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So which offer would you prefer to promote: the free offer, or the one that requires a purchase? Exactly! The offer that only requires the lead to provide their email address! It’s much easier, and there’s also less competition… When choosing your offer it needs to be targeted towards the traffic you’re getting, as this will obviously aid conversions. So choose your offer wisely and think about the promotion and advertising methods you wish to employ. If you were promoting an email submission offer on an energy drink for example, you could advertise it on sports forums, sports videos and sports related blogs. You could also try college forums and social networking sites, concentrating on the demographic that normally consume drinks such as these. Analyzing Demand When selecting CPA offers, it’s important that you research the market-place and find out what’s in demand before you launch into promoting it. In order to do this you can begin by taking a look at the search volumes for the most relevant keywords related to that offer, and Google’s free keyword tool can help you do this: So, let’s say that you wanted to promote a “free golf lesson gift card offer”, for example… You could start by typing in the keyword “golf” and looking to see how many people are searching for that keyword each month:


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