Mihe: Knjiga godine : Di si bija ovih dana? [The book of the year]

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Knjiga godine Di si bija ovih dana

PRIJEVOD / TRANSLATION: Mihe, Dan i Nera Erceg

IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER: Artur j.d.o.o., Split info@artur.hr


AUTORICA / AUTHOR: Mihaela Erceg - Mihe mihaela.erceg@gmail.com

TISAK/ PRINT: Jafra print d.o.o., Solin


Split, listopad 2021. knjigagodine.erceg.com facebook.com/nadobrovandosa instagram.com/nadobrovandosa tiktok.com/@nadobrovandosa


CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji SVEUČILIŠNA KNJIŽNICA U SPLITU UDK 741.5 ERCEG, Mihaela Knjiga godine : di si bija ovih dana? / <autorica i ilustratorica Mihaela Erceg> Mihe ; <prijevod Mihe, Dan i Nera Erceg, Petra Vranjić>. Split : Artur, 2021. ISBN 978-953-58830-3-6 190206052 ISBN 978-953-58830-3-6 © Mihaela Erceg, 2021. Sva prava pridržana. Ni jedan dio ove knjige ne smije se reproducirati ni u kojem obliku bez prethodnog dopuštenja autora i nakladnika.


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Split, 2021.


SADRŽAJ / CONTENT Predgovor (Foreword)


Prvi (January)


Drugi (February)


Treći (March)


Četvrti (April)


Peti (May)


Šesti (June)


Sedmi (July)


Osmi (August)


Deveti (September)


Deseti (October)


Jedanajsti (November)


Dvanajsti (December)


Na kraju (In the end)


O autorici (About the author)


Čemu služe rođendani i spomendani? Da bismo se jednom u godini nekome/nečemu s ljubavlju i poštovanjem naklonili. Pa da onda toga nekog/to nešto možemo mirne duše ne šljiviti preostala 364 dana. Svatko je od nas manji ili veći prigodničarski cinik koji se srdačno smiješi kad to nalažu prilike, da bi se potom, čim prilike prođu, glatko vratio u prirodno stanje ravnodušnosti. Tome se, međutim, ne treba čuditi niti takvo držanje smatrati grijehom. Uz toliku inflaciju što službenih, a što neslužbenih rođendana, imendana, spomendana, praznika, blagdana, obljetnica... čovjek i nema drugog izbora nego da odmahne rukom, zanemari kalendar i odluči živjeti po svome ritmu, tek tu i tamo udovoljavajući očekivanjima sredine, (dakle, da povremeno, što rjeđe to bolje, nekome ponešto čestita ili neki datum pristojno obilježi). Mihaeli Erceg gusta je mreža počasnih dana u spomen na sve i svašta doslovce to – mreža. Koju povlači po društvenome parteru kao po morskome dnu, pobirući putem običaje, navade, duh podneblja i vremena, krhotine događaja i odjeke ćakula, ukratko, život u rinfuzi, da bi onda tu šarenu smjesu prosijala sitom svoga talenta i pretvorila je u sirovinu za priče od jednoga kadra. Jer, o tome se ovdje zapravo radi: premda nominalno iscrtava karikature, Mihaela ustvari zipuje cijele pripovijetke u tijesni prostor jednog kvadrata. Posložene kronološki, te sličice doimaju se kao epizode dugog serijala koji posreduje više istine o nama i našim životima nego što nam se na prvi pogled to može činiti. Ivica Ivanišević

――――――――――――――― What are birthdays and commemorations for? To show someone love and respect once a year. And then we can calmly ignore them for the remaining 364 days. Each of us is a smaller or larger cynic who warmly smiles when the occasion calls for it, and then, the moment it passes, returns smoothly to the natural state of indifference. This, however, should come as no surprise, nor should such an attitude be considered a sin. With so much inflation of official and unofficial birthdays, name days, memorials, holidays, anniversaries ... a man has no choice but to wave his hand, ignore the calendar and decide to live according to his own rhythm, only meeting the expectations of the environment every so often, (therefore to, occasionally, the less often the better, congratulate someone or politely mark a date). To Mihaela Erceg, the dense network of honorary days in memory of everything and anything is exactly that - a network. Which she drags along the social parterre like it’s the seabed, picking up customs, habits, the spirit of climate and time, fragments of events and echoes of chatter, in short, life in bulk, only to sift this colorful mixture with the sieve of her talent and turn it into raw material for single-frame stories. Because that’s what this is all about: although she nominally draws caricatures, Mihaela actually zips up entire stories into the cramped space of a single square. Arranged chronologically, these pictures seem like episodes of a long series that conveys more truth about us and our lives than it may seem at first glance. Ivica Ivanišević




