The News Sun – August 7, 2013

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Legal Notices •


ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CENTRAL NOBLE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS County Number: 0057; School Corporation Number: 6055 Any questions regarding this report should be directed to: Kim Schlotterback; Title: Corporation Treasurer: Telephone Number: 260-636-2175 RECEIPTS COMPARISONS CALENDAR YEAR 2012 2012 2012 Approved Budget Actual Receipt Accounts Receipts Receipts GENERAL FUND 1000 Local Sources $ 55,500.00 $67,909.96 2000 Intermediate Sources 0.00 3.22 3000 State Sources 7,967,592.00 8,193,914.95 4000 Federal Sources 0.00 241,518.48 5000 Other Financing Sources 0.00 5,266.10 TOTAL $ 8,023,092.00 8,508,612.71 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 Local Sources $ 1,066,993.00 $1,078,706.91 TOTAL $ 1,066,993.00 $1,078,706.91 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE BOND FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 Local Sources $132,450.00 $133,984.81 TOTAL $132,450.00 $133,984.81 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1000 Local Sources $1,104,275.00 $1,134,739.73 5000 Other Financing Sources 25,261.24 TOTAL $1,104,275.00 $1,160,000.97 SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION FUND 1000 Local Sources $890,340.00 $915,085.67 6000 Other Items 6,100.03 TOTAL $890,340.00 $921,185.70 SCHOOL BUS REPLACEMENT FUND 1000 Local Sources $85,309.00 $77,105.05 TOTAL $85,309.00 $77,105.05 GRAND TOTAL $11,302,459.00 $11,879,596.15 STUDENT ENROLLMENT OCTOBER 1, 2012 Kindergarten - 51; Grade 1 - 102; Grade 2 - 83; Grade 3 - 106; Grade 4 - 88; Grade 5 - 96; Grade 6 - 95; Grade 7 - 92; Grade 8 - 94; Grade 9 - 117; Grade 10 - 110; Grade 11 - 98; Grade 12 - 110; Grade 12+/Adult (13) - 0; TOTAL - 1242 General Fund Amount $714,372.30 $415,130.00 $242,244.23 $324,695.52 $191,317.31 $52,457.22 $2,700.00

Capital Projects Fund Amount

EXPENDITURES COMPARISONS CALENDAR YEAR 2012 2012 2012 Approved Budget Actual Expenditure Accounts Expenditures Expenditures GENERAL FUND 11000 Instruction/Regular Programs $4,597,367.87 $4,484,145.36 12000 Instruction/Special Programs $ 618,843.34 $719,570.08 14000 Instruction/Summer School $14,300.00 $9,451.05 16000 Remediation Programs $94,000.00 $67,959.89 17000 Payments to Governmental Units in State $516,000.00 $438,632.37 21000 Support Services/Pupils $298,519.96 $400,849.38 22000 Support Services/Instructional Staff $203,404.44 $151,359.52 23000 Support Services/General Administration $302,339.50 $267,087.52 24000 Support Services/School Administration $687,122.19 $715,616.43 25000 Central Services $448,634.49 $238,244.22 26000 Operational & Maintenance of Plant Svcs $798,618.86 $787,194.61 30000 Operation of Non-Instructional Services $170,325.00 $166,305.71 40000 Facilities Acquisition & Construction $3,000.00 $2,572.57 TOTAL $8,752,475.65 $8,448,988.71 DEBT SERVICE FUND 50000 Debt Services $1,344,420.00 $1,344,420.00 TOTAL $1,344,420.00 $1,344,420.00 RETIREMENT/SEVERANCE BOND FUND 50000 Debt Services $141,231.00 $141,230.75 TOTAL $141,231.00 $141,230.75 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 22300 Instruction-Related Services $295,516.03 $273,167.36 25000 Central Service $126,262.42 $77,841.12 26000 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Svcs $483,235.15 $289,067.57 40000 Facilities Acquisition & Construction $974,681.04 $582,444.99 TOTAL $1,879,694.64 $1,222,521.04 TRANSPORTATION OPERATING FUND 23000 Support Svcs/General Admin $0.00 $0.00 27000 Student Transportation $1,227,436.00 $820,894.10 TOTAL $1,227,436.00 $820,894.10 TRANSPORTATION BUS REPLACEMENT FUND 27000 Student Transportation $157,791.00 $25,545.50 TOTAL $157,791.00 $25,545.50 GRAND TOTAL $13,503,048.29 $12,003,600.10

