do not buy much because they are afraid it will rot quickly," he said, adding: "Nobody cares about our losses. Our leaders do not care." — Reuters


'Mackerel war' threatens Iceland EU accession talks By Pete Harrison and Stefano Ambrogi


he European Union's fisheries chief has warned that Iceland's bid to join the bloc could be damaged by an escalating "mackerel war" over fishing rights in the northeast Atlantic. Cashstrapped Iceland began talks to join the EU in July, after the collapse of its banking system persuaded it to seek the financial security of European Union membership. But the island of 320,000 people has also increased its catch of Atlantic mackerel, which have started swimming further north than usual, bringing it into conflict with fishermen from Scotland, Ireland and Norway, who operate within quotas. The confrontation "risks impacting negatively on the forthcoming accession negotiations between the EU and Iceland", European fisheries chief Maria Damanaki wrote to Stefan Fuele, the commissioner in charge of EU accession. "There is no justification for the escalating levels of the Icelandic fishery," Damanaki wrote in last month's letter, seen by Reuters The Federation of Icelandic Fishing Vessel Owners says Iceland has the right to fish as it pleases in its own waters, and only raised its catch limits after unreasonable behavior by the EU in fishing negotiations. The row recalls the "cod wars" of the 1970s, in which naval vessels and British and Icelandic trawlers clashed over access to then-bountiful cod stocks. Scottish Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead said mackerel's reputation as one of the ocean's few sustainably managed fish was being threatened. "This issue transcends diplomatic relationships or regional rivalries because the very future and sustainability of global mackerel stocks is at stake,"

he said. WARMER WATERS Warmer temperatures have caused migratory mackerel to swim further north than ever before, creating a valuable new fishery for Iceland. Environmentalists say such conflicts for resources will become increasingly common due to climate change. Iceland unilaterally raised its fishing quota for the silvery-blue fish to allow its fishermen to catch 130,000 tons, compared to a traditional catch that the EU estimates at 2,000 tons. Meanwhile, the Faroe Islands, 300 km north of mainland Scotland, has more than trebled this year's mackerel quota from traditional levels to 85,000 tons. Scotland's struggling fishermen are angry and last week blockaded a Faroese boat from landing its catch in the Scottish port of Peterhead. "The impact is huge, 90-95 percent of earnings derived from my fleet is derived from mackerel," said Ian Gatt, chief executive of the Scottish Pelagic (oceanic) Fishermen's Association. "Last year, earnings from Pelagic catches were 135 million pounds ($208 million) for Scottish vessels and you take that out from the Scottish economy and you've got one big hole," he said. Norway has also banned Icelandic and Faroese boats from landing mackerel, and says it suspects the countries of trying to create leverage for future quota negotiations. The European Union's executive Commission has warned that this year's catch levels could be 20-40 percent higher than is sustainable, saying the situation is "anarchic". Scotland's Lochhead agreed on Monday to work closely with Damanaki to pressure Iceland, saying "No options are off the table". — Reuters

Merkel under pressure to raise tax for rich Germans By Dave Graham


s an age of austerity looms for some of Germany's poorest citizens, pressure is growing to impose higher taxes on the richest, setting the scene for fresh conflict in Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling coalition. Thousands have taken to the streets this summer to demonstrate against plans by Merkel's centre-right government to cut billions of euros in spending on the unemployed without imposing a similar burden on the other end of society. Some senior figures from her conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) have urged Merkel to consider higher taxes for the rich, lest a steady slide in the administration's popularity accelerate into freefall before six state elections next year. This would set the CDU on a collision course with its junior coalition partner, the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP), whose campaign for tax cuts in 2009's federal election won them a record share of votes, giving Merkel a centre-right majority. With support for the CDU now crumbling to levels rarely seen since Merkel took office in 2005, the pragmatic pastor's daughter may decide that shoring up her own party is the lesser evil when parliament's summer recess ends next month. Gero Neugebauer, a political scientist at Berlin's Free University, said arguing for higher taxes for the rich could convince centrist voters to turn out for the CDU in the regional elections next year without alienating the party's right wing. "The CDU needs something to drag itself back up, and there are good arguments in favor of it," he said. "Everything that's been suggested in the party to date would still leave the top tax rates well below what they were under Helmut Kohl." When Kohl left office in 1998, the standard tax rate for top earners was 53 percent. It is now 42 percent. "TAX HAVEN" Polls suggest that public unease about the welfare cuts has galvanized resurgent leftist opposition parties, all of whom have been arguing for higher levies for the rich, backed by a number of prominent campaigns by wealthy Germans. "In some ways we've become a tax haven," said Dieter Lehmkuhl, a retired millionaire who is part of an initiative for a wealth tax on Germans with assets of at least

500,000 euros. Germany has had no formal wealth tax since 1997. Proponents point out that, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Germany raises tax revenues equivalent to barely one percent of GDP on assets, inheritance and property-only about half the OECD average. In coming months, the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens are due to unveil separate plans for a wealth levy. Germany's highest court threw out a previous tax on the grounds that the way certain assets were valued was unconstitutional. "Things are so out of kilter now that people can no longer improve their situation through hard work alone," said Gerhard Schick, financial policy spokesman for the Greens. Surveys indicate that if a national vote were held now, the opposition would crush Merkel and her allies, whose coalition lost its majority in the upper house of parliament after defeat in a regional election in May. In March, three states accounting for about 21 percent of the population go to the polls. The biggest is Baden-Wuerttemberg, where polls suggest the CDU is in danger of being ousted after nearly six unbroken decades in power. Baden-Wuerttemberg is one of three conservative-run states pressing for a reform of real estate tax. Reports say this could hit property owners with higher rates, but the states deny this. RISING PRESSURE Despite record economic growth, daily reports of infighting have whittled away combined voter support for Merkel's ruling coalition to around 34 percent-some 24 percentage points behind the three leftist opposition parties. Studies suggest popular discontent over the welfare cuts, which include measures to slash pension benefits, parental subsidies and heating allowances for the long-term unemployed, have created fertile ground for the chancellor's adversaries. After the cuts were announced in June, a survey for ARD television indicated four out of five Germans believed they were not being shared out fairly. Meanwhile, a poll for the weekly Der Spiegel said 86 percent of respondents felt the rich should shoulder more of the burden of the crisis.—Reuters


14 Peace in Mideast!

Kuwait hosts Arab and International Relations Council KUWAIT: The Arab and International Relations Council concluded its meetings in Kuwait yesterday as it sets its policies for the coming period. The chairman Mohammad AlSaqer said the council has completed the procedures of its establishment and the Kuwait government has agreed to be the host country. Al-Saqer added that Qatar will host the

Continued from Page 1 Didn’t the Arab League agree to have direct talks with Israel and the Israelis agreed to that only to demolish houses in Jerusalem the following day. So, what will be the difference between those direct talks with the Israeli cabinet and the Washingtonbased talks? We see both Cabinets together on weekly basis, chatting and talking. They look like they are best friends but there is never an outcome. Netanyahu yesterday gave a statement saying that he is ready to have direct talks with the Palestinians “without preconditions.” Isn’t that ironic? The man is in power. The whole world, particularly the US, is backing him. He is the one who is demolishing houses in Jerusalem and West Bank and taking over West Bank, day by day and inch by inch. He is the one who is preventing ships carrying aid to reach the Palestinians. He is the one who is building settlements in every corner of the West Bank. He is the one who is putting road blocks and checkpoints on the Palestinians in nearly every other 10 meters. He is the one who is in control of the military, police, electricity and water across the West Bank. So, what is this nonsense of “preconditions’? If it has come from Abbas it would have been more proper. At least, they have genuine conditions, like the settlements. So, what are the conditions of Mr Netanyahu? It sounds like he is doing the world a favor. It sounds like he is saying that he is a peaceloving man who wants to solve the problem but wants to keep the whole of the West Bank and to totally bring Gaza under his control. Very nice preconditions. I wish he comes with conditions next time!

ramadan kareem

Month of Mercy By Dr Yunus Aidaroos


amadan is a month whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is Forgiveness and whose end is freedom from the fire.” Ponder on the inherent logical sequence (subhanAllah ) of the above! We cannot be exempt from fire without first being forgiven. And to be forgiven, we must be graced by Allah’s mercy. The first one third of Ramadan (10 days ) is MERCY from Allah.Can we expect to receive mercy if we only deprive our bodies of food and drink? Of course not. Because Ramadan is meant for SPIRITUAL development through fasting. Physiologically, by fasting the body eliminates toxins efficiently and the mind becomes clear for “power thinking” so that one may ponder on the meaning of the Quran, Hadith and the necessity of Zhikr. One must also do some self-analysis to monitor and correct one’s behavior if necessary. With meditation the mind becomes quiet and so should our tongues! - Allah is looking for a sincere commitment from us and not just physical starvation till sunset and then returning to the status quo. Ramadan does not end at every iftar. It ends only on sighting the hilal of Shawwal. So the hard spiritual work must carry on for the whole of the month. - One must plead for mercy and sincerely cry to receive it because without it, we are stuck at stage one and our prospects of “freedom from fire” will be bleak. -Therefore this stage one is for sincere confession to Allah that we are weak and sinful and that we desperately need His mercy. We have only about 10 days to qualify to stage two. The second one third of R amadan is — FORGIVENES S - We must now beg for Allah’s forgiveness because we have broken so many of His rules and covenants and disobeyed His commands during the year, both knowingly and unknowingly. We must say istighfaar day and night and ask in every sajda for forgiveness. We must be afraid that if Allah does not forgive, we will surely be among the losers. Here again, Allah will be assessing the degree of sincerity in our repentance. He looks not for lip service but for soul service! - We must also be forgiving to other people’s mistakes and tempers. The last one third of R amadan is — FREEDOM FROM FIRE These are our last ten days or so. Instead of just focusing on Laylat Al-Qadar (the night of power) one should intensify supplications for the whole last third of Ramadan. If possible and affordable then do go for Umrah ... it will be probably the most spiritually fulfilling experience you will have, aside from Hajj. And Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to having done a Hajj with our Rasool pbuh! At the completion of the last fast, be optimistically hopeful that you will be alive to give similar pious worship during the forthcoming Ramadans. And if you remain guided in your life then you’ll be will be admitted to Paradise, insha’Allah, by the Ryan gate of Paradise! Indeed Allah does not break His promise to his slaves. www.zawaj.com

The plane, which Xinhua said was Brazilian-made Embraer E-190 jet, had taken off from Heilongjiang’s capital of Harbin shortly before 9 pm and crashed in heavy fog during landing at the Lindu airport a little more than an hour later. An official surnamed Qi at the Yichun No1 People’s Hospital said 30 people had been brought there for treatment, with most suffering broken bones. A man who would only give his surname, Wang, at the Yichun Rehabilitation Hospital, which has burn specialists on site, said 10 survivors were transferred there with burn injuries.

next meeting in December. He said the council is an unprecedented civil institution in the Arab World that will champion the Arab interests. He said the council will be registered at the Arab League as an NGO, and its role will not clash with that of the Arab League, rather it will complement it. — Agencies

Saudi court backing away from paralysis punishment

PARMA: A technician controls an unmanned electric-powered vehicle by a remote device, in Parma, Italy. — AP

RIYADH: A Saudi court is trying to persuade a man paralyzed in a fight to drop his demand to inflict a similar injury on his attacker by having his spinal cord surgically damaged, a judiciary spokesman said. The court has determined that such a procedure could result in the attacker’s death and is appealing to the victim to accept financial compensation instead, the spokesman said, speaking on condition of anonymity under judiciary rules. Abdul-Aziz Al-Mutairi, 22, was left paralyzed and subsequently lost a foot after a fight more than two years ago in which a man attacked him with a cleaver. He asked a judge in northwestern Tabuk province to impose an equivalent punishment on his attacker under Islamic law. After consulting with Saudi hospitals, the judge ruled that such a procedure

could be fatal and that blood money would be a fair deal. The victim’s brother, Khaled AlMutairi, told The Associated Press by telephone that he had not received such a proposal from the court and could not comment on what decision the family might take. Rights group Amnesty International has urged Saudi authorities not to deliberately paralyze the attacker, saying that doing so would constitute torture. Saudi Arabia enforces strict Islamic law and occasionally doles out punishments based on the ancient legal code of an eye-for-an-eye. According to Amnesty, convicts have had teeth pulled by dentists in retribution for knocking people’s teeth out in fights and others have been sentenced to be blinded after causing people to go blind. — AP

Driverless vehicles go Bahrain nabs suspect manual in Moscow in 1999 suitcase death another driverless van parked three meters away. “The second accident is even more stupid than the first,” Broggi said. One of the batterypowered vehicles, was being loaded on to a truck to be recharged, and it banged into a truck, taking off a bumper. The Italian scooter and vehicle maker Piaggio, which owns the four driverless vehicles, is sending spare bumpers, Broggi said. And now the team has a check list to make sure all systems are off when they stop for a break. Vislab’s goal is to log 13,000 driverless kilometers by the time the convoy arrives in Shanghai on Oct 28, for a final demonstration at the World Expo. So far, the vehicles have logged 2,300 autonomous kilometers of the total 4,100 kilometers traveled by the convoy to date, the balance in tow. Still, Broggi is optimistic they will make up the mileage on the zigzagging route through Asia. The departure from Italy was delayed by logistics, so the vehicles were towed to Belgrade. Then the team got stuck on the Russian border for 22 hours waiting for proper authorization to bring the vehicles into the country - not because of concerns over the unmanned technology but for proof of vehicle ownership, Broggi said. To make up the time,

MILAN: A pair of fender-benders, two technology-loving hitchhikers and 22 hours blocked at the Russian border. That’s the balance sheet so far for a team of driverless vehicles on a 13,000-kilometer roadtrip from Europe to China. A group of Italian engineers from the University of Parma’s Vislab are testing sensory technology that allow unmanned vehicles to avoid obstacles on the longest-ever roadtrip of driverless technology. One month into the three-month journey, most errors have been human. “We were trapped in customs for one long day. We had a small accident - well, two small accidents, caused by human error. As far as the technology is concerned, everything has been smooth. We are very happy,” project leader Alberto Broggi said yesterday. The first accident occurred a couple of days into Russia, when the group stopped for the day and got out of the vehicles. One team of engineers turned off the sensory equipment, but neglected to switch off the automatic driving mechanism. “So it was able to steer and drive, but it had no perception. It couldn’t see anything,” said Broggi, who is monitoring the journey and troubleshooting from Parma. The vehicle drove right into the rear of

the vehicles were towed again. And Moscow drivers, it turns out, are not ready to share the roads with autonomous vehicles - so the automatic driving mechanism had to be turned off. For the journey, the driverless vehicles travel in pairs, with the driverless vehicle taking cues from a lead van being driven normally. But in Moscow, drivers cut in between the vehicles, blocking the signal, and the unmanned vans’ impulse to stay within the traffic lines was futile given the chaotic driving patterns, Broggi said. “It was impossible. In crowded areas, if no one is respecting the rules, there is no way to navigate. The only thing you can do is avoid hitting someone,” Broggi said. Yet, he would not rule out autonomous vehicles in chaotic situations in the future: the rules for the driverless vehicles would just have to be rewritten to match the environment. The convoy has been logging roughly 200 to 230 kilometers a day, and was somewhere between Niznij Novogorod and Saratov yesterday, two days af ter leaving Moscow where a pair of enterprising hitchhikers flagged them down with a banner endorsing future technology. They got a short 15-minute ride for their effort. — AP

KNPC to build storage tanks KUWAIT: State oil refiner Kuwait National Petroleum Co (KNPC) is planning to build super-sized storage tanks at the country’s largest refinery at an estimated cost of KD 250 million dinars, it said yesterday. Bidding for the project at Mina Al-Ahmadi, with

capacity of 460,000 barrels per day, is expected to start in three months, a local daily reported yesterday. Company spokesman Mohammed AlAjmi confirmed the report and said the number of tanks to be built was 10, with a total storage capacity of

750,000 cubic meters. Building is expected to start before the end of the year. OPEC member Kuwait is the world’s fourth largest oil exporter. It has two other refineries and the combined capacity of the three installations is 930,000 bpd. — Reuters

Dubai arrests 4 over gem heist MUMBAI: Three Mexicans and a Venezuelan have been arrested in Dubai on suspicion of stealing diamonds worth about 1.4 million dollars from a jewelry show in Mumbai, Indian police said yesterday. The four suspects — three men and a woman — are thought to be professional gem thieves who lifted a box containing 887.24 carats of diamonds from the India International Jewelry Show being held in Mumbai under tight security. Dubai authorities pounced on the four after they touched down in the United Arab Emirates en route for the German city of Hamburg. India sent a request for their arrest via the international police organization Interpol. Senior officer Himanshu Roy from the Mumbai Police said India would seek the extradition of

the four. The female suspect is alleged to have slipped the precious stones into her bag after diverting a salesman’s attention. “Initially the salesman thought the goods had been misplaced. He searched for them but by the night he realized that they had been stolen,” the officer said. Detectives at the Mumbai Police Crime Branch were alerted and tracked down the alleged culprits through CCTV footage and their registration details for the show. Roy said that the diamonds, which belonged to Israel-based diamond company Dalumi Group, had been recovered. “We have sent a request through the Interpol wing to hand them back to the Crime Branch. We are waiting for the response from the Dubai police,” he told reporters. —AFP

42 die as plane misses runway Continued from Page 1

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another eight survivors were at the Yichun Forestry Hospital, said a duty officer surnamed Zhou. He said he did not know the nature of their injuries. There were five children and five crew members on board, Xinhua cited an unnamed official with the Civil Aviation Administration of China as saying. It was not known how many of them survived. Henan Airlines is based in the central Chinese province of the same name and flies smaller regional jets, mainly on routes in north and northeast China. Previously known as Kunpeng Airlines, the carrier was relaunched as Henan Airlines earlier this year. Henan Airlines and many other regional

Chinese airlines flying shorter routes have struggled in the past few years, losing passengers to high-speed railroad lines that China has aggressively expanded. An American company, Phoenix-based Mesa Air Group Inc., was an original investor in Henan’s predecessor company, Kunpeng, but divested its stake last year. Mesa operates regional services in the US for Delta Air Lines, United Airlines and other carriers and is undergoing bankruptcy reorganization. Full-tilt expansion of Chinese air traffic in the 1990s led to a series of crashes that gave China the reputation of being unsafe. —AP

LONDON: Authorities in Bahrain arrested a suspect yesterday in the case of a Canadian singer whose body was found stuffed inside a suitcase at London’s Heathrow Airport in 1999, according to London’s Scotland Yard. The force said that Youssef Ahmed Wahid was arrested in the Gulf state in what it described as a planned operation and his extradition was pending. The body of 28-year-old Fatima Kama was found when a member of the public spotted a black suitcase abandoned on the third floor of a Heathrow Airport parking lot July 17, 1999. A security guard forced the bag open to find her in the fetal position. A post-mortem revealed she’d been stabbed more than 10 times. Wahid, a former Kuwaiti Airlines steward, was arrested within days of the discovery at his hometown of Ramadiyeh in southern

Lebanon, and he reportedly denied having any involvement with the killing, although it’s not clear what happened to him af terward. Scotland Yard said it could not immediately provide details of his whereabouts following the arrest or say whether Lebanese authorities had released him. Wahid’s brother, Abdel Ahmed, was also arrested in connection with the case, but British prosecutors eventually dropped the charges, citing insufficient evidence. Both Youssef Ahmed Wahid and Kama, a frequent visitor to the UK, shared an address in west London and police have said that the motive for the slaying may have been the theft of Kama’s money and jewelry, which has never been recovered. The Moroccan-born Kama had been scheduled to fly to her parents’ home in Montreal on an Air Canada flight. — AP

US sanctions target Osama’s son-in-law WASHINGTON; The US Treasury yesterday imposed sanctions on the son-in-law of Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, saying he was a potential chief financial officer of the terror network. The US Treasury said it had blacklisted Muhammad Abdallah Hasan Abu-al-Khayr, now a key leader of Al-Qaeda’s finance section, and froze any of his US assets and prohibited those in the United States from engaging in any transactions with him. The United Nations also took similar action yesterday against Al-Khayr, the Treasury said in a statement. Al-Khayr, who has also acted as bodyguard to bin Laden, could succeed the terror mastermind’s one-time treasurer Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid, who was recently killed in Pakistan apparently in a US drone strike, the Treasury said in a statement. “After the death in May of Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, who essentially served as al-Qaeda’s chief financial officer, we will continue to work with our

allies to target those like Al-Khayr who could step into al-Yazid’s shoes,” said Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Stuart Levey. “Today’s designation of al-Khayr by the United States and the United Nations will help to ensure that Al-Qaeda remains in severe financial straits,” he said. Al-Khayr appeared on a 2009 list of 85 persons wanted by Saudi Arabia, in part because of his role as an Al-Qaeda financial facilitator, the Treasury statement said. He has allegedly transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars “for a specific terrorist attack against US interests.” Al-Khayr also acted for AlQaeda in a leadership role on its media committee, and has on at least one occasion recruited a member for Al-Qaeda, the statement said. His relationship with Al-Qaeda allegedly began with military training the terrorist group provided him in the mid-1990s. — AFP

Iran nuke plant worries Kuwait Continued from Page 1 Kuwaiti MPs, however, have called on the government to take precautionary measures against any incident from Iran’s first nuclear plant. But Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told reporters at his weekly press conference yesterday that the Bushehr plant adheres to “high standards” and had the seal of approval of

the UN nuclear watchdog. “Due to the high standards with regards to safeguards in the Bushehr nuclear power plant, there should be no concern about it,” he said. “The International Atomic Energy Agency has approved the safeguards in the Bushehr plant.” According to Kuwaiti media, a senior Iranian official is expected in the emirate within days, possibly to discuss the nuclear plant issue. During a brief visit to

Kuwait on Monday, following talks in Tehran, Qatar’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem Al-Thani said in a statement carried by KUNA that the Bushehr plant was Iran’s business. “If the plant is peaceful and for power use according to our information, then this is a legitimate right for Iran under international law and we do not want to change this framework at the present time,” he said. — AFP

6 MPs among 32 killed in Somalia Continued from Page 1 Minister Abdirahman Osman. The assault underscored the failure of the government and more than 6,300 mostly Ugandan African Union peacekeepers to bring order after nearly two decades of anarchy, making Somalia a continual source of instability for east Africa. Last month Al Shabaab expanded its reach as far as Uganda, claiming a double suicide bombing of packed bars in the capital Kampala, to put pressure on it to pull its troops out. Those attacks killed more than 70 people and jolted the African Union into increasing the peacekeeping contingent and considering giving it a mandate to fight the rebels. Yesterday, Al Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Mohamud Rage told reporters in Mogadishu that its fighters had “carried out an operation at Hotel Muna” and succeeded in killing government and intelligence officials, MPs and civil servants. The Muna Hotel stands in one of the small nominally government-controlled areas of the capital, between the presidential palace and the Indian Ocean. Osman said one gunman had been captured. His ministry said two others had blown themselves up, and that sporadic gunfire and shelling were continuing in

the area. “Some of the MPs had guns in their rooms and defended themselves before security forces arrived,” said an anonymous government security source. On Monday, the African Union announced the arrival of hundreds of new peacekeeping troops, mostly Ugandans, for the AMISOM mission to help the government in its battle against Al-Shabaab. The force has so far been able to do little more than guard the airport and port and shield President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed. Somalia’s members of parliament, the apparent targets of yesterday’s attack, do not benefit from this protection. “We have the same enemies ... and I don’t know why the MPs don’t have the same security,” said pro-government lawmaker Abdiladif Muse Sanyare. He was speaking from Nairobi, where many of the MPs say they have to live to feel safe, even at the risk of alienating ordinary citizens. The security source said more than 300 armed Al Shabaab fighters were thought to live in the supposedly government-controlled neighborhood. “They disguise themselves as civilians running different smaller businesses and working in different restaurants and shops,” he said. The insurgents control large areas of central and south Somalia, and have

attracted a large number of foreign fighters to their cause. Analysts agree that, despite their worries about Somalia serving as a base for international Islamist militancy, there is no appetite among Western powers to send forces to Somalia. “What we are going to see is greater international support for AMISOM, more training of its soldiers and a lot in the way of indirect attempts to support the transitional government (TFG),” said Will Hartley, terrorism analyst at IHS Jane’s. “The international community is very much wedded to the TFG.” But Rob Harford, operations director at Salamanca Risk Management, said even African peacekeepers, whom Al Shabaab portray as foreign invaders, risk becoming part of the problem: “Whether more African Union troops will lead to greater stability is the milliondollar question. Somalia is a particularly unstable and complex insurgency. Unless the soldiers are properly trained, their arrival will almost certainly lead to greater instability.” More than 21,000 Somalis have been killed in the insurgency, 1.5 million have been uprooted from their homes and nearly half a million are sheltering in other countries in the region. — Agencies



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MLB results/standings Major League Baseball results and standings on Monday: Detroit 12, Kansas City 3; Chicago Cubs 9, Washington 1; Houston 3, Philadelphia 2; St. Louis 10, Pittsburgh 2; Toronto 3, NY Yankees 2; Boston 6, Seattle 3; Texas 4, Minnesota American League Eastern Division W L PCT GB NY Yankees 77 48 .616 Tampa Bay 77 48 .616 Boston 72 54 .571 5.5 Toronto 65 59 .524 11.5 Baltimore 44 81 .352 33 Central 72 67 62 53 50

Division 53 .576 57 .540 63 .496 72 .424 74 .403

4.5 10 19 21.5

Western 70 61 62 49

Division 54 .565 62 .496 64 .492 76 .392

8.5 9 21.5

Nationa l Lea gue Eastern Division Atlanta 73 52 .584 Philadelphia 70 54 .565 Florida 62 61 .504 NY Mets 62 62 .500 Washington 53 72 .424

2.5 10 10.5 20

Central 72 68 59 55 52 41

Division 53 .576 54 .557 65 .476 69 .444 74 .413 84 .328

2.5 12.5 16.5 20.5 31

Western San Diego 74 San Francisco 70 Colorado 64 LA Dodgers 63 Arizona 49

Division 49 .602 56 .556 60 .516 62 .504 76 .392

5.5 10.5 12 26

Minnesota Ch White Sox Detroit Kansas City Cleveland Texas Oakland LA Angels Seattle

Cincinnati St. Louis Milwaukee Houston Chicago Cubs Pittsburgh

TEXAS: An unidentified fan is struck by a foul ball during a baseball game between the Minnesota Twins and Texas Rangers at Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, Texas, on Monday, Aug 23, 2010. — AP

Rangers see off Twins, Rays down Angels

ARLINGTON: Joe Mauer’s clean single to center field with one out in the ninth inning broke up the no-hit bid of four Texas Rangers pitchers . The Rangers beat the Minnesota Twins 4-0 on Monday night in the sixth nohitter this season broken up in the ninth inning. Starter Rich Harden was activated from the disabled list earlier in the day and he went 6 2-3 innings before being lifted after throwing 111 pitches. Matt Harrison got the final out of the seventh. Darren O’Day pitched the eighth and All-Star closer Neftali Feliz got one in the ninth before Mauer singled. Texas prevailed in the matchup of division leaders but fell two outs shy of its first no-hitter since Kenny Rogers’ perfect game against California on July 28, 1994.

Rays 4, Angels 3 At Anaheim, California, BJ Upton homered on the first pitch of the game from former Tampa Bay teammate Scott Kazmir and doubled home another run to help the Rays move into a tie with the New York Yankees atop the American League East standings. The Rays’ win and New York’s 3-2 loss at Toronto left the teams with identical 77-48 records, tied for best in the majors. James Shields (12-11) allowed eight hits and three runs — two earned — in six-plus innings, struck out 10 and walked one in his 144th career start, tying Kazmir for most in club history. Rafael Soriano struck out the side in the ninth to

earn his 38th save in 40 chances. Kazmir (8-11) gave up five hits and four runs in 5 1-3 innings, struck out four and walked four to fall to 1-6 in his last eight starts.

ished in the ninth for his 28th save in 32 chances. Blue Jays starter Brandon Morrow allowed two runs and four hits in six innings. He walked two and struck out 12.

Blue Jays 3, Yankees 2 At Toronto, Jose Bautista hit a two-run homer, then added a tiebreaking solo drive in the eighth inning for his 40th of the season, as Toronto beat New York. It was the sixth multihomer game of 2010 for Bautista, who leads the majors in home runs. Bautista connected off right-hander David Robertson (2-4) in the eighth. Scott Downs (5-5) pitched one inning for the win and Kevin Gregg fin-

Red Sox 6, Mariners 3 At Boston, Marco Scutaro’s second two-run single gave Boston the lead for good and John Lackey pitched eight strong innings in a win over Seattle. Adrian Beltre and J.D. Drew both had two singles for the Red Sox, who won their third straight after their most lopsided loss of the season last Friday. Lackey (12-7) gave up three runs — two earned — and six hits, striking out 10 and walking two in his best start since he

took a no-hitter into the eighth inning at Seattle on July 22. Tigers 12, Royals 3 At Detroit, Ryan Raburn drove in three runs and scored twice to help Detroit continue a strong homestand with a win over Kansas City. Jhonny Peralta and Brandon Inge also drove in three runs for the Tigers, who are 4-0 since returning home and have outscored the opposition 31-6. Jeremy Bonderman (7-9) got the win, ending a three-start losing streak by allowing two runs on eight hits in six innings. Bruce Chen (8-7) lasted just 4 1-3 innings for Kansas City, allowing five runs on five hits and five walks. —AP

Cubs top Nationals WASHINGTON: Mike Coleman, a rookie right-hander, took a one-hitter into the seventh inning as Chicago Cubs interim manager Quade had a successful debut Monday in a 91 victory over the Washington Nationals. Making his second start and sixth major league appearance, Coleman (1-1) allowed one run and three hits with three strikeouts and two walks. He faced only three batters above the minimum until the seventh, when he gave up consecutive hits followed by Ivan Rodridguez’s RBI groundout. Coleman collected his first major league hit, a single punched through a drawn-in infield in the fifth that also produced his first RBI.

WILLIAMSPORT: Mexico pitcher Eduardo Mata (center) is hugged by teammates after he pitched Mexico to a 4-2 win over Manati, Puerto Rico in a baseball game during pool play at the Little League World Series. —AP

Mexico eliminates Puerto Rico SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT: Nuevo Laredo of Mexico has eliminated Manati, Puerto Rico from the Little League World Series after a 4-2 win Monday, though the evening games

were canceled because of rain. Little League was able to get two other games in earlier Monday, including Kaoshiung, Taiwan’s 23-0 rout of Vancouver, British Columbia. Ramstein

Air Force Base, Germany beat Plymouth of the United States 2-1, in a consolation game. The game between American teams Ohio and Georgia was called off with

one out in the bottom of the first, but Little League rules state those stats will be erased and the game restarted because it did not go at least 3 1-2 innings. — AP

New Zealand cut Tests, adds ODIs for Pakistan WELLINGTON: Pakistan’s cricket tour of New Zealand will feature fewer Tests and more one-day matches to help the teams prepare for next year’s World Cup, according to the itinerary released yesterday. The number of Tests has been cut from three to two with the one-day schedule expanded to six games in addition to three Twenty20 matches. “As part of our lead-in to the World Cup, we have agreed with the Pakistan Cricket Board to play more shortform cricket to prepare optimally,” New Zealand Cricket chief executive Justin Vaughan said. “We have agreed to move from three Tests to two to allow the addition of another ODI and three Twenty20

internationals, which makes sense for both teams in the final weeks before the World Cup commences.” The 2011 Cricket World Cup, to be co-hosted by India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, runs from February 19 to April 2. Pakistan’s tour of New Zealand will start in December with the Twenty20 internationals to be followed by the Tests and then the one-day series. Pakista n tour schedule: Twenty20 internationals December 26 at Eden Park, Auckland. December 28 at Seddon Park, Hamilton. December 30 at AMI Stadium, Christchurch.

Tests January 7-11 January 15-19

at Seddon Park, Hamilton. at the Basin Reserve, Wellington.

One-day interna tiona ls January 22 at Westpac Stadium, Wellington. January 26 at Queenstown Events Centre, Queenstown. January 29 at AMI Stadium, Christchurch. February 1 at McLean Park, Napier. February 3 at Seddon Park, Hamilton. February 5 at Eden Park, Auckland. —AFP

Rockies 5, Braves 4 At Denver, Todd Helton’s first four-hit game in more than a year included the tiebreaking RBI single off Jonny Venters in the eighth inning that lifted Colorado to a win over Atlanta. Helton singled over second base to score Carlos Gonzalez from second and make a winner of reliever Rafael Betancourt (41), who gave up the tying run in the top of the eighth. Huston Street got the final three outs for his 11th save in 15 chances. Helton, who has started to break out of a season-long slump this month, hadn’t had a four-hit game since July 16, 2009, against San Diego. Cardinals 10, Pirates 2 At Pittsburgh, Albert Pujols hit a three-run home run one pitch after injured Pittsburgh starter Ross Ohlendorf was pulled during a four-run St. Louis first inning, as the Cardinals moved to within a game of the National League wild card lead. Kyle Lohse (2-5), making his second start since spending nearly three months on the disabled list with a right forearm injury, pitched five scoreless innings before giving up Garrett Jones’ two-run homer in the sixth. Lohse was lifted one out later, but still won for the first

WASHINGTON: Chicago Cubs starting pitcher Casey Coleman delivers a pitch against the Washington Nationals during the first inning of their baseball game at Nationals Park. —AP time since May 17 against Washington. Pujols had another big night, homering in his 10th game of the Cardinals’ last 19 while adding a single and a double in five at-bats. Pujols has eight homers in 22 games against Pittsburgh since last season. Astros 3, Phillies 2 At Philadelphia, Brett Myers threw seven sharp innings against his former team, Carlos Lee hit a go-ahead two-run single in the eighth as Houston beat Philadelphia. The wild card-leading Phillies lost for just the sixth time in their last 30 home games. Pitching in a steady drizzle, Myers (9-7) gave up two runs and nine hits, striking out nine. Myers has pitched at least six innings in each of his 26 starts, tying Larry Dierker’s franchise record. It’s the longest streak to start a season since Curt

Schilling had 35 straight in 2002. Giants 11, Reds 2 At San Francisco, Matt Cain ended a three-start winless stretch and Andres Torres hit a two-run homer as the San Francisco beat Cincinnati. Aubrey Huff added a solo homer leading off the eighth. Huff, Pat Burrell and Freddy Sanchez all doubled in runs in the Giants’ five-run first inning to knock Edinson Volquez (3-2) out after 2-3 of an inning for the shortest start of his career. Sanchez finished with a seasonhigh four hits. Cain (10-10) retired the final 14 batters he faced and struck out the side in order in the seventh. He allowed two runs on five hits in eight innings, struck out seven and walked one. Cincinnati also lost Jim Edmonds and Laynce Nix early to injuries. — AP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wilson leads US Amateur UNIVERSITY PLACE: American Jeff Wilson shot the second lowest score in the 110-year history of the US Amateur to take a seven-stroke lead after the first day of play Monday. The 47-year-old Wilson closed his round with a pair of eagles for a course-record 62 at the par-72, 7,420-yard Home Course — one of two courses used for the championship. He had seven birdies, two eagles and one bogey, recording a 29 on the back nine. The 29 also equals the lowest nine-hole score, accomplished four times previously. The only lower 18-hole score was a 12-under 60 by Bill Horschel at the 2006 Amateur. The Amateur features 312 players from 15 countries. The first two days are stroke play at The Home Course and Chambers Bay. Five days of match play will follow at Chambers, with a 36-hole championship match Sunday. Chambers is the tougher course, a par-71 7,742yard layout — the longest in US Amateur history. “There were a lot of putts that went in today,” Wilson said. “I made all the putts I should have made and probably a few that I shouldn’t have.” Wilson, one of the older players in the field, is a three-time medalist at the Mid-Amateur and 2008 US Amateur medalist. He also is a four-time qualifier for the US Open, finishing as the low amateur in 2000. “I had a 33 at the turn then all of a sudden on the back nine I starting hitting right where I was looking,” he said. “Then the eagle-eagle doesn’t hurt anything.” He used a 3-wood from 262 yards out to knock it eight feet behind the hole, making the eagle putt. Then he holed out from 132 yards, using a wedge for an eagle 2. Canada’s Nick Taylor, winner of this year’s Ben Hogan Award as the nation’s top collegiate golfer, is one of nine players at 3 under after shooting a 3-under 69 on The Home Course. Joining Taylor at 3 under are American Richard Werenski, Max Homa, Daniel Berger, John Duke Hudson, Harris English, Michael Morrison and John Hahn. They all played The Home Course. Also at 3 under is Patrick Reed, shooting the day’s best round at Chambers with a 68. Defending champion An Byeong-hun is among a group of six at 2 under. —AP

Tiger Woods seen in this file photo

Will divorce give Woods more on-course freedom? LOS ANGELES: With his divorce finally behind him, Tiger Woods will compete in his first tournament in six years as a single man at this week’s Barclays Classic in Paramus, New Jersey amid much speculation over his form. The scandal-hit American world number one has been a shadow of his former dominant self since his double life was exposed at the end of last year following multiple revelations of his marital infidelities. Woods has yet to win in nine starts this season, produced the worst four-round performance of his PGA Tour career at the WGCBridgestone Invitational and has struggled with his mental focus-an area of his game where he is usually peerless.

It could be, however, that the finality of his divorce from his Swedish wife Elin will help him practise and play competitive golf more freely with his mind now less prone to wander, quite literally, off course. The dissolution of their marriage took place at the Bay County Circuit Court in Florida on Monday and Woods is set to tee off in the opening round of the PGA Tour’s Barclays Classic at Ridgewood Country Club on Thursday. Time is not on his side, though, as his 2010 campaign draws to a close. The Barclays Classic is the first of four lucrative FedExCup playoff events and Woods needs to perform well this week if he is to advance further. The 14-times major winner lies

112th in the standings and only the top 100 players on Sunday will qualify for the second playoff event, the Sept. 3-6 Deutsche Bank Championship in Norton, Massachusetts. By his own admission, Woods has struggled to regain consistent form since taking a self-imposed fivemonth break after his private life spectacularly unravelled in late November and December. He made an encouraging return to the PGA Tour when he tied for fourth at the U.S. Masters in April and again at the US Open in June but the rest of his year has been forgetful. Among the low points were a missed cut at the Quail Hollow Championship, a withdrawal from the Players Championship due to a

neck injury and a tie for 78th at Firestone in a field of 80 at this month’s Bridgestone Invitational. Eight days ago, Woods tied for 28th at the U.S. PGA Championship, the year’s final major, where he began working unofficially with a new swing coach in Canadian Sean Foley. Asked whether he might recruit Foley full-time, Woods replied: “I still want to pick his brain a little bit more, I don’t really have all of his whole concept yet. “But I like some of the things he had to say about my golf swing and where I needed to go.” Comfortably the greatest player of his generation, Woods has not won anywhere in the world since the Australian Masters last November and has lost the aura of invincibility

he once enjoyed. “I don’t know about entering a new era but there is a slightly different feel,” British world number nine Paul Casey told reporters before the PGA Championship. “The feeling in the locker room is slightly different. The way he played (at Firestone), guys feel this tournament is wide open, and that’s not a feeling a lot of guys have had before.” Woods has long targeted the record 18 majors won by his childhood idol Jack Nicklaus and, with just four opportunities each year, he certainly needs to get his game back on track if he is to close the gap. Earlier this month, he conceded for the first time he had been unable to practise as much as normal. With his divorce impending and golf fre-

quently keeping him on the road, he tried to see his two young children whenever possible. “Life has changed,” Woods said. “I haven’t practised as much as I used to, nor should I. My kids are more important.” Whether his practice time will increase now that his six-year marriage is over remains to be seen, and the jury is also still out on whether he will be able to regain the unwavering on-course focus for which he is renowned. “It depends on the extent to which he is able to compartmentalise,” Dr Joe Parent, Vijay Singh’s former mental coach, told Reuters. “The ability to separate things out has not been as strong as he might have thought it would be.

