Spokane Coeur d'Alene Living magazine November 2017 #144

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NOVEMBER 2017 / issue 144 / spokanecda.com

Survive the Tribe’s HAZEN AUDEL

Violence & Youth

Is it Inevitable?

Nonprofits That Need You NOVEMBER 2017 #144 / $3.95 (Display Until DEC 10, 2017)

11/17 FEATURES N O V E MB E R 2 0 1 7 | V2 1 : I SSUE 0 8 (1 4 4 )


1 2 7

Celebrating the lives of women in our region and the things that matter most to them in life, love, family and work.


1 5 8

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Former U.S. Air Force Officer, business leader, author, speaker, and winner of Season 1, Kicking & Screaming on Fox, Terry L. Fossum shares what he’s learned about life and leadership.

HAZEN AUDEL Survival show celebrity and Spokane-grown Hazen Audel shares how life led him all

NOVEMBER 2017 / issue 144 / spokanecda.com

around the world and back again, repeatedly, as star of Survive the Tribe.

ON THE COVER Photographer: Sylvia Fountaine

Survive the Tribe’s HAZEN AUDEL

Dish: Thai Broccoli Soup Perfect for a chilly winter meal, and gorgeous, too. Violence & Youth

Is it Inevitable?

Nonprofits That Need You NOVEMBER 2017 #144 / $3.95 (Display Until DEC 10, 2017)


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Editor’s Letter

The Nest

Stephanie’s Thoughts

Holiday Table Historic Mansion Cozy Winter Decorating


First Look and Buzz Global Entrepreneurship Lilacs & Lemons Road Trip: Bellevue 5 Fun Hot Spots Season of Giving Hazen Audel


The Scene Healing Spokane Lilac Lit: World of Words Music: Sessionz Mixed Media


Real Estate Home Upgrades


Woman Pages Soul Fuel Sockpants Super Heroes Listen to Your Mother Masculinity




Hand and Feet Fitness Advice

The Best Options for Where to Go and What To Do

Local Cuisine



People Pages People & Events


Hot Topic Violence & Youth


Catalyst Magazine Global Businesses Personal Branding Career & Happiness


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017


Feasting At Home Meatloaf Food Roulette Food Chain: Changing Seasons DINING GUIDE


Mic Drop: Terry Fossom


Clarksville Shock & Awe of Winter

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


CONTACT US Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine is

published twelve times a year. If you have any questions or comments regarding the magazine, please call us at (509) 533-5350; we want to hear from you. Visit our Web site for an expanded listing of services: bozzimedia.com.

Letters to the Editor: We are always looking for comments about our recent articles. Your opinions and ideas are important to us; however, we reserve the right to edit your comments for style and grammar. Please send your letters to the editor to the address at the bottom of the page or to Stephanie@ spokanecda.com.

Editor in Chief

Copy Editor Kimberly Gunning Datebook Editor Ann Foreyt ann@spokanecda.com


Creative Director/Lead Graphics

new stories. If you have an idea for one, please let us know by submitting your idea to the editor: Stephanie@spokanecda.com.

and casual restaurants for residents and visitors to the region. For more information about the Dining Guide, email Stephanie@spokanecda. com.

BUZZ: If you have tips on what’s abuzz in

the region, contact the editor at Stephanie@ spokanecda.com.

Advertising: Reach out to the consumer in the

Inland Northwest and get the word out about your business or products. Take advantage of our vast readership of educated, upper income homeowners and advertise with Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine. For more information, call the sales manager at (509) 533-5350.

Fundraisers: Your group can receive $8

for each $20 subscription sold. Contact the circulation director at (509) 533-5350.

Custom Reprints: We can adapt your article or ads and print them separately, without other advertising, and add new information. With our logo on your piece, your professionallydesigned handout on heavy gloss paper will be a handsome edition to your sales literature. Contact us at (509) 533-5350. Custom Publishing: Create a magazine

tailored to fit the needs and character of your business or organization. Ideal for promotions, special events, introduction of new services and/or locations, etc. Our editorial staff and designers will work closely with you to produce a quality publication.

Copy, purchasing and distribution: To

purchase back issues, reprints or to inquire about distribution areas, please contact the magazine at: Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living, James S. Black Building, 107 S. Howard, Suite #205, Spokane, WA 99201, (509) 533-5350.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Kristi Soto


Story submissions: We’re always looking for

Dining Guide: This guide is an overview of fine

Stephanie Regalado


Why-We-Live-Here photos: On the last page of each issue, we publish a photo that depicts the Inland Northwest and why we live here. We invite photographers to submit a favorite to Kristi@spokanecda.com.

Datebook: Please submit information to Ann@ spokanecda.com at least three months prior to the event. Fundraisers, gallery shows, plays, concerts, where to go and what to do and see are welcome.


PHOTOGRAPHERS James & Kathy Mangis

Sylvia Fountaine


Doug Clark

Sylvia Fountaine Heather Huntoon Erika Prins Simonds

Diane Corppetts

Anthony Gill Kris Kilduff

Sylvia Dunn

Kimberly Gunning

Matt Loi

Sharma Shields

Holly Lytle

Tanya Smith

Joni Elizabeth

Terry Fossom

Matt Griffith Sarah Hauge Brian Newberry

Chris Patterson

Judith Spitzer Francisco Velazquez


Emily Guevarra Bozzi


Senior Account Managers Jeff Richardson jrichardson@bozzimedia.com Erin Meenach


Account Manager Tamara Williams


Tammy McCray


EVENTS Release Parties and Networking Events

Erin Meenach



Accounts Receivable & Distribution vbozzi@bozzimedia.com

Publisher & CEO

Vincent Bozzi



Emily Guevarra Bozzi


Find us on



Spokane magazine is published twelve times per year by Northwest Best Direct, Inc., dba Bozzi Media, James S. Black Building, 107 S. Howard, Suite #205, Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 533-5350, fax (509) 535-3542. Contents Copyrighted© 2017 Northwest Best Direct, Inc., all rights reserved. Subscription $20 for one year. For article reprints of 50 or more, call ahead to order. See our “Contact Us” information for more details.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR/thoughts from our readers

Thoughts from our Readers Extraordinary Where You Are Stephanie, I was recently looking through the March 2017 issue of Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living for an ad I’d placed and came across your “Extraordinary Where You Are” piece. The first sentence grabbed at me and sucked me in; I really loved reading your take on making life—no matter how ordinary—as amazing as you can. I finished reading it and forgot why I was even looking through the magazine. —Celene Robert

Welcoming Doug Clark I delivered Doug’s dad’s newspaper and played in the neighborhood in the days of my youth. Doug’s dad was the “mean old man” of the neighborhood, and we were the little turds. I cherish those days although his father probably didn’t. I stayed off his lawn though. —Eddy Larison

Welcoming Doug Clark I have missed Doug Clark so much in the Spokesman, I really care about him, along with Paul Turner and Shawn Vestal. I’m glad they are still there, and that I can read Doug in the magazine now. —Judith Kay Killin

Welcoming Doug Clark Doug Clark wrote some stories about my great great grandfathers haunted house on the South Hill and his questionable past. He’s a great writer! —Kasey Copher

Letters from the Editor

Doug Clark’s

GOES GLOSSY OCTOBER 2017 #143 / $3.95 (Display Until NOV 10, 2017)

TRAIL OF BREWERIES Stephanie, WE HAVE THEM ALL! Perhaps this appreciation of thanks will not be exactly what an editor would like to receive from a subscriber to her magazine, but here goes. Truthfully, I often do not read with any seriousness the articles included in your lovely magazine. Usually I leaf through it, note beautiful photography and variety of subjects and the quite professional attention to detail. But … what has been a gift and what I enjoy the most is reading your monthly note to your readers. You have such a heart for people and a sense of graciousness toward whatever subject you tackle. Bravo and thank you! —Mary Lindeblad


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Compassion Stephanie, I just read your article about compassion. WOW! Your words really hit home with me. I so agree. As people wrap their heads around our ability to show compassion to people we don’t know, we can affect our city and its people. It can bring hope to people who have lost OCTOBER 2017 / issue 143 / spokanecda.com hope. One hundred people showing compassion, can grow to 200 and on from there. Thank you for this article—we stand with you in the call for compassion. In fact, we are going to make copies of your article and share it with our church tonight. Thank you for your heart for the people in our community. —Merrily and Jim Harris, Pastors of River of Hope

Someday or Today Stephanie, I grew up in Spokane and have been living GRANDPARENTS in Los Angeles for the RAISING GRANDBABIES last 35 years. I am here visiting and just wanted to say how touched I was by your editor letter about your visit with your aunt Val. A marvelous piece of writing, and a great perspective on the choices we face. I’m so glad you were able to spend that time together, and it touched me deeply. — Alan Decker

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


EDITOR LETTER/a note from Stephanie


From Birdsong and Rainbows to Darkness and Back Again

met a colleague at the The Safari Room a few weeks ago around 5:30 p.m. for a dirty martini. Within 10 minutes of sipping and chatting, the room began to zoom in and out and I became more deliberate in finding my words. My colleague asked if I was okay—I said yes, of course—but soon could not deny something was wrong. I excused myself to use the restroom, and swiftly locked the stall door upon entering and sat down on the closed toilet seat hoping to gather myself. “I need help,” I texted a group of my closest girlfriends. “I’m struggling at the Safari Room.” The first message back said, “I wish I was struggling at the Safari Room about now.” The tone turned serious and they asked if I needed a ride, as my colleague came in to check on me. She helped me out of the restroom, through the establishment, out onto the streets of Spokane, and into her car. Magically, I held back throwing up during the 15 minute ride to my house, promising along the way I wouldn’t muck up her car if I couldn’t hold it in. Everything jittered back and forth in front of my eyes, no matter how much I focused on blinking away the confusion. It wasn’t even 6:30 p.m. when her car pulled into my driveway. I said I would be okay, and rushed inside. My little dogs were excited to see me, and I knew they needed to be let outside after a full day inside. I trailed them to the back porch, and quickly lay down. The cool boards refreshed my feverish cheek, but the world began to spin, and my stomach spun even faster. My body had grown heavy and I struggled to stand when I couldn’t hold in the sickness any longer. I was sick for hours and hours; violently vomiting, time after time after time in between moments of unconsciousness. My head pounded so hard I knew I was going to have a stroke or an aneurysm. My phone was nearby, on top of the computer bag I had dropped as I entered the bathroom, but it was impossible to focus on, to know where to reach. My fingertips eventually made contact, pulling it closer, but the light from the screen burned my eyes, my head pounding harder. I worked to push through the pain—in between vomiting—to call for help, to tell my group text girlfriends I actually wasn’t okay at all, I was scared, I didn’t think I would make it through the night, I didn’t want my kids to lose their mom or my precious grand baby to lose her glamma. One large, warm tear slid down my cheek—just one—but I couldn’t cry in spite of the terror of facing the end of my life— and I couldn’t operate my phone to text or call for help. I was finally able to crawl to my room and into bed around 1 a.m. It was a restless, painful night until the sun began to shine through my window and I was able to stand up and walk around. Aside from feeling rung out—and a little emotional—I felt okay: I was beyond grateful for the assault to be over, and to be alive. In all of my experiences with alcohol, I’ve never gone through anything like that. Since sharing this with a few close friends, stories have come out from multiple people about really bad “reactions” such as mine right here in Spokane. The scenario reminds me of the stories coming out of Mexico where travelers are fine one moment—sipping on drinks and having fun—and then become incapacitated and wake up in an odd location, totally confused—some sexually assaulted, some physically hurt, some never to wake up again. When I posted this story to Facebook shortly after it occurred, there were more than


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

350 comments on the thread and more than 25 private messages sharing similar experiences. A few at the Safari Room, yes, and others from around the community. My friends and I have come up with a code word to let each other know when something is serious. Because I wasn’t able to convey my thoughts in those moments and I had never been in that kind of position before, they had no idea how precarious the situation had become. They knew I had made it home, and assumed I was fast asleep shortly afterward. Two of my closest friends shared they had felt the urge to come check on me after their texts were left unanswered, but they second guessed themselves and stayed home. As a double assault, I found my car window bashed in by a rock when I went to fetch it from my downtown parking lot the next morning. It was a bang-up weekend that reminded me life isn’t always birdsong and rainbows—the darkness can reach us all—and we need to stay aware of our surroundings, be vigilant in our self-care … and we need to stick together, watch out for one another, and continue working to make our region a safe place for all. We are Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine, and we are Spokane+Coeur d’Alene. Please find me on Facebook or Twitter—and hop over to “like” the Spokane Coeur d’Alene Living magazine page—to stay connected between press dates, and to share your thoughts, stories, and life in real time. My best,

Stephanie Regalado stephanie@spokanecda.com




2750 N EAGLE LN LIBERTY LAKE, WA 99019 (509) 536-6079 MARIOANDSON.COM NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Celebrating Entrepreneurship Across the World AND RIGHT HERE IN SPOKANE, NOVEMBER 10-19


lobal Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is a weeklong celebration of entrepreneurship which goes into full swing on Monday, November 13, and runs through the following Sunday, November 19. This celebration has been occurring in ecosystems across the world for the past 10 years. Startup Weekend Spokane kicks off GEW a couple days earlier on November 10. GEW serves as a community-building season to reach out to the public at large to




inspire more people to engage with their local entrepreneurship ecosystem. During one week each November, thousands of events and competitions around the world (more than 170 countries) inspire millions to engage in entrepreneurial activity while connecting them to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors. Powered by the Kauffman Foundation, the initiative is supported by dozens of world leaders and a network of more than 17,000 partner organizations. Startup Spokane and their Knowledge Network partners are thrilled to take part in GEW. They are kicking off the week with Startup Weekend November 10-12. Every day of the week after that is filled with a wide variety of networking opportunities and entrepreneurial educational opportunities planned to honor the local entrepreneurial spirit exploding so vibrantly in our region. Find the full schedule of activities at startupspokane.com.











FIRST LOOK/lilacs & lemons {bad}


{good out of bad}

lilacslemons by Vincent Bozzi

LEMONS to WSU Athletic Director Bill

Moos for leaving before his 2020 contract is up. Whatever happened to honoring agreements? Whatever happened to honor in sports? Isn’t breaking a contract at least as dishonorable as not standing for the national anthem?

LILACS to the NRA for considering LILACS to GSI for submitting an application to Amazon to plant their 50,000employee headquarters here in Spokane. You don’t get if you don’t ask. Our odds are slim, but it’s a great exercise in formulating the process for attracting corporate headquarters here, and who knows, sometimes you win. LEMONS to owners and operators of downtown parking lots who don’t put forth even a minimal effort to care for the safety of their patrons. The lot we use has zero lighting, zero maintenance and next to zero patrolling for illegal activity. Broken glass, urine, drug deals, and gang bangers hanging by the dumpsters and our editor’s car recently broken into, and no concern after several complaints. With daylight hours shortening, the risks increase for those who need to walk to their car after dark. If you’re going to take the money, you should maintain the lot. There’s nothing worse than people who have you by the short hairs because of location. LEMONS to the Boy Scouts of America for

seeking the added revenue stream of adding girls as scouts when the actual Girl Scouts still exist and could easily adopt something similar to Eagle Scout status. How about if Girl Scouts starts getting with the times and adding forward thinking activities for its girls and creating a difficult to achieve Falcon status. Neither gender at ages eight through 12 really needs cross-gender clubs; let the boys and girls learn and grow without the distractions of the opposite sex in this one small enclave of their lives.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

opposing “bump stocks” on guns that convert them into automatic weapons. For them to retreat even slightly on a small point might show that there is an opening for reason in the gun debate.

LILACS to City Council President Ben Stuckart for vowing to quit smoking. We hope by the time this hits the newsstands that Stuckart has continued his resolve. Bad habits are difficult to kick, but the open, honest effort is appealing. And it’s cool that Timm Ormsby and Mike Fagan have joined forces. Politics does indeed make strange bedfellows. LEMONS to big box retailers who racial-

ly profile. They’ll often let well-dressed white families slide right on out, while carefully checking the receipts of black families. Best if they would just adopt a rule and apply it across the board.

LILACS Cheers to the Spokane streets department. We take a lot of flack for the condition of our streets but actually there are some pretty awesome newly paved roadways. Yes, there are still some terrible streets but it’s funny that some businesses protest new street construction because it will hurt business, but then grouse about the condition of the streets. You can’t have it both ways. And all the streets can’t be fixed at once; some have to wait their turn. That said, yes, there are some streets that make me wonder why we bother with paving instead of just using gravel.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



5 Fun Hot Spots

Everyone Needs to Visit The Wandering Table thewanderingtable.com Sun-Mon 4 p.m.-close, Tues-Thurs 11:30 a.m.close, Fri-Sat 11:30 a.m.-close Culture: Casual Fine Dining, Quirky Fun. Most Popular Drink: Barrel Aged Old Fashioned— Four Roses Bourbon, blood orange liqueur, maraschino liqueur, bruleed orange, bourbon cherry Most Popular Menu Item: Spaghetti Stuffed Meatballs—three handmade meatballs, spaghetti and sauce on the inside, slow cooked tomato sauce, garlic confit, shaved parmesan Signature Dish: Chef ’s Tasting—you choose the price, $30-$70. Eight courses showcasing menu highlights and seasonal specials. Tailored to you. Can’t Miss: Beautiful Charcuterie Boards, Wine Flights, Hand Crafted Cocktails

Gilded Unicorn gildedunicorn.com Sun-Thurs 4-11 p.m., Fri-Sat 3 p.m.-Midnight Culture: Classy Casual Most Popular Drink: Pink Elephant—gin, lime, grapefruit, maraschino, blackberry, elderflower, chilled and served up with a lime peel. Most Popular Menu Item: Pan Roasted Pork Chop— honey-brined, stone mustard, gouda mac ‘n’ cheese, bacon braised kale. Signature Dish: Tatertot Casserole—braised brisket in a mushroom cream sauce, baked with tots, cheddar, and onions. Can’t Miss: Live music every Thursday at 8 p.m.

Greenbriar Inn and 315 Restaurant 315martinisandtapas.com Tues-Sat, 3:15 p.m. to close Culture: International Fare Most Popular Drink: Basil Briar—vodka, basil, Galliano and Lemon Most Popular Menu Item: Black and White Ahi—a Cajun seasoned, sesame encrusted, seared ahi steak served with wasabi aioli, lemon, ginger, and soy. Signature Dish: Duck Confit—two duck legs oven roasted and topped with a brandy peppercorn reduction served with chef ’s vegetables and wild rice pilaf. Can’t Miss: Wonderful Small Plate Tapas Menu


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Orlison Brewing Company orlisonbrewing.com ​ Tues-Thurs 4-9 p.m., Fri-Sat 2 p.m.-close Culture: Craft Beer Most Popular Drink: Many different styles to accommodate many different taste buds​. Can’t Miss: Boulder Garden Brown Ale that just won a gold medal at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, Colorado.​

Red Lion BBQ & Pub redlionbbq.com Open seven days a week 11 a.m.-2 a.m. Open at 9 a.m. on Sundays during football season for the football package. Culture: Neighborhood Pub and BBQ in the middle of town. Most Popular Drink: Draft Beer and Straight Booze. Most Popular Menu Item: Combo Bits Appetizer— three sauces and four meats on a platter. And their World Famous “Fried Bread” Appetizer—basket of (usually three pieces) of Native American fried bread. Signature Dish: Bobby’s Special—1/2 lb. of ribs and a quarter of a chicken. It comes with two pieces of fried bread and two onion rings, with a side order. (Side choices of fries, onion rings, fried bread, beans, potato salad, cole slaw.) Can’t Miss: Sports on the screens with great food and drinks.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017


by Erika Prins Simonds


he Inland Northwest shines in its commitment to the underserved. We’re a community with a whole lot of heart—and the organizations doing the legwork need your help. Homelessness rates have increased 11 percent this year in Spokane, and the number of chronically homeless people has risen by 73 percent. Many of the organizations serving the homeless and others who need help are buoyed by volunteers who care. As the holidays draw near (and the world turns to ashes before our very eyes), even the Scrooge-iest among us might be inspired to lend a hand. The season of giving offers many one-time opportunities to serve—but don’t stop there. The most meaningful volunteer gigs are regular shifts, where you have the chance to build relationships with the people (or creatures) you’re helping out. If you’re considering volunteering, start by exploring options online and consider touring the organization to see if it’s a fit. Some places require a volunteer orientation, background check and training. So, if you’d like to give time over the holidays, get in touch now and see what’s required.


Support organizations offering housing, meals and life skills training to give vulnerable and homeless community members a more stable future.

Transitions help4women.org Support homeless women getting back on their feet at Transitions, Miryam’s house and other transitions sites.

Catholic Charities catholiccharitiesspokane.org Choose from a variety of programs offering housing, meals, education and other crucial help to community members in need. Are you a handyman? Skilled at maintenance and construction? Great with kids? Catholic Charities offers a wide variety of services and needs an equally diverse set of volunteers.




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is the flower and plant shop everyone is raving about. Come in and see for yourself


Habitat for Humanity habitat-spokane.org & northidahohabitat.org Wield a hammer for good—no experience needed—or help out in the Habitat Store in Spokane.

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

University Chiropractic Serving Spokane Valley Since 1977

vanessabehan.org The crisis nursery provides safe shelter for parents and kids who need it. You don’t have to know how to change a diaper to help—the organization needs maintenance, kitchen help, public relations help and even a receptionist.

YWCA ywcaspokane.org The YWCA aims to eliminate racism and empower women through housing, legal, personal and practical support— they even provide childcare and clothing help. Volunteer opportunities are as diverse as their services.

New chiropractic patients mention this ad and get a free 1/2hr massage. (Restrictions apply).

Our Services:

Chiropractic Care, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nutritional Guidance

509-922-4458 303 S. University Rd, Spokane 99206 www.universitychiropracticspokane.com NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Lutheran Community Services lcsnw.org Lutheran Community Services provides much-needed support to vulnerable community members like victims of human trafficking, refugees, seniors and those with disabilities. Get trained to help a specific group in need and make a huge impact.

