Kripalu's Summer 2017 Catalog

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CAROLINE SHOLA AREWA, psychologist, yoga teacher, wellness coach, and author, has inspired people worldwide for 30 years with her pioneering and award-winning work.

MAYA BREUER, E-RYT 500, yoga instructor, author, community activist, and consultant, is president and cofounder of the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance. ABIGAIL IFATOLA

JEFFERSON, RYT, MED, is a storyteller and educator from Harlem who performs and conducts workshops nationally, using story, song, rhythm, and yoga dance. JANA LONG, E-RYT 500, is a certified yoga therapist, Kripalu Yoga teacher, and practitioner of Ayurveda in the Wise Earth tradition of self-care.

IRENE “STRONG OAK” LEFEBVRE, executive director and founder of the Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition Inc., is an American Indian of Maliseet and Mi’kmaq descent.


BLACK YOGA TEACHERS ALLIANCE CONFERENCE WE ARE ONE Caroline Shola Arewa, Maya Breuer, Abigail Ifatola Jefferson, Jana Long, Irene “Strong Oak” Lefebvre, Gail Parker, Arturo Peal, Red Eagle (Shawn Stevens), Maria Broom, Octavia Raheem, Marshawn Devon Feltus, Andrew Tanner, and Issa Coulibaly FOR yoga teachers and practitioners of all levels. CE credits. Although we experience life through different cultural lenses and embrace our unique expressions of body, mind, and spirit, we are all part of one consciousness. The second annual Black Yoga Teachers Alliance Conference takes you on a deeply spiritual journey with the sounding of the sacred drums of Native American, African, and African-American tribes. This glorious celebration also enables you to seek and look within yourself as you explore the depth and breadth of teaching yoga to all cultures and communities. Learn from master teachers in a long weekend of yoga, dancing, drumming, and chanting. The overarching objective is to lift and renew our spirits during these tumultuous times; all are welcome.

GAIL PARKER, PHD, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, psychologist and faculty member at the Beaumont School of Yoga Therapy, blends psychology, yoga, and meditation to create effective self-care strategies.

ARTURO PEAL has spent more than 20 years inspiring and educating yoga teachers, body workers, and movement specialists through trainings in anatomy and kinesiology. RED EAGLE (SHAWN STEVENS), a member of the Stockbridge Munsee Band of Mohicans, is a Native American culturalist, artist, musician, and ceremonial helper.

MARIA BROOM, nationally recognized as an actress for her recurring roles in HBO’s The Wire and The Corner, is also a storyteller, dancer, and author.

Join us and remember: We are ONE! See additional presenter bios on the Kripalu website.

TUITION $295 + room & meals; p. 108

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