“Before, he always seemed to put his game face on and shut everything else out.” Parent, who helped Fijian Singh become world number one in 2004 and American Cristie Kerr rise to the top of the women’s rankings earlier this year, said it was impossible to separate the technical aspects of golf from the mental. “Your state of mind affects every swing you make,” he added. “Tiger would have an easier time finding his swing keys if he had peace of mind in general. “In the same way, if he was swinging the club pretty good, he would be able to compartmentalise things a little easier. Inevitably, your mind wanders to other things and those other things (his private life) haven’t been much fun either.” —Reuters

Force India warn against another Spa surprise

Yevgeny Plushenko

Plushenko banned indefinitely BERLIN: Vancouver Olympics silver medallist Yevgeny Plushenko has been banned indefinitely by the International Skating Union (ISU) as he competed without permission in exhibitions earlier this year, it said yesterday. The Russian showman, who won Olympic gold at the 2006 Turin Games and also silver four years earlier in Salt Lake City, pulled out of the world championships in Italy in March citing an injury. But he went on to perform at figure skating exhibitions in March and April, the ISU said, without asking for permission.

The ISU said yesterday Plushenko had not filed an appeal to their initial decision to ban him in June and so his ban was now upheld. “The ineligibility is ongoing with no specific term. Requests for reinstatements may be made in line with ISU regulations...and are subject to a review and decision by the ISU Council,” an ISU official told Reuters. Plushenko, who had 21 days to lodge an appeal, has said he wants to compete at the Sochi 2014 Olympics in Russia, saying he he had overcome his Vancouver disappointment.

“I’ve already written it (Sochi) in my plans. As for Vancouver it’s in the past, and I want to look to the future,” he had said earlier this year. The 2006 Olympic champion stirred controversy in Vancouver after being edged out by American Evan Lysacek for the title. Plushenko heavily criticised the judges for marking him down in the short programme, when he was the only skater to land a quadruple jump cleanly, and on Monday he reiterated his belief that Lysacek was not the “real” Olympic champion. —Reuters

LONDON: Force India return to the scene of their greatest race this weekend with scant hopes of repeating last year’s Belgian Grand Prix heroics. The team took their first Formula One pole position at SpaFrancorchamps last August with Italian Giancarlo Fisichella then going on to score their first points with a stunning second place finish. Fisichella is now a Ferrari test driver while Force India are sixth overall in the championship with German Adrian Sutil and Italian Vitantonio Liuzzi scoring regular points but remaining a long way from the podium. “It’s going to be tough to replicate the kind of form we showed in Spa last year,” said team principal Vijay Mallya in a preview of Sunday’s race. “Everybody’s improved, the competition is fierce and also very even in the midfield-the gaps between teams is so small now.” Force India should still be competitive in Belgium, with the Mercedes-powered team bringing a new rear wing package in addition to the ‘F-duct’ which should give them a speed advantage on the long Spa straights. “Additionally we will be using the new blown floor on both cars on Friday,” said Mallya. “We tried it in Hungary, and we hope to actually race it in Spa if the information we gather shows as much of an improvement as it did there.” Sutil, who has spent the summer break filming and doing PR work in Goa and training in Switzerland, looked forward to a strong performance. “I’m pretty confident that we’ve got a car that will still suit the track very well,” he said. —Reuters

Lewis Hamilton in action in this file photo

Hamilton fined for street spin MELBOURNE: McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton has been fined A$500 ($445) but avoided conviction for reckless driving outside Melbourne’s Australian Grand Prix circuit in March. Hamilton, who came sixth at the race, was booked and had his Mercedes car impounded for spinning his wheels in view of police in a street near the Albert Park circuit. The 25-year-old did not appear in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court yesterday but avoided conviction for a charge of “driving a vehicle causing loss of traction”, a court spokesman told Reuters.

Local media quoted Hamilton’s lawyer as telling the court that the Briton had publicly apologised and suffered “embarrassment, humiliation and distress” after he was denounced in the media. Magistrate Clive Alsop said Hamilton was a role model for young people, which put the onus on him to behave responsibly. “This is about somebody in a responsible position behaving like a hoon,” Alsop was quoted by Australian Associated Press as saying. A ‘hoon’ is a term used by Australians and New Zealanders to describe a person who drives irrespon-

sibly or recklessly. Alsop said he would not convict Hamilton as it was the first offence of its kind by the Briton. Hamilton’s off-circuit driving has previously fallen foul of the law. The 2008 world champion was fined and had his license suspended for a month after being stopped by police in France when clocked at 196 kph on a motorway. Hamilton has won two races this season but lost his championship lead to Mark Webber after failing to finish at the Hungarian Grand Prix earlier this month. He trails the Australian by four points ahead of the next race in Belgium. —Reuters



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Doctor ashamed of role in rugby’s fake blood scam MANCHESTER: The doctor who cut a Harlequins rugby player’s lip to cover up a fake-blood injury scam said yesterday she is ashamed she succumbed to pressure. Winger Tom Williams bit into a blood capsule during a 2009 Heineken Cup quarterfinal against Leinster to enable a specialist kicker to be brought on as a so-called blood replacement. But as the deception unraveled after the match, which Harlequins lost, Williams asked Dr. Wendy Chapman to cut his lip. “I was very ashamed that I gave into the pressure,” Dr. Chapman said on the second day of her disciplinary hearing. Asked how she felt in the changing room, Dr. Chapman replied: “Distressed, ashamed, horrified. I just wanted out of there.” Dr. Chapman could now be banned from

practicing by the General Medical Council, which has accused her of bringing the profession into disrepute by being dishonest. She admits most of the GMC charges, but contests that she told match officials that Williams had a loose tooth in order to deceive them. The accident and emergency consultant was suspended on no pay from Maidstone hospital, southeast of London, and has since left her post. Quins were fined an unprecedented euro 300,000 (then $429,900) by a European Rugby Cup panel in October 2009. Dean Richards left as Harlequins director of rugby and was banned for three years after being held responsible for the incident. Dr. Chapman, who was cleared of any wrongdoing by the ERC panel, said she first realized something was amiss with

Williams when she gave him a piece of gauze to put on his lower lip. “The fluid going on to the gauze was the wrong color and the wrong texture for blood,” she said. “I had never seen it before and I just did not know what was going on. I was still looking for an injury. “In my naivety I could not understand why someone would come off with no injury at all.” As she was about to look into Williams’ mouth, he asked her to cut him. “He was absolutely desperate. He said, ‘You have to cut me, I have got to have a real injury,”‘ she recalled. “I was horrified. That means he has not got one (an injury) ... that they cheated.” The GMC panel was told that Dr. Chapman has since been diagnosed with depression. Meanwhile, South Africa was able to pick Francois Steyn for its Tri-Nations test

FRANCE: Taiwan’s Hung Ling Chen (left) and Yu Lang Lin (right) play against France’s Laurent Constantin and Sebastien Vincent (not pictured) during the Badminton World Championships men’s double match. —AFP

Padukone: Nehwal complete shuttler PARIS: At 20, Saina Nehwal’s shoulders bear the expectations and hopes of millions of sports fans among India’s massive population. Nehwal has shot to number two in the international badminton rankings and holds genuine prospects of lifting world championship gold come Sunday evening. “She is the most complete woman shuttler in the world now,” says Prakash Padukone, Indian all-time great and All England champion in 1980. Victories in successive Super Series events have propelled Nehwal up the rankings where she looms a large threat to traditional Chinese dominance.

But she is not running ahead of herself. She told the Badminton World Federation’s website (www.bwfbadminton.org/): “Yes, things could not have been better than this. But again, what matters is once you enter the court is how well you play on the given day for nothing you achieved, however wonderful it might have been , will help you any way.” A bye in the first round means a second round match on Wednesday against Taiwan’s Hsiao Huan Chen, world-ranked 65, with Chinese in waiting later. On form, Nehwal should do well all week, but she cautioned: “I reiterate-world rankings don’t matter. Personally, I would love to be the world champion and still be

World No. 2 rather than being World No. 1 and not be the champion.” Nehwal is the most famous trainee from the famed Pullela Gopichand Academy in Hyderabad. Gopichand, All England champion in 2001 and renowned coach, says: “There is very little scope for improvement in Saina’s game. She is a vastly improved player now say from what she was even eight months ago.” On Sunday, golfer Arjun Atwal became the first Indian to win on the PGA Tour. Now sports fans round the country are hoping Nehwal can pull off a similarly rare feat. — Reuters

China’s chances slim at worlds without Yao BEIJING: Without NBA superstar Yao Ming, China has largely written off its chances at this year’s world basketball championships, saying their goal is to prepare their younger players for the London Olympics. China finds itself in Group C in the tournament which opens Saturday in Turkey, facing tough teams from Greece and Russia as well as the hosts, Puerto Rico and Ivory Coast. “We have some young guys that have some skill and talent, but just a lack of experience of it all is going to cause some failures,” Team China’s American coach Robert Donewald told state media. “But my guys play hard, my guys compete and we’ve got good chemistry ... we got to get some experience under our belt and (the world championships) is a fun way and great way to start off.” With Yao anchoring the team, China only advanced to the second round in the 2006 world championships in Japan. At the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, they finished eighth both times, their best result in a world-class tournament. But without the injured 7ft 6in Houston Rockets centre, China will be hardpressed to duplicate such results despite boasting Washington Wizards power forward Yi Jianlian and former NBA centre Wang

Zhizhi. “For sure with Yao not here we lose a big guy inside, but we’ve still got to keep playing. We need some other guys to try to step up,” the 22-year-old Yi said. “This is the chance for the new guys to join the team and help the team.” Following a disappointing second-place to Iran in front of a home crowd-and without Yao-at the 2009 Asian Basketball Championships, the country’s basketball association fired head coach Guo Shiqiang and brought in Donewald to take over the team through the 2012 Summer Games in London. Donewald has insisted he is focusing his efforts on London-where many are hoping for a Yao return to the national side-while downplaying expectations in Turkey. Winless in their last five warm-up matches, China have lived up to those expectations, losing to the United States and Serbia by wide margins and falling to Puerto Rico 92-76 in a New York exhibition on August 15. To advance to the second round, China must win at least two games, with victories over the Ivory Coast and Puerto Rico seen as the easiest way forward. With a bench largely made up of players still under 20 years of age and an ageing Wang who is past his prime, Donewald will look to Yi to both take up the scoring bur-

Yao Ming in action in this file photo den and anchor the team’s defence. “It’s going to be very good for Yi Jianlian because now instead of Yao being the face of the team, Yi Jianlian is the face of this team this summer,” said Donewald, who also coaches the Yao-owned

Shanghai Sharks. “He is obviously one of our most talented players, or most talented player, but we need to make sure we are moving the basketball because the defence is going to key in on Yi Jianlian,” he added. —AFP

against Australia at Loftus Versfeld on Saturday after reaching an agreement with French club Racing Metro. De Villiers picked Steyn in his training squad two weeks ago in the buildup to the game against New Zealand, only for his club Racing to say the player could not travel because he was injured. That was greeted with public annoyance by De Villiers and the South African Rugby Union. Yesterday, De Villiers said the problem had now been sorted out, and he would even travel to Europe to thank Racing coach Pierre Berbizier for his help. “I’ve never met Pierre and I’ve never sat down with him,” De Villiers said. “As coaches I think we will strike a different chord if we look each other in the face and talk about it. I’m just going to go

and say thank you and pave the way forward and give him a (South Africa) schedule for next year.” Steyn’s inclusion was one of two changes made by De Villiers following a dramatic last-minute loss to New Zealand over the weekend, which clinched the Tri-Nations title for the All Blacks. The 23-year-old full back was named in place of Gio Aplon. Center Jaque Fourie also returned to the team, following a fourweek suspension, at the expense of Juan de Jongh. South Africa hopes the addition of 2007 World Cup winners Steyn and Fourie, and the emotion of a 100th cap for lock Victor Matfield at his home ground, can help halt a four-game losing streak in the TriNations. South Africa conceded two tries in the final two minutes to lose 29-22 to

New Zealand on Saturday — in captain John Smit’s 100th test. “Sunday was a long day,” Smit said. “The hurt is always a terrible factor but the only way it could have been worse was if we didn’t have a game afterwards and have to remember that as the last incident. “We’ve got two games against the Aussies and it’s up to us to make this one special _ especially for a guy like Victor.” There are also two changes to South Africa’s reserves, with loose forward Ryan Kankowski replacing Francois Louw and De Jongh dropping down to the bench in place of Wynand Olivier. Olivier and Aplon are out of the 22-man matchday squad altogether. Australia names its team for the Pretoria game on Thursday. The teams play each other again in Bloemfontein on Sept. 4. —AP

Chen fires first shot in title bid

PARIS: Chen Jin made a good start to his bid to reach the world men’s singles final for a second successive year yesterday — and then offered glimpses of life in the shadow of perhaps the greatest badminton player of all time. The fourth seeded Chen lost the 2009 final in Hyderabad to his record-breaking Chinese compatriot Lin Dan, but began this year’s campaign with a soundly taken 21-14, 21-14 win over Ville Lang, the world number 53 from Finland. “Overseas journalists are often asking ‘when will he become number one in China?’” said Chen of himself, with a hint of humour. “But the question is not will I become number one after Lin Dan, but that I want to become a stronger player as soon as possible. “Of course I want to reach the final again here, but I don’t consider myself lucky because I have been drawn in a different half from Lin Dan. “At this level every opponent is difficult and it is important that I don’t take it easy.” There was little sign that this was a danger as he contained the eager Lang, who kept trying to press home attacks in the hot, fast conditions, and held up Chen’s progress in the second game in an unusual way. Lang’s shoe had started to split, and after Chen reached 11-6 with a sharp and nimble kill at the net, he decided to seek a replacement. Lang discussed it with the umpire, went to a box by the side of the court and rummaged around, and after a couple of minutes found the head referee Torsten Berg on court alongside him. The Dane told him to hurry up, but there was a delay of three minutes before Lang resumed, and Chen was able to continue his consistent progress. “I don’t think I have encountered an opponent with broken shoes before,” Chen said drily. His performance was notable for some deceptive round-the-head smashes, for an ability to control fast-moving shuttles, and alert eye for an opening. Chen also produced one improbable block from low and deep on the forehand side, which sent a good Lang smash back for a cross court winner, making the Finn shake his head in mild frustration. Chen now plays Kestutis Navackis of Lithuania, and should go on to a quarter-final against Boonsak Ponsana, the ninth seed from Thailand or Simon Santoso, the eighth seed from Indonesia, both of whom won in straight games, though Santoso appeared to find the conditions tough. Chen is seeded for a semifinal with Peter Gade, the second-seeded former world number one from Denmark. Meanwhile Lin Dan, who is expected to retire after the London Olympics in 2012, made a very comfortable start Monday and next plays Henri Hurskainen of Sweden. Lin should earn an intriguing third round meeting with Bao Chunlai, his tenth-seeded compatriot, who unexpectedly beat him in the quarter-finals of the All-England Open five months ago. —AFP

FRANCE: South Korea’s players Min Jung Kim (left) and Jung Eun Ha (right) play against Switzerland’s Marion Gruber and Sabrina Jaquet (not pictured) during the Badminton World Championships women’s double. —AFP

Young US squad tries to end world title drought WASHINGTON: A young American squad of National Basketball Association stars lacking any members from the 2008 Beijing Olympic gold medal team will try to end a US title drought at the World Championships. The Americans, who open Saturday against Croatia, are without Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony or the other elite players who made good on their vow to reclaim Olympic gold. Instead, a US lineup with five 21-year-old players will try and ensure a berth at the 2012 London Olympics by bringing the Americans their first World Championships crown since 1994 in Toronto. “It makes us go out and play harder knowing everyone is calling us the ‘B-team’ and not thinking we’re going to win,” US guard Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls said. “If anything, we’re the underdogs now.” The last US team to win a world crown was dubbed “Dream Team II” with a lineup of US veteran stars that still paled in comparison to the

legendary 1992 Olympic originials such as Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson. This US squad has a similar situation when compared to the 2008 team, but that US gold medal squad had its roots in the 2006 worlds in Japan when James, Wade and Anthony only finished third but built the teamwork they needed later. Since settling for 2004 Athens Olympic bronze, the Americans have formed a national team program. Part of that commitment means having years where players do not lose their NBA rest months wearing red, white and blue. “We’re not going to get the same guys over and over,” said US coach Mike Krzyzewski. “Like the guys who were on the Olympics team. We think a lot of those guys will come back for London - a number of them but not all of them. So we’re trying to develop a culture.” That could become a problem in 2012 deciding between superstars and the key men who have done the work putting the Americans back into the Olympics. But for now, the con-

cern is making the most of young talent against veteran rivals. Defending world champion Spain and Greece, which ousted the Americans in a 2006 world semi-final, figure to be favourites, with the US squad a threat if they come together well. “They are a young team but they are talented,” said Frenchman Boris Diaw, an NBA player. “I think they have a pretty good chance.” Tyson Chandler of the Dallas Mavericks is the only US centre while rivals have depth in the middle and their own NBA big men such as Spain’s Marc Gasol, Argentina’s Luis Scola and Brazil’s Nene. “The youth of our team is probably the biggest concern, and how well we can rebound,” Krzyzewski said. Los Angeles Lakers forward Lamar Odom, a member of the 2004 US bronze medal Olympic squad, will likely fill the big man role behind Chandler when needed. He knows how the experience of global games can mature players quickly. —AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rome 1960: When the Olympics went modern ROME: They were the Summer Games that ushered in the Olympics as we know them today. Starting 50 years ago today, Rome hosted the first Summer Olympics to be commercially broadcast. They were the first games with a major doping scandal, as Danish cyclist Knud Enemark Jensen collapsed during his race under the influence of Roniacol and died the same day. Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia ran barefoot and won a night marathon in front of the Colosseum, starting the age of African dominance in long-distance races. And they served to introduce the world to an athlete who would become a global superstar — Cassius Clay, the man who would later become Muhammad Ali. It all began with an Italian teenager named Giancarlo Peris, who won a regional scholastic race that came with the prize of being the final torchbearer at the Rome Games. “I didn’t believe it,” Peris, now 68, said in a phone interview. “It seemed like something too big for me.” Shaking away nerves, Peris ran the final 350 meters of the torch relay and lighted the cauldron in the

Stadio Olimpico on Aug. 25, 1960. The games were on. Many participants, both foreign and Italian, have been invited to take part in the main anniversary celebration Wednesday in Michelangelo’s Piazza del Campidoglio _ where Peris, now a retired teacher, will re-light the flame. When organizers asked Peris to take part, he gave them one condition. “I told them I’ll do it as long as I don’t have to run,” he joked. Other events over the next few weeks include a fencing exhibition by the Spanish Steps, a youth football tournament at the Stadio dei Marmi and an amateur boxing meet between Italy and the United States in all categories at the Foro Italico. As David Maraniss documented in his recent book “Rome 1960: The Summer Olympics that Stirred the World,” CBS paid $600,000 to the Rome organizing committee — not the International Olympic Committee — for the rights to televise the games. The American network sent three on-air reporters to Rome and had another, Jim McKay, as studio host back in New York.

Video tapes were sent back to New York daily on commercial Alitalia flights and if all went according to plan — taking advantage of the time difference between Rome and New York — the network could show footage of morning events in prime time. McKay recalled having to hold the tapes close to his body to thaw them out from the freezing temperatures of the airplanes’ cargo holds and hastily write his own copy. Meanwhile, Jensen’s doping case got stuck in a maze of bureaucracy and an autopsy report seven months later said that the cyclist died from heatstroke. Decades later, an Italian doctor involved in the case said they found traces of several substances, including amphetamines. The IOC created a medical committee in 1961, issued its first list of banned substances in 1967 and started testing athletes a year later. The Rome Olympics came at a time when the Cold War was in full force, but Italy was rather tranquil _ and still rebuilding after the destruction of World War II. “Rome is the city of history and nice weather. Athletes arriving from all over were

excited just at the fact of coming to Rome,” said former boxer Nino Benvenuti, who won the welterweight division in 1960. “When you’re excited about being somewhere it translates into motivation,” Benvenuti said in an interview. “I really think that part of the reason the athletes in Rome got the best out of themselves was their psychological state _ they were happy to be here.” Benvenuti beat out Clay for the Val Barker trophy as the games’ best boxer. “I only realized the importance of that award in the years that followed the games, when Muhammad Ali really became Muhammad Ali and the best boxer in the world,” Benvenuti said. Benvenuti recalled how startling it was to see Clay in action for the first time. “He had a different style from everybody else. We were all standing still compared to him,” the 72-year-old Italian said. “He had unbelievable quickness not just with his punches but with his legs, too. He was years ahead of everyone else. “His style had nothing to do with the basis of boxing as we knew it _

left, right, upper cut, hook. That was it, there weren’t many variations. He developed all sorts of things, like those movements where he put his arms down to invite the opponent to attack. We all learned from him. I adapted that style, too, when I turned professional.” Benvenuti later became the world light middleweight and middleweight champion (twice), but he said those titles pale in comparison to his gold medal. “When you win the Olympics you’re an Olympic champion for the rest of your life,” Benvenuti said. Benvenuti has lived in Rome for years and often drives by the site where he competed in 1960, the Palazzo dello Sport arena, now renamed the Palalottomatica after a sponsor. Both the Palazzo dello Sport and the smaller Palazzetto dello Sport were designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, a master of reinforced concrete, and are architectural gems. By contrast, the 1960 Olympic Village is badly deteriorating under the strain of residential housing. Another Italian star of the games was 200-meter champion Livio Berruti, who upset a trio of

Americans _ Les Carney, Stone Johnson and Ray Norton. The Americans’ reactions still stick in Berruti’s mind. “They had very smug faces afterward and they wouldn’t talk,” Berruti said. “Before the race, as the host, I wished them all well. Afterward they didn’t behave with that same carefree attitude like the American athletes usually did.” Like many athletes, Berruti attempted to court Wilma Rudolph, who sprinted to three gold medals for the United States. “I had a nice feeling with her, because she really expressed a lot of joy and loved life,” the Italian said. “You could see it in the way she smiled. She offered to exchange warmup suits with me in the Olympic Village and I didn’t know that someone by the name of Cassius Clay was one of the athletes chasing her, and he was very dangerous,” Berruti added with a laugh. Oscar Robertson, one of the captains of the Unites States’ winning basketball team, also noticed the attention surrounding Rudolph. “Everybody had a crush on Wilma. (Clay) wasn’t the only one. This was

a lovely young lady, but they couldn’t catch her,” Robertson said when his 1960 team was enshrined into the basketball Hall of Fame earlier this month. Robertson’s 1960 co-captain Jerry West looked back on the games as a tremendous opportunity. “We were much more nationalistic as a country,” West said. “It was an incredible time for me, someone from a town of 500 who had hardly ever been out of the state of West Virginia except to play basketball, to travel overseas and represent our country as an amateur was truly the highlight of my life.” West led the Americans with 19 points in a tense win over the Soviet Union before the final-round victories over Italy and Brazil. Besides Robertson and West, the United States team also featured three other future individual Hall of Famers _ Jerry Lucas, Walt Bellamy and coach Pete Newell. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about those days,” West added. “The single proudest moment of my life was to (win) a gold medal for the United States in 1960.”—AP

Bolt extends Puma sponsorship deal

Jamaican Usain Bolt signs fastest track and field contract

Australia keep faith in coach until 2013 Ashes SYDNEY: Australia yesterday reappointed coach Tim Nielsen until the end of the 2013 Ashes series in England, backing him to reverse a recent slump in fortunes. Cricket Australia said Nielsen had been in charge during a “challenging” time since 2007 after a number of greats, including Shane Warne and Glenn McGrath, retired, and the team lost its top Test ranking. “Tim has been at the helm through a significant and challenging period of transition which has seen a number of once-in-a-generation global champions retire from the Australian team,” chief executive James Sutherland said. “Working closely with (captain) Ricky Ponting, team leadership, national players and team management, he has played an important role leading Australia through that tran-

sition.” Australia host England for the next Ashes series from November, when they will bid to regain the trophy following defeat in 2009. Nielsen said he was excited about the opportunity to build a new generation of Australian players. “I am excited about the coming phase in Australian cricket,” he said. “We have players who have come into the group over the last year or so who have found their feet at international level and more young players coming through. It is a great time to be renewing my role.” Australia are in training ahead of a packed schedule including two Tests and three one-dayers in India in October, followed by the five-Test Ashes series and seven onedayers against England, and the one-day World Cup from February. —AFP

LONDON: The fastest man in the world signed the fattest track and field contract ever yesterday, with Usain Bolt extending his sponsorship with German apparel company Puma through 2013. The world-record holder at both the 100 and 200 meters will be tied to the company through the 2012 London Olympics, when he is expected to attempt to retain his gold medals in both sprint events. “It’s good, man. I’m happy. I’m very happy with the figure,” Bolt, who turned 24 on Saturday, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. Although the terms of the contract were not released, Puma chairman and CEO Jochen Zeitz said Bolt would be “the best paid athlete in track and field history.” “He’s an iconic global sports star and as such he’s now remunerated,” Zeitz told the AP. Bolt became a worldwide superstar at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, winning both the 100 and 200 in world-record times, and helping Jamaica win another gold and set another world record in the 4x100 relay. A year later, he again set world records in the 100 and 200 at the world championships in Berlin. Although he is sitting out the rest of this season with tightness in his lower back, Bolt is already looking forward to returning to the track next year for the world championships and eventually the 2012 Olympics. “I’m trying to make myself a legend,” Bolt said. “People are really looking forward to me breaking records (but) I’m going to go run hard to win, that’s my aim. And every time I go out there and run hard to win, I get records.” At the Bird’s Nest in Beijing, it was his outgoing personality that really endeared the lanky Jamaican to the masses, but drew criticism from International Olympic Committee president Jacque Rogge. In the 100, Bolt surged away from the field and slowed over the last few meters, even taking time to slap his chest before crossing the finish line in 9.69 seconds. A few days later, Bolt ran 19.30 in the 200 and then made little effort to congratulate his opponents before taking off on a victory lap and shouting “I am No. 1!” “I have no problem with him doing a show,” Rogge said during the Beijing Games. “I think he should show more respect for his competitors and shake hands, give a tap on the shoulder to the other ones immediately after the finish and not make gestures like the one he made in the 100 meters.” At the world championships, Bolt’s showboating was muted, but his star was rising. He lowered his world record in the 100 to 9.58 and in the 200 to 19.19. “He’s not just an athlete that promotes performance products but he’s also an athlete that transcends well beyond his sport into lifestyle, and that’s where we see the opportunity,” Zeitz said. Earlier this month, Bolt said that he would cut his 2010 season short because of his ailing back. The announcement came only days after he lost a 100meter race in Stockholm to Tyson Gay _ his first loss in an individual race in two years, also in the Swedish capital. “Stockholm is not my favorite place,” said Bolt, adding that it was good for the sport for him to lose once in a while. “Tyson was in good shape. He really wanted to beat me.” As for his injury, Bolt said he has been pain-free in Jamaica while spending time with his family and resting his back. He even celebrated his birthday in his native country for the first time in years. “I didn’t know what to do,” Bolt said. “So I just chilled. We went out and had a couple of drinks.” The early end to Bolt’s season will keep him from running at the Commonwealth Games in India, but it’s the worlds and the Olympics that are the main targets for the future. “We would have loved to see him perform in the Commonwealth Games, but it wasn’t really part of his training schedule and race schedule anyway,” Zeitz said. “It’s unfortunate that he’s missing a few races, but we all know that 2011 and 2012 are the really important years.” Zeitz also said that Puma intends to make Bolt the central figure in its Olympic marketing program and use him to help develop footwear and other apparel. Bolt first signed with Puma, which also sponsors the Jamaican Olympic Association and the Jamaican Amateur Athletic Association, when he was only 16 years old. “We’ve been together since forever,” Bolt said. “I like the fashion, so they try to make it fashionable for me. ... I’m looking good, but I’m also prepared.”—AP

Pakistan ignores Younus for England T20, ODI series

Steven Finn of England in action

Finn bats away Watson bouncer LONDON: England fast bowler Steven Finn refused to get involved in a war of words with Shane Watson after the Australia all-rounder suggested his inexperience could make him vulnerable in the Ashes. Middlesex quick Finn has established himself this year as a regular member of England’s seam attack and is set to feature again in the fourth and final Test against Pakistan at his Lord’s home ground starting here tomorrow. But the 21-year-old has yet to play a Test in Australia and Watson questioned whether the 6ft 7in bowler had the stamina for a five-match series ‘Down Under’, where England have not won a Test series in nearly 25 years. Australia captain Ricky Ponting has suggested his side could win 5-0 as they did in 2006/07 when, as will be in the case in November, England arrived defending the Ashes. But Finn told Sky Sports: “We’ve got a Test match that starts on Thursday, we want to win that, and there’s a lot of cricket to be played. “Australia have got a series against India to play before the Ashes and we’ve got a one-day series against Pakistan to contend with, so there’s a lot of water to go under the bridge between now and then.

“I’m not looking toward the Ashes. I’m just looking toward hopefully playing in this game, trying to perform well and trying to get onto that trip to the Ashes, because nothing is signed and sealed yet.” Earlier, Watson said of the lanky English paceman: “We can make the most of Finn’s inexperience. We want to test his durability as a bowler. “It will be so foreign for him - he doesn’t know what to expect in Australia,” Watson added. Finn took five wickets in the first Test success at Trent Bridge but was more in the background at Edgbaston and The Oval, where Pakistan won by four wickets last week to reduce England’s series lead to 2-1. “We’re very confident going into this last game, we’ve had two resounding victories in this series so far and we’re still 2-1 up - I don’t think that can be forgotten,” Finn added. “I don’t think we’re going to take a different approach to this game. We go into every Test match wanting to win it and win it resoundingly. “It didn’t quite happen at The Oval - we understand why it didn’t happen. We’ve assessed those things and we’re going to start practising today (Tuesday) and looking towards winning this Test match and playing very hard.” —AFP

Broad says England will get wickets in Australia LONDON: Stuart Broad is adamant the England attack are sufficiently versatile to take wickets in Australian conditions when they defend the Ashes ‘Down Under’ later this year. Broad and the rest of the England quicks have been enjoying themselves in the largely swing friendly conditions that have prevailed during their ongoing series with Pakistan, as indeed have the tourists’ seamers. Fast bowler and handy lower-order batsman Broad has so far taken 11 wickets in a series England lead 2-1, ahead of this week’s finale at Lord’s, and swing specialist James Anderson has been even more successful, with 20 wickets. But on England’s last tour of Australia, in 2006/07, they were thrashed 5-0 in the Test series with Anderson’s five wickets coming at a hugely expensive average of more than 82 apiece. Pakistan captain Salman Butt, speaking after a four-wicket win at The Oval that cut England’s series lead, questioned whether England’s bowlers would succeed in Australia. But Broad insisted: “We have no fear going to Australia, and we certainly have the skills necessary to go and win the Ashes over there “We are very confident in our attack,” added Broad, whose father Chris, an opening batsman, was a member of the last England side to win a Test series in Australia back in 1986/87.

Stuart Broad of England Australia captain Ricky Ponting believes his side have it in them to inflict another 5-0 humiliation upon England but the 24-year-old Broad said: “We are all very confident in what we do,” he said. “We have the best spinner in the world in Graeme Swann, and some very skilful seamers too. “Everyone will have an opinion on the Ashes, because it is such a huge series. But what opposition players and opposition captains say has no impact on us and what we are going to do.” —AFP

LAHORE: Selectors yesterday ignored former Pakistani captain Younus Khan for the limited over matches series against England despite lifting a ban this year on him playing for his country. Mohsin Khan, chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board’s selection committee, said Younus’s name had not been cleared by the PCB despite an indefinite ban on him being overturned by an appellate tribunal in June. “At the moment Younus’s name was not cleared by the PCB chairman (Ijaz Butt), so he was not considered for selection,” Khan told reporters while announcing the squad. Younus, 32, has not been part of the Pakistan team since February after being sent to Australia for the one-day series. He had withdrawn from the team for the preceding tour of New Zealand and Tests against Australia, citing personal reasons. Soon after the Australia tour Younus and six other players were either banned or fined for indiscipline and infighting. A one-man appellate tribunal lifted the ban on Younus but the PCB said he still had to resolve some legal matters before he could be cleared to play for Pakistan. Pakistan are currently playing a four-match Test series against England, with the final Test starting at Lord’s from Thursday. After the Tests, they play back-to-back Twenty20 matches at Cardiff, on September 5 and 7 before their five-match one-day series starts at Chester-le-Street three days later. Among the Test squad, Shoaib Malik, Imran Farhat, Yasir Hameed, Umar Amin and Tanveer Ahmed will return to Pakistan and their places will be taken by Shahzaib Hasan, Abdul Razzaq, Mohammad Hafeez, Shoaib Akhtar and Fawad Alam. Injury-prone paceman Akhtar, 35, was part of Pakistan team which featured in the Asia Cup in Sri Lanka last month but was not selected for Tests due to lack of fitness. Another paceman Umar Gul, ruled out of the final two Tests against England due to injury, was passed fit to play in the limited over series. All-rounder Shahid Afridi retained captaincy after he resigned from Test cricket following Pakistan’s defeat against Australia in the Lord’s Test last month. Afridi said the series against England will give him a chance to reassess the players before the 2011 World Cup. “The next World Cup is just six months away, so we have to keep a pool of 20-22 players and series against England will give us a good chance to prepare for the World Cup,” said Afridi. Squad: Shahid Afridi (capt), Salman Butt, Shahzaib Hasan, Mohammad Hafeez, Mohammad Yousuf, Azhar Ali, Umar Akmal, Kamran Akmal, Fawad Alam, Abdul Razzaq, Mohammad Asif, Mohammad Aamir, Umar Gul, Saeed Ajmal, Shoaib Akhtar and Wahab Riaz.—AFP


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


LONDON: Liverpool’s Slovakian defender Martin Skrtel (left) vies with Manchester City’s Argentinian forward Carlos Tevez during the English Premier League football match at The City of Manchester stadium. —AFP

Tevez at the double as City beat Liverpool Man City 3

Liverpool 0 MANCHESTER: Carlos Tevez scored twice as Manchester City overpowered Liverpool 3-0 at Eastlands here on Monday. James Milner, on his City debut, set up his former Aston Villa team-mate Gareth Barry to

side-foot in the first goal in the 13th minute. And the Argentina striker got on the end of Micah Richards’s header seven minutes into the second half. Liverpool-without Javier Mascherano amid reports the Argentina international was on his way to Barcelona-saw captain Steven Gerrard hit the post with a powerful shot. And in the ensuing scramble City goalkeeper Joe Hart made a fine double save to deny both David Ngog and Fernando

Torres. Tevez made the game safe from the penalty spot after Adam Johnson was brought down by Martin Skrtel. City manager Roberto Mancini said it was too soon to call his expensively-assembled side title contenders. “I don’t know this,” the Italian said. “I think it’s important to improve game after game, we need to gel. We need the time to become a strong squad.” Defeat left Liverpool with

just one point from two games after their intitial draw with Arsenal but manager Roy Hodgson pleaded for a sense of perspective about the results. “We are only two matches into the season,” he said. “We had Arsenal in the first game which we had to play with 10 men (after Joe Cole’s sendingoff) and then a strong Manchester City side. “It’s a bit premature to start discussing how big the match is,” former Fulham manager Hodgson added. “Hopefully in

the next 36 games we can take some points.” City’s win came as their billionaire owner Sheikh Mansour visited the ground for the first time since buying the club two years ago and he was treated to a stunning performance from his side. It would have been much worse for Liverpool had City, with Adam Johnson in sensational form, taken half the chances they created. City fans hoping for a glimpse of 25-million-pound

Barca must pay right price for Mascherano: Hodgson MANCHESTER: Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson insists Javier Mascherano will not move to Barcelona unless the Spanish giants offer the fee the Merseyside club feel he is worth. Argentina captain Mascherano was left out of Liverpool’s 3-0 Premier League loss away to Manchester City on Monday because, Hodgson said, “his head was not right”. Mascherano is desperate to leave Liverpool because his family have failed to settle on Merseyside and he is understood to be keen to move to Spain. But Hodgson said the player, who is rated in the 25 million pounds bracket by his club, would have to serve the remaining two years on his contract unless a club came up with the right money. Barcelona have opened talks with Liverpool about Mascherano, who is one game short of making his 100th career Premier League appearance. But Hodgson said: “His head has been turned by the offer from Barcelona. Discussions between Barcelona and ourselves are being held at a high level. This matter has developed in the last couple of days. “There’s plenty of interest in him but our position remains the same - until we get an offer that matches our valuation we won’t sell. “I’m sure it’ll be sorted one

way or another soon. If Barcelona don’t match our valuation he will stay with us. “Hopefully matters will be resolved by the end of the transfer window and I might be able to pick him again. We are very, very far apart and unless that can be resolved he may be unhappy for a long time to come. “Did we miss Mascherano (against City)? I thought Lucas played very well. “We defended poorly for the goals.” Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini was delighted with his side’s performance in front of the club’s owner Sheikh Mansour. It was the first time Mansour had visited Eastlands to watch City since buying the club two years ago. Carlos Tevez scored twice, one from the penalty spot, while Gareth Barry also found the net during an impressive City performance. But Mancini insists bigspending City can get even better. “We are at the beginning of a new season and there are some strange results,” City’s Italian boss said. “We need to improve and work well. “I hope the sheikh comes every week from now on after that. Will I celebrate with the owner? No, I don’t have time and I’m very tired. “It was important the players played very well. We needed to win and believe in ourselves.” —AFP

striker Mario Balotelli were left disappointed as he looked on from the sidelines as he recovered from a knee-cartilage injury that forced him to miss training on Sunday. Johnson started the move that led to City’s opener with a delightful pass to Milner. He squared to an unmarked Barry, who moved from Villa to Eastlands last year for 12 million pounds, to score from 10 yards, the England midfielder’s third Premier League goal for City.

Liverpool were subdued and clearly missed Mascherano’s influence in midfield as Tevez burst into the danger area before firing into the side netting. They were no better after the break and two goals in the space of 16 minutes from Tevez sealed the worst night of Hodgson’s spell in charge so far. Liverpool’s defence was again all at sea as Tevez scrambled the ball over the line from close range after a powerful header by Richards. The visitors were clearly shell-shocked.

