7 ways in 7 days to naturally reverse wrinkles

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Ways in Days to Naturally Reverse Wrinkles The

Secret To Look Years Younger

Contents Contents Topic

Chapter 7 Ways in 7 Days to Naturally Reverse Wrinkles Topic Chapter 1 Introduction 2 7 Ways Chapter Way One, Day One Reverse in One: 7 Days to Naturally Maintain Moisture Wrinkles 3 Chapter Two: Way Two, Day Two 1 Introduction Protect Skin Properly ChapterOne: Three:Way Way Three, 2 4 Chapter One, Day DayThree One Control Your Expression Maintain Moisture 5 Chapter Four: Way Four, Day Four 3 Chapter Two: Way Two, Day Two Facial Exercises 6 Protect ChapterSkin Five:Properly Way Five, Day Five Sleep Your Way to Fewer Wrinkles 4 7 Chapter ChapterThree: Six: WayWay Six DayThree, Six Day Three Control YourFighting Expression Add Wrinkle Nutrients ChapterFour: Seven:Way Way Seven, Seven 5 8 Chapter Four,DayDay Four Keep a Check on Stress Facial Exercises 9 Chapter Eight: Kitchen Cosmetics NaturalFive: Remedies ReduceDay Wrinkles 6 Chapter Wayto Five, Five 10 Chapter Nine: The Risks of Cosmetic Procedures Sleep Your Way to Fewer Wrinkles Why Natural is Better 7 11 Chapter Way SixMedicine Day SixSolutions ChapterSix: 10: Alternative Back theFighting Clock withNutrients These Treatments AddTurn Wrinkle

8 9 10 11

Chapter Seven: Way Seven, Day Seven Keep a Check on Stress Chapter Eight: Kitchen Cosmetics Natural Remedies to Reduce Wrinkles Chapter Nine: The Risks of Cosmetic Procedures Why Natural is Better Chapter 10: Alternative Medicine Solutions Turn Back the Clock with These Treatments


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Youthful Skin Brings Confidence Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the natural aging process. It is the creases, folds or ridges in the skin. We mostly get wrinkles when we get older: our skin gets thinner, drier and less elastic. The first wrinkles that appear on our face are the result of facial expressions. Sun damage, smoking, dehydration, some medications, and other factors that cause wrinkles. Our skin's ability to protect itself from damage also decreases as we age.

Though wrinkles give people an aspect of wisdom, but some of us don’t welcome them. Around billions of dollars are spent on the treatments to get rid of sign of aging. Fine lines around your eyes or mouth from all the squinting or smiling you’ve done in your life.



Reverse Wrinkles Naturally We all know that aging is the natural process, but it doesn’t mean that we have to accept wrinkles which make you look older than your real age. There are various things that can help your skin stay younger for longer. Three are various commercial products and cosmetic that promise to restore your youth, but they can often bring side effects and complications which are very serious. So it is best to choose natural solutions for your skin that can help you to look and feel younger without worrying about putting yourself in danger. There are many ways you can harness natural remedies and healthy lifestyle choices that will help your skin to feel supple and look smooth. Whether you’ve begun to develop wrinkles or you are down the road with your aging process this guide will help you to start making some important changes to reverse the wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming.

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Most wrinkles appear in the parts of the body that are most sun exposure, Most wrinkles appear in the parts of the body that are most sun e including:


Backs of hands



 



Tops of forearms.

Tops of forearms.

There are two main types of wrinkles:

There are two main types of wrinkles: Surface lines, Deep furrows. 

Surface lines

In reality, true beauty comes from within. It depends on how we live our lives  and Deep what furrows. we eat enormously effects our outward appearances. By ditching couple of nasty habits and adding some healthier ones can in return give you a clear, glowing, smoother complexion and can even reverse the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging. But before that it is very important to understand WHY our skin ages.



Where Did These Wrinkles Come From?