1. 1. Nova godina, 2021. / #NewYear 10 2. 1. Dan svijesti o osobnim trenerima / #PersonalTrainerAwarenessDay 11 3. 1. Dan slamkica / #DrinkingStrawDay 12 4. 1. Dan trivie / #TriviaDay 13 5. 1. Dan šlaga / #WhippedCreamDay 14 6. 1. Sveta tri kralja / #Epiphany 15 7. 1. Dan starog kamenja / #OldRockDay 16 8. 1. Dan Zemljine rotacije / #EarthsRotationDay 17 9. 1. Dan statičkog elektriciteta / #StaticElectricityDay 18 10. 1. Dan cijenjenja kućnih biljaka / #HouseplantAppreciationDay 19 11. 1. Dan čišćenja svog stola / #CleanOffYourDeskDay 20 12. 1. Dan poezije na poslu / #PoetryAtWorkDay 21 13. 1. Dan gumenih patkica / #RubberDuckieDay 22 14. 1. Dan oblačenja svog kućnog ljubimca / #DressUpYourPetDay 23 15. 1. Dan rupa na cesti / #PotholeDay 24 16. 1. Dan ničega / #NothingDay 25 17. 1. Dan odbacivanja novogodišnjih odluka / #DitchNewYearsResolutionsDay 26 18. 1. Dan rječnika / #ThesaurusDay 27 19. 1. Dan konzervi / #TinCanDay 28 20. 1. Dan DJ-eva / #DiscJockeyDay 29 21. 1. Međunarodni dan gaća od tute / #InternationalSweatpantsDay 30 22. 1. Dan odgovaranja na pitanja svoje mačke / #AnswerYourCatQuestionsDay 31 23. 1. Dan mjerenja svojih stopala / #MeasureYourFeetDay 32 24. 1. Međunarodni dan reciklaže mobitela / #MobilePhoneRecylingDay 33 25. 1. Dan irske kave / #IrishCoffeeDay 34 26. 1. Dan Australije / #AustraliaDay 35 27. 1. Dan ispumpavanja grudi / #WorldBreastPumpingDay 36 28. 1. Dan zabave na poslu / #FunAtWorkDay 37 29. 1. Dan puzzli / #PuzzleDay 38 30. 1. Dan kroasana / #CroissantDay 39 31. 1. Inspiriraj svoje srce umjetnošću - dan / #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay 40


#NewYear - It will get better - it must!


#PersonalTrainerAwarenessDay - Ma’am, please, hand over the leftover bread and cakes from New Year’s Eve and come with me...


#DrinkingStrawDay - I’ll have an espresso and...a straw to drink it with.


#TriviaDay - Fifth question! What’s the driest place on Earth? - My wallet– - The Atacama Desert.


#WhippedCreamDay - Hey baby, how about you be the strawberry, and I be the whipped cream? - I’m lactose intolerant.


#Epiphany - I brought gold, Caspar brought myrrh ... What did you get for the kid? - Oh ... a PlayStation ... but I feel stupid now ...



#OldRockDay - Ah you rocks ... you’ve been here for centuries ... the Sun warms you, the sea caresses you ... who knows what wonders you’ve seen ..? (Nudist beach)

#EarthsRotationDay - So cool the way it spins! - Right, brother?


#StaticElectricityDay - Do you... Not love me anymore? - What? No! But there is more static electricity on me than in a generator!


#HouseplantAppreciationDay - Grandma do you even know what you’ve planted?!! The cops are gonna come for us! - Why are you so angry son, it smelled nice.


