Knuckle Dragger March 2013

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knuckledragger MAGAZINE


a sexy review

GIRLS T h e e n d o f t h e wo r l d never looked so good.


MANcaves! STYLE learn what it

w h at m a k e s y o u r dwelling special?

means to be


D I G I TA L E D I T I24 ON!

Your moment to define


for yourself.

Live the Thrill.

To start your National Guard adventure contact, SFC Eric Steele at 724-549-5576

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Rodney Burrell

Scott Betten

Art Director Jordan Mitchell

Contributing Photographers Scott Betten

Alex Gomez

Garrick Lapusnak

David Kelly

Ron Short

Contributing Writers Eric J. Leech

Stacie Adams

Chelsea Crocker

Jordan Mitchell

Leanne Clute

Marketing Ashley Martin Michael Martin

Hair & Makeup MariaTeresa Leon De Bracamonte

All photography and content is property of Knuckle Dragger Magazine, LLC. Taking of images, content, or other material without written consent from Knuckle Dragger Magazine will result in legal action. 3 KnuckleDragger Magazine

Letter from the Editor

I’ve been in an office writing articles for days, months, years. The everyday journey to create something for people to read is a burden I’m happy to bear, because I’m a writer. It took me 12 years to say that with conviction. Before we started Knuckle dragger Magazine, I was so focused on life and the meaning of multi-task. How many different projects could I get myself into in order to fill void in my professional life. 12 or 15 businesses later, I come full circle to realize that the one I loved has been standing here the whole time, patiently waiting for me to give it proper attention and dedication. And now, I can do that. I love writing. I’m not even going to say it’s my passion #1 because I hate when people say that. Isn’t that word banned anyway for 2013? #2 I live, eat, and breathe magazines. It’s more than a funny article, it’s a commitment to write for anyone who will read it and be entertained. It’s about perfecting my craft. It’s about knowing the publishing business inside and out. I can’t be an expert on everything, but I can rock the shit out of a magazine, and I will continue to do so with style, grace, and most importantly, sarcasm. I pray that you all find what makes you tick. What makes you stay up late at night (other than internet porn) and get up early in the morning (besides your alarm or screaming 3-year-old). What makes you giddy? If your answer is still porn, you need a hug. This issue is going to rock your little socks off. Our cover story and feature is The Apocalyptic Girls. It’s a very cool story line from the mind of Alex Gomez: photographer and visionary. Basically, very attractive women are sent to save the earth from impending doom and destruction. The story is the age –old battle between good and evil. This is the first installment, introducing some of the characters. We will feature a new girl every month, eventually culminating with the first comic book edition of APG. It’s exciting to be in 2013. My inner nerd is doing cartwheels.

Off to the races, Rodney Burrell, Editor-in-Chief At any given time during the month, I will be told by random people that I look like one of these 3 celebrities.

Hines Ward

Former Wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers

Phil Ivey

Pro Poker Player

Picture of the Month

Tiger Woods Pro Golfer

Another popular look I get mistaken for: Any black NFL athlete or MMA fighter under 5’9. “You play football, right? I just saw you on TV, how did you get to Target so fast?” KnuckleDragger Magazine 4

: n O I T A ER


Here are 10 man caves that will get your testosterone pumping in no time. All men need a place they can get away from it all and relax, or just do what they need to do without distraction. My man cave, a basement with 3 computer screens, most of which I write all of these witty little articles you all enjoy so much. Although, my man cave is frequently interrupted by my 3-year-old son asking “Do you wanna play for a little bit?” He then proceeds to put on my punching gloves, and punch everything in the basement, including me. This goes on 5-20 times per day, just depending. Perhaps one of these days I’ll possess a man cave like these gentlemen, but for now, I’ll stick to writing about them, and try not to get laid out by a toddler in the process.


Complete with The Predator in a cage, and eyeball hanging from the ceiling, space wall art, dual Xboxes with mini monitors, and other nerd like adornments. All I can assume is that this man cave doesn’t see many chicks.

