2nd Jul 2013

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Hollande says US spying threaten free trade pact

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Lisicki ends Serena’s reign as Wimbledon champion


Maracana magic as Brazil rout Spain



Egypt army gives Morsi 48 hours to share power

NO: 15857 40 PAGES


SHAABAN 23, 1434 AH

President meets Sisi • Brotherhood HQ torched • 5 ministers quit

CAIRO: A protester holds an Egyptian national flag as he and others attack the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in the Muqattam district yesterday. — AP

2 Kuwaitis die in Saudi crash

CAIRO: Egypt’s armed forces handed Islamist President Mohamed Morsi a virtual ultimatum to share power yesterday, giving feuding politicians 48 hours to compromise or have the army impose its own road map for the country. A dramatic military statement broadcast on state television declared the nation was in danger after millions of Egyptians took to the streets on Sunday to demand that Morsi quit and the headquarters of the ruling Muslim Brotherhood were ransacked. Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak more than two years ago as the Arab Spring revolutions took hold, the Arab world’s most populous nation has remained in turmoil, arousing concern amongst allies in the West and in neighbouring Israel, with which Egypt has had a peace treaty since 1979. Morsi’s backers were furious at the military statement: “The age of military coups is over,” said Yasser Hamza of the Brotherhood parliamentary wing. But it provoked delight among liberal leaders and crowds in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, who cheered when a flight of military helicopters swooped overhead trailing national flags. Silhouetted against the sunset, it was a powerful illustration of the military’s desire to be seen in tune with the people. “If the demands of the people are not realised within the defined period, it will be incumbent upon (the armed forces) ... to announce a road map for the future,” chief-of-staff General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi said in the statement, which was followed by patriotic music. The people had expressed their will with unprecedented clarity in the mass demonstrations, he said, and wasting more time would only increase the danger of division and strife. The army said it would oversee the implementation of the roadmap it sought “with the participation of all factions and national parties, including young people”, but it would not get directly involved in politics or government. Morsi’s office later said the president met Sisi and Prime Minister Hisham Kandil, releasing a picture of them seated together smiling, but did not respond to the military statement. Anti-Morsi demonstrators outside the presidential palace cheered the army statement, and the main opposition National Salvation Front, which has demanded a national unity government for months, applauded the military’s move. Continued on Page 15

New petition to suspend polls filed Heavyweights among 38 new candidates

By Hanan Al Saadoun KUWAIT: Two Kuwaitis were killed when their SUV flipped over east of Rafha governorate in Saudi Arabia yesterday. Saudi Red Crescent spokesman Musaed Al-Enezi said after receiving a call at dawn about a car accident, ambulances rushed to the scene to find two Kuwaiti killed and two injured. Enezi said that one of the injured was taken to hospital by ambulance, while the other was taken by a citizen. He urged people not to transport the injured themselves because paramedics have the necessary tools to protect them and deal properly with various injuries.

By B Izzak KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti voter residing in the new residential area of Nahdha yesterday filed a new petition calling for the court to suspend the July 27 election because his area is not listed among any of the five electoral constituencies. As a result, the voter will not be able to participate in the election either as a candidate or voter. Under Kuwait election law, a candidate must be a registered voter and for

Snowden seeking asylum in Russia MOSCOW: US leaker Edward Snowden has applied for asylum in Russia and President Vladimir Putin said yesterday he was welcome to stay as long as he stopped leaking US intelligence reports. On Sunday night, Snowden applied for political asylum at the consulate office of

Max 48º Min 35º High Tide 06:35 & 19:53 Low Tide 00:22 & 13:38

the Sheremetyevo airport, where he had been staying for more than a week in legal limbo, a foreign ministry official told AFP. “At 10.30 pm (1830 GMT) yesterday, British citizen Sarah Harrison turned up at the consulate department at Continued on Page 15

MOSCOW: (From left) Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Bolivian President Evo Morales attend a family photo session during the Gas Exporting Countries Forum at the Kremlin yesterday. — AFP

citizens to vote, their residential areas must be part of any of the five constituencies.It was the third petition against the election. Lawyer Adel Al-Abdulhadi filed a petition calling the administrative court to call off the election because the Amiri decree calling for polls was approved by an illegitimate Cabinet. The constitution stipulates that the Cabinet must include at least one elected MP. In the current Cabinet, Minister of Social Affairs and

Deadline looms for illegal expats in Saudi Arabia RIYADH: Illegal foreign workers in Saudi Arabia, mostly Asians, are in a race against time to take advantage of an amnesty ending tomorrow that would allow them to stay or return home without prosecution. King Abdullah announced the amnesty on April 3, granting foreign workers three months to regularise their residency or leave the oil-rich Gulf monarchy to avoid being blacklisted or jailed and fined. More than 1.5 million illegal foreign workers came forward during the first two months of the amnesty, the labour ministry said. It did not say how many illegal foreign workers currently live in the kingdom, but the number is reported to be around two million. Of these, some 180,000 have left in addition to more than 200,000 unregistered workers expelled at the start of the year under new regulations to stamp out illegal immigration. Many workers are still queueing outside their embassies to obtain documents to either leave Saudi Arabia or legalise their status before tomorrow. As in most Gulf states, foreigners in Saudi Arabia need to be sponsored by a local business to obtain entry and work permits. Foreigners desperate to work in the country are willing to pay for sponsorship, and sponsoring expatriates has become a lucrative business for some Saudis. But under the new rules workers can be employed only by their own sponsors. Continued on Page 15

Labour Thekra Al-Rasheedi is the elected MP but her membership has been nullified after the constitutional court ruling on June 16. Abdulhadi said that all decisions issued by the Cabinet are illegal and warned that if the election was not stopped to rectify the constitutional error, the results will be challenged and this may lead to scrapping the Assembly for the third time since June last year. The second petition was filed by Jassem AlEnezi who called on the court to freeze

the election until the constitutional court explains parts of its June 16 ruling. The court is scheduled to issue the explanation on Sept 18. A number of heavyweights were among 38 new candidates who filed to run in the election yesterday, including several candidates who were among the opposition that boycotted the Dec 1 election. The new candidates included Riyadh Al-Adasani and Abdullah Continued on Page 15

US wildfire rages after killing 19 firefighters PRESCOTT, Arizona: Reinforcements poured in yesterday to battle a runaway wildfire which quadrupled in size overnight after killing 19 firefighters in one of the worst such incidents in US history. The Yarnell Hill fire - which killed all but one member of a 20-strong “hotshot” team - was the biggest loss of firefighters’ lives since the Sept 11 attacks, and the

most from a US wildfire in 80 years. “The Yarnell fire exploded into a firestorm that overran the local Granite Mountain hotshots,” Arizona governor Jan Brewer told reporters. Recalling the 340 who died on 9/11, she added: “Just as we honor the memory of the firefighters lost that day as they charged into the burning towers, we Continued on Page 15

YARNELL, Arizona: A wildfire burns homes in the Glenn Ilah area on Sunday. — AP

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