Gerrard tried to rally his side but even the Liverpool captain could not ride to the rescue on this occasion. City’s battling qualities were highlighted in the 58th minute when, after Gerrard had been denied by the woodwork, Ngog had a shot saved by Hart before Torres had a follow up effort charged down. Liverpool’s wretched night was complete when Skrtel brought down man-of-thematch Johnson in the box and Tevez beat Pepe Reina from the spot. —AFP

New coaches but Inter tipped to stay on top MILAN: Inter Milan are hot favourites to retain their title when the Serie A season starts this weekend, despite a wholesale change in coaches among the big three teams. Jose Mourinho led Inter to an unprecedented treble of Champions League, Serie A and Italian Cup titles last season before leaving for Real Madrid but new Spanish coach Rafael Benitez has barely tinkered with the ageing team. Apart from the sale of Mario Balotelli to Manchester City and the return of loans including exciting Brazilian youngster Coutinho, Inter have been quiet in the transfer market. Benitez often clashed with Mourinho while both were in England but he has latched onto the winning mentality cultivated by the Portuguese at Inter and is loathe to try anything different-especially following his dreadful last season at Liverpool.

“We must play a way the players know well, then we’ll start to do things to improve a system that already works,” he told reporters after playing the same side from May’s Champions League final in Saturday’s 3-1 Super Cup win over AS Roma. Forward Samuel Eto’o hopes the improvements Benitez talks about include moving him closer to goal after he sacrificed himself for the team in a wide right role last season. Diego Milito netted a remarkable 22 league goals last term in his first season at Inter and a repeat performance this year needs Dutch playmaker Wesley Sneijder to also shine again. The loss of the charismatic Mourinho, who fell out with Italian media in a way Benitez is unlikely to, will have some impact on Inter but they are still even money favourites with bookmakers for a sixth straight scudetto. —Reuters

Australia coach Osieck pins Asian Cup hopes on old legs

SINGAPORE: This handoutp photo from the Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (SYOGOC) shows Turkey’s Kubra Aydin (right) kicking the ball while Iran’s Nastarn Morandloo (left) tries to challenge in the football bronze medal match at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games. Turkey won the match 3-0 for the bronze medal. —AFP

MELBOURNE: New Australia coach Holger Osieck will put off grooming the Socceroos’ next generation until after the 2011 Asian Cup, instead relying on World Cup veterans for the Qatar tournament in January. The German will take the helm for Australia’s friendlies against Switzerland and Poland early next month and has named a 20-man squad including 16 members from the South Africa World Cup touring party. Osieck said the squad, which reunites seasoned midfielders Harry Kewell and Tim Cahill

with 37-year-old goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer, would form the vanguard of Australia’s Asian Cup campaign given there was little time to assess other players. “I don’t know how it’s going to evolve in the future but you have to start somewhere and you cannot make radical change with the players you don’t even know,” Osieck told reporters on a conference call yesterday. “It’s a major tournament and I want to go there with a team that definitely has the option to be not only successful but proba-

bly finish the tournament on top. “So if you have players with the experience of two World Cups and playing in decent leagues domestically, then the likeliness to achieve the target is greater than just playing inexperienced 19, 20-year-old boys.” The Pim Verbeek-led Socceroos were bundled out of the South Africa finals in the first round, fuelling media speculation the Dutch coach’s replacement would rush to blood new players to rebuild in time for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. —Reuters


Americans choose racket over remote control LOS ANGELES: Tennis has moved out of the country club and turned into one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States as Americans looking for a cheap pastime in a bad economy have hit the courts. On the professional circuit, the US Open starts next week but, if recent viewership trends are any indication, not as many Americans will tune in as did in years past. These days, they are more likely to grab a racket than a remote control. The number of Americans playing tennis increased 43 percent to 18.5 million from 2000 to 2009, according to the Spor ting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA). That is the steepest growth for any traditional sport, leaving aside games

such as lacrosse and table tennis. Golf, which has always been closely associated with tennis because of its countryclub roots, has seen some decline. The SGMA said golf dropped five percent last year to 27.1 million players, even before the Tiger Woods scandal. Experts say this latest tennis craze is less of a celebrity-driven phenomenon than the last US tennis boom in the 1970s, when American professionals such as Jimmy Connors, Billie Jean King and Arthur Ashe dominated the game and drew amateurs to the courts in emulation of their idols. “This current boom that’s happened in tennis has been orchestrated, we’ve been working on it a long time,” said Kurt Kamperman, chief executive of community tennis at the United States

Tennis Association (USTA). Tennis insiders point to a 1994 cover story in Sports Illustrated magazine with the headline “Is Tennis Dead?”, written at a time when participation was at a low point, as the catalyst for industry leaders’ decision to try to draw in new players. In 1998, the USTA, the organiser of the US Open, made a $36-million, multi-year commitment to boost tennis at local level. That has increased, with the USTA saying it now spends more than $40 million a year on such initiatives. Tennis manufacturers such as Wilson, Head and Prince also poured in millions of dollars, as instr uctors offered free lessons and public parks were turned into “welcome centres” to introduce new players to the game.

More recently, the Tennis Industry Association has showcased “cardio tennis” as a new fitness activity. At the same time, US tennis viewership has fallen as European players such as Spaniard Rafael Nadal, who won the French Open and Wimbledon this year, have dominated. Last year, 2.6 million Americans tuned into the US Open, compared to 5.5 million in 1991, said the Nielsen Co. Experts say the economy has also helped to popularise tennis as a participation sport. Rick Horrow, visiting expert on sports at the Harvard Law School and author of “Beyond the Box Score,” said along with soccer, which is seeing new interest in the US since the World Cup, tennis is the “next rising thing”. “Golf is a fairly expensive sport

to take up and a somewhat exclusive sport to join,” Horrow said. “In many ways, tennis is one of the sports that can be relatively easy to play, especially given this economy.” Entry-level rackets sell for as low as $15. For $200, a novice can buy the same state-of-the-art racket that former world number one Roger Federer of Switzerland wields. Wholesale trade in rackets, balls, accessories and equipment totalled $242 million in the U.S. last year, said the SGMA. Matt Powell, analyst with Sports One Source, said the Amer Sports-owned Wilson brand led with 38 percent of the tennis hardgoods market, followed by Head NV with 20 percent and Prince Sports Inc with 19 percent.

While low prices have helped to popularise the sport again, they have also been a challenge for the industr y. “There has been some margin erosion,” said John Muir, worldwide general manager for Wilson racket sports. For instance, the price of balls had stayed the same since the 1970s despite rising costs, he said. The industry plans to increase sales by encouraging players to hit the courts more often, which would translate to quicker racket replacement. Tennis is also growing in Asia, but industry insiders said the largest number of new players had been in the US. “The US, if you had to pick a specific country, is where we have seen the most growth the last nine years,” Muir said. —Reuters

Missing top talent hurts US at the Youth Olympics

SINGAPORE: Lee Wan Nin of Malaysia performs with the Clubs during the Rhythmic Gymnastics event at the Youth Olympic Games. —AP

SINGAPORE: Qiu Bo of China competes in the Youth Men’s 10-Meter Platform Diving Finals at the Youth Olympic Games held in Singapore. Bo won the gold medal. — AP

Indian officials sweat over weightlifting fine NEW DELHI: Indian weightlifting officials fear the country could miss out on up to 14 Commonwealth Games medals if they fail to meet a fast-approaching deadline to pay a fine for drug offenses. The national federation was ordered to pay a fine of $500,000 by Aug. 31 after six of its weightlifters were caught in doping offenses last year. It still owes $375,000 with a week remaining until the deadline. The Commonwealth Games begin in Delhi on Oct. 3. “This is a very important discipline for us as we can win 14 medals at the Commonwealth Games,” said Birender Prasad Baishya, president of the Indian Weightlifting Federation. “We are working hard to ensure we don’t lose out on these medals.” The federation is banking on the government and the Indian Olympic Association to bail it out with the remaining amount. “We have been in talks and I am hopeful things will be sorted out in the next few days,” said Baishya, who took over in December last year after the previous set of officials resigned. Weightlifting has been a very successful discipline for India in recent editions of the Commonwealth Games, with a high of 11 gold, 12 silver and seven bronze medals in Manchester in 2002. “It is not just the big events this year. Indian weightlifters are aiming to win medals at the London

Olympics (in 2012),” Baishya said. “This is a discipline that attracts people from the poor strata too, so there is great potential for us.” The sports ministry too has been worried about the issue and has written to the national Olympic body asking it to help the federation. “It is your primary obligation to ensure that the Indian teams participate in all disciplines and all events,” the ministry wrote, asking the national Olympic body to manage some leeway on the fine or help arrange the sum that is needed to avoid the impending ban. The ministry said it felt that since the present set of officials in the weightlifting federation, as well as those in the provisional list of participants, were not guilty in any way, they needed to be given a chance. The ministry also said it was important not to lose out on the medals and that money previously sanctioned by the government for development of sport could be used for this. “We direct the organizing committee of the Commonwealth Games to release 17.5 million rupees ($375,000) to the Indian Weightlifting Federation directly as interest free loan with a moratorium of one year. The repayment of loan may be separately determined in due course,” the ministry wrote. India has been twice banned in the past — in 2004 and 2006 — due to drug related offenses. —AP

SINGAPORE: The head of the US Olympic Committee yesterday blamed scheduling conflicts for the Americans’ woeful performance in the inaugural Youth Olympics, where its gold medal tally is less than Hungary’s and Azerbaijan’s. The US team, which traditionally is a dominant force at Olympic games, has won just four gold medals in Singapore and trails far behind China, which tops the medals table with 29 golds. “There were some scheduling challenges,” USOC chief executive Scott Blackmun said. “We looked at this as a developmental opportunity for some of our athletes who don’t otherwise get the opportunity to compete internationally.” The talent gap was most glaring in the pool, as Chinese swimmers won 11 golds while the American team won one race. Some elite US swimmers skipped the Youth Olympics and competed instead at the Pan-Pacific championships in Irvine, California, on Aug 18-22. Blackmun said the US team embraced equally the sports, cultural and educational activities of the Youth Games, which feature 3,600 athletes aged 14 to 18 from 204 national Olympic committees competing in 26 sports from Aug 14-26. “As things turned out, we might have struck that balance a little closer to the culture and education line,” Blackmun said. “It’s not like we sent athletes that weren’t qualified to be there.” In action on Tuesday, Chile won the girls’ football gold, defeating Equitorial Guinea 5-3 in a penalty shootout, and the Netherlands beat Argentina 21 in the girls’ field hockey final. US coaches defended the quality of their teams. Girls’ basketball coach Kathy Richey-Walton said her team, which won the bronze, had the best talent in the tournament. The boys’ basketball team stumbled to a fourth-place finish. “I can’t speak for the other sports, but I can tell you that we have two of the best performers in our sport at these games,” trampoline gymnastics coach Tara Guidry said. Some athletes’ parents said their children appreciated the opportunity to battle against top competition. “They’re learning how to compete internationally,” said Peter Janzen, whose daughter Kiera won the silver in the 400-meter freestyle. “This is a great experience here that will give great depth to the US swimming program in the future.” IOC President Jacques Rogge said he was not concerned about the quality of the American team. “Sure, certain swimmers are not present,” he said. “But this will not diminish the quality of the swimming events or the youth games. When people don’t participate, they are easily forgotten and they do not weigh on the success of the organization.”—AP

MONTREAL: Caroline Wozniacki from Denmark holds up the trophy after beating Vera Zvonareva from Russia in the final at the Rogers Cup tennis tournament. —AP

Caroline lifts Rogers Cup

MONTREAL: Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark won the rain-delayed Rogers Cup on Monday, beating Vera Zvonareva 6-3, 6-2. The 20-year-old Wozniacki is ranked second in the world and, with No. 1 Serena Williams out with an injury, likely will be the top seeded player when the U.S. Open starts Aug. 31. She is seeking her first Grand Slam title. “I never think about that — I just try to win every match,” she said. “We’ll have to see what happens. Right now, I want to enjoy winning this tournament. It gives me a lot of confidence to win a tournament like this — it’s a huge tournament.” The Rogers Cup final was held a day late after a weekend of relentless rain. Zvonareva, a Wimbledon finalist, was clearly off her game. The eighth-seeded Russian at times let out shrieks after misfiring on routine shots. Wozniacki’s groundstrokes, meanwhile, were hitting the lines with their usual sharpness.

She picked up her third title of the year, after wins at Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, and at her home tournament in Copenhagen. “I did what I had to do,” said Wozniacki, a first-time Rogers Cup champion. Leading 5-3 in the first set, Wozniacki fell behind 0-40. But she responded with five straight points to close the set. After breaking serve for a 5-2 lead in the second, Wozniacki wrapped it up with four straight points on her serve, gave a little fist pump and walked up to shake hands with her opponent. Wozniacki took the $350,000 winner’s prize while Zvonareva got $175,000. The semifinals were played in the morning. Wozniacki beat Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-2, 6-3, and Zvonareva advanced when her opponent, 10th-seeded Victoria Azarenka of Belarus, retired with a blister on her left foot. Zvonareva led 7-6, 1-0. Trainers worked on Azarenka’s foot

for several minutes. She got up and tried to walk, but immediately sat back down. She said the injury was not severe enough to keep her out of the U.S. Open. “I don’t see how I got a blister after sitting on my (rear end) for two days,” said Azarenka, who was in tears as she spoke to reporters after the match. “I tried to deal with it, but I couldn’t continue.” Wozniacki and the 11th-seeded Kuznetsova completed a semifinal that began Saturday and was stopped due to rain with Wozniacki leading 2-0, 0-15. Zvonareva played her semifinal on the National Bank Court, a smaller venue adjacent to Centre Court, contributing to her problems in the final. “It was a different court, different conditions,” she said. “It was difficult to keep my concentration. I was preparing to play Victoria for two days and they have absolutely different styles. In the final, I was still playing shots I would use in the semifinals. My head was not in the final.”—AP

FRANCE: French European champion Romain Barras competes in the triathlon event of the 23rd Villeneuve-d’Ascq Athletics meeting. —AFP

KUFM sponsors largest science competition


Ronautica Middle East welcomes boat enthusiasts


France’s Carrefour getting out of Malaysia: Minister


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


US home sales plunge 27 percent Lowest mortgage rates, bargain prices fail to help

BERLIN: Skyscrapers at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin are photographed. Berlin has long been a rarity among the great cities of Europe: exciting, freewheeling, beautiful and cheap. Now, as Germany prepares to mark 20 years since east and west were reunited as one, Berlin is finally undergoing the boom that lawmakers had envisioned. —AP

Sarasin targets Middle East growth with Bahrain license ZURICH: Swiss private bank Sarasin won a banking license in Bahrain as it tries to ramp up its services to wealthy clients in Asia and the Gulf region, just a year after pulling out of the kingdom. The new entity, Sarasin-Alpen Bahrain, is part of the bank’s SarasinAlpen subsidiary, the bank said yesterday. The subsidiary began operations in Dubai in 2005 and has offices in Oman,

Qatar and India. It is Sarasin’s second attempt to expand into Bahrain. Last year the bank pulled out of a planned joint venture and surrendered its investment business license there. “Sarasin’s other activities in the region are not affected and while our entry into Bahrain has been postponed for the present, our expansion strategy in the Middle east

and Asia remains intact,” the spokeswoman said at the time. Sarasin, owned by Dutch-based Rabobank, focuses on the Swiss market and selected European markets such as Germany, as well as Asia and the Middle East, which Swiss wealth managers see as having large growth potential. “The Middle East is one of three


Dar Al-Arkan extends drop as Saudi hits 11-week low DUBAI: Saudi Arabia’s Dar Al-Arkan extended losses yesterday, with investors little moved by assurances from the developer that it would not be downgraded by ratings agencies. The kingdom’s index fell 1.5 percent to an 11-week low as most Middle East markets declined, tracking international losses amid few regional catalysts to lift trade. Dar Al Arkan fell 2.3 percent, taking its losses to 4.8 percent since Aug. 11, when Moody’s placed the property firm on review for potential downgrade, citing weaker operational performance in the first half of 2010. Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) dropped 2.3 percent and Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co lost 1.7 percent as falling oil prices pressured Saudi industrials. “It seems there’s a move away from petrochemicals and into select banks and defensive stocks,” said Saleh Al-Onazi, vice-president of principal investment at Swicorp in Riyadh. Kuwait’s index rose for a third session in four. Gulf Bank and Burgan Bank added 7.1 and 6.1 percent respectively. “If you want equity exposure to Kuwait, there’s no option but to invest in the banks, because there are no other attractive alternatives,” said a Kuwait analyst who asked not to be identified. “But valuations are becoming expensive.” He cited National Bank of Kuwait which is trading at a price-to-earnings ratio of 15.6 af ter holding fir m at Monday’s 22-month high.

“We’re used to seeing NBK at a p-e of 13 to 14 and there are other regional banks with a similar ownership structure such as NBAD that are at much cheaper valuations,” the trader said. National Bank of Abu Dhabi fell 0.9 percent to be traded at a p-e ratio of about 8. Kuwait banks had surged since Thursday after newspaper reports the government would provide guarantees to lenders that finance a $104 billion state development plan. “A lot of people are taking a big bet the gover nment will deliver on its promises and support banks with lending guarantees, but nothing official has been announced yet,” said the Kuwait analyst. “Today there’s some negative news about some people in parliament not agreeing to the guarantees. The plan is vague and lacks specifics as to how it will work.” Dubai’s index fell as volumes slumped to a 2010 low and Abu Dhabi’s benchmark also declined, with little to draw UAE investors to trade amid volatility in global equities. Arabtec fell 1.2 percent to 1.66 dirhams after HSBC cut its price target on the builder to 1.8 dirhams from 2.6 percent, raising its rating from neutral to under weight. Oman’s index also dropped as selling pressure on European markets led to a late local slump. Oman’s fall was exacerbated by investors closing positions to free up cash ahead of the initial public offering of telecom operator Nawras, a unit of Qatar Telecom. This is set to launch on Sept. 20, a source told Reuters. —Reuters

key regions on which we are focusing our hopes for the future,” said Sarasin Chief Executive Joachim Straehle. Sarasin is also in the market to buy another private bank but few meet its wish list of a target with $20 billion to $50 billion in taxed assets and a reasonable sale price, CEO Joachim Straehle told Reuters last month. —Reuters

Oman Nawras plans Sept 20 IPO launch MUSCAT: Oman’s Nawras, a subsidiary of Qatar Telecom (Qtel), is set to launch an initial public offering on Sept. 20, a source close to the deal said yesterday, the first from the sultanate this year. Nawras, which broke the monopoly of state-controlled Omantel in 2006, agreed to float 40 percent of its capital in February under the condition of its license but the government granted the company an extension to September. “The IPO will be launched on

September 20, subject to regulatory approval,” the official close to the planned IPO, who did not want to be identified, told Reuters. The IPO sale will be open to both local and international investors, he said, but declined to give details of the sale. Gulf IPO activity came to a halt in 2009 as a result of the financial crisis with the total value of IPOs in the Middle East and North Africa falling 83 percent, according to a report by consultancy Ernst & Young. —Reuters

WASHINGTON: Sales of previously occupied US homes plunged last month to the lowest level in 15 years, despite the lowest mortgage rates in decades and bargain prices in many areas. July’s sales fell by more than 27 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.83 million, the National Association of Realtors said yesterday. It was the largest monthly drop on records dating back to 1968, and sharp declines were recorded in all regions of the country. Sales were particularly weak among homes priced in the lower to middle ranges. For example, in the Midwest, homes priced between $100,000 and $250,000 tumbled nearly 47 percent. As sales have slowed, the inventory of unsold homes on the market grew to nearly 4 million in July. That’s a 12.5 month supply at the current sales pace, the highest level in more than a decade. It compares with a healthy level of about six months. One reason the market is hurting is that buyers and sellers are in a standoff over prices. Many sellers are reluctant to lower their prices. And buyers are hesitating because they think home prices haven’t bottomed out. “It really is a selffulfilling prophecy,” said Aaron Zapata, a real estate agent in Brea, California. “If all buyers perceive that home prices are coming down, then they will stop making offers — and home prices will come down.” The housing market is also being hampered by the weakening economic recovery. Unemployment remains stuck at 9.5 percent and many potential buyers worry they might not have a job to pay the mortgage. Prices have fallen in part because foreclosures are running about 10 times higher than before the housing bust. Though the average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage has sunk to 4.42 percent, many people can’t qualify because banks have tightened their lending standards. Home sales picked up in the spring when the government was offering tax credits. But the tax credits expired on April 30 and the market has been hobbled since. The drop in July’s sales was led by 35 percent plunge in the Midwest. Sales were down 30 percent in the Northeast, 25 percent in the West and 23 percent in the South. The median sale price was $182,600, up 0.7 percent from a year ago, but down 0.2 percent from June. —AP

Recovery fears weigh on stocks as yen surges LONDON: World stock markets dropped yesterday amid fears about the pace of the global economic recovery, which caused the yen to surge to a 15-year high against the dollar and a nine-year best against the euro. In Europe, the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 87.27 points, or 1.7 percent, at 5,147.57 while Germany’s DAX fell 80.53 points, or 1.3 percent, to 5,930.38. The CAC-40 in France was 66.27 points, or 1.9 percent, lower at 3,486.96. On Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 101.19 points, or 1 percent, at 10,073.22 soon after the open while the broader Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 12.49 points, or 1.2 percent, at 1,054.87. “Markets are braced for more bad news from the US residential housing market over the next two days and fears of another leg down in real estate are certainly weighing on hopes for broad based economic recovery,” said Nicholas Colas, chief market strategist at ConvergEx Group. A 0.1 percent monthly decline in Canadian retail sales in

June, following a 0.4 percent drop in May, weighed on sentiment as Wall Street opened for business. The fear is that a bigger than anticipated slowdown in the US is infecting economic activity in Canada. The retreat in Europe and the US came after many of Asia’s markets closed lower. Japan’s Nikkei index led the declines, closing down 121.55 points, or 1.3 percent, at 8,995.14 — slipping under the 9,000 level for the first time since May 2009. The main reason behind the Nikkei’s drop was the rise in the yen — by mid afternoon London time, the dollar was 1.3 percent lower at 84.04 yen, just above its earlier 15-year low of 83.73 yen, while the euro was 1.5 percent lower at 105.98, a bit ahead of its earlier nine-year low of 105.44 yen. The worry is that the rising yen will make Japanese exports less competitive in the international marketplace and limit already paltry economic growth. Figures last week showed that Japan grew by a tepid 0.1 percent quarterly rate in the second quarter, allowing China to overtake the country in terms of economic out-

put for the first time ever. The scale of those concerns were evident in the performance of Sony Corp, which closed down a whopping 3.7 percent. With Japan’s economy under pressure and the US recovery losing momentum, investors are getting increasingly worried that the global economic recovery has run its course — the yen is widely considered one of the safest assets to hold and therefore advances when investor appetite for risk declines. Japan’s policymakers will be under pressure to do something about the yen’s continued appreciation, though the absence of any talk of intervention in Monday talks between the Bank of Japan and Japanese Prime Minister Nato Kan indicates that nothing is afoot. Though the dollar has fallen against the yen, it continues to advance against the euro — in the ranking of safe haven assets, the dollar is viewed more highly than the euro. By mid morning London time, the euro was down 0.2 percent at $1.2616, far below the four-month high of $1.3333 it hit less than three weeks ago. —AP

NEW YORK This artist’s rendering provided by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects shows one of the proposed designs for 15 Penn Plaza, which will rise 67-stories in Midtown Manhattan, just 34 feet shorter than New York’s iconic Empire State Building, at left. —AP

NYC icon cries foul over rival NEW YORK: Look at Manhattan from afar, and the first thing you notice is the Empire State Building, spiking like a needle above the carpet of skyscrapers that coats Manhattan from tip to tip. Now it’s got some competition — a proposal for a nearby glass office tower that would rise almost as high and alter the iconic skyline. The tower would spoil the famous view of the 102-story skyscraper for millions of tourists, the Empire State Building’s owner, Anthony Malkin, testified Monday at a City Council hearing. It “defines New York,” he said. “We view this as an assault on New York City and its iconography,” said Malkin, whose grandfather founded the Malkin Holdings company. It’s “the end of the image of New York City that billions of people hold dear.” The City Council is to vote this week on whether to allow a developer to erect a 67-story tower that’s only 34 feet (10 meters) lower than the 79-year-old Empire State Building, the city’s tallest skyscraper. The proposed tower’s developer, David Greenbaum, says 15 Penn Plaza would provide critically needed and state-of-the-art office space to midtown Manhattan, creating at least 7,000 new jobs. “The fact is, New York City’s skyline has never stopped changing, and I certainly hope it never will,” testified Greenbaum, president of Vornado Realty Trust’s New York chapter. The council’s Zoning and Franchises subcommittee planned to vote on whether to change rules. If they OK the plan, the final word would lie with the City Council — unless the mayor objected. Mayor Michael Bloomberg supports the tower, which was approved by the City Planning Commission last month, spokesman Stu Loeser said late Monday. The building would stand two blocks west of the Empire State Building on the site of the current Hotel Pennsylvania on Seventh Avenue, steps from Madison Square Garden and Penn Station. “Wow! Wouldn’t that be sad!” said Christa Huggins, a 35year-old from Utah visiting the Empire State Building’s 102nd-floor observatory. Huggins said she “loves the view of New York all the way around, but especially in that direction. And this would block it.” Renderings of the proposed building — designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects — portray a skyscraper shaped like a giant chisel atop a block. It tapers to a flat edge at the peak and is marked by a top-tobottom groove on its face. In his last-ditch effort to change the plans, Malkin — who also owns a stake in Vornado — appealed to subcommittee members to make 15 Penn Plaza no more than 825 feet (250 meters) high, about two-thirds of the originally proposed size. In addition, he asked that it be streamlined to minimally obscure the view of the western side of the Empire State Building. But the idea of even an 825-foot tower next to the 1,250-foot-tall (380-meter) Art Deco symbol of New York — 1,454 feet (440 meters) including its spire — disappointed some tourists. “That would still be no good, because I like to look down at the streets of New York.” said LeeSa Snarr, 37 — who did so Monday from the 102nd floor. Malkin told the subcommittee that the Empire State is “the No 1 favorite building in the US, surpassing the White House.” It was the tallest building in the world when completed in November 1930. King Kong scaled it in the 1933 movie and subsequent remakes; a B-25 bomber crashed into it in fog in 1945. It became the city’s tallest building again after the World Trade Center was destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001. Its brightly lit spire shines different colors to celebrate national holidays and special occasions year-round. Greenbaum testified that he would work to help improve nearby transportation facilities, including wider rail platforms at Penn Station, one of the world’s busiest rail stations; provide better access to subway stations; and ease pedestrian and traffic congestion in the area, which also includes Macy’s flagship department store. —AP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

ME mobile sector to cash in on $15.65bn apps, content boom Mass downloading from up and coming mobile markets KUWAIT: Global mobile a pplications sales and downloads are foreca st to rea ch $15.65 billion by 2013 and Middle East operators and device manufacturers are prepa ring for a telecoms windfall. As the region’s consumers discover the concept and a ccess the increasing amount of apps and content, many of the esta blished stores are focusing their a ttention on the MENA region. Untapped potential, the expansion of 3G networks and increasing use of smartphones are leading to a dramatic rise in the demand for mobile applications and value added services in the Middle East. According to a recent industry report from Interactive Data Corp, the worldwide smartphone market grew by more than 56 percent in the first quarter of 2010. Over a longer period, the Middle East and Africa is set to be among the top global smartphone markets, with a sustained compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 39 per cent for the next four years. To reflect the importance and help develop these markets, this year’s 30th anniversary of GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK is introducing GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World, a dedicated platform for the mobile applications and entertainment market. For handset manufacturers, mobile network operators and developers, GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World will bridge the telecommunications and consumer electronics market, providing opportunities to gain marketing exposure to the B2B and B2C audience across the Middle East region. Helal Saeed Almarri, CEO, Dubai World Trade Centre, organizer of GITEX said: “The Middle East is well known for its demand for the latest mobile hardware and software, and apps and con-

tent are at the cutting edge of this highly lucrative sector. In order to take advantage of a market it is necessary to fully understand its

progress and demand, and GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World will serve as a dynamic platform where international vendors and

consumers can do exactly that.” GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World will also present a series of open panel debates with industry experts exploring apps and content from an international and regional perspective, as well as exploring the huge potential of mobile marketing in the Middle East. Steve Lewis, Marketing Director for Nokia in Middle East and Africa, said: “Consumers are fast moving to smartphones and downloading applications according to their individual needs and preferences. Emerging markets like the Middle East are leading this wave due to the rapid adoption of smartphones and increased consumer confidence. This is an enormous opportunity for those organisations seeking to take advantage of such exponential growth. Nokia is all about connecting people to what matters most. At GITEX Mobile Apps and Content World, we will be discussing the future of the mobile apps market and how the market is likely to evolve while showcasing our new offerings within the smartphone and solutions segment.” GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World will highlight the companies shaping the region’s mobile apps and content market, the latest smartphone devices and collaborative mobile technologies. Participants include Nokia, Asus-Garmin, BlackBerry

(RIM) and Binatone, alongside apps developers Haiku, Globo Mobile, Evento, Winjit, CoolPad, ValueLabs and Dubai-based Sevdotcom. GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World has entered into an Industry Partnership with the global trade body for mobile media companies, Mobile Entertainment Forum. According to Sarah Roberts, MEF General Manager, EMEA, “Our Industry Partnership is a reflection of MEF’s support for this sector and mobile media innovation in general across the Middle East. GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World provides an ideal platform to bring together international and regional mobile experts to stimulate growth and creativity in the mobile application and content ecosystem.” GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World will take place during the whole of GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK from 1721 October 2010 with the general public being given access to Consumer Electronics and GITEX Mobile Apps & Content World from the 19 - 21 October. GITEX TECHNOLOGY WEEK, the region’s largest and most established ICT trade event, will celebrate its 30th anniversary this year at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. To register or for more information please visit www.gitex.com

Enhancing entertainment with ASUS all-in-one PC ET2400 series KUWAIT: ASUS enhanced the home entertainment experience with the introduction of the ASUS All-in-one PC ET2400 series. The ET2400 effectively combines the computing capabilities of the Super Hybrid Engine and the audio prowess of the ASUS SonicMaster Technology with a 23.6-inch Full HD widescreen. The ASUS All-in-one PC ET2400 delivers pure audio reproduction through ASUS’ proprietary SonicMaster Technology. It is a complete hardware and software audio solution that utilizes codecs designed to minimize distortions and deliver crystal clear sound through a wide audio spectrum between 80Hz and 12 KHz. It gives richer and more distinct vocals at a wider frequency range, as well as deeper bass at the lower ranges. SonicMaster Technology replicates the audio from surround sound systems and has a higher volume threshold than other all-in-one PCs. “The ASUS All-in-one PC ET2400 delivers unprecedented levels of speed and performance thanks to a host of new technologies. The ASUS Super Hybrid Engine

works in tandem with the latest Intel processors to enhance system performance by up to 15 percent,” said Ericson Correa, Business Development Manager, ASUS Middle East. “Moreover, with the VESA wall mount, it can be set up in any room of

the house.” USB 3.0 speeds up file transfers ten-fold when compared to USB 2.0 to give users high speed data transmissions, while Bluetooth 3.0* syncs mobile devices up to 8 times faster than current standards. The

KUFM sponsors largest science competition in Kuwait KUWAIT: Kuwait United Facilities Management (KUFM), a subsidiary of United Real Estate Company, yesterday joined the Kuwait Science Fair competition as a Platinum sponsor for the second year in a row. KUFM continues to show its support to the largest science competition that encompasses hundreds of schools in Kuwait, and engages students into the application of math and science. ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Kuwait Limited and Kuwait Energy will launch the third annual Kuwait Science Fair in October, under the patronage of Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the Minister of Oil, Minister of Information, and Chairman of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation. Kuwait United Facilities Management CEO, Ahmed Yousef Al-Kandari said: “We are excited to sponsor the Kuwait Science Fair Competition for the second year in a row. We joined last year after witnessing the great success and the great opportunities this competition provides to aspiring young scientists in Kuwait. The competition helped empower hundreds of students to think both critically and creatively to develop scientific solutions to our everyday life challenges. Being a part of the growth and pursuit of these young students has been extremely fulfilling for us. In six months, we have seen young minds excel in astonishing ways. We are looking forward to another great innovative year, filled with exciting ideas and ingenious projects.” KUFM is a leading facilities management com-

ET2400 also features a removable rear bezel to facilitate system memory upgrades. 3D Home Entertainment All ASUS All-in-one PC ET2400 models come with a 16:9, 23.6-inch Full HD display. The top of the range ET2400XVT adds a whole new dimension to the already colorful world of movies and games, with NVIDIA 3D Vision technology delivering stereoscopic 3D content in Full HD*. Users are given a wealth of additional entertainment options thanks to its built-in TV tuner, Blu-ray drive, and HDMI-in compatibility with devices like game consoles, cameras and notebooks. An optional optical touchscreen lets users easily zoom in and out or rotate images, or scroll through webpages*. Pricing a nd Ava ilability The ASUS All-in-one PC ET2400 will be available at leading retail outlets across the region from October 2010, priced at KD 3399 and upwards depending on model and specifications.

pany in Kuwait overlooking the Discovery Mall and Marina World. Marina Mall will host the Kuwait Science Fair booth where competition staff will be able to register students into the competition, guide them through their application process, and direct them in developing ideas for their experiments. Kuwait Science Fair Managing Director, Aseel Al-Turkait said: “We are glad to have KUFM sponsor the Fair again this year, an indication that the competition is surely the largest sought after competition, presenting an exciting opportunity and experience for Kuwait’s young scientific minds.” Every year, public and private companies join the Kuwait Science Fair founders, ExxonMobil Kuwait and Kuwait Energy, in support to the competition’s continued success in inspiring young innovators into the application of math and science in a competitive environment. Last year, over 220 students joined the competition from 46 different private and public schools in Kuwait. The first place winner received a first place trophy, a scholarship in the discipline of her choice from Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), in addition to KD750 in cash, as well as an internship at Schlumberger. The winner’s school also received a computer lab from Schlumberger and was admitted into Schlumberger’s Excellence in Educational Development program (SEED), which works to educate students on global issues influencing their future.

Kuwait Science Fair Managing Director Aseel Al-Turkait

EXCHANGE RATES Commercial Bank of Kuwait US Dollar/KD GB Pound/KD Euro Swiss francs Canadian Dollar Australian DLR Indian rupees Sri Lanka Rupee UAE dirhams Bahraini dinars Jordanian dinar Saudi riyals Omani riyals Philippine peso Egyptian pounds

.2830000 .4430000 .3660000 .2730000 .2760000 .2560000 .0045000 .0020000 .0779770 .7597100 .4020000 .0750000 .7447630 .0045000 .0500000

US Dollar/KD GB Pound/KD Euro Swiss francs Canadian dollars Danish Kroner Swedish Kroner Australian dlr Hong Kong dlr Singapore dlr Japanese yen Indian Rs/KD Sri Lanka rupee Pakistan rupee Bangladesh taka UAE dirhams Bahraini dinars Jordanian dinar Saudi Riyal/KD Omani riyals Philippine Peso

CUSTOMER TRANSFER RATES .2872500 .4457040 .3686440 .2753250 .2784210 .0494880 .0390730 .2586680 .0369580 .2117510 .0033660 .0061770 .0025640 .0033790 .0041630 .0782460 .7623220 .4062500 .0766490 .7475450 .0063830

US Dollar Sterling pounds Swiss Francs Saudi Riyals

TRANSFER CHEQUES RATES .2893500 .4488520 .2772750 .0771380

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Japanese Yen Indian Rupees


.2930000 .4530000 .3740000 .2820000 .2850000 .2630000 .0075000 .0035000 .0787610 .7673450 .4180000 .0790000 .7522490 .0072000 .0580000 .2893500 .4488520 .3712470 .2772750 .2803920 .0498390 .0393500 .2604950 .0372200 .2132500 .0033840 .0062200 .0025830 .0034030 .0041920 .0787450 .7671830 .4091270 .0771380 .7523120 .0064280

Pakistani Rupees Srilankan Rupees Nepali Rupees Singapore Dollar Hongkong Dollar Bangladesh Taka Philippine Peso Thai Baht Irani Riyal - Transfer Irani Riyal - Cash Saudi Riyal Qatari Riyal Omani Riyal Bahraini Dinar UAE Dirham Egyptian Pound - Cash Egyptian Pound - Transfer Yemen Riyal Tunisian Dinar Jordanian Dinar Lebanese Lira Syrian Lier Morocco Dirham

3.384 2.570 3.892 212.940 37.214 4.167 6.392 9.180 0.296 0.310 GCC COUNTRIES 77.172 79.516 751.860 768.650 78.808 ARAB COUNTRIES 53.400 50.784 1.237 195.130 408.670 194.100 6.227 33.637

EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES US Dollar Transfer 289.280 Euro 369.390 Sterling Pound 446.940 Canadian dollar 275.240 Turkish lire 188.830 Swiss Franc 279.500 Australian dollar 256.680 US Dollar Buying 287.745

SELL CASH 260.100 768.050 4.440 277.500 567.900 14.100 50.600 167.800 52.130 369.700

Singapore dollar South Africa Sri Lankan rupees Sterling pound Swedish krona Swiss franc Syrian pound Thai bhat Tunisian dollar UAE dirham U.S. dollars Yemeni Riyal

213.900 41.720 2.740 450.000 40.100 281.000 6.300 9.450 198.263 78.910 289.600 1.260

37.750 6.185 0.035

751.030 3.390 6.390 79.550 77.210 213.900 41.720 2.570 448.000 279.500 6.300 9.380 78.810 289.200

TRAVELLER’S CHEQUE 448.000 289.200

SELL DRAFT 258.600 768.050 4.165 276.000

213.900 50.816 368.200

Selling Rate 288.850 281.996 452.335 372.290 279.022 707.989 764.553 78.622 79.319 76.995 407.606 50.764 6.201 3.377

2.569 4.171 6.413 3.380 9.088 6.301 3.873

Kuwait Bahrain Intl Exchange Co.