DISASTER RELIEF American Red Cross Great City Center Location— walk to countless restaurants, the downtown shopping area and Riverfront Park Complimentary hot breakfast bar Indoor parking garage

redcross.org About 90 percent of Red Cross staff are volunteers. In addition to nurses and mental health professionals, Red Cross needs disaster relief and education volunteers.

SPREADING JOY Spark Central spark-central.org Creativity builds skills that help us succeed in every area of live. Build your own creative confidence while helping others do the same as a volunteer in this quirky creative space.

Odyssey Youth Center odysseyyouth.org Every teen needs supportive adult mentors—especially those who struggle with acceptance in their families and peer groups. Mentor and supervise LGBTQ youth during the drop-in hours at Odyssey Youth Center.

Spokane Fantasy Flight 33 W. Spokane Falls Blvd Spokane, WA 99201


bwcitycenter.com 24

spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

nwnorthpole.org Provide a magical trip to the North Pole for local kids who need a dose of magic in their lives. Each year, kids from the area’s shelters and community programs take a flight to the North Pole

for an evening where they just get to be a kid, enchanted by holiday wonder.

Tree of Sharing treeofsharing.org Holiday gifts may not be a necessity, but they mean the world to those who receive them. Tree of Sharing gathers gifts for those who otherwise might not receive one.


Whether you enjoy cooking, serving, delivering food or harvesting produce, you can help local organizations feed the hungry in your area.

Spokane Second Harvest 2-harvest.org Spokane’s local food bank needs help sorting food, repackaging bulk food and staffing food drives.

Food for All catholiccharitiesfoodforall.org Food for All aims to get fresh produce in the hands of low-income community members by supporting farmer’s markets and making them accessible for residents on public assistance, and teaching nutrition on a budget.

Women and Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen wcfrspokane.org The organization serves three nutritious meals to women and children each week. Help cook, serve, pick up food donations or deliver meals.

Meals on Wheels Spokane mowspokane.org Meals on Wheels needs drivers to deliver meals on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. If you’d like to help but can’t commit to a frequent route, sign up as a

substitute driver. Or, deliver monthly pet food to seniors with furry friends.


Our non-human community members depend on us for their survival. Serve animals in need to ease the load of shelter staff working to keep the animals healthy and find them homes. Volunteer at a center or at community events.

SCRAPS spokanecounty.org

Spokane Humane Society spokanehumanesociety.org

SpokAnimal spokanimal.org Help socialize, groom and exercise shelter animals—yes, that includes walking, cuddling and playing with them! The front desks, clinics and outreach programs at local shelters also rely on volunteers.


Make a difference for someone at the end of their life or someone grieving the loss of a loved one.

Hospice of Spokane hospiceofspokane.org

Hospice of North Idaho hospiceofnorthidaho.org Volunteer opportunities vary greatly, from caregiving to pet therapy to office help, home maintenance, memoir writing or even serving as a volunteer spiritual chaplain. Volunteers trained in massage, Reiki or other specialized fields that bring comfort are encouraged to apply.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/road trip


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Bellevue Family Road Trip:

Drive Time: 4 Hours

by Stephanie Regalado


he adventure kids (Christopher, 17, and London, 13) and I are always looking for quick trip opportunities with the highest rate of new life experience ROI. We felt as though we were transported to another country with the diversity of language and human presentation in the beautiful city of Bellevue (the name actually means “beautiful view” and is a majority minority city with more than 51 percent minority—56 languages spoken in public schools, 39 percent of population is foreign born). We adored our time in the city, and my favorite quote from the kids throughout the weekend was: “This is such a cool experience.” What more could a parent who wants to enhance her kiddos’ lives want?

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


FIRST LOOK/road trip


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Medically directed by Board Certified Physician

Stay: We enjoyed our time at the Marriot Bellevue with a city view room that included Seattle’s Space Needle in the horizon. About 20 minutes after we arrived from our trek across the state—not to mention the mania that occurs leading up to a vacation—the Marriot team delivered a platter of snacks and drinks—even wine for the mama. The timing was perfect: right after the fight for the bathroom and who was sleeping in which bed. It was a beautiful moment that melted away travel stress and spiked up our spunk for the adventure ahead. I will now always order snack delivery.

Explore The Bellevue Botanical Garden is a 36-acre area that includes lush display gardens, meadows, wetlands and forests. We loved our time strolling through these stunning gardens—dahlias, Yao Japanese Gardens, alpine rock garden, ground cover gardens, secret little doors that turns imagination into high drive—and romping over the new swinging bridge that ventures over a ravine. Experience Bellevue Zip Tour allows you to soar through the forest on 6.5 zip lines and two bridges high above the city. Located in Eastgate Park, the Bellevue Zip Tour is a natural wonder in the midst of the city. Perfect for families with kiddos 9 and older. Perhaps the most fun was romping freely through the heart of the city, seeking out the 130 works of public art while chasing Pokémon (we witnessed other families doing the same, and they all had portable chargers for their phones, which is brilliant). We made our way to the Downtown Park, which provided beauty and serenity comfortably alongside laughing, happy children. The park is a 20-acre oasis with a half-mile promenade leading to a 240-foot wide waterfall that cascades into a mesmerizing reflecting pool. And then there was our unexpected time at the surprisingly not overcrowded hidden gem, Enatai Beach Park, where I sat in the sand and journaled while the adventure kids stretched their fins and splashed around a bit. You can also rent canoes and kayaks to explore the Mercer Slough.

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Eat You could delightfully eat and drink your way through the city, and you certainly need the fueling stops to break up the 14,000+ steps a day like the adventure kids and I did. The hotel offered a snack station so we could fill up on water bottles, trail mix and fruit before we headed out and as we arrived back—brilliant bonus. We loved dinner at Maggiano’s Little Italy, and I don’t know that I’ve ever experienced the level of hospitality their team provided. They give first-timers an extra special welcome, and warm lemon cookies as an added bonus. You don’t want to miss Purple Café and Wine Bar, with their signature doors that reach to the heavens and fancy family friendly atmosphere. One of the coolest foodie spots in the city is Earls Kitchen + Bar, where my son—who is staunchly against taking photos of food—had a full-on photo shoot with his buttered scallops; such gorgeous presentation and delicious experiential flavors. And an insane sundae for dessert at Vivo 53 is a must for sugar fiends.

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FIRST LOOK/spokane rising

Leading on Sustainability by Anthony Gill

One of the

wettest, dreariest winters on record. Some of the worst mosquitos and bees seen in years. An exceptionally warm, dry summer—including the longest streak of consecutive 90-degree days on record. The worst air quality from some of the worst fires in years. The past year in Spokane has, to be sure, boasted more than its fair share of weather and climate records—and that’s before we even stop to consider the records we’ve broken in high temperatures, low temperatures, snowfall, lack of snowfall, and everything else in the past decade. As the Earth continues to warm and climate patterns shift, we can expect more of these records to be broken. Absent national leadership, it’s worth asking what can be done locally to mitigate these risks, introduce bold changes, and adapt to an uncertain future. The City of Spokane, for example, recently passed its first citywide Sustainability Action Plan into law. The document, originally crafted (but never passed) in 2010, finally codifies efforts to further emphasize renewable energy, promote sustainable transportation, improve land use regulations and maximize energy efficiency. It also formalizes the first city-wide carbon emissions reduction goal: 30 percent by 2030. So how might we do that? For one, we could promote solar rooftops. Existing city code and the lack of local examples can make these efforts unusually difficult for would-be home solar users. Let’s simplify the code to limit red tape and work with agencies and nonprofits to reduce the cost of an installation so more people can benefit. And in a world where a building is built to last 50 years or more, we should be working with developers to ensure new roofs have the necessary infrastructure to support solar—even if an installation isn’t immediately planned.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Let’s plan for a future network of electric, autonomous vehicles as part of an integrated transportation system. Technologists suggest we could be just a few years away from a green car revolution. Will the charging and power distribution network be ready? And as the rise of autonomous vehicles begins to increase the amount of time in a day that a car is used, let’s reconsider our antiquated parking requirements, which can sometimes result in a sea of parking—or expensive garages—on otherwise developable land. Finally, let’s incentivize green buildings, such as those which are LEED-certified or of Passivhaus construction. These highly-efficient buildings save property managers significant sums of cash while using less energy—and thus emitting less carbon—than a typical building. Existing buildings can add similar “green” features—such as smart lighting or power-efficient HVAC and circulation systems—at a relatively low cost to boost efficiency. As the site of the first environmentally-themed World’s Fair, Spokane is uniquely positioned to lead on environmental issues. And our city will be better off and more livable because of it. Let’s take bold action as we step into the future, and meet this challenge together. Anthony Gill is an economic development professional and the founder of Spokane Rising, an urbanist blog focused on ways to make our city a better place to live.

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FIRST LOOK/kindness

What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you? compiled by Sarah Hauge

We asked:


hen our house caught fire two years ago, while Addie was pregnant and we had a one-yearold, we received tons of donations, not just from friends and neighbors, but from people our neighbors knew whom we had never met—their friends, their coworkers. Toys and clothes and diapers … it saved our butts while we were displaced, and we still have lots of those toys! —Nicholas Grow, Musician Once I was having a terrible day and waiting for a Lyft outside Walmart. A little boy and his mom came over to ask if I was okay because the little kid thought I looked sad. It’s not like they did anything, but this kid saw into my soul a little and I appreciated being noticed. —Anonymous In 2015, my young son Caleb and I were in a terrible crash on I-90, spinning down the freeway until we were stopped finally by the freeway divider. It was early December, with lots of wet snow and mud on the ground. An angel got my boy out of the van—I’m not sure how— carried him to safety (Caleb is heavy and doesn’t walk), and sat holding him in the snow and mud until the ambulance arrived. He left Caleb his Seahawks beanie and was gone. We tried for a long time afterward to find this stranger—we wanted to offer him seats to a Seahawks home game—but we never did. —Jen Ross, Mom


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017


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When I was young mother, my husband served in the military at Madigan Army Medical Center. I was eating every other day and he, if lucky, ate fries for lunch if a co-worker spotted him the funds, sacrificing so we could feed our two girls first. We knew nothing about state food assistance and our paycheck monthly was $900, barely enough to cover rent. I was pregnant with our third child (a pleasant but unexpected surprise) and couldn’t work more than minimal part time because childcare would have cost more than my husband and I were making. One of the physician’s assistants in the obstetrics office at the Army hospital showed up one evening at our tiny apartment with what had to have been $200 worth of grocery staples as well as personal favorites, luxuries that we would never have thought to purchase for ourselves. To this day I don’t know how she ever knew we needed help, where we lived, or that Oreos were my favorite cookie. —Heatherann Franz Woods, Part Owner of The Missing Piece Tattoo, receptionist, and blossoming micro farmer Spring of 2007, I am driving south on Hamilton with my older sister in my junky Subaru Legacy. The car is driving weird so we pull over at a gas station and discover we have a flat tire. It’s okay, because we both know how to put on the spare, but I am six-ish months pregnant and my sister is tiny so it’s going to be super annoying. Enter random guy drinking a tall boy out of a paper bag (it’s 10 a.m.). He pulls one of those professional jacks out of his trunk and insists on changing the tire for us, drinking out of his bag the whole time. Thank you, day drinker, for saving our butts. —Ella Kerner, Mom Responses have been edited for clarity.

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We would love to hear from you! Please send an email to editor@ spokanecda.com with your response to: What was your most joyful moment this year? for a chance to have your experience honored in the December issue of the magazine.

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FIRST LOOK/spokane celebrity

Home is Where the Heart is for This Primal Survivor


by Kimberly Gunning

grew up across from Manito Park. I think that had a lot to do with it,” Hazen Audel says about his innate interest in plants and animals. “I knew all the gardeners at one time when I was a little kid, and I learned all about the plants.” The host of National Geographic Channel’s Primal Survivor describes his grade-school self as nerdy and socially awkward. He recalls catching turtles, frogs and snakes in the neighborhood and keeping them in a pond his dad built for him. “I always thought that everybody was interested in snakes and bugs, but they all grow out of it and I just never grew out of it,” he says. For Audel, this fascination only flourished.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Riding a horse, chasing snowline at 15,000 feet in the Himalayas in Nepal with the Loba Nomads. photo: Stu Trowell

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


I always thought that everybody was interested in snakes and bugs, but they all grow out of it and I just never grew out of it.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

photo: Jimmy Cape

The Spokane native gained international fame in 2014 on Survive the Tribe, which aired in the United States and the United Kingdom. The show morphed into what is now Primal Survivor, and just wrapped up its third season of following Audel to some of the most remote locations around the world while he learns from and adapts to the lifestyles, customs and survival techniques of the indigenous people. His survival skills and relationships with remote communities began long before his first episode, however. “I’ve always been really fascinated with nature and, when I graduated from high school, I went to Eastern Washington University for a little while,” says Audel. He studied biology and had a longing to travel to the rainforest. So, he raised enough money from his lawn mowing services and booked a flight to Ecuador. Audel says he went with the intentions of camping in a remote area and searching for animals, while living on rice and fish. While he was there, he began interacting with the local kids and trading fishing secrets. He was soon staying with the families and taking on jobs within the community. “I think they recognized that I was this really young soul that kind of needed to be taken in,” says Audel. “I thought I’d be there for a couple months, and I wound up being there for a lot longer than that.” That first trip to Ecuador exposed Audel to a brand-new environment from what he knew in the Pacific Northwest. “I was in a perfect place to be learning about all the things I wanted to be learning about.” Upon returning to the classroom, Audel explains, “I could remember every day when I was at school knowing that I wasn’t learning what I was learning over there.” He made it a point to continue traveling back to Ecuador to learn from the local communities, and even started a guide business in South America to raise funds for his travels and tuition. Committed to

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Carrying a catch of fish caught from the Mekong and smoked fish to be transported to a village down river in Laos. photo: Jimmy Cape


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Casting a throw net into the rapids of the Mekong in Laos. photo: Jimmy Cape

academia as an educational path, Audel went to graduate school in Hawaii. “Hawaii opened up doors to traveling to the South Pacific and Southeast Asia,” he says. Along the way, Audel had an opportunity to work as a consultant for Man vs. Wild, featuring well-known British adventurer and survivalist Bear Grylls. “I took him to my old stomping grounds in Ecuador and watched how he did his work and I thought, ‘wow, I wish I could have a go at this.’” After college, Audel returned to Spokane where he worked as an Outward Bound leader, ran his own metal-sculpting business, Hazen Audel Artworks, and taught at Ferris High School. While on travel excursions during summer months, he would shoot videos to bring home to his students, who would then upload them to YouTube. He and a few close friends decided to start a film company they called The Wild Classroom, later renamed Untamed Science. This venture led to a chance meeting with an interested couple at a film festival Audel attended, which prompted a filming trip to Ecuador and the eventual pilot of Survive the Tribe. Audel’s expeditions on Survive the Tribe and Primal Survivor take viewers to locations far-removed, as they watch

him collect cow’s blood with the Samburu tribe in Kenya, hunt dangerous waters for sharks off of the Solomon Islands, eat barbecued insects in the Australian Outback, and chisel through three feet of ice to catch fish in the Arctic with the Inuit. “They’re all exquisite places. They choose the most remote and then often times the most scenically dramatic,” says Audel about National Geographic Channel’s site selection. From navigating crocodile-infested swamps in Papua New Guinea to trekking across the Sahara by camel—his adventures are far from relaxed. “In a lot of ways, they picked the right guy for the job,” says Audel. “One of my friends said, often times I’m most comfortable when I’m uncomfortable.” One of his most harrowing experiences on the show happened in the Arctic. “The hunting wasn’t very good and it was in the middle of the winter,” explains Audel. “It was like 40 below zero sometimes.” In a last-resort effort to find food, he, his camera man and the old-timers of the tribe dug their way down through crevices in the 20-foot-thick ice above the ocean waters. As the tide receded, they navigated a dark labyrinth of ice tunnels and collected as many clams

One of my friends said, often times I’m most comfortable when I’m uncomfortable.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


The best part of my job is going to these amazing places, but the worst part is being gone.

Aiming for a Guan (sort of a jungle turkey) up in the branches in the Darien Gap in Panama. photo: Stewart Trowell

Learning to tie a bamboo raft from his host Father in Laos for an expedition down the Mekong. photo: Honor Peters


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

and mussels as they could before the water rushed back. He mentions Mongolia and Laos as a couple of his favorite destinations he has traveled to with the show, but explains that it’s each community’s people who shape his experiences most. “That’s my big takehome, with just these smiling faces and the welcoming of a lot of these people.” The indigenous tribes have taught him many life lessons throughout the years, and he says one of the most important ones is: “Family is everything and it takes a tribe to raise a child.” His community-minded spirit continues to draw him back to Spokane, where his parents and his three sisters and their children reside. “I want to focus on my relationships and I’d like to eventually be settled in and have a family of my own,” Audel explains. “The best part of my job is going to these amazing places, but the worst part is being gone,” he admits. Audel’s contract with the show allots him two-week breaks in between filming episodes so that he is able to spend more time at home. “I’m not gone nearly as much as I used to be and I have a lot of good family time in between.” Season four of Primal Survivor is looking promising, though nothing is finalized yet, says Audel. “You just kind of have to ride the wave, but I don’t anticipate it being forever.” Looking forward, Audel has his sights set on finding a position back in academia. “I love being with kids,” he expresses enthusiastically, “I love being a teacher.” He also continues to work as a metal artist. Of the many places across the globe this primal survivor could opt to be, Audel gladly chooses his roots for where he would like to pass on lessons learned to future students and an eventual family of his own—teaching them of responsibility, integrity and taking care of your kin. Kimberly Gunning and her husband relocated from Phoenix to Spokane on military orders just one year ago. She’s a foodie, wine drinker and runner, and has worked as an associate editor and freelance writer for a variety of travel and lifestyle publications.

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Healing Spokane Presents:



ealing Spokane is a group of passionate healthcare professionals joining forces to bring seven different viewpoints together while finding common ground. They are offering a free, informative discussion about using a collaborative approach to treating depression and anxiety November 14 on the WSU Spokane Campus. The mission of Healing Spokane is to provide educational opportunities about conventional medicine and complementary approaches for the public, as well as healthcare professionals. Through education and collaboration, their goal is to create an innovative paradigm for health and wellness in our community. These providers are passionate and committed to bridging the gap between the allopathic and conventional approaches by emphasizing the benefits of combining both medicines to work together to treat the patient holistically.

Every two months, they take on a subject and address it from seven different disciplines. They have tackled back pain, weight loss, menopause, autoimmune disorders, IBS, and anxiety and depression (which they feel is worth repeating). The increased stress due to a new school year beginning, changing weather and upcoming holidays, compounded by current world events, which negatively impact everyone, and especially those with depression and anxiety. Healing Spokane hopes to provide love, support and education to the community members—and their support systems—who struggle with mental health concerns.

Speakers: • Mary Bergum, MD | Family Medicine Psychotherapy • Sean Smitham, PhD | Psychotherapy • Alycia Policani, ND | Naturopathy • Angela Pham, MS, RDN | Integrative Nutrition • Sherry Wu, MD, L.Ac | Chinese Medicine/ Acupuncture Ayurveda • Renu Sinha, MD | Ayurveda • Anna Molgard, E-RYT | Yoga and Meditation

November 14 6-7:30 p.m. | WSU Spokane Campus 668 N. Riverpoint Blvd—EWU Center Building Auditorium—Room 122 healingspokane.org






047 52






world of words by Sharma Shields

IT’S NOVEMBER, the month of gratitude, and I’m grateful for the profound, powerful and, yes, unsettling books that I read this year (my taste tends toward the literary, the dark, the brutally honest). Here’s a list of some of my favorites, in alphabetical order by title, along with a sentence describing my why: Book of No Ledge by Nance Van Winckel (Pleiades Press). Spokane writer Nance Van Winckel is a master of mischief and insubordination. In this volume, she toys expertly with prose, poetry and images, creating fun-to-read “photoems” as amusing as they are profound. Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin (Riverhead), translated from Spanish by Megan McDowell. This was one of my two very favorite reads of the year (tied with Kintu, below), a short, nightmarish, precise novel about uncertainty, connection and ecological destruction. A propulsive, intriguing, spine-tingling book. Idaho by Emily Ruskovich (Random House). Ruskovich grew up in Northern Idaho, and the landscape lives vividly in her prose. This is a haunting novel about memory and regret, all circling around the death and disappearance of two young girls.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

I’m Fine But You Appear to Be Sinking by Leyna Krow (Featherproof Books). Krow, a Spokane writer and a graduate of Eastern’s MFA program, has an imagination like no other, and these funny and meaningful stories will take you to the ocean, to outerspace, to a Palouse covered with snakes, even to the end of the world. Krow is one of my favorite up-and-coming Northwest authors. The Impossible Fairy Tale by Han Yujoo, translated from Korean by Janet Hong (Graywolf Press). The novel begins by comparing two girls, Mia, a “lucky” girl who seems to have it all, and the Child, so unfortunate she isn’t even given a name. This is an eerie, fascinating read that becomes increasingly self-aware as it shuttles toward its unpredictable ending. Isadora by Amelia Gray (Farrar, Straus and Giroux). Based on the tragic life of the rebellious and strong-willed dancer, Isadora Duncan, this title is a multi-faceted reflection on artistic talent, individualism and grief. Kintu by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi (Transit Books). This tied for the award for my Very Favorite Read of 2017 (see Fever Dream, above). An epic reminiscent of One Hundred Year’s of Solitude and Midnight’s Children, Makumbi’s novel fleshes out Uganda’s patriarchal history, particularly involving colonization and the horrors it brought to the region’s people. It follows the curse of the Kintu family from the eighteenth century all the way through to present day, and each character and story told is engaging and remarkable. I hope Makumbi will be included in the literary cannon alongside García Márquez and Rushdie. Life on Mars by Tracy K. Smith (Graywolf Press). This is a bit of a cheat, since this book came out way back in 2011, but I’m putting it here because Tracy K. Smith became our nation’s 22nd Poet Laureate in June of 2017, such AWESOME news in a year of bad news. Get this poetry collection and keep an eye out for her next collection, Wade in the Water, which will drop from Graywolf Press this coming April.

