FR Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 12

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Know & Go @Your Library

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog





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@your Library I am back from the AASL National Conference and it was wealth of information in many different areas, such as library administration, teaching & learning, reading advocacy, and program development.

This is just one of three bags of “stuff� acquired at the conference. A sea of librarians made their way through the Idea Exchange.

A definition of school is "four walls surrounding the future." ~RolandBarth

Book shelves are fact we have too many books for the built in cases (which is a good problem to have) and the weeding process has commenced.

Newspaper Article This week I was asked to help a student who was writing an article for the school paper. There were some very interesting questions that you too may want to know the answers to as well. See a few of those questions on page 2.

Newspaper Ar,cle Ques,ons: The New Library 1. Who would use it? The library is intended for the en,re Fern Ridge community, students, staff, and parents. 2. What is the purpose of having a library in our school? The library or learning commons as they are becoming known as play a key role for encouraging innova,on, curiosity, and problem solving. 3. Where is it located? The learning commons has been located in room 402, connected to the cafeteria. 4. Why do we need it? The learning commons is place for learners to find informa,on, resources, and instruc,on. 5. How could we get people to use the library? The learning commons is an evolving space and communica,on portal. To get people to use the space a variety of ac,vi,es will be offered. Ideas may include gaming opportuni,es, book club membership, hot topic books displays, provide eBooks, and much more. 6. When will the library be done? There are many things happening behind the scenes in order to open the library. We are trying to get items that don’t belong in the space moved out, acquire furniture that makes the space usable for all groups, create a collec,on of books, and work on the overall décor of the space. There are a few factors that impact the opening date of the library: I am scheduled for seven hours per week at Fern Ridge Many of the things that need to be completed are dependent on others in and outside of Fern Ridge. However, if anyone comes by and the door and lights are on, feel free to stop and introduce yourself. 7. What do you think of having a larger library? Like I said before libraries are becoming more of a learning commons with a variety of spaces to meet the needs of all the users, therefore, a larger space is always a great op,on. 8. Do you think that having a library will increase the amount of students who read? Reading advocacy is a big part of the library. By offering more opportuni,es for reading, the more students may read. 9. Will a library increase our school reading level? Why do you think that? Reading levels will increase when appropriate strategies are put into place, such as, reading oCen, reading out loud, reading things again from a different perspec,ve, finding the right book (whether it’s an eBook, print, or audiobook), and talking about reading (book collabora,on). The library provides the opportunity and space for this to occur more oCen. 10. What ,mes do you think we should be able to access the library? The learning commons should be open before/aCer school, and all day in between. The principal and I have been talking about some crea,ve ways to allow the library to be open for use, but nothing has been finalized. 11. Is there anything else you would like to say about this topic? Today’s libraries a.k.a. learning commons need to reflect the 21st century skill students need to succeed in today’s world. The library should be the hub of learning for the school, but now this space is shared with informa,on technology, online educa,on, tutoring, collabora,on, content crea,on, reading in all formats, and study group opportuni,es.

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Flipsnack EDU— This online network for you class allows you to share assignments, read materials, and view various projects as flip books. This resource might be an extension to e-learning or the flipped classrooms. It was also selected by AASL as on the best websites fro teaching learning for 2013. You can add .pdf files, .jpg files, and embed/share the flipped book. Right now they do not have an Android or Apple app. Also, be sure to sign up for the EDU edi,on of this tool. There is a free and premium package available. hKp://

Tapestry—Need a crea,ve storytelling tool that could possibly work great with CTA (BYOD)? Tapestry is a place for expression and connec,on for readers and creators. The ideas is to let users create and experience stories by tapping through them on their mobile devices . hKps:// Hour of Code This may be coming to your building...What is it you ask? It’s a campaign to introduce students ton Computer Science. The purpose of this event is to foster crea,vity, curiosity and innova,on! This one-hour introduc,on is designed to demys,fy "code" and show that anyone can learn the basics to be a maker, a creator, and innovator. The informa,on that was given to your Administrator is as follows: • • •

Handout at hKp:// YouTube program introduc,on at hKp:// Sample tutorials, check out: hKp://

Your school may or may not par,cipate in this event (check with an administrator) but now you are in the loop!

Literary Lists for the 21st Century Teacher & Librarian— The purpose of this wiki is to provide the best book list for librarians and teachers at the point of need. It is divided into categories for easier searching: comprehension, if you liked…, values, write traits, topics, and many, many more. They also invite librarians to be contributors, so join in and share your knowledge. hKp:// Neuroscience in the Classroom: Making Connec ons offers a course for K-12 teachers that provides various units, videos, and course guides. It has units such as, Different Brains, Emo on & Thinking, Seeing Others, Different Learning, Neural Networks, and Implica ons for School. This might make for a great interdisciplinary unit! hKp://

Learning Opportunities Global Educa on Conference—THIS WEEK! "An awesome gathering of educators from all over the world with valuable contribu

ons to improve educa on as a whole. A fantas c demonstra on of a global learning event." Almerinda Girabaldi The 2013 Global Educa on Conference (hKp://www.globaleduca, starts today! If you haven't aKended our annual Global Educa,on Conference, you are in for a treat! This free event runs all week and is open to anyone to aKend: spread the word with TwiKer hashtag #globaled13. GeVng started with Global Ed Con—hKps:// . You can also sign up for daily event schedule reminders. It’s a great opportunity to hear perspec,ves from around the world!

Webinars View recent Webinars from EdWeb at hKp:// If you missed some of the latest ,tles from the past couple of weeks they have been archived. (scroll down the page to see the link to each webinar): • Classroom Tools to Teach Point of View and Purpose • Teaching copyright and Fair Use to the Remix Genera,on • What is Text Complexity? Steps to Implement Common Core Expecta,ons • Using the Big 6/Super 3: More on PuVng the Common Core to Work

Student Opportunity Show-Me a Movie is a digital storytelling contest for students grades 2-12 in Missouri and its Border States. These students are invited to demonstrate their crea,vity and digital moviemaking skills in one of five categories. Cash prizes go to the school of the winning movies in each category. See last year's winners and winners from past years. All winning movies are show-cased at a recep,on on February 11, 2014, during the Midwest Educa,on Technology Conference (METC). The students from the winnings movie are invited to aKend along with their teachers and families. Informa on, Contest Timeline & Submission Guidelines can be found at hKp://

StudentCam is C-SPAN’s annual na,onal video documentary compe,,on that encourages students to think cri,cally about issues that affect our communi,es and our na,on. StudentCam’s theme for 2014 is “A Message to the U.S. Congress: What’s the most important issue the U.S. Congress should consider in 2014?” Maximum award includes $5,000, plus $750 to spend on digital video equipment for his/her school. Students grades 6-12, individually or in teams, are eligible. Deadline is January 20, 2014. hKp:// (from AASL) Current & Back Issues of Know & Go h6p://

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