Portfolio 2022 Kristína Bučková

Page 68



(february 2021 - august 2021; Slovakia) While exploring the area of paper sculptures, I decided to try out different techniques and materials, but mostly what I already had available at hand with the idea of reusing unwanted “trash” and making it into artworks. I tried out various bonding agents, from starch to glue and water as well as multiple kinds of wires and wooden pieces for the armatures. The goal of the process was finding the best fit for each purpose.

In my experimentation phase with paper sculptures, I worked with different kinds of paper. These include old newspapers, pizza carton boxes, non-distributed posters and flyers from the House of Arts in Piešťany, whom I collaborate with in my free time. They donate materials, which otherwise would be throuwn out, and I create pieces that would be used for an art exhibition in their gallery spaces.


I took inspiration from animal anatomy, while recreating various points of views; from the regular animal heads like the fox, through inner bone anatomy such as the horse skull, to straight out nightmare views and visions of morphed animals like the linx head with multiple eye holes.

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