3.900 205.500

Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Rate for Transfer US Dollar Canadian Dollar Sterling Pound Euro Swiss Frank Cyprus Pound Bahrain Dinar UAE Dirhams Qatari Riyals Saudi Riyals Jordanian Dinar Egyptian Pound Indian Rupees Pakistani Rupees

Sri Lankan Rupees Bangladesh Taka Philippines Pesso Japanese Yen Thai Bhat Syrian Pound Nepalese Rupees

408.770 0.195 94.220

GOLD 1,329.170

Sterling Pound US Dollar

Bahrain Exchange Company COUNTRY Australian dollar Bahraini dinar Bangladeshi taka Canadian dollar Cyprus pound Czek koruna Danish krone Deutsche Mark Egyptian pound Euro Cash

37.900 6.400 0.035 0.271 0.252 3.480 410.650 0.196 94.220 47.200 4.520 207.000 1.970 47.900 751.210 3.510 6.620 79.980

10 Tola

GOLD 240.000 121.00 64.000

20 Gram 10 Gram 5 Gram

Hongkong dollar Indian rupees Indonesia Iranian tuman Iraqi dinar Japanese yen Jordanian dinar Lebanese pound Malaysian ringgit Morocco dirham Nepalese Rupees New Zealand dollar Nigeria Norwegian krone Omani Riyal Pakistani rupees Philippine peso Qatari riyal Saudi riyal


Currency US Dollar Pak Rupees Indian Rupees Sri Lankan Rupees Bangladesh Taka Philippines Peso UAE Dirhams Saudi Riyals Bahraini Dinars Egyptian Pounds Pound Sterling Indonesian Rupiah Nepali rupee Yemeni Riyal Jordanian Dinars Syrian Pounds Euro Candaian Dollars

Rate per 1000 (Tran) 289.100 3.390 6.195 2.580 4.165 6.420 78.795 77.295 768.500 50.810 449.400 0.00003280 3.890 1.550 410.600 5.750 371.300 279.000

Al Mulla Exchange Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000 US Dollar 288.600 Euro 368.800 Pound Sterling 450.600 Canadian Dollar 277.650 Japanese Yen 3.410 Indian Rupee 6.195 Egyptian Pound 50.725 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.567 Bangladesh Taka 4.157 Philippines Peso 6.405 Pakistan Rupee 3.373 Bahraini Dinar 768.000 UAE Dirham 78.540 Saudi Riyal 76.960 *Rates are subject to change


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Ronautica Middle East welcomes boat enthusiasts DOHA: All eyes were on the waters off The Pearl-Qatar earlier this month, when Ronautica Middle East (RME), a wholly owned subsidiary of United Development Company (UDC), opened boat-enthusiasts the opportunity to test the first Meridian 341 Sedan, for which RME is the exclusive distributor in Qatar. Speed

Meridian 341 Sedan Yacht tested in sparkling waters around The Pearl-Qatar and capabilities of the world-class yacht are on display during the test runs on the sparkling Arabian Gulf. Meridian Yachts, established in 2002, has quickly become North America’s leading builder of bridge boats. Its vessels are designed to

deliver a “higher level of livability, cruisability and maneuverability”. “The Meridian 341 is equipped with a ‘Docking on Command’ docking system and operates through a simple joystick that controls the two main engines and the two

thrusters.” explained Lennart Bottenberg, Sales and Development Manager at Ronautica Middle East. “Even for people who are relatively new to boating this ‘Docking on Command’ system turns boat handling into a breeze and elimi-

nates the need to hire a captain”, Bottenberg said. The testers have been impressed by this great bridge cruiser, especially since most yachts in this range are best suited for a mere overnight or weekend

stays offshore. This yacht is different - it redefines the class by providing luxurious accommodation, highly sophisticated interiors and spectacular addon features for nearly unlimited cruising potential “It changes just

how much cruising comfort you can design into a compact sedan. “ said Bottenberg. Following this success, Ronautica Middle East is inviting all interested boat-enthusiasts to also test its other exclusively distributed brands such as the Bayliner, Boston Whaler and Zodiac.

Saudi Dar Al-Arkan sees no ratings downgrade Real estate prices to hold up after law’s implementation

Gulf oil spill could change UK offshore rules: Report LONDON: Britain’s robust offshore oil and gas industry rules may be tightened further when the root causes of the world’s largest offshore oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are established, the UK Health & Saftey Executive (HSE) told Reuters. Operating rules in Britain were revised after the Piper Alpha platform exploded in the North Sea in 1988, killing 167 in what remains the world’s worst offshore accident for human casualties. But the HSE may again tighten regulations if US investigations into the Deepwater Horizon rig disaster, which sparked the worst offshore oil spill in history, show holes in UK rules. “Certainly there are ramifications for the Deepwater Horizon throughout the world,” Steve Walker, head of the HSE’s offshore division said in an interview. “We are watching very closely what is coming out of the investigations because we really need to know what the real reason for the root causes are. Only when we get that from the United States can we see whether our regulations are adequate.” A White House panel launched an investigation into

the oil spill in early July and is expected to make recommendations on deepwater drilling before the end of 2010. The US Justice Department is conducting a criminal and civil investigation. Walker will go to Washington in September for an update on the probe into the oil spill which has caused widespread environmental damage, wiped billions of dollars off BP’s market value, and prompted regulators around the world to look again at offshore safety. Talks between the HSE and its counterparts in countries around the North Sea are ongoing, while the European Commission is studying whether to change EC directives on the industry- new legislation which the UK would then implement. “The other route would be just proactive regulations from the UK, which we could do,” Walker said. “At the moment there are no plans for that.” The HSE on Tuesday warned energy companies to improve their safety standards after a 39-percent rise in the number of large hydrocarbon leaks last year and a sharp increase in serious injuries to workers. Some workers linked to the

Gulf of Mexico disaster have told US investigators of safety concerns they had prior to the explosion which killed 11 crewmen on the rig owned by Swiss-based Transocean that was under contract to BP. But Britain overhauled rules after Piper Alpha to ensure workers on offshore platforms can raise safety concerns without fear of reprisal, which the HSE believes has made the UK system safer. Although the number of UK oil and gas leaks rose in the 12 months before the Deepwater Horizon explosion, there has not been an blow out leading to oil pollution in the five-decade long history of North Sea exploration. “Our Deepwater Horizon was Piper Alpha, 22 years ago, which caused a significant shake up in regulation, a significant shakeup in how you regulate and a significant shakeup in the industry’s culture,” Walker said. “My strong view is that we have much more workforce involvement in the UK than in the United States... We are in a different position to the Gulf of Mexico but we must not be complacent,” he said. “It can always be improved.” —Reuters

Swedish govt outlines more tax cuts, spending STOCKHOLM: Sweden’s centre-right coalition government vowed yesterday to cut value-added tax (VAT) for restaurants and spend billions of crowns to improve business conditions if it wins a new term next month. The centre-right Alliance bloc, led by the Moderate Party of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, has taken the lead in opinion polls over a rival centre-left bloc, but the race remains extremely close ahead of the Sept. 19 election. Seizing on a sharp economic rebound and the soundest public finances in the 27-nation European Union, the two sides have been busy unveiling new election pledges to lure voters. Yesterday, the government said it aimed to spend 2.45 billion Swedish crowns ($330 million) between 2011 and 2014 to encourage entrepreneurs and improve conditions for businesses. It also plans to cut VAT on restaurant meals over the same period in a move that would cost a total of 5.6 billion crowns. The government has committed to both steps for 2011, but said implementing the full measures over the four-year period will depend on the state of public finances. The government has written 5 billion crowns in deductions for pensioners into its spring budget. But recent economic developments have prompted it to announce additional measures.

Data released late last month showed the Swedish economy grew at a 3.7 percent annual clip in the second quarter. Last week, the government raised its forecast for gross domestic product (GDP) growth this year to 4.5 percent from 3.3 percent and said it expected a public deficit of just 1.1 percent of GDP. The finance minister has said the improving economy means there is room for 10 billion crowns in new spending or tax cuts in 2011, or 30 to 40 billion over the coming four-year term. This has led to a flurry of new fiscal promises. In addition to the measures unveiled yesterday, the government pledged on Monday to cut taxes for pensioners by an additional 2.5 billion crowns in 2011 and said it would spend a further 5.8 billion crowns on health and geriatric care over the next four years if re-elected. The latest poll, published yesterday, showed the centre-right government in the lead with 48.7 percent of the vote versus the Social Democratled “Red-Green” coalition’s 45.3 percent. The centre-left has promised to spend more on welfare, but also raise some taxes if elected. A hung parliament a possibility if the far-right Swedish Democrats squeeze past the 4 percent hurdle to get seats in parliament. —Reuters

Oil drops below $72 ahead of stocks data LONDON: Oil prices fell below $72 a barrel yesterday, down for a fifth day as gloom about the ability of top consumer the United States to work through record stocks weighed on sentiment. US crude prices fell $1.12 to $71.98 a barrel by 1249 GMT, leaving prices at the lowest level since early July. ICE Brent crude futures shed 96 cents by the same time to $72.66 a barrel, maintaining its premium to the rival benchmark established last week. “The bearish trend since Aug. 17 is intact. Economic momentum is slowing, and everyone is worried about it. Both supply and

demand fundamentals are weak,” said VTB Capital analyst Andrey Kryuchenkov. US crude oil inventories are forecast to have risen by 800,000 barrels last week, according to a preliminary Reuters poll of eight analysts ahead of American Petroleum Institute data at 2030 GMT and more authoritative US government data today. Typically stocks fall through the summer driving season, but they instead rose to a record high in the United States in the week to Aug. 13. European equities fell in early trade to the lowest level in a

month, adding to the downwards momentum and reinforcing the strong correlation between the two asset classes. Hurricane Danielle strengthened over the Atlantic Ocean to a category two storm yesterday but posed no threat to land or energy interests, the US National Hurricane Center said. This Atlantic hurricane season was forecast to be the most active in five years, inflating oil prices with a storm-related premium, but few have emerged. For now, analysts said that the potential for future storms is likely to support oil at around $70 a barrel. —Reuters

RIYADH: Saudi-based Dar AlArkan Real Estate Development Co said yesterday it does not expect any of the three main ratings agencies to downgrade it after Moody’s put it under review earlier this month. Moody’s placed on review for potential downgrade the Ba2 ratings for Dar al-Arkan, Dar Al-Arkan International Sukuk Company II and its $450 million sukuk. “I don’t see any fundamental reasons that should lead to a downgrade by any rating agency,” Managing Director Saud al-Gusaiyer said in an interview. “Our debts account for 33 percent of our assets and as a real estate company we can go up to 80 and even 100 percent. Our debt to equity ratio is 53 percent,” he told Reuters. Declining to comment on Moody’s review, Gusaiyer said the firm will not “have any problem” paying back a total of 7.8 billion riyals ($2 billion) in debt, of which 1 billion riyals will fall due in 2011 and the remainder before end-2016. “Our assets stood at 23 billion riyals by end-June and we have 1.3 billion riyals in cash.” Asked about the potential impact an eventual implementation of the mortgage law may have on the firm’s land bank assets, he said: “Property prices at the worse case scenario will stabilize. The implementation of the mortgage law should on paper reduce the prices of property but it will take years, at least a decade before it starts doing so”. The long-anticipated mortgage law would be approved this year but its implementation may require more time, he added. “I would be very surprised if it does not get approved this year. It is five laws in total. But I don’t know about the implementation, it will require some time. The fortunate thing is that the central bank will handle its implementation and I think it will work on it fast,” Gusaiyer said. Saudi Arabia suffers from a chronic shortage of housing and constant rises in land prices with less than a third of the population owning a home. —Reuters

Barnes & Noble posts Q1 loss, cuts guidance NEW YORK: Barnes & Noble Inc posted a first-quarter loss on a sales slump and legal expenses related to its proxy fight with a major shareholder, the struggling book seller said yesterday. The company cut its annual earnings outlook on the costs related to fighting billionaire financier Ron Burkle. The largest US traditional book seller said it lost $62.5 million, or $1.12 per share, in quarter ending July 31. Last year during the same period it earned $12.3 million, or 21 cents per share. Revenue fell 21 percent to $1.4 billion. Analysts expected a loss of 80 cents on revenue of $1.4 billion, according to Thomson Reuters. Shares fell 40 cents, or 2.7 percent, to $14.60 in premarket trading yesterday. Earlier this month the company made a surprise announcement that it was exploring options that include putting itself up for sale. Barnes & Noble said its pretax legal expenses in the quarter were $9.5 million or 11 cents per share. The company cut its fullyear guidance by 25 cents per share, now expecting a loss to range from 25 cents to 65 cents per share. Excluding the costs, it expects to break even or lose as much as 40 cents per share. The New York-based company has been fighting Burkle and his Yucaipa Cos investment arm, which has about a 19 percent stake in the company. —AP

SPRINGFIELD: Patrons enjoy a meal at a Burger King in Springfield, Illinois. Burger King Holdings Inc said yesterday, its fourth-quarter net income fell nearly 17 percent as sales slipped and ingredient costs climbed. —AP

Burger King Q4 net income falls 17% MIAMI: Burger King Holdings Inc’s fourth-quarter net income fell nearly 17 percent as sales slipped and costs for ingredients and packaging climbed. The fast-food restaurant said yesterday that it earned $49 million, or 36 cents per share during the period that ended in late June. That compares to last year’s net income of $58.9 million, or 43 cents per share. The company also got a smaller tax benefit than last year. Revenue slipped 1 percent to $623 million. The earnings beat Wall Street forecasts, but revenue fell short. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters expected the company to earn

34 cents per share with revenue of $635 million. Sales at restaurants open at least a year slid for the fifth consecutive quarter. That key indicator of a restaurant chain’s performance excludes growth at stores that open or close during the year. The measure fell 0.7 percent around the globe and 1.5 percent in the US and Canada. While the declines weren’t as steep as those recorded in previous quarters, Burger King continued to lag its bigger competitor, McDonald’s Corp. Burger King has been particularly vexed by the economic downturn as layoffs and a high

unemployment rate hurt its core demographic of young men. Its tried to compensate by expanding its menu with items that appeal to both budget-conscious customers and those willing to spend more. And yesterday, the company said that effort is showing some success as customers in North America bought its $1 menu items like a breakfast muffin and a double cheeseburger. But customers also gravitated toward some more expensive dishes too, like the company’s breakfast bowl, Whiplash Whopper and ribs. For the full year, Burger King earned $186.8 million, or $1.36 per share. That’s down 7

percent from last year’s net income of $ 200.1 million, or $1.46 per share. Full-year revenue slipped 1 percent to $2.50 billion, down from $2.54 billion. “In fiscal year 2010, we faced sustained levels of high unemployment and a fragile global economy that combined made this one of the toughest operating environments in recent history,” Chairman and CEO John Chidsey said in a statement. Burger King is based in Miami and has more than 12,000 restaurants around the globe. Its shares climbed 38 cents, or 2.3 percent, to $17 in pre-market trading yesterday. —AP

Top business school introduces fund to develop future business leaders KUWAIT: Cass Business School, a leading UK business school with a campus at the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), has launched a new Middle Eastern scholarship fund designed to nurture the region’s future business leaders. The new scholarship aims to build the leadership, management, finance and entrepreneurial skills in the region by funding the studies of talented, locallybased students through the Cass Executive MBA (EMBA) offered at DIFC. Ehsan Razavizadeh, Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa region at Cass Business School said: “As a leading provider of business education, an experience at Cass can shape the future of a student and the scholarship fund will help talented individuals, who are already contributing in the region’s business sector to further their education and fast-track their careers. “The fund is in line with Sir John Cass’ philanthropic vision to support ambitious students who may be without financial means, and the scholarship will be funded by individuals and companies in the GCC region. Cass is encouraging local business leaders to come together to support the opportunity to help nurture rising local business stars, “Razavizadeh added. The school started its prestigious EMBA program in collaboration with DIFC in 2007, and currently more than 120 professionals from the region study in the program. The Cass Dubai EMBA program is ranked second in the UK and fifth in Europe by the Financial Times, and the program is specifically designed for ambitious regional professionals who

Ehsan Razavizadeh, Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa region at Cass Business School want to accelerate their career while remaining in full time employment. Roy Batchelor, Professor of Banking and Finance at Cass Business School, and Director of the Cass Executive MBA program in Dubai said: “The Middle East scholarship fund is yet another example of the strength of commitment from Cass Business School to this region. The UAE especially is an important commercial and financial hub and as this region continues to secure its position as a major player on the international business stage it needs to ensure it has the right people to drive this growth. “The region is home to a young, rapidly growing and talented workforce and we hope that this new scholarship fund, in addition to the other scholar-

ships that Cass and the DIFC already offer, will continue to support the impressive business talent pool that there is in this region.” In addition to the new Middle East scholarship fund, Cass Business School also has two other forms of scholarships or funding support available to EMBA students. As the only course of its kind currently offering a specialization in Islamic Finance, scholarships for the Cass Executive MBA in Islamic Finance are available courtesy of DIFC. The DIFC Scholarship aims to promote the future of Islamic Finance in this region and gives two full sets of fees for the EMBA program, which are divided into partial funding for between 6-8 students. The scholarships are made available for students with a background in Islamic finance, and those who receive the support are expected to make a future contribution to the Islamic finance industry. Rehan Pathan, Cass Business School EMBA alumnus said: “Scholarships play an important part in bridging the gap financially for many students who may not otherwise have the capacity to make this investment in their study. I received a partial scholarship from the DIFC to study the Islamic Finance elective of the Cass EMBA and it took away some of the financial pressure and allowed me to better focus on my studies.” Cass Business School also support their EMBA students in Dubai with the Cass Studentship, which provides partial funding for around 15 students per year. In exchange for a studentship, chosen students assist as ambassadors for the school.



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big investors go KSE stocks gain modestly for gold, bonds GLOBAL DAILY MARKET REPORT

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti equities ended higher yesterday, with banking sector index surging to their best level during 2010. Global General Index breached the 200 pointmark for the first time since May 24, 2010. All major indices managed to notch some gains during the session. The benchmark Global General Index (GGI) ended the session rose 1.28 points (0.64 percent) to close at 202.01 points. Kuwait Stock Exchange Price Index up by 7.40 points (0.11 percent), to close at 6,682.1 points. Market capitalization increased by 0.64 percent yesterday to reach KD33.39bn. Market breadth During the session, 113 companies were traded. Market breadth was equal, as 38 equities advanced versus 38 that retreated. A total of 136 stocks remained unchanged during yesterday’s trading session. Trading activities ended on a positive note yesterday as volume of shares traded on the exchange increased by 3.74 percent to reach 153.32mn shares, and value of shares traded increased by 17.39 percent to stand at KD33.36mn. The Banks Sector was the volume & value leader, accounting for 22.66 percent & 53.35 percent respectively. Gulf Finance House was the volume leader yesterday, with a total traded volume of 20.24mn shares. GFH clarified the news published in a local newspaper as regards to selling its stake in Bahrain Financial Harbor. The investment bank indicated that the sale included two separate deals, as follows: The bank offloaded its 49.88percent equity in return for $26 million and 11 land plots in the project. The Bahrain-based company repaid a $134 million loan facility to a syndicate led by the Liquidity

Management Centre (LMC). This loan had earlier been arranged by GFH. The lender generated no earnings from the divestiture. Kuwait Finance House was the value leader, with a total traded value of KD4.47mn. In terms of top gainers, National International Co (Holding) took the top spot, adding 29.41 percent and closed at KD0.066. On the other hand, Kuwait Packaging Material Manufacturing Co decreased by 6.41 percent during yesterday’s session, to be the biggest loser. The scrip closed at KD0.365. Sector-wise Regarding Global’s sectoral indices, 4 sectors reported daily

gains, while 4 sectors reported daily losses. Global Banking index added 1.03 percent to its value reaching 324.83 points. Gulf Bank was sector’s prominent gainer adding 7.07 percent closing at KD0.530. Also, Burgan Bank rose by 6.10 percent closing at KD0.435. Global Services Index followed, adding 0.89 percent. From the sector’s components, Mobile Telecommunication Co (ZAIN) ended yesterday’s session up by 1.69 percent, to close at KD1.200. Agility Co, rose by 1.10 percent closing at KD0.460. On the other hand, Global Industrial Sector Index was a major loser, shedding 0.33 percent of its value. The retreat is

attributed to the 1.69 percent decline in Kuwait Metal Pipe Industries & Oil Services. Global Insurance Sector Index was the second biggest loser, closing down by 0.24 percent. The retreat is attributed to the 2.22 percent decline in Warba Insurance Company. On the other hand, Global’s special indices closed on a positive note except Global Small Cap Index that ended the day down by 0.09 percent. While Global High Yield Index ended the day up by 1.38 percent. Oil news Kuwaiti oil stabilized at $69.58 pb on Monday, the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) said yesterday. Kuwaiti oil is deeply

affected by the daily speculations, as well as geo-political and geopsychological factors in the oil market. Kuwait’s crude oil exports to China jumped 35.5 percent in July from a year earlier to 826,000 tons, equivalent to around 195, 000 barrels per day (bpd), the latest government data showed. Kuwait provided 4.3 percent of China’s total crude oil imports, compared with 3.1 percent in the same month of last year and 5.6 percent in June, according to data released from the General Administration of Customs. Kuwait’s exports in the first seven months of 2010 totaled 5.85 million tons (202,000 bpd), up 25.3 percent from the same period last year.

NEW YORK: The smart money has moved away from stocks. So is the era of stock investing over? It’s too early to tell, but one thing is certain: “Money goes where it is treated best, and that hasn’t been in stocks,” says Wade Slome, who advises high networth investors and runs a hedge fund at his firm, Sidoxia Capital Management in Newport Beach, California. The overall stock market is down over the past decade, while the price of gold has more than quadrupled and corporate bond returns have doubled. Couple that with the slow economy, and hedge fund managers and institutional investors continue to shift money away from stocks to investments they think will be safer. An estimated $170 billion has been put in bond funds this year, while $35 billion has been pulled from stock funds, according to the Investment Company Institute, a trade group for the mutual fund industry. So much for buy and hold. Analysts at Bespoke Investment Group say we’re in a “drive-by market.” Their take: Stock investors aren’t anticipating or analyzing anything. They just react to the news of the day and then move on to the next thing. Three months ago, the survival of European banks and economies was front and center. Now, it’s barely mentioned. Same goes for the “flash crash” in May. News of strong corporate earnings one day can drive the market sharply higher, but a weak earnings report the next can send prices plunging. “Investors look at what is in front of them at that minute, and that’s it,” says Paul Hickey, one of the founders of the investment research firm. The volatility begets more volatility, which further unnerves investors who have been punished by losses over the last decade. The total return, including dividend, for the benchmark Standard & Poor’s 500 index is down about 11 percent since August 2000, according to Bespoke. That means an investor who put in $10,000 in an S&P index fund 10 years ago and held it now has less than $9,000 to show for it. Billionaire investor George Soros is one of those who bolted out of stocks in the second quarter. His Soros Fund Management reduced its stock holdings by about 40 percent to $5.1 billion from April through June, according to a quarterly report filed Aug. 17 with US securities regulators. The fund sold 93 percent of its stake in Pfizer and 98 percent of its stake in Wal-Mart during the quarter. The fund’s biggest holding is an exchange-traded fund in goldrelated stocks. It represents 13 percent of its stock portfolio. The quarterly report does not detail the

fund’s holdings outside of stocks, and the fund declined to comment on its investments. Other big-name investors with large positions in gold ETFs include John Paulson, who was made famous for his successful bet that the subprime mortgage market would blow up. They are sticking with gold even though prices for the precious metal are up 9 percent this year to more than $1,200 an ounce. That’s four times the $300 price of an ounce of gold in 2000. There has been an equally bullish move into government and corporate bonds. The Federal Reserve has pushed down interest rates to almost zero to stimulate the economy. That has spurred a rally in Treasury bonds and notes. The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield is down to 2.6 percent, its lowest level since the height of the financial crisis in 2009. Prices and yields move in the opposite direction. Lower rates should help companies because they make it cheaper to borrow money and allow them to refinance their existing debt. Corporate profits then go up, leaving more money to spend on expansion or workers. That’s why lower rates should help boost stocks, says Jack Ablin, chief investment officer at Harris Private Bank in Chicago. “But we are not seeing that at all right now.” Instead, investors are putting money into corporate bonds, even those that offer little guaranteed return. IBM was able to raise $1.5 billion by selling 3-year notes that pay a mere 1 percent in interest. That was only 0.30 percentage points more than the yield on comparable US Treasurys. Johnson & Johnson sold 10-year bonds this month with a 2.95 percent yield, even though it pays a dividend equal to about 3.7 percent of its stock price. That means an investor who buys $10,000 in J&J bonds gets back $295 annually for 10 years, plus the principal. If that investor bought 166 shares of J&J stock at about $60 a share now and held it for a decade, the annual payout would be $360 a year, plus any price appreciation in the stock and increases in dividends. J&J has increased its dividend for 48 consecutive years. Junk bonds are also attracting investors. They are being issued by companies at a record clip. Junk bonds are rated lower than other corporate debt because they have a higher probability of default. Investors are compensated for that risk with higher yields, which currently average around 9 percent. Institutional investors like pension funds that are willing to take above-average risks to get aboveaverage returns, says Ed Yardeni, who runs his own investment and economics consulting firm. —AP


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Cairn Energy discovers gas in offshore Greenland LONDON: Scottish explorer Cairn Energy said yesterday it had discovered gas in offshore Greenland, amid environmental protests by Greenpeace to stop its oil operations near the nation’s fragile coast. Cairn revealed the discovery alongside news of a return to profit in the first half of 2010, and uncertainty over its recent deal to sell a majority stake in its Indian unit, Cairn India, to mining group Vedanta. Profits after tax stood at $27.7 million (21.0 million euros) in the six months to the end of June, which compared with a net loss of $76.1 million in the same part of 2009, Cairn said in a results statement. Cairn added that it has “encountered gas” in thin sands at its first well in Baffin Bay, offshore Greenland, with indications that there may be other hydrocarbon resources in the area. “I am encouraged that we have early indications of a working hydrocarbon

system with our first well in Greenland, confirming our belief in the exploration potential,” said chief executive Bill Gammell. Greenpeace said Monday its activists have arrived in the Arctic on board one of its ships to pressure Cairn to stop oil operations in offshore Greenland, which is home to blue whales, polar bears, seals and migratory birds. If the group’s prospecting is successful, the Arctic “could be flooded with oil companies, all trying to operate in hazardous polar conditions”, Greenpeace had said in a statement. However, the exploration firm, which is drilling two wells off the west coast of Greenland, responded that it complies with “some of the most stringent regulations globally” that are laid down by the Greenlandic government. News of the Greenland find comes one week after Vedanta agreed to pay up to $9.6 billion for a 51-60 percent

stake in Cairn India, whose biggest asset is the oil-rich Mangala field in the western state of Rajasthan. Cairn Energy, which is based in Edinburgh, hopes that the Vedanta deal will provide fresh funds for the drilling program in Greenland and allow it to return cash to shareholders. “In line with Cairn’s long-held strategy of adding and realizing value, the transaction with Vedanta will result in a substantial return of cash to shareholders whilst ensuring the company has the financial flexibility to pursue its ... exploration strategy in Greenland,” added Gammell yesterday. The Vedanta deal is in the balance as Indian media report that the country’s state-run fuel companies may make a counterbid for Cairn India oil assets. The Press Trust of India reported Monday that state-run companies Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC), OIL India Ltd (OIL) and GAIL have already lined up $10 billion in loan commit-

ments from international banks for a possible counter-bid for Cairn India assets. The three firms have held informal talks as Indian authorities examine legal options to deny Cairn approval for conclusion of its deal, the agency said, quoting sources with knowledge of developments. The report came as India’s Oil Minister Murli Deora said the government was still undecided on whether to push for a state takeover of Indian oil assets owned by Cairn Energy. Cairn India’s share price surged by nearly 6.0 percent yesterday in Mumbai on the prospect of a bidding war. Cairn Energy’s share price slipped 1.16 percent in early London trade and Vedanta slumped 5.74 percent. Vedanta’s stock was hit hard after India’s Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh rejected Vedanta’s controversial plans to build a mine on land held as sacred by an Indian tribe. — AFP

France’s Areva aims to scoop Sudan’s ‘underexplored’ gold 20 concessions awarded to prospectors KHARTOUM: France ma y not be a big hit in President Oma r Al-Ba shir’s Suda n, but a French firm is in pole position to scoop w hat industry sources sa y is the “underexplored” gold resources of Africa ’s largest country. “The mining potential of Sudan is totally underexplored,” said Nicole Blanchard of the Ca nadia n group La Ma ncha, a subsidiary of France’s Areva a nd listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

Greenpeace zodiacs passing in front of the Sten Don Cairn Energy Oil Rig. A Danish warship has prevented Greenpeace’s protest ship Esperanza entering an exclusion zone around Cairn Energy PLC drilling rigs that are exploring for oil offshore Greenland, the environmental group said in a statement. — AFP

PepsiCo hopes to revive Quaker with new products NEW YORK: PepsiCo Inc is hoping to revive its Quaker division with new types of cereal, a reformulation of its instant oatmeal and a new marketing campaign. The brand’s trademark hot and cold cereals have been hurting in the down economy as people shift away from name brands to save money. They’re also not eating as much breakfast, said Quaker President Jaya Kumar. So the company is adding whole grains, removing sugar and focusing on the healthy aspects of breakfast to link its brands to the first meal of the day. The move is part of a wider PepsiCo effort to make its products healthier by cutting sodium, sugar and certain fats, and boost sales of its healthier products such as Quaker, Tropicana, Dole and Tazo Teas. Quaker’s big marketing push starts Sept. 1 with the launch of new varieties of cereals and an advertising campaign. Quaker has boosted its marketing spending by 50 percent for the rest of the year, though Kumar declined to cite dollar figures. Quaker will introduce two new products:

one that lets kids create their own oatmeal flavor combinations, including banana and blueberry. There’s also a multigrain blend called Heart Medleys that mixes oats, wheat, barley and rye with nuts and fruits. Quaker’s instant oatmeal is also being reformulated to have larger, whole grain oats for heartier texture. Kumar said people reported not wanting oatmeal to be “mushy.” The company is also rolling out new instant oatmeals with 25 percent less sugar. Quaker plans to make the change across its portfolio. PepsiCo, based in Purchase, NY, bought the Quaker Oats Co, including its sports drink Gatorade, for more than $13 billion in 2001. In the first half of the year, Quaker’s revenue fell 2.5 percent to $859 million. Parent company PepsiCo is tweaking many of its products, including chips in its Frito-Lay snack division, to feed into people’s desire for healthier products. Earlier this year, PepsiCo said it was setting out to triple its sales of healthier fare in the next decade to $30 billion. — AP

China shares rebound on easy-credit policy hopes SHANGHAI: Chinese shares rebounded yesterday on hopes the government will ease access to credit, led by real estate and steelmakers. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index added 10.94 points, or 0.4 percent, to close at 2,650.31. The Shenzhen Composite Index for China’s smaller second exchange rose 1.2 percent to 1,135.55. The market rose for the first time in three days on mounting expectations slowing economic growth will prompt the government to ease credit

curbs. Real estate developers gained after weekly trading volume of new homes in the southern business hub of Shenzhen soared 72 percent last week. China Vanke Ltd, the country’s biggest developer, advanced 4.2 percent to 8.85 yuan, while rival Poly Real Estate Group added 2.3 percent to 12.59 yuan. Steelmakers gained on stronger prices after slumping for two months on lower production. Beijing Shougang Ltd surged by the daily 10 percent

limit to 4.83 yuan, after it announced an automobile joint venture on Monday. Baoshan Iron & Steel Co, China’s biggest steel producer, added 1.7 percent to 6.48 yuan. Jiangxi Copper Ltd., China’s largest metal producers, gained 1.6 percent to 28.83 yuan, while Zhengzhou Coal Industry & Electric Power Ltd climbed by 4.2 percent to 10.28 yuan. In currency markets, the yuan strengthened to 6.7985 to the US dollar, up from Monday’s close of 6.7993. — AP

Aer Lingus narrows H1 loss on cost cutting LONDON: Irish airline Aer Lingus yesterday reported a sharp drop in its net loss for the first half of the year as lower fuel prices and capacity cuts helped the carrier to pare its operating costs. For the first six months of the year, Aer Lingus said yesterday that it had a loss of 18.5 million euros ($23.2 million), compared with 73.9 million euros a year earlier. Revenue was 3.1 percent lower at 538 million euros. Operating costs were down 14 percent to 557 million euros, with about half of the improvement due to lower fuel prices. In the second quarter, the airline reported an operating profit of 18.8 million

euros, reversing a loss of 18.2 million euros a year earlier. “For the 2010 full year, we expect to report an operating performance, before exceptional items, of no worse than break even,” said Chief Executive Christoph Mueller. “This would represent a good performance in difficult market conditions but is predicated on the delivery of committed staff productivity savings and no further significant disruptions to operations from industrial action or airspace closures.” Operating costs in the first half were down 14 percent to 557 million euros. Aer Lingus carried 4.4 million passengers in the first half, a drop of 11 percent. Yield per

passenger rose 8 percent to 98.66 euros. The company’s improved results came despite a nearly weeklong disruption of service because of the volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. Short-haul passenger revenue fell 3.8 percent, reflecting a 16 percent drop in passenger numbers and a 13 percent cut in capacity. Long-haul passenger revenue rose 6.5 percent to 69 million euros though passenger numbers fell by 23 percent. Those results reflected Aer Lingus’ decision in the second half of last year to drop service from Ireland to San Francisco and Washington. — AP

“Sudan is an immense country in which there are surely other deposits of the same size as ours,” chipped in a senior official of Ariab, which for the past 20 years operated the largest mine, in Hassai, northeast Sudan. Ariab, a partnership between La Mancha and the Sudanese government, has a 30,000-square-kilometre (11,600-square-mile) concession, roughly the size of Belgium, in the Arabo-Nubian geological massif. The mining ministry says more than 20 concessions have been awarded to prospectors, mostly between the Nile and the Red Sea. But their combined output remains marginal compared to the Hassai mine, where 60,000 ounces (1,700 kilograms) of gold were extracted from Sudan’s desert sands last year. The thousands of panhandlers drawn by a gold rush in northern Sudan anger the mining industry. “Some of them are working on our concessions. It’s unacceptable,” said an Ariab executive. Sudanese Mining Minister Abdelbaqi Al-Jaylani travelled to France in mid-July and visited the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research in Orleans, to renew collaboration between Khartoum and the state body. “We want to complete a detailed map of the geology of Sudan (with the bureau) so that the Sudanese government can commercialize its mining potential at the international level,” Jaylani told AFP. He also held talks in Paris with Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. “I told Mr Kouchner: ‘Leave politics to one side ... You must protect your interests in Sudan, because if you stray from Sudan, others will come and take your place.” Paris has not had a good press in Khartoum with its support for the International Criminal Court, which issued an arrest warrant for Bashir; the presence of a Darfur rebel chief in France, and French troops deployed in Chad. But collaboration between the Khartoum government and Areva’s subsidiary appears to be unaffected. In late July, La Mancha announced “very promising” results of prospecting in the Nuba mountains, a politically sensitive region between northern and southern Sudan, which is due to hold an independence referendum in January. “The mining potential of the Nuba mountains has been unexplored and the longstanding relationship between Areva/La Mancha and the Sudanese government should create a good environment for exploring the region,” said Blanchard. La Mancha has a 70-percent share of the Nuba mountains project, with the rest held by the Sudanese authorities. Drilling work next year aims to confirm the preliminary results. — AFP

AL-ABIDIYA: Sudanese men pan for gold at the village of Al-Abidiya in northern Sudan. Rising gold prices combined with the availability of metal detectors has sparked a gold rush in northern Sudan, with thousands of prospectors descending on the area in recent years in the hope of striking it rich. —AFP

Ghana oil production to start in December ACCRA: Ghana is on track to pump its first barrel of crude in December but must be wary of seeing oil as the answer to all its problems, Vice President John Dramani Mahama said yesterday. The West African state is poised to become one of the world’s fastest-growing economies next year after its offshore Jubilee field comes on line. It has said it is eager to avoid the “oil curse” of unevenly distributed wealth that has triggered unrest in other developing oil exporters.

