Project prezentation

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eTwinning project

„Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Dear project partners! This is the album – a kind of digital exhibition – of the eTwinning project „Children’s town“ with children's art works inspired by buildings, squares, parks, playgrounds and other places in their town. The main aims of the project were (for children): • to gain new experiences and knowledge about their town through exploration of sights and attractions; • to develop imagination and creative expression through fantasizing about the town they would like to live.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Thanks to all teachers and other members from: • Kindergarten „Slunchice” (Dobrich, Bulgaria)

• Public Elementary School „Jau Dignac et Loirac” (Jau Dignac et Loirac, France) • Kindergarten „Saulīte„ (Liepāja, Latvia)

• Kindergarten „Singeorz-Bai” (Singeorz-Bai, Romania) • Kindergarten „Dječji svijet” (Varaždin and Beretinec, Croatia)

for participating in this project!

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016


eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

From kindergarten „Slunchice” on the project worked three teachers: - Dimitrichka Georgieva with group „Pchelitza” (eng. „Bee”) - 5-6 years old children; - Marinela Vasileva with group „Zvezdichka” (eng. „Star”) - 3-4 years old children; - Mima Jordanova with group „Kalinka” (eng. “Ladybird”) - 3-4 years old children.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

All three groups of children and their teachers Inspired by sights in their town, children decided to make a model of children’s town.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about what they would change in their town. (1)

Question: What would you change in our town? • I'd paint the whole art gallery in children's drawings. (D.J., 5 years)

Question: How do you want to build our Zoo? • I want to have more animals and more – exotic animals. (M.G., 6 years)

Въпрос: Какво бихте променили в нашия град? • Аз бих нарисувал цялата художествена галерия в дтски рисунки. (Д Й, 5 год)

Въпрос: Как искате да изглежда нашият зоопарк? • Аз искам да има повече животни и по – екзотични. (М Г, 6 год)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about what they would change in their town. (2)

Question: What else do you want to change? • The buildings are very boring... I want them to be a different shape and be – colorful. (S., 6 years)

Въпрос: Какво още искате да промените? • Сградите са много скучни… Аз искам да са с различна форма – и да са цветни. (С, 6 год)

Question: What color you want buildings ? • Purple! (G.)

Въпрос: Какъв цвят да са сградите? • Лилави! (Г)

Question: Of what would buildings be made? • Of candy. (A., 4 years)

Въпрос: От какво да бъдат направени? • От бонбони. (А, 4 год)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016


eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

From Public Elementary School „Jau Dignac et Loirac” on the project worked - Isabelle Folletête with 1st grade – 7 years old pupils.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

First grade - 7 years (teacher Isabelle Folletête) Children would like to have a giant amusement park in their village, so they decided to make a model.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about what they would change in their town. (1) •

The walk was very nice, we saw the church, the cemetery, the old school and the old post office. It was nice to walk . (L.)

La randonnée était très chouette, on a vu l'église, le cimetière de Jau, l'ancienne école et l'ancienne poste. C'était agréable de marcher. (L.)

We took nice pictures, it was a nice walk. (E.)

On a pris de belles photos, c'était bien comme tout cette randonnée. (E.)

My village is not nice since there are only old houses and I don't like it.

Mon village n'est pas beau parce qu'il n'y a que des vieilles maisons et je n'aime pas. (F.)

Dans mon village, je voudrais qu'il y ait un parc d'attraction géant, avec des licornes et le Père Noël. (L.)

(F.) •

In my village, I would like to have a giant amusment park with unicorns and Santa Claus. (L.)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about what they would change in their town. (2) •

I would like a common garden. To build a garden you must have seeds and plant them. Afterwards, you will have nice trees and nice fruits. (E.)

I would like a swimming pool, to dive in water. (M.)

I would like a place with donkeys, goats,tame sheeps, and a public vegetable garden. (C.) In our village, I would like a big tower to clim and a machine that transforms grass into cakes. (A.)

Je voudrais qu'il y ait un jardin. Pour construire un jardin, il faut prendre des graines puis les planter. Après, vous aurez de beaux arbres et de beaux fruits. (E.) Je voudrais une piscine à vagues, pour plonger dans l'eau. (M.)

