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Wal k i ngi nt heSKY Lookoutt hewi ndow

Lookatt hepeopl e

I nmydesi gn,gr oundf l oori ssymbol i si ngamazeofourl i f e.The

Iseet hesamet hi ngsiseeever yday

Now t el lmewhi chonesar ef r ee

r esaonwhyibui l di thi ghhugei siam t r yi ngt ocr eataf eel i ngof

I magi neyou' veneverseeni t

Fr eef r om

anxi et yandl ostwhenpeopl ef i r stcomet her oom.Af t ert heygoof f

I magi neyouspentyourwhol el i f ei not herpar t soft hewor l d

debtanxi et yst r essf earf ai l ur ei ndi gni t ybet r ayal

t hei rl i f e' sconf usedandf i ndt hei rpat ht ogoont of i r stf l oor ,t hey

Bei ngt ol dever ydayyouar edef endi ngf r eedom

How manywi sht heywer ebor nknowi ngwhatt heyknow now?

comei nt oar oom ofcl oud.I ti ssi mi l art hepr ocessofpassi ng

Andf i nal l yyoudeci deyouhavehadenough

Askyour sel fhow manywoul ddot hi ngst hesamewayal lover

t hr oughcl ouds.Fi nal l y,t heycomet ot hepl acewher et heypur sui t .

Ti met oseewhatyouhavegi venupyourwhol el i f ef or

agai n?

Mayhavegetsomeoft hatf r eedom f oryour sel f

asky,acompl et ef r eewor l d

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