As we age, collagen and elastin –substances which keeps the skin firm and elastic – gradually decrease. Without this underlying structure, skin sags, creases form and wrinkles starts showing. How quickly your skin shows signs of aging depends on the genetics, but the process accelerates as the result of oxidation – a chemical process during which the unstable molecules known as free radicals steal electrons from the healthy cells. On skin the oxidative stress appear as the wrinkling, thickening, discoloration and decreased elasticity. First way to prevent – and reverse skin aging – is to ditch two very unhealthy habits:



1. Quit Smoking – Cigarette smoke fills your body with free radicals. Smoking also impairs the blood flow to your skin, starving cells of nutrition and oxygen. It even damages underlying collagen and elastin and keeps your skin away from natural renewal process.

2. Limit Sun Exposure – Sunlight, form radiation – Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, not only causes free radical damage but it also cause the cells to mutate and potentially turn cancerous. Excessive sun exposure can cause sunburn, wrinkles in long run and skin cancer. As the Vitamin D present in sun rays is very critical for our health so just make sure you are enjoying it responsibly. Now the good news… luckily there are various ways to undo years of damage – sometimes in just a week. And this can be done by adopting these seven healthy habits: Over the next seven days you’ll address specific steps.............................



Chapter One: Way One, Day One Maintain Moisture When you age, one of the most critical elements for your skincare is moisture. Some of the people don’t hydrate their bodies or skin enough to prevent aging. This is a first critical step toward reversing the skin wrinkles.

Why Moisture Is So Important ??? Dry skin wrinkles faster and wrinkles appears to be deeper when your skin isn’t hydrated properly. This is because the cells in your skin is actually shrivel up in the same way a raisin is shrivelled up grape. As you age, your skin losses elastic. When your skin cells shrink, your skins elastic isn’t enough to remain tight. In the result, you have creases and lines which are more prominent when you’re not hydrated. When you have sufficient of hydration, the skin can plump up easily. This let your skin to tighten over the surface of your face and reduces the wrinkles and fine lines.



Keeping your skin plump and firm prevents future wrinkles from forming as well. Moisture and hydration aren’t the only factors in health and youthful appearance of your skin there are some other most important. It is very important that at any age you should work to have healthy, hydrated, moisturized skin.

Internal Hydration: It is the most important form of hydration is what you take into your body. Water is the most important nutrient that your body needs. There are also some fruits that are excellent source for water like Watermelon is 90% water, so it ranks highest in the list, Oranges, grapefruit, and melons like cantaloupe and honeydew are also the strong contenders. Vegetables are not though full of water like fruit but6 can provide nutrient-rich water source. Stick with cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, green peppers, and Romaine lettuce. Besides guzzling water, milk is also the best refuel for your skin. Juices and sports drinks are also hydrating -- you can lower sugar content by diluting water. Many used to believe that Coffee and tea are dehydrating. Alcohol is the huge dehydrator so you need to limit the intake, but if you are going to raise a glass, then go with one-to-one ratio with water.



What Happens if You Don't Drink Enough Water??

External Hydration: 1.) Gentle Exfoliation: Let you skin repair and regenerate by gently exfoliating either shower with a brush or shower with a gentle exfoliating scrub. It will help your skin to sloth off dead skin cells to keep skin breathable. Be gentle! 2.) Don’t Be Scared of Oil: Oil is the best way to moisturize your skin from outside in. Start moisturizing your skin using plant-based oil. Oil might sound crazy to put on our skin, especially our face, but the right type of oil can help to balance skins oil production and hydrate your skin to diminish fine lines and wrinkles for youthful and healthy complexion!

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3.) Wash Your Face twice a day: Most of us assume that cleansing is a hard task when you're completely exhausted or slightly tipsy. With so many sophisticated, gentle cleansers that won't strip the skin let you moisturize your skin gently. Always wash your face after workout to prevent breakouts wash out excessively oily skin morning and night. If you have dry or sensitive skin stick to cleansing once daily in the evening



Chapter Two: Way Two, Day Two Protect Skin Properly

Sun can do much more damage that just painful sunburn. Dermatologists say that prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause brown spots; red, scaly spots; drying and wrinkling and, worst of all, skin cancer. However, there are fee habits that will help you to take care for your skin and have a radiant complexion all year long. Whatever your skin type, here are the ten essential habits!