Je voudrais que dans mon village, il y ait des ânes, des chèvres, des moutons apprivoisés et des potagers publics. (C.) •

Je veux que dans notre village il y ait une grande tour et une machine qui transforme l'herbe en gâteaux. (A.) eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016


eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

From kindergarten „ Saulīte” on the project worked five teachers: - Larisa Dreimane and Ilze Rudīte-Vera with group „Hedgehog”;

- Kristīne Uzāre and Evija Bērziņa with group „Winnie the Pooh”; - Kristīne Ūtrupa (administrator of the project) and Gunita Jonase with group „Flowers”.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group „Hedgehog” (teachers Larisa Dreimane and Ilze Rudīte-Vera) Children wanted to make Liepāja airport colorful and cheerful.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about airport. (1)

We dream about the airport, from wich you can travel! (G. and L., 6 years)

The airport will have a big parking lot and many green trees, so you can breath more easily. (E. and D., 6 years)

Mēs sapņojam par lidostu no kuras varētu aizlidot uz lielajām ārzemēm! (G. un L., 6 gadi)

Lidostā būs liela auto stāvvieta un daudz zaļie koki, lai var vieglāk elpot. (E. un D., 6 gadi)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about airport. (2)

The airport will be round, in the cafe me and mom will eat ice cream and wait dad from the airplane. (M., 6 years)

I want to fly with a green airplane to Turkey! (G., 6 years)

Lidosta būs apaļa, kafejnīcā ar mammu ēdīsim saldējumu un gaidīsim tēti no lidmašīnas. (M., 6 gadi)

Es gribēšu lidot ar zaļo lidmšīnu uz Turciju. (G., 6 gadi)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group „Winnie the Pooh” (teachers Kristīne Uzāre and Evija Bērziņa) Children wanted to make Zoo on an empty place on the edge of the city, because there is no Zoo in Liepāja.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about Zoo. (1)

I want there to have a waterfall, so the animals have a place to wash.

• Es vēlos, lai zoodārzā būtu ūdenskritums, lai zvērim būtu kur nomazgāties. (E. 4 gadi)

(E., 4 years) •

The zoo could have pretty flowers. (Ž., 4 years)

The animals wouldn’t live in cages, because we don’t want to be caged either. (S., 4 years)

Zoodārzā varētu būt skaistas puķudobes. (Ž., 4 gadi)

Zvēri nedzīvotu aplokos, jo mēs ar negribam būt ieslodzīti. (S., 4 gadi)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about Zoo. (2)

There would be various animals and they would be very cute. (E., 4 years)

Everything would be green with trees. (K., 4 years) •

The animals would be friendly. (B., 4 years)

Te būtu ļoti dažādi dzīvnieki un viņi būtu mīļi. (E., 4 gadi) •

Viss būtu zaļš un augtu koki. (K., 4 gadi) •

Dzīvnieki būtu draudzīgi. (B., 4 gadi)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group „Flowers” (teachers Kristīne Ūtrupa and Gunita Jonase) Children decided to create a playground near the bird watching tower by the Liepāja lake.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about Liepāja lakeside arrangement. (1)

Houses with people should stay. They will be able to look and delight for sightseeing, and able to come to the playground. (E. and K., 6 and 5 years)

I want the big ship there, like in the kindergarten. Children will be able to pretend to be sailors. We should put a sandbox next to the ship, because girls like to bake cakes, me too. (D., 6 years)

Mājas, kur dzīvo cilvēki lai paliek. Viņi varēs priecāties un nākt uz laukumu. (E. un K., 6 un 5 gadi)

Es gribu tur lielo kuģi, kā bērnudārzā. Bērni varēs kāpt un spēlēt jūrniekos. Blakus kuģim vajadzētu smilšu kasti, jo meitenēm patīk cept kūkas, man arī. (D., 6 gadi)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about Liepāja lakeside arrangement. (2)

There should be more trees and flowers. It would look pretty like at a garden. (E., 6 years) •

I rode with a boat in the lake. I liked it. Lets make some too in different colors. Children will be able to take a drive with their moms! (B., 5 years)

I like rockets. I would like to fly and step inside there. A big rocket! (R., 5 years)

Kokus un puķes vajag daudz vairāk. Izskatīsies smuki un kārtīgi, kā dārzā. (E., 6 gadi)

Es braucu ar laivu ezerā. Man patika. Uztaisām arī mēs, lai tās ir dažādās krāsās. Bērni ar mammām varēs vizināties! (B., 5 gadi)

Man patīk raķetes. Es gribētu palidot un iekāpt tur iekšā. (R., 5 gadi)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016


eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

From Kindergarten „Singeorz-Bai” on the project worked four teachers: - Adela Ureche with the group of 5-6 years old children; - Ionela Grapini with the group of 5-6 years old children; - Daniela Cordos with the gropu of 4-5 years old children; - Daniela Buia with the group of 3-4 years old children.