“In December this year, Ghana will join the league of petroleum producing nations as commercial production begins in the Jubilee field,” he told an oil and gas conference in the capital Accra. “Ghana cannot see the oil industry as a miracle wand to solve all problems.” He said the government was seeking to ensure transparency in the use of oil revenues from Jubilee, which he said holds about 1.6 billion barrels of crude, and to guarantee locals are employed in the sec-

tor. Tullow Oil, operator of the Jubilee field, said in February output was scheduled to start in November, though the company and Ghanaian government officials have since said ouput would start by the end of the year. The field will take four-to-six months to reach planned output of 120,000 barrels per day-a level it will maintain for three years, Ghana’s energy minister told Reuters in an interview last month. The government has projected oil production will boost

GDP growth to 20 percent in 2011, up from around 6 percent in 2010, making it one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Mahama said yesterday that oil revenues based on current reserves could account for about 7 percent of Ghana’s GDP. Analysts have said a key challenge for the government will be to ensure petroleum revenues benefit ordinary Ghanaians, many of whom live on less than $2 per day. — Reuters

SPRINGFIELD: A home is shown for sale in Springfield, Illinois. Yesterday’s report from the National Association of Realtors about sales of previously occupied homes showed sales plunged in July. — AP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chevron fights potentially historic damages case LAGO AGRIO: A run-down court building that also houses the local casino in this Amazon jungle town is the unlikely venue for the largest environmental damages lawsuit ever tried. On the first floor, people play for pennies in The Mirage bingo and slot machine parlor. Three stories up, in Sucumbios provincial court, the stakes are $27 billion. That’s what local farmers and indigenous tribes want from US oil giant Chevron Corp to fund cleanup of areas they say were polluted with faulty drilling practices in the 1970s and ‘80s. The paint is cracked and peeling in the judge’s fourth-storey offices overlooking Lago Agrio, a poor and violent northern Ecuador town near the Colombian border. Power failures

often stop the building’s air conditioners, leaving gamblers and court officials to swelter as judge Leonardo Ordonez pours through thousands of pages of evidence. He says a verdict could be reached in 2011 after 18 years of litigation in US and Ecuadorean courts. As the ruling looms, each side accuses the other of presenting fraudulent evidence while a slew of related legal actions are played out in the United States and Europe. Investors and the petroleum industry are watching to see if Chevron will have to pay massive damages, setting a precedent that could fuel other big lawsuits against oil companies accused of polluting countries around the world. Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has sided publicly with the plaintiffs. Both sides expect Ordonez to rule

against Chevron. The company-charging government interference in the case-vows to appeal any adverse decision. Plaintiffs say Texaco wrecked wide areas of Ecuador’s jungle by dumping drilling waste into unlined pits and leaving them to fester, an accusation that the company denies. Chevron inherited the case when it bought Texaco in 2001. It says the company cleaned up all pits it was responsible for before turning them over to Ecuador’s state-owned oil firm, Petroecuador, which still operates around Lago Agrio. “If there is pollution in this area, it is the sole responsibility of the state, which in 1998 released Texaco of further liability,” said Chevron spokesman James Craig, pointing toward one of the waste pools cleaned

up by Texaco. Texaco built and operated more than 330 wells in Ecuador, all of which had at least one reserve pool nearby. The dirt just under the surface of some former waste pits still has a black sheen and carries the eyewatering stench of oil. The suit names 46 people who claim to represent all area residents who may have suffered from contamination. They are not seeking individual awards but money to fund environment cleanup, as well as health and clean water projects. “We want the money to go toward a permanent solution,” said Carmen Perez, whose small corn farm is near a series of drilling waste pits that still smell of petroleum and, she says, cause her to have chronic headaches. Analysts say the case could have wide implications. “If Chevron loses

this case, it could set a precedent for similar cases in other countries against not only Chevron but other international oil companies” said Fadel Gheit, managing direct of oil and gas research at Oppenheimer & Co. “It could open the floodgates for similar claims, starting in Nigeria where Royal Dutch Shell is being blamed for environmental damage,” he said from his office in New York. The Ecuador legal saga began in 1993 when a suit was filed against Texaco in a US federal court. The case was tossed out on appeal in 2002 on condition that Texaco agree to Ecuadorean jurisdiction if sued there. A suit was filed in Lago Agrio the next year, this time against Texaco’s new owner Chevron. About 200,000 pages of documents and 64,000 chemical samples are in

evidence while the intrigues of the case have come to resemble something from a Hollywood suspense drama. A previous judge stepped down from hearing the suit last year after he was recorded discussing the case with a couple of shadowy figures who secretly video-taped him with cameras stuck inside a wristwatch and a pen. One of the two men who taped the meeting, a former Chevron contractor, was whisked out of Ecuador by the company. The plaintiffs say the secret taping was an attempt by Chevron to delay judgment, a charge the company denies. A cottage industry has meanwhile sprung up around the case, with plaintiffs providing reporters with thick folders full of information pointing the finger at

Texaco/Chevron for what they call the “Chernobyl of the Amazon”. They offer excursions to Ecuador’s northern jungles known as “the toxic tour”. Chevron also arranges trips for journalists, dubbed “the non-toxic tour”, showing pits that were cleaned up by Texaco. The company offers slickly-produced desk guides describing the suit as based on false claims driven by lawyers motivated more by greed than concern for the environment. But the environment is certainly the top worry for farmer Jose Briceno, who lives near Lago Agrio and says he can’t keep livestock because it gets sick and dies. “The problem now is water quality,” he said, looking over his empty farmyard. “They never really cleaned up this area.” —Reuters

BHP profit to dazzle as Potash Corp lures rivals Rio Tinto, China partner weigh Potash bid

ROCANVILLE: The Rocanville potash mine owed by the Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc in Rocanville, Canada. Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Inc said on Monday that its board voted unanimously to reject BHP Billiton’s hostile $38.5 billion takeover offer as it doesn’t reflect the strong growth the company believes it is poised to enjoy. —AP

France’s Carrefour getting out of Malaysia: Minister KUALA LUMPUR: French retail giant Carrefour plans to sell its business in Malaysia, a minister said, amid speculation the firm will also offload its Singapore and Thai stores and exit Southeast Asia altogether. “We heard that Carrefour is considering divesting. It is for the purpose of rationalization of their overseas business,” deputy trade minister Mukhriz Mahathir told AFP late Monday. “They want to sell their business (in Malaysia),” he said, adding that “other hypermarkets are keen to take over” Carrefour’s 23 stores in the country. “There are many suitors,” he said. Low Ngai Yuen, Carrefour’s marketing and communications director, declined to respond to the comments. Yeah Kim

Leng, group chief economist with financial research firm RAM Holdings, said Carrefour’s impending departure from Southeast Asia had been well flagged. “The news has been around for some time. It is an open secret that Carrefour wants to pull out from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. They have put feelers out to the industry on their plan,” he said. Yeah said Carrefour wanted to consolidate its business and move its resources to the booming Indian market. “It is not surprising for them to move to India. The middle class segment is a large expanding group,” he said. The New Straits Times newspaper last month reported that Carrefour had put a tag of $1.0 billion collectively on its busi-

ness in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Yeah said the growth of the hypermarket industry in Malaysia was not spectacular compared to the opportunities presented by the fast-growing Indian market but that it remained profitable. “The hypermarket industry in Malaysia is dynamic and very competitive,” he said. “Given the growth potential in the region, we will likely see other players buying Carrefour. Players that exit will be able to find suitors.” Other players in the Malaysian market who are possible buyers of the Carrefour outlets include Britain’s Tesco, Japan’s Jusco, and Giant, which is owned by the Dairy Farm group. —AFP

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian shoppers leaving the French supermarket Carrefour in Kuala Lumpur. French retail giant Carrefour plans to sell its business in Malaysia, a minister said amid speculation the firm will also offload its Singapore and Thai stores and exit Southeast Asia altogether. —AFP

MELBOURNE: BHP Billiton will look to strengthen its hand this week in its $39 billion bid for fertilizer group Potash Corp, with set of monster earnings it hopes will intimidate any rival bidders. The world’s biggest miner is set to report a 50 percent jump in second-half profit to $6.9 billion today, effectively sending a loud warning shot toward Potash Corp, which is thought to be lining up whiteknight bidders to fend off BHP. “Clearly it’s going to be a very good result...The balance sheet is in excellent shape and the cash flow will be significant,” said James Bruce, a portfolio manager at Perpetual Investments, which owns BHP shares. Potash, the world’s biggest fertilizer company, talked up the chances of a counterbidder on Monday, but some potential rivals have already virtually ruled themselves out. Potash chief Bill Doyle, who stands to earn half a billion dollars from a deal, said his firm was considering all options, including joint ventures and levering up Potash’s balance sheet. He did not name the company’s price but said it should be “a hell of a lot more than the price on the table”. Canada’s Globe & Mail newspaper web site, citing unnamed sources, said global miner Rio Tinto might be considering a bid for Potash Corp with a Chinese partner. Rio Tinto, which sold off its potash assets to help pay down a mountain of debt only two years ago, declined to comment on the report. Rio Chief Executive Tom Albanese last week would not comment on whether the company would consider a bid. However when asked whether his company had any interest in agriculture, he said: “I’m not a farmer. I’m a miner.” While BHP’s result should be impressive-the company has effectively confirmed market expectations-shareholders are nervous over the bid and want hear more on why it wants to make a pricey acquisition in a new business area. They want to be persuaded that the deal makes more sense than using the company’s cash pile to buy back shares and boost earnings per share instantly. “When you’re paying $40 billion (cash) at a minimum- they’ll have to up that-there’s not a lot of room for error if it doesn’t quite go your way,” said Peter Chilton, an analyst at Constellation Capital Management, another BHP shareholder. No one expects a deal to go ahead at $130 a share, and a Reuters poll of 11 global shareholders in Potash indicated an offer 25 percent higher at around $162 a share could win support for a takeover. BHP’s low gearing and massive cashflows have allowed it to line up $45 billion in debt funding for its bid, and analysts see those cashflows growing in the year ahead to as much as $40 billion from a forecast $24 billion in 2009/10. BHP Chief Executive Marius Kloppers bragged about the group’s strength a week ago after news broke of its Potash approach. —Reuters

TOKYO: People walk past an electronic stock indicator of a securities firm in Tokyo yesterday. World stock markets retreated yesterday as the strong yen knocked Japanese shares and investors anticipated more bad news from US economic reports this week. —AP

Tokyo Stock Exchange chief want yen action TOKYO: The president of Tokyo Stock Exchange said yesterday that Japan’s government must act to soothe fears over the rise of the yen, as the currency hit fresh 15-year highs against the dollar. “Personally, I don’t like the idea of foreign exchange intervention, but the government needs to act to stop market jitters,” Atsushi Saito said at a regular monthly press conference. “It is important that the government conveys the impression that it has the wherewithal to intervene when necessary. Right now, there is the impression that it won’t intervene no matter what. “The direction of the forex market should not be determined by market forces alone,” said Saito. His comments came as the Nikkei index closed at its lowest since May 2009, below the psychologically key 9,000 level at 8,995.14. “The index’s level represents the current state of the Japanese economy. It’s sending an alert that we are in a critical situation,” Saito said. The index is now more than 20 percent off this year’s highest level of 11,339.30, reached on April 5, and some analysts consider it to have entered bear market territory. The yen rose to a fresh 15-year high against the dollar yesterday after finance minister Yoshihiko Noda signaled Tokyo is unlikely to act in the near term against the yen’s strength. The greenback slid to 84.14 yen in Tokyo trading hours, its lowest level since July 1995, while the euro dipped to its lowest level against the Japanese unit since November 2001, falling to 106.10 yen. The yen has been bolstered by Tokyo’s appar-

ent unwillingness to intervene in currency markets for the first time since 2004. Yesterday Noda reiterated comments that the government would “watch market movements with great interest, and will monitor them extremely carefully,” declining to comment on the possibility of intervention. On Monday Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Bank of Japan governor Masaaki Shirakawa spoke by phone to discuss the impact of the strong yen, also without addressing possible intervention. Markets had anticipated stronger government pressure on the central bank to do more to lift the economy, such as further monetary easing, but no proposals were announced following the conversation. For every one-yen rise in the currency’s value against the dollar, Japan’s exporters can lose tens of billions of yen earned overseas when repatriated, threatening a sector that Japan depends on to offset its weak domestic picture. Exporters were again hit by the strength of the yen yesterday, with Sony dropping 3.72 percent to 2,406 yen and Canon, which receives most of its revenue from outside Japan, down 0.84 percent at 3,520. “Investors are dumping these stocks and the impact on the index is large” due to the dominant positions of such companies, a Japanese brokerage manager said. Saito also said that thin trading volume was a more pressing matter for the bourse than the index dipping below 9,000. Some 1.5 billion shares changed hands yesterday compared with a 25-day moving average of 1.7 billion shares and a year-to-date high of 3.2 billion registered on Jan 14. —AFP

German budget deficit hits 3.5% in H1 2010 BERLIN: Germany’s deficit hit 3.5 percent of gross domestic product in the first half of 2010, putting it on track to break EU budget rules due to the costs of the global economic and financial crisis, the Federal Statistical Office said yesterday. Net borrowing in the first half came in at 42.8 billion euros ($54.37 billion) — more than double the §18.7 billion in the same period last year, the Wiesbaden-based office said. At this rate, Germany will this year overshoot the European Union limit for budget deficits to be no more than 3 percent of GDP. Officials in July said the country expects this year’s deficit to come in at 4.5 percent of GDP but that it would be back under the 3 percent mark by 2012. Though the country has returned to growth after the economy shrank by a painful 4.9 percent last year — easily the worst performance since World War II — it continues to feel the effects of the global downturn. “With some time lag, the impact of the economic and financial crisis and of the relevant government measures taken to support the economy and the financial markets is clearly reflected now in the budgets of the central, state and local government as well as the social security funds,” the statistical office said in a statement. Still, the recovery has come more quickly than anticipated, and the Finance Ministry has said it expects the deficit to fall to 2 percent by 2013. The statistical office yesterday also confirmed preliminary numbers released earlier in August showing the economy surged ahead with 2.2 percent growth in the second quarter — the fastest pace for at least two decades. Unicredit economist Alexander Koch said an “imminent slowdown” of the global economy will lead to weaker exports for Germany but that the economy still looked on pace for 3.5 percent growth in 2010. “Even if the extent of the moderation in the growth dynamic is exceptionally uncertain, considering the latest still very expansionary business activity readings, the broad-based upswing of the German economy is likely to continue at a still decent pace in the short term,” he said in a research note. -AP

India rejects Vedanta mining plan on green worries NEW DELHI: India’s environment ministry yesterday rejected a plan by India-focused mining group Vedanta Resources Plc to mine bauxite in an eastern state, saying it violated forest laws. The decision pertains to one mining site in eastern Orissa state where it runs an alumina refinery on bauxite imported from elsewhere in India which keeps the firm’s operation costs high. Vedanta is among many top firms such as South Korea’s POSCO whose projects are delayed as a proactive environment ministry tightens rules that often brings it in conflict with other ministries pushing for rapid industrialization. “There have been serious violations of environment protection acts,” Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh told reporters, while rejecting Vedanta’s mining plans that could destroy heavily forested hills sacred to local tribal populations. “There is no emotion, no politics, no prejudice ... I have taken the decision in a purely legal approach. That these laws are being violated.” The environment ministry’s decision comes after a government panel said last week giving permission to Vedanta would violate green guidelines and may have a serious impact on security, referring to a worsening Maoist insurgency that feeds partly off the resentment of people displaced by large industrial projects. —Reuters


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Audioboo's new direct messages - the future for personalised radio? LONDON: Audioboo is brewing a new feature that will let users send private messages to each other - like Twitter's direct messages, but audio. Destination: Massive. Describing it as a social answerphone, Audioboo thinks it should be ready for release next month. When it does launch (Audioboo is finishing it as we write), users will see an inbox for their private messages and will be able to send a private message to any other Audioboo user.

Presumably the 'block' feature comes later. The advantage over an actual voicemail message is much like the advantage of sending a DM on Twitter; you don't need their mobile number. You just need to be both using the service. Audioboo also keeps your messages stored, unlike your mobile operator, along with your geo-location data and any associated imagery, file names and so on. Thinking about how Audioboo is used

and what it plugs into gets very interesting. If you're not in a position to type a message, you can record and send a boo instead. There's a five minute limit (though a planned pro version would allow you more) - but five minutes of audio is a lot more message than 140 characters. The fruits of Audioboo's partnership with Pure radios (Pure was one company behind Audioboo's recent funding) could also be interesting. Next month the first Pure connected radios will include

Audioboo in their digital menu. That means you could record an Audioboo mesage on your radio and, like Audioboo chief executive Mark Rock says, send it to your Gran. Who's obviously an Audioboo user. "It's difficult to actually talk to people you've connected to on social networks since you rarely know their telephone number. What private boos allow you to do is simply to connect to them via voice, which is often a much richer experience than text. When you add in the location

and image data we provide, then we think private boos are going to be a really interesting way for people to stay in touch." Eventually, users will receive a notification on whatever device they use when a DM arrives, which means the mobile apps will be updated soon after launch. And where does this lead? Think beyod voicemail. This gets interesting if you think about the one-to-many modle on Twitter, where we want to follow interesting people. Audioboo's direct messages

will be about receiving personalised audio from brands or popular channels. "The core central concept behind this is the personalisation of audio - something that radio or broadcast services currently do very badly," said Rock. "It's a fan club approach. Subscribe (possibly for a fee) to Stephen Fry's Audioboos and get personal messages from him, which may be general to his subscribers or, potentially, a birthday message just for you alone." — Guardian

Move will speed up access for people using site via iPhones or Android

HTML5 version of YouTube launched for mobiles NEW YORK: Mobile users in the UK, Europe and Middle East can now access an HTML5 version of Google's YouTube video site, speeding up access for those accessing it via iPhones, Android or other mobile devices with browsers able to render HTML5 video content. The launch comes as mobile use of the web is growing rapidly: Google says that YouTube's mobile site, m.youtube.com, gets more than 100m video playbacks a day - roughly the

TOKYO: A "hand-made self-running car loading microcontroller" runs on a set course during the final of the annual Micom Car Rally 2010 produced by Renesas Electronics in Tokyo on August 22. The Micom Car Rally is a nationwide contest in which participants use microcontroller cars that they built and programmed on their own, and competing for the best time. Some 100 participants of general category attended the rally. — AFP

Radiologists call for curbs on overuse of imaging CHICAGO: Doctors are ordering too many unnecessary imaging tests, raising the cost of healthcare and exposing patients to excess amounts of radiation, imaging experts said yesterday. They said many doctors order tests that will not find the cause of their patients' complaints. But better communication among doctors and providing physicians decision-making technology could cut down on unnecessary tests. "In most cases, an imaging procedure enhances the accuracy of a diagnosis or guides a medical treatment and is fully justified, because it benefits the patient," William R. Hendee of the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, whose study appears in the journal Radiology, said in a statement. "But some imaging procedures are not justified, because they are unnecessary for the patient's care. These are the uses of imaging that we, as medical physicists, radiologists, radiation oncologists and educators, are trying to identify and eliminate." The paper represents the

best ideas from a two-day summit representing more than 60 organizations involved in medical imaging. Overuse of the costly scans has been a concern of policymakers for the past few years, prompting cuts in Medicare reimbursement. Recent studies on radiation risks from computed tomography, or CT scans, and several cases of accidental radiation overdoses have drawn new focus on medical imaging. A report last year by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement found that Americans receive seven times more radiation from diagnostic scans than in 1980.Hendee said there are several reasons for overuse of medical imaging, which includes magnetic resonance imaging, or MRIs, and positron emission tomography, or PET, scans that doctors use to help diagnose disease and chart the progress of cancer treatment. Two reasons for overusedoctors who refer patients for scans at their own imaging facilities and doctors who order tests to protect against potential lawsuits-require broad solu-

tions, Hendee said. But, he said, radiologists can play a big role in educating ordering physicians about what scans are appropriate and when. "Often they do not know the right criteria for requesting a study," Hendee said. He said the American College of Radiology has developed appropriateness guidelines, but many doctors don't know about them. He said many large hospitals, like Massachusetts General in Boston, have developed decision support software that helps doctors ordering scans decide which tests would be best for their patients' complaint. Hendee said programs like this need to be made available to more doctors to eliminate unnecessary tests. And he said doctors need to find a better way to communicate with radiologists to see if the test they want to order is a good fit. Hendee said text messaging may help. Hendee said patients often request specific imaging tests and he said doctors need to take the time to explain why ordering them is a waste of money and resources. — Reuters

Across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, the UK consumes the most YouTube videos on mobile devices, followed by France, Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland. The original mobile version of YouTube launched in 2007, but relied on versions of Adobe's Flash for playback - which was too taxing for most devices. Since then, the development of the HTML5 web standard, and of mobile browsers - notably WebKit, used by Apple in the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, and by Google in Android - able to play back embedded video content using the H.264 codec, rather than Flash's usual Sorensen or VP6 codecs, has meant that HTML5 video use has become feasible. Google says the decision has been driven by the dramatic growth in mobile access to YouTube, which is more than doubling every year. Several short-form video sites are building players in HTML5: Vimeo brought out a hybrid HTML5 version of its player earlier this month, designed for better mobile playback. But when US-only TV and movie streaming site Hulu unveiled a major revamp of its display earlier this year, it did so using Adobe Flash, saying HTML5 "doesn't meet our customers' needs". The use of

Phones using Android should be able to access YouTube more quickly with HTML5. — Guardian HTML5 does not mean that Flash is shut out of YouTube's mobile version: Adobe's product can encode video in H.264 as well. But the growing use of desktop browsers such as Google's Chrome and Apple's Safari, which can render H.264 video - and with the forthcoming Internet Explorer 9 also offering it - poses a long-term question about Flash's continued widespread use. Brightcove, the video hosting service for many media

such as those from rivals Panasonic Corp. and Sony Corp., require glasses. Electronics companies have been investing heavily in 3-D technology for televisions, betting that people will want a 3-D experience at home following the success of blockbuster movies like "Avatar," which was screened in 3-D. Some gadgets like handheld game machines from Nintendo Co. can deliver 3D images without special glasses, but bigger technological hurdles must be cleared for televisions which are viewed from farther away than portable game machines. "Many people don't like to wear glasses to watch TV for a long time, especially people who must wear 3-D glasses over regular glasses," said Sugahara. — AP

organisations, began offering an HTML5 version of its site in March this year. The New York Times and Time Inc were among the first media outlets to integrate it - allowing playback on Apple's popular mobile devices, which do not use Flash. Closer to home, Erik Huggers, director of BBC future media & technology, recently defended the corporation from accusations that its widespread use of Flash - on the iPlayer, in particular - betrayed a commit-

ment to open standards. "Our use of Flash is not a case of BBC favouritism, rather it currently happens to be the most efficient way to deliver a high quality experience to the broadest possible audience," Huggers said, adding: "The fact is that there's still a lot of work to be done on HTML5 before we can integrate it fully into our products. As things stand I have concerns about HTML5's ability to deliver on the vision of a single open browser standard

which goes beyond the whole debate around video playback." Though the BBC does deliver H.264-encoded video to Apple mobile devices, it does not do that for Android devices, citing concerns about copying of content via the Android platform, and instead serves Flashbased video to them. However YouTube has said that HTML5 is still some way from becoming the new standard for streaming long-form video content, such as BBC iPlayer content. "While HTML5's video support enables us to bring most of the content and features of YouTube to computers and other devices that don't support Flash Player, it does not yet meet all of our needs," said John Hardin, software engineer at YouTube, in a blogpost published in June. "Today, Adobe Flash provides the best platform for YouTube's video distribution requirements, which is why our primary video player is built with it." Microsoft has put its eggs in the HTML5 basket with next year's release of its internet Explorer 9 browser. Ryan Gavin, Microsoft's senior director of internet Explorer, said in May this year: "We're all in on HTML5. We've been co-chairing the HTML5 working group, and we're actually leading the HTML5 testing group." — Guardian

Why Skype has conquered the world LONDON: Who owns the sky? According to Rupert Murdoch, he does: his BSkyB is challenging the right of Skype, the internet phone service, to register its name as a trademark in Europe, claiming that it is too close to its own Sky brand. Skype is one of the great unheralded success stories of the internet: where Facebook and Twitter are busy shortening attention spans and relieving us of our sense of private space, Skype has quietly changed the way we talk. That Facebook has 500 million users is well known but there are 560 million registered Skype users who have made a total of 250bn minutes of calls since it was founded, seven years ago this month. Using it is easy: all you need is an internet connection and a laptop that has a microphone and, ideally, a webcam. When I first visited the US, 20 years ago, I would ring home by shovelling sackloads of quarters into payphones; these days, thanks to Skype, I can talk daily to friends from anywhere in the world. Calls are free to other Skype users and cheap to everyone else. As a habitual Skype user I have become accustomed to its failings - the frozen webcam image, the metallic sound of the human voice when transported through the air, and the timelag that afflicts some long-distance conversations. There is also the sensitive issue of Skype etiquette - making business calls when still in nightwear is fine, making video business calls when wrapped in a towel less so. And yet it is still one of the few things online that has indisputably improved our lives and made the world that much smaller and chattier. — Guardian

Toshiba developing no-glasses 3-D TVs TOKYO: Japanese electronics maker Toshiba Corp. said yesterday it is developing technology for a 3-D television that won't require special glasses. Company spokeswoman Yuko Sugahara confirmed such technology was in the works. But she declined to comment on a report in the Yomiuri newspaper that the Tokyo-based company plans to start selling the new TVs by the end of the year. Toshiba's new TVs will be a world first in offering glasses-free 3-D, according to the nationally circulated Yomiuri. The technology involves transmitting different images at various angles to create an illusion of dimension and depth, and watching the 3-D images won't be tiring on the eyes, it said. The 3-D TVs now on sale,

number of daily views youtube.com was getting when being acquired by Google in 2006 - and every minute an hour of video is uploaded to the site from a mobile device. Mobile video playback also grew by 160% in 2009 on the previous year, along with an increase in adoption of devices able to stream video. The US version of the HTML5 site for mobiles was launched last month.

Toshiba’s new 3-D television

Skype, the online phone and video phone service. — Guardian

Google buys shopping comparison site Like.com SAN FRANCISCO: Shopping comparison website Like.com said it has been bought by Google. Like.com specializes in visual search technology that lets people hunt online for bargains using pictures of clothing, handbags, shoes or other items they might desire. Google's acquisition of Like.com, launched in November of 2006 by startup Riya, was seen by some as a competitive response to Bing, the Microsoft search engine touted as a "decision engine" for shoppers. "We were the first to bring visual search to shopping; the first to build an automated crossmatching system for clothing, and more," Riya chief executive Munjal Shah said in a message at the Like.com home page. "We see joining Google as a way to supersize our vision and supercharge our passion." Financial details of the deal were not disclosed and Google did not respond to an AFP request for comment. Bing last week started powering Internet searches at Yahoo! web pages in North America as the technology firms combine forces to take on Google.

Yahoo! will control how results are presented and has vowed to give users relevant data customized to their tastes or interests. Yahoo! and Microsoft unveiled a 10-year Web search and advertising partnership a year ago that set the stage for a joint offensive against Google. Under the agreement, Yahoo! will use Microsoft's search engine on its own sites while providing the exclusive global sales force for premium advertisers. Data released by industry tracker comScore showed that US search engine rankings changed slightly in July, with Google's dominant share slipping less than half a percent to 65.8 from 66.2 percent in June. The comScore rankings were based on "explicit" searches in which people entered specific queries to scour the Internet for information. Google's loss was apparently a gain for Yahoo!, which had a 17.1 percent share of the search market as compared to 16.7 percent the previous month, according to comScore. Bing remained in third place with its search market share unchanged at 11 percent, according to comScore figures. — AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

US probes egg recall amid calls for stringent rules 550 million eggs in 22 states recalled WASHINGTON: US regulators on Monday were still investigating the massive salmonella outbreak that sparked a recall of more than a half billion eggs, while lawmakers launched their own probes and consumer advocates urged passage of a law to give food regulators more power. The US Food and Drug

Administration said it still had not determined the cause of the outbreak but had found no evidence of a problem beyond two large Iowa egg producers. Wright County Egg and Hillandale Farms recalled 550 million eggs last week after they were linked to illnesses around the country. FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg called on Congress to pass the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act which would expand FDA’s authority over recalls and tracing tainted food back to its sources. “It has been a long-standing gap in FDA’s authority,” Hamburg said, noting that the recalls were voluntary because the FDA cannot compel product recalls. The egg recalls came weeks after a new FDA rule took effect requiring large-scale producers to practice better safety and to test in the poultry house for salmonella bacteria. Had the rule existed earlier, it may have sent the signals of possible contamination soon enough to prevent the spread, Hamburg said, which would have eliminated the need for recalls. “We believe that had these new rules been in place at an earlier time, it would have very likely enabled us to identify the problems on this farm before this kind of outbreak occurred,” she told reporters. The US advocacy group Consumers Union said the country needs stricter food safety laws. “Over the last several years we have seen illnesses and deaths from eating cookie dough, peanut butter and spinach,” Consumers Union said in a statement. “The pending Senate food safety bill would put FDA in the business of preventing outbreaks, rather than trying to deal with NEW YORK: Forget about experiences in the airport to be Prime Tavern, a steakhouse by JetBlue’s JFK terminal and is them after people get sick.” greasy french fries, soggy pizza or “as smooth as what they experi- Michael Lomonaco, executive popular there. “There’s nothing US lawmakers sought docuthat sandwich that’s been sitting ence in the air.” “People are look- chef of the Porter House in fancy about it,” Hanson said. “It’ll ments from the FDA and the out for hours. Filet mignon, ing for things in the airport other Manhattan and formerly of the just be a little more variety for farms to launch their own crispy duck confit and crab cakes than a fast-food environment,” World Trade Center’s Windows people.” Michael Coury, the conprobes. are taking off at the city’s main Grimmett said. Airports across on the World. The lack of food cept chef for OTG Management Leaders of the House domestic airport. Delta Air Lines the country have already made options at LaGuardia, one of the who recruited the chefs at JFK Energy and Commerce is putting 13 new restaurants, the switch to classier food options busiest US airports, disappointed and LaGuardia, said he is trying to Committee, Representatives bars and cafes in its LaGuardia for passengers. There’s a seafood travelers, Lomonaco said. “The break the mold of “horrible” food Henry Waxman and Bart Airport terminal by next summer, restaurant at San Francisco terminal really needed some new in airports. “The whole point of Stupak, wrote to the farm and opened the first four on International Airport, an Asian restaurant concepts,” he said. “It travel is that you’re looking foradministrators, seeking details Saturday. With travelers waiting bistro in Tucson International was long overdue for an over- ward to going somewhere,” of salmonella contamination. longer because of more extensive Airport. Ike’s, a local favorite in haul.” Restaurant standards such Coury said. “Why can’t that start Chairwoman of the House security checks and flight delays, Minnesota, offers sit-down ser- as chopped salad, chicken wings as soon as you get to the airport FDA oversight panel Rosa airports across the United States vice at Minneapolis-St Paul and burgers are available, but now because you’re going to have DeLauro questioned FDA’s so are creamed spinach, jumbo great food?” Consumer expert are swapping out fast-food joints International Airport. regulation of Wright County Delta’s remake of the shrimp cocktail and New York Joe Brancatelli, a columnist for for sit-down restaurants. It’s part Egg farm. “The extent of the of a trend of airlines serving their LaGuardia terminal will be similar strip steak, for about the same the business travelers’ website outbreak, combined with the customers before they board to what JetBlue Airways Corp did prices as on the Porter House joesentme.com, said the changes poor regulatory compliance their flights, said air industry at Kennedy International Airport menu. Next is the food court, are part of an effort to make dinrecord of this egg producer, expert Terry Trippler, owner of in 2008, but it will have some offering fresh burgers for $6 by ing at LaGuardia similar to dining leads to questions about what rulestoknow.com, a website dedi- extra food options. Delta hired Pat LaFrieda, the meat purveyor in New York City. could have been done to pre“What you want is a sense that cated to airline rules. “The more the company that redid JetBlue’s who created burgers for Shake vent it,” DeLauro wrote in a conveniences that are available JFK terminal, OTG Management, Shack, and pizza from the your airport terminal is indistinletter to the federal regulators. before they board the aircraft, the to pick chefs to create menus and DeMarco family, which owns the guishable from your midtown The salmonella bacteria can happier they’re going to be when train kitchen staffs at LaGuardia. popular Brooklyn pizza joint (Manhattan),” Brancatelli said. cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting they board the aircraft,” Trippler Delta Air Lines Inc wouldn’t say DiFara’s. (A slice of pizza is $5 Though Brancatelli likes the new and abdominal pain and somefood offerings, he said it’s just said of airline passengers. “And what it costs to open its restau- there, too.) times more serious illness or As passengers walk down the another way for airlines, airports you can make some money with a rants at LaGuardia. The airline death. There have been will get a portion of restaurant corridor to their gates, a French and vendors to make more nice restaurant, too.” almost 2,000 cases of salmoDelta’s senior vice president revenues, Grimmett said, but she bistro offers roasted beets, lob- money. “You can’t charge somenella-related illnesses around ster court bouillon and creme one $20 for a doughnut, but you for New York, Gail Grimmett, didn’t say how much. the country since May 1, hunThe first thing passengers will brulee. One of the bistro’s chefs, can for a steak,” he said. said that the Atlanta-based airline dreds of which have been is proud of its on-board service see when they pass through Lee Hanson, said a smaller ver- Lomonaco’s steaks will cost more linked to eggs from Hillandale but that customers want their Delta’s LaGuardia terminal is sion of the bistro exists at than $40. —AP Farms and Wright County Eggs. “We don’t have any evidence that other farms are involved in this outbreak,” Hamburg told reporters. WASHINGTON: A US government study the government has additional research cific type, named XMRV, in the blood of “However, this is a continuous has uncovered a family of mouse viruses in under way to determine whether the link is two-thirds of the 101 chronic fatigue investigation and we will obvipatients they tested. Several other studies, some people with chronic fatigue syndrome, real. ously follow the evidence Meanwhile, a group of French and including one from the Centers for Disease raising still more questions about whether wherever it takes us.” FDA an infection may play a role in the compli- Canadian scientists said it is time to test Control and Prevention, failed to find XMRV said it may publish the first cated illness. The study released Monday whether antiviral medications like those virus in patients, making researchers wonfindings of its probe later this does not prove that having any of the virus- used against HIV might treat at least some der if this might be a false alarm. week. Monday’s study, published in es causes harm, stressed co-author Dr people with chronic fatigue. The virus conCommon sources of salmoHarvey Alter of the National Institutes of nection first made headlines last fall when Proceedings of the National Academy of nella contamination are Health. But it strengthens suspicions, and Nevada researchers reported finding a spe- Sciences, thickens the plot. This time, NIH rodents, infected chicks, taintand US Food and Drug Administration scied seed or lax safety practices entists examined the blood of 37 chronic at pullet-rearing facilities. fatigue patients and again did not find FDA has eliminated chicks as XMRV but instead found a group of closely a possible source because they related bugs named MLV-related viruses in came from a certified salmo86 percent of the cases. Testing of 44 nella-free hatchery in healthy blood donors, in contrast, found eviMinnesota, said Jeff Farrar, dence of those viruses in nearly 7 percent. FDA’s associate commissioner Various viruses have been linked to chronic for food protection. fatigue over the years only to to be ruled out The recalled eggs were as potential culprits in the mysterious illsold under the brand names ness thought to afflict about 1 million Sunny Farms, Hillandale Americans. It is characterized by at least six Farms, Sunny Meadow, months of severe fatigue, impaired memory Wholesome Farms and West and other symptoms, but there is no test for Creek, Lucerne, Albertson, it and no specific treatment. Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, These MLV, or “murine leukemia-relatBoomsma’s, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm ed viruses,” are known to cause some canFresh, Shoreland, Lund, cers in mice, and the XMRV relative has Dutch Farms, Kemps, James been found in some human prostate tumors, Farms, Glenview, Pacific too. But there is no easy way to test for it, Coast, Alta Dena Dairy, meaning studies of a link at this point must Driftwood Dairy, Hidden Villa be in research labs, not doctors’ offices, Ranch, Challenge Dairy, and FDA and NIH researchers said Monday. No Country Eggs. Kroger Co and one knows how people become infected, but Supervalu Inc said several of Alter said a major study is under way to see their California stores have if evidence exists of transmission through pulled eggs from shelves, blood. Federal regulations require that including Ralphs, Food 4 Less blood donors be in good health, said FDA’s and Albertsons. —Reuters Dr Hira Nakhasi. —AP

NYC airport trades in fast food for sit-down service

Mouse virus link to chronic fatigue studied

ORLANDO: In this file photo, three killer whales swim in tanks at the SeaWorld park. —AP

SeaWorld penalized for whale trainer’s death ORLANDO: The federal job safety agency fined SeaWorld Orlando $75,000 on Monday for three violations uncovered while investigating the February death of a trainer who was grabbed by a killer whale and dragged underwater. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration categorized the most serious violation as “willful, “ or showing indifference or intentional disregard for employee safety. That citation, carrying a $70,000 penalty, was for exposing workers to drowning hazards when interacting with killer whales. The agency proposes not allowing trainers to have any physical contact with Tilikum, the killer whale responsible for trainer Dawn Brancheau’s death in February, unless protected by a physical barrier. The OSHA report described Tilikum as having “known aggressive tendencies.” The sixton whale was one of three orcas blamed for killing a trainer in 1991 after the woman lost her balance and fell in the pool at Sealand of the Pacific near Victoria, British Columbia. Tilikum also was also involved in a 1999 death, when the body of a man who had sneaked by SeaWorld Orlando security was found draped over him. Sea World trainers were forbidden from getting in the water with Tilikum because of the previous deaths. But the killer whale still managed to grab Brancheau’s long hair as she lay on her stomach on a cement slab in three inches of water. The cause of death was drowning and traumatic injuries. The OSHA report also suggests that trainers not work with other killer whales at the park, either in the water or out of water, unless they are protected by a barrier, deck or oxygensupply system underwater.

“SeaWorld trainers had an extensive history of unexpected and potentially dangerous incidents involving killer whales at its various facilities, including its location in Orlando,” OSHA said in a statement released with the report. The second citation, deemed serious, was for failing to install a stairway railing system beside the stage in Shamu Stadium. That citation carried a $5,000 penalty. The third citation was considered “other-than-serious” and was for failing to have weather-protected electrical receptacles at the stadium. That citation didn’t have a penalty. SeaWorld spokesman Fred Jacobs said the park will contest the citation. “SeaWorld disagrees with the unfounded allegations made by OSHA,” Jacobs said in a statement. Meanwhile, a former director of health and safety at SeaWorld Orlando went public Monday with allegations that SeaWorld tried to obstruct the investigation by blocking OSHA investigators from coming to the property and refusing to give the agency some documents, charges the theme park denies. Linda Simons, who was fired in April after only two months on the job, has filed a whistleblower lawsuit against SeaWorld with OSHA. “SeaWorld did not want to cooperate at all,” Simons said in a telephone interview. “They really felt that if the information was going to get out to the public, it would hurt their business.” SeaWorld cooperated fully with OSHA, said Jacobs, who accused Simons of threatening the theme park with negative publicity if she didn’t get a payment from the company. Simons’ attorney, Maurice Arcadier, said his client never tried to extort SeaWorld but was seeking reinstatement and back pay. —AP

SANTA CRUZ: After being rescued, a baby pink dolphin is taken care by biologists at the Pailas river, Monday, Aug 23, 2010. Biologists and environmental activists are trying to rescue dolphins trapped in early July in the Pailas river, a tributary of the Rio Grande River, north of the city of Santa Cruz, when drought caused water levels to drop. —AP

Hypnosis can help ease fear of dentist visits STUTTGART: Many people dread dentist visits and feel a shiver go down their spine just thinking about the sound of the drill. They are afraid of pain and insist on anesthesia, which often has unpleasant side effects such as a swollen cheek and strong pain afterwards, however. Some patients cannot tolerate the anesthetic. Dental treatment under hypnosis is a possible alternative in such cases. A fearful patient unconsciously transmits his or her tension to the dentist, senses the dentist’s growing tension and reacts by becoming even tenser, according to the German Society of Dental Hypnosis (DGZH). The result, it said, is a vicious circle detrimental to the patient, the dentist and the treatment itself. There are patients with a pronounced dental phobia, a hypersensitive gag reflex or an allergy to local anesthetics. Often they can be treated only under general anesthesia, the DGZH said. Or they can allow themselves to be hypnotized. As the DGZH describes it, the aim of dental hypnosis is to put the patient in a relaxed “trance state” for the procedure.

“It’s a state of relaxation in which the patient’s attention isn’t directed outward, but rather inward - the patient shuts down a little, as it were,” noted Stephan Eitner, a dentist and president of the German Society of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (DGH). In this relaxed state, he said, external perception is “switched off.” The patient blocks out unpleasant sensations during the dental procedure and feels good, which the DGZH said manifested itself physically in a calm heart rate, low blood pressure, deep abdominal respiration and relaxed muscles. The hypnotic state can be achieved by suggestion, induced relaxation - with the help of hypnosis CDs underlaid with relaxing music, for example - as well as by distraction, the DGZH said. “Concentration is the first thing we do,” Eitner remarked. The dentist speaks with the patient in a way that diverts the patient’s thoughts from anxieties and focuses them inward, he said, comparing the mental state with “daydreaming.” Eitner said fears of suddenly awakening from hypnosis during

the dental procedure and feeling intense pain were groundless. “We work with a ‘net’ and ‘double bottom,’” he said. To be on the safe side, he explained, hypnotized patients are also given a local anaesthetic if they tolerate it. Thanks to the hypnosis, they need only about a quarter of the usual dosage to feel no pain, he said. Eitner said dental hypnosis was not performed on “patients with a history of mental illness.” People who either are or were in psychotherapy are unacceptable, he said, because their behavior under hypnosis is unpredictable. Georg Duenzl, a dentist and executive board member of the Munich- based Milton Erickson Society for Clinical Hypnosis (MEG), said interest in hypnosis treatments was generally high, although there are no precise figures for Germany. Duenzl said he personally performed one or two formal hypnosis treatments a week in his own dental practice. But he added that he employed elements of hypnosis in every treatment - by calming his patients and trying to get them to picture relaxing images. —dpa

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

heAlth & science


Roche’s Avastin again spurned by British cost body Rebuff comes despite revised pricing offer from company LONDON: Britain’s healthcare cost agency NICE rejected Roche’s drug Avastin for advanced bowel cancer again yesterday, saying it was too expensive, despite a fresh price deal offered by the manufacturer. The decision highlights a continuing battle over access to pricey cancer medicines on the state health service in Britain, where drugs that can extend life by several months, and are often used widely elsewhere, are sometimes deemed too expensive. Avastin, Roche’s top seller, had global sales last year of $6 billion. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) first rebuffed Avastin four years ago and the latest rejection is a blow to the Swiss drugmaker, as well as patient groups that had been pushing hard for a change of heart. Andrew Dillon, NICE chief executive, noted the cost watchdog recommended several other drugs for bowel cancer, including Merck KGaA’s Erbitux, but said Roche failed to show its “complex” price scheme would make Avastin costeffective. “We have to be confident that the benefits justify the considerable cost of this drug,”

Dillon said in a statement. Mike Ward, an industry analyst at Ambrian Partners, said the decision was unlikely to have a significant impact on Roche as Britain accounted for only some 3 percent of the global prescription drug market. Some investors, however, are concerned that current high cancer drug prices could come under pressure in other markets, too, as governments and insurers seek to cap runaway healthcare bills in an age of austerity. Roche stock was down 0.7 percent at 0845 GMT, broadly in line with a 1 percent decline in the European sector. Roche originally proposed a patient access scheme that would supply Avastin at 20,800 pounds ($32,430) per patient for one year, after which it would be free. The cost of accompanying oxaliplatin chemotherapy would also be reimbursed by Roche. The new offer would have included these elements plus an additional upfront payment to the National Health Service (NHS) for each person starting on Avastin. The latest draft guidance from NICE is subject to consultation and appeal.

