ICoCA 2025 Member Directory

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Integrity, Vigilance, and Service


Being recognised as a professional security company providing our customers with a combination of new security technologies throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo, we have a duty to offer our customers an impeccable security service.

The security of our clients' sites being a major concern, the main mission of C.A.C Sarl is to provide a service of certainty to deter any individuals from carrying out criminal activities.

We advocate vigilance and protection as basic criteria. In addition, we are determined to provide you with qualified teams as well as a security operation adapted to your most specific needs.


At CAC, we place importance on being able to contribute to the stability and development of our clientele. We therefore believe that a good understanding of the expectations and needs of our customers allows us to reduce risks, promote a safe working environment, as well as control and monitor staff productivity.

Our main work is providing guarding and alarm services, utilizing advanced technology we are also doing the security of assets in transit. We specialise in comprehensive patrolling and safeguarding solutions. Our team is highly professional and committed to delivering the utmost safety and security for our clients.

Congo Astral Company operates in both the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa. Our business is built on transparency

and tailored to meet the budgets of our clients. We take pride in our core values, symbolized by the three stars in our logo: Integrity, Vigilance, and Service.

We believe in building trust with our clients and have developed what we call the “Wheel of Success,” which emphasises our collaborative partnership with them. Our clients are the cornerstone of our company, and we acknowledge that without them, Congo Astral would not exist.

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor

About This Directory

International Code of Conduct Association Kyoto Building 4th Floor, Chemin du Pommier 42, CH-1218 Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland secretariat@icoca.ch | www.icoca.ch

The ICoCA 2025 Member Directory is produced and published on behalf of ICoCA by:

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Our aim is to create media products for associations and event organisers that are of a significantly higher quality and more commercially effective than our clients and readers have experienced before.


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Shaping the Evolving Landscape of Human Rights and Private Security

In an increasingly interconnected world, the scrutiny on companies and private security providers regarding their human rights practices has never been more intense. In high-risk areas with weak governance, failing to integrate proper human rights due diligence practices can lead to severe operational, financial and reputational consequences for companies. All sectors rely heavily on private security, which is critical for safeguarding assets and personnel but also introduces significant risks. Without proper training, monitoring and consideration of local dynamics, the likelihood of human rights abuses escalates.

As the leading international body dedicated to improving human rights practices within the private security sector, the Responsible Security Association (ICoCA) promotes transparency, accountability and responsible conduct across the industry. Established in 2013, ICoCA oversees compliance with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (‘the Code’), ensuring adherence to international human rights standards. Grounded in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ICoCA fosters responsible private security practices worldwide through a multi-stakeholder approach and a robust framework of certification, monitoring, training and complaint-handling.

The past year has marked a pivotal turning point in expectations for corporate oversight of supply chains, culminating in the adoption of the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the entry into force of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The CSDDD mandates comprehensive due diligence, requiring companies to actively identify, prevent and mitigate human rights abuses within their operations and supply chains. This Directive reshapes expectations for private security, specifically addressing risks associated with “private or public security guards protecting the company’s resources, facilities, or personnel”. Meanwhile, the CSRD enhances transparency and accountability by requiring companies to disclose their sustainability practices. Together, these regulatory shifts will drive private security providers and their clients to enhance their

commitment to responsible business practices and human rights compliance.

In anticipation of these changes, ICoCA’s 2024-2030 strategic plan prioritises the welfare of security personnel, a just transition, enhanced accountability and the responsible use of new technologies within the industry. These efforts will ensure that ICoCA continues to support its partners in navigating this evolving regulatory landscape while promoting ethical and sustainable practices. With EU funding secured to improve accountability and understanding of responsible security practices and how this aligns with CSDDD implementation, ICoCA is uniquely positioned to help companies navigate and mitigate risk through robust security supply-chain due diligence.

Explore the services ICoCA provides and the benefits it offers to users of private security. The Member and Affiliate listing will help you find ICoCA providers operating in your region. If your providers aren’t listed, I encourage you to urge them to join the Association. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the Members list on the ICoCA website: https://icoca.ch/membership/

Jamie Williamson, Executive Director, ICoCA

ICoCA – Your Partner in Navigating New Regulatory Requirements

Does your due diligence on private security providers meet regulatory requirements?

Companies using private security services face increasing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) obligations. Building on global frameworks laid out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)1 and the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)2 require businesses to demonstrate and report on sustainability and human rights due diligence throughout their value chain. This includes private security, flagged as a key risk in Annex 1 (#1 & #2) of the CSDDD.

We help you address legal and reputation risks in your private security supply chain.

As the only multi stakeholder initiative specifically mandated to align private security standards with international human rights obligations, ICoCA is uniquely positioned to guide you through these regulatory requirements. Compliance with the International Code of Conduct3 through ICoCA supports you in meeting legal obligations managing human rights risks in line with the CSDDD and fulfilling reporting requirements under the CSRD, including industry specific European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) – helping you build trust with key stakeholders and secure the social license to operate.

Companies such as ABB, AngloGold Ashanti, Barrick Gold, BP, Glencore, Holcim, PanAmerican Silver, PMI, Newmont, Rio Tinto and TotalEnergies partner with us, with many more requiring their security providers join the Association.

What We Offer

• Security Health Check: ICoCA conducts a comprehensive assessment of your security arrangements and policies to identify potential human rights gaps and risks.

• Due Diligence on Private Security Providers: We evaluate the policies, procedures and performance of your providers to ensure they meet international human rights standards.

• Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIAs): We provide in-depth HRIAs for high-risk sites to identify potential human rights risks associated with security operations.

2. Risk Management, Mitigation and Reporting

• Conflict Analysis: We analyse operations in Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas (CAHRAs), enabling you to grasp local dynamics and implement responsible and ethical security strategies.

• Policy Development: We help develop and refine human rights due diligence policies tailored to your operational context.

• Training Programmes: We offer off the shelf and customised training for managers, trainers, security personnel and key stakeholders to mitigate private security risks like use of force and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, with real-time data for ESRS reporting via our online portal.

3. Continuous Risk Support

• Ongoing Oversight: We provide continuous oversight through annual assessments, field visits, off site monitoring and grievance mechanisms, enabling you to track and report compliance.

• Certification Navigation: We connect you with our network of ICoCA Member and Affiliate security providers and offer guidance on additional certifications such as ISO 18788, ensuring your partners meet the highest standards of credibility and compliance.

• Crisis Management: ICoCA’s multistakeholder platform facilitates consultations, mediation and crisis management, supporting ongoing engagement and resolution with impartiality and expertise.

Partner with ICoCA

Partner with ICoCA to navigate international obligations and new regulatory requirements, aligning private security in your supply chain with global best practices. Strengthen compliance and enhance your reputation by setting the standard for responsible security and human rights due diligence. Contact us at secretariat@icoca.ch.

Benefits of ICoCA Membership for the Clients of Private Security Services


Clients of private security providers (PSPs) play a pivotal role in driving standards across the private security market through their procurement practices. ICoCA is one of the most rigorous sector‑specific implementation mechanisms of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Its success relies on clients incorporating ICoCA membership in their procurement requirements. ICoCA’s impact is greatest when both state and non-state clients of private security providers include ICoCA membership as a prerequisite in their security contracts.


Clients that contract with ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies can be assured that human rights due diligence has been conducted and that these companies are committed to operating responsibly. Responsible business practices make better business sense across all sectors, reducing risk in complex environments and providing peace of mind so that organisations can focus on their core operational needs.

Regulation in an increasing number of jurisdictions requires companies to conduct human rights due diligence throughout their value chains and to report on measures taken to manage identified risks. PSPs offer a wide range of services across all industry sectors. By requiring their security providers to join ICoCA, companies can demonstrate that these PSPs are subject to rigorous, ongoing human rights due diligence. This reduces reputational, legal and financial risk for PSP users.

For corporations, socially responsible investing is a key consideration, with numerous investment funds incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) indicators into their investment decisions. By integrating ICoCA membership and affiliation requirements into procurement policies, companies can mitigate investment risks by demonstrating human rights due diligence in their security supply chain. This not only reduces risks for investors but

also has the potential to attract more investment to portfolio companies that can demonstrate their commitments to responsible investment practices.


Contracting ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies increases confidence that security providers operate in a manner consistent with international human rights and humanitarian law, as well as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Engaging ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies aligns corporate policies and procedures with internationally recognised standards for business and human rights. This practice enhances reputation by demonstrating a value-driven culture, thereby distinguishing organisations from competitors who prioritise low cost over responsible security provision.


Clients of PSPs across all sectors, including corporate, public and humanitarian entities, can join ICoCA, allowing them to participate in the Association’s activities, provide advice and receive support in ensuring human rights-compliant security practices within their industry. A growing number of multinational companies, including ABB, AngloGold Ashanti, BP, Glencore, Holcim, International SOS, Newmont, Pan American Silver, PMI, Rio Tinto and TotalEnergies, are joining ICoCA as Observers.

Observers play a crucial and active role in supporting ICoCA’s mission. By championing responsible business practices within the industry, they contribute to raising private security standards. ICoCA has formed a working group of Observers who are clients of PSPs. This collaborative community provides an opportunity to share best practices related to private security contracting and shape mutually beneficial projects undertaken by ICoCA.

To discover more about the benefits of being an Observer, please refer to the TotalEnergies Observer profile on page 12 and the Geita Case Study on page 16.

IDG Group offers a comprehensive range of services, designed to enable organisations and individuals to carry out their critical work, in some of the world's most challenging regions.

Since 2001, IDG Group has been a trusted and professional specialist provider of a broad spectrum of security and consultancy services.

Spanning the globe, IDG Group supports clients in navigating the challenges inherent in high-risk and complex environments

“ D e t e r , D e t e c t , R e s p o n d , R e c o v e r ” : I D G S e c u r i t y e m p l o y s t h e

F o u r P r i n c i p l e s o f P r o t e c t i o n i n o r d e r t o e n s u r e a c o m p r e h e n s i v e

a n d r o b u s t s e c u r i t y f r a m e w o r k

I n t e r n a t i o n a l A r m e d G u a r d s ( I A G s ) : O u r I A G s r e c e i v e

c o m p r e h e n s i v e t r a i n i n g a n d t h o r o u g h v e t t i n g , c o n s i s t e n t l y

u p h o l d i n g t h e h i g h e s t s t a n d a r d s t o p r o v i d e a p r e m i u m l e v e l o f

s a n d s t r o n g , i n c l u d i n g f o r m e r G u r k h a s a n d t e a m s o f s k i l l e d s e c u r i t y p r o f e s s i o n a l s f r o m d i v e r s e g l o b a l b a c k g r o u n d s U n i t e d b y a s h a r e d d e d i c a t i o n t o

