Wildcat Veterinarian Winter 2024

Page 42


a healthy


Healthy Weight Clinic boosts quality of life for pets, education for students. Story by Audrey Hambright In the news, TV anchors are frequently reporting on the obesity epidemic in the United States affecting people of all ages, but how often do we think about the same issues affecting pets? Elsa was hardly able to move when Denise Krueger brought her in to the Veterinary Health Center emergency room. She was struggling to walk or even stand. It was during this visit that the clinician recommended the Healthy Weight Clinic (HWC) for Elsa as she was severely overweight. Elsa is not alone. According to the 2022 U.S. State of Pet Obesity Report, 59% of dogs and 61% of cats in the U.S. were classified as overweight or have obesity. Denise enrolled Elsa in the HWC in September of 2022. She came to the clinic every three to four weeks to get checked and weighed. Within a few months of starting the program, Denise noticed significant changes. “Elsa began losing weight, moving around easier and even playing,” she says. By the end of Elsa’s year in the program in October 2023, she had gone from 54 to 26 pounds. Denise says Elsa is able to move and play and is like a puppy again at the age of 9. 42 | wildcatveterinarian

“This has been a great experience for us and Elsa,” she says. “The support we received and the encouragement were terrific.”

A booming need The Healthy Weight Clinic was developed for patients just like Elsa. Initiated in 2018 through a partnership between Hill’s Pet Nutrition and K-State, it began as a mutual effort to expand the primary care department and integrate nutrition science more comprehensively into the educational curriculum. This collaboration subsequently gave rise to the Healthy Weight Clinic, which has now been in operation for five years. “We aim to help pets achieve and maintain a healthy weight through personalized nutrition plans and lifestyle adjustments,” says Dr. Amanda Nascimento, clinical nutrition intern in the Hill’s Pet Health and Nutrition Center. “This not only improves their overall health, but also enhances their quality of life. Additionally, we strive to educate pet owners about the significance of proper nutrition and the impact it has on their pets’ health.” Ultimately, the clinic’s goal is to combat obesity in

Elsa before and after. Courtesy photo.

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