Distance learning bridging the education gap

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Distance learning Bridging the education gap Learning is a continuous endeavor with no boundaries of time and space. Only the spirit and determination serves the quest to seek and strive for knowledge and nothing else. Upholding the above principle, choosing the path to study further is made easier with the distance learning mode of education. For those who “seek” to enhance their skills after a long gap, or from a highly demanding “work-zone” distance education helps them fulfill their objectives. Let us learn how Many a time, the choices we make in life make us compromise on something or the other. But given, that point of time and space, those choices would have helped us go forward. Take careerchoices, for instance. Those with an overwhelming sense of patriotism or a keen desire to serve the country, join the army, immediately after +2. There are others, who are entailed into the family business at a very young age, to learn the nuances of the trade. The mass-section of the society constituting the labor force is compelled to join the clan of workers to increase the monetary earnings for the family. And of course, the homemakers who embrace family life at an early age don’t have much choice but to discontinue their studies, in view of the pressing demands of a family. The gap between a career/life- choice and education need not necessarily stay forever. As the Indian higher education system takes a leap forward to reach out to the larger section of the society, distance learning is perceived as the mode of continuing education. Of the total enrolment in the higher education category, the ODL system accounts for 24%. Being accessible, flexible and affordable, the distance education model is student-centric and is driven through self-paced learning. The eligibility to join distance learning programs is less stringent compared to their campus counterparts. Age is not a bar, here, making this model of education open for many who want to bridge the wide gap between discontinued education and their present-day academic dreams/ambitions Let us see how distance education can balance out the demanding career choices for: Army personnel: As mentioned, those interested in joining the army do so, post their 12th standard. The rigorous training schedules and postings at various places, over a period of time, don’t leave much room for regular college. As the need for better academic status remains, distance learning, programs at the UG, PG and diploma levels, with a wide range of specializations, serve the academic interests of the defence forces. The labour Force: Be it artisans, craftsman or the workers at a manufacturing unit, there are many options in choosing a distance learning program at the diploma or degree level. Some distance learning universities have set up schools for Vocational education, to upgrade the skills of the labour force and make them readily employable.

Entrepreneurs: Those inheriting a family business are compelled to leave studies to get into the groove of the business. Though experience and exposure play a vital role in honing the skills of the entrepreneur, a professional degree will certify the expertise. Distance learning in MBA or BBA can open up many avenues of opportunities to make the business grow and flourish. Homemakers: Homemakers, as they juggle different family priorities, can leverage the distance learning model to their advantage. There are programs for those willing to kick-start their career such as MBA, MCA etc and there are the arts and commerce programs for those seeking to enhance their academic status. Homemakers aspiring to encash on the numerous online job opportunities can hone their skills through short-term distance learning programs. The option of continuing our higher studies through Distance education doesn’t limit us on the choices we make. The flexibility of joining a distance learning program, anytime, and securing a degree, always keeps education as a doable and workable option.

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