I D G ’ s C o d e o f H o n o u r , o u r p e o p l e a r e b o u n d b y a c o l l e c t i v e

r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o u p h o l d p e r s o n a l , f a m i l i a l , a n d s o c i a l w e l f a r e T h i s p l e d g e e n s u r e s t h a t o n l y t h e m o s t e l i t e s e c u r i t y s p e c i a l i s t s p r o u d l y b e a r

t h e I D G b a d g e

D e d i c a t e d t o e x c e p t i o n a l s e r v i c e a n d h i g h e t h i c a l s t a n d a r d s , I D G i s a

s y m b o l o f e x c e l l e n c e w i t h i n t h e s e c u r i t y i n d u s t r y W e p r i o r i t i s e

t r a n s p a r e n t , l o n g - t e r m c l i e n t r e l a t i o n s h i p s o v e r s h o r t - t e r m g a i n , a n d o u r

s e r v i c e o p t i o n s a r e a l w a y s c a r e f u l l y c r a f t e d t o p r o v i d e t h e g r e a t e s t

v a l u e W e c u l t i v a t e e t h i c a l p a r t n e r s h i p s w i t h l i k e m i n d e d s u p p l i e r s , a n d

s e e k a l w a y s t o f o s t e r a c u l t u r e o f i n t e g r i t y a n d m u t u a l r e s p e c t

O u r s e r v i c e s e x t e n d g l o b a l l y , w i t h a s t r a t e g i c e m p h a s i s o n t h e M i d d l e

E a s t , C e n t r a l a n d E a s t A s i a , a n d A f r i c a I D G r e m a i n s t h e l a r g e s t

s e c u r i t y p r o v i d e r i n A f g h a n i s t a n , h a v i n g r e m a i n e d f u l l y o p e r a t i o n a l

t h r o u g h o u t t h e c h a n g e o f r e g i m e i n 2 0 2 1 I D G s t a n d s r e a d y t o s u p p o r t

i t s c l i e n t s w h e r e v e r t h e y n e e d u s

IDG Security

T u r n - K e y S o l u t i o n s :

Providing a full-suite of security and business solutions: IDG is able to offer our clients a broad range of support functions We can offer capacity and capability assistance, ranging from third-party contracting, administrative and accommodation provision, to dedicated paramedics and security awareness training We use our extensive experience and expertise in challenging locations to fulfil your expansive needs, saving your resources and removing your headaches

Site Security:

Security Approach: Our approach integrates static security within the broader environmental context, evaluating adjacent threats that may impact site security directly or indirectly

s e c u r i t y C o m p r i s i n g e x - m i l i t a r y a n d e x - p o l i c e , o u r I A G s f o r m a n

e x c e p t i o n a l a n d h i g h l y s k i l l e d w o r k f o r c e

C l o s e P r o t e c t i o n :

T a i l o r e d S e c u r i t y S o l u t i o n s : I D G S e c u r i t y o f f e r s p e r s o n a l i s e d

s e c u r i t y t e a m s a l i g n e d w i t h i n d i v i d u a l p r o f i l e s a n d t h r e a t l e v e l s ,

p r o v i d i n g c o m p r e h e n s i v e p l a n n i n g a n d p r o t e c t i o n f o r a l l a s p e c t s o f

o u r c l i e n t e l e ’ s b u s i n e s s s c h e d u l e O u r a r m e d , i n t e r n a t i o n a l

s e c u r i t y p r o f e s s i o n a l s a r e h i g h l y e x p e r i e n c e d a n d d e d i c a t e d t o

e x c e e d i n g t h e s e c u r i t y n e e d s o f t h e “ p r i n c i p l e ” i n t h e m o s t

u n o b t r u s i v e , y e t r o b u s t w a y s A l l o f o u r e x e c u t i v e p r o t e c t i o n

o f f i c e r s h a v e d e c o r a t e d m i l i t a r y a n d p o l i c i n g b a c k g r o u n d s ,

o p e r a t i n g a t t h e h i g h e s t i n d u s t r y s t a n d a r d s

K 9 P r o t e c t i o n & E x p l o s i v e D e t e c t i o n :

E f f e c t i v e E x p l o s i v e D e t e c t i o n D o g s ( E D D s ) : N o m a c h i n e o r

t e c h n o l o g i c a l a d v a n c e m e n t h a s p r o v e n t o b e m o r e s u c c e s s f u l i n

d e t e c t i n g e x p l o s i v e s t h a n E D D s O u r d o g s c a n s e a r c h a r e a s f o u r

t i m e s f a s t e r t h a n h u m a n s w i t h e x c e p t i o n a l a c c u r a c y , s p e c i a l i s i n g

i n a c c e s s c o n t r o l , a r e a s e a r c h e s , a n d u n c o v e r i n g c o n c e a l e d

w e a p o n s a n d e x p l o s i v e s R e g u l a t o r y C o n f o r m a n

“ T h e i r c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e w o r k o f o u r o r g a n i s a t i o n i n s e r v i n g

p e a c e a n d t h e n e e d y i s a n i n s p i r a t i o n t o a l l o f u s ”

B a n K i - M o o n , f o r m e r S e c r e t a r y - G e n e r a l o f t h e U n i t e d

N a t i o n s ( 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 6 ) , s p e a k i n g o f I D G ’ s e f f o r t s p r o t e c t i n g

t h e U N i n A f g h a n i s t a n

IDG Acumen, a recent addition to the IDG Group, seamlessly integrates into our organisation's dynamic progress and provides significant new capabilities. We enable the work of public organisations, humanitarians, and ethical private entities in the world’s most complex environments through a suite of integrative operational support services. These are designed to closely complement each other, as well as to operate hand in glove with the work of IDG Security. By enabling these conditions, we seek to ensure that organisations and individuals can reduce their operational burdens, and sharpen their focus on serving the people and places they are committed to, wherever these may be across the world. Explore our services below:

HR & Personnel Support

Workforces: Acumen rapidly assembles and maintains specialised workforces for diverse client activities, ranging from small teams to largescale deployments across entire countries.