Rule 1 Specific care for each skin type

In order to take care of your skin, make sure to choose a product which is especially designed for your skin type. Dry skin have the same need as oily skin. Rule 2 Pay special attention to delicate areas

Some parts of your face like eye contour, lips, etc. have fine, fragile skin and they need special care and treatment. These areas of your face are very sensitive and deserve special attention. Rule 3 Gentle cleansing

While taking care of sensitive skin begins with the make-up removal. In order to avoid skin stress and to respect its natural balance, ensure that you use a pH-neutral make-up remover, especially formulated to cleanse your epidermis gently.



Rule 4 Eyes: a risk area

The eye contour skin is 10 time finer than the skin on the rest of your face. Select a specific routine for your make-up removal in this area. Rule 5 Exfoliation is indispensable

Use a appropriate exfoliation treatment once or twice a week. The exfoliation treatment must be effective yet gentle and respectful. Select a pH-neutral exfoliation product, that is perfect for smoothing and purifying your skin while respecting its natural balance. Rule 6 Moisturizing is essential

The dermis is made up of 70% water and epidermis, 15%. In order to keep your skin well moisturized, it is very important to choose daily moisturizing skin care products which properly balance the level of water within the skin. You must use moisturizing mask regularly, remove the excess with spring water spray.



Rule 7 Preferably hypoallergenic make-up

To avoid the risk of allergies linked with the use of products which are not suited to your skin, select hypoallergenic make-up especially formulated to meet the needs of all skin and eye types, even sensitive skin. Rule 8 Sun protection

Whatever might be the season, select daily skincare products which include solar filters. They reduce harmful effects of sun, that accelerates skin aging. Rule 9 Watch out for external stress

Pollution, smoke, stress can have harmful effects on your skin. Use an appropriate skincare products to protect your skin from daily stresses before leaving the house and cleanse your skin thoroughly when you come home in the evening. Rule 10 Don't neglect the lips

As soon as you feel the need, use restorative cream for your lips. Don’t hesitate to reapply to this particularly fragile area as required.



Chapter Three: Way Three, Day Three Control Your Expression

Control Your Facial Expressions and Get Rid Of Wrinkles

To get rid of wrinkles learn how to control your facial expressions. We all want to look attractive. Most Of Us Don't Have Enough Facial Control We usually think that we have good control over our facial expressions, but most of us don't. We express the emotion with facial expressions that look completely different. The truth is that most of us don't need perfect control of facial expressions. But what is more surprising to us is to learn controlling your expressions is excellent way to get rid of wrinkles.



Your Over-Expressive Friend

Everyone has a friend with an overly expressive face? She is the one who cannot say anything without pursing her lips, frowning or wrinkling her forehead. You are really attracted by the dance of the muscles and skin on her face. She is the same person who got horrible wrinkles and tried everything to get rid of it. She knows her expressions are to be blamed me, but she cannot help them.

Strong Expressions Don't Equal Good Control You might think that exaggerated expressions need good control over the facial muscles. They just need few strong muscles and lot of repetition. If you are over-expressive you need to control your expressions. To get rid of wrinkles, you need to learn how to tone them down.

How Much Control Do You Have? Can you look up without wrinkling your forehead? If yes, can you rise up your brows without wrinkling your forehead? Now try it with one eyebrow only? (I can't do that) Can you move your scalp? Can you wiggle your ears? Can you tense your lower eyelid only? How about quickly flaring your nostrils like a bunny?



Control Facial Expressions

How You Learn To Control Facial Expressions You can practice difference expressions in front of a mirror. To gain full and detailed control over your facial muscles you must try facial exercises. It will make you more conscious of the muscles that you have in your face and let you control them separately. Facial exercises are also the key to get rid of wrinkles.





Chapter Four: Way Four, Day Four



Facial Exercises

Through face exercises, you could have more youthful look non-surgically with natural beauty and glowing radiance on your skin that will surely minus years from your face. You know that toning and exercising your different muscle can help you to carve strong and lean muscles, which provide pleasing, curvier appearance to your entire body. The same goes with your face too. The lines, wrinkles, folds and bags you see aren't really wrinkles and lines but they are the supportive muscles in your face going soft and losing firmness which cause them look loose. Exercising and toning your face can easily strengthen these supportive muscles, improve your skin strength and tone. The increased blood flow to the skin can bring nutrition, and remove toxins from your skin. Face exercises, if done correctly and regularly can firm up your jaw line, tone and smooth your cheeks, debag puffy eyes, make lips fuller and make them look more youthful.