Cancer dr ugs fund Roche said the fact Britain was now virtually the only country in the developed world not to provide Avastin as part of state healthcare showed that the country’s reimbursement system was not working for end-of-life cancer treatments. Barbara Moss, a 55-year-old bowel cancer patient who benefited from Avastin after paying for it out of her own pocket, said the NICE decision was a huge disappointment. “It seems immoral to me that, as a result of negative NICE decisions like this one, people’s choice of living or dying depends on whether they can afford a drug, because it isn’t available to them on the NHS,” she said. The charity Bowel Cancer UK said it hoped there would soon be fairer access to treatments, following the establishment by the coalition government of a Cancer Drugs Fund, which would provide money for drugs that have not been cleared by NICE. Doctors will decide locally how the money is spent. Since 2002, NICE has assessed 94 cancer drugs, of which 66 have been recommended for use. — Reuters

CHANGSHA: A 10month-old baby boy, whose name was not given, sits on a cot at a children hospital in the Hunan provincial capital yesterday. Doctors in central China are puzzling over the 10month-old baby boy who weighs 20 kilos (44 lbs) — about as much as a normal child of six years — but is otherwise healthy, state media reported. — AFP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

US court halts funding of stem cell research Judge says even funding research harms embryos

WASHINGTON: A US district court issued a preliminary injunction on Monday stopping federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research, in a slap to the Obama administration’s new guidelines on the sensitive issue. US District

Judge Royce Lamberth granted the injunction because he found that the doctors who challenged the policy would likely succeed because US law blocked federal funding of embryonic stem cell research if the embryos were destroyed.

BERLIN: A female hippopotamus calf born in the Berlin zoo watches her mother “Kathi” yawn in their enclosure in the zoological garden, yesterday. —AFP

Ear trouble: Noise pollution rattles nerves, harms health WALNUT CREEK: Nancy Culbertson won’t sit in her Fremont, California, backyard because of it. It caused Oakland physician Louis Hagler’s blood pressure to spike and marred his perfect health record. Oakland acupuncturist Julie Laura Rose had enough of it, and packed up to move to Vallejo, Calif. It’s noise. Droning, piercing, incessant noise. Even at night, cities and suburbs pulse with boom cars, alarms and trains. Part of city living, right? Maybe so, but studies show the ruckus might be getting to us whether we know it or not. High blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, sleeplessness, annoyance, diminished work production and poor school performance can result from prolonged exposure to noise, according to reports from the US Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization. Despite mounting evidence that persistent, prolonged exposure to noise is bad for us, governments and lawmakers aren’t doing enough to address it, said Hagler, 74, a retired physician who has spent the past decade researching the impacts of noise pollution. “How do you convince people that secondhand noise is a problem? It’s a lot like cigarettes were 20 years ago. It’s spooky how similar it is,” Hagler said. Noise is overlooked in the same way secondhand smoke was once dismissed: Those who complain aren’t taken seriously, even though health impacts have been documented, said Hagler, who co-authored a chapter on noise for “Emerging Environmental Technologies II,” a recently released resource for policy makers and scientists. Eardrums are also showing signs of duress. An estimated 15 percent of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have some kind of hearing loss due to noise exposure at work or play, according to the National Institutes of Health. There are limits to what human hearing can handle. Sound is measured in decibels, and an increase of 10 means that sound is 10 times louder. A whisper is 30 decibels and a normal conversation 60 decibels. Prolonged exposure for eight hours at 85 decibels, such as city traffic or lawn equipment, is when hearing problems begin, the National Institutes of Health said. There’s also mounting evidence that points to noise increasing the risk of cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension and heart disease, according the World Health Organization. Last fall, WHO declared noise the biggest environmental nuisance facing Europe and issued night noise guidelines calling on officials to limit exposure to below 40 decibels - corresponding to the sound from a quiet street in a residential area. Sleepers exposed to higher levels over the year can suffer mild health effects, such as sleep disturbance and insomnia. Long-term exposure to levels above 55 decibels - similar to the noise from a busy street - can trigger elevated blood pressure and heart attacks, WHO said. Hagler didn’t just happen upon the subject - it was keeping him awake at night, literally. About 10 years ago, freight trains near his former Richmond, Calif, home increased the frequency of their trips, and were blasting their horns at every crossing, day and night. “It made me crazy every time I heard the noise,” he said, “and my blood pressure went up.” A former US Army medical officer, Hagler previously had a perfect health record. Suddenly he couldn’t sleep and was taking blood pressure medication. Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing all increase when the system reacts to loud noises, he said. “It became the fire in my belly and I decided to do something about it,” he said. After complaining to the Richmond City Council in 2001, Hagler found that other residents were fed up too. Their efforts led to

Ear aches: noise pollution rattles nerves, harms health as depicted in this photo illustration. —MCT Richmond becoming one of the first places in the country to take advantage of legislation allowing cities to establish “quiet zones” for train crossings, where horns aren’t routinely sounded at every passing. When Hagler moved to Oakland four years ago, he became interested in the issue of noisy “boom cars” and motorcycles. Although he’s taken the issue to local police and the city council, Hagler admits he’s yet to have an impact in the city. In Oakland, violent crime and just keeping police ranks fully staffed top the list of concerns. Oakland police try to respond to noise complaints about boom cars, barking dogs and other annoyances, but priorities must be made when resources are stretched, said Oakland police spokesman Jeff Thomason. Margaret Gordon knows about noise. She lives and works in West Oakland, surrounded by three major freeways, BART tracks, the Port of Oakland and a bustling US Post Office hub. “The whole being is inundated by noise, it’s everywhere,” she said. “I’ve managed to adjust to it. But there’s new people who move in and don’t know about it. The real estate agent doesn’t tell you about the noise.” Gordon, 63, is co-director for the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, which is targeting toxic pollution her neighborhood has been exposed to for decades. But she says noise is another irritant that agencies should address as well, because it affects quality of life just as much as other environmental harms. “We are highly disturbed by the cumulative effects of noise,” Gordon said. BART and its late-night and early morning trains have been a particular source of annoyance, especially when windows are open on hot nights, she said. “It’s the sounds and vibrations of the trains.” Commuters are familiar with the earsplitting shriek that occurs when BART trains encounter rippled tracks and metal meets metal. The agency has two “grinders” in constant use, smoothing the rails where there are the most noise complaints. That’s usually in the Transbay Tube, said Luna Salaver, BART public information officer. “Basically when trains go over the rails, it causes ripples and that’s what causes the whine,” Salaver said. “Big city” noises such as

BART and the whine of traffic aren’t the only stressors. Even in the suburbs, leaf blowers and lawn mowers take their toll. “There’s a high-frequency pitch unique to leaf blowers that makes them more annoying, and they are revving them up all the time,” said Peter Kendall, 52, a semiretired bond trader who founded Quiet Orinda last year with his wife, Susan. The group has been gathering signatures in hopes of persuading the Orinda City Council to ban the machines. Kendall and his supporters haven’t revealed how many signatures they have so far, or when they plan to present them to the city. The Kendalls say they have also begun researching the impacts of dust and pollution kicked up by the leaf blowers as an alternative strategy for fighting them. The air pollution argument carries more teeth with lawmakers, they say, than arguments about the effects of constant noise. Dr Michael Kron, a psychiatrist supporting Quiet Orinda, said the leaf blower noise is a serious issue for those trying to work at home or catch sleep during the day. “Noise doesn’t have to be persistent, it just has to be out of your control and intermittent,” said Kron, who has a practice in Walnut Creek. There’s a reason that noise is used in battle to subdue the enemy, he said. “It’s been weaponized.” And for those who have no control over noise that’s bothering them, a “learned helplessness” creeps in, Kron said. Not everyone annoyed by noise sticks around for it. According to the 2000 U.S. Census, 30 percent of Americans have complained about noise. Among those who complained, nearly 40 percent wanted to move because of it. Rose, an Oakland acupuncturist, is one of them. She recently decided to pack up after 13 years in an older apartment building near Lake Merritt. She loves her home and the neighborhood, near Adams Point, a new Whole Foods and Oakland cathedral. But Rose, 53, is planning to flee with her cat and dog to a house in Vallejo this month to get away from the noise of idling diesel trucks, vans, car alarms and regular mobile shredding operations at an office across the street. She finds herself cringing at the din and automatically counting when car alarms go off - she knows exactly how long they will last. “My nervous system reacts and shoulders and ears tense up,” she said. Rose rarely listens to music or television anymore. She’s become hypersensitive to sounds. “I have to filter my noise and decide when I let it in.” Rose maintains noise from trucks and other engines is bouncing off the windows of an office building opposite her Oakland apartment and bombarding her with noise. Ray Derania, Oakland’s director of building inspection services, that he’s not certain if that is the problem, but that said “rebounding” sound can sometimes focus on a particular spot. One of the Oakland’s chief noise issues has to do with older housing stock, built close together before modern setbacks and clearances were in place, Derania said. “We’ve got condos and apartment buildings that were built in the ‘20s and ‘30s,” Derania said. Fewer people and automobiles in those years made for quieter apartment living. “Noise has now become a quality-of-life issue,” he said. Adjusting to nearby noise has become second nature for Culbertson, a 61year-old resident of Fremont’s Glenmoor neighborhood, next to an Interstate 880 sound wall. Although the walls, up to 16 feet tall, were meant to muffle noise, Culbertson said they no longer block the freeway roar, mostly because traffic never seems to let up. Rush-hour lasts all day long and into the evening, she said. —MCT

“(Embryonic stem cell) research is clearly research in which an embryo is destroyed,” Lamberth wrote in a 15-page ruling. The Obama administration could appeal his decision or try to rewrite the guidelines to comply with US law. The suit against the National Institutes of Health, backed by some Christian groups opposed to embryo research, had argued the administration’s policy violated US law and took funds from researchers seeking to work with adult stem cells. A Justice Department spokeswoman said the administration was reviewing Lambert’s decision and declined further comment. The White House and NIH deferred comment to the Justice Department. Key to the case is the so-called Dickey-Wicker Amendment, which Congress adds to budget legislation every year. It bans the use of federal funds to destroy human embryos. That was not an issue for the NIH until the discovery of human embryonic stem cells in 1998. In 2001, thenPresident George W Bush said he could only allow federal research money to pay for work done using a few batches of the cells. Many stem cell researchers objected, saying they could not do work needed to fulfill the promise of the powerful cells, which can give rise to all the tissues and cells in the human body. Privately funded researchers may do as they please, but federal funding is the cornerstone of such basic biological research. New policy As one of his first acts after taking office, Obama overturned that decision and the NIH set up a careful process for deciding which batches of human embryonic stem cells could be used by federally funded researchers. The new guidelines do not allow the use of federal dollars to create the stem cells but do allow researchers to work with them if they are made by another lab. Dr James Sherley of Boston Biomedical Research Institute and Theresa Deisher of Washington-based AVM Biotechnology, who both work with adult stem cells and oppose the use of human embryonic stem cells, filed the original suit saying the guidelines violated the law and would harm their work by increasing competition for limited federal funding. “The Obama administration has attempted to skirt the law by arguing that they are only funding research after the embryos are destroyed,” said Charmaine Yoest, head of the Americans United for Life group. “Today’s sensible ruling reconfirms what we already knew, that administration policy is in violation of the law.” But Lisa Hughes, president of The Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research, called such opinions “ideologically driven”. “Today’s Federal District Court injunction halting federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research is a blow to the hopes of millions of patients and their families suffering from fatal and chronic diseases and disorders,” she said in a statement. Lamberth said the injunction would not seriously harm researchers who focus on human embryonic stem cells because it would preserve the status quo and not interfere with their ability to get private funding. “By finding that there could be harm to adult stem cell researchers if embryonic stem cell work gets funding, this judge opens the door for every scientist who ever has a grant request rejected on the merits to sue the federal government,” the American Society for Reproductive Medicine said in a statement. —Reuters

GALT: In this file photo, Drako, a 2-year-old Belgian Malinois is seen. —AP

States use dogs to search for smuggled cell phones GALT: They’ve been finding hidden bombs, drugs and corpses for years, using their sense of smell to locate what their human handlers would otherwise have to see in plain sight. Now dogs are being deployed in prisons to help curb one of the most serious problems confronting corrections officials: smuggled cell phones. It turns out that cell phones smell. And their distinct odor can lead a well-trained canine to a device hidden under a mattress, stashed into a wall or tucked into a fan or radio. Inmates use them to arrange drug deals, plot escapes and attacks, coordinate riots and harass victims. “They have 24 hours a day to figure out how to hide these from us,” said Sgt Wayne Conrad, who leads the K-9 police dog program in California. “I couldn’t tell you how long it would take me to go through every nook and cranny in a cell. But when these dogs work, they pick up the odor and go right to it.” For security reasons, Conrad won’t say what the scent is, but says dogs can find it whether the phone is on or off, broken into pieces or concealed in another electronic device. Cell phone sniffing dogs have been dispatched in prisons in a handful of states, including California, Florida, Texas, Virginia and Maryland, as other methods to heel the problem have fallen short or run into regulatory or budgetary constraints. There are currently 14 dogs working in California’s 33 prisons. Five of them are specifically trained as cell phone sleuths. By the end of the summer, the K-9 unit will have 23 dogs trained, about half in finding cell phones, the other half in narcotics. The program continues to grow despite California’s $19 billion budget deficit because it’s cheap: the dogs are donated by rescue groups and trained onsite for eight weeks at a facility in Galt, about 20 miles south of Sacramento. As of May of this year, California prison officials had already confiscated 4,800 cell phones through the K-9 program and other random searches. They seized nearly 7,000 last year, up from just 261 in 2006. Cell phones are smuggled into prisons through visitors and staff. They’re stuffed in cakes, hidden in hollowed out books, thrown over prison walls in garbage bags, transported in laundry delivery, broken apart and brought in bit by bit and disguised as wristwatches or radios. “They have hidden them inside a body cavity,” Conrad said. A smuggler can fetch up to $1,000 for a phone, and prisoners rent them out to other inmates for

$50 a day, said Richard Subia, California’s associate director for adult prisons. California lawmakers recently passed legislation that would make cell phone smuggling a misdemeanor and fine the offender up to $5,000. The bill is currently on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk. The US House last month passed a bill that would ban the use or possession of cell phones or wireless devices in federal prisons and classify those devices as contraband. The US Senate also has passed a similar bill, sponsored by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who noted that one fired guard admitted making close to $150,000 in a year smuggling cell phones. The legislation would subject anyone trying to provide a cell phone to an inmate to up to a year in prison Concerned about safety, more than 20 states last year petitioned the Federal Communications Commission to allow them to jam cell phone signals at state prisons. The high tech solution is currently prohibited because any disruption would also affect neighboring communities. “So that’s when it came back to dogs,” Subia said. “We found our resources weren’t enough to keep up with the discovery of cell phones.” Another problem is that cell phones are getting smarter, and their uses more sinister. “Inmates take pictures of security procedures and drills and send them to people on the outside,” Conrad said. “Sex offenders communicate with young kids by posting videos on YouTube and MySpace. This isn’t just about safety in prisons. It’s safety for the outside, too.” At a recent training demonstration, Conrad and another handler, Brian Pyle, brought 7-year-old Caesar and 2year-old Drako into a mock prison dorm to search for contraband. To the dogs, Belgian Malinois, it’s all fun and games. They search for their toy, and when they find it, they bark at it, bite and scratch. Caesar goes first and locates a phone tucked into a vacuum. Drako finds a phone hidden in a light socket. Taking turns they go across the room and uncover phones under mattresses, in shoes, in a VCR, in a locker. The door to the demonstration is shut so inmates working on the grounds don’t see the dogs in action. Nevertheless, their reputation has spread beyond these walls. “We did a random search at a prison one day and when we started coming toward the dorm with the dogs all these phones started flying out the windows,” said Conrad. The dogs are apparently having an effect. And in that case, they didn’t have to smell a thing. —AP

Scientists create stench detector using frog eggs HONG KONG: Researchers in Japan have created a highly accurate sensor that can detect smells and gases using genetically engineered frog eggs. In a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences yesterday, they said they hoped to use the invention to design better machines to detect polluting gases such as carbon dioxide. “It’s very important for the environment,” said lead author Shoji Takeuchi of the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo. Takeuchi and colleagues injected parts of the DNA of three insects-the silkmoth,

diamondback moth and fruit fly-into eggs extracted from the African clawed frog. He likened the eggs to “platforms” and said studies in the past found that certain segments of DNA from the three insects were responsible for detecting odors and gases. “We inject DNA into the frog eggs and then we can make some very useful and inexpensive sensors,” said Takeuchi. These genetically engineered eggs were later placed in a specially designed cartridge where they were exposed to different smells and chemicals. “We used three kinds of pheromones and one odor-

ant (all four were chemically very similar) and they (the eggs) could clearly separate and detect the different types of smells and chemicals,” Takeuchi said by telephone. The team hopes to use the same method to detect gases such as carbon dioxide in the future. “When you think about the mosquito, it is able to find people because of carbon dioxide from the human. So the mosquito has CO2 receptors. When we can (extract) DNA (from the mosquito) we can put this DNA into the frog eggs to detect CO2,” Takeuchi said. —Reuters


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


CRF convention

Embassy information


hristian Revival Fellowship annual Convention-2010 will be held on Aug 25, 26 and 27 (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) at EBA Hall, Abbasiya. Well known evangelist Prof. M.Y. Yohannan (former principal, St. Peter’s College, Kolenchery, Ernakulam) will be giving the message. Time 6.30pm-9pm. Transportation is available from all over Kuwait. For details contact: 99274874 / 97912400. Christian Revival Fellowship is an inter-denominational charitable trust. The fundamental idea of CRF is transformation of the total personality rather than changing community or denomination. Other than this, Christian Revival Fellowship extends its helping hands to the needy and down-trodden in the society irrespective of religion, caste, or sect. Prof. M Y Yohannan is the founder president of CRF. He preaches in different TV channels also.

EMbASSy OF US The United States Department of State announces the increase in various visa fees to ensure sufficient resources to cover the increasing cost of processing nonimmigrant visas (NIVs). US law requires the Department to recover the cost of processing non-immigrant visas through the collection of the application fees. The increased fees are to take effect June 4, 2010. Under the new rule, applicants for all visas that are not petition-based, including B1/B2 tourist and business visitor visas and all student and exchange-visitor visas, will pay a fee of $140. Applicants for petitionbased visas will pay an application fee of $150, as each of the below categories requires a review of extensive documentation and a more in-depth interview of the applicant than other categories, such as tourists. These categories include: H visa for temporary workers and trainees L visa for intra-company transferees O visa for aliens with extraordinary ability P visa for athletes, artists and entertainers Q visa for international cultural exchange visitors R visa for religious occupations The application fee for K visas for fiance(e)s of US citizens will be $350. The fee for E visas for treaty-traders and treaty-investors will be $390.

Announcements Sept 17 Onam Fest 2010: ‘Vanithavedi Kuwait’ a leading women’s association will be celebrating Onam on Friday, Sept 17, 2010, from 9 am - 6 pm at the Indian Community School, Khaitan Branch, the program named as ‘OnamFest 2010’ will have the public meeting followed by various cultural programs. The traditional Onasadya will be served. For the successful conduct of Onam Fest 2010, a program committee has been formed. Dr Vasanthy Nair (general convenor), Valsamma George, Dr Mary (Joint Convenors), Prasanna Ramabhadran (Arts convenor), Tolly Prakash (Food convenor), Shiny Ajith (Raffle convenor), Sumathy Babu (Souvenir convenor), Valsa Sam (Publicity convenor), Syamala Narayanan, (Reception convenor), Sharlette Albert (Volunteer captain). For more details, contact: 24342807, 66428433, 66596625, 24331598.

Theater & Music All level music classes: ‘Treasure of Talents’ (est in 1992) music education program invites all level music classes on piano, theory of music, vocal, flute. Academic Level teachers help prepare for international exams, children concerts, yearly ‘Treasure of Talents’ Festival and music competitions. Contact Prof Cezary, Tel. 25320427, 66549009 of Ms Yasmeene - Berlitz Institute Tel: 22542212. 22512533 or email: treasureoftalents@yahoo.com treasureoftalents@hotmail.com


Understand Islam from the life of the Prophet


he piousness achieved through fasting in Ramadan becomes fruitful when it provides synergy to the Islamic way of life, said Shamsuddeen Nadvi(Youth India, UAE) speaking at the Ramadan Youth Meet organized by Youth India Kuwait at the Masjidul Kabeer premises. Ramadan has been witness to many important events in the history of Islam. Islam should not be confined to the teachings. People embrace Islam

when people see Islam live in their lives. Islam is not confined to only to the prayers and rituals, the Islam which Prophet preached and exemplified was an Islam which showed man the way, how he should act in his social, political and financial fronts which he confronts every day. Former KIG President PK Jamal inaugurated the program. KIG Vice President Faisal Manjery briefed the audience on the subject, Islamic Renaissance: Reality.

Ashraf Ali (Solidarity - Eranakulam) enlightened the gathering on the need to return to the creator asking for forgiveness. The program started with a Quran Class by Anees AbdulSalam. Youth India President Khaleelurahman presided over the program. Ashraf KM and Shaikh Mohamed Ali delivered felicitations. And Youth India Chief Patron Sakker Hussain Thuvvoor delivered the concluding speech.

Farewell to Sissy

✦✦✦ uwait Indian Arts Centre bid farewell to Sissy Manuel who is leaving to India for good. Sissy has been a wonderful and talented actress ever seen by the drama viewers of Kuwait. She was also the secretary of the women’s wing of Kuwait Indian Arts centre. Sissy has performed challenging roles in “Agnishalakha”, “Mekhadhanus” and “Salabhangika” which are praise worthy. In recognition of her outstanding contribution to Malayalam theatre and sincere co-operation and support rendered to Kuwait Indian Arts Centre, she was honored and a momento was given away in the farewell party by K P Balakrishnan, the president of Kuwait Indian Arts Centre. Felicitation speeches were delivered by the noted personalities among the Indian society.


Call to classical music lovers: Are you a lover of music? Would you like to promote the traditional Indian classical music in Kuwait? If your answer is in the affirmative, please write ton more details to music_karnatic@yahoo.co. in (that is, music underscore karnatic) with your contact details or call 7978286. SEPT 24 NSS Onam: Nair Service Society (NSS), Kuwait will celebrate Onam on Sept 24, at Cambridge School, Mangaf. South Indian film star and acclaimed dancer Lakshmi Gopalaswamy will perform during the function. Ajai Malhotra, Indian Ambassador to Kuwait, will be the chief guest at the Onam celebration on September 24, which will be followed by a full day variety entertainment program depicting the rich heritage and art forms of Kerala. Muraleekrishnan P, President of Nair Service Society, Kuwait (NSS Kuwait) will preside over the function.The Ona-Sadhya (Onam Feast) will be served in the traditional Kerala style on banana leaf on September 24. Nair Service Society (NSS) Kuwait, is one of the largest Socio-Cultural Organization in Kuwait formed in year 2001 and now has more than 3000 Indians as members. For more information, contact Anish Nair, NSS Kuwait 9969-1431. OCT 21 Rendezvous 2010: The Kuwait Chapter of the St. Aloysius College Alumni Association (SACAA KUWAIT) have announced that “Rendezvous” their hallmark event will be conducted on 21st October at Asia Asia Restaurant, Souk Al Watiya, Kuwait City from 8 pm onwards. This year, SACAA Kuwait celebrates five years of its existence in Kuwait. SACAA-Kuwait has been synonymous with various fund raising initiatives through which they consistently supported various needs of their Alma Mater and its students back in Mangalore, India. Through Rendezvous-2010, SACAA-Kuwait intends to help generate funds for the Poor Students Fund of St. Aloysius institutions where numerous needy students look forward to assistance to subsidize their costs. SACAA Kuwait calls upon all Aloysians, their families and also like minded people to join this noble cause and help make life a little better for those needy students back home. For entry passes and further information, kindly contact - 66731828, 66746425, 66181041, 94093275, 66699857, 66091962. OCT 29 Onathanima tug of war: Thanima is conducting its annual Onam celebrations along with its celebrated tug of war competitions on October 29 at Central School compound, Abbasiya. Cultural procession, concert and other attractive cultural items will add glitter to the evening function in which many prominent personalities are expected to be present. Those teams wishing to participate in the tug of war competition, please contact 99865499 / 97253653 / 66071276 / 99703872.

Attention Kids!


EF VBS 10 starting from September 6th to 11. Six exciting days of singing, games & Bible stories for children of all ages. Pre-Teens (Class 1st to 7th) 6th to 10th September 2010 & Teens (Class 8th to 12th) 10th to 11th September 2010. Transport provided. Gifts for all those register and participate. HURRY !!! . Limited Seats. For Registration please contact: 94401015, 94401016, 94401017 or Register online: www.cefkuwait.org

Arpan Onam celebration


rpan Kuwait will celebrate Onam — the harvest festival of Kerala — on October 1, 2010 from 10 am onwards at the Indian Community School (Amman Branch), Salmiya. Arpan office-bearers are lining up an array of cultural programs to celebrate the festival that marks the homecoming of the legendary King Mahabali. A variety of programs to be presented by Arpan members and their families will include Mohiniyattom, Onam songs, folk and traditional songs, skits etc. Arrival of Mahabali with the accompaniment of ‘chenda’, ‘arpu’ and ‘pulikkali’ will be the highlight of the celebration. Athappookkalam, to be drawn by the Ladies Wing of Arpan will be an added attraction. The celebration will conclude with the traditional ‘Onasadya.’

Sports Filipino Badminton Committee is inviting all badminton enthusiast to join its 19th badminton tournament dubbed as the Ambassador Shulan Primavera Cup. Interested may register on Friday at Jawhara Saleh Private School, located at Riggae right beside the Ramada Hotel. The gym is open from 8 am until 5pm. For more details, contact Pres. Nelson Lacson 97796294, VP Garry Calub -66237872 or Dr. Chie Umandap at 97197268 ✦✦✦ FAST Shoot: Filipino Action Shooting Team (FAST) officials, with the support of Gen. Ahmmed Al Saleem would like to invite everyone to their Fun Shoot every Tuesday from 17:00-

21:00 hours. For details contact: Butch Alinea 99816563, Danny San Juan 99540595 Carlos Gutierrez 97270371 and FAST Adviser Manny Cornelio 66737298. ✦✦✦ FPSC Fun Shoot session: The Filipino Practical Shooting Club (FPSC) is inviting its members and non-members who are gun sports enthusiast to join us every Thursday at 17:00 hours to 21:00 hours (5 pm to 9 pm) for a fun shoot in practical shooting target continues FPSC will hold a sanction tournament for the Philippine Practical Shooting Association (PPSA) as a requirement for the club affiliation for the year 20l0. All FPSC/PPSA mem-

bers are obliged to participate in these disciplines. For particulars, please call the following officers: Tony 66600481, Eric 99570689, Jovi 66742419, Rommel 66850748, Dadz 66634012, Sunny 99545917, Joseph 99517467, Ramon 97433824, Ramir 99629631. ✦✦✦ Football referees coaching classes: Football referee coaching class for new recruits and refresher classes for active members will be conducted by the Indian Football Referees’ Association (IFRA) Kuwait from today at the Indian English Academy School (Don Bosco Salmiya from 9:30 am onwards). Audio visual aids will be used to

enhance the understanding of the laws of the game better. All new candidates desiring to qualify as football referees are requested to contact Sarto Baptista on tel 25611621 (after 6pm), Junifer Rodrigues on tel 25633261 (after 5 pm) and also C O John on 66274017 (Mangaf/Fahaheel/Ahmadi area) for more information. ✦✦✦ Kuwait Netball Association games: The Kuwait Netball Association games are played on Tuesday evenings between 7:00 pm and 8:30 pm. To register or for more information email: kuwaitnetball@hotmail.com. New players are always welcome.

The Embassy of India has further revamped and improved its Legal Advice Clinic at the Indian Workers Welfare Center, and made the free service available to Indian nationals on all five working days, i.e. from Sunday to Thursday every week. Kuwaiti lawyers would be available at the Legal Advice Clinic daily from Monday to Thursday, while Indian lawyers would be available on Sundays. Following are the free welfare services provided at the Indian Workers Welfare Center located at the Embassy of India: [i] 24x7 Helpline for Domestic Workers: Accessible by toll free telephone no. 25674163 from anywhere in Kuwait, it provides information and advice exclusively to Indian domestic sector workers (Visa No. 20) as regards their grievances, immigration and other matters. [ii] Help Desk: It offers guidance to Indian nationals on routine immigration, employment, legal, and other issues (Embassy premises; 9 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 4.30 PM, Sunday to Thursday); (iii) Labour Complaints Desk: It registers labor complaints and provides grievance redressal service to Indian workers (Embassy premises; 9 AM to 1 PM and 2 PM to 4.30 PM, Sunday to Thursday); (iv) Shelters: For female and male domestic workers in distress; (v) Legal Advice Clinic: Provides free legal advice to Indian nationals (Embassy premises; Kuwaiti lawyers 3 PM to 5 PM, Monday to Thursday; Indian lawyers 2 PM to 4 PM on Sunday); and (vi) Attestation of Work Contracts: Private sector worker (Visa No. 18) contracts are accepted at the Embassy; 9 AM to 1 PM; Sunday to Thursday; Domestic sector worker (Visa No. 20) contracts are accepted at Kuwait Union of Domestic Labor Offices (KUDLO), Hawally, Al-Othman Street, Kurd Roundabout, Al-Abraj Complex, Office No 9, Mezzanine Floor; 9 AM to 9 PM, Saturday to Thursday; 5 PM to 9 PM on Friday. The Embassy of India will remain closed on August 23 and September 2, 2010 on account of ‘Onam’ and ‘Janmashtami’ respectively. EMbASSy OF bANGLADESH The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Kuwait will follow the following office hours during the holy month of Ramadan. Sunday to Thursday: 09:00 - 3:00 pm. Friday and Saturday: Weekly holidays. EMBASSY OF turkEY The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey announces that Turkish language course will restart at the Embassy’s Tourism, Culture and Information Office 4 October 2010. The lessons will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. For further details and registration please contact. * The Embassy at Tel: 22531785 (only from 9 am to 3 pm) * Or fill the application form on http://kuweyt.befscnet.net and send it to the e-mail: Turkish_embassy_Kuwait@hotmail.com EMbASSy OF THAILAND All foreigners who apply for Tourist Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies and the Royal Thai Consulate General worldwide, including eligible foreigners who apply for Visa on arrival at designated checkpoints, will be exempted from tourist visa fees until 31 March 2011. Such arrangement is for Tourist Visa only.



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Orbit / Showtime Listings

00:00 The Unit 01:00 House 02:00 Supernatural 03:00 Flash Forward 04:00 Dawson’s Creek 05:00 My Own Worst Enemy 06:00 The Closer 07:00 The Unit 08:00 Dawson’s Creek 09:00 Criminal Minds 10:00 Flash Forward 11:00 My Own Worst Enemy 12:00 The Closer 13:00 Criminal Minds 14:00 Flash Forward 15:00 Dawson’s Creek 16:00 House 17:00 Supernatural 18:00 The Unit 19:00 The Closer 20:00 Lie to Me 21:00 Law & Order 22:00 Criminal Minds 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy

00:45 Animal Cops Houston 01:40 Deadly Waters 02:35 Animal Cops Houston 03:30 Untamed & Uncut 04:25 Cats 101 05:20 Animal Battlegrounds 05:45 Monkey Life 06:10 SSPCA: On the Wildside 06:35 Night 07:00 Animal Crackers 07:25 Meerkat Manor 07:50 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 08:15 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 08:45 Cats 101 09:40 Animal Battlegrounds 10:05 Shark Therapy 10:55 Monkey Life 11:20 Night 11:50 Animal Precinct 12:45 Vet on the Loose 13:10 Pet Rescue 13:40 Animal Cops Philadelphia 14:35 Wildlife SOS 15:00 SSPCA: On the Wildside 15:30 How Not to Become Shark Bait 16:25 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 16:50 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 17:20 Cats of Claw Hill 17:45 Cats of Claw Hill 18:15 Planet Earth 19:10 Lions and Giants 20:10 Animal Cops Houston 21:05 Ultimate Air Jaws 22:00 Planet Earth 22:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 23:50 Untamed & Uncut

00:35 Hotel Babylon 01:25 Doctor Who Confidential 01:40 The Weakest Link 02:30 Last Of The Summer Wine 03:00 Gigglebiz 03:15 Tweenies 03:35 Tellytales 03:45 Tikkabilla 04:15 Gigglebiz 04:30 Tweenies 04:50 Tellytales 05:00 Tikkabilla 05:30 Coast 06:30 Mastermind 2006 07:00 Gigglebiz 07:15 Tweenies 07:35 Tellytales 07:45 Tikkabilla 08:15 Gigglebiz 08:30 Tweenies 08:50 Tellytales 09:00 Tikkabilla 09:30 Mastermind 2006 10:00 Coast 11:00 Last Of The Summer Wine 11:30 Last Of The Summer Wine 12:00 The Weakest Link 12:45 Eastenders 13:15 Doctors 13:45 Mastermind 2006 14:15 Mastermind 2006 15:15 Last Of The Summer Wine 15:45 Last Of The Summer Wine 16:15 The Weakest Link 17:00 Doctors 17:30 Eastenders 18:00 Home Again 18:30 Home Again 19:00 A Thing Called Love 20:00 The Weakest Link

00:20 James Martin’s Champagne 00:45 Coastal Kitchen 01:10 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 02:00 Cash In The Attic 02:50 Cash In The Attic 03:40 Come Dine With Me 04:30 The Restaurant UK 05:15 Cash In The Attic USA 05:45 10 Years Younger 07:00 The Restaurant UK 08:00 Living In The Sun 08:55 Bargain Hunt 09:45 Hidden Potential 10:05 Cash In The Attic USA 10:30 James Martin’s Champagne 11:00 Coastal Kitchen 11:20 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 12:10 10 Years Younger 13:00 Come Dine With Me 13:50 Cash In The Attic 14:40 Living In The Sun 15:30 Bargain Hunt 16:15 James Martin’s Champagne 16:45 Coastal Kitchen 17:00 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 17:50 10 Years Younger 18:50 Come Dine With Me 19:40 Boys’ Weekend 20:10 The Hairy Bakers 20:40 Glamour Puds 21:05 The Home Show 21:55 Cash In The Attic 22:40 Come Dine With Me

01:00 Jennifer Eight-18 03:15 One True Thing-PG 05:30 Le Prix A Payer-PG 07:15 2012: Startling New Secret-PG 09:00 October Sky-PG15 11:00 Save The Last Dance-PG 13:00 Mes Stars Et Moi-PG15 15:00 Eavesdrop-PG 17:00 Edward Scissorhands-PG 19:00 Saving God-PG15 21:00 In Tranzit-18 23:00 Romulus My Father-PG15

00:40 Street Customs 2008 01:35 Dirty Jobs 02:30 Miami Ink 03:25 Mega Machines 4 04:20 Mythbusters 05:15 How It’s Made 05:40 How Machines Work 06:05 Dirty Jobs 07:00 Mean Machines 07:25 Mega Machines 4 08:15 Street Customs 2008 09:10 Mythbusters 10:05 Ultimate Survival 11:00 Overhaulin’ 11:55 Border Security 12:25 How It’s Made 12:50 How Machines Work 13:20 Mythbusters 14:15 Miami Ink 15:10 Ultimate Survival 16:05 Dirty Jobs 17:00 Deadliest Catch 17:55 Mythbusters 18:50 Cake Boss 19:15 Border Security 19:40 The Gadget Show 20:05 How It’s Made 20:35 How Machines Work 21:00 Time Warp

00:30 Building the Future 01:20 Ultimate Power Builders 02:10 Discovery Project Earth 03:00 Beyond Tomorrow 03:50 Thunder Races 04:45 How Stuff’s Made 05:10 Weird Connections 05:40 Stunt Junkies 06:10 Building the Future 07:00 Thunder Races 08:00 Ten Ways 09:00 Perfect Disaster 09:55 Perfect Disaster 10:50 Perfect Disaster 11:45 Perfect Disaster 12:40 Perfect Disaster 13:35 Perfect Disaster 14:30 Build It Bigger: Rebuilding Greensburg 15:25 Build It Bigger: Rebuilding Greensburg 16:20 How Stuff’s Made 16:50 Junkyard Mega-Wars

17:45 Brainiac 18:40 How It’s Made 19:05 How It’s Made 19:30 Engineered 20:20 How It’s Made 20:45 How It’s Made 21:10 Mega Builders 22:00 How It’s Made 22:25 How It’s Made 22:50 Engineered 23:40 Mega Builders

00:15 Suite Life On Deck 00:35 Jonas 01:00 Sonny With A Chance 01:25 Hannah Montana 01:50 Hannah Montana 02:15 Jonas 02:35 The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody 03:00 The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody 03:25 Fairly Odd Parents 03:50 Phineas And Ferb 04:15 Replacements 04:35 Suite Life On Deck 05:00 Hannah Montana 05:01 Kim Possible 05:50 A Kind Of Magic 06:15 Fairly Odd Parents 06:35 Replacements 07:00 Stitch 07:01 Fairly Odd Parents 07:50 Phineas And Ferb 08:15 Replacements 08:35 A Kind Of Magic 09:00 Jungle Junction 09:10 Special Agent Oso 09:35 Handy Manny 10:00 Imagination Movers 10:20 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 10:45 Jungle Junction 11:00 Fairly Odd Parents 11:25 Phineas And Ferb 11:50 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:15 Sonny With A Chance 12:40 Hannah Montana 13:00 Hannah Montana 13:25 Jonas 13:50 Sonny With A Chance 14:15 Wizards Of Waverly Place 14:35 Fairly Odd Parents 15:00 Phineas And Ferb 15:25 Replacements 15:50 Suite Life On Deck 16:15 Hannah Montana 16:40 Kim Possible 17:05 A Kind Of Magic 17:30 Fairly Odd Parents 17:55 Replacements 18:15 Stitch 18:40 Wizards Of Waverly Place 19:00 Hannah Montana 19:25 Sonny With A Chance 19:45 Fairly Odd Parents 20:10 Phineas And Ferb 20:35 Suite Life On Deck 21:00 Wizards Of Waverly Place 21:25 Hannah Montana 21:45 Jonas