Along with teachers, in the project participated manager Daniela Vranau.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

All four groups of children and their teachers Inspired by sights in their town, children decided to make colorful model of town in which they would like to live.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about what they would like to have in their town.

We wish a train that will take us to walk in the park.

Ne dorim un trenulet cu care sa ne plimbam prin parc.

We᾽d like more flowers around us.

Vrem mai multe flori in jurul nostru.

We wish a hall like a house of stories.

Ne dorim o Primarie asemeni unei casute din povesti.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016


eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

From kindergarten „Dječji svijet” on the project worked five teachers: - Jelena Kežić with the group of 5-7 years old children; - Tea Pirker Novosel with the group of 3-4 years old children; - Dijana Ptiček with the group of 3-4 years old children; - Petra Fišter with the group of 5-6 years old children; - Natalija Tušek with the group of 5-6 years old children.

Along with teachers, in the project participated headmistress Ljubimka Hajdin and pedagogue Manuela Kos (administrator of the project).

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group 5-7 years (teacher Jelena Kežić): Children decided to set up bird feeders in bushes they call „shelter for birds” in park near kindergarten.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about „shelter for birds” (1)

This bush is hidden, so that people do not know about it, and that is why I like it. There we can build everything for the birds. We want to cheer the birds and then they will surely come. (M.L., 7 years)

I like this place because it is dark enough for the birds. Children can here reach for the low branch and swing. It has plenty of space for children to play. (L.F., 6 years)

Ovo grmlje je skriveno da ljudi ne saznaju, zato mi se sviđa. Tamo se može sagraditi sve za ptice. Mi hoćemo razveseliti ptice i onda će nam sigurno doći. (M.L., 7 godina)

Sviđa mi se ovo mjesto jer je dosta mračno za ptice. Djeca se ovdje mogu primiti za jednu nisku granu i ljuljati se. Ima puno prostora za dječju igru. (L.F., 6 godina)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about „shelter for birds” (2)

There are a lot of branches on which we can hang birdhouses. (N.G., 5,6 years) •

Tamo ima puno grana na koje možemo objesiti kućice za ptice. (N.G., 5,6 godina)

I like bushes because it is dark. It is quiet and birds can make a nest. When it snows birds can find shelter there. (B.D., 6,5 years)

Sviđa mi se jer je u grmlju više mrak. Tamo ptice imaju mirno i mogu si napraviti gnijezdo. Kad pada snijeg tamo se mogu sakriti. (B.D., 6,5 godina)

This bushes is like a house, I like branches... It has a lot of places, even to play football. And it is near Kindergarten. (L.D., 6,2 years)

To grmlje je kao kućica, sviđaju mi se grane... Tamo ima puno mjesta, čak i za igrati nogomet. I blizu je vrtića.

(L.D., 6,2 godine)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group 3-4 years (teacher Tea Pirker Novosel): Children wanted to change Old town atrium (the biggest attraction of Varaždin) – make it colorful.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about Old town atrium •

The atrium is nice, but it is very quiet because there is no one. Here should come children. (L.P., 4,7 years)

It should paint the walls of the castle to be cheerful. (E.K., 4,4 years)

It would be beautiful if there would be lots of flowers.

(L.P., 4,7 godina) •

Atrium could be magical. Then even the sun would come to play here. (N.V., 3,8 years)

Trebalo bi obojati zidove dvorca da bude veselo. (E.K., 4,4 godine)

(J.K., 4,10)

Dvorište je lijepo, ali je jako tiho jer nema nikoga. Tu bi trebala doći djeca.