I'll show you face exercise program which will help you to tone, uplift and redefine the muscles of your face. It will increase your facial firmness and muscle strength as well as improve blood circulation on your face, resulting in providing natural healthy glow.

Let's do the face exercises: Brow Exercise Put your index finger right above your eyebrows. Now Gently pull the fingers downward while lifting your eyebrows. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Eye Exercises Skin around your eye is the thin and fragile. Fine lines and wrinkles in this area can give the aging impression. Regular face exercises can smooth away the lines, giving an "eye lifting" effect.



Eye Exercise 1 Gently tone the muscles of your eyes by pressing two fingers on each side of your head, at temples, by opening and closing your eyes rapidly. Do it 5-10 times. Eye Exercise 2 Sit up straight, eyes closed and relaxed. By keeping your eyes closed the whole time, first look down and then up as far as possible. Do 10 times. Eye Exercise 3 Now sit up straight, eyes relaxed and open. Lift your eyebrows while closing your top eyelids till halfway closed, then open your eyelids until the white of your eye shows over your iris. Eye Exercise 4 Sit up straight, look straight ahead with your eyes open. Look up and then down, while keeping your head still. Do 10 times. Now look left and right. Do this 10 times. Forehead Exercises The area on your forehead especially between your eyebrows, can easily get lined and full of wrinkles. A round of forehead exercises will help them to soften the lines and wrinkles. Forehead Exercise 1



Forehead Exercise 1 Frown as much as possible, now try to bring your eyebrows over your eyes while pulling eyebrows toward one another. Lift your eyebrows as far as possible by opening your eyes as far as possible. Relax. Do 5-10 times. Forehead Exercise 2 Lie on your bed facing the ceiling, head hanging over edge. Lift your eyebrows as high as possible, with open eyes very wide. Relax. Do it 10 times. Lip Exercise Doing this face exercise, just imagine that you are crushing a pencil in the center of your lips. Now put your index finger between your lips and slowly withdraw but tightening the lips until you can feel 'burn'. Lips and Cheeks Exercise Note: This is an excellent face exercise to tone your lips and cheek muscles Hmmm....You want to do this exercise because.... Suck the first joint of index finger as hard you can. By counting 5, then slowly release. Do this 10 times and increase to 30 over a period of time.



Face Exercise To Prevent Sagging Jowls This is one exercise you might want to do in privacy not to frighten the kids or people! "Poof" your lips out as far as you can, now bring them back into as wide a grin as possible, holding for a second. Return to "poof" position again and hold for another 1 second. Do this 10 times, gradually increasing to 30. Neck Exercises Your neck is often overlooked - until you started noticing "crepe" look inside your collars. Don't wait until then! Do round of exercises for your neck to keep the skin smooth and tight. Neck Exercise 1 With finger and thumb, "pinch" portion of your neck skin and gently pull it down as you raise your head. Use your neck and throat muscles to pull it against the tug of your fingers. Do this 10 times, and then increase to 20. Neck Exercise 2 This is great exercise is for your neck (and throat area). Sit upright, tilt your head back looking at ceiling while keeping your lips closed and then start chewing movement. You'll feel muscles working in your neck and throat area this give a truly amazing results. Repeat this 20 times.



Chapter Five: Way Five, Day Five Sleep Your Way to Fewer Wrinkles

This may come as a surprise, but do you know that the second cause of wrinkles is sleeping? After sunlight/UV exposure, squishing your face into a pillow for 2,500 hours per year can cause ironing wrinkles into the skin. So if you want to prevent premature wrinkles on your face, consider on your pillow at night when you go to sleep. As given in the above photo this is how we sleep. I’m a side sleeper‌...



So what’s the best position to sleep at night to lessen wrinkles? Sleeping on your back can prevent any creases and make your face from pillow, but it will enhance horizontal lines across neck, similar to those from looking down.