The Mega Theater

Don’t mind the fact that this guy is currently watching Ratatouille, focus on the gazillion speaker sound system that could probably vibrate you in places that will make you feel a little less manly. 5 KnuckleDragger Magazine

the rat Pack cave

You might just see Ol’ Blue Eyes come strolling through this throwback pad. Equipped with white leather couches and art deco rug, you and your friends will be snorting cocaine in no time. It’s a helluva drug.

Fill er’ up

This is probably one of the most intricate man caves in our series, a full spec garage/gas station with vintage pumps and a car to go along with it. Yes, the car runs. You know what I want to see, those pumps filled with beer or cream soda.

mini mega

Not quite as impressive as our Mega Theater, but the 13 subwoofers sure does pack a punch when you’re watching Grey’s Anatomy. Did I just write that out loud, shit.


This is probably one of the coolest caves from a “let’s stay up all night and play video games standpoint.” This guy has every system known to man, Neo GEO, SNES, ATARI, Sega CD, N64, PS3, and XBOX 360. The whole gaming caboodle. It’s nerd heaven, literally.

This is how I would design my cave. Love the low key lighting, triple screens, and the big TV above them for when you need to play a couple video games. Perfection.

the yuppie

the unibomber

This has remnants of someone who just doesn’t get out much, doesn’t like the government, but loves America and his right to bear arms. He’s even got a PS90 on the wall (The civilian version of the FNP90). Just shooting from the hip here… He may be in need of a girlfriend, therapy session, and a hug.


ladies welcome

but only if you’re naked: I won’t say this guy has the right idea, but he certainly is forward thinking in the fact that if women come to the man cave, they should be removing their clothes and dancing for them. Sounds a little Jersey Shoreish, but whatever gets you going.


Who the hell puts a picture of a flowery walkway on their man cave wall. This has been most definitely been polluted by either a female counter part, or recently been made over by the queer eye for the straight guy crew. Either way, the whole room is kinda bland, minus the 5 tv’s on the wall. Maybe they’re all watching episodes of House Hunters International. “I’m gonna go with house three, because it has a bidet”

Bombshell Magazine is a women’s national print and digital magazine that focuses on various women’s interest topics. While bombshell does cover content that focuses on beauty, fitness, shopping and other fun stuff, our core content direction is to highlight interesting activities, people, places and things that are not typically covered in conventional women’s publications. We encourage you to engage with our editors, let us know what you


like, don’t like, and maybe want to see more of.


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STYLE When a person reaches

the point of ‘Comfortably Numb’ as Pink Floyd sang it, you are at the point you have nothing to lose. The battle of drugs and money can bring a person down to their lowest plateau, a level where you can’t be killed because, in a way, you are already dead. Friends Mathew Georgetti, Spencer Seigle, and Steve Slanchik came from lives of struggle and later triumph; they were down, but most definitely not out. In Sept. 2012, the three men launched Deadicated Clothing Company; a Pittsburgh-based clothing line. Georgetti, originally from Weirton, West Va. and Seigle a Pittsburgh native, are no strangers to the street crowd. Growing up they both found themselves drawn to music and skateboarding, but 7 KnuckleDragger Magazine


unfortunately the crew fell victim to the more alluring lifestyle of drugs and money. “We lost a lot of friends to overdoses and prison,” said Georgetti. After seeing the reality of their lifestyle, they took the path less traveled and got their lives together. Seigle said the experiences he’s had in that life has given him intimate and real experience with their target market. “A lot of bad things happen and people lose control and we want to show people that it doesn’t have to be that way. That’s why we wear masks because we could be anyone,” Georgetti said. “We are not just some rich corporate dudes, we are just two street kids trying to push a line that we know other people will enjoy,” said Georgetti. The designs phase starts with Georgetti and Seigle, until they are sent to LA for final creative

licensing by Slanchik. Skateboarders, snowboarders and tattoo artists are among the many being intrigued by Deadicated. The company inspires anyone with a dream to make it happen. Georgetti stated, “I want consumers to be okay with being themselves and standing for what they believe in. Deadicated appeals to people who do what they do to make ends meet, and they love it so much that they do it until the day they die.” In honor of the Pittsburgh filming of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ they released a Gotham City shirt, with the Steelers emblem replacing the trademark Batman symbol. The release caught fire instantly, and it’s been a steady increase to widened audience that appreciates the Deadicated message. For more information, check out

