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Anatomical features of Inguinal canal Walls of the inguinal canal:

o Superior wall (roof) : Internal oblique and transverse abdominis muscles o Inferior wall (floor) : Inguinal ligament o Anterior wall : aponeurosis of external oblique aponeurosis of internal oblique (in the lateral third of canal only) Superficial inguinal ring (in the medial third of canal only) o Posterior wall: Fascia of transversalis

Conjoint tendon (in the medial third of canal only) Deep inguinal ring (in the lateral third of canal only)

Contents: in males : the spermatic cord and its coverings + the ilioinguinal nerve. in females : the round ligament of the uterus + the ilioinguinal nerve. The classic description of the contents of inguinal canal in the male are: 3 arteries: artery to vas, testicular artery, cremasteric artery 3 fascial layers: external spermatic,internal spermatic,cremastic 3 other vessels: pampiniform plexus, vas deferens, lymphatics 1 nerve: genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve (L1/2) The ilioinguinal nerve passes through the superficial ring to descend into the scrotum, but does not formally run through the canal.

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