Vision 2050 The new agenda for business

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facilities, depending on local needs,

high-quality care. There will also

of people, while collaborating with

from simple medical facilities in rural

be opportunities in developing

governments and researchers.

areas to hospitals offering a full range

innovative solutions in microfinance

of care in big cities. The number of

and microinsurance schemes to

Products and services for aging

private clinics will rise considerably,

allow people outside national health


and their development will be

insurance systems to have access

By 2020 people aged 65 and above

facilitated by the establishment of

to better healthcare. This can help

will account for about one-fifth

efficient health insurance systems.

to ensure that individuals are able

of the total global population(see

to access the treatment they need

figure 4.6). This ratio will be even

All this will require a range of

while limiting the cost to society or

larger in developed countries such

services, some of which will be

the national coffers.

as Italy, Germany and Japan. This

outsourced to private firms (e.g.,

older demographic is likely to be

catering, cleaning, security), and

Risk factors

better educated, more comfortable

also advanced and affordable

The global effort to reduce

with technology, and healthier

medical equipment.

environmental risk factors will lead

than today. It will also be highly

to greater demand from people in

represented in political decisions.

Staying healthy

emerging economies for safe water,

Although the story in the developing

The shift from cure to prevention

sanitation, clean air and housing,

world will still largely be one of

will be a top priority, entailing new

and green energy. Improved

youth, some emerging populations

business opportunities in medical and

sanitation facilities could reduce

will age considerably as their

non-medical products and services.

diarrhea-related deaths in young

economies develop and offer better

children by more than one-third. If

healthcare and life services.

There will be greater demand for

hygiene promotion is added, such

reliable sources of information on

as teaching proper hand washing,

Each month around 1.9 million

the Web and for health management

deaths could be reduced by two-

people in the world will join the

software that helps people to better

thirds. It would also help accelerate

ranks of the over 65s.9 These

manage their personal health. There

economic and social development.

people will seek goods and services

will be tremendous opportunities

More generally, business

that enable them to maintain

for the food industry, with the

opportunities will go to companies

independent, integrated lives.

development of foods and beverages

able to develop safe products that

Meeting their needs will have an

that improve health and nutrition,

cause no health damage.

impact on all aspects of societal and economic well-being. It will

for organic food, and restaurant chains or catering firms offering

Early responses to emerging

only be sustainable if older people

these products. There will also

communicable diseases and

are given the opportunity to live

be demand for fitness and sport

pandemics will be necessary.

independent and dignified lives, are

infrastructure, coaching services and

Governments and businesses will

fully integrated into society, and are

high-tech sports equipment.

make big investments in the search

able to contribute to meeting global

for early diagnosis, drugs and

challenges. The impacts on social


vaccines, as well as management

budgets and future generations’

Better cost and performance

systems that help them coordinate

quality of life will also place pressure

management will require broader

complex responses globally. There

on social systems, straining pension,

involvement of private insurance

will be great opportunities for

healthcare and education systems:

companies and healthcare providers

responsible firms that can rapidly

challenges all requiring innovation

working with governments to offer

dispense safe products to billions

and change.


Vision 2050: The new agenda for business

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