#CleanOffYourDeskDay - Wait, we have a desk?


*Second Monday of January

#PoetryAtWorkDay - The cafe is closed,No one is passing by, I thought, since there’s a pandemic I’ll be resting at home... - Stop that nonsense and come carry the boxes! When are we going to redecorate if not now? - But it’s not happening... *Second Tuesday of January




#DressUpYourPetDay - Awww, who’s a good girl??? My cutie? - Are you insane?! This cost us as much as my entire wardrobe!!!


#PotholeDay Year 2135 - Ah my children... grandma still remembers when they promised they’d fix it...




#DitchNewYearsResolutionsDay - I ditched mine right on January 1st... just in time...


#ThesaurusDay - Well you’re going on “Pjaca”, so “sotto volti” to “Peristil”, just “colla fiacca” and stay in the shade, because you can “affanno”,


#TinCanDay - Just take a seat... I’ll prepare something for you... - Son... Don’t marry her, please...


#DiscJockeyDay - Hey DJ! Play our song now!


#InternationalSweatpantsDay - Man, once upon a time you were not to be seen in these... now I look like I’m from a commercial.


#AnswerYourCatQuestionsDay - First: Will I get the good tuna for dinner? Second: What is the meaning of our existence in this world?


#MeasureYourFeetDay - My dear... It’s not your foot size that matters...


#MobilePhoneRecylingDay - Yeah, bro, call me later, I’ll give you my business number... no, not the one that starts with 095... okay, I’m going now. - When my phone breaks, I just give it to Frane. He’s a businessman.


#IrishCoffeeDay - You don’t put in schnapps but whiskey, and it’s half a deciliter of whiskey and 2 of coffee, not the other way around...


#AustraliaDay - Living in Australia is the same as if we had stayed in Dalmatia... Sunshine, sea, I go to the store and see half of my family...


#WorldBreastPumpingDay - Oh yeah? You would pump them for yourself while I pump for the kid?


#FunAtWorkDay - Boss, this game idea was great... - I was thinking more of Ludo! - No, no, we love darts...


#PuzzleDay - What are you doing with all these newspapers? - I’m trying to figure out what actually happened. Go get some more...


#CroissantDay - Didn’t I tell you that I’d treat you to a french breakfast?


#InspireYourHeartWithArtDay - “Mona Lisa”? ... It’s whatever, I can do that too. Give me a pencil and you’ll see...




1. 2. Dan promjene svog passworda / #ChangeYourPasswordDay 2. 2. Svjetski dan sviranja svoje ukulele / #PlayYourUkuleleDay 3. 2. Dan kolača od karote / #CarrotCakeDay 4. 2. Dan punjenih gljiva / #StuffedMushroomDay 5. 2. Dan meteorologa / #NationalWeatherpersonsDay 6. 2. Dan čipke / #LaceDay 7. 2. Napucaj kretena s kojim si u vezi - dan / #DumpYourSignificantJerkDay 8. 2. Dan opere / #OperaDay 9. 2. Dan vanzemaljskih kultura / #ExtraterrestrialCultureDay 10. 2. Dan kišobrana / #UmbrellaDay 11. 2. Dan bile košulje / #WhiteShirtDay 12. 2. Dan izgubljenih novčića / #LostPennyDay 13. 2. Međunarodni dan kondoma / #InternationalCondomDay 14. 2. Međunarodni dan darivanja knjiga / #BookGivingDay 15. 2. Dan svijesti o samcima / #SinglesAwarenessDay 16. 2. Međunarodni dan palačinki / #ShroveTuesday 17. 2. Dan spontanih djela dobrote / #RandomActofKindnessDay 18. 2. Dan pijenja vina / #DrinkWineDay 19. 2. Međunarodni dan povlačenja užeta / #InternationalTug-of-WarDay 20. 2. Međunarodni dan lisica / #HandcuffDay 21. 2. Međunarodni dan materinjeg jezika / #MotherLanguageDay 22. 2. Svjetski dan razmišljanja / #WorldThinkingDay 23. 2. Dan cijenjenja psećih kolačića / #InternationalDogBiscuitAppreciationDay 24. 2. Dan ružičastih majica / #PinkDay 25. 2. Uvedi curu u svit inžinjerstva - dan / #IntroduceAGirlToEngineeringDay 26. 2. Dan pričanja bajki / #TellAFairyTaleDay 27. 2. Dan gutača mačeva / #SwordSwallowersDay 28. 2. Dan zubić vile / #ToothFairyDay

