Diabetes specialist centers common myths and facts about diabetes

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UChicago Medicine Kovler Diabetes Center

Diabetes Specialist Centers- Common Myths and Facts about Diabetes ď ś When the glucose levels in the blood shoot up, either due to the unbalanced production of insulin or due to lack of response of the body cells towards the insulin, diabetes occurs. The major

symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, augmented thirst and hunger.

ď ś Diabetes is a serious disease which when left untreated can cause

serious complications that, in turn, can even result in death. There are generally four types of diabetes namely, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Monogenic Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes.


With time awareness about diabetes has gradually increased but still,

people have various doubts and beliefs about diabetes that have resulted in common diabetes myths. These myths need to be openly

discussed so that the next time one visits a diabetes specialist center; they have knowledge about the diseases prior to the consultation.

7 Myths and Facts about Diabetes

Myth 1: Consuming sugar for diabetic patients is a complete No-No.

Fact 1: Yes, it is a fact that sugar is not good for diabetic patients but this does not mean that they have to bar it completely. However, the intake quantity of sugar depends from person to person and the complexity of diabetes they suffer from.

Myth 2: Exercise is restricted to people suffering from diabetes.

Fact 2: Exercise can never harm anyone; it will only make you

healthier and strong. Whether you are new to diabetes or have been suffering from it for some time now, exercise will help you manage weight, relieve stress and control blood sugar levels.

Myth 3: If a person’s weight is above normal, they will gradually develop Type 2 diabetes.

Fact 3: Being overweight does increase the risk of developing

diabetes but what should be remembered is that anyone can develop

diabetes, irrespective of them being fat or not. What actually contributes towards developing Type 2 diabetes is the age and the genetic factors.


Myth 4: Diabetes is not a grave issue.

Fact 4: There is such thing as, mild diabetes. Every kind of diabetes is serious until properly managed. Never take this disease lightly and consult Chicago Diabetes centers for consultation. This disease does not call for any compromise.

Myth 5: Diabetes is Commutable Disease.

Fact 5: Type 1 diabetes is generally caused by lifestyle and other not known factors and Type 2 diabetes is generally caused by lifestyle

and genetic factors. This is not at all a transmittable disease like a cold or flu.

Myth 6: Insulin Leads To Blindness.

Fact 6: Insulin is a boon, not a curse. Many people have a

misconception that insulin shots will lead to side effects such as

blindness. What they fail to realize is the fact that insulin is necessary for balancing blood glucose levels to normal, which will only act in your favor.

Myth 7: Insulin shots can be painful.

Fact 7: Prior to the advent of technology, insulin shots used to hurt a lot. The pain was unbearable at times and would even stay for a few

days. But, with the rise of technology, thin and short needles have

been introduced with coated lubricants that ease the pain a person

experiences. Also, not only needles but insulin pumps and pens have also been introduced that make the insulin injection process painless.


These were 7 common myths and facts about diabetes that people

should know. One thing is pretty clear here and i.e. that people should never hesitate to consult diabetes specialist centers as they are the ones who’ll provide you the required care before the time runs out.

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