CPL150 Community Vision Plan | Group 1

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Wayfinding and street signs. • Services: Creative ideas for bridging the digital divide. Opportunities for current library services to shift to other neighborhood locations. In order to successfully implement the multi-leveled recommendations, ongoing partnerships with community organizations, city officials, and local patrons must be defined. Recommended actions for each branch have been organized in an Implementation Matrix, crafted with input from Advisory Committee members. Each of the branch Implemenation Matrices include the actions, leadership roles, and timeframes for completing the recommendations. Discussions with each of the four branch communities revealed many common issues, but also included a variety of unique conditions. The process of working in four neighborhoods afforded the design team with the ability to share lessons from one community to another. Common themes include: • Need for quiet spaces and private rooms • Provide patrons with a wider range of seating and working environments • Desire for additional computer stations • Display library rules of conduct using emotionally intelligent signs • Update bike parking facilities • Improve visibility and welcoming appearance of building entries • Address safety concerns near library properties • Explore potential for outdoor reading areas • Develop communications strategy to better share info. between library and community The design team was careful to respond to needs derived from the unique circumstances

present in each community. Distinctive priorities in the four branches include the following: FLEET BRANCH • Improve building’s connection to street with canopy structure and outdoor seating • Establish shared parking agreement to accommodate events with large attendance • Provide music rehearsal space to preserve unique neighborhood identity • Support efforts to make the intersection of Broadway and Fleet a key destination SOUTH BRANCH • Reopen the historic Carnegie South building • Investigate potential Carnegie building expansion to align with original plans • Support efforts to brand surrounding neighborhood as Scranton Historic Distict • Improve library’s connection to W. 25th St. through public art and signage STERLING BRANCH • Renovate historic Sterling building to improve daylighting and amenities • Explore opportunity to expand historic Sterling building on the current site • Encourage variety of outdoor lighting along E. 30th St. to increase sense of safety • Organize more events with local schools WOODLAND BRANCH • Open the on-site woodshop and garage for skills training programs and maker space • Partner with the City and local community to create neighborhood trail to the library • Leverage the ample library property for attractive and ecological outdoor spaces • Share the library’s resources through public art along Woodland Avenue


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