00:15 Leave It To Lamas 00:40 Dr 90210 01:30 Wildest Tv Show Moments 01:55 Reality Hell 02:20 E!es 03:15 Extreme Hollywood 04:10 Sexiest 05:05 Battle Of The Hollywood Hotties 05:30 Streets Of Hollywood 06:00 Ths 06:55 Ths 07:45 Behind The Scenes 08:10 Behind The Scenes 08:35 E! News 09:00 The Daily 10 09:25 Denise Richards: It’s Complicated 09:50 Leave It To Lamas 10:15 40 Smokin’ On Set Hookups 12:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take Miami 18:00 E! News 18:25 The Daily 10 18:50 Kourtney And Khloe Take Miami 19:15 Kourtney And Khloe Take Miami 19:40 Ths 20:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 20:55 Chelsea Lately 21:20 Kourtney And Khloe Take Miami 21:45 Kourtney And Khloe Take Miami 22:10 E! News 22:35 The Daily 10 23:00 Chelsea Lately 23:25 Wildest Tv Show Moments

00:00 Kiteboard Pro World Tour 2008 00:30 Kiteboard Pro World Tour 2008 01:00 F.I.A European Drag Racing

01:30 F.I.A European Drag Racing 02:00 Bmx Megatour 03:00 Fight Girls Series 2 04:00 Man’s Work 04:30 Man’s Work 05:00 I-Ex 08:00 Avalanche Trophy 2008 11:00 Cape Epic 11:30 Cape Epic 12:00 Man’s Work 12:30 Man’s Work 13:00 F.I.A European Drag Racing 14:00 Gumball 3000:2008 14:30 Gumball 3000:2008 15:00 Cape Epic 15:30 Cape Epic 16:00 Man’s Work 16:30 Man’s Work 17:00 Avalanche Trophy 2008 20:00 Man’s Work 20:30 Man’s Work 21:00 Cape Epic 21:30 Cape Epic 22:00 Fight Girls Series 2 23:00 Bmx Megatour

00:00 Food Network Challenge 01:00 30 Minute Meals 01:30 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 02:00 Guys Big Bite 03:00 Barefoot Contessa 03:30 Everyday Italian 04:00 30 Minute Meals 05:00 Tyler’s Ultimate 05:30 Guys Big Bite 06:00 Barefoot Contessa 07:00 Everyday Italian 07:25 Food Network Challenge 07:50 30 Minute Meals 08:15 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 08:40 Guys Big Bite 09:05 Barefoot Contessa 09:30 Everyday Italian 10:00 30 Minute Meals 10:30 Throwdown With Bobby Flay 11:00 Paula’s Party 11:30 Barefoot Contessa 12:30 Everyday Italian 13:00 30 Minute Meals 13:30 Guys Big Bite 14:00 Throwdown With Bobby Flay 14:30 Good Deal with Dave Lieberman 15:00 Chopped 15:30 Barefoot Contessa 16:00 Everyday Italian 17:00 Food Network Challenge 17:30 Throwdown With Bobby Flay 18:00 Guys Big Bite 18:30 Iron Chef America 19:00 30 Minute Meals 19:30 Tyler’s Ultimate 20:00 Chopped 21:00 Barefoot Contessa 21:30 Everyday Italian 22:00 Food Network Challenge 23:00 Throwdown With Bobby Flay 23:30 Guys Big Bite

00:00 The Office 00:30 Will & Grace 01:00 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 01:30 The Colbert Report 02:00 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 03:00 Party Down 03:30 Weeds 04:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 04:30 Family Biz 05:00 Just Shoot me! 05:30 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 06:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:00 Eight Simple Rules 07:30 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air 08:00 Frasier 08:30 Just Shoot me! 09:00 Family Biz 09:30 The Drew Carey show 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Will & Grace 11:00 Frasier 11:30 New Adventures of old Christine 12:00 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 13:00 The Drew Carey show 13:30 Just Shoot me! 14:00 Family Biz 14:30 Scrubs 15:00 The Office 15:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 16:00 The Colbert Report 16:30 The Drew Carey Show 17:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 17:30 Frasier 18:00 Seinfeld 18:30 Will & Grace 19:00 The League 19:30 Rita Rocks 20:00 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 21:00 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:00 Cleveland Show 22:30 That Mitchell and Webb Look 23:00 Everybody Loves Raymond

RocknRolla on Super Movies

00:00 2009 PGA Tour Playoffs For the FedEx Cup Official Film 01:00 Golf Central International 01:30 The Golf Channel - TBA 04:00 2009 PGA Tour Playoffs For the FedEx Cup Official Film 05:00 MLB: Tampa Bay Rays at Los Angeles Angels 08:00 Lucas Oil Motorsports Hour Columbus Speedway 09:00 Lucas Oil Motorsports Hour Oklahoma City 10:00 European Tour Czech Open 2010 Final Rd. Celadna, Czech Republic 13:00 Golf Central International 13:30 Champions Tour Highlights JELDWEN Tradition 14:00 LPGA Tour: Safeway Classic Presented by Coca Cola Final Rd. 16:30 PGA Tour Highlights: Wyndham Championship 17:30 Champions Tour Highlights JELDWEN Tradition 18:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 19:00 MLB: Tampa Bay Rays at Los Angeles Angels 22:00 2010 American Le Mans Series: Road America Elkhart Lake, WI

00:30 A Haunting 01:20 FBI Files 02:10 True Crime Scene 03:05 Solved 04:00 Forensic Detectives 04:55 Amsterdam Vice 05:20 Dr G: Medical Examiner 06:10 Real Emergency Calls 06:35 Real Emergency Calls 07:00 Forensic Detectives 07:50 FBI Files 08:40 Final Days of an Icon 09:30 Diagnosis: Unknown 10:20 Forensic Detectives 11:10 FBI Files 12:00 Real Emergency Calls 12:25 Real Emergency Calls 12:50 Undercover 13:40 Fugitive Strike Force 14:30 Forensic Detectives 15:20 FBI Files 16:10 Final Days of an Icon 17:00 Diagnosis: Unknown 17:50 Forensic Detectives 18:40 FBI Files 19:30 Real Emergency Calls 19:55 Real Emergency Calls 20:20 Undercover 21:10 Fugitive Strike Force 22:00 I Almost Got Away With It 22:50 Murder Shift 23:40 Dr G: Medical Examiner

01:35 Assassination Tango 03:25 Bat 21 05:10 The Commitments 07:05 Straight Out Of Brooklyn 08:25 The Pink Panther 10:20 Popi 12:10 The Boyfriend School 13:50 UHF 15:25 Beauty Shop 17:10 Love Field 18:55 The Cure 20:30 Interiors 22:00 Once Bitten 23:30 Love Bites

Live! on Show Movies

09:30 Destination Extreme 10:00 Banged Up Abroad 11:00 Take Away My Takeaway 11:30 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 12:30 Word Travels 13:00 Bondi Rescue 13:30 Cruise Ship Diaries 14:30 Banged Up Abroad 15:30 Destination Extreme 16:00 Banged Up Abroad 17:00 Take Away My Takeaway 17:30 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 18:30 Word Travels 19:00 Bondi Rescue 19:30 Cruise Ship Diaries 20:30 Banged Up Abroad 21:30 Destination Extreme 22:00 Banged Up Abroad 23:00 Take Away My Takeaway 23:30 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled

00:30 Word Travels 01:00 Bondi Rescue 01:30 City Chase: Argentina 02:30 Graham’s World 03:00 Finding Genghis 03:30 Destination Extreme 04:00 Banged Up Abroad 05:00 David Rocco’s Dolce Vita 05:30 Lonely Planet: Roads Less Travelled 06:30 Word Travels 07:00 Bondi Rescue 07:30 City Chase: Argentina 08:30 Graham’s World 09:00 Finding Genghis

00:00 The Martha Stewart Show 01:00 10 Years Younger 01:30 10 Years Younger 02:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 03:00 The Monique Show 04:00 The Tonight show with Jay Leno 05:00 GMA (repeat) 07:00 GMA Health 07:30 What’s the Buzz 08:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 09:00 Never Trust a Skinny Cook 09:30 Huey’s cooking adventures 10:00 The Martha Stewart Show 11:00 The View 12:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 13:00 The Martha Stewart Show 14:00 GMA Live 16:00 GMA Health 16:30 What’s the Buzz 17:00 Never Trust a Skinny Cook 17:30 Huey’s cooking adventures 18:00 Look A Like 18:30 10 Years Younger 19:00 The View 20:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 21:00 Jimmy Kimmel Live! 22:00 The Tonight show with Jay Leno 23:00 The Monique Show

07:00 Lazytown 07:25 Imagination Movers 07:50 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 08:15 Handy Manny 08:40 Jungle Junction 08:50 Special Agent OSO 09:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 09:25 Handy Manny 09:50 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 10:15 Little Einsteins 10:40 Special Agent OSO 11:05 Imagination Movers 11:30 Lazytown 11:55 My Friends Tigger And Pooh 12:20 Handy Manny 12:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 13:10 Little Einsteins 13:35 Jo Jo’s Circus 14:00 Higglytown Heroes 14:25 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 14:50 Special Agent OSO 15:05 My Friends Tigger And Pooh 15:30 Imagination Movers 15:55 Little Einsteins 16:20 Handy Manny 16:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 17:10 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 17:35 Special Agent OSO 17:45 Imagination Movers 18:10 Handy Manny 18:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 19:00 New Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh 19:25 Handy Manny 19:35 Special Agent OSO 19:50 Jungle Junction

00:30 Live!-18 02:15 Let Him Be-PG15 04:00 The Man From Earth-PG15 06:00 Jonas Brothers Concert-PG 08:00 Motherhood-PG15 10:00 Bottle Shock-PG15 12:00 Seven Pounds-PG15 14:15 Wild Child-PG15 16:00 Motherhood-PG15 17:30 Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix-PG 20:00 The Taking Of Pelham 1 2 3-18 22:00 Che Part Two : Guerilla-PG15

01:00 Donnie Brasco-PG15 03:10 Red Canvas-PG15 05:00 Die Hard-PG15 07:10 Dark Ride-18 09:00 Rock Monster-PG15 11:00 Ghost Image-PG15 13:00 Star Runners-PG 15:00 Rock Monster-PG15 17:00 Universal Soldier: The Return-18 19:00 Street Fighter-PG 21:00 Mortal Kombat-PG 23:00 Resident Evil 3-18

00:00 I.q.-PG 02:00 The Match-PG15 04:00 The Go-getter-PG15 06:00 My Fake Fiance-PG15 08:00 The Broken Hearts Club-PG 10:00 Picture This-PG15 12:00 Chatterbox-PG 14:00 Loins Of Punjab Presents-PG15 16:00 I.q.-PG 18:00 Blue State-PG15 20:00 Without A Paddle: Nature’s Calling22:00 Dead Man On Campus-18

00:00 Cinderella-FAM 02:00 First Kid-PG 04:00 Patoruzito-FAM 06:00 Santa Buddies-PG 08:00 Gulliver’s Travel-PG 10:00 Patoruzito-FAM 12:00 Scruff Cinderella’s Carnival-FAM 14:00 First Kid-PG 16:00 Robotech - The Shadow ChroniclesFAM 18:00 Curious George: Follow That Monkey-PG 20:00 Pocahontas Ii: Winter Of The Rocky Mount-FAM 22:00 Scruff Cinderella’s Carnival-FAM

00:00 Lost 01:00 Lost 02:00 Private Practice 03:00 Ghost Whisperer 04:00 8 Simple rules 04:30 Rita Rocks 05:00 Without a trace 06:00 Emmerdale 06:30 Coronation Street 07:00 Private Practice 08:00 8 Simple rules 08:30 Rita Rocks 09:00 Ghost Whisperer 10:00 Without a trace 11:00 Private Practice 12:00 Emmerdale 12:30 Coronation Street 13:00 8 Simple rules 13:30 Rita Rocks 14:00 Lost 15:00 Lost 16:00 Without a trace 17:00 Ghost Whisperer 18:00 Emmerdale 18:30 Coronation Street 19:00 Burn Notice 20:00 The Closer 21:00 CSI Miami

00:00 AFL Highlights 01:00 NRL Full Time 01:30 Scottish Premier League Highlights 02:00 Tri Nations 04:00 Rugby Union ITM Cup 06:00 World Sport 06:30 Futbol Mundial 07:00 Scottish Premier League 09:00 AFL Premiership 11:30 World Pool Masters 12:30 European Tour Ladies Highlights 13:30 AFL Highlights 14:30 ICC Cricket World 15:00 Brazil League Highlights 15:30 Triathlon 16:30 Sea Master 17:00 World Hockey 17:30 FEI Equestrain World 18:00 NRL Full Time 18:30 European Tour Ladies Highlights 19:30 European Tour Weekly 20:00 AFL Highlights

01:00 World Pool Masters 02:00 Ladies European Tour Highlights 03:00 Scottish Premier League 05:00 Super League 07:00 World Pool Masters 08:00 World Sport 08:30 Ladies European Tour Highlights

09:30 ICC Cricket World 10:00 Scottish Premier League 12:00 Futbol Mundial 12:30 AFL Premiership Highlights 13:30 Super League 15:30 World Match Racing Tour Highlights 16:30 Ladies European Tour Highlights 17:30 AFL Premiership Highlights 18:30 Triatholn 19:30 European Tour Weekly 20:00 Currie Cup 22:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 23:00 World Match Racing Tour Highlights

00:00 UFC The Ultimate Fighter 01:00 UFC 118 Countdown 02:00 UFC Unleashed 03:00 UFC Unleashed 04:00 Red Bull X-Fighters 05:30 UFC All Access 06:00 UFC Unleashed 07:00 WWE Vintage Collection 08:00 Red Bull X-Fighters 09:30 FIM World Cup 10:00 V8 Supercars Championship 11:00 V8 Supercars Championship 12:00 UAE National Race Day 12:30 Planet Power Boats 13:00 FIA GT1 World Championship 14:30 V8 Supercars Extra 15:00 Red Bull X-Fighters 16:30 UAE National Race Day 17:00 WWE Vintage Collection 18:00 WWE NXT 19:00 WWE SmackDown 21:00 UFC 118 Countdown 22:00 UFC Unleashed 23:00 UFC Unleashed

01:00 Trucker-PG15 03:00 A Dance For Bethany-PG15 05:00 Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants 2-PG15 07:00 Sins Of The Mother-PG15 09:00 Monsters Vs. Aliens-PG 11:00 The Secret Life Of Bees-PG15 13:00 Into The Storm-PG15 15:00 Hoot-PG 17:00 Monsters Vs. Aliens-PG 19:00 Babylon A.d-PG15 21:00 Suburban Girl-PG15 23:00 Rocknrolla-18

01:40 The Screening Room 02:05 The Bad And The Beautiful 04:00 The Executioner 05:55 The Screening Room 06:25 The Screening Room 07:00 The King And Four Queens 08:25 The Philadelphia Story 10:15 Butterfield 8 12:00 Silk Stockings 13:55 The Year Of Living Dangerously 15:45 The Bad And The Beautiful 17:40 The Screening Room 18:05 The V.i.p.s 20:00 2010 22:00 Only When I Laugh

00:30 Battles B.C. 01:20 Ice Road Truckers, 3 02:10 Last Voices of World War I 03:00 Dogfights 03:55 Battlefield Detectives 04:50 Battle Stations 05:40 The Crusades 06:30 Battles B.C. 07:20 Ice Road Truckers, 3 08:10 Last Voices of World War I 09:00 Dogfights 09:55 Battlefield Detectives 10:50 Battle Stations 11:40 The Crusades 12:30 Battles B.C. 13:20 Ice Road Truckers, 3 14:10 Last Voices of World War I 15:00 Dogfights 15:55 Battlefield Detectives 16:50 Battle Stations 17:40 The Crusades

18:30 Battles B.C. 19:20 Ice Road Truckers, 3 20:10 Pawn Stars 21:00 Pawn Stars 21:25 Hubble, 15 Years of Discovery 21:55 The Tech Effect 23:10 Nostradamus Effect 23:40 Conspiracy?

00:00 Dr 90210 01:00 The Designers 01:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 02:00 How Do I Look? 03:00 Split Ends 04:00 The Designers 04:30 Style Her Famous 05:00 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 06:00 How Do I Look? 07:00 Style Star 07:30 Dress My Nest 08:00 My Celebrity Home 09:00 Style Star 09:30 Style Her Famous 10:00 Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? 11:00 Peter Perfect 12:00 Ruby 12:30 Giuliana And Bill 13:00 Clean House 14:00 Clean House Comes Clean 14:30 Kimora: Life In The Fab Lane 15:00 Dr 90210 16:00 Whose Wedding Is It Anyway? 17:00 Jerseylicious 18:00 Jerseylicious 19:00 Split Ends 20:00 Clean House 21:00 How Do I Look? 22:00 Tacky House 23:00 Clean House: Search For The Messiest...

01:00 Code 01:04 French Only 01:45 Playlist 02:00 Urban Hit 02:45 Playlist 05:00 Code 05:04 Focus 06:04 Playlist 08:00 Code 08:04 Hit Us 09:00 Code Compilation 09:24 Playlist 13:00 Code 13:04 Urban Hit 13:50 Playlist 16:00 Code 16:04 Sound System 10 16:45 Playlist 18:00 Urban Hit 18:45 Guest Star 19:00 Playlist 20:00 Code 20:04 Rnb 10 20:45 Playlist 21:00 Legend 22:00 Playlist

00:00 Julian and Camilla’s World Odyssey 01:00 Essential 01:30 First Class South Africa 02:00 Flavours of South Africa 02:30 Top Travel 03:00 Working Holiday 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Julian and Camilla’s World Odyssey 06:00 Planet Food 07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 $100 Taxi Ride 08:30 Distant Shores 09:00 Working Holiday 10:00 Planet Food 11:00 PhotoXplorers 11:30 Essential 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Chef Abroad 13:30 The Thirsty Traveler 14:00 Sophie Grigson In The Orient 14:30 Distant Shores 15:00 Working Holiday 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 $100 Taxi Ride 17:30 Chef Abroad 18:00 Planet Food

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

33 ACCOMMODATION A furnished room available†for rent at in Hawally. Please call 55360091 or 22634857. Sharing accommodation available for a couple or working ladies in a C-A/C building in new Riggae. Contact: 99874350. (C 2610) Furnished sharing accommodation available for a non-smoking Keralite bachelor in Abbassiya. Rent KD 40. Contact: 66577233. (C 2611) 25-8-2010

Flight Schedule Arrival Flights on Wednesday 25/08/2010 Airlines Flt Route Wataniya Airways 188 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 306 Cairo Wataniya Airways 408 Beirut Gulf Air 211 Bahrain Turkish 772 Istanbul Wataniya Airways 322 Sharm El Sheikh Air Arabia Egypt 551 Alexandria Egypt Air 614 Cairo Middle East 406 Beirut Jazeera 267 Beirut DHL 370 Bahrain Jazeera 483 Sabiha Emirates 853 Dubai Etihad 305 Abu Dhabi Qatari 138 Doha Kuwait 802 Cairo Falcon 201 Dubai Jazeera 637 Aleppo Jazeera 503 Luxor Kuwait 412 Manila/Bangkok Jazeera 527 Alexandria British 157 London Jazeera 529 Assiut Kuwait 382 Delhi Kuwait 302 Mumbai Fly Dubai 053 Dubai Kuwait 676 Dubai Kuwait 352 Cochin Kuwait 284 Dhaka Kuwait 344 Chennai Kuwait 362 Colombo Emirates 855 Dubai Arabia 121 Sharjah Qatari 132 Doha Iran Air 603 Shiraz Etihad 301 Abu Dhabi Iran Aseman 6791 Mashad Falcon 203 Dubai Gulf Air 213 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 182 Bahrain Middle East 404 Beirut Alnaser 711 Baghdad/Najaf Wataniya Airways 102 Dubai Jazeera 165 Dubai India Express 815 Mangalore/Doha Mahan Air 5066 Mashad Jazeera 171 Dubai Gulf Air 219 Bahrain Egypt Air 610 Cairo Kuwait 672 Dubai Oman Air 645 Muscat Saudia 508 Riyadh Wataniya Airways 432 Damascus United 982 Washington DC Dulles Jordanian 800 Amman Egypt Air 621 Assiut Wataniya Airways 4001 Cairo Fly Dubai 057 Dubai Jazeera 257 Beirut Wataniya Airways 422 Amman Kuwait 562 Amman Saudia 500 Jeddah Kuwait 552 Damascus Jazeera 481 Sabiha Cargolux 792 Luxembourg Nas Air 745 Jeddah Jazeera 525 Alexandria Qatari 134 Doha Kuwait 546 Alexandria Kuwait 544 Cairo Nas Air 703 Riyadh Bahrain Air 344 Bahrain Jazeera 427 Bahrain Etihad 303 Abu Dhabi Rovos 061 Baghdad Emirates 857 Dubai Gulf Air 215 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 402 Beirut Saudia 510 Riyadh Arabia 125 Sharjah Jazeera 239 Amman Jazeera 493 Jeddah Kuwait 774 Riyadh Mihin 1403 Colombo Srilankan 227 Colombo/Dubai Wataniya Airways 304 Cairo Yemenia 824 Sanaa/Doha Kuwait 166 Paris/Rome Wataniya Airways 106 Dubai Kuwait 502 Beirut Kuwait 542 Cairo Kuwait 1701 Jeddah Kuwait 786 Jeddah Kuwait 618 Doha Jazeera 497 Riyadh Jazeera 177 Dubai Kuwait 614 Bahrain Kuwait 674 Dubai Kuwait 102 New York/London Indian 575 Chennai/Goa Wataniya Airways 202 Jeddah Fly Dubai 061 Dubai Middle East 402 Beirut Rovos 081 Baghdad Jet A/W 572 Mumbai Wataniya Airways 642 Vienna Wataniya Airways 404 Beirut Kuwait 1704 Jeddah DHL 372 Bahrain Gulf Air 217 Bahrain Jazeera 459 Damascus Emirates 859 Dubai Qatari 136 Doha United 981 Bahrain Jazeera 449 Doha Lufthansa 636 Frankfurt Jazeera 185 Dubai Jazeera 429 Bahrain Egypt Air 612 Cairo Shaheen Air 441 Lahore/Karachi Kuwait 548 Luxor India Express 393 Kozhikode/Cochin KLM 0447 Amsterdam/Bahrain Pakistan 215 Karachi Wataniya Airways 108 Dubai

Time 00:30 00:50 01:05 01:05 01:15 01:20 02:00 02:05 02:05 02:10 02:15 02:20 02:25 02:55 03:20 04:45 05:25 05:45 05:50 06:15 06:20 06:30 06:40 07:20 07:50 07:55 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:20 08:20 08:25 08:40 09:00 09:20 09:20 09:55 10:30 10:45 10:45 10:50 10:55 11:05 11:15 11:35 12:20 12:40 12:50 12:55 13:15 13:15 13:30 13:35 13:35 13:35 13:40 13:45 13:50 14:05 14:10 14:20 14:30 14:35 14:40 14:50 14:55 15:00 15:05 15:30 15:30 15:45 16:40 16:50 16:50 16:50 16:55 17:15 17:15 17:20 17:40 17:40 17:40 17:45 17:55 18:00 18:35 18:40 18:40 18:45 18:50 18:50 18:50 18:55 18:55 19:00 19:05 19:20 19:20 19:25 19:30 19:45 20:05 20:20 20:30 20:30 20:45 20:50 20:50 21:00 21:05 21:15 21:15 21:35 21:55 22:30 22:30 22:40 22:45 22:55 23:00 23:10 23:10 23:10 23:55 23:55

Departure Flights on Wednesday 25/08/2010 Airlines Flt Route Jazeera 528 Assiut Indian 994 Mumbai/Chennai Lufthansa 637 Frankfurt Pakistan 206 Lahore Turkish 773 Istanbul Air Arabia Egypt 552 Alexandria Middle East 407 Beirut Egypt Air 615 Cairo DHL 371 Bahrain Emirates 854 Dubai Etihad 306 Abu Dhabi Qatari 139 Doha Wataniya Airways 101 Dubai Jazeera 480 Sabiha Wataniya Airways 4002 Cairo Jazeera 164 Dubai Gulf Air 212 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 181 Bahrain Jazeera 524 Alexandria Jazeera 256 Beirut Wataniya Airways 431 Damascus British 156 London Jazeera 170 Dubai Kuwait 545 Alexandria Fly Dubai 054 Dubai Kuwait 543 Cairo Kuwait 177 Frankfurt/Geneva Kuwait 671 Dubai Kuwait 117 New York Kuwait 551 Damascus Wataniya Airways 421 Amman Kuwait 561 Amman Arabia 122 Sharjah Emirates 856 Dubai Wataniya Airways 641 Vienna Qatari 133 Doha Etihad 302 Abu Dhabi Iran Air 602 Shiraz Iran Aseman 6792 Mashad Gulf Air 214 Baghdad Wataniya Airways 401 Beirut Falcon 204 Baghdad Wataniya Airways 303 Cairo Middle East 405 Beirut Rovos 062 Najaf/Baghdad Kuwait 541 Cairo Jazeera 238 Amman Jazeera 492 Jeddah Alnaser 712 Najaf/Baghdad Indian Express 816 Bahrain/Mangalore Kuwait 103 London Kuwait 501 Beirut Kuwait 1702 Jeddah Kuwait 785 Jeddah Gulf Air 220 Bahrain Mahan Air 5065 Mashad Egypt Air 611 Cairo Oman Air 646 Muscat Jordanian 801 Amman Wataniya Airways 105 Dubai Kuwait 773 Riyadh Wataniya Airways 201 Jeddah Fly Dubai 058 Dubai Egypt Air 622 Assiut Saudia 509 Madinah United 982 Bahrain Jazeera 176 Dubai Wataniya Airways 403 Beirut Kuwait 1703 Jeddah Nas Air 746 Jeddah Saudia 501 Jeddah Jazeera 458 Damascus Qatari 135 Doha Cargolux 792 Hong Kong Kuwait 613 Bahrain Nas Air 704 Madinah Rovos 082 Baghdad Bahrain Air 345 Bahrain Etihad 304 Abu Dhabi Gulf Air 216 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 305 Cairo Emirates 858 Dubai Arabia 126 Sharjah Jazeera 184 Dubai Saudia 511 Riyadh Jazeera 448 Doha Mihin 1403 Dubai/Colombo Srilankan 228 Dubai/Colombo Wataniya Airways 407 Beirut Wataniya Airways 107 Dubai Yemenia 824 Sanaa Jazeera 428 Bahrain Kuwait 283 Dhaka Jazeera 266 Beirut Kuwait 361 Colombo Fly Dubai 062 Dubai Kuwait 331 Trivandrum Middle East 403 Beirut Jet A/W 571 Mumbai Wataniya Airways 187 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 3001 Jeddah Gulf Air 218 Bahrain Kuwait 801 Cairo DHL 373 Bahrain Kuwait 675 Dubai Emirates 860 Dubai Jazeera 612 Lahore Falcon 102 Bahrain Qatari 137 Doha Kuwait 203 Lahore Kuwait 301 Mumbai Jazeera 526 Alexandria Jazeera 636 Aleppo United 981 Washington DC Dulles Jazeera 502 Luxor Kuwait 415 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta Egypt Air 613 Cairo


Time 00:05 00:50 00:50 01:10 02:15 02:40 02:55 03:05 03:15 03:45 04:00 05:00 06:50 07:00 07:00 07:05 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:25 08:30 08:35 08:40 08:45 08:55 09:00 09:05 09:10 09:10 09:15 09:20 09:40 09:45 10:00 10:05 10:20 10:55 11:35 11:35 11:45 11:50 11:50 12:00 12:00 12:10 12:15 12:15 12:25 12:30 13:00 13:15 13:30 13:40 13:40 13:55 14:15 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:35 14:35 14:40 14:45 14:50 14:55 15:10 15:15 15:45 15:45 15:50 16:20 16:20 16:20 16:35 17:00 17:25 17:35 18:05 18:05 18:05 18:20 18:30 18:35 18:50 18:55 19:10 19:25 19:40 19:40 19:50 20:00 20:10 20:20 20:50 21:00 21:20 21:30 21:35 21:45 21:55 22:00 22:00 22:10 22:25 22:25 22:30 22:35 22:40 22:45 23:20 23:35 23:40 23:40 23:50 23:55

Sharing accommodation available in Abbassiya only for Keralite couples or single ladies, C-A/C flat. Contact: 97134824. (C 2605) Sharing accommodation available for Keralite bachelor with Kerala bachelors in 2-room flat behind U.A.E Exchange Centre in Abbassiya. Contact 97221409 or 97238732. Sharing room rent KD 35 only. (C 2606) Room for rent near Jleeb Indian School, family or working lady Indian / Filipino, a/c, fridge, landline, satellite, all facilities available. Please contact: 97267254. (C 2607) Sharing accommodation available for couple or bachelor Filipino only, near Gulfmart, Farwaniya from 25th of August. Contact 94418396. 24-8-2010 Sharing accommodation available in two bedroom, two bathroom flat for bachelors/family (only Indians) near Garanada Cinema in Khaitan. Call: 66502405. (C 2598) Sharing accommodation available in Mangaf with Keralite bachelor. Phone: 66513151 after 5 pm. (C 2596) 23-8-2010 Sharing accommodation available in Salmiya near Anmol Restaurant, for a decent Goan or Manglorian bachelor with a (R.C) family from 1st September onward. Tel: 97967615. (C 2592) Fully furnished sharing accommodation available for 1 or 2 decent Indian bachelors near Al-Safir International Hotel, Beneid

Al-Gar from 15th September. Call: 66612842 after 6.00 pm. (C 2593) Sharing accommodation available for a small family or bachelor with a Keralite family in Abbassiya in a 2 bedroom / bathroom flat. Contact: 99560859 / 24342918. (C 2594) 22-8-2010 Sharing accommodation available for small family or bachelors near Hi-Dinc supermarket, Abbassiya from 1st September 2010. Contact: 24312462 after 12:00 noon. (C 2591) 21-8-2010

new), original price is KD 33,000, selling price is KD 14,700. Tel: 90000162. (C 2602) Bently GT (speed) year/2008, rose gold color, beige + brown leather inside special order from AlZayyani. Only done 13,300 km (like new), (special car for special persons) last price KD 55,000. Brand new price is KD 87,000. Please serious buyers only call: 99712771. (C 2603) Chrysler Concorde 2004 model, 92,000 km driven, excellent condition, maintenance history, single owner. Call: 65783990. (C 2599) 23-8-2010

FOR SALE Household furniture etc, plus 2003 Kia Sportage car, Salmiya, Block 7, Al-Dumna Street, Bldg. 26, near Marina Mall, behind gold souk. Mob: 97207112. (C 2608) Toshiba Laptop Satellite A200-16, Core2Due T7500, 1024MB + 1024 memory, 667MHZ/256 RAM, 300 GB Hard disk drive (4200RPM) SATA, 15 WXGA Turbrite TFT screen, HD DVD-ROM Drive, 56 Modem/LAN, WLAN (802.11A/G/N), 1.3 Megapixel web camera, Bluetooth, Microsoft Vista Home Premium 32bit, Price: KD 150 (non-negotiable) Tel: 94426326. 25-8-2010 Mercedes Benz E250 cope model 2010, metallic grey color, tan leather inside panorama sun-roof + ventilation luxury seats + cd.ch + I pot + more other options special order from Al-Wisher. Millage 2,600 km, under warranty original price is KD 20,500 selling price KD 17,500. Tel: 90000162. (C 2601) Range Rover Sport (super charge), (limited edition), model 2006 special order from Ali Al-Ganim co. Fully specifications + two TV in the back seats + stormer alloy wheels, dark blue color + off-white leather inside, millage is only 18,000 km, excellent condition (like

Quality household furniture, sparingly used for one year, almost new condition, going cheap. Contact: 60668842, Salmiya. (C 2589) 2006 Toyota Corolla 1.8, excellent condition, agency paint, wood decoration, remote, milage-73,000, used by lady, beige color, Al-Sayer service, must test, KD 2,700. Tel: 67794389. (C 2590) Sportek Tread Mill with full functions, IKEA small dining table with two chairs, double cot with bed, small cupboard, small two-seater wooden sofa, diwan, wooden dining table with four chairs, IKEA kitchen shelf. Call 60053034. 21-8-2010 Used car for sale. Ph: 66052331. (C 2587) 19-8-2010

MATRIMONIAL Seeks alliance for Pakistani Muslim family daughter, fair, slim, tall, 23-1/2 MSc. Chemistry final year, from equal status boy, through parents. Cont. email: abdullah9549@gmail.com / P.O. Box: 1329, Khaitan, code: 83001, Kuwait. (C 2609)


A postgraduate Indian female, worked as PA/Admin Coordinator and Exec Secretary, more than 30 yrs of experience in Kuwait, interested in oneshift job or part-time job instantly. Also, capable of setting up office and handling projects for fresh businessmen. Contact 94470318 or ambilivarma@rocketmail.com 24-8-2010 Looking for part-time housemaid job in Mangaf with families only. Phone: 66870113. (C 2595) Available Sri Lankan lady for part-time housemaid job with families in Mangaf. Phone: 97257833. (C 2597) 23-8-2010

MISCELLANEOUS Wanted used car Mitsubishi - Honda - Toyata Chevrolet GMC. From 2000 - 2009. Call: 55522942. (C 2600) 23-8-2010



Wednesday, August 25, 2010



Aries (March 21-April 19) Others enjoy praising you for your hard work. You are appreciated for your feelings and your ability to act and get things done; you set a good example for others to follow. This is the time when you can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others because any support you need is there for anything you want to accomplish. You may be called on to speak or lead a group and you will not need to worry about anyone misunderstanding you--you can do very well. You have an ability to enchant others with your words and images. Your presence has a way of easing things as you are able to help others let go of any differences and stand behind what unites us all. Taurus (April 20-May 20) You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing, but responsibilities rule and you are smart to tend to business. Later this afternoon thoughts can return to the social sector and plans can be made. Close relationships take on more emotional depth, power and importance now. This is a great time to attend or plan a social event. People value you for your warmth and dynamic qualities as much as for your ideas. You may find it easier to acquiesce with your animal warmth than to develop your mind. You can relate to almost all types of people with equal ease. Your dreams, visions and ideals move you forward-follow your inner guide and your ambitions will show the way. This evening is a great time for lovers.

Pooch Cafe

ACROSS 1. An orange-brown antelope of southeast Africa. 4. Coming next after the ninth and just before the eleventh in position. 9. An amino acid that is found in the central nervous system. 13. Used of a single unit or thing. 14. French poet (born in Romania) who was one of the cofounders of the Dada movement (1896-1963). 15. (Babylonian) God of storms and wind. 16. Not only so, but. 18. A strategically located monarchy on the southern and eastern coasts of the Arabian Peninsula. 19. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. 20. A city in northern India. 21. Tropical starchy tuberous root. 23. The most common computer memory which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on. 24. Unknown god. 25. A soft silvery metallic element. 27. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. 29. Using speech rather than writing. 33. A spirit believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals. 36. A unit of magnetomotive force equal to 0.7958 ampere-turns. 37. Leaf or strip from a leaf of the talipot palm used in India for writing paper. 38. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 39. Payment due by the recipient on delivery. 41. A Russian river. 43. A radioactive element of the actinide series. 44. A small flat triangular bone in front of the knee that protects the knee joint. 47. A unit of absorbed ionizing radiation equal to 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material. 49. Wild plum of northeastern United States having dark purple fruits with yellow flesh. 53. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 56. A compartment in front of a motor vehicle where driver sits. 58. The sister of your father or mother. 59. Any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.. 62. Used by northerners of Confederate soldiers. 63. Aromatic bulb used as seasoning. 64. Food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked. 67. Type genus of the Nepidae. 68. Rate of revolution of a motor. 69. Jordan's port. 70. Studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills). DOWN 1. A small canoe consisting of a light frame made watertight with animal skins. 2. Lake in northwestern Russia near the border with Finland. 3. Massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws. 4. (astronomy) A measure of time defined by Earth's orbital motion. 5. The second larges of the four main islands of Japan. 6. One of the most important fungi cultivated in Japan. 7. Someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold. 8. A bag used for carrying money and small personal items or accessories (especially by women). 9. An anxiety disorder characterized by chronic free-floating anxiety and such symptoms as tension or sweating or trembling of light-headedness or irritability etc that has lasted for more than six months. 10. The sixth month of the civil year. 11. A small cake leavened with yeast. 12. (Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian mythology. 17. Austrian composer who influenced the classical form of the symphony (17321809). 22. A city and port in northern Jutland. 26. (in Scotland or Ireland) A mountain or tall hill. 28. A river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire. 30. An uproarious party. 31. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 32. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects. 34. The first month of the year. 35. The United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation. 40. An organization of countries formed in 1961 to agree on a common policy for the sale of petroleum. 42. Type genus of the Balaenidae. 43. The sixth month of the civil year. 45. (Old Testament) The eldest son of Isaac who would have inherited the Covenant that God made with Abraham and that Abraham passed on to Isaac. 46. Being ten more than one hundred forty. 48. An unskilled painter. 49. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 50. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens. 51. Not elegant or graceful in expression. 52. (Greek mythology) A Titan who was forced by Zeus to bear the sky on his shoulders. 54. The act of grasping. 55. Stems of beans and peas and potatoes and grasses collectively as used for thatching and bedding. 57. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC). 60. A master's degree in business. 61. (Judaism) Sacred chest where the ancient Hebrews kept the two tablets containing the Ten Commandments. 62. A blow that renders the opponent unconscious. 65. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 66. An official prosecutor for a judicial district.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)You may have the opportunity to gain a new customer today or at least satisfy the demands of the public. You have an ability to organize and manage all that is vulnerable and sensitive in the human psyche, the public mind. You exhibit your tremendous practical sense and are able to cut through all the red tape and present the right decisions when asked. Progress in the business world is satisfying. A friend or family member may need your advice this afternoon. Clear and useful ideas are within your reach and you will be able to give helpful advice. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. This can be a very good day and it is one in which you may feel that much has been accomplished.

Non Sequitur

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Today may not be the time to solve problems. There is something about you that others cannot seem to get enough of; yet for all your confidence, you tend to depend on others for advice. Your grasp of situations is unquestioned--have faith. You may find yourself needing the advice of someone non-biased and that will give you direction from time to time. Family and home may be most important to you this afternoon. You appreciate their guidance through the years and may decide to do something special for them at this time. If you are not the regular cook, you may decide that tonight is the night for you to cook a special meal, etc. You make it a point to do little favors or grant special requests. You and your family enjoy each other’s company this evening. Leo (July 23-August 22) Some of you run late as you try to tie up loose ends around the house this morning. It would be of benefit to know that whatever information you hear on the television news can be gathered from the Internet at your workplace. If a delay is due to getting up late, find ways to create a back-up system. Family members can help you with any changes you might like to make. You could feel real support and harmony at this time. A political or civic activity around the home front is on your mind today and a few phone calls can bring several people together for a meeting of what steps are needed. The impromptu meeting will bring new friends to your attention as well as a business contact or two, a good idea. Keep notes on the meeting for future reference.


Virgo (August 23-September 22) Breathing fresh air, enjoying your surroundings and having no responsibilities is what you would like to enjoy today. Think again, you have several days before you can enjoy that kind of day. It isn’t spring but someone you are coming to know may make you feel as though you have spring fever. You make your own way through a few problems today--you are in control. Active and inspired, you are a refreshing influence for others. Once you do become focused, your enthusiasm is contagious. You have a gift for motivating others. Creative projects get underway this evening and with your friends help, you and your friends will be able to pull in some extra income before the next weekend. Your friends confirm your strengths and fill you with love.

