November 2009 Newsletter

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All who believe in Jesus will be with God in heaven. This is God’s family, and we are part of it. We are His sons and daughters through faith in Jesus Christ. This truly is the most important family to be in. God wants us at Redeemer to be involved in reaching out to the nations of the world. World missions is evangelism. Some are called by God to be missionaries and go to other countries. Most of us will stay at home and become involved in world missions by promoting and supporting the ministry and lives of missionaries who are already there or who are planning to go. It’s not the “talking to someone one-on-one about Jesus,” but it is evangelism, non-threatening, and something God needs all of us to be involved in. Evangelism is not just doing things locally in the Jackson area and in your neighborhood to tell people about Jesus; Evangelism is also world missions. And Evangelism is doing things to encourage Sunday visitors to return to Redeemer. In the near future, everyone who is interested in any of these three areas will be invited to gather together to talk about Evangelism at Redeemer. We will begin brainstorming ideas and things we can do in the above three areas, and then put together a plan that we can do at Redeemer to carry out the Heart of God and reach the world for Christ, making everyone, far and near, part of His family.


Guiness World Records confirms that the world’s largest ever family reunion took place at Flat Top, West Virginia, on September 24, 2009. 2,585 members of the Lilly clan, related by blood, marriage, or adoption, gathered to set the record. However, the largest family gathering is still to come. It’s real and it’s important. We don’t know the date, but we do know that when Jesus returns, God will gather everyone who believes in Christ as Savior. Everyone in that group is in one family: God’s family, related by blood – the blood of Jesus. Here is how the book of Revelation describes this recordbreaking family gathering: A great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes…crying out…“Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb (Jesus). As a believer in Jesus, you are going to be in that huge, uncountable family. God wants you to stand on that day and say with everyone, “Thank you, forever, for giving me the forgiveness of my sins.” And God wants you to able to look around in amazement at that huge gathering of His family and be able to say, “Thank You, Lord, that I could play a part in bringing Jesus to many of the people standing here. Thank you that You counted me worthy to help bring the forgiveness of sins earned by Jesus to the nations and tribes and peoples and tongues of this world.” November Newsletter

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Volume 2 Issue 11

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