PAYMENTS IN EXCESS School School Bus Transportation Replacement Fund Amount Fund Amount $22,752.52 $31,228.24 $73,176.42 $25,545.50 $5,535.98

Vendor Name Central Noble Employee Benefit IRS Northeast IN Special Ed Svcs $32,808.60 IN State Teachers Ret. Fund Four County Area Vocational $47,449.62 Indiana Michigan Power $180,525.23 $1,088.21 Apple Inc. $153,355.84 Herdrich Petroleum $130,272.40 Public Employees’ Retirement $102,697.91 $25,586.65 Shambaugh & Son, LP $102,608.20 Valic Financial Advisors Inc. $90,691.58 148.16 Recreation Unlimited, Inc. $84,080.00 Playworld Midstates $60,627.80 Electronic Strategies Inc. $59,303.84 Central Noble (HRA) Health $53,314.54 NIPSCO $17,800.15 $28,115.76 $1,313.63 Riviera Finance $43,194.66 Selective Insurance Company $31,732.98 $6,135.02 Stewart/Brimner/Peters & Lear $26,153.00 $7,873.50 Vision Service Plan $23,889.79 $3,545.52 LBH Chemical $15,568.84 $11,441.38 $126.50 Frontier $26,184.74 $605.14 School Specialty Inc. $3,234.24 $22,115.78 Otterbox $24,739.00 Paul’s Painting $24,600.00 Mapletronics $597.48 $23,701.11 Sharp School Services $106.75 $24,029.00 Albion Water & Wastewater $23,325.61 $277.56 Superior Repair Services $21,966.57 Havel $20,761.31 Lee Company, Inc. $1,130.00 $19,205.00 Accident Fund Insurance $15,691.26 $4,479.59 North Central Co-Op $2,076.10 $17,116.83 ENA Services LLC $18,033.12 De Lage Landen $15,931.80 Bear High Wolf LRSD $13,731.00 CDW Government, Inc. $12,398.75 $573.96 Pronet Staffing, Inc. $12,840.60 Noble County Disposal $11,920.00 $13.00 Leatherman Leasing Inc. $10,450.00 ABM Co Inc. $1,540.84 $8,573.00 Doc’s Do It Best Hardware $9,377.46 $379.74 $263.04 Esco Communications, Inc. $497.60 $9,291.74 Canon Solutions America, Inc. $937.50 $8,762.16 PPG Architectural Finishes $912.07 $8,724.25 Emergency Radio Service Inc. $9,418.60 Hinen Printing $9,244.45 $33.49 NCS Pearson, Inc. $9,250.00 TotalFunds by Hasler $8,492.24 Indiana School Boards Assoc. $8,100.00 CERTIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2013 Masters Masters or + 18 hrs or Years of # of Bachelors # of Bachelors # of Bachelors # of Experience Bachelors Persons + 18 hrs Persons + 36 hrs Persons +54 hrs Persons 0 $34,219.00 4 $34,966.00 $35,658.00 $36,117.00 1 $34,903.00 6 $35,696.00 1 $36,371.00 $36,839.00 1 2 $35,697.00 1 $36,686.00 $37,677.00 $38,042.00 3 $36,489.00 4 $37,677.00 $38,866.00 1 $39,242.00 4 $37,283.00 4 $38,668.00 $40,123.00 1 $40,442.00 5 $38,077.00 1 $39,659.00 2 $41,247.00 $41,646.00 6 $38,869.00 1 $40,650.00 $42,438.00 1 $42,844.00 1 7 $39,661.00 2 $41,644.00 1 $43,627.00 1 $44,045.00 8 $40,438.00 $42,633.00 $44,817.00 $45,250.00 9 $41,217.00 $43,623.00 $46,008.00 $46,450.00 10 $41,995.00 $44,614.00 1 $47,197.00 1 $47,651.00 11 $42,771.00 2 $45,606.00 1 $48,388.00 $48,852.00 12 $42,771.00 $46,598.00 1 $49,577.00 2 $50,052.00 13 $42,771.00 1 $47,587.00 $50,767.00 1 $51,253.00 14 $42,771.00 1 $48,577.00 $51,957.00 $52,456.00 15 $42,771.00 1 $49,569.00 1 $53,148.00 2 $53,657.00 16 $42,771.00 $50,541.00 $54,335.00 1 $54,857.00 17 $42,771.00 $51,512.00 1 $55,524.00 1 $56,060.00 18 $42,771.00 $52,484.00 1 $56,715.00 2 $57,261.00 19 $42,771.00 $53,455.00 $57,906.00 $58,460.00 20 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $59,095.00 $59,665.00 21 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $59,103.00 1 $59,670.00 22 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $59,103.00 2 $59,670.00 23 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,285.00 $60,863.00 24 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 $61,321.00 1 25 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 $61,321.00 26 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 3 $61,321.00 1 27 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 2 $61,321.00 28 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 1 $61,321.00 29 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 $61,321.00 30 $42,771.00 $54,427.00 $60,737.00 10 $61,321.00 Total number of certified part-time employees: 0 Total number of certified full-time employees: 80

