Basic Yoga Poses for Daily Life

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5 Basic Yoga Postures for Daily Life The word "yoga" is derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj", which means "connection". Yoga can be defined as the connection of physical, mental, and spiritual forces for the innermost peace. Yoga classes in Hyderabad, Kondapur, make us learn the best yoga poses with ease. Yoga has been practised for thousands of years. It has different styles and forms in which it is performed. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (18 November 1888 – 28 February 1989) was an Indian yoga teacher, ayurvedic healer, and scholar. He is known as the "father of modern yoga". Yoga is basically the balance between our state of mind and body. Yoga maintains the stability of the mind in any situation. It is done with such discipline and concentration that it has a firm grip on our postures and breathing. We all know that, nowadays, our lifestyle is so bad that it affects our health. It is very important for us to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Because of our busy schedule, it is not possible for us to take out time to do a workout. So, as a good alternative, we can add yoga to our daily routine. Regular practice of yoga reduces the level of stress. It also helps in body-wide inflammation. Not only that, but it also keeps our hearts healthier. Benefits of yoga:● ● ● ● ● ●

Daily practice of yoga increases our strength and improves our flexibility It also helps to overcome anxiety. It also helps us to improve our sleep. It also detoxifies our body It also strengthens the core muscles in our stomach and It relieves our lower back.

But because of our daily busy routine, it is not possible for us to go to the classes. As it is important, we also need to find a solution for this. One of the best solutions for this is to take online yoga classes. There are so many yoga classes that are available online. The online yoga classes in Hyderabad, Kondapur, give the best classes. Yoga should surely be added to our daily routine. Yoga done on a daily basis will surely show a huge difference in your body. If it feels challenging to include yoga in your daily routine, One of the best ways is to take yoga classes. It will help you push yourself to do yoga daily as a routine. Yoga classes in Hyderabad Kondapur have motivated people to do yoga. There are so many organisations that have come forward to motivate people and inform them about yoga to create a healthy society. Yoga classes in Hyderabad Kondapur do the same by taking online classes.

There are different postures in yoga with different benefits. 5 basic yoga postures: 1. Tadasana:- It is also known as Mountain Pose. This pose is known as the mother of all yoga. This posture helps to find the proper alignment and shape for our body.

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In this yoga pose, we have to stand with our feet together and our arms at our ground our feet, making sure to press all four corners down into the ground Then, straighten your legs, then tuck your tailbone in as we engage our thighs. As you inhale, elongate through your torso and extend your arms up, then exhale and move your shoulder blades away from your head, toward the back of your waist, as you return your arms to the starting position.

2. Balasana:- It is also known as ‘child’s pose.’ This yoga pose helps to relax your nervous system. ● ● ●

Keep your toes tucked under. Lower your butt towards your feet by stretching your upper body, extending your arms and moving forward. Make your stomach rest on your thighs comfortably, and your forehead should be touched with the mat.

3. Bitilasana to Marjaryasana: It is also known as the "Cat/Cow Pose." This yoga posture is to warm up your back. It also improves mobility and works your core without putting extra strain on your wrists and shoulders like a down dog move. ●

As its name says, it is very simple to perform. First, put your hands on your knees(like a dog), then inhale and after exhaling, round your spine up by tucking your chin towards After that, inhale, arch your back and relax. Lift your head and tailbone upwards.

4. Adho Mukha Svanansana: It is also known as the Downward-Facing Dog. This yoga pose helps to make your mind calm and it is best for stretching your arms and shoulders. The experienced teachers in yoga classes in Hyderabad, Kondapur teaches Adho Mukha savasana with best strategies to help the students get most out of this asanas. ● ● ● ●

Your knees should be under your hips and toes. Lift your hips and press back into a V-shape position with your body. The feet should be hip-width apart. No problem if you can’t get your feet on the floor. Spread through all 10 fingers and toes and move your chest towards your

5. Shavasana:- It is also known as ‘Corpse Pose’. It is the easiest pose to perform. It helps to relax your mind. Lie down on your back and let your feet fall to their sides. Relax your entire body and your face.

Yoga has always been the best and easiest way to overcome any type of physical or mental issue. So, keeping everything in mind, we should add yoga to our daily routine.

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