While side sleeping can enhance wrinkles between breasts so always sleep on your back.



Chapter Six: Way Six Day Six Add Wrinkle Fighting Nutrients

You might have heard it million times that pay attention to what you eat. ―Good skin relies on an adequate supply of essential nutrients‖. Some studies indicate to delay aging and get an improvement in skin improve your diet. Improving your diet is quite easy you just need to add few key foods—that can help from wrinkles, dark spots and sagging skin..




Tomatoes are pretty salad topping but you know that they are packed with vitamin C, that helps in building collagen and, in return, makes your skin look firmer and plumper. They also got lycopene that protects your skin from UV damage and improves vascular system. Eating tomatoes regularly can add extra circulation and give you noticeable glow.


Blueberries and raspberries contain flavonoids, polyphenols, vitamins, probiotics, and tons of antioxidants. If you are concerned with the effect your environment like from pollution to elements in your water the start adding more berries to your diet to have glowing skin. They can even promote cell regeneration for new skin.



Green Tea

To keep your skin looking as young, your cells need to regenerate correctly. ―Green tea has lots of antioxidant power, and a chemical call EGCG‖. In multiple studies it was shown that green tea help in cells grow properly and maintain healthy life cycle.

Yogurt and Kefir

To fight redness and irritation add foods with more probiotics, like yogurt, into your diet. Kefir is the cultured milk product which is similar to yogurt, but has up to 3times more probiotics than yogurt. Probiotic reduce inflammation and oxidative stress as well as improves problems like acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and rosacea.




If your skin is chronically dry, then try adding foods that contain healthy fats to your diet which help in moisturizing your skin from inside out. Wild salmon is best for your skin, as it is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Add other omega-rich fish in your diet.


Nuts are the another fantastic source of good fat. It has omegas which is good for your skin. Some nuts, like almonds, also have vitamin E and have anti-inflammatory properties which can help with conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Walnuts contain most omega-3s, all nuts, including almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, and pistachios.




Like nuts and fish, avocados also have lots of good-for-you and for your skin. avocados are also high in glutathione which is an incredibly anti-aging, It flush out toxins from your system, glutathione helps in treating acne and wrinkles, and even slow the development of certain cancers.


Honey is anti-viral, and an antioxidant, though it is technically sugar but doesn’t cause inflammation in your body and skin as regular sugar does. It is good for your skin and can be used as a face mask.



Chapter Seven: Way Seven, Day Seven Keep a Check on Stress

You can smile away stress! It is the best wrinkle cream and stress reduction! Wrinkles are caused by holding muscles in particular expression. Yes, ―old wives tale‖ is true! Worry causes tightening of muscles in your face and create lines over time. Smiling also create wrinkles.... Instead of buying a particularly good wrinkle product, I’m going to suggest you that: STOP WORRYING! ―Worrying is like pre-paying toll for bridge that you may never cross!‖ When you’re not frowning, world seems less angry and sad. Worrying also cause us to age prematurely and make you look older than you age. If you hold a happy expression then the rest of your body responds to that expression, and you start feeling emotion. Practicing holding happy expression to change your immediate negative thought reaction and look young. if you smile, you’ll feel happier, and may even stay younger, age slower, and look healthier!



If you intentionally increase happiness, and lessen the probability of getting tension then it will automatically reduce wrinkles! Pay attention to tight feelings in your face and reduce them by focusing on joy, happiness and good memories. This can work like a relaxing meditation, let yourself smile, and take calm breaths.

Think about it: Choose to be happy, and you will surely improve your looks and your health. This sounds like winning combination to me!



Chapter Eight: Kitchen Cosmetics Natural Remedies to Reduce Wrinkles

Look Young

Be Natural Stay Gorgeous

Make Natural Packs and Masks for Wrinkled Skin Enough about aging now it’s time to discuss some real effective home remedies for preventing wrinkles and get rid of those fine lines that make you look old than you age. Go you kitchen and apply some home remedies to your skin and get rid of wrinkles!



1. Avacado Mask

Avocado fruit is filled with anti-aging elements and a very rich source of vitamin E and monounsaturated fat that can give you a stunning results in order to get rid of wrinkles.

