October 2017 Edition

Page 29

building of the second temple. There Testament. The candidate is informed has been concern that this order is that, from now on, he is a pilgrim on his somehow “sub-Christian� and that it is way to the Holy Sepulcher. Everything is out of place in a Christian organization. leading to his experience of the resurIndeed, the historical lecture of this rection and ascension of Christ. order contains a defense that this order is not a pagan rite, and is indeed a propSir Knight John Simmons is currently er preparation for the solemnities of the a member of Park Avenue ComOrder of the Temple. mandery 31 in Memphis, Tennessee In the Order of Malta and the Order and a past commander of Bloomingof the Temple, the focus shifts, seemington Commandery 63 in Bloomingly suddenly and inexplicably, to medieval ton, Indiana. He can be contacted at history, with imagery based on the New drjwsimmons@yahoo.com.

knight templar


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