Kultivate Magazines - August 2020 Issue

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Welcome to the August 2020 Issue of Kultivate Magazine! Changes have occurred once more at Kultivate! But do not fret they are highly positive changes! See we now have a new division of Kultivate: Kultivate Music Management! And we have decided to tell you all about Kultivate Music Management in this issue! This issue features the talented live performers of Kultivate Music Management, RagingGraphix Gallery, Arnicars Chapel Imagination, The Virtual Peel Center, and Cherry Manga’s Main store & Sim. This issue also has photo essays by Myra Wildmist, Tempest Rosca Huntsman, Whata Conundrum, and Pearl Grey. Lastly this issue contains an update with images of the rebuilt Second Norway Sims! As we enter the end of summer and the beginning of Autumn, our surroundings around us are changing in both real life and Second Life. We are currently in a period of instability around us in the world. Whether it is related to the pandemic or the weather or political changes, our lives may seem full of strife and turmoil. It is during times like this that the arts can help us to see our way through the darkness and provide a much needed light at the end of the tunnel. So get lost in that book you have not picked up in a year, listen to a few classic songs that are your favorite, look at those old photographs of family and friends; visit scenic sims in Second Life and take in a live performance or two. Most importantly surround yourself with those who support and love you, in both worlds if you can!

I would like to give a very special thank you to all of our contributors, artists, advertisers, business partners and readers for their support! ! Tempest and I thank you all! Sincerely, John, Owner & Publisher of Kultivate Magazine



Johannes Huntsman, Owner & Founder

Tempest Rosca Huntsman, Photographer Liaison Veruca Tammas, Gallery & Sim Manager Jessii Warrhol, Marketing Manager CONTRIBUTORS: Inara Pey, Lead Contributor Pearl Grey Ricco Saenz Whata Conundrum, (formerly Grace Sixpence) Tempest Rosca Huntsman Johannes Huntsman











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I booked my first live performer for the then new Windlight Art Gallery about 5 years ago. At this time I was new to live music and had not really delved much into the live music scene. The person I booked from was named Laurie, who would go on to create Key’s Management Group aka KMG. For the next 5 years, Kultivate would book numerous singers via KMG, combining art and live music to give our artists and gallery visitors an incredible fusion of art and music. Along with Laurie and Liz Harley, KMG would go to be the largest music management company in Second Life. Sadly KMG would close its doors on August 14, 2020...I was approached to create a new music company that would continue my goal of promoting the arts at Kultivate and to further promote live music in Second Life and thus Kultivate Music Management was born! For this article you will meet the talented and professional live musicians and performers of Kultivate Music Management.


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Abby Jaidov WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? I was just born with the obsession naturally for music. I taught myself as I was able to acquire instruments at Christmas as a child. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? Started seriously applying myself in July 2019, once I had the assistance of friends in the business here to get my foot in the door. WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Pop/Rock WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Concrete Blonde, Melissa Etheridge, Pink, Indigo Girls WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Alicia Keys... because she impressed me on the voice with overall music experience and the mental aspects of performing arts. WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Sing it like you wrote it! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I play these instruments (by ear): guitar, bass, ukulele, mandolin, drums, saxophone, Native American flutes WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/abby-jaidov


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Inkaku Capalini WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? Music was all around me growing up. Flowing in my blood from even before my first breath HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? 10 years WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE?

Rock/Country WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Etta James, Carol King, Whitney Houston, Christina Aguilera, Michael Jackson, Prince WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Christina Aguilera, because I feel she has the most powerful vocals & range known to existence so far in our history. I would love to duet with her & learn from her

WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? I'd say to only apply the advice that suits you. Do not let others change who you are. Make sure to take criticisms with a grain of salt. Support your fellow musicians always, no matter what personal thoughts you might have. Keep it professional & have fun! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Second Life Live Music Community Rocks! WEBSITE:



LSECOND LIFE NAME: Jesie Janick WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? My Real Life Family got me into music. Before I could walk my mom realized I had an interest in music. If she wanted me to remember something she would put it to music or find a song about it. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? Almost 2 years WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Oh Holy Cow that's a hard one to answer. I Like to lean more towards Rock, but I sing everything from Opera to Ozzy! WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? I would love to say that she is really well known but Rita Springer. Rita Springer is a Worship Leader/Christian Artist. From the moment I heard her first CD I fell in love with her passion. At one point I looked at her website and found a quote that I remember to this day, it shook me to my very core. "It's not about being the best at everything or being better than, it's about spending the time at the feet of The King. Out of that time we become better at everything." Rita Springer WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Natalie Grant or Nicole Nordeman. Both women are just phenomenal Christian Artists. Nicole is an amazing singer song writer, and Natalie is a powerhouse vocally! Plus they both seem like really amazing women with strong faith. WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE?

Do songs you don't normally do! Branch out and try something challenging or something you wouldn't dare try before. Own the song and don't be afraid of the high notes!

WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/jesie-janick


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Jovan Buschbaum WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? My mother was a singer and I was inspired with music ever since I was a little kid HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? 3 and half years as a singer and I was a DJ for 4 years before that WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE?

I do many genres of music such as POP, ROCK, JAZZ, INTERNATIONAL and etc... WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Frank Sinatra, Sting, Eric Clapton, Louis Armstrong and many more... WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Dino Merlin because of the magic he owns in his music and way of doing music WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Have good equipment, choose songs wisely to fit your style and voice, always go for quality instead of quantity WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/jovan-buschbaum


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Loreen Aldrin A multi-instrumentalist since her adolescence, Loreen excels on guitar and piano, has played in bands for over 15 years, and has toured extensively across Europe, including a tour that recently finished. She's also in the studio when she can, as she will be releasing a new CD soon. She brings her ear pleasures your way, in hopes to grow her audience for a possible American tour, as well as more touring across Europe. WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/loreen-aldrin


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Mavenn WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? I've always felt music very deeply for as long as I remember. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? 8 Years

WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Blues, rock, soul WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Beth Hart, Etta James, Nina Simone WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Marc Broussard. I'd love to hear our voices together WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Never listen to comparisons. Sing it your way ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Music saved my life WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/mavenn


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Mimi Carpenter WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? I was mostly brought up on country, Anglo-Saxon and world music, which my parents enjoyed listening to. It made me develop a wide and eclectic taste in music. I started with electronic organ and music theory lessons at a young age. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? Since 2006 (A long time, I know ha-ha)

WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Acoustic pop rock? In English, French, German and can toss an extra language for fun in special occasions WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? The Cranberries, Jacques Brel, The Stereophonics, Daft Punk, Mozart... WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? That's a tough one... I would say Keane or Five for Fighting on a song with piano. I love piano.

WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Go listen to as many musicians as possible, get to know people and venues. Networking in the best way to discord the SL live music scene. Go to open mic and karaoke places to practice start off :). WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/mimi-carpenter



WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Acoustic folk and easy listening WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Ani difranco, Martha Tilston, Shawn Mullins, Katzenjammer, WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Shawn Mullins WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Just do it, it’s so much fun and great for confidence!

WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/mista


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Sophie Brumati WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? I got into music because of Cats Musical, I went to see it when I was a kid with my mom and as soon as the song Memories started I felt in love!!! I wanted to be there!!! sing to bring emotions to the people HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? 1.5 years WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Musicals to pop; from classic rock to Broadway, I have many genres that I sing! WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Lea Salonga WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Omg this is so hard, I actually would love to collaborate with y dear friend Wolfie , she is just not only a talented musician in SL she is also in Real life! She has believed in me SOOO much!!!! She means the world to me! I would be honored to sing with her! WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Try, reach, practice till you bleed!!! If you want this go for it, don't let people tell you otherwise, If you love it you will make it !!! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I wasn't looking to be a sl Performer to be honest I didn't have the guts to do it, I am so shy!! it really was hard to me to sing, I was fooling around at a karaoke and little by little I was found out, and since then sl has gave me the opportunity to do what I love to do ! Sing!, I never overcame my shyness to take it as my career, now I'm all about it!!!! so each person that has been there supporting me listening, coming to my shows, giving me advice , you have push me forward to this Thank you so much! Lord bless you all! WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/sophie-brumati


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Stayaway Joe WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? My brother, though he did not play instruments or sing, he was my main influence, took me to see my first bands & open my mind to the world of music HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? 7 years on and off WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Folk, rock ,Jazz, country things that grab me WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Lots! but a few... Donald fagen,Don McLean,Niel young, Dylan, Jimmy Page, Billy Joel,Miles Davis,Van Morrison WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Jeff Lynne, he is easy Going & makes magic happen WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Be realistic! Choose songs that are right for you... ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My new song & love for all to listen... https://soundcloud.com/stayawayjoe/alone-again WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/stayaway-joe


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Stephanniyah Sinatra WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? I come from a musical family and am a formally trained singer and have performed in venues across Europe, and have even sang the National Anthem at a MLB game for the Seattle Mariners! I started going to the O Lounge, and met a talented singer there named Harry Frychester who encouraged me to perform! When I first started I had a terrible usb mic with no mixer and it was a mess, but you know what, IT WAS AWESOME! I've grown a lot since those early days and have been blessed with a great career in Second Life - I don't take my success for granted and bring 100% to every show, just as I did my very first HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? 10 pus years! WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Every song I sing, I make my own and try to deliver my own unique interpretation of what the song means to me. What inspires me are songs that are passionate and tell an emotional story. My hope is that anyone listening to my performance will "feel" the songs I'm singing. I'm heavily influenced by Jazz, Folk, R&B, and Hip Hop.

WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? I'm inspired by torch song artists like Sarah Vaughn, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artists like Joni Mitchell, and creative singer-songwriter babes like Ani DiFranco. WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? I LOVE Bonnie Raitt - she is such a badass musician. I've seen her in concert many times and she just sings songs that get me right in the feels. I would love to collaborate with her while she plays dobro. WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Be brave, and be humble! Your talents are to be shared, and Second Life is a wonderful community to share your gifts with! I'm here to help too! I've learned a lot along the way and would love to help! ♥ WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/steph-sinatra


LSECOND LIFE NAME: Suzen Juel WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? Being given a guitar that my grandpa had made for me when I was about 11 or so. There was always music in our home and always dancing and always singing. It just came natural to want to create it. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? Since 2005 WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Americana . Blues - songwriters WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? So many! Storytellers. Bob Dylan, Lucinda Williams, John Prine, Ricky Lee Jones, Holly Williams… There’s just so many! WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Bob Dylan. He is a master of words and to sit down and talk shop with him would bring me great joy WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Have fun! That’s truly what it’s all about. Connect with your fans and keep doing what you love.

WEBSITE: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/suzen-juel

We hoped that you enjoyed reading about the talented live performers of Kultivate Music Management! Please see the information below if you would like to book any of these live performers at your venue and/or event: Official Website: https://kultivatemusicmanagement.net/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kultivatemusicmanagement/ Second Life Contacts: Olivia Rumble

Rae Hazelnut Tempest Rosca (Huntsman)





I first met Liv, owner of Raging Graphix Gallery, last year at one of her exhibitions that she had for Kultivate! A talented artist herself, Liv is now curator of her very own gallery, Raging Graphix Gallery. I recently sat down to discuss Raging Graphix and curation with Liv. JOHN: So tell our readers about your gallery. When was it founded? Why did you start it? LIV: A few years back...I won't say how many...LOL, I considered creating the same type of gallery/ coffee shop cooperative in real life, but things didn't work out. So I'm living the dream in SL. Raging Graphix Gallery was founded not that long ago. I was encouraged by a friend to open a smaller version of the gallery in October 2019, in a different location not far from where RGG currently resides. I was very nervous about taking on the task of being so new to the art community, but it's become my passion. The grand opening was in November a month later, featuring the artwork of Cybele Moon and Ani Jung. In January of this year, I doubled the size of the gallery to give artists more room to exhibit their work and started looking for my land. I purchased land very close to the original location and started modifying the size and the look of my building. I added 10 meters to the length and added the upper mezzanine. Since the gallery's re-opening in Heatherwood, I've been blessed with many new friends with great

support and advice from other more seasoned gallery owners and artists. JOHN: And what type of art do you exhibit in the gallery? LIV: RGG features and displays artists who exhibit a variety of styles; realism, impressionism, fantasy, sci-fi...the talent that Second Life offers is endless.

things aren't what you want them to be in the beginning. Galleries are like gardens, they need tending and need to be nurtured. Keep an open mind for trying new things that will get your gallery noticed, listen to what people say, and above all be diligent. It takes time, and money but in the long run its a very rewarding experience. If I could rewind SL and the creation of RGG I wouldn't do anything differently...everything happens for a reason.

I'm old school when it comes to how the art is displayed, however, when I feature an artist I try John: What are some of your current to give them as much freedom as I can to exhibitions at your gallery? How can an artist express themselves. It's all about the artist, not exhibit at your gallery? me...without artists, we would have no galleries. LIV: The gallery has housed some of the best The art that I've done personally, is a mixed bag talents in SL and I hope to have more of that of styles that is influenced by the mood I'm in at talent show their work. I never feature more the time of creation. I like to try new techniques than two artists in addition to my art that is on and strive to keep my art fresh so each piece display. I do things a bit differently than others tells a story. It's important to me to keep because I think sometimes people get caught up growing and improving as time passes. in the numbers. I break it down to how well the artists can display and sell their work. It's all about the art and the creator, not how many JOHN: When I first met you, you were an artist, people you get in the door. but now you are a gallery owner and curator. Which job do you find easier and why? JOHN: Any exciting plans for your gallery for LIV: RGG is an extension of my creativity. My later this year or early 20201? background in real life involves graphic design and marketing, which have served me well LIV: Yes, I have some things in the works with a getting the gallery up and going. So...really I couple of artists that are on the theatrical enjoy both. I've met some wonderful people in side...for the lack of a better term performance a short period, featuring new and established art. You will hear more about that later. (grins). artists. JOHN: As an artist what types of art do you Both are equally as hard I think; the gallery from exhibit? a task-oriented view, and artwork from digging down and finding the creativity for that special LIV: My artwork is a mixed bag of styles, piece of artwork that tells your story. influenced by the mood I'm in at the time of creation. I like to try new techniques and strive Growth is vital to survival, so I hope to grow in to keep my art fresh so each piece tells a story. both areas. Growth is vital. JOHN: For new gallery owners it can be a struggle to get the gallery off the ground, any suggestions for budding curators out there? LIV: My best advice is...don't get discouraged if