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KnuckleDragger Magazine 10

as we rise from the ashes...

c i t p y l a c o p A ls


A war-torn earth suffers





a p o c a lyp s e

pat h



and terror


24 KnuckleDragger Magazine

0 of 0 Photos by Alex Gomez

People kill, steal, and destroy anything in their way in order to survive in a land where water is more valuable than money and food is worth dying over. The Earth needs saved, but there is no hope in sight. A dark cloud of terror looms as people continue to fall under the regimen of anarchy.

There 's only one way the earth can be taken back. By Force. Genetically created beings called Biohazard Girls (Green Apple) are sent to the Earth by the SkyWatchers in order to regain order and restore the earth back to its original state. KnuckleDragger Magazine 12

Already inhabiting Earth are the Radioactive Girls (Red Apple). They are fallen beings from the heavens working their way back into the good graces of the SkyWatchers. They work alongside the Biohazard girls to find the key to saving the earth. Together they are... The Apocalyptic Girls.

Green and red apples were placed around the earth by the SkyWatchers to be retrieved by the Apocalyptic Girls. Each time an apple is retrieved, a part of the earth is restored.

13 KnuckleDragger Magazine

The apples contain DNA dating back to biblical times, and cannot be activated by anyone other than the specific Apocalyptic Girl.

KnuckleDragger Magazine 14

The Biohazard Girls wear masks to protect themselves from worldly impurities and corruption.

Vigilantes Serve as

enforcers for radioactive girls

15 KnuckleDragger Magazine

Goons are mortals that seek to inflict as much pain as possible on unsuspecting people. They often clash with The Apocalyptic Girls.

Radioactive Girls are inherently deviant and come from a speckled past and are seeking catharsis through acts of good. KnuckleDragger Magazine 16

17 KnuckleDragger Magazine

Biohazard Girls are more visceral by nature. They’re warriors at heart, born to wield the sword and fight the good fight.

KnuckleDragger Magazine 18

19 KnuckleDragger Magazine

KnuckleDragger Magazine 20

Radioactive Girls and Biohazard Girls get along, but not that well. While they ’re both on the same mission, tactics to complete the mission vary drastically. The two sides will fight on occasion. 21 KnuckleDragger Magazine

visit for more information.



SURVIVOR STORIES Katrina, Haiti Earthquake, Pacific Coast Plane Crash








Order your copy for only 4.99 or subscribe for 19.99 a year! KnuckleDragger Magazine 22



Devil May Cry BY: jordan mitchell

Developed by:

Ninja Theory Published by:


Played on:

XBOX 360 Devil May Cry (or DmC as it is known this time around) is a reboot of the early Playstation 2 series of the same name. What does that entail exactly? Ninja Theory, developers of such titles as Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West offer up a fresh take on the series, and inject some new life into an otherwise tired franchise. Although I personally haven’t played a Devil May Cry game since the first one, I had almost no interest in playing any of the subsequent entries for more than just a couple stages. From the outside looking in, it has gotten gotten very stale, and it just didn’t offer anything that I wanted to play. So why was I compelled to visit the reboot? It’s hard to say, honestly. I have gotten rather tired of the God of War style character action genre for the most part. Button mashing in order to eviscerate my foes has just lost its shine somewhere along the way. I think that was probably because it felt like there was very little reward to said button mashing. I kept a passing eye on the reboot to Devil May Cry and was consistently surprised by the things Ninja Theory was doing to the series. The real question is though, have they succeeded in creating a good game? 23 KnuckleDragger Magazine