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Classics). Qiu Miaojin was Taiwan’s most renowned lesbian writer when she tragically took her life at age 26. This novel, published posthumously, studies the lives of queer Taiwanese youth in a series of innovative chapters ranging from diary entries to letters and more. Pretend We Are Lovely by Noley Reid (Tin House Books). All of the characters in this thoughtful novel are consumed by hunger: hunger for food, hunger for perfection, hunger for acceptance and love. A gorgeous and at times painful meditation on sisterhood, family and self. Things We Lost in the Fire: Stories by Mariana Enriquez (Hogarth). Creative, dark, harrowing stories about womanhood, loss, domestic violence and governmental corruption. Amidst the grotesqueness and darkness, there is compassion for the struggling characters and a desire for a kinder world. Vincent by Barbara Stok (SelfMadeHero). A graphic novel about Vincent Van Gogh’s paintings, mental illness and poignant relationship with the brother who loves him. Contains beautiful illustrations inspired by Van Gogh’s work. The Whole World at Once by Erin Pringle (Vandalia Press). Like the stories of Mariana Enriquez, Pringle plumbs the darkest depths of human experience in a powerful plea for a better world. An Artist Trust recipient, Pringle lives in Spokane. Support those local writers, friends. Grab any of these titles at your local indie bookstore (Auntie’s) or at your neighborhood library. Whatever you’re reading this month, remember to be grateful for those worlds of words and all they offer us.


Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders (Random House). Saunders always approaches fiction with such creativity, and this novel, a historical masterpiece, is no different. Inspired by a story Saunders heard about Lincoln refusing to let go of his dead son’s body, the novel is filled with images of war and longing and ghosts. Truly a masterpiece. Marlena by Julie Buntin (Henry Holt). Set in icy rural Michigan, Marlena is a coming-of-age novel that demonstrates how precarious the teenage years really are, and how a friendship can be both fortifying and ruinous. Marrow Island by Alexis M. Smith. Smith is in the process of moving from Portland to Spokane (hooray for our writing scene!) and this incredible novel received the highly esteemed Pacific Northwest Bookseller’s Association Award this year. The deep yet fragile relationship between two women is at the heart of the book, and a timely backdrop of ecological despair—earthquakes and fires—renders their relationship all the more urgent and imperiled. The Notebook, The Proof, The Third Lie: Three Novels by Agota Kristof, translated from French by Alan Sheridan, David Watson, and Marc Romano (Grove Press). This is another older title, but I’d never heard of it or read it until a few weeks ago, and it’s one of my very favorites of the year. The first novel begins with two twin boys who must leave their mother in the city and move in with their grandmother in the country. The twins begin a brutal and stark life together, forming their own counter-morality, but before long, they are separated. These three novels serve as an allegory for warravaged Europe. Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin, translated by Bonnie Huie (NYRB

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sunsetflorist.net NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Sessionz photo and story by Matt Loi

SESSIONZ formed on a patio in 2007 shortly after the nuptial celebration of Chris and Heather

Bowers. Their genesis was guided by friendship and a shared love of neo-soul, RnB, and jazz. These musicians, from Spokane and all over the U.S., were determined to create a soul scene nearly from scratch. The past 10 years have been a period of Spokane getting to know the band, as well as the band getting to know the city. It started out like three awkward dates before they finally broke the ice. Spokane wasn’t too acquainted with soulful sounds at first, but after awhile they warmed up to one another. Now, Sessionz regularly plays to packed venues around town. Instrumentally, Sessionz features Chris on the drums, Carlos Fox covering a wide array of timbres via keyboards, Darryl Spencer playing guitar, and bass from James Bowens. The vocal department is where the band takes their name. While Heather frequently sings, she is more than willing to share the spotlight. Every concert turns into the classiest jam session one is likely to ever see. The band goes out of their way to find undiscovered or up-and-coming vocal talent from around Spokane. One will witness solo vocalists and duets backed by accomplished musicians. At their latest show at The Big Dipper, the night began with a modern freestyle dancer to warm up the crowd. During the entire event Danielle Fletcher painted a Spokane skyline that was raffled off at the end of the night. This incorporation of local instrumentation, vocals, dance, and painting, all from otherwise unaffiliated artists, shows what Sessionz wants to accomplish: creating a stylish platform for Spokane’s


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

creative community. Their presentation is clean, sophisticated and crafty. Sessionz draws inspiration from the likes of Angie Stone and Erykah Badu, and one can’t help but hear some Earth, Wind and Fire and Stevie Wonder in the mix. Every song in the set is linked together with a story or description of what to expect, creating a narrative guiding the listener’s ear through the evening. The songs range from romantic ballads to funky, danceable numbers. Sessionz writes some of their own songs, but when they perform ones written by others, they don’t cover the song, they give their own unique rendition, to the point that one may not recognize the tune right away. Jill Scott and John Legend will follow the occasional jazz standard or Michael Jackson classic. Their key is to not play the obvious hits, but dig for deeper cuts. The reaction of the audience evokes a vibe of strangers smiling at one another to the point where they are strangers no more, but witnesses to some beautifully crafted local expression. Sessionz will return to The Big Dipper in January. They play private events year round, and when the weather warms up they plan to hit the festival circuit. Studio time is in the works with an EP as their goal. You can find Sessionz on Facebook or contact them for booking at sessionplayers@hotmail.com.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



mixedmedia Spokane has changed. Drastically.

RE FL EC T I N G ON A D ECA DE OF T E RRA I N by Luke Baumgarten


f you came to Terrain 10 this year, you hopefully saw all the things you’ve come to expect from our event in the last decade: a ton of art, music, literary performance, dance and film created by local artists. You saw thousands of people gather to see what our region’s young and emerging artists have been up to this year and, more generally, to celebrate and support the act of creation. Hopefully you got to meet an artist whose work moved you, and made a couple new friends. If you came between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m., you probably also saw—and then had to wait in—a line to get in the door. Sorry about that. Every year when it comes time to ask our local media outlets to cover our event, they ask, “What’s new this year?” It’s a really hard question to answer because, if we’re doing


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

our job right, the main thing you notice is the art and the performance. We aren’t the story, or at least we shouldn’t be. So when the question comes up, we tend to talk about incremental changes. Making things better and easier and faster for people. The line was shorter this year (hopefully you noticed) and, once you got inside, the space was a lot more open, allowing people to browse without feeling rushed. It’s hard to see, in the moment, the big changes. Zooming out, though—with a couple weeks of hindsight, after looking at the numbers and reflecting on the way this year came together and the people who showed up— it’s very, very clear: Spokane is a completely different place than it was when we started Terrain in 2008. It’s so much different than even five years ago.

We feel fortunate that Terrain has always had good crowds. They’ve grown over the years and they have also gotten a lot more diverse. It isn’t just artists supporting other artists, and it isn’t just friends and family. People are coming from all over the region, and even outside of it. We had a few folks drive over from Seattle, and up from Boise. And when those out-of-town folks get to the event, they’re seeing a vast cross-section of our whole community, not just a sliver, including way more people of color and GLBTQA folks than your average evening out downtown. It’s truly incredible. And people aren’t just supporting by showing up. They’re getting out their pocketbooks. We noticed a couple years ago that the lines to see art were longer than the lines to buy beer. This year, art sales finally beat out alcohol sales. Selling more art than booze

might seem like a funny little detail, but it’s a huge milestone—and maybe the most important success of this year’s event. There was a perception in the early days that we were somehow tricking people into viewing art by throwing a cool party (which isn’t entirely untrue). What’s clear now is that people still enjoy the party, but they’re way more interested in supporting our community of artists. We had a couple fly in from Hawaii to support their son, who had art in the show. Spokane showed up huge for them by buying all of his work. We’ve heard from other gallery owners that they had great nights too, meaning this isn’t just a Terrain thing. Either the overall audience for the Visual Arts Tour is bigger than it used to be, people are more actively hitting lots of events, or both things are true. Regard-

less: our region’s support for art and artists is a huge deal, and a big change from 2008. Another massive shift is the level of institutional support for the arts in Spokane. Last March, Spokane City Council tripled its arts funding after a long period of decline. I can’t imagine that happening even as recently as 2012, when Boise decided to make a huge arts funding investment. We’re catching up to other cities our size. Terrain didn’t get its first corporate sponsor until 2013. This year, we got support from STCU, Coordinated Care, WSU and the City of Spokane. Earlier in the year, we also got help from Global Credit Union to help produce our Bazaar art market and from Downtown Spokane Partnership and Spokane Arts to grow Window Dressing, our storefront art and entrepreneurialism program. Fall is a good time to reflect, and a great

time to push forward. Looking back on how far we’ve come as a community, the Terrain team—and the whole rest of our region, it seems—is now thinking, how much further can we go?

Terrain is a nonprofit dedicated to building community and creating economic opportunities for artists and culture creators and increasing everyone’s access to and participation in the arts. They are changing our region one artist at a time. Head to their website, terrainspokane.com to learn more about their programs, including Pop Up Shop, their store dedicated to 100 percent locally made goods, clothing and art. Follow them on Facebook at facebook.com/ terrainspokane, on instagram and twitter @ terrainspokane. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/november datebook



ART November 20, December 3, December 18: Spokane Poetry Slam and BootSlam

Spokane Poetry Slam is competitive performance poetry at its Northwest finest. Every first and third week of the month spoken word warriors battle for Inland Empire supremacy, and a $50 Grand Prize. Each poem is judged by five members of the audience and, after two rounds of poetry, whichever poet has the highest cumulative score is declared the winner. Bootslam, at Boots Bakery, is held on the first Sunday of each month, while Spokane Poetry Slam, held at the Bartlett, is held on the third Monday of each month. Boots Bakery and Lounge, 24 W. Main Ave. The Bartlett, 228 W. Sprague Ave. spokanepoetryslam.org.

Currently open: Titanic: the Artifact Exhibition

Educational, emotional and appropriate for all ages, Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition takes visitors on a journey through the life of Titanic. Along the way, visitors will learn countless stories of heroism and humanity that pay honor to the indomitable force of the human spirit in the face of tragedy. The Exhibition has been designed with a focus on the legendary RMS Titanic’s compelling human stories as best told through authentic artifacts recovered from the wreck site of Titanic and extensive room re-creations. Museum of Arts and Culture. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931, northwestmuseum. org.

Currently open: Art Romances and Molecular Dances: A Study in the Integration of Art and Science

Students at The Community School in Spokane were asked to create original works of poetry and art and, through these works, communicate concepts of chemistry. Pieces depict a wide range of concepts—from patterns of valence electrons to trends in the periodic table to characteristics of chemical reactions. Museum of Arts and Culture. 2316 W. First Ave. (509) 456-3931, northwestmuseum.org.

December 1: First Friday

Enjoy visual arts, musical presentations, sample local foods, get acquainted with local performing artists and more at this monthly event sponsored by the Downtown Spokane Partner-


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

ship. On the first Friday of each month, participating galleries, museums, boutiques and more host a city-wide open house with refreshments and entertainment. First Friday is free and open to the public. Downtown Spokane. downtownspokane.org.

MUSIC November 4-5: Spokane Symphony Classics: Overtures and Arias with Thomas Hampson

The Grammy Award-winning, internationally renowned Thomas Hampson returns to his hometown for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the reopening of Martin Woldson Theater at The Fox. He will lend his velvety baritone to a program of arias from popular operas and a selection of classics from the American Songbook. Hampson gave the final performance at the theater before it went dark and returned in 2009 for the symphony’s world premiere of Michael Daugherty’s “Letters From Lincoln.” Fox Theater. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 10: In My Life: A Musical Theatre Tribute to the Beatles

Take a magical musical tour through The Beatles most iconic performances in this rock ‘n’ roll stage biography narrated from the unique point-of-view of longtime Beatles manager Brian Epstein. “In My Life” takes audiences from the mop-tops’ humble beginnings in Liverpool’s Cavern Club and their career-defining performance on The Ed Sullivan Show, to their famed final live performance on the rooftop of the Apple Records building. Renowned Beatles tribute band Abbey Road stars as John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, providing spot-on renditions of 33 of the legendary group’s classic songs. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 11: Spokane Symphony Pops: Mambo Kings

Formed in 1995, this top-notch Latin jazz ensemble is nationally recognized for their explosive blend of Afro Cuban rhythms and jazz improvisation. The Mambo Kings take you on an electrifying Latin jazz tour of the Americas with Brubeck’s “Blue Mambo a la Turk” and the burning Tito Puente’s “Tres Lindas Cubanas.” Fox Theater. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 18: Mannheim Steamroller Christmas

Mannheim Steamroller Christmas by Chip Davis has been America’s favorite holiday tradition for more than 30 years. Experience the magic as the spirit of the season comes alive with the signature sound of Mannheim Steamroller. Their holiday CDs have become synonymous with Christmas and continue to occupy top spots on Billboard’s Seasonal Charts every year. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 19: Winter Jam Tour Spectacular

Winter Jam West will return to the Spokane Arena with hip-hop trailblazer Lecrae leading the lineup of top Christian artists. In addition to Lecrae, Winter Jam West will feature Third Day frontman Mac Powell, best-selling hip-hop recording artist Andy Mineo, chart-toppers Building 429, fan

favorite rockers Family Force 5, Winter Jam founders and hosts, NewSong, acclaimed singer/ songwriter Moriah Peters presenting TRALA and evangelist Nick Hall. The West Coast PreJam Party is set to showcase Mallary Hope and Westover. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 24: Trans-Siberian Orchestra: The Ghosts of Christmas Eve

For the past 20 years, Trans-Siberian Orchestra has become a critically-acclaimed, multi-platinum, musical powerhouse, and its annual winter tour is a beloved, multi-generational holiday tradition. This tour will be a celebration of the art and accomplishments of the lauded group’s late creator/composer/lyricist, Paul O’Neill, and his inimitable creation, which he dubbed “Rock Theater.” Fans will experience this exciting stage spectacle, including new awe-inspiring effects and staging, certain to make the story even more engaging for fans. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 28: A Perfect Circle

The band’s spring outing, their first U.S. tour in six years, began with a three-night stand at The Pearl in Las Vegas. “It was as if they never left, both in terms of the sharpness of their performance and the contemporary relevancy … of their catalog,” said the Las Vegas Review Journal in their review of the opening evening. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 7: Brit Floyd: Immersion World Tour 2017

The hotly anticipated rock event of the year returns, as Brit Floyd brings the music of Pink Floyd to life once again with its lavish new stage show, Brit Floyd Immersion World Tour 2017. The spectacle of a Pink Floyd concert experience is truly recaptured in high-definition sound, and with a stunning million-dollar light show and state-of-the-art video design. As well as performing the favorite moments from The Dark Side of the Moon, Wish You Were Here, The Wall and The Division Bell, Brit Floyd will also pay special tribute to the Animals album, in its 40th anniversary year, with a show stopping rendition of “Dogs,” as well as a host of other Pink Floyd musical gems. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 13: Darlene Love: Love for the Holidays

Darlene Love has captivated audiences worldwide with her warm, gracious stage presence and superb performances. Her career began in the early ‘60s as part of Phil Spector’s “wall of sound” hit factory. Her work includes major motion pictures, including Lethal Weapon, and Broadway musical hits like Hairspray and Grease. She also starred as herself in Leader of the Pack, credited as Broadway’s first “jukebox musical.” Love has appeared on numerous television programs, running the gamut from her weekly appearances on Shindig to a guest spot on the PBS special Women Who Rock. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 15: Lindsey Stirling: Warmer in the Winter

Lindsey Stirling is one of the biggest artist development breakthrough stories in recent years. A classically trained violinist from Gilbert, Arizona, Stirling has entered a futurist world of electronic big beats and animation, leaping through the music industry with more than 675 million views on YouTube, Billboard chart-topping hits and sold-out tours worldwide. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 16-17: Spokane Symphony Holiday Pops Celebration

The Spokane Symphony will celebrate the holidays with heart-warming music and magical moments, including a visit from Santa. This holiday tradition includes some of the season’s NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



THE SCENE/november datebook

most-loved, festive songs and carols. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

EVENTS November 16: Hazel Auden: My Lives With Tribes

Survive the Wild with Hazen Audel is an opportunity to hear personal recollections of Hazen’s globetrotting travels while living with the most exotic communities alongside the wildest animals in the world. Hazen shares his many struggles, both getting to these places and coming out alive—but always feeling inspired for the next adventure. This is a show for any adventure, wildlife and indigenous culture enthusiast who wants to hear spell-binding stories of the natural world, from a man who has experienced life with the most remote and fascinating cultures across the natural planet—all illustrated with his own film footage and photography. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com. CALL


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December 9: No-Li FrostFest

No-Li Brewhouse is bringing back its beloved FrostFest, and this time around they’re going big and taking over the Spokane Arena concourse. There’s a dozen new, small-batch beers to be tasted as you take in a winter carnival of fun featuring performers, food and plenty of other snowy insanity. If you come dressed in festive winter attire—however you want to define that—you’re eligible to win prizes. Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

THEATRE November 8: Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker

Marking the 25th anniversary tour, Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker features over-thetop production and worldclass Russian artists. Larger-than-life puppets, nesting dolls and gloriously hand-crafted costumes bring the Christmas spirit to life. Gather the family and see why the press is raving. Get the best seats today and memories for a lifetime at Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 14: Tuesdays With Morrie

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Tuesdays with Morrie is the autobiographical story of Mitch Albom, an accomplished journalist driven solely by his career, and Morrie Schwartz, his former college professor. Sixteen years after graduation, Mitch happens to catch Morrie’s appearance on a television news program and learns that his old professor is battling Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Mitch is reunited with Morrie, and what starts as a simple visit turns into a weekly pilgrimage and a last class in the meaning of life. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 17-December 17: A Christmas Story: The Musical

The endearing tale of Ralphie Parker and his quest to get a Red Ryder BB Gun for Christmas comes to life in a fun new way in this whimsical musical adaptation. A modern Christmas classic, it examines, in heartwarming detail, the musings and misadventures of a young boy and his family in their 1940s small town Indiana life. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507, (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 25: The Forgotten Carols

The Forgotten Carols stage performance tells the story of Connie Lou, a nurse whose


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empty life is changed when Uncle John, a new patient she is attending, recounts the story of Christ’s birth as told by littleknown characters in the nativity story. The accounts from the innkeeper, the shepherd and others help the nurse discover what the world has forgotten about Christmas, ultimately encouraging her to open her heart to the joy of this special season. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 30-December 3: Spokane Symphony Orchestra Special: The Nutcracker A cherished holiday event delighs children of all ages in the historic theater. E.T.A. Hoffman’s story of Clara and her nutcracker prince is performed by the Santa Barbara-based State Street Ballet and more than 75 local dancers. Experience Tchaikovsky’s magnificent score performed live by the Spokane Symphony. Dress up the little ones for a magical holiday treat. Fox Theatre. 1001 W. Sprague Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

November 30-December 3: RENT

In 1996, an original rock musical by a little-known composer opened on Broadway and forever changed the landscape of American theatre. A re-imagining of Puccini’s La Bohème, RENT follows an unforgettable year in the lives of seven artists struggling to follow their dreams without selling out. With its inspiring message of joy and hope in the face of fear, this timeless celebration of friendship and creativity reminds us to measure our lives with the only thing that truly matters—love. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 5-6: Wizard of Oz

There truly is no place like home as the greatest family musical of all time, the wonderful Wizard of Oz, twists its way into Spokane. The entire family will be captivated as they travel down the Yellow Brick Road and beyond with Dorothy, Toto and their friends the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow in this lavish production, featuring breathtaking special effects, dazzling choreography and classic songs. A spectacular celebration of the iconic 1939 MGM film, The Wizard of Oz will blow you away from the moment the tornado touches down and transports you to a dazzling Oz, complete with munch-

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NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Actual Invisalign Patients

THE SCENE/november datebook

kins and flying monkeys. Don’t miss the chance to travel over the rainbow and experience this national treasure on stage. INB Performing Arts Center. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 8-16: Holiday Hijinks

Looking for something different for the holiday season? Join Civic performers as they present a series of off-colored short, original and rarely produced comedic plays and songs that poke fun at the holidays. The Firth J Chew Studio Theatre will be transformed into a café, and patrons are welcome to enjoy their favorite snacks from concessions or purchase an adult beverage, while laughing hysterically to seasonal shindigs. An excellent holiday alternative. For mature audiences only. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507, (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com.

December 22-23: Miracle on 34th Street, A Radio Play

At the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the actor playing Santa is discovered to be drunk by a whiskered old man. Doris Walker, the no nonsense special events director, persuades the old man to take his place. The old man proves to be a sensation and is quickly recruited to be the store Santa at the main Macy’s outlet. While he is successful, Ms. Walker learns that he calls himself Kris Kringle and he claims to be the actual Santa Claus. Spokane Civic Theatre. 1020 N. Howard St. (509) 325-2507, (800) 325SEAT or ticketswest.com.

HEALTH November 8: Being Mortal Screening and Discussion

Hospice of North Idaho introduces critically acclaimed FRONTLINE documentary Being Mortal in a free community screening in which award-winning author Atul Gawande shows us how to have the hard conversations as life draws to a close. Gawande highlights a few people and professionals who reveal how we can ensure that we never sacrifice what people really care about during their final days. A panel of experts from Hospice of North Idaho will


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

facilitate a discussion and take questions after viewing the documentary. Coeur d’Alene Public Library. 702 E. Front Ave., Coeur d’Alene. hospiceofnorthidaho.org.

SPORTS November 4: Spokane Chiefs vs Tri-City Americans Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

November 17: Spokane Chiefs vs Victoria Royals Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

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November 18: Spokane Chiefs vs Prince Albert Raiders Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

November 22: Spokane Chiefs vs Kelowna Rockets

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Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

November 25: Spokane Chiefs vs Regina Pats Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

December 1: Spokane Chiefs vs Kelowna Rockets Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

December 9: Spokane Chiefs vs Seattle Thunderbirds Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

December 12: Spokane Chiefs vs Portland Winterhawks Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

December 15: Spokane Chiefs vs Everett Silvertips Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

December 17: Spokane Chiefs vs Seattle Thunderbirds Spokane Arena. 720 W. Mallon Ave. (800) 325-SEAT or ticketswest.com

319 W 2nd Ave Spokane, WA 99204

509-747-2867 lolospokane.com NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/people pages


September 21, 2017 | Historic Davenport


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THE SCENE/people pages

September 28, 2017 | National Mattress

QBSI RELEASE PARTY | 2017 October 10, 2017 | QBSI

photos by James & Kathy Mangis NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


THE SCENE/people pages


October 13, 2017 | Spokane Convention Center

photos by James & Kathy Mangis 62

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for Making the 2017 Designer Bra Fashion Show a Success!