JOHN: Do you currently have any personal exhibitions? If so where can our readers view your work? LIV: My artwork is on display at RGG of course,

and I recently was invited to move into Sisi Biedermann's Gallery and Garden community. I Please list anything else you would like in the am on display in several other studio galleries article: which include Carmel Artist Community, Mon Joli Cadeau, and Holly Kai Park (Moving Soon). Blog Articles about RGG: Living in a Modem World, by Inara Pey My current exhibitions include Rainbow Painters http://bit.ly/2PfxWZP - The Edge Art Gallery Gallery, Nirvana Island Gallery, and several of November Exhibit my pieces are on permanent display at Konecta http://bit.ly/2OgWMIn - RGG December Radio Art Gallery. Exhibition http://bit.ly/2Vbw1JK - Kultivate January/ Upcoming exhibitions in October include Carmel February Exhibits Artists Community and Konecta Radio. I've cut http://bit.ly/37MCZZ5 - Kultivate Edge Gallery back a bit because I found my self meeting January Exhibit myself coming and going. (grins) . KM http://bit.ly/39Zzpvz - RGG February Strand Starsider Very special thank you to Liv for the interview! You can visit Raging Graphix on the web and in Second Life: GALLERIES RGG: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Heatherwood/199/152/38 Sisi Biedermann Gallery & Garden: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caisteal%20Maol/205/152/40 Mon Joli Cadeau: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enchanted%20Woods/31/102/25 Carmel Artist Community: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/McFarren/165/213/31 Konecta Radio-Konect Art: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Carpathian%20Island/205/19/802 Nirvana Island Gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/New%20Paris/218/118/25

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/157213309@N04/ https://www.flickr.com/groups/raginggraphixgallery/ Facebook:

https://www.facebook.com/ groups/733189560768366/ https://www.facebook.com/ eyebehindtheimage/





ARNICAR India has opened another region design for people to enjoy in the form of Chapel Imagination. It’s a stunning design that brings together art, architecture, water and one or two fantastical touches to present a region rich in detail, yet subtle on the eye; a place where one can wander and dream, ponder and relax – and simply be. Simplicity of design appears to have been the watchword here, with the region sitting as a trio of islands tucked within a bay surrounded by high peaks. All three of the islands are relatively minimal in size, with the largest running east-to-west, a low finger of land marked by a shingle path looping around it to enclose the ruins of what was once a substantial structure – the chapel of the region’s title, perhaps. This structure comprises the Looking Glass Chapel Ruins, created by Marcus Inkpen, and The Looking Glass Enchanted Ballroom Walls by Sharnee Azalee, facing each other along the island’s length, with a Gothic archway walk by Abel Dreamscape stretching partway between them. This mix of designs works exceptionally well to present a place of ancient splendor and mystical calling, shaded by the broadly spread arms of three monkeypod trees, while the older boughs of Alex Bader’s Skye Twisted Tree intertwine with the archways of the Gothic walk. The two smaller islands sit to the south and north of this main island – which also forms the landing point – and are reached via short causeways. One of these again uses wall sections from The Looking Glass Chapel Ruins to form largely enclosed space marked by more of Alex Bader’s Twisted Tree, while the other again uses Abel Dreamscape’s Gothic archway, this time interspersed with Sourwood trees before giving way to more elements of TLG’s Chapel Ruins, together with some Lost Garden Columns. It is this minimalist approach to choice of elements – The Looking Glass and Dreamscape – that gives Chapel Imagination part of its charm and appeal, offering as it does the sense of being within what was

once an extensive building, which in turn gives the setting a wonderful sense of continuity as you explore. But it is the details waiting to be found throughout that gives Chapel Imagination its unmistakable depth. Redcrowned cranes are waiting to greet arrivals at the landing point, the chapel behind them offering a fantasy garden / dressing room, a wedding dress waiting to be worn. Down through the Gothic arches are more suggestions of a wedding-in-waiting, whilst the circle at the end offers an entirely different surprise. Beyond it, a little pier extends over water rich with whimsy and fantasy as Bryn Oh’s Social Distancing canoe sits on the gentle waves. To the north, the second chapel stands as a kind of music room, a grand piano sitting within it, together with pieces of art and more. All of this is watched over by a photographer who has found a most unusual perch – so much so, that he might easily be missed, thus adding a little twist of humor. Despite the use of chapel parts throughout, it’s only the south island that carries any real hints of religion within it, where pews, and a votive stand

can be found, together with a curious gathering of nuns watched from a distance by a lone monk. I’m being deliberately vague about all of this because Chapel Imagination deserves to be seen, not described – and seen directly rather than through the lens of a camera. A considerable amount of work has gone into presenting it as a place of retreat and peace, complete with a considered sound scape and a delightful sense of whimsy. One of the most engaging region designs I’ve visited in a while, and a tour de force lesson that you don’t need to stuff a region full of bits in order to make it photogenic or worthy of people’s interest. KM You can visit chapel imagination at the following slurl in Second Life: http://maps.secondlife.com/ secondlife/Everlong/124/119/22