Individual Consultants: Acumen excels in recruiting specialists for the global humanitarian, development, and stabilisation community. We select and support these experts, ensuring in-depth technical expertise while prioritising client needs.

Payroll: Acumen removes the monthly challenge of payroll administration, ensuring organisations can focus on their missions. Our approach to labour and taxation laws, coupled with cutting-edge technology, ensures accurate and timely payments, even in challenging settings.

Monitoring & Evaluation: Acumen's M&E Unit provides organisations with an independent capability to track and assess programme/project delivery across various locations. Our flexible options include remote work and global deployment by M&E specialists.

Risk Management

Physical Security Risk Assessments: Acumen is able to rapidly deploy specialists for comprehensive physical security assessments, in order to address key vulnerabilities, and align clients’ current security provisions with international standards.

Lone Worker Management: Acumen's service uses proprietary technology to monitor employees in challenging regions, ensuring remote support and oversight to personnel in potentially unsafe situations.

Crisis Planning and Recovery: Acumen supports organisations effectively preparing for the onset of crises – and their recovery from them – through its advisory services We focus especially on the creation of effective risk management strategies that mitigate potential catastrophic events

Risk Management System Gap Analyses: Through its evaluations of internal risk management systems, Acumen is able to identify areas for enhancement within organisations’ risk management frameworks – independently of, or in combination with, physical risk assessments


Deployed HEAT: Acumen deploys expert trainers forward into complex environments to deliver customised, internationallyaccredited Hostile Environment Awareness Training to clients’ personnel in the field Doing so saves substantial time and costs, while ensuring safety, operational enablement, and fulfilment of Duty of Care obligations – enabling staff to immediately apply what they have learned

Training Excellence: Acumen excels in creating tailored training curricula that significantly enhance client capabilities We are further able to conduct detailed training system assessments to identify gaps, and ensure sustained high training standards through comprehensive third-party audits and the development of assurance strategies


IDG Acumen

TotalEnergies: Putting Responsible Private Security at the Heart of Business & Human Rights

TotalEnergies is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2024. As one of the largest integrated energy companies globally, it employs over 100,000 people across 120 countries. In August 2024, the organisation became an Observer of ICoCA. We spoke with Ericka Latour, Security and Human Rights Coordinator (VPSHR) at TotalEnergies, to explore the reasons behind the company’s decision to join ICoCA and how this aligns with its commitment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. Through its leadership, TotalEnergies is transforming industry standards in certain markets—so what can others learn from their experience and how can this be replicated elsewhere?

Can you tell us about TotalEnergies and how, why, and where the company contracts private security?

TotalEnergies operates in many countries and contracts private security to assure the security of its subsidiaries’ staff, assets, and operations. Our commitment to human rights is central to how we manage these operations. Private security companies (PSCs) are contracted based on strict criteria that ensure not only operational efficiency but also full compliance with applicable laws and international standards.

What are the main challenges for the company when contracting private security, and what are the main human rights risks related to this?

As TotalEnergies contracts PSCs in low and high risk profile countries, the main challenge lies in full adherence by security partners of the Company’s safety and security standards – including the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR), and the importance of balancing the need for effective security while ensuring that human rights are fully respected and protected. Private security may sometimes operate in volatile areas where tensions between communities, local authorities, and companies can escalate. In these specific contexts, the key human rights risks may include disproportionate use of force, arbitrary detentions, or violations of freedom of assembly. TotalEnergies works proactively to mitigate these risks by training security partners, ensuring their compliance with the VPSHR, and engaging with local communities.

TotalEnergies has been requiring ICoCA certification to select private security companies in various markets for quite some time now. Can you tell us where, why, and what impact this has had for the company and more generally for the communities where you operate?

TotalEnergies requires ICoCA certification in regions where there is heightened security risk. The certification process ensures that our private security partners adhere to the International Code of Conduct for Security Providers. This has had a significant impact, it helps building trust with local communities we work with and reduces the likelihood of human rights abuses. For the Company, it reinforces our commitment to responsible business practices and ensures that our security partners meet the highest standards.

What would you say to other companies that contract private security who are considering introducing ICoCA requirements in their tenders?

Introducing ICoCA requirements is an important step in promoting responsible security practices. TotalEnergies would encourage other companies to adopt this approach, as it not only enhances the credibility of security operations but also reduces risks related to human rights violations. By setting clear standards, companies can ensure that their security contractors operate with the highest level of professionalism and respect for human rights, ultimately leading to secure and more sustainable business environments.

Why has TotalEnergies joined ICoCA as an Observer, and how does the company plan to participate in the Association?

