KNACK Magazine #10

Page 36


Lloyd stood erect in the cream slacks his mother had ironed that very morning. His crisp white shirt lay smoothly underneath his black polyester jacket. He pulled out the handkerchief she had given him for Christmas from the breast pocket, and wiped the name on the brass that was screwed to the wooden door. Lloyd Webber - Human Resources. “Are the files that I requested on my desk, Nadine?” “I have them right here Mr. Webber.” Lloyd followed Nadine’s outstretched brown hand to a pile of manila folders on her clutter free desk. He frowned. He had specifically asked her to leave the files on his desk. “You have a key, Nadine. Well? Don’t just stand there, bring them in.” The wrinkles around his mouth gathered into points as he unlocked his office and entered the room that contained a desk with a framed picture of his mother, a chair for him and one for a single visitor. Behind his chair hung a large wall chart that had every employee’s name on it. He had tagged each employee with either a red, green or blue pin. Lloyd placed himself behind his desk and waited for Nadine to walk in. “Here are your files Mr. Webber.”


He looked up and let out a silent sigh as he allowed his eyes to feast over every aspect of Nadine’s hidden slender mahogany body. In less than two weeks, Nadine had moved from the low-cut blouse and high-raised skirt that he had hired her for, to buttoned down, frumpy blouses, and oversized grey slacks that did nothing for her figure. Still it didn’t stop Lloyd from imagining what she would be like undressed and laid out on a banquet table covered in fruit for him to dine upon. Lloyd’s beady blue eyes came to rest on Nadine’s brown ones. He thought he detected a slight sneer of distain. He couldn’t have cared less. With the country in a recession Lloyd knew that

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