Tamo bi bilo lijepo kad bi bilo puno cvijeća. (J.K., 4,10 godina)

Dvorište bi moglo biti čarobno. Onda bi se i sunce tu došlo igrati. (N.V., 3,8 godina)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group 3-4 years (teacher Dijana Ptiček): Children noticed that there are no racks for little children’s bycicles near playgrounds and they decided to make one.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about place for children’s bicycles (1)

The bike can be put in the garage, but playground is then too far. (S.M., 4,1 years)

Bicikl možemo staviti u garažu, ali nam je onda igralište daleko. (S.M., 4,1 godina)

Where the big bikes are, our little bikes would crash. (L.P., 4,7 years)

Tamo gdje su veliki bicikli bi se naši mali srušili. (L.P., 4,7 godine)

Next to racks for big bikes we could set little colorfull racks. (H.V., 4,5 years)

Kraj ovog velikog parkirališta za bicikle bi složili male šarene stalke. (H.V., 4,5 godine)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about place for children’s bicycles (2)

We can put racks for hanging up next to playground, then bikes would not crash and would not get dirty. (P.L., 4,10 years)

We could make fence with holes where we could put bikes, and then we could not run out on the street. (K.V.3,5 years)

Mogli bi složiti ogradu s rupama gdje bi stavili bicikle, i onda mi ne bi mogli istrčati na cestu. (K.V., 3,5 godine)

I would make a rack of stone with a cave in which the wheel goes. (A.H., 3,3 years)

Ja bi složila stalak od kamena u kojem je jedna spilja u koju ide kotač. (A.H., 3,3 godine)

Možemo složiti stalke za visiti pokraj igrališta, onda se bicikli ne bi srušili, a i ne bi se zaprljali. (P.L., 4,10 godina)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group 5-6 years (teacher Petra Fišter): Children have decided to make two art works for new rooms of kindergarten - drawing of imagined decoration of new rooms…

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

…and kind of stained glass for kindergarten windows and door.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about kindergarten decoration. •

It should change the walls, dye them, or we could paint something. (M.P., 6 years)

We could photographs or pictures with various ideas hang with clips on a rope, and that would be some kind of exhibition. (E.Ž., 6 years)

Tables should be in different colors, and not ordinary wooden. (J.H., 6 years)

Slike ili neke ideje bi kvačicama objesili na jednu špagu i to bi bila ko neka izložba, ali slike nisu na papiru, nego na nečem prozirnom. (E.Ž., godina)

Trebalo bi promijeniti zidove, obojati ih ili da mi nešto naslikamo. (M.P., 6 godina)

Neka stolovi budu u boji, a ne tako obični. (J.H., 6 godina)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Group 5-6 years (teacher Natalija Tušek): Children decided to arrange playground on a overgrown meadow behind Kindergarten.

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about playground on a overgrown meadow. (1) •

The playround should have a fence. We need three swings and one would be for little babies. There would be a large see-saw in the form of a puppy. And we could have a barbecue, so that parents could come there to hang out. (E.Ž., 6 years)

We need a fence so that we don’t go on the street. Let it be white. We need a slide long like a road. Slide could be winding and in the summer can be connected to the pool. In the summer there should be umbrella and table and chairs and benches. Then we can make a picnic. (E.F., 6 years)

Igralište treba imati ogradu. Trebamo tri ljuljačke i jedna bi bila za male bebe. Tu bi bila i velika klackalica u obliku psića. A mogli bi imati i roštilj pa bi tamo došli i roditelji na druženje. (E.Ž., 6 godina) •

Treba nam ograda da ne idemo na cestu. Neka bude bijela. Treba nam veliki tobogan ko cesta. Neka bude vijugavi i po ljeti može biti spojen na bazen. Po ljeti treba i suncobran i stol i stolice i klupice. Onda bi tamo imali piknik.

(E.F., 6 godina)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Children’s thoughts about playground on a overgrown meadow. (2)

On the playground should be sandbox. But not one of those ordinary round sandboxes. Let it be a small house with sand and lots of bowls. We need the wall for climbing and below should be sponges in the case that we fall. (I.H., 6 years)

On the playground we need very large trampoline. It would be cool to have a wooden house for play and we could also relax in it. It should have beds of foam. (J.H., 6 years)

Neka na igralištu bude i pješčanik. Ali ne onako okrugli običan. Neka bude kućica s pijeskom i puno posudica. Treba nam i zid na koji se možemo penjati, a ispod treba biti spužva ako padnemo.

(I.H., 6 godina) •

Na igralištu nam treba i jako veliki trampolin. Bilo bi fora imati neku drvenu kućicu za igru, a u njoj bi se mogli i odmarati. Imala bi neke spužvaste krevete. (J.H., 6 godina)

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

Thanks to all children on wonderful and inspiring ideas and creations!

eTwinning project „Children’s town” January – March 2016

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