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Na kraju Evo nas na kraju 365 obilježenih dana jedne godine. Vodite računa da su ovo datumi iz 2021. godinie a među njima ima i nekih “praznika” koji padaju na treći petak, drugu subotu, prvi utorak u misecu ... pa da ne proslavite nešto ukrivo. Knjiga je zasnovana na projektu “Na dobro van doša” u kojem sam svakodnevno crtežom komentirala svjetske datume. Nijedan praznik nisam izmislila, samo pronašla i nacrtala, diveći se ljudskoj kreativnosti - predivnom duhu onih koji su zapazili nešto posebno i rekli: i to moramo obilježiti. Svi znamo one glavne, praznik rada, praznik žena, Novu godinu, ali dan selotejpa, mijenjanja žarulje, gole vožnje biciklom, ... Za sve te male stvari svakodnevnog života netko je rekao - ovo je važno, ovog se moramo sjećati ili ovako ćemo skrenuti pažnju na nešto puno značajnije. Uvik postoji nešto što bi tribalo proslaviti. Zapravo svaki proživljeni dan treba biti novo divljenje životu i ovoj planeti na kojoj smo, i svatko bi triba dodat nešto svoje. Ja sam, umisto rješavanja svjetskih problema, pokušala kroz sve pokazat našu dalmatinsku svakodnevicu, prevela ih na naš način života. Sad na svakom listu ove knjige zapravo imate dvi priče, u naslovu onu zbog koje se datum obilježava, a u crtežu i našu dalmatinsku verziju. Virujem da ćete u njima pronać sebe, familju, susida ... Bio je ovo veliki crtački maraton koji ne bi bilo lako izdržati bez moralne ili fizičke potpore brojnih ljudi, a kojima triba odati priznanje što me trpe i reći veliko HVAAAAALAAAA. Na prvo misto idete svi vi koji imate knjigu, koji ste me zapratili na Fejsu, Insti, Tiktoku, Jutjubu, lajkali, šerali i davali snagu da se nastavi. Staroga već nervira koliko sam puta ponovila da ovo ne bi išlo bez njega, jer je bio moj urednik, kritičar i voditelj društvenih mreža, ali ja i jesam tu da ga nerviram. Ekipa portala DalmacijaDanas. hr, posebno Rade i Boris su mi omogućili da tokom 2021. budem jedna od samo tri dnevno portalna karikaturista u Hrvatskoj, a Juričina Pametnica.hr sve to pokroviteljski podržala. Da bi sve ovo mogla biti jedna dobra knjiga, prvi je jednom izrekao Ivica Ivanišević i ponosna sam što su on, Tisja, Boba i Tonči pristali dodati svoje rečenice u ovu knjigu. To su autori koji dnevno pokazuju da u Dalmaciji uvijek živi vic, osmijeh, etablirana imena čija mi podrška puno znači. Prve prijevode Googla, Dana i Nere je na kraju doradila moja šibenska prija Petra, koja traži bolji studentski smještaj u Splitu, pa ako nudite ... Dok ovo pišem, Ana LF je zapravo već zgotovila sve, grafički oblikovala, prelomila, prevodila, teta Željka postavila web i koluta očima zbog predstojećih izdavačkih obveza, a Dalibor Columbo ponudio prvi distributerski kanal. Pa kako ih čovik ne bi volio. Uvijek se zahvaljujem ljudima koji su me potakli na crtanje, Marinu i Ivanu, ljudima sa strip scene Sonji i još jednom Ivanu, mome uredništvu Strip-prefixa, mom mentoru Darku Kreču. Oprostite mi svi koje sam nenamjerno izostavila. No, jedna žena, koju nikada nisam upoznala, a nesebično mi je slala pomoć tokom petogodišnjeg studiranja zaslužuje moje posebno divljenje, zahvalu i posvetu. Draga gđo. Jasna, ne znam kako bih Vam uzvratila za sve ove godine. Pet godina već razmišljam o Vama, o Vašem činu i nadam se da ću kadtad imati priliku nekome biti potpora kao što ste Vi bili meni. Neka ova knjiga bude posvećena Vama i svim osobama poput Vas. Hvala nije dovoljna riječ, a ja se ne mogu sjetiti bolje. Mihe P. S. Mama, možda te više nema fizički, ali ovo su tvoji geni, ti si uvijek u našim srcima. Vjerujem da negdje odozgo gledaš i da si ponosna.