At the start of August 2020, we made the move to Second Norway (see Farewell, Isla Pey, hello, Isla Caitinara). Since then we’ve been settling in, and as I noted a few days ago, I’ve been playing with a scene rezzing system so that we can have a choice of homes on our island (see: House changing with a scene rezzer in Second Life – and we’re up to three designs now ). However, what surprised me about our move was the feedback (comments on this blog and via IM) from people under the misapprehension that the April / May change in ownership of the estate had somehow resulted it in being “broken up” and replaced by “cookie cutter islands”. In fact, while there have been changes to the estate, much of the original Second Norway remains – and as a frequent visitor-turned-resident, I can also say that none of its spirit has been lost. In this, I hope this small selection of photos helps to illustrate that point.in my living room. Of course, the airport is still there – as can be seen in the banner image for this piece. So to – contrary to rumor – the road and rail system, as shown above. The estate also has a good mix of residential and commercial spaces – Motor Loon’s famous MLCC brand is still present for example. On the south side of the estate, AustinLiam has taken this a stage further – an entire group of regions set out as a village, offering his houses and commercial units and other buildings in a contiguous setting with roads, waterfront areas, moorings, and more.

Of course, there are the outer islands – which in the future may well expand, depending on demand, but the Vanity Bonito’s team have also put in new infrastructure that offers opportunities that may not have been so readily available previously: such as the Eidet Event Centre sitting on is own wooded island. Residents within the estate have also sought to offer places of interest as well – camp sites, vacation centers, air fields (although the latter seem to mostly lack rez zones) – all of which add to the estate’s appeal. With a balanced approach to building codes and themes, as well as offering tenants terraforming rights on their islands, Second Norway is a good mix of the “old” – the central regions with their roadways, rail lines, airport and bridges – and the “new”, with the updated island designs, allowing it to both retain its character whilst offering newcomers a good mix of opportunities. So if you’ve not paid Second Norway since the changes, now’s the time to hop in your boat or ‘plane, pull up the map and take a look! KM





Second Life has an abundance of beaches. That's understandable. We all love the beach and if you can't get to one in real life it's easy enough in SL. While there might be a lot of beaches in SL, few are as visually intriguing as Baja Coast. Baja Coast is part of several Baja sims created by Lauren Bentham. Her other Baja sims include: Baja Norte, Baja Cove, Baja Bay, Baja Tides, and Baja Isles. Baja Coast is the non-residential build.

At Baja Coast, Lauren has created a beach that draws you in, encouraging you to wander. You can almost feel the sand between your toes as you walk along. A kite flutters in the wind and seagulls cry out overhead. Everything about the sim compliments its realistic feel. As you wander, you'll come across lovely palm trees bending to the breeze and a gentle surf washing against the shore. Plus, there are little finds you come across as you wander, visual treasures scattered through Baja Coast – the wreckage of a long fallen plane; old, rusted cars; an abandoned Ferris wheel on a island, just a name a few. Baja Coast is a wonderful build, sure to please visually and certain to inspire an abundance of photos. Baja Coast slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Baja%20Coast/178/152/23 Baja Coast Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/groups/ baja_norte_official/ KM





Real life and virtual life calls for resilience and hopefully graceful adaptation to change.

My learning of the suspended operations of the YavaScript Mainland Pod Tours was received fr group. In the photo above I’m sitting by the road on a Linden bench in front of a newly construct

This weekend I’ve done a casual photo shoot of mainland parcels where I create spaces, almos near the road/tracks/water from which to leap up and jump into a passing Pod.

rom Inara Pey’s blog, and Second Life Newser, after I’d noticed chatter in the Pod Riders ted parcel in Serpentata that a friend and I are renting from Xiraz.

st always in collaboration with others, focusing on parcels on Pod routes. There is often seating

All these parcels were selected with travel in mind. The Mainland is where I first began to find va landmarks to places that looked worth exploring, or I’d stand up and poke around immediately. me. This route is in the snow lands on Amundsen Road. When we were alert enough, we could hop other avatar. Fortunately, there’s a rez zone in front of this parcel.

alue in, and also to feel more safe in the virtual world. Traveling on a route, I’d pick up The Shipton Rest Area by the SLRR is owned by Vera Ruchames, and created by Klaus and

in a passing Pod from this distance. Sometimes we’d have to fly to catch up or teleport the

Most of these favorite parcel locations were found while traveling via YavaScript Pod. Here, the trains we trolley. Sometimes other avatars will catch a ride in trains we’re driving.