National Mattress, Enterprise, Tombari Properties, Wild Walls, Weathers & Associates Consulting, Western Fidelity Insured Services Inc., Area 51 Taphouse, Baker Construction, PayneWest, Jan-Pro, ZeroRez, 6th Avenue Pharmacy, Bryan Walker , NAI Black, Ballet Arts Academy, Numerica C.U., Metabolic Institute



Partner and client appreciation recap Best Fine Dining (Gold):

Best Appetizers (Silver):

Best Fine Dining (Silver):

Best Appetizers (Bronze):

Best Fine Dining (Bronze):

Best Thai (Gold):

Best Seafood (Gold):

Best Sushi (Gold):

Best Steak (Gold):

Best Chinese (Silver):

Best Outdoor Dining (Gold):

Best Asian (Gold):

Best Outdoor Dining (Silver):

Best Pho (Gold):

Best Outdoor Dining (Bronze):

Best Pho (Bronze):

Best Cupcakes (Gold):

Best Indian (Silver):

Best Burgers (Bronze):

Best Local Coffee Shop (Gold):

Best Barbecue (Bronze):

Best Local Coffee Shop (Silver):

Best Appetizers (Gold):

Best Breakfast (Gold):

Wild Sage


Churchill’s Steakhouse Anthony’s

Churchill’s Steakhouse Anthony’s

Clinkerdagger Luna

Sweet Frostings Blissful Bakeshop D.Lish’s

Red Lion BBQ

Clinkerdagger 64

spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Anthony’s Homeport 1898 Public House Thai Bamboo Sushi.com

Red Dragon

Gordy’s Sichuan Café Vina Asian Restaurant Pho Saigon

Top of India

Rocket Bakery

Indaba Coffee Frank’s Diner

Best Neighborhood Restaurant NORTH (Gold): The Swinging Doors

Best Bakery (Gold):

The Rocket Bakery

Best Dessert (Gold):

Clinkerdagger (crème brulee)

Best Dessert (Silver):

Churchill’s Steakhouse

Best Dessert (Bronze): Wild Sage

Best Ice Cream (Gold): The Scoop

Best Ice Cream (Idaho):

Rogers Ice Cream and Burgers

Best Buffet (Gold):

Golden Corral Buffet

Best Buffet (Silver):

Northern Quest’s River’s Edge

Best Buffet (Bronze): Canaan Buffet

Best Coffee Roaster (Bronze): Indaba Coffee

Best Cocktails & Martinis (Idaho): 315 Martinis and Tapas

Best Beer Bar (Gold):

Area 51 Taphouse/ The Onion Taphouse & Grill

Best Brewery (Bronze):

Badass Backyard Brewery

Best Winery (Silver): Barrister Winery

Best Wine Tasting Room (Gold): Barrister Winery

Best Sports Bar (Gold): The Swinging Doors

Best Night Club (Gold):


nYne Bar & Bistro

Best Night Club (Silver): Impulse

Best Casino (Gold):

Northern Quest Casino

Best Lake Resort (Silver): Hill’s Resort

Best Dance Studio (Gold):

W. 1018 Francis | 509.326.6794


Best Sports Bar & Best North Restaurant

Spokane Elite Dance Studio

Best Hotel (Silver):

Northern Quest Resort

Best Bike Shop (Gold): Wheel Sport

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



1/2 OFF

BOC 2017/recap


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• Boutique • Hair color/cut specialists • Hair extensions • Teeth whitening • microblading


Best Wedding Facility (Gold): The Glover Mansion

Best Wedding Facility (Silver):

Chateau Rive at the Flour Mill TANNING SALON AND SPA

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Best Meeting/Events Facility (Silver): Northern Quest Resort & Casino

Best Caterer (Silver): Feast

Best Caterer (Bronze): Red Rock Catering

ENROLLMENT re-opens on November 25th for our 2018 classes.

Best Caterer (Idaho): Greenbriar

Best Photographer (Gold): Crystal Madsen

Best Radio Personality (Gold):

Dave, Ken and Molly (KZZU)

Best Chiropractor (Gold): Michael Valente

Best Chiropractor (Silver): University Chiropractic

Best Chiropractor (Bronze): Ray Sicilia

Come join our studio family! 11606 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley 509-891-5-6-7-8 | spokaneelitedance.com Creating a supportive and uplifting community of dancers, parents and instructors who work together so that kids can build confidence and strength through a creative, achievement-based program. Holiday gift certificates are available.

Thank you for voting us the Best Dance Studio in Spokane for 3 consecutive years!

Best Women’s Clothing Boutique (Gold): Lolo Boutique

Best Women’s Clothing Boutique (Silver): Audrey’s Boutique

Best Jewelry Store (Gold): Jewelry Design Center

Best Optical Shop (Gold): Cozza Optical

Best Hair Salon (Gold): 14th and Grand

Best Hair Salon (Silver): Oasis Hair Salon

Best Hair Salon (Bronze): House of POp

Best Spa (Gold): Spa Paradiso

Best Spa (Silver):

# 1 Spot

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spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

La Rive at Northern Quest

Best Spa (Idaho): Zi Spa Best Burgers

Best Massage (Gold):

Valente Chiropractic & Massage

Dr. Andrew J. Czapla Dr. Michael R. Valente


Thank you Spokane, for voting us Best Chiropractor 13 years running!


Massage Therapy Voted Best Massage

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NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


BOC 2017/recap

Best Massage (Bronze):

La Rive at Northern Quest

Best Sun Tanning (Gold): Sunny Buns

Best Dentist (Gold):

Brooke Cloninger, DDS

Best Barber (Bronze): Oasis Hair Salon

Best Plastic Surgery (Gold): Dr. Kai Morimoto

Best Dry Cleaner (Gold):

Next Day Dry Cleaning

Best Tattoo Parlor (Gold):

Mom’s Custom Tattoo & Body Piercing

Best Tattoo Parlo (Silver): On the Level Tattoo

Best Veterinarian (Gold): Garland Animal Clinic

Best Furniture—Traditional (Gold): Tin Roof

Best Furniture—Traditional (Silver): La-Zy Boy Furniture Galleries

Best Furniture—Traditional (Idaho): Runge Furniture

Best Furniture—Modern (Gold): Dania

Best Furniture—Modern (Silver): Tin Roof

Best Bedroom Furniture (Silver): Dania

Best Mattress Shop (Idaho): National Mattress

Best Garden Shop (Bronze):

Northwest Seed and Pet

Best Heating & Air (Gold):

R&R Heating and Air Conditioning


Best Kitchen Design (Gold): Berry Built & Design

Best Kitchen Design (Bronze): Gina’s Design Center

Best Granite (Gold): RW Gallion


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Brooke M. Cloninger, D.D.S. Grapetree Village | 2001 E. 29th | 509.534.4600

Brooke M. Cloninger, D.D.S.

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New Patients Welcome Mark Van Gemert, D.D.S. 70

spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Appointments Available Monday through Friday

BOC 2017/recap

Best Granite (Silver): Mario & Son

Best Landscaping Design (Gold): Land Expressions

Best Flooring Store (Gold): Great Floors

Best Plumbing (Gold):

Gold Seal Plumbing

Best Closet Storage Systems (Gold): California Closets

Best Gifts (Gold):

Simply Northwest

Best Credit Union (Gold): STCU

Mon-Fri | 7:30 - 5:30

Best Bank (Gold):

Washington Trust Bank

Best Bank (Silver): INB

Best Local Charity (Silver): United Gospel Mission

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Best Cannibis Retailer (Gold): Cinder

Best New Car Dealership (Gold):

Larry H. Miller Downtown Toyota

Best New Car Dealership (Silver): Wendle Motors

Best Used Car Dealership (Gold): Wendle Motors

Best Used Car Dealership (Silver):

Larry H. Miller Toyota Downtown Spokane

Best Auto Repair (Gold):

Mechanics Pride Tire & Automotive

Best Auto Repair (Silver): European Autohaus

Best Auto Body Shop (Gold): DAA Northwest

Best Auto Body Shop (Silver): Flash’s Auto Body

Show us this ad and we'll pay the sales tax on your purchase. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


HOT TOPIC/violence

Violence in Our Community:

Is it Inevitable? 72

spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

by Judith Spitzer


hen a Freeman High School sophomore killed a fellow student, and seriously injured three other students south of Spokane in mid-September, a shocked community responded with tremendous empathy and compassion. People expressed fear, anxiety, anger and feelings of helplessness on social media and elsewhere. And a fair number of community members expressed surprise that something so tragic could, or would, happen in this close-knit community. Three weeks later, 58 people died and nearly 500 were injured at the hands of a gunman in Las Vegas. Given a regular media diet of seemingly endless tragic events, as well as stories of terrorism, violence against women, child abuse, political warfare and increased crime, to name a few, violence almost seems inevitable. But is it? Ashley Beck, senior research scientist at the Spokane County Regional Health District, is the primary author of Confronting Violence. Risk. Outcomes.



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Prevention., a compelling report published over the summer that paints a picture of community violence in Spokane County. She says the issue is complicated and doesn’t lend itself to a “strict determination.” “What we wanted to draw attention to is that it’s not a clear picture … violence is complicated,” Beck says. “It’s made up of different risk factors. And some of them are getting worse, and some are getting better. “It’s not as simple as saying, look at things like crime and child abuse, and look how violent our community is,” she says. “When you consider one in three adolescents reported being depressed in the last year, that’s a huge risk factor for violence, as well as numerous other outcomes that we don’t want for our youth, like co-occurring substance abuse.” What the data clearly illustrates, Beck says, is a disturbing trend among indicators of violence impacting children—many of which remain unacceptably high—and, most specifically, those reflecting experiences of violence affecting Spokane County’s youth. The top five indicators regarding youth are alarming. • Nearly one in five adolescents here reported they seriously considered attempting suicide in the last year. • One-third of Spokane County adolescents experienced depression in the last year. • More than 50,000 incidents of child abuse were verified in Spokane over the last decade—a number that is believed to grossly underreport the actual incidents of child abuse that take place and go unreported. • In 2015, there were more than 4,200 domestic violence-related offenses among county residents—another number that experts say is drastically underreported. • 45 percent of Spokane’s youth directly reported experiencing at least one violencerelated incident—involvement in a physical fight, gang membership, bullying, physical abuse or intimate partner violence. • Academic failure significantly increased as the number of experiences of violence increased, indicating that violence is independently associated with poor academic outcomes. Beck says the report reveals substantial inequities related to race and ethnicity as well. “What we wanted to draw “Children of color have more risk factors and attention to is that it’s not less protective factors than white children, perpetuating an ongoing cycle of racial bias a clear picture … violence and trauma across generations,” the report is complicated,” Beck says. states. “It’s made up of different risk “Like income, education and other social determinants of health and wellfactors. And some of them being, experiences of violence are unfairly are getting worse, and some distributed resulting in disparate risks, are getting better.” exposures, and outcomes by race and ethnicity, neighborhood and other factors. Further, the report shows there is almost a 90-fold difference between the neighborhoods with the highest rate of violent crime (Riverside or downtown), compared to the


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50: The number of mass murders or attempted mass murders at a school since Columbine. (FBI records)

141: The number of people killed in a mass murder or attempted mass murder at a school since Columbine. (FBI records)

73 – The percentage of school shooters with no prior criminal record, not even an arrest. (U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Department of Education) 96 – The percentage of school shooters who are male. (FBI records) 17 – The number of kids aged 15 or younger who have committed or attempted a mass school shooting since Columbine. (FBI records) 81 – The percentage of school shootings where someone had information that the attacker was thinking about or planning the shooting. (U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Department of Education) 68 – The percentage of school shooters who got their guns from relatives or at home. (US Secret Service, US Department of Education) 65 - The number of school shooters and thwarted school shooters who have referenced Columbine as a motivation. (ABC News investigation, various law enforcement agencies)

270 – The number of shootings of any kind at a school since Columbine.

neighborhood with the lowest rate (Northwest). The report includes the perspectives of many community stakeholders, as well, who serve victims of violence in Spokane. One of those stakeholders, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich, says the community needs to get at the root of what is causing youth to become violent. “We need to look inward at what we have done to allow this to happen in our society. How can we address root causes of intergenerational violence and incarceration, such as poverty, and stop these issues from continuing in the next generation,” Knezovich says.

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Spokane Schools David Crump, Spokane Public Schools director of student services for Spokane high schools, says he was deeply saddened by the Freeman shooting and surprised, despite the frequency of school shootings. “I was surprised but as I’ve learned that these school shootings are extremely difficult to predict. But we would be naïve to consider ourselves immune,” Crump says. “We have to prepare for and make schools a safe place.” Aside from the plethora of solutions implemented in schools across the country since 20 children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2014, Crump says the district employs restorative practices to find ways to help students. Crump says teachers, counselors, and administrators at the district level are specifically trained to deal with the issues, since a positive intervention and a caring

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relationship with an adult has been shown to be a protective “Combating violence takes the collective efforts of everyone factor in stemming school violence. in the community,” she says, “and the report clearly identifies “We have students contact us frequently saying those solutions—from working directly with victims they’re worried about a friend. We teach students to changing policy, and shifting cultural views, to notify an adult immediately about what’s much like what has been done with other health happening. We help them problem solve in a issues like smoking and wearing seat belts. “Combating healthy way so it’s not just a discipline issue,” “There’s so much positive strength in our violence takes the he says. “We need to pay attention when community, and so many things that we as someone is hurting.” a community can do to keep violence from collective efforts happening. We need to find those strengths of everyone in the Everyone Can Do Something … and recognize that there is something community” Although the report indicates violence is a that everyone can do to prevent violence from serious public health problem, both nationally happening,” she says. and here in Spokane, Beck says there is compelling, The report also calls attention to what service positive news in the data pointing to prevention rather providers, the media, schools, parents, employers and than treatment after the fact. other community members can do but, “it’s more than that,”


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Beck says. “There are things like being connected to your neighborhood—it’s a protective factor for your community,” Beck says. “It’s not inevitable that violence will occur and it’s important we remember that because if we start to believe that it’s inevitable … it will happen more,” she says. “It becomes a norm and you become desensitized to it. I don’t think that because we’re seeing these events happening that we should just expect that they will.” she says. Judith Spitzer is an independent journalist, online producer and photographer.

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“Because the cost of doing business is low, alongside the extra time we gained in losing a lengthy commute, we have had more time and money to put into our business, allowing us to grow by double digits nearly every year since moving here.”-Liz Ward

Thriving Globally, Locally


by Kimberly Gunning

ong-time friends Arianna Brooke and Sharmilla Persaud launched their fashion jewelry brand, Millianna, in Manhattan in 2010. During the first year, Brooke and Persaud struggled to find reliable talent and quickly realized that the high business costs in the big city were not conducive for their brand-new company. Across the country, Liz Ward had operated an organic, gluten-free energy bar brand, BumbleBar, in Seattle since 1995. The increased costs of living and running a business, not to mention the several-hour-long commute, on the west side of the state became intrusive to the lifestyle she hoped to lead. Today, Millianna and BumbleBar are thriving businesses, with sales reaching international markets, and are headquartered in Spokane and Spokane Valley.

“It was much easier to establish a corporate office,” Brooke says about the company’s new home. “I have a beautiful office that’s in a building that’s more than 100 years old.” Something she admits they never would have been able to afford in Manhattan, at least not in the beginning. Upon relocating to Spokane in 2011, the company began employing immigrants who arrived here with the help World Relief—






V ISION 2030





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“It was much easier to establish a corporate office,” Brooke says about the company’s new home. “I have a beautiful office that’s in a building that’s more than 100 years old.”

they now make up nearly 80 percent of Millianna’s workforce. Clients of the fashion jewelry brand span the nation, with international accounts in Latin America, Canada, Japan and China. For Ward, the idea to relocate BumbleBar’s headquarters was a crossroads, not wanting to leave behind the outdoor recreation and progressive political climate of the Pacific Northwest. In Spokane, however, Ward says they found, “ample, high-quality, low-cost manufacturing space located in one of the most stunning places in the country.” The company relocated to Spokane in 2003, and upgraded to a larger facility in Spokane Valley in 2015. “Because the cost of doing business is low, alongside the extra time we gained in losing a lengthy commute, we have had more time and money to put into our business, allowing us to grow by double digits nearly every year since moving here,” says Ward. BumbleBar maintains a globally recognized food safety certificate that has aided in increasing sales in international markets. Spokane is no stranger to locally based businesses that thrive globally. Greater Spokane Incorporated (GSI) reported a value of more than $2.2 billion in exports in 2014. Key industries include aerospace, manufacturing, agriculture and information technology, among others. Engineering innovator Pyrotek, which operates 60 locations in 35 countries; MacKay Manufacturing, which manufactures medical instruments among other products; and Ecova, which provides energy and sustainability management solutions, are among companies that contribute to the city’s global business diversity and economic success. “We look at trade as a business expansion opportunity,” says Drew Repp, international trade and economic development manager of GSI. “If we can help businesses grow their exports, obviously their business is going to grow and they’re going to hire more people.” 80

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GSI’s foreign economic development initiatives include educating businesses on international trade, performing market research for companies looking to tap into foreign markets, advocating for local businesses in regards to national and international trade regulations and policies, and working to promote foreign trade. Repp explains that cities with companies that export globally are economically healthier. “It’s new dollars that come into the community,” he says. “If you go back and look at during the Great Recession, companies that were in international markets weathered and survived the recession much better.” Aerospace and manufacturing companies have particularly flourished in the Spokane area. “We have a real broad base of manufacturing,” says Repp, mentioning some of the metro area’s big players: Pearson Packaging Systems, Alliance Machine Systems International and Wagstaff. Repp surmises that, in addition to being great companies, “One of the reasons they’re successful is, around the world, ‘made in America’ is still a very powerful thing. We make really good products.” The city’s location along Interstate 90, with an international airport and two major rail carriers (Union Pacific and BNSF Railway), plus access to a major port only several hours away, offers logistical benefits for these businesses. “It’s kind of a unique advantage for Spokane, especially for exporters or anyone who’s moving their product outside of the region,” says Repp. Among major manufacturing companies is HOTSTART, which holds the original patent for engine coolant heating and is celebrating its 75th year of business. The company sells its engine heating products worldwide and has expanded its Spokane headquarters to additional offices in Houston, Germany and Japan. In addition to the low cost of living, little traffic and the beautiful location, “The number one benefit we enjoy is great people,” says HOTSTART CEO Terry Judge, speaking about the company’s headquarters. “Spokane has educational

programs that attract foreign students and has an international trade program at GSI,” he says. “We have benefitted from both.” “Talent is kind of the biggest asset in the 21st century,” says Repp, who acknowledges Spokane as a college town with its many universities, though the city is not commonly referred to in that way. He explains that cultivating Spokane’s major businesses and bringing new ones to the area is a way to retain that talent. Imprezzio, a company founded in 2004 that provides marketing automation software for the insurance industry, has also benefited from the large talent pool. “We have been able to put together a robust recruiting program to find talent in the Spokane area,” says Dave Talarico, one of Imprezzio’s founders. The tech company has acquired Canadian and European clients. It has a second Washington office in Bothell and another office in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Imprezzio is a flagship of DaRK Capital, which operates seven other entities, including OmniPark—the company behind Diamond Parking Services’ CallToPark consumer app found around downtown Spokane. Admittedly not a tech hub like Seattle or San Francisco, “What we definitely see is a level of desire to bring technology into the area, though it’s not known for that presently,” says Russell Page, CEO of Imprezzio. Companies like Itron and etailz add to the landscape of successful technology-driven enterprises based locally. For now, Page says, “We’re one of the bigger fish in the smaller pond, verses being one of the smaller fish in the very big pond.” “Spokane is a unique size in that it is large enough to offer all of the amenities that we require while, at the same time, small enough that you have the opportunity to interact with and get to know many in the business community,” says Ward. “Even more important is, the business culture in Spokane is incredibly supportive.” “I’m pretty blessed to have quite a few mentors that reside in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene areas,” says Pete Taylor, CEO and founder of Spiceologist. “Spokane has a

“Spokane has a budding ecosystem of mentors and successful business people.” -Pete Taylor

budding ecosystem of mentors and successful business people.” Taylor is among graduates of the 13-week, business accelerator program provided by Ignite Northwest. The program is one of several entrepreneurial resources found in the city and has helped Taylor and other owners of startup ventures get their businesses up and running. “You can’t even put a value on how beneficial that was to us—the company and me,” he says about the program. Today, Spiceologist’s gourmet rubs, spices and herbs are found in Williams Sonoma and Bed Bath & Beyond. The company’s products are also sold in Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Australia, and industrial-size containers of seasonings are shipped to meat manufacturers as far as Thailand. From new ventures and decades-old companies founded in the city, to enterprises that have relocated to the Inland Northwest, running a global business in Spokane is not only possible, our colleagues are doing it—and doing it well. With benefits ranging from low operating costs to a large talent pool, transportation options and community support, one of the most important factors remains the high quality of life found in the area. “Spokane is a community that won’t add any stress outside of your work,” says Repp. Brooke lists quality of life as one of the greatest advantages for her hardworking employees. “They’re not living to work like in some of the bigger cities, they’re working to live.” Kimberly Gunning and her husband relocated from Phoenix to Spokane on military orders just one year ago. She’s a foodie, wine drinker and runner, and has worked as an associate editor and freelance writer for a variety of travel and lifestyle publications. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