You will need: Avocado – One half of it Fresh cream- 2 tablespoons Flaxseeds- 2 teaspoons Honey- 1 tablespoon

Directions: Take out paste of half of avocado. Ground flaxseeds to get its powder. In a bowl, add avocado paste, flaxseeds powder, fresh cream and honey. Mix them well to get smooth paste. Apply it on face or other body parts where there is wrinkles. Leave it for an hour. Wash it off with lukewarm water. This mask excellently moisturizes your skin so use it regularly to get amazing results.



2. Homemade Anti Wrinkle Moisturizer

This something really very useful and pure skin creams. This Ayurvedic recipe will give and take more of your efforts and time to give stunning results. This cream can be used by anyone- with or without wrinkled skin.

You will need: Aloe vera gel- 2 tablespoons Cocoa butter or lanolin- 1 oz. (approx. 30 ml or 2 tablespoons) Rose water- 2 oz. (approx. 60 ml or 4 tablespoons) Lavender or rose essential oil – few drops One of the following oils as per your skin type- 3 oz. (approx. 90 ml or 6 tablespoons) o Almond oil for normal skin o Sesame oil for dry skin o Jojoba oil for oily and acne prone skin o Rice bran oil or ghee for mature skin Directions: Heat the ingredients separately to make them warm. You don’t need to boil or hot. Mix warm ingredients with blender. Whip mixture well. While blending the mixture, add essential oil that you have selected. Store cream in container of your choice. Use this homemade moisturizer whenever you wash your face. Don’t forget to use this at night when you go to sleep. Just use less aloe vera gel and add vitamin A and vitamin E oils to the moisturizer to convert it into anti wrinkle night cream.



3. Papaya-Banana Mask

Papaya has a certain enzymes which remove dead skin cells and give place to new ones. Banana, is loaded with beneficial nutrients which help in producing new skin cells. To get rid of old sagging skin, and to generate new younger looking skin at the same time use this remedy.

You will need: Papaya – as per need Banana- as per need

Directions: Mash the papaya pieces and banana pieces. Mix them well. Apply it on your skin . Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.



4. Egg White Wonder

Egg got many essential nutrients and vitamins. Egg white tightens your skin removing sagging and wrinkling. Take some egg white and apply it on your face. Leave it for some time till it dries up. With wet fingers, massage your face for a couple of minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

You will need: Egg white- from one egg Honey- 1 tsp Milk- 1 tablespoon Avocado/Olive/Coconut or any other oil- few drops

Directions: Mix all the ingredients well Apply it on face. Leave it for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. It hydrates your skin wonderfully!



5. Honey Honey!

Honey is the most ancient remedy to have gorgeous skin. It is very effective when it comes to wrinkles. Rub honey on your face freshly washed with some warm (never hot) water and leaving it 20-30 minutes and then wash with a little warm water.

You will need: Milk powder- 4 tablespoons Honey- 2 tablespoons Warm water- 2 tablespoons for paste and some more. A small towel

Directions: Mix milk powder, honey and warm water to make a smooth paste. Apply this to your face. Avoid eyes and mouth. Dip small towel in warm water, squeeze out water and place towel on your face. Leave it for about 10 minutes. Use towel on your face to clean off mask gently. Pat it dry.



6. Vitamin E Mask

Vitamin E is the skin friendly component. Our body’s cell membranes absorb vitamin E to repair damaged skin- damages that result from reactions of fatty acids with oxygen. Vitamin E, can also prevent wrinkles from forming.

You will need: Vitamin E capsules- 3 Yogurt- 2 teaspoons Honey- half a teaspoon Lemon juice- half a teaspoon

Directions: Take out oil from vitamin E capsules. In bowl, mix this oil with other ingredients. Apply this mixture on your face. Leave it for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.



7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer. You don’t have to make any mask out of it. Just use oil to massage your face or whole body to make your skin hydrated and wrinkle free. Massage your skin with coconut oil before going to bed. Wash with warm water in the morning. Before taking bath, massage your body with coconut oil. You can also use this oil during bathing. Wet body absorbs any moisturizer very well. After taking bath, take a little coconut oil and apply it over your body. And then wash your body with water without applying soap. Now pat it dry.