For years the 2Girly Shop in Quentin was located close to the road where the background buildings in th nearby, and rezzed two chairs. A notecard can be found in the telephone with landmarks to mainland de

When collecting the pics for this “album” I was amused to see that a lovely fresco I’d made several year

ere often noisy enough to hear them arriving in the area. Aglia Station is nearby, so we can still rez a

he above photo are now. There were two old rocking chairs out front. I’ve rented a tiny Markland parcel estinations.

rs ago has now been tagged.

Sure, we can still ride horses, or wearable or rezzed vehicles. I enjoy that, and sometimes it takes too mu

I love the mainland. As a friend has reminded me, not everyone wants to live on Bellisseria, and spend a supporting the art careers of others non-reciprocally, or being distracted with Straw Men after expressin

uch energy and attention.

all their time in clubs or shopping. In my more cornered moments I would add or “dating�, or ng an opinion.

When a topic of conversation would come to a natural end, it was fun to leap off this rooftop onto a pas continue to be functioning.

Checking the land description on this parcel, there is evidence that the graffiti on the front of the villa, in we noticed a quite a bit more tagging, and I hope this does not end badly.

ssing Pod. There is a nearby YavaScript station that was operational on Friday, and I believe they will

n a place we were unlikely to see it, has been there since July. Exploring the Mainland this weekend,

The Crameri parcel is a Markland rental where I set up a park on the ground and an exhibit of H

Walking through the Wandaland Port across the road in Alcis, I could sip champagne outdoors a The 512 plot under the Hooper Bridge had just been listed for sale as Kate Silver and I rode by just a few steps away.

Hilma af Klint art in the sky. There were Pod routes going in both directions.

and wait for a boat going by in either direction. in a boat. In addition to boats going by in both directions, there were routes on the bridge road

There isn’t roadside seating on my small rental (Xiraz) in Spini, but vehicles can be rezzed on th enced substantial crashes and lag the last few days which might be my internet connection.

I respect Yavanna Lianfair’s decision to choose her health first. As someone who lives with neu say they need and want to take better care of their health.

The rental (Xiraz) in Wetas has a seat cushion near the road, as well as tai chi balls (transparen

he parcels on both sides. I haven’t noticed the improvements in sim crossings yet; I’ve experi-

urological and fatigue issues, I tend to believe in simply taking someone’s word for it when they

nt) in the yard.

Elle Thorkveld’s Cultured Goats Gallery is close to the High Mountain Road in Taeniatum, one o Klaus and I have also set up a Last Drop Cafe.

Pod watching seating in Spike took a bit more work to construct. The vehicles would pause for t

The boats would go by in one direction here, the direction where it was easier to notice them arr

I don’t multi-task well, and when I’m sitting and working on something I sometimes get incoming hop into a Pod to entertain the other part of my brain not involved in the chat.

of my favorite roads for horse riding. And sometimes Pod riding. I exhibit some art there and

the sim crossing in front, giving an avatar a few seconds more time to scramble.


g IMs in which the conversation takes some time to conclude. A pleasant solution is often to

Here we could drink and socialize, then go for a ride if we got restless. In Rosewood the Pods w time. There’s a coffee shop on the ground, and an art gallery in the sky exhibiting the works of H My friend and colleague Klaus and I created a small roadside park in Eschen for salsa dancing Creations gallery. It is a short ride to and from Rosewood.

This “album” of very current photos showing the importance of mainland traveling to my virtual l strangers that I can arrive at by means other than via teleportation. I’m unable to foresee when friends, and explore the interesting, heart-warming and sometimes ridiculous parcels on the ma

would go by very fast and more often than other places, sometimes aiding an altered sense of Hedda Sterne and William H. Johnson. This land is rented from Markland. and hanging out. An avatar can currently walk down the hill over abandoned land to SH Tutti

life has 19 pictures! This is in addition to all the spaces made by friends, acquaintances, and n this will be resolved. I’ll continue to enjoy my favorite projects, engage with my good, kind ainland. KM





Quartz is a singer and multi-instrumentalist with many years experience as a semiprofessional musician in RL. He plays keyboard, electric lead & bass guitar, acoustic guitar and (occasionally) drums. Quartz is also a songwriter and has composed numerous of his own original songs. His genre is an eclectic range of classic, progressive & indie rock, from the cassette years to now. Quartz’ powerful rich voice will grip any aficionado of these genres. This coupled with his witty, albeit slightly bent sense of humor creates a show that is highly entertaining. SECOND LIFE NAME: Quartz WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO GO INTO MUSIC? I took 3 or 4 lessons on guitar. Then I figured out on my own how to play Squeeze Box by The Who. After that, I couldn't stop. HOW LONG HAVE YOU PERFORMED LIVE IN SECOND LIFE? Since 2012 WHAT IS YOUR MUSIC GENRE? Rock, Classic WHICH FAMOUS MUSICIANS DO YOU ADMIRE? Peter Gabriel. Kevin Gilbert. David Gilmour WHICH FAMOUS REAL LIFE MUSICIAN WOULD YOU LOVE TO COLLABORATE WITH? Peter Gabriel because IMO is the most creative and innovative musical talent of the 20th and 21st century. WHAT NEW ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO NEW LIVE PERFORMERS AND/OR MUSICIANS IN SECOND LIFE? Find someone you trust, sound wise, to listen to your stream. So you can balance your mix and work the bugs out. Before you start broadcasting. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Bacon is, and will always be, your friend :) WEBSITE: https://quartzlive.ca/





