1 minute read

About the Transparency Report

As auditors, we have an important social responsibility. Auditors are society’s trustees, and to fulfill this role, we rely on trust.

Society needs to know that we have the qualities necessary to meet this responsibility in the form of integrity, objectivity, attitude and expertise. Trust in BDO has been demonstrated by the fact that more than 40,000 enterprises have chosen to become clients of BDO, including many public-interest entities.

Under the Norwegian Auditors Act, we are required to submit an annual transparency report. This report must show how we ensure independence and quality in the audit process. The purpose is to ensure transparency and insight into how we meet our societal duties. BDO AS is a part of BDO International Limited. When we write “BDO” or “BDO AS” in this report, we are referring to BDO AS with the organisation number 993 606 650. When we refer to our international network, we use the term BDO Global or BDO International Limited.

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