I hereby certify that the financial report is true and accurate in every respect to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further certify that all contracts, vouchers, and bills for all payments made by the school corporation are in its possession and open to public inspection. Date: August 1, 2013 Signature: John Fitzpatrick Secretary, Board of School Trustees Central Noble Community Schools 200 East Main Street Albion, Indiana 46701 NS,00349015,8/7,hspaxlp Legal Copy Deadlines Copy due Publish Wed. 4 p.m. .............................Mon. Thurs. 4 p.m. ..................................... Tues................................................... Fri. 4 p.m............................. Wed. Mon. 4 p.m. .......................... Thurs. Tues. 4 p.m. .............................. Fri. Annual Reports & Budgets due 5 working days before the publish date.

E-mail your legal! Call Kelly at 877-791-7877x182 for details

LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS IN THE NOBLE CIRCUIT COURT 2013 TERM CAUSE NO. 57C01-1307-MI-23 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF NOBLE, SS: NOBLE COUNTY, PETITIONER V. DAWN R. GRADY, RESPONDENT This summons is to the Respondent above named, and to any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Noble Circuit Court, 101 N. Orange Street, Albion, IN 46701, telephone number (260) 636-2128, in an action entitled Noble

County vs. Dawn R. Grady, Cause No. 57C01-1307-MI-23, by Noble County. This summons by publication is specifically direct to Respondent, whose whereabouts are unknown or to anyone else claiming an interest through the Respondent or to the real estate. The Petitioner is represented by Dennis D. Graft, Attorney No. 7243-57, P.O. Box 790, Avilla, IN 46710, Phone: (219) 897-3178, Fax: (260) 897-3173. The nature of this suit against you is a Petition For Tax Deed due to Respondent’s failure to pay real estate taxes on following described real estate in Noble County, Indiana: 329 N. Main St., Kendallville, Indiana and more fully described as Commencing at a point 128 feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 356 in Mitchell’s Addition, Kendallville, Indiana, thence West 105 feet parallel with Wayne Street, thence South 40 feet parallel with Main Street, thence East 105 feet parallel with Wayne Street, thence North 40 feet to the place of beginning, same being a part of Lot 167 in Mitchell’s Addition to said City of Kendallville. An answer or other response in writing to the complaint must be filed either by you or your attorney on or before the 20th day of September, 2013, and if you fail to do so, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded by the Petitioner, which is that a tax deed for the above-described real

CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2013 Administrative Staff: Lowest Salary - $59,280; Highest Salary $100,000; Average Salary - $72,979; Number Personnel - 8 STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS CALENDAR YEAR 2012 School Bonds $3,049,500.00 Holding Company – Public & Private $2,072,500.00 TOTAL $5,122,000.00 Outstanding Encumbrances – All Funds (Include purchase orders, vendor contracts, letters of commitment, leases) $182,973.10 ASSESSED VALUATION AND TAX RATES CALENDAR YEARS 2012 AND 2013 2012 2013 Assessed Valuation $365,373,403 $363,415,055 Tax Rate - General Fund $0.0000 $0.0000 Tax Rate - Debt Service Fund $0.2567 $0.2327 Tax Rate - Retirement/Severance Bond Debt Service Fund $0.0334 $0.0542 Tax Rate - Capital Projects Fund $0.2701 $0.2919 Tax Rate - School Transportation Fund $0.2175 $0.2170 Tax Rate - School Bus Replacement Fund $0.0184 $0.0396 Tax Rate - Special Education Preschool Fund $0.0000 $0.0000 NON-CERTIFIED EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS AND RANGE OF PAY RATES 2012-2013 Classifications Range of Pay Rates I. Instructional and Supplementary Pupil Services A. Library Aides $10.95-$11.50/hour B. Special Education Aids $10.90-$11.90/hour C. Other—Instructional Assistants $10.90-$11.90/hour II. Health Services A. Nurses $26.18-$26.78/hour III. Office/Clerical/Secretarial $11.25-$22.33/hour IV. Maintenance/Custodial/Warehouse/Security Transportation A. Building Custodians $10.65-$16.00/hour B. Bus Drivers $38.10-$79.40/day C. Other--Maintenance $11.10-$22.25/hour V. Computer Services $61,000/year Total number of non-certified part-time employees 4 Total number of non-certified full-time employees 84

