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ry States to determine further punishment for criminals of physical genocide against children and elaborate on the wider implications of cultural genocide when necessary. The relocation of Kurdish children to the central and southern parts of Iraq to grow up in socially and culturally unfamiliar environments makes the former Iraqi regime guilty of both physical and cultural genocide against children. Following 1975, when the former Iraqi regime began its large-scale operations to deport and relocate the people of Kurdistan, and until 1978, nearly 150,000 to 300,000 people were relocated to areas bordering Saudi Arabia, Rummadi deserts, and other central and southern parts of the country. Among these victims were thousands of children who, in addition to being exposed to hunger and torture, were placed in schools to learn Arabic language and literature and a twisted and distorted version of Arab history. The objective was to brainwash these children with the ideology of the Ba’ath Party. They were forced to throw away their Kurdish outfits and wear Arab attire (dishdasha), and adjust to life in scorching deserts. Additionally, the Kurdish children who were born there were named with Arabic names. Meanwhile, starting in April 1980 onward, nearly 120,000 Faili Kurds were forced to immigrate to Iran. The government withheld hun105

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