We believe that becoming an Observer is an important step in our commitment to promoting international standards and respect for human rights in security operations. Our participation in dialogue and collaboration with other ICoCA Members will enable us to share ideas, promote best practices, and contribute to the collective efforts in promoting respect for the ICoCA. In countries where we operate and no PSCs are Affiliate, Member or certified by ICoCA, we will encourage the certification process and facilitate connections between ICoCA and the PSCs. We are committed to being an active participant in the Association, continuously learning, improving our own practices and promoting responsible security practices in our sector.

About Us


Septimius Security is a leading global security company, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, with a robust presence across Africa and the MENA region. Our extensive network includes offices in strategic locations such as Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Mauritania, Central Africa, Algeria, Ethiopia, Dubai, and Kenya. This expansive footprint allows us to offer localized expertise with a global perspective, ensuring that we meet the diverse security needs of our clients.

We pride ourselves on our experienced team, whose extensive knowledge spans decades in the security industry. Our professionals bring unparalleled expertise to the table, providing high-quality security services to diplomatic missions, global organizations, and businesses in both the public and private sectors. The unique combination of European and African origins among our management and shareholders gives us the cultural insight and flexibility needed to develop long-term, sustainable security solutions.

At Septimius Security, we specialize in private security, risk management, and safety consulting. Our commitment is to deliver the highest level of service, enabling our clients to focus on their core business objectives without the worry of security concerns. We are dedicated to providing timely, reliable services that adhere to the strictest guidelines, ensuring that our clients remain safe and informed in an ever-evolving risk environment.

What We Offer

Mobile and Static Security Services: Our mobile and static security teams are trained to the highest standards, providing round-the-clock protection for personnel, facilities, and assets. Whether it's safeguarding diplomatic missions or managing complex event security, we ensure peace of mind with our robust solutions.

Crisis Management and Evacuation Planning: In an unpredictable world, preparedness is key. Our crisis management experts develop and implement tailored evacuation plans, ensuring rapid and safe responses to emergencies. We coordinate with local authorities and use real-time intelligence to make informed decisions that protect lives and assets.

Aviation Security: With stringent adherence to ICAO standards, our aviation security services cover every aspect of airport and aircraft protection. From passenger screening to cargo inspections, we mitigate risks and maintain the highest levels of security compliance.

Cyber Security: Our cyber security division offers cuttingedge protection against digital threats. We safeguard critical infrastructure with comprehensive services, including risk assessments, incident response, and 24/7 monitoring.

Why Choose Us

Unmatched Security Expertise

At SEPTIMIUS SECURITY, we’re more than a security service. We’re your global partner in achieving your business goals, offering unparalleled security expertise. Our unique blend of multinational expertise spans various disciplines – from strategy consulting to intelligence. This diversity fosters a comprehensive understanding and innovative solutions tailored to your needs.

Our team’s diverse expertise—ranging from strategic consultants and political scientists to seasoned military professionals—ensures a holistic approach to security. Every team member undergoes rigorous training, certified by international standards like ISO 45001 and ISO 28000, making them exceptionally prepared to handle complex security challenges.

Dedicated Professionals

Our team is our strength. Drawing from a broad spectrum of backgrounds including political science, intelligence, and more, our professionals bring a rich mosaic of insights to every challenge. This diversity not only enhances our operational flexibility but also deepens our crosscultural competencies, ensuring we’re prepared to navigate and mitigate risks effectively.

Proactive Risk Management

Recognizing the fine line between risk and opportunity, SEPTIMIUS SECURITY specializes in turning potential challenges into avenues for growth. Our approach to risk management is not just about avoidance; it’s about embracing quality and leveraging our international expertise to uncover opportunities in the most unlikely places.

Client Case Study: Geita Gold Mine, Tanzania

This best‑practice case study was developed thanks to the generous support of UK FCDO. Link to the full case study below.

The Geita Gold Mine (GGM) is a key part of Tanzania’s mining industry and one of the most notable gold mining operations in East Africa. Located in the Lake Victoria goldfields, it spans a 196.27 km² concession with both open-pit and underground facilities. While mining in the area dates back to the 1930s, GGM has operated as a large-scale mine since 2000 and is now owned by AngloGold Ashanti (AGA). The mine employs around 6800 people, 90% of whom are from the local community, and it plays a significant role in Tanzania’s gold production. Given its scale and the absence of physical barrier at the mine’s boundary, robust security measures are essential.

Before 2014, security at GGM was heavily reliant on police and the use of force, leading to frequent conflicts and violent outbursts with local communities and intruders. In response, GGM introduced the ‘Five Point Plan – Community Enhanced Security’ in 2014, which focuses on (1) reducing conflict by removing risks, (2) involving communities in security, (3) optimising the roles of public and private security forces in supporting the community enhanced security approach, (4) training and deploying rapid response teams to improve handling of incidents and (5) using advanced technology to reduce risk and improve efficiencies.

Since 2017, community members have taken on ‘community policing’ roles. Alongside this measure, GGM invests in local education, healthcare and infrastructure, improving community relations while ensuring safety and security. Seven key factors contribute to this harmonious relationship, with the first five focusing on integrated security measures and the last two reflecting AngloGold Ashanti’s corporate culture at GGM.