CATALYST/your workstory

Personal Branding: Your Key to Success in the Digital Age by Tanya Goodall Smith


the rage lately in business articles, posts and online courses offered by marketing experts all over the Internet. Have you been asking yourself, “What is personal branding? Do I need a personal brand?” Something only celebrities and wellknown public figures had to worry about in the past, creating a personal brand is imperative for those wishing to succeed in an ever more competitive market. It’s also one of the most effective ways to attract the type of clients and job opportunities you really want. So, What Is Personal Branding? Personal branding is just a fancy word for your reputation and the cool thing is, there are specific things you can do to mold and shape it to your advantage. Think about the world and the internet as one giant high school. What were you known for back in the day? Were you the prom queen? A band nerd? Jock? Teacher’s pet? What actions did you take, how did you dress, how did you speak and who did you sit with at lunch to earn and maintain that reputation? Do you think you could have changed your place within that social structure by changing how you were perceived? Absolutely. Now, let’s look at your reputation today. What are you known for? How are you perceived as being? We’re putting so much out into the world about ourselves these days that our reputations can potentially reach far beyond our local social circles. It’s easier than ever before to brand yourself as whatever you want to be in order to advance in your career, build a business or expand your sphere of influence. If you’re not deliberately creating a personal brand that’s leading you toward your goals then you’re missing out on much opportunity. Who Should Consciously Build a Strong Personal Brand? If you’re an entrepreneur, CEO, direct sales associate, real estate agent, business coach, health coach, life coach, speaker, author, service provider, influencer or public figure


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you should definitely be paying attention to your personal brand and the messaging you’re putting out into the world. Photos, videos, speaking engagements, how you dress, how you speak and write, how you treat people, where you hang out, who you’re seen with … all of these things contribute to your personal brand. The more well-known you are as an expert in your field, the more sought after you will become, the higher price you can charge and the more likely you’ll attract your favorite type of client. But, what if you just have a “regular” job? Should you be concerned about building your personal brand? It’s becoming more and more rare to simply work at the same company for 30 years, advancing through the ranks to a better position and pay check. If you build a brand around your strengths and become known as an expert, you’ll have the potential to be highly sought after in your field. Imagine never having to worry about applying for another job again because companies are coming to you and begging you to work for them? Wouldn’t that be amazing? It’s a popularity contest and everyone’s in the running. The amazing thing is, with the whole world as our high school, we don’t have to worry about not fitting in. There’s a tribe for everyone and personal branding is the first step toward attracting yours, along with ideal clients and employers who really need your talents and services and are willing to pay a premium for them. Not sure how to get started developing your personal brand? Stay tuned for expert tips and resources in this column every other month. Tanya Goodall Smith is the owner and branding photographer at WorkStory Photography. She helps experts massively increase their visibility and become consistently sought after by the very best clients through the power of story telling imagery. Find out more at workstoryphotography. com or find workstoryphotography on Facebook and Instagram.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



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Spokane’s Bold Vision for the Life Sciences by Francisco R. Velázquez, M.D., S.M., Vice Chair Vision 2030


he year 2030 is in the future and for many it feels really far into the future. This may be so, but the reality is that to deliver on a major economic development initiative, the vision—and the work to deliver said vision— starts many years before. What we know today as VISION 2030 is really the next chapter in a visionary story that started more than 40 years ago. Let’s travel back in time to the ’70s when a number of business and community leaders in Spokane were thinking about the next iteration of this community, as economic drivers changed focus from traditional manufacturing to technologydriven commerce. The question was: What are the possible community and regional assets that could be aggregated geographically and strategically to deliver long-term benefits for the region? The answer became quite clear, although the path to success would take time and effort. Given the density of higher education institutions here and within geographical proximity, the answer was: higher education. The effort was aptly named Momentum 87, and that paved the path to the next logical progression in education—medical education and health sciences. This is where the current effort, VISION 2030, assumed a leading role in the next stage of the process. The impact of Momentum 87 can be clearly seen in the more than 700 acres that make up the University District, where all the sciences, health sciences and medical education programs for five universities and Spokane’s own community colleges reside and collaborate to make this community a great place to live, work, learn and play.

Tom Farrell, Attorney

2030 In 2014, VISION 2030 was formally convened as a subset of the board of directors of GSI, with Jeff Philipps as chair, and Marcelo Morales and I as co-chairs, with oversight and participation from a large number of business, civic and education leaders. Our vision is: “The creation of a comprehensive, world class center for health and medical sciences education and life sciences research and commercialization, resulting in robust growth with unprecedented economic impact to the Spokane region.” GSI’s VISION 2030 initiative is driving strategies designed to deliver an economic impact of nearly nine percent GDP increase from the health and life sciences sector. We anticipate more than 9,000 new higher wage jobs, with a concomitant increase in facilities and infrastructure, all of which will contribute to improved regional health, access to care and overall quality of life. In order to achieve these goals, we are leveraging the skills and abilities of a large number of individuals, organizations and institutions with a remarkable commonality of purpose, typical of the collaborative spirit in the region.

VISION 2030 will lead, advocate, convene, support or participate as necessary in all the different components of this task. As an example, we as a group advocated for the expansion of medical education in the area. The benefits are threefold: increased number of physicians, particularly for primary care and rural medicine; the ability to recruit teaching and research faculty; and the projected economic halo as a result of commercialization of products, services and devices derived from the research generated by faculty and others. Five years ago, the notion of 40 medical students in the region was considered a

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significant achievement, and indeed it was given the past structures. With concerted community effort and significant support from VISION 2030 members, this school year began with a total of 120 first-year medical students: 60 first year students from the University of Washington School of Medicine—Gonzaga University Regional Health Partnership, part of the WWAMI region, and 60 first-year students from the WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine inaugural class. Advocacy by members of VISION 2030 was specifically targeted to support the growth and expansion of both programs with equal effort. In addition, there was support given that promoted the change in state law that allowed the creation of a free-standing, four-year medical school in Spokane. As of today, there are more medical students in Spokane than anywhere else in Washington state. The work continues full steam ahead in a very coordinated fashion. It has included to date, visits to and from communities and entities critical to the life sciences at a national level, at least two pilots for precision recruitment and retention with two key organizations in the biosciences environment, a comprehensive inventory of research in industry and academia, and a database of companies with critical adjacencies, synergies or presence in the life sciences. These are all crucial to our ability to be able to articulate the region’s value proposition as an up-and-coming hub for the life sciences. I would be remiss if some of the tangible and intangible assets of the community critical to these efforts were not mentioned. Critical

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components of our attractiveness include the high-density of higher education institutions with complementary K-12 STEM programs, world class healthcare delivery in addition to the medical schools, competitive costs of doing business, costs of living and natural beauty. Perhaps one of our most notable attributes is the strong collaborative spirit of our people, as exemplified by the many collective successes throughout decades. This is noticeable for those of us who are transplants from other states. The collaborative community spirit that made this country great is alive and thriving in Spokane. Over the next few months you will hear more about VISION 2030, and start to see some of the tangible results of the work of a large number of individuals, organizations and institutions that have been somewhat quietly working away for the better part of the past two years, all to position Spokane as a key player in the life sciences. The goal is bold and audacious, the future bright and near, the efforts unwavering and steady, and success is achievable as we all work together to deliver.

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Francisco R. Velรกzquez, M.D., S.M. is the former president and chief executive officer for PAML, LLC and PAML Ventures. Prior to joining PAML, Dr. Velรกzquez was managing director for the Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute, and vice president for Focus Diagnostics, in San Juan Capistrano and Cypress, California, respectively. He serves on the Health Sciences & Services Authority (HSSA) Board of Directors in Spokane, Life Science Washington (formerly WBBA), Greater Spokane Incorporated and the Spokane Symphony.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


CATALYST/work happiness

Achieving a 5 Lessons For



cing Ha ifi r c a S t u o h it reer W


ONE BIT OF CONVENTIONAL wisdom says that, to

achieve success, people must take a nose-to-grindstone, burn-themidnight-oil approach. Personal happiness is an afterthought—if it’s a thought at all. But that’s the wrong way to look at things, says Scott MacDonald, a seasoned CEO and author of Saving Investa: How An Ex-Factory Worker Helped Save One of Australia’s Iconic Companies. “Hard work absolutely is important, but I’ve met plenty of people who worked hard and never made much money or achieved satisfactory career objectives,” he says. “Working hard is just one part of the equation for success. You also need to be organized, plan, work smart and choose to focus your effort where there’s reward.” From his decades of experience, MacDonald says he learned numerous lessons that helped him achieve both career success and personal happiness. Here are just five of those lessons: • Don’t expect anyone to give you anything. In grade school and junior high, MacDonald earned money by doing yard work for neighbors, handling a paper route and washing dishes at his junior high school. As a teenager, he bagged groceries, stocked shelves in a pharmacy and worked in a fiberglass factory. “If you want something, work for it,” MacDonald says. “You will appreciate it more and not be indebted to anyone.” • You make your own luck. Former University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal was fond of saying, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” MacDonald agrees. “Nothing in my life that I can think of has been the result of luck,” he says. • Losers have the best excuses. Winners find ways to succeed despite the many roadblocks and unexpected difficulties


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they encounter. People who are unsuccessful reach for excuses. “Whenever things go wrong, and things always go wrong at some point, look in the mirror for answers,” MacDonald says. “Successful people focus on what they can do to respond to setbacks and don’t waste time playing a blame game or feeling sorry for themselves.” • Players score points, but teams win games. To be successful, any organization must have a culture of teamwork. Individual stars need to be supportive of the team concept, or those individuals should be moved on. MacDonald once fired a top chief financial officer who was good at his job, but didn’t see the necessity of working with colleagues and was dismissive of others’ ideas. “The entire company performed better after he was gone,” MacDonald says. • Life is too short to deal with “jerks.” No matter how important the project, if someone can’t deal with you professionally and ethically, just pass on the deal and move on. “There will be other deals,” MacDonald says. “I may have lost an occasional deal, but overall my companies enjoyed good success and reputation, which led to other and better opportunities.” Ultimately, people can moan about how unfair the world is, he says, but all that griping won’t get them anywhere. “There’s no doubt that the competitive work environment places huge pressures on your time and energy,” MacDonald says. “But the quicker you understand that you’re responsible for your own destiny, the happier you’re going to be.” Scott MacDonald’s decades of corporate experience include serving as a senior consultant for Morgan Stanley, president of New Plan Excel Realty Trust and CEO of Center America Property Trust.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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by Brian Newberry


when we are grateful for our family, friends and our blessings. It is also a month to be thankful for our spring Renaissance, even as winter fast approaches to chill our new Riverfront Park skating rink. For 36 years, Leadership Spokane has taken a bus tour exploring our economic dynamism. Reflecting on our most recent tour, I was struck by how swiftly the landscape changes as we always visit new catalysts sprouting everywhere from the expansive Grand Hotel to new places of innovation like the new Fellow Coworking space. Metaphorically, our spring continues. Some urban areas like San Francisco are iconic for their landscapes such as the Golden Gate Bridge. Spokane, on the contrary, is iconic for the ordinary stories that make us extraordinary. Our poetic river runs through with an energy that feeds our rejuvenated psyche. A Riverfront Park that was the center of the world in 1974 is rising again to be a celebratory heartbeat in a new century. Yet, what really drives our extraordinary Renaissance today are our citizens who are iconic in their actions. Examples abound, including Jessica

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and Mike Kovac, Blessings Under the Bridge co-founders, celebrating 10 years of passing sandwich bags of love and nourishment to help those most in need. Likewise, our amazing Gold Star Mothers marshaled resources in record time to raise a majestic monument near Spokane Veterans Memorial Arena to memorialize those heroic Inland Northwest service members who made the ultimate sacrifice since 9/11. Recently, a whole community rose up to make Spokane “Freeman strong” after the horrific shooting at a local high school. Leaders like local law enforcement and Empire Health Foundation CEO Antony Chiang rallied to bring normalcy back to students’ shattered lives. Our community does the ordinary by cleaning Freeman High School’s from top to bottom to erase the turmoil and, in doing so, we become extraordinary. This Thanksgiving, I remain grateful our Renaissance continues because our ordinary is extraordinary.

3609 North Division, Unit C

Col. Brian Newberry, USAF ret. is current executive director of Leadership Spokane and former Commander, 92 ARW, Fairchild AFB.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com





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12. Best Public Relations Agency

23. Best Credit Card Processing

34. Best Maintenance & Janitorial Service

2. Best Local Business Man

13. Best IT Company

24. Best Business Banking

35. Best Office Design Company

3. Best Local Business Woman

14. Best Web Design Business

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4. Best Sign Company

15. Best Computer Repair Business

26. Best Business Security System Providers

37. Best Office Building / Office Park

5. Best Business Startup (one year or less)

16. Best Printing Company

27. Best Commercial Realty Company

38. Best Restaurant for a Business Lunch

6. Best High-Tech Firm

17. Best Networking Events

28. Best Business Insurance Firm

39. Best Telecommunications Firm

7. Best Engineering Firm

18. Best Wholesale Coffee Service

29. Best Office Supply Business

40. Best Catering Business

8. Best Commercial Architectural Firm

19. Best Florist

30. Best Office Furniture

41. Best Event Facility

9. Best Commercial Photographer

20. Best Accounting Firm

31. Best Trade Show Displays

42. Best Place to Host a Company Party

10. Best Commercial Construction Company

21. Best Collection Agency

32. Best Dry Cleaning

11. Best Advertising Agency

22. Best Law Firm or Lawyer

33. Best Promotional Products Provider

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Jazz Up Your Holiday Table With a Harvest Centerpiece


by Diane Corppetts

lanning to host Thanksgiving or, perhaps, Friendsgiving? Be ready to welcome guests by setting the table with a seasonal centerpiece. You will add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your tablescape by using this palette of deep greens, rich purple, gold and creams— giving your dining table the perfect finishing touch. When arranging your harvest choices, mirror the colors, textures and sizes to create a display that looks cohesive. This centerpiece of grapes, garden roses, greenery, gold acorns and pretty little pumpkin accents can be arranged in a large basket or simply spilled down the middle of

your table. Have fun, be creative and remember to keep your centerpieces low in height so guests can see one another across the table. styling and text by Diane Corppetts at whitepicketfence.co photo by Kayleen Gill at kayleengill.com





1 20





Preservation Progress photos and story by Joni Elizabeth


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

a South Hill historic mansion ages gracefully

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Preservation Progress a South Hill historic mansion ages gracefully


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017


pon entry into the historic mansion, classical melodies from an era long ago stream through a sound system wired discretely throughout, providing the perfect portrait of the marriage between contemporary and classic so prevalent throughout the Georgian-style home.

Located in the Rockwood Historic District (and listed in the Spokane Register of Historic Places), the Cannon House is a Spokane staple, a masonry structure towering atop the northfacing hill along Spokane’s historic Rockwood Boulevard that has held its place for decades—since its 1911 completion. Edward Cannon, esteemed

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Spokane attorney and a founder of Gonzaga University School of Law in 1912, originally owned the home along with his wife Helen. The couple raised three daughters in the classical Colonial structure. Cannon occupied the home until his death in 1934. A decade later, Helen sold the home after 33 years of ownership. Fast forward through a cycle of owners to the present and meet Jonathan Woodruff, owner and CEO of Summit Enterprises LLC, a company focused on real estate investments and residential home flips. Woodruff purchased his first home as a sophomore in college (circa 2008) and has since, along with his team, successfully flipped 14 properties.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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The Cannon House purchase was Woodruff ’s largest to date. He says the numbers seemed to make sense, and finalized the purchase from the bank in March 2017. He and his team immediately began a remodel, despite lingering snow in a long Spokane winter. The snow provided a bit of a mystery as to the complete condition of the home, camouflaging a few challenges. Woodruff had wrongly assumed consistency in the quality of the circular driveway, basing his

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judgement off the two visible sides in front. He would soon discover it needed a complete overhaul. Other weather obstacles included pestering snowdrifts on the roof, demanding hours of shoveling just so the team could get a good look at it. All in all, the renovations seemed to run smoothly. Especially since the majority occurred internally. The home is no stranger to a makeover, having received a $750,000 facelift over the last 12 years. Improvements



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NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


up to Woodruff ’s time of ownership included a new foundation, front porch, updated facade, wrap-around driveway and updated internal technology. Woodruff ’s remodel plans focused heavily on the kitchen and master suite to improve functionality within the home while maintaining a sense of balance and symmetry characteristic of the classic Colonial style. A family friend and retired interior designer took interest in the project, providing design direction along the way— especially regarding the color scheme.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


“She walked into the home and said what color the walls should be,” says Woodruff, “and after trying a lot of samples it was the one we ended up with.” The kitchen at Woodruff ’s time of purchase echoed design trends of the ’90s, most likely from the last remodel, with oak cabinets and laminate flooring fighting the classical vibe in


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

surrounding rooms. Woodruff and his team substantiated altering the footprint in this area of the home to maximize space and efficiency, while simultaneously introducing

design that would blend, rather than contrast, with the rest of the home. Formerly, the tiny kitchen ran

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through two smaller rooms with a butler’s doorway to the formal dining room. Woodruff decided to eliminate the rooms, allowing the kitchen to expand into the space and marry with the dining room with only a half-wall separation. The ceiling also gained an extra foot, maximizing space. A neutral mosaic of clay beige paint, white trim, silver hardware and white quartz countertops complement the airy vibe. “We spent hours designing the kitchen for aesthetic and function. It was definitely the biggest change, adding to the functionality of the home,” says Woodruff.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

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Creating a master suite was the second. The initial layout included a larger bedroom with a tiny closet and no dedicated bathroom. Woodruff and his team discovered a way to alter the walls to borrow closet space from the adjacent room. They also punched a hole into the wall to meet an existing bathroom, closing off the entry into the hallway for a private master bath. The bathroom remodel included updates coherent with a master bath, like replacing an old cast iron tub with a shower space and a single pedestal sink with a double vanity. White trims, silver hardware, tile resembling white marble, and gray walls dance together to create a minimal, clean and simple palette. An original fireplace, one of five in the home, sets the tone for luxurious comfort in the finished master suite. A room just down the hall, previously used by former owners as


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017


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a master closet space, was reassigned as a cozy sunroom or reading nook. The third major overhaul in the remodel revived the carriage house, perched atop the garage. “It was a pretty scary space,” says Woodruff, describing the dilapidated interior that sat torn down to the studs. Woodruff and his team breathed life into the abandoned bones, bringing gas, water and electricity through a trench from the main home and creating a fully functional space—a stand-alone home an owner might use as a separate rental or mother-in-law apartment. The galley kitchen, bedroom, laundry and bathroom echo the same clean white and gray hues of the main home. Down an exterior flight of stairs carved into a basalt rock wall, the garage also received a facelift. Woodruff added a new concrete

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floor and sheetrock, leaving just enough exposed brick to whisper stories of time past while conveniently adding an almost edgy urban vibe. Beyond the three major overhauls, the remodel included typical cosmetic changes like a fresh coat of paint throughout the home and the removal of heavy window treatments to allow the simple


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

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NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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architecture to shine. The majority of original details are still intact—like oak hardwood floors throughout, built-ins and hardware. Prevalent Colonial features; like multiple-paned windows, wooden columns and a grand staircase, illuminate the classic architectural trends. And then there are the light fixtures. The home is a museum of antique silver chandeliers, sconces and pendants that shine in every room. In another whimsical juxtaposition of historic versus

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com





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modern, lights are controlled by antique push-button switches, yet are powered by completely updated wiring allowing for dimmable switches. The retired original knob and tube wiring remains archived in the walls. Likewise, the heating system combines past and present. Woodruff hired a boiler specialist to bring the old system to life, supplementing with in-floor radiant heat in some rooms. Overall, the home has aged gracefully, and the historical preservation allows a glimpse into the architectural and material trends of the past. Modern updates continually breathe life into the space without masking the historical beauty that makes it so unique. With the remodel complete, Woodruff waits for the next owner to become the caretaker. “It could be a good home for a doctor, with the hospital being so close by,” says Woodruff. “But anyone who likes a big mansion combining turnof-the-century style with modern amenities could love it.” Woodruff points out the historic mansion is wired with potential for the next owner to create a fascinating smart home. An avid traveler, Joni Elizabeth constantly snaps photos to document inspiring architecture and design. Writing about such spaces melds Joni’s love for design and decor with that of sharing an individual’s story, as she believes spaces are often a small reflection of the owner. She’s also convinced no space is complete without a dog.

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Cozy Winter Decorating by Sylvia Dunn


here is no denying it—Winter is upon us. It has been tough for me to embrace the colder weather and shorter days. Instead of resisting, this year I’ve decided to change my attitude and actually embrace the season by getting inspired to create a warm, cozy abode—one that will help me relish the upcoming holiday season and encourage entertaining. So hop on board and let’s get decorating room by room.

Entryway/Foyer These usually small-ish spaces are perfect introductions for starting the enveloping feeling we and our guests can encounter throughout the house. Warm, cozy sentiments can begin at the front door with strong fiber rugs such as wool on the floor. Boot trays and maybe metallic hooks, racks or baskets for wet coats and scarves ask guests to stay awhile. Is it time to update that overhead entry lighting? Or add a table lamp with soothing ambient light to an entry console table? Try mixing a silver mercury glass lamp or glowing candle holders along with branches, pine cones or antlers, to bring that northwest feeling inside for a perfect combination of rustic and glam.