Libra (September 23-October 22) When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just cannot help but take care of business. Your thoughts and ideas are nothing if not practical and your clear-sightedness makes some form of management or supervision almost unavoidable. Your sense of honesty and truth is something that other people sense in you and support. You might find yourself in a position of trust--handling money, vouchers, receipts and expensive items, etc. An interest and ability in athletics, exercise and working with the physical body, the outdoors, and such, should be lifelong and this evening you will find yourself with your friends in some sort of sports environment. Travel with friends is indicated soon--there will be time for planning this evening.

Mother Goose and Grimm

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) You are in a planning mood and very clearheaded and able to view all the alternative paths. Go ahead and make your decisions. You can see the road ahead and will make the right choices. You could be popular with your superiors. You may find that you enjoy your job or the responsibility it entails more than usual. Pace yourself and work on maintaining a balance. If you need to change your thinking in order to solve problems today, that is what you will do. This could mean that you are a detective or some other type of individual that solves or finds the solution to problems. Everyone needs some fun in their life--are you having fun? This evening is a pleasant time for you. This is also a positive time to make long-range plans. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) You are in a good position to put in for that raise, job change or otherwise make yourself known. This is a time for imagination and creativity when it comes to ideas and thinking. This, along with the ability to put your thoughts into words, allows you to charm and spellbind. You are able to create an easy-to-read report on your job and how you can serve better in the future. Your overwhelming ability to feel things intuitively helps you make the right moves when it comes to the business world. This is a good time to consider how you fare financially. You will gain insight into any changes that need to be made at this time. A lover or child will play a big part of your life today. Perhaps you will be guiding this person in matters of importance: college.

Yesterday’s Solution


Yesterday’s Solution


INTERNATIONAL CALLS Kuwait Qatar Abu Dhabi Dubai Raas Al Khayma Al-Shareqa Muscat Jordan Bahrain Riyadh Makkah - Jeddah Cairo

00965 00974 009712 009714 009717 009716 00968 009626 00973 009661 009662 00202

Alexandria Beirut Damascus Allepo Tunisia Rabat Washington New York Paris London Madrid Zurich

00203 009611 0096311 0096321 0021610 002127 001212 001718 00331 004471 00341 00411

Word Sleuth Solution

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Perhaps this is an ultra-mundane day--whatever the case, it is a day in which you will be able to be more creative and lend your ideas to improving business somehow. You have an ability to work with the imagination, reaching beyond the average to your highest potential. This just may be the best time to create an outline for that story you have wanted to author. Your sense of the unity behind things spiritual and psychological is clearly felt by those around you. There could be plenty of discussions with loved ones around these subjects tonight. You are, no doubt, a romantic, at home in the world of dreams and images. You enjoy working in these areas. A good conversation with those you love is possible this evening.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18) You seem to be more expressive than usual this Tuesday. This quickens your wits! You have a natural sense of what others want and can make clear decisions that affect many people. There are plenty of opportunities to pick and choose future projects-personal or professional. There is a surge of independence and a need for freedom with an interest in trying new and different experiences. Unusual or unconventional behavior and an interest in the exotic may be just the thing for you now. This afternoon is a good time for surrounding yourself with friends and young people and for having a good time. You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy support from those around you. This is a perfect time to bond or enhance a love relationship. Pisces (February 19-March 20) Stumbling blocks could occur today that basically pertain to emotions. Work at removing the emotional parts of a situation and deal with only the business side of whatever is set before you now. A problem-solving attitude will help you find the answers you need. A new subject can be mastered soon. You have great internal strength and tend to be independent. You are self-motivating, able to take care of yourself, and autonomous to a high degree. You will work well with others today. Let yourself dream this evening. This time does not come all that often--so do not ignore this opportunity to let your imagination loose. Loved ones could be disappointed tonight, if you do not follow through on previous travel plans. Stand by your promises.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

35 FIRE BRIGADE Operation Room 112 Al-Madena 22418714 Al-Shohada’a 22545171 Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Sabhan 24742838 Al-Helaly 22434853 Al-Fayhaa 22545051 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Ahmadi 23980088 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Al-Jahra 25610011 Al-Salmiya 25616368

Ministry of Interior website: www.moi.gov.kw

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 HOSPITALS Sabah Hospital


Amiri Hospital


Maternity Hospital


Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital


Chest Hospital


Farwaniya Hospital


Adan Hospital


Ibn Sina Hospital


Al-Razi Hospital


Physiotherapy Hospital

POLICE STATION Al-Madena Police Station Al-Murqab Police Station Al-Daiya Police Station Al-Fayha’a Police Station Al-Qadissiya Police Station Al-Nugra Police Station Al-Salmiya Police Station Al-Dasma Police Station

24874330/9 CLINICS













Abdullah Salim




Industrial Shuwaikh






Bneid Al-Ghar






Ayoun Al-Kibla










Maidan Hawally












New Jahra


West Jahra


South Jahra


North Jahra


North Jleeb














THE PUBLIC AUTHORITY FOR CIVIL INFORMATION Automated enquiry about the Civil ID card is 1889988 AIRLINES


PHARMACY Sama Safwan Abu Halaifa Danat Al-Sultan

ADDRESS Fahaeel Makka St Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd

PHONE 23915883 23715414 23726558


Modern Jahra Madina Munawara

Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 Jahra-Block 92

24575518 24566622


Ahlam Khaldiya Coop

Fahad Al-Salem St Khaldiya Coop

22436184 24833967


New Shifa Ferdous Coop Modern Safwan

Farwaniya Block 40 Ferdous Coop Old Kheitan Block 11

24734000 24881201 24726638


Tariq Hana Ikhlas Hawally & Rawdha Ghadeer Kindy

Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St Salmiya-Amman St Hawally-Beirut St Hawally & Rawdha Coop Jabriya-Block 1A Jabriya-Block 3B

25726265 25647075 22625999 22564549 25340559 25326554


PRIVATE CLINICS Ophthalmologists: Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea Dr. Masoma Habeeb Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy Dr. Mohsen Abel Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly

25622444 25752222 25321171 25739999 25757700 25732223 25732223

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT): Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 General Practitioners: Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Urologists: Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi22616660 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Plastic Surgeons: Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272

22434064 22435865 22544200 22547133 22515277 22616662 25714406 22530801

Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari Dr. Abdel Quttainah

22617700 25625030/60

Family Doctor: Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Zahra Qabazard Sohail Qamar Snaa Maaroof Pradip Gujare Zacharias Mathew

25710444 22621099 25713514 23713100 24334282

(1) Ear, Nose and Throat Psychiatrists Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians: Dr Adrian Harbe 23729596/23729581 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 General Surgeons:

Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148

(2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, FRCS (Canada)

25655535 Dentists:

Dr Anil Thomas


Dr. Shamah Al-Matar


Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed


Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer


Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan


Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash


Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan


Dr. Bader Al-Ansari



Paediatricians: Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300

Rheumatologists: Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Internist, Chest & Heart: DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Assistant Professor Of Medicine Head, Division of Cardiology Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Tel: 25339667 Dr. Farida Al-Habib MD, PH.D, FACC Consultant Cardiologist Tel: 2611555-2622555 Inaya German Medical Center Te: 2575077 Fax: 25723123

Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan

Internists, Chest & Heart: Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3

Physiotherapists & VD: Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288


Gastrologists Dr. Sami Aman


Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali


Endocrinologist: Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari


Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr


Psychologists/Psychotherapists Soor Center Tel: 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 info@soorcenter.com www.soorcenter.com Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, Ph.D. 2290-1677 Susannah-Joy Schuilenberg, M.A. 2290-1677 William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677

Kuwait Airways Wataniya Airways Jazeera Airways Jet Airways Qatar Airways KLM Air Slovakia Olympic Airways Royal Jordanian Reservation British Airways Air France Emirates Air India Sri Lanka Airlines Egypt Air Swiss Air Saudia Middle East Airlines Lufthansa PIA Alitalia Balkan Airlines Bangladesh Airlines Czech Airlines Indian Airlines Oman Air Turkish Airlines

22433377 24379900 177 22477631 22423888 22425747 22434940 22420002/9 22418064/5/6 22433388 22425635 22430224 22425566 22438184 22424444 22421578 22421516 22426306 22423073 22422493 22421044 22414427 22416474 22452977/8 22417901/2433141 22456700 22412284/5 22453820/1

INTERNATIONAL CALLS Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antiga Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Cyprus (Northern) Czech Republic Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England (UK)

0093 00355 00213 00376 00244 001264 001268 0054 00374 0061 0043 001242 00973 00880 001246 00375 0032 00501 00229 001441 00975 00591 00387 00267 0055 00673 00359 00226 00257 00855 00237 001 00238 001345 00236 00235 0056 0086 0057 00269 00242 00682 00506 00385 0053 00357 0090392 00420 0045 00246 00253 001767 001809 00593 0020 00503 0044

Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guyana Haiti Holland (Netherlands) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Ibiza (Spain) Iceland India Indian Ocean Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Liberia Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia

00240 00291 00372 00251 00500 00298 00679 00358 0033 00594 00689 00241 00220 00995 0049 00233 00350 0030 00299 001473 00590 001671 00502 00224 00592 00509 0031 00504 00852 0036 0034 00354 0091 00873 0062 0098 00964 00353 0039 00225 001876 0081 00962 007 00254 00686 00965 00996 00856 00371 00961 00231 00218 00370 00352 00853 00389




Pattinson to move to

LA with Stewart

obert Pattinson has agreed to move to Los Angeles with Kristen Stewart. The secretive couple who are believed to have been dating since meeting on the set of ‘Twilight’ in 2008 - are believed to be renting a $14,000-a-month five-bedroom house in the suburb of Bel Air in a bid to strengthen their relationship, despite the 24year-old British actor’s original wish to move to New York. A friend said: “I think when Robert really thought about it, he realised that as much as he’d like to live in New York, he doesn’t want to be anywhere without Kristen.” The pair are hoping the move can cement their love for one another after their relationship became strained due to working commitments keeping them apart, with cracks showing when Kristen, 20, allegedly refused to attend the recent Teen Choice Awards in California with Robert. A source told Look magazine: “Kristen is filming ‘On The Road’ in Montreal and could have gone to the awards, but didn’t want to have to face the media spotlight yet again, with questions about her relationship with Robert. “As a couple in a longdistance relationship any moment they can spend together they should. Her refusal to go came as quite a shock to Robert, who feels they need to work on spending time together, regardless of the press spotlight.” However, friends confirm they are getting stronger as a result of the ‘Remember Me’ star’s recent trip to the set of ‘On The Road’ in Canada. A friend told more! magazine: “They know how much they love each other, it’s just that when they spend any time apart things can blur that. They’re happy again and so glad to be back together again.”


obbie Willia ms and Ayda Field went on a secret ‘honeymoon’ before they got married. The couple jetted off to the Spanish island of Mallorca to spend a week at the £1,040-a-night Hotel La Residencia in Deia before tying the knot in an intimate ceremony at their Beverly Hills home on August 7. A source close to the couple said: “Robbie loves Mallorca. He’s been quite a few times and feels at home there. “His schedule is really packed at the moment, so finding the time to get away for a traditional honeymoon was never going to

be easy.” Despite taking their holiday before their wedding in a bid to retain their privacy, Robbie, 36, was spotted serenading the 31-yearold actress in the hotel bar and they happily dined in the building’s restaurant with other guests. The insider added to Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper: “Their pre-wedding break - or honey-halfmoon as pals have dubbed it - was super romantic. “Robbie was a real softie. He kept surprising Ayda with flowers, small gifts and notes the entire time. “They dined in the hotel’s El Olivo restaurant but Robbie, who doesn’t drink any more, shunned the extensive wine list and stuck to mineral water. “On one evening he serenaded Ayda in front of other guests - and got a standing ovation.” The couple are also expected to take a break in the English seaside town of Blackpool next month, when the ‘Angels’ hitmaker is scheduled to switch on the resort’s famous illuminations.


next month. Jennifer will portray a therapist named Bonnie who Courteney’s character Jules visits for treatment. Explaining the character, ‘Cougar Town’ executive producer Bill Lawrence said: “She’s kind of a get-too-involved-in-her-life-type of therapist. “Those guys are so close in real life they kind of do that for each other anyway. Bonnie has the life Jules wishes she has.” According to the producer, a cameo for Jennifer had long been in the pipeline, but show bosses wanted to wait until the programme had established itself before approaching the star. Bill explained: “It took us a while to find the show. And once we did and once it was clicking, I think that not only did Courteney feel comfortable talking to Jennifer about doing it, but comfortable in how funny she thinks the show is and that Jennifer would like it and fit into this world really well.” Although Jennifer is slated to appear for just one episode, Bill admitted the ‘Bounty Hunter’ star may return in the future. He added to Entertainment Weekly: “We’re very intentionally implying that it’s a therapist Courteney’s character has been using for a while, and we’re certainly not going to make it like they’ll never see each other again. “So I’m crossing my fingers that if she has a good time it’ll happen again.” This is not the first time the two actresses have appeared together since ‘Friends’ ended in 2004. In 2007, Jennifer made a cameo appearance in Courteney’s shortlived drama ‘Dirt’, when their two characters famously shared a kiss.

Church gets close to a songwriter C

harlotte Church appeared “really close” to a new man this weekend. The ‘Crazy Chick’ singer - who split from rugby ace fiance Gavin Henson in May - was seen enjoying the Green Man music festival in Wales with Jonathan Powell, enjoying the bands and drinking cider with pals. An onlooker at the festival said: “Charlotte looked really happy. She was larking around with a group of mates, drinking cider and enjoying the bands. “She and Jonathan were laughing and singing along. They seemed really close and didn’t care who was gossiping about them nearby.” Charlotte’s mother Maria is said to be keen on the new romance, encouraging the pair to get together. A source told the Daily Star newspaper: “Maria is encouraging Charlotte to see more of Jonathan. She thinks he’s a great guy and a good catch.” Charlotte - who has children Ruby, two, and Dexter, 20 months, with Gavin was first romantically linked with Jonathan last month after they were seen sharing a McDonald’s meal. However, the 24-year-old star’s representative insisted their relationship was strictly a working one after they collaborated on tracks for her forthcoming album ‘Back To Scratch’. Her spokesperson said: “As far as I know they are just work colleagues.”

Lohan unhappy with court

Boyle in train row


usan Boyle confronted a group of train passengers who had been mocking her. The Scottish singing sensation - who shot to worldwide fame following her performances on UK TV show ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ last year - broke down in tears before blasting the teenagers who had taunted her. Susan - who mouthed at someone who took her photograph - reportedly defended herself saying: “I’m ashamed of you all. Shut up. I don’t normally get angry. It’s not funny. If it was you, you wouldn’t like it.” The ‘Wild Horses’ singer was alone on the 30-minute journey from Edinburgh, Scotland to her home town of Blackburn, West Lothian on Sunday. An onlooker who witnessed the row praised the way 49-yearold Susan had conducted herself. The source told

Aniston to appear in ‘Cougar Town’ he ‘Switch’ actress will reunite with her former ‘Friends’ co-star Courteney Cox Arquette when she makes a guest appearance in the first episode of the second series of the hit drama, which is scheduled to air in the US

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


indsay Lohan reportedly wants an apology from the Californian courts. The ‘Mean Girls’ actress is said to be “fuming” after medical assessments at the UCLA Medical Center - where she is currently undergoing a 90-day stint as part of her sentence for breaching probation - found she may have been misdiagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and is not suffering from bipolar disorder or addicted to drugs as was previously claimed. Instead, medics believe it is possible her prescription for Adderall, which treats ADD, led to her erratic behavior, meaning the 24-year-old star feels her sentence was unfair. A

source said: “Lindsay is fuming - she is really upset that the courts put her through all this.” Although the insider says Lindsay’s representatives are “exploring their options”, it is not expected she will be able to gain legal action against the perceived damage to her public image. Criminal Defence Attorney Steve Cron explained to Fox 411’s Pop Tarts: “No judge or prosecutor could be sued under these circumstances, they have absolute immunity. Judge Revel formulated her opinion of Lindsay based on the information she had at the time from another program. “The judge could still be dissatisfied with the report from UCLA

and seek independent opinions or insist Lindsay be enrolled in other programs.” Gossip website TMZ has claimed that doctors at Lindsay’s treatment facility believe Judge Martha Revel - who ordered the actress to spend 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab for violating the terms of probation set for a 2007 driving under the influence conviction “overreacted” when she set the ‘Georgia Rule’ star’s sentence. Earlier this month, the judge voluntarily stepped down from the case and was replaced by Judge Elden Fox. Lindsay spent just 13 days in jail and is expected not to complete the full stint in rehab.

Taylor Momsen praises ‘normal Madonna’ T

The Sun newspaper: “Susan was minding her own business on the train. Some people were taking pictures. There were people laughing at her - it was not nice. People noticed she was sobbing. Something was upsetting her. “She then turned to the people sitting opposite her and told them off. Susan certainly put them in their place - and good for her. It can’t be easy dealing with the fame she has but she handled it well.” Although the singer is worth an estimated £10 million, her brother Gerry claims she is living on just £300 a week and has to use public transport. He said recently: “Susan said to me, ‘I’ve been told I get £300 a week because I’m a novice.’ “She should be riding high, developing her career, travelling the world. She shouldn’t be worried about money when she has millions in the bank.”

he actress-and-singer is the face of the pop superstar’s clothing label Material Girl and she insists when she first met Madonna she was nothing like the difficult diva she is often portrayed as. Referring to the ‘Celebration’ singer’s 13-yearold daughter Lourdes - who Madonna worked on the range with - by her pet name, Taylor said: “Lola had been all day working with me and then Madonna came in. She shook my hand and was just so normal. “People forget that, she’s just a normal person and she was very polite and nice.” Taylor is struggling to accept her status as a fashion icon, and admits she is also finding it tough to get to grips with English clothes. The 17-year-old star - who signed to IMG Models when she was 14 and fronts rock band The Pretty Reckless - added in an interview with UK station Radio 1: “I keep getting told I’m a fashion icon, but I’m not really sure what that means. “Also you guys in England have different words for clothes over here. “I learned his weekend the difference between trousers and pants. Pants are your underwear and trousers are pants - in the American sense.” — Bang Showbiz


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Music & Movies

George Michael admits driving under influence of drugs B

ritish pop singer George Michael pleaded guilty in a London court yesterday to driving under the influence of cannabis when he crashed his car into a shop last month, and could face jail. The 47-year-old “Careless Whisper” star also admitted possessing cannabis cigarettes when he appeared at Highbury Corner Magistrates’ Court. Dressed in a black suit over a black jumper, he was greeted by a scrum of photographers as he arrived for the appearance. QuranIn court, he spoke only to give his plea and confirm his real name of Georgios Panayiotou. District Judge Robin McPhee gave the singer an interim six-month driving ban, and said he would be sentenced on September 14 after the court considers his case. He will remain on bail until that date. “I make it clear the options in respect of sentence remain open, including the power to imprison,” the judge told him. Quran“It is a serious matter. Your driving was extremely poor and there was an accident. There is also a conviction from three years ago.” In the latest incident, he was arrested after his Range Rover car crashed into a photography shop in north London in the early hours of Sunday, July 4. The court heard yesterday how police found him slumped at the wheel with the engine still running. Officers roused him and said he appeared “spaced out”. QuranIn June 2007, Michael was given a two-year driving ban after pleading guilty to driving while unfit. On that occasion, he claimed he was tired and had been taking prescription drugs. The singer, who first found fame in 1980s pop group Wham!, has fought a

British singer George Michael , leaves after appearing at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court in London yesterday. Michael pleaded guilty yesterday to possessing cannabis and driving under the influence of drugs. —AFP

Rock-loving Russian president meets U2’s Bono R

A vintage concert poster depicting late US musician Jimi Hendrix, is seen in a exhibition at the Handel House Museum, in central London’s Mayfair area, yesterday. —AP

Exhibition looks at Jimi Hendrix’s London years


he London home of composer George Frideric Handel is holding an exhibition about its other famous resident - Jimi Hendrix. The groundbreaking guitarist lived during the late 1960s in an apartment in the city’s Mayfair area, honing his sound and building his reputation through incendiary live shows. Handel lived next door in the 18th century, and Hendrix’s former home is now part of the Handel House Museum. The museum holds a preview yesterday for an exhibition devoted to Hendrix’s London years, which includes clothing, film clips, recordings and handwritten lyrics. Hendrix died in London on Sept 18, 1970. To mark the 40th anniversary, next month visitors will be able to tour the rooms where Hendrix lived, which are not usually open to the public. —AP

ussian President Dmitry Medvedev and U2 frontman Bono vowed to fight against the spread of polio as they met yesterday ahead of the Irish rock band’s first ever concert in the country this week. Russian television showed Medvedev meeting Bono for tea on the terrace of his holiday villa, Bocharov Ruchei, near the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, which will host the 2014 Winter Olympics. Medvedev, who has confessed his love for classic rock bands Pink Floyd and Deep Purple, wore an open-necked shirt and clutched a pair of sunglasses for the meeting, while Bono dressed more formally in a dark jacket and his trademark earring. Topics of the teatime conversation included preventing the spread of polio and HIV, the RIA Novosti news agency reported.

Bono is known as much for his campaign work as for his music and in 2006 launched a campaign to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by selling specially branded goods. The singer was photographed meeting then-president Vladimir Putin at a Group Eight summit in Genoa, Italy, in 2001. Talking to Russian journalists on Sunday, Bono joked that he would cancel the meeting with Medvedev because of his musical tastes. Told that Medvedev favours rock band Deep Purple, Bono jokingly got up from his seat and said “Oh no, we’re cancelling the meeting,” the Kommersant daily reported on Monday. Bono ar rived in Moscow on Sunday as part of the band’s 360 Degree world tour, which will include a performance at Moscow’s Luzhniki sports stadium today. —AFP

In this Friday, Aug 20, 2010 photo, Irish singer Bono from rock band U2, gestures as they perform their new single ‘Every Breaking Wave’, in Finland. —AP

Allen says New York too expensive to shoot films


oody Allen says he began shooting movies in European cities because he couldn’t afford to do so in New York. However, the film director told reporters in the northern Spanish city of Oviedo that he finds Manhattan poses fewer limitations than European cities, where more tailoring of the story is required to fit the location. Allen was in Spain yesterday to attend a premiere of his last film, “You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger” in the nearby town of Aviles. The film, shot in London, stars Naomi Watts, Josh Brolin and Antonio Banderas. On Monday, Allen, who is being accompanied by his wife and one of his daughters, took part in a promotional video for the Asturias region, known for its stunning mountains and coastal scenery. —AP


US director Woody Allen and actresses Lucy Punch and Gemma Jones take part in a photocall before giving a press conference on his latest film ‘You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger’, yesterday, in the Northern Spanish city of Oviedo. —AFP

Jan date for Jackson doctor key proceeding

A Gibson Flying V guitar that US musician Jimi Hendrix played at the Isle of Wight festival in Aug. 1970, displayed at an exhibition at the Handel House Museum, where Hendrix lived in a flat while living in London during the late 1960s, in central London’s Mayfair area.

Drew Barrymore, left, and Justin Long, co-stars of ‘Going the Distance,’ pose together at the premiere of the film, yesterday, in Los Angeles. —AP

Fantasia denies allegations she is a home wrecker


Los Angeles judge on Monday set a Jan 4 date for a preliminary hearing into manslaughter charges against Michael Jackson’s personal physician. Dr Conrad Murray has admitted giving the “Thriller” singer a dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol before he died at his rented Los Angeles home in June 2009. Murray has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter. The Jan 4 preliminary hearing will allow both prosecutors and Murray’s defense team to lay out details of the case. A judge will rule at that time if there is sufficient evidence for a full-scale trial. Jackson died on June 25 2009 and officials have ruled he died principally because of propofol, as well as sedatives, painkillers and other drugs. The judge in the case ruled controversially in June that Murray could keep his California medical license, saying he did not have the authority to suspend it. —Reuters

antasia said she was so upset about allegations that she broke up a marriage she was ready to die. “I felt like if that would have happened, I would have been fine with that-I would have been OK with that,” she said in an interview with The Associated Press on Monday afternoon, nearly two weeks after she attempted suicide. The former “American Idol” champ took a mixture of aspirin and sleeping pills after she was named in divorce papers as the cause of a couple’s breakup. The 26-year-old said she was so devastated and upset about lies being spread about her that she couldn’t function anymore. “I had never experienced that-I was very numb,” she said. As for the accusations that she knowingly dated Antwaun Cook even though he was married with kids, she said he was already separated when they started dating: “I don’t think I would stand for going in and breaking up somebody’s home.” While she called Cook a good guy and a “great friend,” she said they are no longer together, and haven’t been for a while.Fantasia shares some of her story on VH1’s “Behind the Music,” airing yesterday, and a new season of her reality show “Fantasia for Real” debuts in September. She is hopeful the show will tell her side of the story: “The best way for me to clear my name is through my show,” she said. Her focus now, however, is on her album, “Back to Me,” which was out yesterday . She is in therapy, and said she’s now better able to cope with her problems. “I must say it was probably a blessing to be in the hospital,” she said, adding: “It ain’t time for me to go yet.” —AP



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miss Universe

22-year-old Mexico woman crowned Miss Universe

Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete celebrates after being crowned Miss Universe during the Miss Universe 2010 Pageant Final.

Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete celebrates with other contestants after being crowned Miss Universe.

By Oskar Garcia


22-year-old Mexico woman won the Miss Universe pageant Monday night after donning a flowing red gown and telling an audience it’s important to teach kids family values. Jimena Navarrete of Guadalajara was first contestant to answer an interview question onstage and the last of 83 standing in the headline-grabbing pageant on the Las Vegas Strip. “I want to give my parents a big hug,” she said at a news conference after the pageant. “There was a lot of effort and a lot of sacrifice.” The train of her single-strap dress floated behind her like a sheet as she walked during the evening gown competition. Before that, she smiled in a violet bikini as she confidently strutted across the stage. Asked by Olympic gold-medal figure skater Evan Lysacek how she felt about unsupervised Internet use, Navarrete said the Internet is important but parents need to be careful and watch over their kids. “I do believe that Internet is an indispensable, necessary tool for the

Miss Thailand Fonthip Watcharatrakul receives the Viewers Choice Award.

Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete competes in the evening gown competition.

(From left) Pageant hosts Bret Michaels and Natalie Morales watch as Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez from Venezuela gestures during the Miss Universe 2010 Pageant final at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas on August 23, 2010. present time,” she said through an interpreter. “We must be sure to teach them the values that we learned as a family.” First runner-up was Miss Jamaica Yendi Phillipps, while second

runner-up was Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell. Navarrete said she didn’t expect to win. “I did feel surprised,” she said. “I was like in a state of shock.” Navarrete-who’s been model-

ing since she was 15 — is Mexico’s second Miss Universe. Lupita Jones of Mexico won the title in 1991. Navarrete replaces Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez of Venezuela. Navarrete’s win thwarted Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson from giving the South American country a third consecutive victory. Neither Gibson nor Miss USA Rima Fakih made the top 15 finalists. Navarrete was immediately congratulated on Twitter by Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his wife, Margarita Zavala. “Congratulations to Jimena Navarrete for her deserved victory as Miss Universe,” Calderon said. “This will serve Mexico, (and) our image as a country.” With fans in some 190 countries watching on television and keeping tabs on social networks, Navarrete and her competitors introduced themselves while wearing over-the-top national costumes. They then danced in silver and black dresses for the show’s opening number before the top 15 finalists were announced. The final 15 walked in swimsuits while Cirque du Soleil musicians played Elvis Presley songs including “Viva Las Vegas.” The last 10 impressed in their gowns while John Legend and the Roots played a soulful

(Left) Miss France Malika Menard smiles after being selected in the final fifteen. (Right) Miss Ukraine Anna Poslavskaya, who finished third runner-up. Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete competes in the Miss Universe pageant.

mistake in life was and how she fixed it. “In my 22 years of existence, I can say there is nothing major,” Venus Raj said. Before the pageant, Raj was rated among the top contestants in an online poll on the pageant’s website. She finished in fifth place. Navarrete won a package of prizes including an undisclosed salary, a luxury New York apartment with living expenses, a one-year scholarship to the New York Film Academy with housing after her reign, plus jewelry, clothes and shoes fit for a beauty champion. Campbell won the Miss Congeniality Universe award. Miss Thailand Fonthip Watcharatrakul won Miss Photogenic Universe and a second award for having the best national costume. Fakih, a 24-year-old Lebanese immigrant from Dearborn, Mich, spurred celebrations among ArabAmericans when she won Miss USA. Pageant records aren’t detailed enough to show whether Fakih is the first Arab-American, Muslim or immigrant to win Miss USA.

Miss Australia Jesinta Campbell receives the award for Miss Congeniality. medley including “Save Room.” By the end of the show, seven of the top 10 trending topics on Twitter had to do with the pageant, its contestants, its judges or owner Donald Trump. The mogul co-owns the pageant with TV network NBC. The show was without any major gaffes, except for Miss Philippines’ answer when asked what her biggest

Miss USA has not been named Miss Universe since Brook Lee won the title in 1997. Lysacek was one of this year’s nine celebrity judges. The others were actresses Jane Seymour and Chynna Phillips; actors Chazz Palminteri and William Baldwin; magician Criss Angel; MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall; drummer Shiela E.; and supermodel Niki Taylor. —AP


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Miss Universe

Pageant hosts Bret Michaels and Natalie Morales watch as Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete chooses a question.

(From left) Pageant hosts Bret Michaels and Natalie Morales watch as Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete answers a question before winning the Miss Universe 2010 Pageant Final.

(From left) Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete celebrates after being crowned Miss Universe by Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez of Venezuela.

Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete waits with runnerup Miss Jamaica Yendi Phillips as she is announced as the winner of the Miss Universe 2010.

Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete, center, is congratulated by fellow contestants after she was crowned Miss Universe.

(From left) Miss Universe 1991 Lupita Jones, of Mexico kisses Miss Universe 2010 Jimena Navarrete, of Mexico, following the Miss Universe pageant.

Miss Philippines Maria Venus Raj models her evening dress before finishing fourth runner-up.

Miss Ireland Rozanna Purcell, who finished in the top fifteen.

Pageant hosts Bret Michaels and Natalie Morales watch as Miss Philippines Maria Venus Raj answers a question before finishing as the fourth runner-up.

Donald Trump stands with Miss Universe 2009 Stefania Fernandez of Venezuela prior to the Miss Universe 2010 Pageant Final at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas on August 23, 2010.

Miss Haiti Sarodj Bertin competes in the Miss Universe pageant.

Miss Guatemala Jessica Schell, who finished in the top fifteen, poses during the Miss Universe 2010 Pageant final.

The contestants on stage before Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete was crowned as the winner of the Miss Universe 2010 Pageant Final at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas on August 23, 2010. Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant and along with the Miss World is the most publicized beauty contest in the world. California clothing company Pacific Mills founded the contest in 1952 and was acquired by Donald Trump in 1996. —AFP


Palestinian security officers pray at their headquarters in the West Bank city of Jenin, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, yesterday. —AFP

The new face of Malaysia’s Islamic witchdoctors By Romen Bose


y day he is a BlackBerrywielding computer analyst, but by night he destroys evil spirits using the Quran. Meet Mazlan Hakim, one of the new generation of Malaysia’s “bomohs” or witchdoctors. As in many parts of Asia, a belief in the supernatural is widespread in Malaysia, but the practice has a different twist in the Muslim-majority country where meddling with the occult is banned under Islam. Mazlan Hakim is one of a new breed of bomohs who are well-educated, plugged-in to the modern world, and base their ghostbusting and healing on Islamic precepts instead of animist or otherworldly techniques. The 56-year-old has been a bomoh for 30 years and unlike his non-Islamic counterparts who say they use demons known as “jinn” to do their bidding, he unleashes verses of the Quran to heal the sick and drive out evil spirits. Dressed in a grey open-

necked shirt and brown slacks, Mazlan sips a cafe latte and checks emails on his phone. He looks like a typical business executive but his conversation is anything but routine. “There are two types of jinn, the Muslim and the non-Muslim jinn,” he says. “The worst is the Muslim jinn as the other jinns come out of the body when I read passages from the Quran, but the Muslim jinn are immune to the Quran so I have to use my telekinetic abilities to pull the demon out.” Mazlan says he has seen spirits since he was 15, but it was only after studying under religious scholars that he sharpened his mental powers and mastered telekinesis, which he claims to demonstrate by moving ping pong balls. As he closes his eyes and his face scrunches in concentration, one white ping pong ball on the table somehow starts to tremble before moving slowly towards the other. “This is not a parlor trick, I use my mind to chase out the spirits that have possessed peo-

ple, this and the Quran give me success,” he says. “I have an almost 100 percent success rate and most of my clients are rid of the spirits or curses that plague them.” Such claims would seem to be at odds with Islam, and the religious authorities in Malaysia who are notorious for their hardline enforcement of moral and spiritual rules. But Islamic bomohs are tolerated and even approved of, as a better alternative to old-style black magic practitioners who still do a brisk trade with their concoctions and incantations. Local magazines are filled with advertisements for “love potions” and elixirs to “stop wandering spouses” and “get even with the neighbours”. Occult researcher Azizah Ariffin says Malays have long practiced the dark arts, originally derived from animist practices which were reinforced by Hindu beliefs before the arrival of Islam in the region. “Black magic has been a part of Malay life for many centuries as the village bomoh still held

Malay Bomoh, or witch doctor, Pak Su explains his treatments in front of paraphernalia he uses to cure patients of their ailments on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. on to animist beliefs and rites of earlier religions to cure people,” she says. “Upon the arrival of Islam, the Imam took care of the

people’s spiritual welfare.” “It was not until the 1980s that the Islamisation of the bomohs began, and only recently have

many witchdoctors begun using Quranic verses to cure people instead of rituals.” Azizah says old-style tech-

niques like burning aromatic resin to summon the jinn and commune with spirits, and brewing up magical medicines, are now less in favor. “The Islamic bomohs are the ones who use the Quranic verses and they do no harm but help to cure ailments and remove black magic spells. It is the bomohs who don’t use the Quran that are of concern because only some do good while others are the real black magic practitioners using animist rituals,” she adds. Leading Islamic cleric Mohammad Tamyes Abdul Wahid says although black magic is against Islam, it is widely used in Malaysia by those intent on controlling spouses or cheating others out of their possessions. “We must differentiate between bomohs who use the words of the Quran and try to help heal people using these holy verses and phrases, compared to those who try to seek the help of jinns and ghosts to gain favor,” he says. “There has been a shift as

Sudan gold miners vie with archaeologists for desert riches By Guillaume Lavallee


A Bangladeshi Muslim girl displays her henna-decorated hand during a henna competition marking the holy month of Ramadan in Dhaka, Bangladesh, yesterday. —AP

ust-covered miners crisscross Sudan’s Nubian desert, absorbed by the drone of the pan-shaped metal detectors with which they scour the ground in search of gold. The desert, about 500 kilometers (310 miles) northeast of Khartoum, draws thousands of fortune seekers, some of whom have arrived in their 4X4 vehicles and set up tents equipped with water barrels and enough food for weeks. But it is also home to ancient relics from the Nubian kingdom, one of the earliest civilizations in the Nile valley, and archaeologists and officials fear that a crucial part of Sudan’s heritage is being effaced as the miners pillage or accidentally damage the sites. Mukhtar Yussif, formerly a trader, pulled out a gold nugget from his truck’s glove compartment. “I’ve gathered gold for about four months and I’ve already paid for two used cars,” he said. Family and friends he brought with him oscillated their detectors. Hatem unearthed a small nugget. “It must weigh a gram,” he said. The rise in gold prices over the past two years and an influx of metal detectors, which sell for about 6,000 dollars in Sudan, have spurred the gold rush. “In Sudan we have at least 200,000 people working in this new activity. It’s a gold fever now, just like in the old American style

of the 19th century when everybody was hunting for gold,” Mining Minister Abdelbaqi alJaylani told AFP. But he also highlighted the problems the gold rush has brought with it. “The danger is that sometimes we have some archaeological gold. We have to be very careful not to spoil the histo-

for a laborer. At the end of a remote road, a tractor unearths a strip of red soil that is immediately pounced on by six miners. “If we find gold, we will share the harvest with the driver,” said one of the miners. Others lured by the desert’s riches use cheaper but more laborious technologies.

mercury envelops the gold, isolating it. It can also slowly poison the miners, damaging their nervous systems. The UN’s Environment Program said in a 2008 report that mercury used by small-scale miners, favored because it is cheap and effective, was a major source of poisoning in the environment. But for the young men it offers

A Sudanese man searches for gold with the help of a metal detector in the desert near the village of Al-Shirik in northern Sudan on August 8, 2010. —AFP ry and the civilization of Sudan.” He said peasants have left their farm lands to hunt the desert for the precious metal, a gram of which fetches 90 Sudanese pounds (35 dollars), about a week’s wages

‘It’s become a serious problem’ In Al-Abidiya, a remote village near the Nile river, thousands of young men sift through tubs filled with mercury and ore ground by generator-powered mills. The

the tantalizing chance to make a fortune. “My brother and I came from the Gezira (Sudan’s agricultural heartland along the Nile) to try our luck with gold,” said 16year-old Ibrahim. —AFP

many realize through education that these bomohs using spirits are evil compared to those using the Quran to help heal and do good things.” One example is Haron Din, a senior figure in the conservative Islamic party PAS, who is one of Malaysia’s bestknown bomohs and yet still part of the country’s religious establishment. Three decades ago he opened a clinic outside Kuala Lumpur where he and a group of faith healers exorcise demons and spirits using Quranic verses, and hundreds still flock there every day. Mohammad Tamyes wants the government to introduce laws against black magic practitioners who use their skills for “evil purposes”. “Islam is against these practitioners who try to invoke the help of such beings in carrying out spells and attacks on people, this cannot be condoned,” he tells AFP. “Laws are needed to stop the practice of such black magic, but of course it is not easy to legislate against what you can’t see.” —AFP

Swiss Alpine valleys get leisurely ‘gold rush’ By Hui Min Neo


ith a slight drizzle, a chilly breeze and a sunless sky, it was not quite the perfect summer’s day to spend hours alongside the Upper Rhine river in eastern Switzerland’s majestic Alps. Yet several determined gold panners were doing just that, standing in knee-high fishermen’s boots, armed with pails and spades and heads bent in concentration as they swirled gritty water in flat pans. The site at Disentis has earned a reputation for yielding not only specks of the precious metal but, on rare occasions, whole nuggets. “To find gold, one needs a lot of patience and time. But gold is something special,” August Braendle, the local expert in the art, told AFP. “Gold has a certain magic, when one is holding this heavy yellow metal in the hand, that is something special. You get a gold rush,” he said. With gold prices skyrocketing as investors flock to the safe haven commodity in a wobbly world economy, panning for the shiny metal is back in fashion. In June, gold prices climbed to a record, breaching 1,265 dollars an ounce. Today it still hovers above 1,220 dollars an ounce. The price hike “could be a driving point bringing some people here because it is a hot topic in current affairs at the moment,” said Braendle. “But I don’t think that it’s a main reason for most, because the gold we find here has a special value,” he said. Gold discovered in this quiet Rhine setting fetches a “naturally higher” price than that on the bullion market because it is panned by hand, Braendle asserted. —AFP

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