Innovative In‑House Security Leadership

GGM’s in-house security team, consisting of approximately 200 staff members, is primarily composed of Tanzanians and local residents, ensuring that their approach aligns closely with the community’s knowledge and culture. For example, the Senior Security Manager, originally from North Mara, rose from a security guard at the site to his current leadership position. A key factor in transforming the security situation was the elimination of live ammunition and the requirement for all security personnel to undergo mandatory training in human rights and the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR). In 2016, under AGA’s Global Head of Security, a community policing model was pilot tested, which was later expanded across the site. This approach emphasises equitably sharing GGM’s benefits with the community rather than just focusing on crime prevention. The Senior Security Manager advises the senior management team on social and security matters before any project development,

Intrusions at Geita Gold Mine 2014‑2023 – With kind permission of AngloGold Ashanti

Geita in Tanzania – With kind permission of AngloGold Ashanti

embedding security in all plans and promoting a ‘shared accountability’ mindset to ensure it remains a priority.

The head of the community policing unit, a respected ex‑police officer, is also part of the senior security team. He actively participates in recruitment and training, strengthening connections between GGM’s security operations and local law enforcement.

Responsible Private Security Provider Contracting

GGM’s in-house security personnel make up only a small part of the overall security presence at the site, with most operations outsourced to SGA Security, an ICoCA Certified company, since 2018. Aware of the mine’s challenging security history, SGA emphasises human rights training based on ICoCA and AGA resources for its 700 staff, with daily refresher courses. SGA also employs ‘penetration tests’ to assess staff reactions to staged incidents, ensuring proper response, minimal use of force and preventing collusion. Their efforts, alongside coordination with GGM’s in-house security, community policing and the police, have reduced intrusions by over 80%.

SGA Security operates a well-structured HR system, managed locally in Geita and overseen from Dar es Salaam. Recruitment focuses on local hires, prioritising community police and JKU (national service) reserve force candidates to ensure job opportunities for local communities. The process involves strict vetting, including background and forensic checks. Human rights are integrated into recruitment, viewed as providing individuals with the right to a decent livelihood.

Police Collaboration

The role of the police at GGM is limited, with 40-80 officers on‑site at any time to handle tasks that other security functions cannot, such as bullion protection,

arrests and dangerous situations. They reside in a camp within the concession and work alongside private security during patrols. While police carry AK‑47s, in‑house security do not carry firearms. The police utilise a use of force continuum, deploying non-lethal weapons alongside lethal ones to manage incidents.

Although police would intervene in cases of community unrest, such incidents have decreased since the introduction of community policing. All police officers receive training on the use of force and human rights (VPSHR) and participate in vetting private security personnel for any criminal history. They are also responsible for the oversight and training of community police officers.

Community Policing Programme for Community Empowerment

“You can’t take security away from community”, GGM Senior Security Manager

The community policing pilot project at GGM began between 2015 and 2016 in areas with high rates of incursions. It was motivated by the need to reduce crime, enhance local law enforcement capacity and provide employment opportunities. The pilot ran until 2020, allowing sufficient time to study its impacts and gaps, as well as to iterate and test adaptations to the approach.

The pilot programme has seen a 60% reduction in incursions and local crimes, including rape and burglary, leading to widespread community support and expansion to 15 surrounding communities, currently employing approximately 1000 individuals. The programme has helped GGM secure a social license to operate, with aspirations for enhanced community security by 2030. Community police gain valuable skills, with many transitioning to jobs in private security or local authorities after their service.

ICoCA Staff Meeting with Community & SGA Security at GGM Tailings Dam


Recruitment for the programme occurs annually through community street committees, ensuring local representation from elected community members. Candidates must meet specific criteria, including residency, physical fitness and age. Community police serve as unarmed watchmen who monitor the concession and report incidents to security control, while also protecting the Geita forest reserve. Their integration into the community fosters cooperation and reduces aggression from intruders. These positions are filled for a fixed term of twelve months, with no expectation of continuation. This structure helps prevent community capture and mitigates tensions arising from the competition for these sought-after roles.

Technology: Security without Borders

Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing security at GGM, featuring more than 400 CCTV cameras, including high-end thermal models with ranges of up to 10 km. These cameras facilitate wide-area surveillance and reduce the reliance on patrols. Bodycams are being introduced to support investigations into potential human rights abuses by security personnel.

Rather than constructing a physical barrier, GGM employs CCTV towers, beacons and painted boulders to mark the concession boundary in collaboration with the community. This approach strengthens trust and rapport, avoiding a divisive atmosphere. Community police also utilise this technology to report intrusions, aiming to enhance efficiency and minimise human involvement while addressing the risk of collusion amidst improved community relations.

Commitment to Sustainable Development Through CSR

AGA’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives focus on benefiting society and the environment, promoting self-driven sustainable development in surrounding communities. Since 2000, the mine has invested over TSh 100 billion (approx. $39 million) in sectors such as education, health, infrastructure and small business development. Following the introduction of a CSR law in 2017 and updated guidelines in 2023 by the Tanzanian government, the mine has allocated more than TSh 55 billion (approximately $21 million) to community development since 2018.

Notable pre-2018 projects include Nyankumbu Girls Secondary School, the Moyo wa Huruma Orphanage Centre and the Geita water project, which continues to provide water to local communities. Between 2018 and 2023, over 1300 additional projects were implemented, including the construction of schools and health facilities, as well as support for youth, sports and culture.

A Values‑Driven Approach to Corporate Culture

AGA fosters a values-based corporate culture, prioritising safety and a commitment to human rights and stakeholder collaboration. Its strategic focus on people, health, safety and sustainability underpins long‑term growth and profitability, evident in communications throughout the site.

In executing its strategy, AGA chose SGA Security, an ICoCA Certified Member, not for cost but for shared values, including fair pay, rigorous staff training and career progression opportunities. This investment in above-minimum wage positions helps prevent internal theft by ensuring a motivated workforce.