Living Room As temperatures dip, our focus naturally shifts toward the hearth. Give your fireplace a quick makeover to ensure it is ready for all that extra attention. A large mirror above the mantle 120

spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

elevates a fireplace to focal point status. Layering art of framed family photos and, again, mixing shiny metallics with rustic elements of nature are great ways to create a peaceful, balanced space. Position furniture to elicit conversations and social interactions, especially during these colder months. Plush fabric and upholstery add warmth even without a roaring fire. Pull the seating closer to the fireplace to accentuate the cozy feeling. Add footstools and ottomans to put your feet up and relax. Stacks of coffee table books or magazines in baskets and racks invoke a peaceful spot to unwind. Be sure to add an assortment of coordinating pillows and throws for comfort and plushness. Try filling an open trunk or an oversized basket or bin with colorful and textured blankets, pillows and throws in fur, wool, flannel, sweater and cable knit, or even velvet, for a variety of cozy selections. Place a sheepskin rug on the floor, or toss one over an ottoman or chaise to provide a toasty spot to tuck chilly toes while reading and relaxing. Layering rugs is a great way to add warmth. Coordinate colors and patterns, placing a smaller one at an angle on top, and you can create all kinds of interest. One of my favorites lately is cowhide. I have one under my office desk and use them extensively when staging homes. Or simply switch out an existing area rug for one with high pile, texture and softness for a winter cocooning effect. A fun trend is the reintroduction of the bar cart. This can be the perfect accent to reinforce and motivate holiday entertaining. Choose from a wide variety of styles and materials that perfectly coordinate with the room. Fill it with your favorite beverages, beautiful glasses and bar essentials. Double the use of a cart by making it a piece of display furniture. Add decorative displays of greenery and winter floral arrangements for texture and softness.

Cabinets Countertops Tile Hardwood Carpet Window Treatments

Plumbing Fixtures Fabric Area Rugs Lighting Wallpaper

Bedroom We spend about one-third of our life in bed, so why not have luxurious, plush bedding? One of my favorite tips is to “size up” your comforter. Order a down comforter, duvet cover and top sheet that are one size larger than your bed. The comforter’s extra overlap will create a rich, oversized, cozy effect, enticing cocooning and lounging. And bring in all those fur, knit and sheepskin pillows and throws for a rich mix of textures, creating a comforting retreat to ward off the winter blues. Carve out a quiet, intimate corner with a comfy chair or loveseat and ottoman, complete with a side table for an instant reading nook. Layer with soft blankets and pillows. Along with your favorite books, surround this private space with your beloved collectibles and framed photographs of family, friends and vacation memories to evoke relaxation and reminiscing.

Finishing Touch

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To polish off all this cozying up, add calming fragrances of the season. Wintery scents such as cinnamon, pine needles and evergreen can do the trick and fill your home with seasonal cheer. Let’s welcome winter by creating a warm and inviting refuge from the elements—a place to relax and unwind and the perfect atmosphere to entertain friends and family. Sylvia Dunn is founder and owner of Home Staging Works, Inc. which partners with many of the region’s most successful realtors, builders and developers. She also teaches Staging and Redesign Certification classes helping others achieve their dreams to work and start up their own careers and companies. homestagingworks.com

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Creating innovative and healthy solutions for your home, business, and community projects. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


NEST/real estate

Home Upgrades that Make


Improvements to boost your home’s value and enjoyment


home is often a family’s single largest asset, so making investments with upgrades and home improvements is almost always a good idea. However, knowing when and where to make those improvements isn’t necessarily a simple decision.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Nancy Wynia

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21218 N. SADDLE MOUNTAIN LANE Stunning Half Moon Craftsman on nearly 10 acres with an unobstructed view of Mt. Spokane. Great room concept with open floor plan, soaring ceiling, and gas fireplace. Formal dining. Updated kitchen w/ quartz counters & large granite island (7+ seating), Viking, Sub-Zero & Meile appliances. Main floor master suite with lux Travertine bath & walk-in closet. Lower Level rec room, 3 BRs, bath & craft room. Viewing deck with fire pit & hot tub. Fully powered outbuilding. Zoned for Horses. Mead Schools. 4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths $679,000

3327 S. MANITO BLVD. Stunning Manito Blvd Colonial boasts impeccable updates throughout. Gorgeous formal living room features hardwood floors & FP. Formal dining room with picturesque window. New epicurean island kitchen with state of the art amenities leads to covered patio. Restful master bedroom boasts new bath, double closets and built-ins. Sought after 4 bedrooms on upper level. Lower level includes media, family room, guest suite & 2 new baths. Tranquil backyard.





6 Bedrooms, 4 Baths






3015 S. HIGH DRIVE Stunning home boasts territorial views. Impeccable updates throughout leave barely a surface untouched bringing home into the new millennium. Oversized formal living room features floor to ceiling windows and fireplace. Formal dining room includes inlaid hardwood floors. Cook's island kitchen with granite counters, stainless steel appliances including Wolf gas cook top. Former patio now a kitchen eating nook. Restful master bedroom with new bath walk-in closet and built-ins. Lower level includes family room, BR, BA, laundry & storage. Tranquil backyard, RV parking. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $595,000





711 E. 28TH AVE Gorgeous 1 1/2 Story located just off Rockwood Blvd. Spacious formal living room with fireplace. Formal dining room boasts hardwood floors & corner china hutches. Country kitchen adjoins family room with wet bar. Upper level master bedroom with five closets, second bedroom & bath. Entertaining sized deck overlooks enchanting backyard. Oversized 2-car garage with overhead storage, amazing shop and covered 2-car carport. Gas forced air furnace, A/C & gas hot water. New roof on house & garage in May, 2017. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths $399,900

4011 E. LINCOLN RD. Mint condition double wide sited on 9.5 acres near Mount St. Michael's . Formal living & dining rooms. Spacious island kitchen with double ovens. Family room features gleaming hardwood floors & fireplace. Main floor Master & utilities. Lower level includes daylight walkout rec. room with pellet stove, 3 hobby/office rooms. Garden spot with raised beds. Fruit orchard. Oversized 2-Story barn with new roof. Zoned for horses. Public water & natural gas. All appliances stay.

523 W. 26TH AVE. Stunning Cannon Hill Bungalow sited on tree lined street. Gorgeous hardwood floors. Formal living room with gas fireplace adjoining formal dining room. Updated kitchen features slab granite counters, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinetry & tile floors. Fresh interior paint. Lower level boasts family room, bath, laundry and possible 3rd bedroom. Radon mitigated. Close to parks, school, shopping and downtown.

3 Bedrooms 2 Baths

2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths








825 S. MONTAVILLA DRIVE One Owner Rancher 2 blocks from Indian Canyon Golf Course. Custom quality throughout. Oversized living room features floor to ceiling fireplace. Kitchen with eating bar adjoins entertaining deck. Master bedroom boasts double door closet & built-ins. Lower level with spacious rec/hobby room, bath & storage. Enchanting secret garden yard. Recent updates include newer roof, furnace & A/C. Garage with golf cart parking. Close to Whittier Park. Easy access to downtown & airport. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths $269,000







4421 N. ASHTON ROAD Otis Orchards mint condition manufactured home sited on just over 2 acres. Formal living & dining rooms. Oversized island kitchen. Separate master suite. Family room with pellet stove. Public water & gas. Covered patio. Park-like backyard with garden beds. Barn & shop perfect for horses. 3 barn st alls & additional stalls in shop. Fenced & cross fenced.

9920 E. 16TH AVE. #104 Mint Condition Condo in wonderful neighborhood. Great room features slider to deck and opens to kitchen with vaulted ceilings, eating bar, breakfast nook & pantry. Master bedroom with walk-in closet. Laundry room off bathroom. Electric forced air heat & wall A/C. Oversized garage and extra parking spot. Designer detailing & appointments throughout.

4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath


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NEST/real estate

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Add technology in unexpected places. With the surge in smart devices, it’s becoming increasingly common to add technology throughout the house, and the bathroom is no exception. From heated floors to mirrors with embedded TV screens, the options are plentiful. A bathroom outfitted with the latest technology can bring function and a whole new level of style and elegance to your home. Keep in mind that not all smart devices integrate seamlessly, so do your research before buying to ensure a convenient connected setup.

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spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Appliances and climate-control systems are often the first features homeowners consider when it comes to environmentally friendly upgrades, but windows and window treatments are another way to make a big impact. In a similar vein, skylights are a surprisingly affordable upgrade for the functionality and aesthetic benefits they provide, especially in the bathroom and kitchen where ventilation is as important as ample lighting. You can give your lighting and home value a boost with an Energy Star-qualified option such as Velux solar-powered, fresh-air skylights, which open for air flow, reducing dependence on electrical lights and fans. For expanded control over the amount of light and warmth that enters or leaves your rooms, solar-powered skylight blinds are available in more than 100 designer colors and patterns. Like the skylights, Velux solar-powered blinds are operated with a remote. whyskylights.com

Let Us Build Your Dreams

Finish the basement. Adding finished square footage to your home is nearly always a way to increase its value. For many homes, the basement is the most practical place to gain that space. Instead of using it as a collection ground for dust bunnies and storage, converting it into usable space can bring meaningful value, not only in dollars and cents, but in the overall enjoyment of your home. Keep function first. Adding features like bathrooms can be costly if the plumbing isn’t already in place, but having ready access to those facilities may pay off if you plan to spend a lot of time downstairs.

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Create outdoor living space for all year long. If a basement renovation or addition isn’t practical for your location or budget, you may be able to create additional living space in an area you already have—outdoors. Even small patio spaces can become cozy gathering spots with the right furnishings and decor.

Add curb appeal. While you’re considering the upgrade options outdoors, don’t forget to think about your home’s overall exterior appearance. It is the first impression guests have of your home, and it’s your own view every time you pull into the drive—and it’s one that should make you proud. Reworking the landscaping to highlight architectural features and freshening up the paint can make a big impact. Adding decorative elements like shutters or new lighting or doors can also update a tired exterior.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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photo by: Pescado Lago Studios—Bridget Mayfield


hristy Gliniak and Tami Bunn are friends—and mothers—who are trying to live their best lives in a crazy and ever-changing world. Like many, they have had their share of hardship and challenges and have spent a lot of time searching for joy, meaning and peace. Over the last few years, they have had their lives changed by a small group of women who they meet with monthly to discuss important topics and connect with on a deeper level. “We want to share these discoveries with other women and be your cheerleaders as you get inspired in your own life,” they

say on their website. “The world needs more women to connect on a deeper level and support one another.” They started Soul Fuel Company to share inspirations and cheer on other women as they find their own Soul Sisters, joy and connection. Their first product, Live Gratitude, is an interactive inspiration journal focused on gratitude. It is meant to inspire women to reflect on gratitude and offer new ways gratitude can be incorporated into their daily lives. The journals can be used by one person for self-reflection or by a group as a platform for discussion and a source for related group activities and projects. You can find more information on their website at soulfuelcompany.com.












WOMAN/sockpants and super heroes


by Holly Lytle

Barn Cat Mama

I DON’T THINK THERE is a mom in this world who hasn’t completely lost her sh!# when her cub was in danger or wronged in some capacity. My mama bear roar was heard loud and clear one evening when, after spending more than $60 at the gas pump of a mom-andpop fuel station, my four-year-old daughter was refused the emergency use of their toilet. You can imagine the owner’s shock when this mama bear instructed her cub to whiz right there on his freshly scrubbed convenience store floor. Wanting to join the scrap any way possible, big brother Tyler valiantly offered to handle the request should his sister refuse. This event is still etched into my children’s minds as the most epic mama bear battle they have ever witnessed. While I will gladly engage in protecting my cubs and righting unacceptable wrong-doings, without hesitation, there is also something to be said for my alter-ego persona, the barn cat mama. The barn cat mama is worthy of its own Facebook meme or dime store t-shirt, and yet there seems to be very few moms who self-identify with this wise mama from the animal kingdom. I describe the barn cat mama as a loving and attentive parent who has been around the block of kitten rearing enough to value the importance of natural consequences. Natural consequences come in all shapes and sizes. Some natural consequences can be neat


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and tidy. Knowing that my daughter will miss her morning recess because she left her homework folder laying on the seat of the family car teaches her the valuable lesson of responsibility. Other natural consequences are a little messier when, as a parent, I advocate that the school hand down a harsher sentence to teach my teenager that being disrespectful to teachers is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Where I find difficulty is balancing the mama bear vs. barn cat mama ratios when it comes to my child who is differently-abled. My oldest and youngest children, aside from minor medical idiosyncrasies, live very typical developmental lives. Tyler, despite having Tourette syndrome, prefers to fight his own battles and becomes irritated when mama bear engages in battle in his defense. My daughter, having had chronic ear challenges since birth, learned at an early age to compensate for her hearing deficit and rarely, if ever, has any visible challenges. My son, Caleb, is an entirely different story. Living with high-functioning autism and viewing the world through a different color lens makes many aspects of life incredibly challenging, not just for him, but also his over-protective mama. While there is no doubt Caleb needs to be more responsible for turning in his homework, missing recess as a consequence more often than not triggers more undesired behaviors and rigidity. A statement of “you stink,” is not intended to be an overt act of disrespect, but rather a means for him to vocalize that a person’s perfume or lotion causes him sensory overload. As a mother, I’m constantly coaching him on ways to soften his delivery so his words are less offensive to those he’s interacting with in hopes that the parenting double standard that exists when it comes to my

Best Women's Clothing Boutique expectations of him versus his siblings will eventually balance. One would think my oldest and youngest children would be fed up with this mama bear vs. barn cat mama double standard. It doesn’t take long to see that they, too, apply this same set of standards in their interactions with each other. Little sister, Kelly, will baby bear brawl her teenage brother over the X-box controller to make sure he respects her turn on the game console. However, little sister often chooses to forego her gaming time to allow Caleb more time to play his favorite video game. In similar fashion, Tyler will spend hours coaching his brother on different ways to make friends while telling his sister, “that’s what you get for being so bossy,” when she’s upset about a disagreement with a close friend. As Caleb gets older I have every reason to believe that our standards and expectations for him will normalize and we will become comfortable letting natural consequences teach him valuable life lessons. Until then I find comfort in knowing that Tyler and Kelly understand my struggles and have my back by supporting their differentlyabled brother with unconditional love and will continue to be my trusty side-kicks in our crazy adventures in Sockpants and Super Heroes.

Thank You Spokane

Holly Lytle is the mother of three and is the founder of The ISAAC Foundation, a local autism non-profit organization. In her free time Holly enjoys chronicling her many adventures of motherhood for this column.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


WOMAN/listen to your mother


by Heather Huntoon

IT WAS MIDNIGHT. We were all beyond tired after

27 hours of labor, especially me. My husband, steadfast and true, stayed awake the entire time. My mom’s eyes were starting to close when I said, “Mom, it’s time, she’s coming!” Two minutes and a few marathon pushes later, I peered over to the new little human in the bassinet as the NICU team evaluated her. After a ridiculously long, pitocin-induced labor, my pink bundle of joy was a little confused during her first few moments of life. She forgot to breathe. I knew she would be ok, I could feel it in my new mama heart. I could see the panic on my husband’s face, and even more so, on my mom’s face. Her first grandchild … WASN’T. BREATHING. The doctor and nurses bent over her, rubbing vigorously—and then there it was—blissful, and bloodcurdling. My daughter’s first cry. That was the moment I knew it was all over. My mom, usually warm and composed, fell head-over-heels in love with this fiveminute-old human being. The nurse bundled my daughter and handed her to the person standing the closest—my mom. Not me. (Hello! I just pushed this watermelon-sized blob of flesh and bones from my loins!). Not my husband. MY MOM. My mom held her first. Her daughter’s daughter, melting her heart as we all watched. The love in the room at 12:36 a.m. was so thick that all I could do was smile. Here was my mom, one of the two women I had ever looked up to, holding my daughter. There was an almost visible string connecting my mom’s heart with my daughter’s heart in that moment. I could see it, pulsing, a love that only a Nana can exude. A love that only a first grandchild can feel—unbreakable, forgiving and strong. They would be connected forever. My mom sacrificed so much for my sister and me. She worked three jobs as a single mom so that we could participate in ballet and soccer. So that we could buy a nice pair of shoes every year. So that she could put a roof over our heads and food on our table. I don’t remember ever wanting anything in my childhood. My mom is a breast cancer survivor, a fighter, a lover of life, and there she stood, holding this new branch of her


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family tree. I knew in three short months, our new little family of three would be moving across the state. My mom would have to wave goodbye to her newborn granddaughter. Would the string connecting them be long enough or would it snap like a brittle rubber band? Would it disintegrate and blow away with the wind like a fragile spider web? Three months came and went, and the bond between my mom and daughter only grew stronger. My mom helped as much as she could—diapers, two-hour babysitting stints between nursing, walking with the colicky disaster that was my newborn. She was my rock, my go-to, my savior, and here I was, moving 300 miles away with her “person.” Of course the string stretched. It pulsed with even more love, more understanding. When she was old enough to understand, my mom told my daughter: “You know, Ellie, there’s a string that connects your heart to mine. We will be connected forever.” My daughter responded, simply, “I know, Nana,” with more confidence, certainty and wisdom than a one-year-old should have. Ellie is six now. When HER person drives away after a visit, she sits on the porch of our sweet yellow home on our tree-lined street, 300 miles from her Nana’s house, and cries. I can see that string that connects a girl and her Nana stretch, but never falter. I can see the bond, the love and the compassion that my mom has given her. The love of her Nana that she knows is there, that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. My mom simply delights in my two daughters. She loves them for who they are, for what they are and for who they are destined to be. The unwavering bond. The blissful joy. The heartstring. Heather Huntoon grew up in a suburb of Seattle, and later attended the University of Washington. After graduating from college, she spent eight years working in public relations for Microsoft and Amazon. Now in Spokane, when Heather’s not driving her two girls to and from activities, she enjoys hiking, skiing, reading a good book and spending time with friends.

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Babies are our passion. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



by Jacqueline Porter



—not Tempering—


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

y dad was what they called a man’s man. He drove a truck. He lifted weights. His shoulders dipped side to side when he walked. He only wore boots and all of his shirts had a Copenhagen circle worn through the chest pocket. From his Safeguard soap to his brown-colored Listerine (that tasted like Band-Aids soaked in rubbing alcohol), he was masculine through and through. He loved physical competition like arm-wrestling and seemed to take pride in his strength and power, and people loved him for it. The characteristics that people appreciated in my father, characteristics that he took personal joy in, are the very traits that many try to temper in boys today. Strong. Masculine. Aggressive. Rough. Proud. These days it seems common to admonish these traits. As though masculinity is a gateway for depravity. (Don’t even get me started on society’s reaction when a female demonstrates these traits). What has changed in the zeitgeist that has caused us to view masculine traits with suspicion and fear? Where does the perceived correlation between “masculine” and “violent” or “dangerous” come from? I realize that most violent crimes are committed by men, but that does not mean that masculinity is the source or cause of violence or crime. My work in criminal defense has led me to believe that personality disorders, not masculinity, are behind most violent or predatory behavior. I can’t imagine the mixed messages boys are receiving based upon the current

connotation attached to masculinity, the connotation that masculinity is a personality disorder in and of itself. I suspect that we are so (justifiably) outraged by the number of women who have encountered the Harvey Weinsteins and Bill Cosbys of the world (which is every last one of us, by the way) that we want to do everything we can to eradicate the “predator” trait from our boys. I can see why this appears to make sense at first glance, but there is a flaw in the logic. What makes us think that boys, or people in general, with masculine traits even have the required nature to behave in a violent or predatory fashion? In my practice, I have defended adult and juvenile males against accusations of sexual assault. Statistically, most accusations of sexual assault are true and real, but my job is to expose the ones that aren’t. What I consistently find in my clients who have been falsely accused is that they are less disturbed by the practical consequences of the allegations (time, attorney fees, stress, etc), than they are by the implication that they have a nature that is harmful. In other words, what hurts the most is not that the accused is physically capable of inflicting the harm, but that someone believes the accused is mentally/ spiritually capable of it. This challenge to the goodness of one’s very nature is what hurts. Back to my father. The masculine characteristics he displayed made me feel safe, not threatened. He used his strength and his aggression to take care of people, to protect people, to provide for his family. Predatory behavior was simply not part of his composition. Human nature, whether masculine, feminine, or a combination of the two, is one of the most valuable tools in humanity’s toolbox. We should be careful when sorting through these tools, discarding the ones we aren’t using at the moment. You never know when we might need them.

Human nature, whether masculine, feminine, or a combination of the two, is one of the most valuable tools in humanity’s toolbox.

Jacqueline Porter has a demonstrated record of success in jury trials, bench trials, and administrative hearings and is an experienced and compassionate family law attorney, representing clients in all aspects of family law, from divorce and parenting plans to adoptions and third-party custody actions. jporterlaw.net

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Free Parking NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


WOMAN/health hands & feet

Pain in the

hands and feet (and how to prevent it) by Darin Burt

MANY OF US HAVE SUFFERED a minor hand or foot injury, causing temporary pain or swelling, but sometimes, everyday wear and tear, overuse or injury can lead to chronic pain that challenges us in our day-to-day routines.

Hands Down Are your hands numb and tingling? It could be a result of carpal tunnel syndrome. In your wrist, there is a narrow space through which the main nerves, ligaments and tendons pass, and irritation in these close quarters can cause loss of feeling, a pins-and-needles sensation and reduced strength in the hand. According to Justin Barker, hand surgeon at Rockwood Clinic, if left untreated, it can progress to the point where it’s hard to grip items or become so painful it wakes you up at night, or worse, lead to irreparable nerve damage. Carpal tunnel syndrome has become more common as so many of us use computers in our daily lives. Consider typing 60 words per minute, six hours a day; that equals around


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18,000 keystrokes per hour. Each of these keystrokes takes about eight-ounces of pressure. Over the workday an individual will have pressed about 54,000 pounds with their wrists and fingers—this is equivalent to 27 tons of pressure applied directly to the wrist and finger muscles throughout the day. Luckily, carpal tunnel can be treated by wearing a simple brace to support the wrists, as well as with cortisone injections. Some severe cases may require surgery. Stretching exercises can effectively relieve tension in the nerve pathways of the hands. Doing this at frequent intervals, either at home or at your office desk, can provide relief from the discomfort. If you can’t easily shake off numbness, if it’s severely disrupt-

ing your sleep, if you’re having difficulty buttoning your shirt or tying shoelaces—it’s time to seek professional medical help, says Barker.