OF $2,500 MADE TO VENDORS CALENDAR YEAR 2012 General Total Fund Amount Vendor Name Amount $737,124.82 SimplexGrinnell $446,358.24 Apex Learning $8,000.00 $373,774.75 Komputrol Software Systems $330,231.50 Indiana Dept of Workforce $7,579.18 $238,766.93 Clarke Power Service Inc. $234,070.66 Stationair’s Express $2,955.59 $156,055.84 Heinemann $6,528.60 $130,272.40 Jack Owen Excavating $128,284.56 MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. $102,608.20 Building Temperature Solutions $652.50 $90,839.74 Noble County Tire, Inc. $340.28 $84,080.00 Bassett Office Supply $4,966.53 $60,627.80 Follett Software Company $148.51 $59,303.84 GE Capital Information $53,314.54 Region 8 Education Service $5,245.26 $47,229.54 Gopher $365.91 $43,194.66 Safety-Kleen $37,868.00 American Express $379.62 $34,026.50 Advanced Imaging Solutions, Inc. $689.12 $27,435.31 Contract Paper Group, Inc. $5,099.00 $27,136.72 Ferrellgas $4,942.27 $26,789.88 Quinlan & Fabish Music Co. $145.00 $25,350.02 Orkin $1,887.12 $24,739.00 Yoder Oil Company, Inc. $24,600.00 Kirby Risk $4,652.09 $24,298.59 Moss Building Products and $137.00 $24,135.75 Walmart Community/GEMB $3,200.39 $23,603.17 Kellermeyer $4,116.12 $21,966.57 Caskey Trucking & Excavating $3,950.00 $20,761.31 Selking International $20,335.00 BP Business Solutions $20,170.85 Duane Leatherman Body Shop $19,192.93 DerbyTech, Inc. $18,033.12 $15,931.80 Randals Autostore, Inc. $161.98 $13,731.00 Equiparts $3,400.49 $12,972.71 United Art and Education $2,765.59 $12,840.60 Goalsetter Systems, Inc. $11,933.00 Transfinder Corporation $10,450.00 Money $1,848.76 $10,113.84 Verizon Wireless $10,020.24 (EMS) Environmental Mgmt $9,789.34 All Printing & Publications $2,649.44 $9,699.66 Quill Corporation $851.64 $9,636.32 BSN Sports, Inc. $9,418.60 Frame Service Inc. $9,277.94 Sherry Laboratories Indiana $2,623.00 $9,250.00 Community Merchant Services $2,572.57 $8,492.24 KPC Media Group Inc. $2,548.54 $8,100.00 Neola of Indiana $2,527.33

Masters + 36 hrs or Bachelors # of + 72 hrs Persons $36,477.00 $37,206.00 $38,422.00 $39,633.00 $40,849.00 $42,060.00 $43,274.00 $44,488.00 $45,701.00 $46,914.00 1 $48,127.00 $49,339.00 $50,553.00 $51,768.00 $52,980.00 $54,194.00 1 $55,406.00 $56,623.00 $57,833.00 $59,045.00 $60,260.00 $60,268.00 $60,268.00 1 $61,474.00 $61,934.00 $61,934.00 $61,934.00 $61,934.00 $61,934.00 1 $61,934.00 $61,934.00 1

estate be issued to Noble County. Dated: 7/23/13 Michelle Mawhorter (seal) Clerk of the Noble Circuit Court Dennis D. Graft #7243-57 Attorney for Noble County P.O. Box 790 Avilla, IN 46710 (260) 897-3178 NS,00347970,7/31,8/7,14,hsapxlp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to Indiana Code 20-26-7-37, the Board of School Trustees of Central Noble Community School Corporation gives notice that on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at 7:00 p.m., they will meet in public session at the Administrative Offices of the Central Noble School Corporation, 200 E. Main Street, Albion, Indiana, to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the proposed renovation of and improvements to Central Noble High School. You are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing. Dated: August 7, 2013 John Fitzpatrick Secretary, Board of School Trustees Central Noble Community School Corporation NS,00348372,8/7,hspaxlp LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS IN THE NOBLE CIRCUIT COURT 2013 TERM CAUSE NO. 57C01-1307-MI-22 STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF NOBLE, SS: NOBLE COUNTY, PETITIONER V.