DmC, for those who aren’t familiar, is a character action game that stars Dante. He’s a bit of a snarky smart-ass who also happens to be a demon hunter. He gets wrapped up in a mess revolving around his family and The Demon King Mundus and goes on a quest to cut up some demons, get revenge, and set things right. All of the game’s stages take place in a world called “limbo”, a dimension that is controlled by the demons and is parallel to the human world. This setting is actually one of the cooler aspects of DmC, but more on that later. The core to DmC is the combo focused fighting system. You are pitted against waves and waves of demons and must use a plethora of various weapons and string them together to not only slice up your foes, but also rack up a hefty style rating from D to SSS in the process. It is good that this system is incredibly fun, because it’s the backbone of the entire game. Typically in a character action game, combos mean nothing. They are often no more than a series of button presses that you use over and over again

that almost never reward you for trying out new combinations. This usually results in a feeling of exhaustion not too far into the game for me. DmC on the other hand aims to break that, and hands you a staggering amount of different options to help you chop your way to victory. The better the style rating, the more points you get toward upgrading Dante. Not to mention, I began to feel an unwavering desire to see how high I could get my style rating by the end of each stage. Anytime I got lower than an “A”, I was quite disappointed in myself and wanted to try again. It also doesn’t hurt that the combat is incredibly fluid, with a nice feeling of power as you’re just laying waste to your enemies. There was something rather absurd to the things Dante was doing to his enemies, and it was exactly the sort of dumb fun that felt missing in recent games like this.

on and saying, “go ahead, just play around and cut up some dudes.” Each weapon can be chained together effortlessly; with each one having their own characteristics and uses. What begins as a series of nonsensical button pushing soon becomes a far more honed and coordinated slaughtering once you start to get used to what each weapon does. This gives you endless possibilities of combos, and it feels great. And better combos mean a better style rating. That’s not even mentioning the fact that you get more weapons as you progress, with encounters becoming more complicated as well. You eventually encounter enemies that are only affected by a specific kind of weapon. Although I appreciated the varied gameplay, and the

Only two stages into the game, you come into possession of 4 different weapons, in addition to your original 2. It’s as if the developers are egging you

KnuckleDragger Magazine 24

attempt to force you to try different strategies, these encounters did become a little frustrating at times. It is worth mentioning some of the absolutely insane bosses you will encounter, too. I felt as though they dragged on a little long, but it was good fun cutting them down. A solid combat system is great and all, but the thing that really sold DmC for me was its style, its visuals and its over-thetop absurdity. The original Devil May Cry games had a dark and gothic feel about them, which is fine and all, but it was never the sort of thing that appealed to me. DmC on the other hand abandons that setting in favor of a more urban tone, but with a twist. While you’re in the limbo world, everything around you becomes a twisted and mangled misrepresented mirror of the real world. This creates the possibilities of some really great and clever stages, as well as some interesting twists narrative-wise as well. In addition, as you progress through each stage messages from the understandably angry demons will plaster across the landscape. It’s a small touch, but it’s a fun little way the game continues to egg you on. Ninja Theory does a pretty good job of keeping the stages feeling fresh, and knows just when to switch things up. One second you will be traversing gravity challenged platforming sections with the help of your grappling hooks, and exploring each room of a mansion the next. I found myself in some pretty unexpected places at times, and I appreciated that. The story won’t win it any Oscars, but it’s engaging enough to keep you interested in where these characters end up. It’s worth mentioning the performances of the voice actors are top notch, and really breath life into DmC’s various characters. The ending is pretty satisfying, and there is a crazy little surprise with Dante when all is said and done that had me shaking my head and smiling at the same time. Some of my favorite kinds of entertainment media are the sort of over-the-top nonsense that knows exactly what it is. DmC doesn’t take itself seriously and doesn’t expect you to neither. If you were a longtime fan of the original series I highly recommend you to keep an open mind and not turn away from this one. If you’re a newcomer or, like me, are just looking for some inventive and crazy fun, DmC offers just that.



To put it simply, this reboot of a once tired franchise is a stylish and absurd romp that offers fun and solid combat to keep you hooked all the way to the end. A GREAT E XP ERIENCE, AND A MUST PL AY 25 KnuckleDragger Magazine

KnuckleDragger Magazine 37

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