In the end Here we are at the end of the year. 365 days, celebrated. Mind that these are the dates as they were celebrated in 2021., and among them there are some “holidays” that fall on the third Friday, the second Saturday of the month ... so be careful that you don’t celebrate something on the wrong day. I did not invent any holidays, I just found out about them and drew them. We all know the main holidays, but not - The Day of Duct Tape, Day of Changing The Light Bulb, Day of Riding a Bike Naked, ... For all those little parts of everyday life, someone said - this is important, we have to remember this - or this is how we will draw attention to something much more significant. There is always something we need to celebrate. In fact, every day lived should be a new admiration for life and this planet we are on. Instead of solving world problems, I tried to show our everyday Dalmatian life through them, translated them into our way of life. I believe that you will see yourself, your family, or neighbors in them ... This was a great drawing marathon that would not have been easy to endure without the moral or physical support of many people, to whom I have to give credit for supporting me and give them - a big THAAAAAANKS. First and foremost are all of you who got a copy of the book. All of you who followed me on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, liked, shared and gave me the strength to continue. My father is already annoyed by how many times I have repeated that this would not have been possible without him, because he was my editor, critic and social media manager. But annoying him is my job. Thanks to the team of the portal DalmacijaDanas.hr, especially to Rade and Boris, who gave me the opportunity to be one of only three daily portal cartoonists in Croatia during 2021., and to Jurica, owner of Pametnica.hr who sponsored all of that. Ivica Ivanišević was the first person to propose that my daily illustrations would make a good book, and I am proud that he and Tisja, an amazing Croatian cartoonist, and Boba, a fantastic and witty writer, and Tonči, one of the best Croatian composers, agreed to add their own words to this book. These are all established names whose support means a lot to me. The translations of Google, Dan and Nera were finalized by my dear friend from Šibenik, Petra. She is looking for better student accommodation in Split, so if you have some to offer ... As I write this, Ana LF has actually already prepared everything, graphic design, layout, additional translation checks, my aunt Željka set up the website and is rolling her eyes at the upcoming publishing obligations, and Dalibor “Columbo” offered the first distribution channel. So how could you not love them? I always thank the people who encouraged me to draw, Marin and Ivan, the people from the comics scene, Sonja and another Ivan, my Strip-prefix editorial staff, my mentor Darko Kreč. Everyone I have inadvertently left out, forgive me. But one woman, whom I have never met, and who selflessly helped me during my five years of study, deserves my special admiration, gratitude, and love. Dear Mrs. Jasna, I don’t know how I could ever possibly reciprocate you for all these years. I have been thinking about you for five years, about your selfless act, and I hope that someday I will have the opportunity to be a support to someone as you were to me. Let this book be dedicated to you and all people like you. “Thanks” isn’t strong enough of a word, but I can’t think of a better one. Mihe P. S. Mom, you may no longer be alive, but these are your genes. You are always in our hearts. I believe you are looking down from sky and that you are proud.


