CPL150 Community Vision Plan | Group 1

Page 99


Kids and adults should be together to model appropriate adult behavior.

Observations 1. Significant crime and safety issues in the neighborhood 2. Hard to walk around after school without fights with local youth 3. Afraid to ride bikes because someone might steal it 4. Playground where people play basketball is dangerous 5. Community residents could use Tri-C library now, but don't 6. Tri-C doesn't feel convenient Desires 1. Want more police walking the beat in the neighborhood 2. Don't want to walk all the way to Tri-C 3. Would like Tri-C adult library location because kids aren't allowed to enter 4. Kids and adults should be together so kids see appropriate adult behavior 5. Need more security cameras for video surveillance 6. Like the example of connection between Harvey Rice and library 7. Would prefer an addition to current library building


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