Capital Projects Fund Amount $8,070.33

School Transportation Fund Amount

$7,690.00 $6,926.98 $3,607.62 $6,491.11 $6,273.67 $5,238.12 $329.00 $5,344.08 $5,466.11

$5,506.15 $244.02 $120.00

$4,885.57 $5,237.79 $4,855.40 $4,506.04 $4,746.74 $2,902.24 $4,701.73 $4,077.00 $461.46

$461.78 $3,942.17 $3,936.33 $3,680.30

$3,650.00 $3,637.02 $3,249.58 $453.94 $3,098.00 $3,000.00 $1,061.03 $199.98 $2,769.71

$2,629.84 $98.00

$1,815.24 $2,662.62 $2,660.88

School Bus Replacement Fund Amount

Total Amount $8,070.33 $8,000.00 $7,690.00 $7,579.18 $6,926.98 $6,563.21 $6,528.60 $6,491.11 $6,273.67 $5,890.62 $5,846.43 $5,539.55 $5,492.59 $5,466.11 $5,365.26 $5,251.48 $5,237.79 $5,235.02 $5,195.16 $5,099.00 $4,942.27 $4,891.74 $4,789.36 $4,701.73 $4,652.09 $4,214.00 $4,123.63 $4,116.12 $3,950.00 $3,942.17 $3,936.33 $3,680.30 $3,650.00 $3,637.02 $3,411.56 $3,400.49 $3,219.53 $3,098.00 $3,000.00 $2,909.79 $2,829.82 $2,769.71 $2,747.44 $2,666.88 $2,662.62 $2,660.88 $2,623.00 $2,572.57 $2,548.54 $2,527.33