Saturday, August 15th 2020 marks the start of a new public experience in Second Life when the Virtual Peale formally opens its doors to visitors from both within and beyond the platform. Virtual Peale is a collaborative project involving The Peale Centre for Baltimore History and Architecture and Linden Lab, and with the support of Virtual Ability Inc. It encompasses an in-world reproduction of the historic Peale Centre building, which will be used to host a range of virtual exhibitions and events that both mark the original building’s foremost roles as both a museum, and its modern day role as a cultural heritage center for the City of Baltimore. As one of the most historic buildings in Baltimore, the Peale Centre building is a US National Historic Landmark, appearing in the US National Register of Historic Places. It first opened its doors to the public on August 15th, 1814 as the first purpose-built museum building in the United States. It was designed by Robert Cary Long, Baltimore’s first native-born (and self-trained) architect, and commissioned by Rembrandt Peale, whose father, the artist, inventor, naturalist and politician Charles Willson Peale (1741– 1827), had co-founded the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts and Philadelphia Museum in 1805. The Peale building functioned as a museum from 1814 through to 1829, becoming famous for its exhibitions of natural history, militaria and selections of art by some of history’s most renowned painters from around the world, together with works by members of the extended Peale family , most of whom – including Rembrandt Peale – were accomplished artists in their own right. In 1816 the museum made history by becoming the first gas-lit building in Baltimore, Rembrandt following the example of his brother Rubens, Rubens, who had installed similar lighting in the family’s Philadelphia Museum. Doing so allowed Rembrandt to gain the backing needed to establish the Gas Light Company

of Baltimore, the first commercial gas light company in America, and this in turn resulted in Baltimore becoming the first US city to be illuminated by gas street lights. In 1829/30, the museum relocated, and the Peale Building became Baltimore’s City Hall through until 1877. In 1878 it became the location of the first public high school for African Americans in the city, prior to passing into commercial use from 1879 through until 1929. Following an extensive rebuilding programmed, in 1930 the building returned to its roots as Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, although it was referred to simply as “The Peale Museum”. It continued in this role through until 1997, gaining considerable recognition over the years for its collection of Peale portraits, its annual art and photography events and for several exhibitions combining the history and architecture of Baltimore, such as the nationally acclaimed Rowhouse: a Baltimore Style of Living, a celebration of Baltimore’s distinctive row houses. Today, the building forms the nucleus of The Peale Centre for Baltimore History and Architecture, and is in the midst of renovations to restore it to its former glory. Once completed, this work will allow it to function as a historic heritage center / place of learning through the 21st century, including enabling local cultural communities to share their authentic stories of the city both through live performance and on-line. To mark the 206th anniversary of the building first opening to the public, the Virtual Peale will similarly be opening its doors within Second Life on what has become known as Founder’s Day for the building. Through it, visitors from across Second Life and beyond will be able to learn about it and the Peale family and participate in special virtual exhibitions. Developed from a 3D model of the Peale Museum building originally created by the Imaging Research Centre at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) for the university’s Visualizing Early Baltimore project, the Virtual Peale reproduces the original’s historic frontage and includes a virtual take on the Peale gardens. Inside, the building presents aspects of the physical Peale Centre’s interior, with exhibition spaces that help tell the building’s story and the work of the Peale family as

For the first exhibition, Virtual Peale presents Redefine/ABLE: Challenging Accessibility, marking the 30th anniversary of The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Originally developed by students from the University of Maryland (UMD), to be presented as a cross-platform, multi-site exhibit utilizing both the UMD’s College Park campus and the Carroll Mansion Museum in Baltimore, thanks to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Redefine/ ABLE has been re-imagined as an immersive Second Life experience. It is designed to address diversity, inclusion and ableism, and seeks to engage audiences about the successes and challenges of persons with disabilities in Maryland and beyond. Developed with a grant from Maryland Humanities, and with the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Maryland Historic Trust, and with the active support and advice of Virtual Ability, Inc., Redefine/ABLE can be found in the Virtual Peale’s second floor Picture Gallery – actually a teleport that leads to a separate platform than is automatically activated on climbing the stairs and “entering” the exhibition space.