8. Olive Oil- Pineapple Mask

Olive oil is the great nourishing element and pineapple is loaded with vitamin C that helps the oil well to eliminate the wrinkles. Pineapple also contains bromeliad, which is a natural digestive enzyme which remove your dead skin cells and dirt to give new young skin cells.

You will need: Pineapple pieces- 1 cup Olive oil- 4 tablespoons

Directions: Take pineapple pieces and rinse off the syrup. Add olive oil. Mash pieces either with fork or blend with blender. Apply the mask on face, neck and other wrinkled parts. Leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.



9. Turmeric- Sugarcane Mask

It is one of the ageold remedies for wrinkles. Ayurveda too emphasize on this method to eliminate wrinkles.

You will need: Sugarcane juice- 2 tablespoons Turmeric- 2 teaspoons

Directions: Mix sugarcane juice and turmeic well. Apply it on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.



10. Lemon Juice and Honey

This is the simple remedy to reduce appearance of wrinkles just before you head out door, put on makeup, or wash your face. This remedy tighten your skin then rinse off, feel fresh, and smell nice. The honey contains humectant, that preserves moisture in skin cells, and lemon boosts collagen production.

You will need: Lemon juice Honey

Directions: Mix lemon juice and honey well. Apply it on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.




Chapter Nine: The Risks of Cosmetic Procedures Why Natural is Better

Natural Vs Cosmetic Why Choose Natural??? http://www.antiagingsolution.org


Many people want to go with perfect and healthy lifestyle and they can manage it by consuming fresh and healthy foods. People want to apply natural products on their faces. Natural products have a rich bunch of benefits. The best way to guarantee young and beautiful skin is to go with natural things. Presenting yourself to brutal chemicals is the coolest and fastest way to have young skin but may give certain side effects. The best or easy way to have natural glowing and wrinkle free skin use natural products. Never expose yourself to harmful cosmetic products. Use the mixture of oils, herbs, grains and different beauty care ingredients to naturally take care of your skin. When you use oats with other natural products like Nectar and Aloe Vera that can make an extraordinary face veil.

Some harmful chemical can damage the skin We expect that item which is available has been completely tried and scrutinized and doesn’t give risk to our health. But there are some excellent items that don’t ensure completely harmless. Many user faced issue with cosmetic products. Many women have undergone Mastectomy. This is a process of removal of one or both breasts to avoid the growing of breast cancer. If you got good products then use it or else go with the natural ones. Natural products are always better than cosmetic products.



Chapter 10: Alternative Medicine Solutions Turn Back The Clock With This Product Be a part of Success. Kollagen Intensiv got thousands users to reduced the signs of aging and started feeling young. If you are reading this, then you must be looking for a best available product which works as promised to help fight the visible signs of aging and minimizes the fine lines, pigmentation problems and sagginess. Here this product assure you that your search for best Anti Aging Cream ends here‌ Kollagen Intensiv is voted to be the best Anti Aging Cream after testing a variety of anti-aging products available in the market. It has been found to be the perfect solution for your anti-aging concerns (e.g. wrinkles, pigmentation, dull skin that lucks luster and saggy skin). Not only this it is safe, natural and WORKS GREAT!



How Does It Work?

Unlike other anti-aging formulas it only touch the surface, Kollagen Intensiv is intended to nourish your skin cells and trigger to repair mechanisms to reveal new, radiant and young looking skin. Each ingredient in Kollagen Intensiv is clinically tested to make ensure that it work great with all skin types and works on deep cellular level to minimize visible signs of aging on your face (e.g. wrinkles/fine lines, uneven skin tone, dull skin, dry skin and loss of elasticity). The majority of its ingredients are utilized to stimulate natural collagen production that is compulsory for the women over the age of 35.






Loved Across the World

There is no doubting that no one wants to look old before their age. Almost all the men and women across the world want to have young and glowing skin. But not every can really afford the cost of surgeries or can undergo and recuperate from them. That is why women across the world want something that is less expensive and less time consuming. Kollagen Intensiv is very cost effective and has little or no side effects. It helps faster and better absorption of Collagen in skin‌.



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