Best Foot Forward Heel pain is the most common complaint of patients who visit podiatrists and orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons. Eighty percent of reported heel pain complaints are due to plantar fasciitis, which is caused by tears in the fascia that lead to inflammation of the connective tissue in the arch of the foot. One of the first questions sufferers ask their doctor is whether the condition is something that they have to live with forever. The answer, says Dr. Joshua Hunt with Spokane Foot Clinic, is absolutely not—but don’t expect the pain to go away on its own. “Given the right off-loading and correction, along with anti-inflammatories, therapy and stretching, plantar fasciitis can be cured relatively easy,” Hunt says. Oftentimes, successful non-surgical treatment for plantar fasciitis begins with arch support. For minor conditions, a common insole that you can pick up at the corner drug store can be of help. A custom-made medial orthotic will do much better at supporting and gently repositioning the heel, arch, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones in the feet to relieve specific conditions. Hunt explains, building a strong foundation is key to everything. If the foot isn’t supported with a properly fitting shoe or the correct insert, one can develop pain in the ankles, knees, hips, back and all the way up to the neck. Nobody likes a pain in the neck—or anywhere else. “Chronic pain is one of those things that cannot only bother you, but can also debilitate you,” Hunt says. “When people aren’t having to deal with pain, they have a happier and more positive outlook on life.”

We provide whole body cryotherapy to aid in recovery, reducing inflammation, weight management and tissue repair. To learn more visit

spokanecryo.com 3319 N Argonne Rd | STE B | Spokane, WA | (509)863-7433 NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Changing Your Fitness with the Seasons by Matt Griffith, CSCS

DO YOU SUFFER FROM one-season motivational disorder? Symptoms include a severe lack of measurable progress in the gym after September 1, accompanied by an increase in sad gazing at old progress pics, beach pics and PR posts. If you feel like the end of summer means the end of your reason to train like a beast, you’re definitely suffering from this condition. The end of the summer is your perfect opportunity to try on some new goals, training styles, and motivational tricks. Here’s how to design your fittest fall yet.



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Before you change anything this fall, do a quick (but thorough) selfinventory of what has worked—and not worked—for you this year. The motivation you need in the colder months usually comes from the lessons learned in the previous summer season. This approach requires you to be honest with yourself, which isn’t always easy. Were you miserable during that low-carb cut? Did you commit yourself to an ambitious program that compromised your family or social time? These are both problems that can get in the way of your long-term results. Now is when you need to start planning to keep it from happening again.

NEW SEASON, NEW GOAL The whole “cutting for the summer” thing is kind of a cliché, but if you think about it, it makes sense. When it’s hot outside, appetite is relatively low,

sweating is the norm and activity is everything. High-rep, high-volume, lower-weight training just feels right. So, what would fall-style training include? Maybe the reps go down a bit and you focus on adding some strength. Work toward a new PR or learn a new fitness skill entirely during this time—maybe something ambitious like a single-arm push-up or a full toes-to-bar hanging leg raise. Then when winter settles in, you can push around some big weights and add some muscle while it’s cold outside, or take time to master your new skill so you can show it off next year.

TAKE YOUR WORKOUTS OUTSIDE Fall is the best time to perform a couple workouts each week outside the sweaty confines of the gym. Outdoor conditioning workouts work well because they require minimal equipment. You don’t have to go far. The nearest park or sidewalk is sufficient.

GO BACK TO CLASS The more exact your goals, the more personalized—and in many cases, isolated—your training becomes. Sometimes, that can be just what you need to maximize results. But on the other hand, as the song says, everybody needs somebody sometimes. Try something new and exciting. Go to a small group session, Pilates class, or try a HIIT-type workout this winter. Matt Griffith owns Catalyst Fitness. catalystfitness-spokane.com

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


WOMAN/if they only knew

If They Only Knew... Being Seen Beyond Augmented Reality


ew and exciting. They were so fresh I still slept in the compression bra and had fantom feelings of burning and ice when I walked through the freezer department at the grocery store. I couldn’t believe they were real. That I had done it: I’d finally had my breasts reconstructed and augmented. No more deformed boobs to pad

“Your tits. Show them to me. I want to see them and I know you want to show me. Don’t act like you don’t. Now, do it or I’ll look for myself.” I changed. I did want to be seen. I did want people to notice. But not like this. No, not like this. I wanted to be seen for my strength. For saving money and being patient until I could pay cash. I wanted to be and hide. noticed for completing a goal, fixing myself and being a It was my second day back to work. My scrub top felt woman of my word. tight across the front and I wanted to show them off to I started to reply but stopped. My eyes were stinging and everyone. I stood up straighter, smiled brighter and made my cheeks were on fire. eye contact as I passed fellow staff members. He stepped forward again and was an arm’s reach from I had kept my deformity a secret for so long. I had me. I could smell his breath. He nodded his head and saved and saved and when I went under the as much as I knew I didn’t want it to be like this, knife, I knew that my life would be altered I also felt the fear rise. Fear of what could by more than cup size. “Your tits. Show them happen if I didn’t oblige. He was a transport aid going to I slowly lifted my scrub top and he to me. I want to see school to be a radiology tech. His name coughed and said that I was being shy. them and I know you isn’t important but I remember it. I thought of the bruising, the stitches, He had been a friendly acquaintance, the battered tissue just under my sports want to show me. Don’t exchanging pleasantries and jokes here bra. I thought of my pride, how happy I act like you don’t. Now, thought and there. He was always nice. this surgery would make me. do it or I’ll look for He stopped me in the hall outside an I lifted the elastic band over my brand equipment closet and asked for my help new breasts. I held my top over my eyes and it myself.” finding something. I can’t recall what it was seemed to last forever. Tears left the safety of my but I gladly offered to help. We stepped into the lids and my heart threatened to rip free of the body crowded room and he closed the door behind us. I didn’t that betrayed it. find it strange. Finally, he said, “Jesus, you’re a mess. Put your shirt I assessed the tangle of IV poles and wheelchairs with down.” He turned and left the room while I straightened missing foot rests. The room muffled the voices and my bra and top. beeping of IV pumps just beyond the door. The air grew When I walked out, the team of nurses I had been so still, and I became aware something was up. He was excited to see felt like a group of people to avoid. They said standing, staring at me, blocking the door. He wasn’t they wanted to see my new work. They wanted to know looking for anything. He intently looked at me. how my recovery had been. Was I in pain? Did I need And just like that, things changed. I was seen. Although anything? it wasn’t how I imagined it. His eyes on my chest and his We went to the locker room and I gladly showed them. mouth in a smirk, he commanded: “Show me.” It felt real and normal. They applauded the doctor’s work My face got hot. and encouraged me to continue aftercare and physical “I’m sorry, what? I’m not finding it in here.” I replied, therapy exercises. They hugged me and shared my joy. realizing he wasn’t talking about finding medical Some said they were proud of me. equipment. But the experience had already been tainted. The feeling His smile broadened and he stepped forward, the words of accomplishment had already been spun into a tangle. It were smooth and bold. “Don’t play with me,” he said. didn’t fix anything, after all … If They Only Knew …


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Feasting at Home

by Sylvia Fountaine | feastingathome.com

Thai Broccoli Soup with Coconut Milk


ursting with Thai flavors, this vibrant, flavorful Thai Broccoli Soup wakes up the taste buds. Made with fresh lemongrass, ginger, chilies, shallots and lime—it has a delicious brightness we all could use in winter, taking us away to warm and far-off places. It’s lightened up with sweet potatoes and a little coconut milk, rather than heavy cream or dairy. For added texture try adding crispy shallots or garlic and fresh herbs right before serving. A warm bowl of sunny goodness on a cold winters day … just what the doctor ordered. Find the recipe on my website.

















by Kris Kilduff

rowing up in the 1980s was interesting to say the least. We lived in a very eccentric atmosphere that highlighted bold colors and overthe-top entertainment. When I wasn’t busy listening to Freddie Mercury in my thermal color-changing shirt, I was stuffing my face. Oddly enough, as “rad” as the culture became, the food was bland and uninspired. Dinner (even in fine dining) consisted of sloppy Joes, Salisbury steak and emptying your refrigerator into some sort of make-shift casserole. As years rolled by, items like meatloaf almost obtained a cult-like status of “boring.” The idea of your mom over-cooking a mixture of unseasoned ground beef, bread crumb and eggs. November yells comfort food and I wanted to prove the haters wrong. #MakeMeatloafGreatAgain

Kris Kilduff is crafted of 77% smoked gouda, 20% gnocchi and 3% ice cream sandwich. He has no real major writing background or accolades but was a 1992 jr. badminton champion


621 W. Mallon Ave.

If you were to wrap a rock in bacon, it would still be delicious. Imagine what happens when you take succulent strips of smoked pig belly and layer it on a perfectly cooked meat mixture of egg, spices and wild mushrooms and top it with a tangy brandy-mustard sauce. Luckily, you don’t need to have much of an imagination … just head over to the Flour Mill and try it yourself. 142

spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017


Saranac Public House

Who needs steak when you can have meatloaf and eggs? With one of the top brunch menus in town, chef Tony obviously knows no bounds. There’s something special about a quality meatloaf topped with rich egg yoke, herb relish and a little zing from pickled red onion. Throw in some fried potatoes with house-made spicy ketchup and french toast will be a thing of the past.

My Dad used to say the best thing about meatloaf is the leftovers for sandwiches the next day. Saranac has embodied this philosophy and offers up their popular dinner meatloaf—that is usually served under garlic mash and topped with rosemary gravy—between two buns. Slow baked ground chuck with a quick char-grill sear and topped with Tillamook cheddar and onion straws. Lunch done right.

825 N. Monroe St.

21 W. Main Ave.

Laguna Cafe

2013 E. 29th Ave.

The South Hill has a long list of great places to get a bite to eat. Laguna offers a bit of that homemade flair to classic American dishes. Pot pies, “Thanksgiving anything” and, of course, a show-stopping veal and Angus beef 50-50 mix meatloaf, served traditional with mashed potatoes, gravy and steamed veggies. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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LOCAL CUISINE/new places to dine

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Ribbon cuttings by Kris Kilduff

Monroe Street Grill

1829 N. Monroe St. They have hand-breaded Alaskan cod, 11 hand-pressed burgers, breakfast, seafood and more in a warm, family atmosphere … they even have their own smoker.



Lilac City Bakery

• Weddings • Rehearsal Dinners • Bridal Showers • Elopement Packages and any of your catering needs at our location or yours! 315 WALLACE AVE • COEUR D'ALENE


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1215 N. Ruby St. It isn’t all cookies and cupcakes at Celebrations’ new sister bakery that took over the old White Box Cafe space. Lilac City Bakery will be offering sandwiches, beer and wine, alongside its delicious array of baked goods that have become famous in Spokane.

Popeye’s Chicken, post falls

767 N. Neufeld Ln. We don’t usually announce much in the chain restaurant world, however, the public response to having more fried chicken options in the Inland Northwest has been nothing less than impressive. Post Falls is now host to the only Popeye’s in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.

Come try our new fall menu Made from scratch creations by award winning Chef Leonetti

Sun-Wed: 11am-9pm Thurs-Sat: 11am-11pm 1914 N Monroe St Spokane WA 99205 509-474-9040 find us on instagram and facebook NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com



Leftover Turkey Taco Crescent Ring Prep time: 25 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Servings: 10

• 1 package McCormick Original Taco Seasoning Mix, divided • 2 tablespoons butter • 1 cup finely chopped onion • 2 cups shredded, cooked turkey • 1 can (15 1/4 ounces) whole-kernel corn, drained • 1 can (10 ounces) diced tomatoes and chilies, drained • 1 garlic clove, minced • 1 container (8 ounces) whipped cream cheese • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, divided • 2 packages (8 ounces each) refrigerated crescent dinner rolls

Sides, drinks and leftovers perfect for sharing with friends


riendsgiving is the perfect opportunity to celebrate your second family with festive, fun recipes that stray a bit away from traditional fare. “Friendsgiving is often held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving,” said Chef Kevan Vetter of McCormick Kitchens. “It’s more of a potluck party than a traditional Thanksgiving—everyone is usually assigned a dish. Instead of stuffing or a green bean casserole, bring a dish that’s a little more fun, like corn pudding with a dash of smoky heat from chipotle chili pepper.” Recipes for a caramelized Brie and a chocolatey red wine from McCormick Kitchens are also sure to please. If your party falls after the big day, put those turkey leftovers to good use with a cheesy turkey taco crescent ring perfect for feeding a group of friends. Find more recipes to share with friends this season at mccormick.com.


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Heat oven to 375 F. Reserve 1 teaspoon taco seasoning mix in small bowl; set aside. In medium saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Add onion; cook and stir 3 minutes, or until tender. Add turkey, corn, tomatoes, garlic and remaining seasoning mix. Cook and stir 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in cream cheese and 1 cup shredded cheese. Unroll crescent roll dough on greased or parchment paper-lined baking pan. Separate into triangles. Arrange triangles to resemble sun with center open. Press dough where bottoms of triangles overlap. Spoon turkey mixture in ring where dough overlaps. Fold triangle points over filling, tucking into bottom layer to secure. Continue until entire ring is enclosed. Bake 15 minutes, or until golden brown. In bowl, stir remaining shredded cheese into reserved seasoning mix. Remove ring from oven. Sprinkle with cheese mixture. Bake 5 minutes longer, or until cheese is melted. Serve with desired toppings, such as shredded lettuce, sour cream or guacamole.

Pecan Pie Brie

Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 12 minutes Servings: 12

• • • • • • • • • • •

1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Ground Cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon McCormick Ground Nutmeg 3 tablespoons butter, divided 1 cup pecans, chopped 1/2 cup light corn syrup 2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 1/2 teaspoon McCormick Rum Extract 1 wheel Brie cheese, warmed

In small bowl, mix brown sugar, cinnamon, salt and nutmeg until blended. Set aside. In large skillet over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add pecans; toast 5-7 minutes, or until golden brown, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to low. Stir remaining butter, corn syrup, water, vanilla extract, rum extract and brown sugar mixture into skillet. Cook and stir until butter is melted and mixture is heated through. Remove from heat. Mixture will thicken as it cools. Spoon over warmed Brie.

Chipotle Corn Pudding

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 1 hour Servings: 8

• • • • • • • • • • • •

1/4 cup cornstarch 1/4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons McCormick Minced Onions 1 1/2 teaspoons McCormick Ground Mustard 1 teaspoon McCormick Gourmet Sicilian Sea Salt 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Chipotle Chili Pepper 4 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, melted 2 cans (14 3/4 ounces each) creamed corn 1 can (15 1/4 ounces) whole- kernel corn, drained nonstick cooking spray

Heat oven to 400 F. In small bowl, mix cornstarch, sugar, onions, mustard, sea salt and chili pepper until well blended; set aside. In large bowl, lightly beat eggs. Stir in milk, butter and all corn. Gently stir in cornstarch mixture until well blended. Pour into 2 1/2-quart baking dish sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake 1 hour, or until set, stirring halfway through cooking. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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LOCAL CUISINE/food chain


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spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

by Chris Patterson

ONE MORE TRIP AROUND THE SUN is almost complete. And we can see it everywhere. Leaves turning, cool crisp mornings and the annual debut of pumpkin-spiced everything. I bought a house this year, and during the summer, enjoying my morning coffee on my new deck, the sun would warm me from the left side of my garage as it made its way into the sky. And this week, in my backyard, behold! The sun is rising on the right side of my garage … and considerably later in the day (accompanied by a lot more steam from my coffee). And yes, once again, the produce stand will remind us that the sun’s warmth is heading to the southern hemisphere on our globe. The weather always gives us annual surprises. If you remember last spring, California had some torrential rains that gave speculation it was the end of the drought down there. Nope, it was just a smokescreen. To say the seasonal storms on the east coast are awe-inspiring and dramatic would be an absolute understatement. And the food chain is right smack-dab in the middle of that. In Florida, the orange and grapefruit crops appear to have been severely damaged. Some estimates are a high as 70 percent loss of the crop. Now that doesn’t hurt eating fruit so much because most of the East Coast oranges are used in juicing. So, we may see a price spike for orange juice down the road. The sugarcane crop appears to have been cut in half, as harvest was to be right around October 1. That’s significant, because no other area in the states produces sugarcane. The loss of hydroponic farms and greenhouses is near 38 percent in some areas. They provide seeds for the crops that have yet to be planted. No seeds, no crops. Winter tomatoes weren’t planted yet, so it’s a “start-

1017 W. 1st Ave Spokane, WA 99201 T / 509-624-3014

over-from-scratch” scenario as the fields need to be repaired before planting. East Coast tomatoes are going to be late. The agriculture of the Caribbean is in shambles. Some estimates are that 80 percent of crops were lost. Entire plantain and banana plantations were wiped out. And the coffee crop was also severely damaged (fellow coffee lovers … savor that sip). Out west, the late season heat and drought in California is closing the tomato crop about two weeks early. The Arizona planting is not quite ready yet. The result between both coasts is that we could have some serious challenges with tomato pricing and supply in late fall and early winter this year. Fortunately, the lettuce crop came back well from the early rains, but just like the tomatoes, the season is wrapping up early and there may be gaps in supply (and the prices to reflect those gaps) as Arizona comes online. Regardless of which seasonal hurdles are thrown at us, we are moving forward in the food supply. It will normalize, as it usually does. The funny thing is, every year we go through this seasonal change and experience some form of price/quality pinch at the produce stand. Bear with your local grocer, it’s not their fault. They’re doing the best they can with what they have. Food for thought. Now the next seasonal surprise I need answered: snow blower or no snow blower? Chris Patterson is the director of business solutions at Food Services of America. He is a 30-year veteran of the hospitality and restaurant industry. Patterson has conducted more than 800 trainings, seminars and consulting sessions with Inland Northwest operators.

Orlison strives to provide a unique, accessible craft beer experience for the adventurer in all of us. orlisonbrewing.com NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide


The Dining Guide includes summaries of local restaurants that are featured on a rotating basis each issue. Suggestions for additions or corrections can be sent to stephanie@spokanecda.com.

ASIAN, INDIAN, HAWIIAN Aloha Island Grill. Hawaiian. Operating out of two former Taco John shacks on Monroe and West Francis, Patrick and Lori Keegan serve up fresh, tender Teriyaki Chicken “plates” that will keep you coming back. Based on family recipes from the islands and plenty more than just teriyaki, both spots offer a student discount; the Francis location serves a creative breakfast concoction called the “Loco Moco.” Open daily. 1724 N. Monroe St. (509) 327-4270 and 1220 W. Francis Ave. (509) 413-2029. eataloha.com. Thai Bamboo. Thai. Each of the four regional Thai Bamboo locations offers a massive Southeast Asian menu in settings designed to transport you across the Pacific. Inside each restaurant you’ll find Thai stone and wood carvings, water fountains, Thai music and the namesake bamboo décor. Thai Bamboo continues to be No. 1 Best Thai in readers’ polls, and both the newest location on North Division and the CdA restaurant feature a Tiki Beach-styled lounge and striking sky ceilings in the main dining rooms. Think Vegas with pad Thai. All locations Mon-Thu 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri 11:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sat 12-9:30 p.m., Sun 12-9 p.m. Delivery available. thaibamboorestaurant.com. Top of India. Indian. A hidden gem serving up northern Indian dishes in a surprisingly chic space tucked into a tiny house off East Sprague. Owner and chef Manjit Kaur brings the specialties she learned to cook on the family farm in the Jalandhar district of Punjab to the Northwest. Don’t miss the garlic naan or the Chicken Tikka Masala, but order just about anything and expect it to be quite good. There is also a lunch buffet for $9.99. Open daily 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m. 11114 E. Sprague Ave. (509) 927-0500. thetopofindia.com. Canaan Buffet. Refuel, work, meet, celebrate or unwind with Canaan Buffet’s fantastic selections of Pan-Asian cuisines, along with affordability and a fun atmosphere. Enjoy delicious dishes, expertly prepared with more than 200 items to choose from. They use organic vegetables on their salad bar and in all vegetable dishes. Huge varieties of freshly made sushi and the freshest fruits of the season. Seven days a week, 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., 9606 N. Newport Hwy. (509) 465-4849. canaanbuffet.com. Gordy’s Sichuan Café. Provincial Chinese. This intimate bistro with a creative menu is a temple to the Sichuan cuisine of southwest China. Chef Gordon Crafts and his team serve up dishes laced with ginger, garlic, chiles and the lemony Sichuan “pepper” that sets your tongue


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

buzzing. Open since 1997, Gordy’s is a wonderful exception to mediocre and standardized American-Chinese food. Heavenly dumplings, searing chile basil soup, and the best lemon chicken around are only the beginning. Open Tues-Fri 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Sat 12-9 p.m. 501 E. 30th Ave. (509) 747-1170.

BARBECUE Red Lion BBQ & Pub. For about 20 years, whether it was in the old rhythm and blues, peanut-shells-on-the-floor days, or more recently as a sports bar, there’s always been butt-kickin’ BBQ at this downtown corner spot. The undisputed star here is wine-broiled chicken, spicy and robust, yet falling-off-the-bones moist and tender. Together with the signature fried bread and honey, and you have a BBQ experience that can’t help but please. 126 N. Division St. Sun-Thu 11 a.m.-10 p.m., FriSat 11 a.m.-1 a.m. (Sunday breakfast buffet 9 a.m.-noon during football season.) (509) 835-LION (5466). redlionbbq.com.

BISTROS The Wandering Table. A much-anticipated American tapas-style restaurant located in Kendall Yards. Chef Adam Hegsted delights with a variety of small plates (try the Garden for a creative take on salads,

The Difference

the Deviled Eggs, or the Popcorn), craft cocktails, a whiskey bar, and substantial dishes, such as the Bacon-Wrapped Bacon Sliders or the Braised Shortribs. Take the chef 's advice and go with the “You Choose the Price” meal option for the table offered at $35-$65 per head for a surprising culinary journey. Hopefully it will include the Olive Oil Gelato for dessert. Tues-Thurs, 11:30 a.m.–10 p.m., Fri-Sat 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun-Mon, 4 p.m.-10 p.m. 1242 W. Summit Pkwy. in Kendall Yards. (509) 443-4410. thewanderingtable.com. Laguna Café. This South Hill restaurant calls itself a café, but in actuality it is much more. Owners Dan and Debbie Barranti have created a sophisticated combination of gourmet food, great wines and gifts. The dinner menu features entrees such as Wild Pacific Salmon with fresh rosemary-mango salsa and roasted rosemary potatoes, or the Flat Iron Steak and Black Tiger Shrimp. They offer an extensive line of summer salads, along with a full bar—and delectable burgers, too. Want to fine dine at home? Don’t miss their pick-up window with meals to go. Live music weekly. 2013 E. 29th Ave. Mon-Thur 8 a.m. -9 p.m., Fri 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Sat 9 a.m.-10 p.m., and Sun 9 a.m.-8 p.m. (509) 448-0887.