In addition to providing input and advice on hosting the Redefine/ABLE exhibition, Virtual Ability has also played a key role in developing Virtual Peale: most of the interior detailing has been put together by Eme Capalini of Virtual Ability, and she also spent time developing a “Mastodon Hunt” to help celebrate the ties the museum and C.W. Peale have to the unearthing of the first mastodon skeleton to be found in the United States that went on to become the focal point of the museum’s opening exhibition and the subject of C.W. Peale’s 1086 By using the space in this way, with teleports painting, Exhuming the First American connecting exhibits with the main building, it Mastodon (a reproduction of which can also be will be possible to expand Virtual Peale’s internal layout to offer additional gallery spaces. found inside the Virtual Peale building). Further, Virtual Ability are assisting Some of these will reflect and expand on The Peale Centre in helping members of the exhibitions that can also be found in the

public sign-up and join Second Life for this opening event.

The Peale Opens New Extension in the Virtual World – Linden Lab press release The Peale Centre for Baltimore History and Architecture

Also included in the Virtual Peale build is the StoryTelling Studio. As noted above, a major part of The Peale Centre for Baltimore History Virtual Peale information, The Peale Centre and Architecture is to keep alive authentic Virtual Ability Inc KM stories about the City of Baltimore through live performance and on-line events, and the Storytelling Studio is a part of this, together with a partnership the center has with Libraries without Borders. It is also something the Peale Centre wants to extend into Second Life. So, if you are a resident of Baltimore and / or have a story connected to Baltimore and its history you’d like to share, the Peale Centre would like to hear from you. contact them by dropping your details and story via note card into the mail box inside Virtual Peale, or if you prefer, you can use the Peale Centre’s Add A Story page, or reach out of project members through the Peale’s in-world group or e-mail them at info-at-thepealecenter.org. You can visit the Virtual Peale Center on the web and in Second Life via the following links below:

SLURL AND LINKS Note the SLurl below will only be available when Virtual Peale opens on Saturday, August 15th, 2020. Virtual Peale (The Peale Museum, rated: General)





Cherry Manga’s art store in Adrenalin, Second Life, is itself an installation that integrates her different creations in a very clever way. There, one can find sculptures that were used in a variety of works by the artist, such as the Does not hold water chair, which appeared in State of mind (2020), or Nostalgie, part of a project that can be seen in FrancoGrid, an Open Simulator grid. The building’s structure, itself, creates a meaningful surround or, better, an artful environment for the many pieces it houses, which amalgamate new senses, both individually and in relation to each other. That’s the genius of the place: not only it sells art (and I use that verb here in a broad way, since some of the items are, in fact, graciously given to visitors), but also it is art. Actually, we can say that the place is a re-edition of Cherry box, once located elsewhere in SL. It is designed as a grid, but incorporates moving elements (that don’t really bring transformation, for they evolve according to a repeated pattern). The place is, then, reduced to its basic representation, in the form of coordinates in a 3D space – given by the crossing of vertical and horizontal lines on its walls and floor – that is about to collapse on visitors’ heads or to hit avatars hard, but never really goes beyond, let’s say, that threat. It’s in that area that other Cherry Manga’s works are displayed.

The individual pieces are a testimony of the variety of the artist’s production. At the same time, they attest its consistency: there is a style there to be observed. In a decision that can be considered a political manifesto, many items are offered to visitors – some for L$1, some for no payment in return at all – in full permissions. “Open source resources for everyone”, says Cherry Manga’s profile. “Don’t sell it, play with it!” (Notice that some objects are more expensive, but that just seemed natural to me: after all, one has to pay their bills, including their Second Life ones). The variety and the consistency in Cherry

Manga’s sculptures, together, play a part in the fact that they work well in the same space: the store is not a warehouse full of items that do not dialog with each other. It’s the opposite: one can establish some visual and sometimes thematic relation among them, and yet it’s noticeable that they do not form any unity (as in a coherent installation, for instance). This is something quite interesting to observe). Of course, the items do dialog with the building, too. Not only some of the sculptures bring boxes and cubes as part of their elements, but also they all work well in the grid moving structure that envelopes them. As baroque statues in a baroque church often seem to be in perfect communion with the whole temple, the structure that houses Cherry Manga’s objects perfectly functions as their cathedral. Finally, Adrenalin also brings other areas worth visiting, such as Et Cetera… Art Gallery, by JadeYu Fhang, and another installation by Cherry Manga, Molecul. Not only the store, but the whole parcel offered me a fascinating trip into the unusual, which is one of the most appealing roles of art in our lives. KM You can visit Cherry Manga’s store at the following slurl in Second Life: https://maps.secondlife.com/ secondlife/ADRENALINA/73/220/1761


Ristorante Kandela is the free and self serve restaurant on the Kultivate Sim! This v couples intan so you can enjoy a romantic date out with your loved one! The restau Huntsman a notecard in world with the booking date and time and any other specia 20Haven/95/221/28

venue is decorated in an Italian rustic style and features crooner music and a urant is also available for private events, free of charge. Simply drop Johannes al requests. SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Water%



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