FR Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 20

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Know & Go @Your Library

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog

"Libraries are the bedrock of our society." ~Yvonne S Thornton





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Updates @your Library Additional books and eBooks in the dystopian, science fiction, action and adventure, fantasy, mystery, and horror genres are being ordered this week from Follett’s Hot publishing list. Titles Include: • The 100 • Golden Boy • ACID: Agency for Crime • The Hit Investigation and Defense • Hostage Three • All Our Yesterdays • Killer of Enemies • Defy • Midsummer Night’s Scream • Divided • Neverwas • Divided We Fall • Nil • Salvage • Endangered • She Is Note Invisible • The eye of Minds • Storm • Find Me • Swim That Rock • Fire & Flood • Threatened • Game Slaves

The Graphic Novel Collection known as Manga has been ordered, processed, and on its way to Fern Ridge this week! Please share this news with your students! These were requested from them. Titles include: • Attack on Titans—Book 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 • Bakuman Book 1-Dreams & Reality, 2-Chocolate & Akamaru, 3-Debut & Impatience, 4-Phone Call & The Night Before, 5-Yearbook & Photobook, and 6-Recklessness & Guts • Black Butler Book I, II, III, IV, V, VI • Death Note: Black Edition Book I, II, III, IV

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources How use Microso Office within Google Drive Have you recently made the move to (or you’re s<ll considering) Google, but you’re reluctant to give up Microso> Office? Google Drive actually integrates really well with Office, especially when you make use of the desktop version of Drive. Installing the desktop version of Google Drive allows you to save Microso> Office files directly to Drive, just like you would any other folder. Since your desktop version can automa<cally sync with the browser when you have an internet connec<on, these files are accessible from anywhere.

Google Doodle Google is asking students to create doodles based on the theme “If I Could Invent One Thing to Make the World a BeFer Place.” One talented young ar<st will see his or her artwork on the Google homepage and receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 Google for Educa<on technology grant for his or her school. Applica<ons can be submiFed by parents, guardians, teachers, and a>er -school programs. Deadline for submissions is March 20.

Copyright Toolkit A true digital ci<zen understands how to ethically use the works of others to build his or her own crea<ve products—music, art, video, stories, presenta<ons--and share them with the world. In order to talk with students Joyce Valenza has provided a website that contains A Copyright Friendly Toolkit. hFps:// It contains guidelines, categories, and tools to consider when your students are going to be producers of informa<on.

Ge y Images—hFp:// Read the ar<cle, The World’s Largest Photo Service Just Made its Pictures Free To Use, from the The GeFy Images website had millions of images all watermarked, but now they are dropping the watermark for most of its collec<on. However you s<ll need to give credit and link back to their page. I also like Stock.exhng and

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