EXTRA-CURRICULAR SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 2013 Position Amount Position Amount High School Student Council Sponsor Summer Boys Basketball Coach $741.00 (2 positions) $2,330.00 Varsity Girls Basketball Coach $7,788.00 Middle School Student Council Sponsor $1,165.00 Varsity Girls Assistant Basketball Coach $1,951.00 Academic Competition Team Coordinator $741.00 Junior Varsity Girls Basketball Coach $2,804.00 Academic Competition Team Coach Eighth Grade Girls Basketball Coach $1,620.00 (5 positions) $3,705.00 Seventh Grade Girls Basketball Coach $1,620.00 High School Yearbook Advisor $1,909.00 Sixth Grade Girls Basketball Coach Middle School Yearbook Advisor $545.00 (2 positions) $1,794.00 Elementary Yearbook Advisor (2 positions) $1,090.00 Fifth Grade Girls Basketball Coach $897.00 High School Newspaper Advisor $601.00 Summer Girls Basketball Coach $741.00 Senior Class Sponsor (2 positions) $2,062.00 Varsity Football Coach $7,788.00 Junior Class Sponsor –Magazine Sales $384.00 Assistant Varsity Football Coach (4 positions) $11,212.00 Junior Class Sponsor –Prom $1,678.00 Eighth Grade Football Coach $1,620.00 Varsity & Junior Varsity Cheerleader Sponsor Seventh Grade Football Coach $1,183.00 (2 positions) $1,678.00 Middle School Assistant Football Coach $1,183.00 Freshman Cheerleader Sponsor $373.00 Varsity Volleyball Coach $3,115.00 Summer Practice Cheerleader Sponsor $545.00 Junior Varsity Volleyball Coach $1,539.00 Middle School Fall Cheerleader Sponsor $373.00 Eighth Grade Volleyball Coach $1,183.00 Middle School Winter Cheerleader Sponsor $373.00 Seventh grade Volleyball Coach $1,183.00 Pep Club Sponsor $373.00 Sixth Grade Volleyball Coach $897.00 FFA Advisor $1,200.00 Varsity Boys Golf Coach $1,423.00 National Honor Society Sponsor $274.00 Middle School Golf Coach $897.00 High School Science Fair Coordinator $373.00 Varsity Boys Tennis Coach $1,507.00 Middle School Science Fair Coordinator $274.00 Varsity Boys Assistant Tennis Coach $903.00 Elementary School Science Fair Coordinator Varsity Girls Tennis Coach $1,507.00 (1 ea school) $548.00 Varsity Girls Assistant Tennis Coach $903.00 Middle School Chess Club Sponsor $713.00 Varsity Boys & Girls Cross-Country Coach $2,043.00 High School & Middle School Instrumental Varsity Boys & Girls Asst. Cross-Country Coach $897.00 Music Director $3,115.00 Middle School Boys & Girls CrossSummer Instrumental Music Director $2,803.00 Country Coach $897.00 Summer Instrumental Music Director Varsity Wrestling Coach $3,115.00 (Summer Parade Preparation), per hour $26.69 Varsity Assistant Wrestling Coach $1,595.00 Summer Instrumental Music Assistant Director $1,065.00 Middle School Wrestling Coach $897.00 Summer Instrumental Music Guard Director $601.00 Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach $542.00 Fall Instrumental Music Guard Director $601.00 Varsity Baseball Coach $2,505.00 High School and Middle School Vocal Varsity Assistant Baseball Coach $1,539.00 Music Director $1,601.00 “Babe Ruth League” Baseball Coach Show Choir $500.00 (4 positions) $1,644.00 Musical/Choir Accompanist, per hour $12.00 Summer League Baseball Coach $1,211.00 Audio-Visual Director $897.00 Varsity Boys Track Coach $2,389.00 Driver Education, per hour $25.61 Varsity Boys Assistant Track Coach $1,591.00 High School Intramural Director (2 positions) $1,064.00 Middle School Boys Track Coach $1,115.00 High School Dramatic Play Director Middle School Boys Assistant Track Coach $766.00 (1 position) or $1,031.00 Varsity Girls Track Coach $2,389.00 High School Dramatic Play Director Varsity Girls Assistant Track Coach $1,591.00 (2 positions) $1,288.00 Middle School Girls Track Coach $1,115.00 Middle School Dramatic Play Director $545.00 Middle School Girls Assistant Track Coach $766.00 “Eye On The Cougar” Director $545.00 Summer Conditioning Coach $862.00 High School Music Play Director (2 positions) $2,330.00 Summer Open Gym Coordinator (2 positions) $822.00 Building Computer Coordinators (4 positions) $4,660.00 Varsity Softball Coach $2,505.00 Varsity Boys Basketball Coach $7,788.00 Junior Varsity Softball Coach $1,539.00 Varsity Boys Assistant Basketball Coach $1,950.00 Summer League Girls Softball Coach $1,212.00 Junior Varsity Boys Basketball Coach $2,803.00 Varsity Soccer Coach $1,951.00 Freshman Boys Basketball Coach $1,950.00 Junior Varsity Soccer Coach $1,309.00 Eighth Grade Boys Basketball Coach $1,620.00 Freshman Volleyball Coach $1,031.00 Seventh Grade Boys Basketball Coach $1,620.00 Freshman Girls Basketball Coach $1,950.00 Sixth Grade Boys Basketball Coach Middle School Soccer Coach $1,184.00 (2 positions) $1,794.00 Middle School Assistant Soccer Coach $897.00 Fifth Grade Boys Basketball Coach $897.00 JOHN MARTY, RESPONDENT This summons is to the Respondent above named, and to any other person who may be concerned. You are notified that you have been sued in the Noble Circuit Court, 101 N. Orange Street, Albion, IN 46701, telephone number (260) 636-2128, in an action entitled Noble County vs. John Marty, Cause No. 57C01-1307-MI-22, by Noble County, This summons by publication is specifically direct to Respondent, whose is believed to be deceased or his whereabouts are unknown or to anyone else claiming an interest through the Respondent or to the real estate. The Petitioner is represented by Dennis D. Graft, Attorney No. 7243-57, P.O. Box 790, Avilla, IN 46710, Phone: (260) 897-3178, Fax: (260) 897-3173. The nature of this suit against you is a Petition For Tax Deed due to Respondent’s failure to pay real estate taxes on following described real estate in Noble County, Indiana: 213 S.

Oak St., Kendallville, Indiana and more fully described as 33 feet off of the north side of Lot 103 in Mitchell’s Addition to the Town, now City, of Kendallville, Indiana. An answer or other response in writing to the complaint must be filed either by you or your attorney on or before the 20th day of September, 2013, and if you fail to do so, judgment by default may be rendered against you for the relief demanded by the Petitioner, which is that a tax deed for the above-described real estate be issued to Noble County. Dated: 7/23/13 Michelle Mawhorter (seal) Clerk of the Noble Circuit Court Dennis D. Graft #7243-57 Attorney for Noble County P.O. Box 790 Avilla, IN 46710 (260) 897-3178 NS,00347971,7/31,8/7,14,hspaxlp

Legal Notices Worth noticing

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