Getting To America

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think that she went missing so we told the police. The police told us that they found her dead. So today my papa left to go to the U.S.He got on a ship and left. Before he left he gave me some gold coins and said “keep these coins so that when you get to the U.Syou will have money to live until I find you or use them as money to buy the tickets” “Ok seeyou in the U.S” I said and then he was gone. We put the gold coins in my little sister, Ruth’s shoe. So now I need to go and get a job and I might have to steal some valuables and pickpocket people so I can go to the U.Squicker. We will also have to live by on our own, my younger sister Ruth, my younger brother Lou and me Leon. I got my first job. It is in a sweatshirt factory. The factory makes clothes for citizens. On my way home I pick pocketed someone. I also got some money for my job. I will have to do this a lot if I want to be able to get the ticket to the U.S.In the wallet I pick pocketed I didn’t find a lot. There was only 100 rubles in the wallet and that was it. I was disappointed to only find 100 rubles in the wallet. And Ruth is complaining that her shoes are uncomfortable becauseof the coins and that she wants to throw them out. We, Lou and I, always convince her to not throw the shoesout. When I was coming back from my job I stole some cigarettes becauseI think that I will be able to sell them for a good amount of money. I am starting to think about buying the tickets. I will need to buy 3 tickets and each ticket costs 900 rubles. I have about 600 rubles right now plus the gold coins which I have not sold yet. Once I get more

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