Wild Sage Bistro. Tucked into a classic 1911 brick building on 2nd and Lincoln, Wild Sage offers an intimate dining setting and memorable food with real flair. The atmosphere combines class and warmth. Executive chef Charlie Connor presents regionally influenced Northwest cuisine using only the finest locally sourced products. Try the Yukon Taquitos, the Crisp Bacon and Blue salad or the Cioppino. Be sure to finish with a slice of the “Soon-to-be-Famous” Coconut Cream Layer Cake with lilikoi sauce. This award-winning bistro is known for its in-house bakery and an amazing array of gluten-free options. Also, make it a point to order something from their “scratch bar,” with or without alcohol. They use only fresh juices and house-infused flavored liquors. Dinner seven nights a week, opening at 4 p.m. 916 W. Second Ave. (509) 456-7575. wildsagebistro.com.

Stock up on our famous cookies!

We offer catering for your Winter Parties Rent our cafe for special events, dinners and parties.

BREAKFAST & LUNCH SPECIALTIES Frank’s Diner. Frank’s has become a Spokane landmark throughout the past decade. Both early 1900s vintage rail cars were originally obtained by the Knight brothers, Frank and Jack, during the Depression, and converted to diners.

180 S. Howard 509.468.2929 tastecafeandfineart.com NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide

Frank’s breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, available all day, has all the classics. Among our favorites are the open-face turkey, roast beef and mushroom sandwiches, chicken pot pie, Joe’s Special (the venerable scramble of eggs, ground beef, spinach, onions and parmesan), and the don’t-miss hash browns and silver dollar pancakes. 1516 W. 2nd. Seven days 6 a.m.-8 p.m. (509) 747-8798. 10929 N. Newport Highway, Sun-Thurs 6 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri-Sat 6 a.m.-9 p.m. (509) 465-2464. franksdiners.com. The Yards Bruncheon. The team at The Yards Bruncheon figured out how to extend the weekend all-week-long by offering brunch every day, and—oh!—how that pleases us. This modern diner is a combination of breakfast and lunch complemented with classic brunch cocktails. Their menu features comfort food using local farms and producers. The food is food the team loves to eat and is meant to be taken lightly. They make most of their menu items in house, including their pastries, which are some of the best around. They also feature some of the best coffees and teas from around the world. 1248 W. Summit Pkwy., Mon-Sun 7 a.m.3:30 p.m. (509) 290-5952. theyardsbruncheon.com.


R MIE PRE SLETTER ia! d NEWzzi Me o B y b


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

D. Lish’s Hamburgers is the No. 1 spot for the perfect burger with beef that’s always fresh and never frozen, homemade sauces, and hand-cut fries. Dreamed up by Dave Lish and his best friend, Curt Goller, and opened in 1998, D. Lish’s Hamburgers has served thousands of burger aficionados in the Inland Northwest and beyond, with the help of Anne Marie, Dave’s wife. Since 2008, Mike Lish stepped up to take Dave’s place and has continued his parents’ legacy of providing a quick, tasty meal at a fair price. Mon-Sat 10:30 a.m.—9 p.m. Sun 12—7 p.m. 1625 N. Division St., dlishs.com. Taste Cafe & Fine Art. If you love the taste of healthy and enjoy putting nutrientdense fuel into your body—while giving your tastebuds the stuff food dreams are made of—Taste Cafe & Fine Art is a notto-be-missed downtown destination. Jim and Mary Ann McCurdy whip up their most popular dishes—Asian chicken wrap,

lentil salad, cookies and a kale salad that would make carnivores drool—among a long list of tantalizing dishes. Mon-Fri 7 a.m.-4 p.m., closed Sun. 180 S. Howard St. (509) 468-2929. tastecafeandfineart.com. Gilded Unicorn. The Gilded Unicorn is a modern American, classic restaurant featuring handcrafted foods and drinks, located in the historic Montvale Hotel in downtown Spokane, right in the heart the entertainment and arts district. The restaurant's name reflects its blend of classic and modern without taking itself too seriously. The Gilded Unicorn showcases local, seasonal food and drinks from the Northwest and beyond coerced into new-fashioned flavors that hit you in the soul. This is a “must visit” eatery experience. 110 S. Monroe St., Sun-Sat 3 p.mclose. (509) 309-3698. gildedunicorn.com. Prohibition Gastropub. A small but cozy pub on Monroe offering modern meals with a vintage vibe and a carefully curated cocktail menu. Specialty candied bacon appears throughout the menu, from jalapeno poppers to a bevy of burgers. The kitchen is eager to please vegans and vegetarians, as well. 1914 N. Monroe St. Mon, Wed-Sat 11a.m.-11 p.m., Sun 10 a.m.-10 p.m., closed Tues. (509) 474-9040. 315 Martinis and Tapas. Located within the historic Greenbriar Inn in Coeur d’Alene, this restaurant specializes in small plates with a global focus and well-crafted cocktails. Come sit in the intimate martini bar for happy hour beginning at 3:15 p.m. and enjoy drink and tapas specials, or share small plates or entrees along with live music on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights in the main dining room beginning at 6 p.m. Expect good service, great atmosphere and an experience you won’t soon forget. TuesSun from 3:15 p.m. to close. 315 Wallace Ave. in Coeur d’Alene. (208) 667-9660. 315martinisandtapas.com.


catering for all events

Clinkerdagger. English pub décor overlooking the Spokane River. Known for their fresh seafood, steaks and rock salt-roasted prime rib, Clinkerdagger is a favorite eating place among locals. Their salmon filet is one of the best in the area. The Broadway Pea SalNOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




Small Plates $10-$15 everyday

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Modern American Restaurant & Craft Cocktails

ad and Blums Coffee Toffee Pie are two classics since 1974. Two cozy fireplaces make for a warm, friendly atmosphere. 621 W. Mallon (in the Flour Mill). Lunch Mon-Fri 11:152:30 p.m., Sat 11:30-2:30 p.m., Dinner MonThurs 4:30-9 p.m., Fri 4:30-9:30 p.m., Sat 4-9:30 p.m., Sun lounge 2-9 p.m. and dinner 3-8 p.m. (509) 328-5965. clinkerdagger.com. Masselow’s Steakhouse. Named after a strong chief who was instrumental in the survival of the Kalispels, Masselow’s combines the culinary heritage of the tribe with Northwest fine dining. The restaurant features an intimate and lavishly appointed dining room just off the hotel lobby in the new wing of the Northern Quest Resort and Casino in Airway Heights and serves up an Elk Sirloin and Seared Scallops worth the drive. Their chocolate mousse on the dessert menu is also a show stopper. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. 100 N. Hayford Rd., Airway Heights. (509) 242-7000. northernquest.com. Stacks at Steam Plant. Named for the twin smokestacks that have been a part of the downtown Spokane skyline for nearly a century, Stacks offers a full-service dining experience in a one-of-a-kind space. Unique private dining spaces include boiler rooms where the original pipes still line the walls and ceiling. Signature dishes are created from scratch and incorporate ingredients produced only at the Steam Plant—including smoked meats, fish and vegetables, and many of the ales brewed on-site. 3 p.m.–10 p.m. Sun-Thurs, 3 p.m.–11p.m. Fri-Sat. 159 S. Lincoln, under the smokestacks downtown. (509) 777-3900. steamplantspokane. com. 1898 Public House. With a nod of respect to the year the golf club was originally established, 1898 Public House combines a storied history with modern flair. Led by Executive chef Tyler Schwenk, their culinary team takes pride in preparing classic foods with a fresh twist, while using the finest ingredients. From hand-pressed gourmet burgers and house-cured bacon, to house-made rolls and charcuterie, dining at 1898 is an exciting culinary tour for your palate. With signature comfort food dishes and unique combinations designed for the more adventurous foodie. Sun-Thurs 4-10 p.m., Fri/Sat 4-11


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

p.m., happy hour 4-6 p.m. 2010 W. Waikiki Rd. (509) 466-2121. kalispelgolf.com.

PUB AND LOUNGE FARE The Onion Taphouse & Grill. Established in 1978, the Onion is the grand dean of gourmet burgers and casual family dining in Spokane. With the addition of Area 51 Taphouse (with, yes, 51 different beers—and some hard ciders, too), you’ll never want to leave. From gourmet burgers and sandwiches to pizza, salads and their namesake beerbattered onion rings, The Onion Taphouse & Grill pays attention to details and does more from scratch than many other restaurants aspiring to loftier appellations. 302 W. Riverside. Sun-Thurs 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m.-1 a.m. (509) 747-3852; 7522 N. Division, Mon-Sun 11 a.m.-11 p.m. (509) 4826100.

Best Fine Dining

Steam Plant Brewing Co. & Pub. An amazing location for a brewery–under layers of catwalks and an 80’ ceiling inside the renovated steam plant. The brewery produces eleven handcrafted microbrews on-site, from their famous Double Stack Stout to several seasonal varieties. Its microbrews are also available to go in kegs and growlers. The Pub features multiple flat-screen TVs and a game room to make a night of it. The brews are complemented by signature menu items like the Coal Bunker cheese bread, smoked steelhead and beer cheese soup. 3–10 p.m. Sun-Thurs 3–11 p.m. Fri-Sat.159 S. Lincoln, under the smokestacks, downtown. (509) 777-3900. steamplantspokane.com. Café at the Gathering House. Is a great place to meet with a friend for a latté or to work away on your laptop. The café offers a full range of espresso drinks as well as delicious baked goods and a host of delicious artisan sandwiches and a salad bar for only $5.95. The Gathering House is a church that uses their facility as a job training coffee shop, café, and meeting place that is elevating quality food and lives. Weekdays 8 a.m.—4 p.m.m 733 W. Garland, (509) 340-9113. gatheringhouse.biz. The Swinging Doors. Opened in May of 1981, the tavern turned restaurant has been in the same family for its whole life. With 27 beers on tap and 60 television screens, The

Chateau Rive

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Every Third Tuesday, 5p.m. to 8p.m. NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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LOCAL CUISINE/dining guide


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Swinging Doors is a sports fan’s paradise. On the food front, the restaurant is famous for its large portions (which can be split). Breakfast is served all day and the huge pieces of Broasted Chicken remain the most popular item on the golf-themed menu. Show up on your birthday for a free steak dinner. Open seven days a week from 6:45 a.m.-2 a.m. 1018 W. Francis. (509) 326-6794. theswingingdoors.com.

PUB AND LOUNGE FARE The Blackbird Tavern and Kitchen. Head straight to the bar where there are 34 beers (and four wines) on electronic tap, or take a seat at a squishy leather booth at a butcher block table. If it’s warm enough, you might want to sit on the patio under strings of Edison light bulbs. Located in the historic Broadview Dairy Building just north of downtown, the Blackbird offers southern-inspired gastropub fare like Bacon Fat Popcorn, Marinated Scallops and a bevy of burgers. A convenient location, kind, attentive service, the chance to try ingredients and combinations unlike any other area restaurant, bottomless mimosas at brunch and a bit of homey resemblance to its sister restaurant Manito Tap House on the South Hill make it a solid choice for friends and families alike. 905 N. Washington. Open Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat-Sun 8 a.m.-1 p.m., 3-11 p.m. (509) 392-4000. theblackbirdspokane.com. Crave. Where to go that’s lively, airy, and serves some of the best pub and lounge fare around. They do wraps, burgers, salads, and fries (yes to the fries!) right. On the super hip corner of Riverside and Washington with eats, drinks, and nightlife done right. Daily, 11 a.m.-2 a.m. 401 W. Riverside Ave. (509) 321-7480 and on Facebook. nYne Bar & Bistro. Pub fair done right. Everything from juicy burgers, and delicious wraps to salads, nachos and a select array of appetizers. All entrees served with your choice of Kettle Salt and Pepper Chips or Tomato and Cucumber Salad. Tacos served every Tuesday with $5 margaritas. Happy hour is Tues-Sat 3 p.m.-6 p.m. $5 appetizers, $1 off well drinks, pints and wine. nYne has one of the best dance floors in town featuring DJs on the weekends and karaoke Tues-Thurs. Live music and special events as well. Private party space available with reservation. 232 W. Sprague Ave. Mon 7 p.m.-close, Tues-Sat 12 p.m.-2 a.m. nynebar.com.

SUSHI Sushi.com. Japanese. We still think the name is about as cheesy as you can get for a sushi bar and Japanese restaurant, but the food transcends the curious dot.com label over the door. Sit at the sushi bar and enjoy what’s fresh or take a table and explore the menu that also includes plenty of excellent hot options if raw fish still makes you nervous. Some of our favorites are the super white tuna and the house tempura. Mon-Fri 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Sat 12 noon-9 p.m., Sun 12 noon-8 p.m. 430 W. Main, Spokane. (509) 838-0630.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


Terry L. Fossum (above), and (right) competing in Season 1 of Fox's Kicking & Screaming.


by Terry

L. Fossum

Former U.S. Air Force Officer, business leader, author, speaker, and winner of Season 1, Kicking & Screaming on Fox

BUSINESS LESSONS FROM A JUNGLE SURVIVAL REALITY SHOW I never wanted to be on a Survival Reality TV Show, especially a show that pitted me against nine other survival experts, while dragging along a complete novice “kicking and screaming;” but last year that’s exactly where I found myself: deep in a jungle, starving and sleep deprived, surrounded by cameras. It was a recipe for disaster. The other survival experts included two Air Force SERE instructors, several Special Forces vets, a warlord who helped capture Saddam Hussein, and a fourth degree blackbelt ninja. My claim to fame on the show: I’m a Scoutmaster. And to add to that, I was the oldest person on the show. I was the obvious underdog. But leadership is leadership whether it’s on the battlefield or the boardroom. Or the middle of a stinking jungle. I applied the same leadership tactics I’ve learned, practiced and taught for about 40 years, and the underdogs won the show. Let’s face it, jungle survival is relatively easy. Corporate survival is much harder. There are many more threats to navigate, but the techniques are the same.


ner was a young, pink and blue hair, fully tattooed, tongue pierced, atheist, online video gamer and streamer. I’m a 52 year old, moderately conservative, Christian Scoutmaster. What could possibly go wrong? The answer is “lots,” but that’s not the question we should be asking. The question we should focus on is “what could possibly go right?” Instead of focusing on all of our differences, I chose to focus on the positives. My partner was a strong, smart, loyal person. And most importantly to me: she cared about others. I found out that she heavily supported St. Jude’s Children’s Hospitals. Once you focus on the positives, many of the negatives fade away. Today’s climate seems to have us more than ever focusing on each other’s differences. Differences in race, religion, political beliefs, socioeconomic backgrounds; pretty much anything we can possibly pick apart. Instead of focusing so much on what makes us different, why don’t we focus on what we have in common? One tears us apart and tears our society apart. One brings us together, and together we can accomplish so much more. What if we did that in the work place? In our communities? In our nation? Dare I say: in our world? Impossible? Not at all. It all starts with you deciding to do it, starting right now.

CONFLICT HAPPENS—EMBRACE IT! With our differences and the harsh conditions on the show, we were bound to fight. And we fought! But conflict happens all around us, doesn’t it? In our families, our workplaces, everywhere there are two or more people, there is going to be conflict. There are four stages of team development: Forming, STORMING, Norming, and Performing. You can’t get to Performing without storming. Iron only becomes steel once it’s gone through fire. Embrace it. Conflict is actually good, if handled properly. If you choose to tear others down and demand they see things like you, the team falls apart. If you choose to treat them with respect and see things from their point of view, the bonds are strengthened and you become as cohesive as any unit that has been through the battles together. LOOK FOR REASONS TO PRAISE. It’s easy to find fault with people. It’s easy to point out their failings. But it’s not productive, unless your goal is to tear them down. That’s not usually the goal with our children, with our spouses, with our employees, coworkers or bosses, and yet still we hear others doing it. And we do it ourselves. Every time I saw my partner doing something productive, I pointed it out: “Man, I really appreciate how hard you work!” What do you think happened? Of course: she worked harder. “I’m really impressed at how you’re facing your fears out here.” And she did. Look for reasons to praise. True leaders elevate others. They focus on the positives, not the negatives, in everything and everyone. They build others up, even during the most tumultuous times, because that’s when it’s most important. They make people feel good about themselves, because that’s when people operate at their best. Leadership is leadership whether it’s on the battlefield or the boardroom. Or the middle of a stinking jungle. Or in your family or your community. Choose to lead.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com




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103 95 144 BC 59 35 156 68, 70 131 140 2 58 86 75 90 7 154 107 124 35 59 58 112 15 16 115 77 156 31 37 137 93 119 71 105 131 124 89 126 153 156 149 90 23 82-83 78 145 86 109 96




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56 57 145 148 105 139 87 55 156 113 45, 119 75, 116 73 31 135 66 11 129 104 21 46 152 157 66 49 68 57 65 156 151 37, 140 121 101 125 109 51 23 67 133 118 118 111 111 31 91 4-5 155 123 125 31

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Shock and Awe of Winter by Doug Clark


race yourselves, Lilac Citizenry. We’re about to enter that singular season of chaos and confabulation. And I don’t mean a North Korean nuke strike on Japan. (Though, now that you mention it, that top-notched tubby Kim JongLoon is capable of anything.) I’m talking about the coming of yet another winter in Spokane, which, contrary to the Farmers’ Almanac, does not begin on the Dec. 21 Winter Solstice. Ho, no. In Spokane, winter starts the moment the first few flakes fall. That’s the signal for many of our more impressionable residents to go running through the streets in a panic, like in that 1950s horror movie where Godzilla emerges from the sea to go shopping through the Ginza. It’s probably how Bloomsday really got started. For reasons I’ve never been able to fully fathom, winter takes at least half the local populace of my hometown by complete shock and awe—each and every year. If you’ve spent any time around here you know it’s true. RESIDENT 1 – “Hey, what’s going on? Something cold and wet just hit my forehead.” RESIDENT 2 – “Oh, no. I think it’s snowing. I can’t believe it. Run. Ruuuunnnn!!” I wouldn’t be opposed to a considerable amount of my taxes going to a government-funded study of this seasonal phenomenon. Maybe then we’d be able to understand why so many otherwise sane people around here equate snow, sleet and slush with a Martian mother ship landing in the middle of Riverfront Park to take back


spokanecda.com / NOVEMBER 2017

Mayor Condon. I mean, come on people. It’s Spokane. It gets cold and snows here, sometimes in buckets. If there’s anyone to blame for this annual snow psychosis it’s our hyperactive, ever-perky TV weathercasters who love chanting the words, “White Stuff!! White Stuff!!” the way Paul Revere trumpeted the Redcoats. Don’t get me wrong. I have no personal beef with broadcast journalism, even if it is a contradiction in terms. These so-called meteorologists seem like extremely nice folks who would never think of scaring their viewers silly unless, of course, it might lead to a job with a major network. Hey, and I love KREM-TV’s Tom Sherry. He carried my guitar once after my band played a gig. But when the snow starts falling? Well, something weird happens to these otherwise gentle souls. Their eyes dilate like saucers. They get as agitated as gerbils on crack. Then, like a pack of Old Testament prophets, they all start with the gloomy weather-speak: warning of La Ninas and La Cucarachas and Doomsday Doppler readings that will bring on the next Ice Age. The right response would be to simply laugh off the blather and switch the channel to something meaningful like maybe a rerun of “The Rockford Files.” (Man, that Jim Garner slays me!) After all, what do these TV weather crackpots know that the rest of us don’t? Despite all that Accu-Tracker/Storm Team nonsense, not a one of them, I’d wager, is more qualified to open an umbrella than any of the rest of us. So why do so many viewers believe them? Sadly, it’s because the weathercasters have

something going for them that a poor print guy like me will never have. A. They’re good looking. B. They’re on TV. I can’t compete with that, even though I have The Truth on my side. And here it is: every winter our weathercasters read from the same tired script. Does the following ring a sleighbell? *Whenever the temperature plummets, the weathercasters tell us to not venture outside without first putting on our gloves and a coat. (What are these people, our nannies? In my book, if you can’t figure out when to wear a coat on your own, you deserve to freeze.) *Every winter, the weathercasters regularly spice up their forecasts with news shots of vehicles slipping and sliding down snowy Freya hill. (I’m pretty sure the stations use the same footage year after year. Tip: look for the careening ’52 Packard.) *Then there’s the annual interview with the Washington State Patrol trooper who stares smugly into the camera lens as if he’s just thwarted a terrorist plot. Asked about the many fender-benders on Icy I-90, Trooper always responds in a clipped professional tone: “Driving too fast for conditions.” (No kidding Sherlock. You could make the same analysis of practically every car crash dating back to the death of James Dean.) Last year the financial website Smartasset ranked Spokane as having the nation’s fourth most depressing winters. I don’t think, however, that this rating had anything to do with flakes and icy sidewalks. I think our

municipal depression is all due to the repetitious sensationalized TV weather coverage. Really. Hearing the same gloomy forecasts every morning, noon and night for three months straight will suck the life out of anyone. It’s time we turned off the tubes and focused instead on the one overriding benefit of a long, dreary snow-packed winter in Spokane. It’s the only time the potholes get filled. Doug Clark is a Spokane native and lead singer/ songwriter for his band, Trailer Park Girls. He recently retired from The Spokesman-Review after writing three columns a week for more than 30 years. Clark’s humor and general-interest commentaries have won scores of local, state and regional honors along with three awards from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. Clark lives in Spokane with his lovely wife, Sherry. He is a graduate of Eastern Washington University and, most proudly, is the first person inducted into the Eddie Gaedel Society’s Hall of Fame headquartered at O’Doherty’s Irish Pub & Grill in downtown Spokane.

NOVEMBER 2017 / spokanecda.com


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