GGM also invests in local talent through community policing, integrating community members into its security framework and building trust. By adhering to international frameworks like VPSHR and ICoCA, GGM has established strong governance and risk management practices, leveraging technology for efficient security operations and mitigating the risk of escalating complex situations.

An Innovative and Community‑Centred Security Model at GGM

The integrated security model at GGM offers valuable lessons for other mining sites and land-access operations. While not a one‑size‑fits‑all solution, key elements of the Geita model include:

• A values-based approach prioritising respect for human rights throughout the company and its value chains.

• Procuring responsible private security providers, like ICoCA Members, to ensure ethical practices.

• Involving the community in security operations and benefiting them through meaningful CSR programmes.

• A multi-layered security system that emphasises human rights and avoids over-reliance on public security forces.

• A willingness to innovate and integrate security into broader company operations, rather than treating it as an isolated function. Learn more at https://icoca.ch/case studies/geita gold mine/ This case study is featured in AGA’s 2023 sustainability report at https://reports.anglogold ashanti.com/23/wp content/ uploads/2024/04/AGA SR23. pdf

Top Ten Issues To Consider When Contracting Private Security

The private security industry has grown exponentially in recent decades, reflecting a profound shift towards the privatisation of security services in many countries. This transformation continues to be driven by concerns about crime, terrorism and general insecurity in many environments, including armed conflicts, localised violence and the evolving nature of security threats. With governments often limited in resources, private security providers (PSPs) have stepped in to fill the void, often outnumbering public law enforcement agencies and offering a flexible workforce alongside a broad spectrum of security services, from traditional guarding to advanced technological solutions.

This trend raises critical questions about accountability, transparency and respect for human rights. In high‑risk environments with weak governance, profit motives and political connections can exacerbate the potential for abuses and corruption. Clients of PSPs, especially those operating in complex and fragile contexts, must ensure robust due diligence is conducted to mitigate the significant risks associated with contracting private security services.

To navigate these challenges, it is critical for clients to be aware of key trends and issues impacting their engagement with PSPs. The following top ten issues highlight essential considerations when contracting private security services.

1. Human Rights Risks

In poorly regulated contexts where PSPs do not operate to international standards, human rights abuses are frequently observed. These can include excessive use of force, sexual exploitation and abuse, gender-based discrimination and violence, as well as unfair working conditions for security personnel. PSP personnel can be both perpetrators and victims of abuse. In addition to the direct harm to victims, a failure by PSPs to respect human rights can lead to operational disruptions, increased tensions with local communities, customer boycotts, loss of the social license to operate, reputational damage and legal action against both PSPs and their clients. The financial ramifications for clients and their investors of contracting poor quality PSPs are therefore clear. Clients often fail to address the substandard security practices that result in human rights abuses, however.

The removal of the security provider is typically seen as the go-to remedy, with hiring a new provider viewed as an easy fix. A more integrated approach to managing human rights risks associated with security providers is essential to prevent further harm.

To mitigate these risks, ICoCA conducts thorough due diligence to ensure that companies admitted to the Association meet stringent human rights standards. Companies are vetted based on their policies and practices, which must align with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (‘the Code’). This includes adherence to guidelines related to the use of force, detention, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, human trafficking, prohibition of torture, slavery and forced labour, among other critical areas, as well as compliance with both international and national laws.



Poor Working Conditions

Disregard for international labour standards is prevalent in some countries and poses significant challenges within the private security industry.

Private security officers often endure poor working conditions marked by low wages, excessive working hours and exposure to health risks, especially in complex environments. These issues are often made more acute by gender and racial discrimination, as well as exploitative practices such as recruitment fees and debt bondage, particularly affecting migrant workers. The lack of training, essential for effective performance, coupled with these poor working conditions undermines private security personnel’s respect for the law and human rights, ultimately degrading the quality of security services provided.

Regulatory frameworks around labour and working conditions are becoming increasingly demanding. While the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 was ground-breaking at the time, the EU CSDDD articulates a comprehensive list of labour rights to which companies must demonstrate their suppliers

3. Clients as a Major Market Driver

Clients of PSPs play a crucial role in shaping industry standards by setting the benchmarks PSPs are expected to meet. From procurement to contract monitoring and incident reporting, clients can drive higher standards within the security sector. However, cost considerations often outweigh quality. For example, PSPs offering a living wage may be outbid by companies paying minimum wages or less. By paying a fair price for quality services and demanding rigorous benchmarks like ICoCA Certification, clients encourage security companies to invest in vetting, training and fair treatment of employees, thereby driving standards upward. Conversely, prioritising cost

4. The Role of ESG and Investors

Human rights violations by PSPs can significantly impact a business’ operational continuity, sustainability, long-term value creation and short-term share price, ultimately threatening investment returns. Institutional investors have a fiduciary duty to identify and mitigate these potential adverse impacts, ensuring that portfolio companies conduct thorough human rights due diligence on their contracted private security providers. This responsibility emphasises the ‘S’ in ESG compliance and promotes sustainable business practices, especially in high-risk environments. By procuring ethical security services, investors can support long-term value creation and align financial success with human rights protection

adhere, including the right to enjoy just and favourable conditions of work, such as a fair wage and an adequate living wage. ICoCA acknowledges the critical link between working conditions and respect for human rights. The Code includes several key provisions for vetting and training personnel, prohibiting discrimination and exploitation and ensuring a safe working environment. ICoCA also offers training courses on key issues like the use of force, the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and working conditions. In partnership with UNI Global Union and the University of Denver, ICoCA recently conducted research on working conditions in the private security industry. This study identified eight key findings regarding how these conditions impact personnel rights and their treatment of the public, while proposing solutions as an advocacy tool. For more details, visit https://icoca.ch/working conditions/

over quality can result in reduced staff training, lower wages and longer hours, ultimately lowering service quality and posing risks to both organisations and the communities they serve.

