November 1993 Ediion

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gotten. She felt so grateful that someone had cared enough to give Tommy such a wonderful gift that he could smile over in the years ahead. Christmas had come in a little manger in this hospital, too! My dad still has his Mickey Mouse watch with no hands. When I see him fingering it, I know that someone very special to him needs an uplifting story for tomorrow; and he is going to showoff his curious conversation piece before he begins the true story of this Christmas gift from the year 1967. Yo Yo the clown was born on August 20, 1911, and christened Harry Francis Yeoman. He is a much older clown now, having reached his eighties; but he is still busy making His Special Kids laugh, as they never have before!

November 1993

I would like to end this Christmas story with my father's own words: May this story be my way of wishing you all a blessed Christmas, as you show in your hearts a generosity to give to those who have less than you, by touching your soul to all of the children, just like Tommy, all over our world." Your friend Yo Yo the Clown **** Ms. Lee Maloney, Yo Yo the Clowns daughter, resides at 1501 North Parton Street, No. I Santa Ana, CA 92706


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