Mihaela Erceg - Mihe, je rođena 1997. godine u Splitu. Završila je osnovno i srednje obrazovanje u Splitu, te postala univ. bacc. art. na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu i 2021. upisala je apsolventsku godinu na smjeru animiranog filma. Dobitnica je nagrade „Jutarnjeg lista“ za najbolju hrvatsku karikaturisticu 2019. godine i druge nagrade Balkanske smotre mladih strip autora za najbolji scenarij. Autorica je dva kratka animirana filma, a za film “Taxi i osrednje psihoze” na festivalu povodom Međunarodnog dana animacije, primila posebno priznanje žirija ASIFA za humor. Mihe je jedna od dobitnica priznanja “Splitski pupoljak” 2016., održala desetak samostalnih autorskih izložbi (Split, Zagreb, Crikvenica, Solin, Omiš, Popovača, Vukovar, Šolta, ...), sudjelovala na desetak grupnih izložbi (Split, Zagreb, Rijeka, Beograd, ...), te ilustrirala nekoliko knjiga. Tokom 2020. godine je održavala svakodnevni strip na Facebooku u svom projektu #366aroundthesun, a strip-rubrikom “Na dobro van doša” tokom 2020/2021. bila jedna od tek tri dnevno-portalna hrvatska karikaturista. Svoje radove redovno objavljuje na Facebooku, Instagramu, Pinterestu, TikToku, YouTubeu i brojnim fanzinima u vlastitom izdanju. Rado sudjeluje na raznim domaćim i međunarodnim smotrama stripa, a 2021. je bila posebna gošća Zagreb Comic Art showa te postala suosnivač i član uredništva “Prefixa”, strip magazina Hrvatskog autorskog stripa. Kalendar “Di si bija ‘21?” je 2020. u vrlo kratkom vremenu postao hit te osvojio publiku i medijski prostor, a osim “Knjige godine”, na izdavanje čeka i prvi Mihin roman, te nekoliko filmskih i knjiških scenarija.

――――――――――――――― Mihaela Erceg - Mihe, was born in 1997 in Split. She completed primary and secondary education in Split, and became univ. bacc. Art. at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and in 2021 she enrolled in the final year of animated film studies. She is the winner of the “Jutarnji list” award for best Croatian cartoonist in 2019 and the second award of the Balkan Festival of Young Comic Book Authors for best screenplay. She is the author of two short animated films, and for the film “Taxi and Mediocre Psychosis” at the festival on the occasion of the International Animation Day, she received a special award from the ASIFA jury for humor. Mihe, one of the winners of the “Split Bud” award in 2016, held a dozen solo exhibitions (Split, Zagreb, Crikvenica, Solin, Omiš, Popovača, Vukovar, Šolta, ...), participated in a dozen group exhibitions (Split, Zagreb, Rijeka, Belgrade, ...), and illustrated several books. During 2020, she maintained an everyday comic strip on Facebook as a part of her project # 366aroundthesun, and a comic strip section “Name this Day” during 2020/2021. was one of only three daily-portal Croatian cartoonists. She regularly publishes her works on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube and numerous self-published fanzines. She gladly participates in various domestic and international comics festivals, and in 2021 she was a special guest of the Zagreb Comic Art show and became a co-founder and member of the editorial board of “Prefix”, a comic book magazine of Croatian author’s comics. The “Where were you in ‘21?” calendar became a hit in 2020 in a very short time and won over the audience and the media space, and in addition to “Book of the Year”, Mihe’s first novel, her several other film and book scripts are awaiting publication.


Izdavanje ove knjige podržali su:

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Medijski pokrovitelji:

... premda nominalno iscrtava karikature, Mihaela ustvari zipuje cijele pripovijetke u tijesni prostor jednog kvadrata. Ivica Ivanišević Sjajnim crtežom koji me podsjeća na najveća imena pop arta u stripu Mihaela bilježi naš splitski “ala brale” moment. Tisja Kljaković Braić Mihe radi ono što nije baš ni lako raditi – hvata one “naše“ momente, tu iskru duha i humora koji uokviruju ovaj grad kao najljepši okvir. Objašnjava nas. Smije nam se i mi se smijemo sebi, zajedno s njom. Zato, moja iskrena podrška Mihe, u pokušajima da nam kroz smijeh objasniš – neobjašnjivo. Slobodanka Boba Đuderija Oću svoj dan... Neradni... Da mogu spadat, a nedilja je zauzeta... Oću svoj neradni dan kojeg slave i koji slavi spadala. Ja sam Huljić... Tonči Huljić Tonči Huljić

365,00 kn

ISBN 978-953-58830-3-6

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