Investing in responsible private security providers is essential not only for maintaining a secure working environment but also for mitigating reputational risks associated with low‑cost providers. ICoCA Certification serves as a quality control mark for clients, ensuring that their providers are subject to ongoing rigorous human rights due diligence and comply with international standards.

– a focus that is increasingly vital in the current regulatory landscape, as the demand for private security rises and risks escalate for communities, companies and investors.

To support these efforts, ICoCA has developed an ESG Guide designed to help organisations safeguard their people, activities and assets. This guide aims to raise awareness of the human rights risks associated with investing in companies that utilise private security providers and offers practical recommendations for addressing these risks throughout the investment lifecycle. For more information, visit https://icoca.ch/esg/

5. New Regulatory Frameworks

The emergence of mandatory human rights due diligence regulations in various jurisdictions, exemplified by the recently adopted EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (EU CSDDD), marks a significant shift in corporate responsibility. Frameworks like the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are evolving into enforceable laws, highlighting the global demand for ethical business practices. Companies are now required to proactively identify, prevent and mitigate potential human rights impacts associated with their operations, products and services. They must demonstrate that they conduct human rights due

6. Impact on Local


PSPs can have both positive and negative impacts on the communities in which they operate. As major employers, they contribute to economic development by offering meaningful employment opportunities. Properly vetted and trained personnel enable PSPs to swiftly address security threats, deter crime and supplement public law enforcement efforts, allowing local police to focus on more serious criminal activities. This enhances safety and security for residents and businesses, while also attracting potential investors and new residents, further promoting economic growth.

diligence not only in their direct operations but across their entire value chain, including their private security providers.

This shift, which reflects a commitment to safeguarding human rights, labour standards and environmental sustainability, will drive greater transparency and accountability, fostering a culture of responsibility that transcends borders. By mandating that their private security providers be ICoCA Members or Affiliates, companies can demonstrate their commitment to thorough human rights due diligence, thereby protecting themselves against potential litigation.

Conversely, poorly managed PSPs may prioritise their own interests over the broader community’s safety, potentially leading to excessive use of force, corruption, collusion and/or discriminatory practices. This risk is particularly pronounced in marginalised neighbourhoods, where over-policing can foster tension and distrust between residents and security personnel. Additionally, these companies may lack the accountability and transparency of public law enforcement agencies, making it difficult for residents to voice their concerns. It is crucial for private security firms to operate ethically and responsibly to ensure they benefit the community as a whole.

7. Conflict Sensitivity and the Use of Malign Actors in Complex Environments

PSPs operating in complex, fragile environments can pose significant risks to local communities, regional stability and their clients. These regions, often marked by weak governance, ongoing conflict and limited oversight, can create conditions ripe for abuse. Malicious non-state actors within the industry, including private military entities and criminal organisations, may engage in actions that undermine peace, worsen tensions, or commit human rights abuses and breaches of international humanitarian law.

Clients who do business with such entities face substantial reputational risks. Any association with security firms linked to misconduct can tarnish a client’s image, erode trust and hinder business or development efforts. Negative media coverage, legal repercussions and public outrage can result in severe financial losses and long‑term damage to a client’s reputation. To mitigate these risks, clients must thoroughly vet and monitor their security providers. Contracting ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies ensures rigorous human rights due diligence, helping safeguard both the client’s reputation and ethical standards.


8. Civil and Criminal Litigation

The expansion of transnational corporate operations has heightened the risk of complicity in human rights abuses involving PSPs. As societal expectations and accountability measures grow, PSPs are increasingly likely to be subject to civil and criminal litigation, with concerns extending to working conditions, ethical practices and human rights compliance. This shift is driven by new transparency directives, reporting obligations and intensified scrutiny from social media and advocacy groups. Evolving legal frameworks are seeking to make companies more accountable, offering victims avenues for justice and compensation. Lawsuits are on the rise, irrespective of where the violations occur.

9. Technologies and Human Rights

While private security is often associated with uniformed guards patrolling perimeters, the industry is undergoing a profound transformation. New technologies are expanding the scope of services and introducing new actors into the field. PSPs now employ advanced tools like sensors, CCTV and drones, and are taking on entirely new roles in areas like cybersecurity and digital intelligence. Additionally, tech companies, traditionally not viewed as PSPs, are increasingly providing security services that include intelligence, surveillance, espionage and even disinformation management.

The use of new technologies without adequate checks and balances to safeguard human rights poses significant risks. Collaborations between PSPs,

These developments compel businesses to address not only reputational but also legal risks by strengthening due diligence and enforcing responsible conduct throughout their supply chains. PSPs must adopt strict compliance measures and uphold high ethical standards to mitigate potential liabilities. Partnering with ICoCA Members and Affiliates allows companies to demonstrate robust human rights due diligence, reducing their exposure to legal and reputational risks while aligning with growing expectations for corporate accountability.

tech firms and governments in areas like electronic surveillance can violate individuals’ rights, particularly the right to privacy. Unauthorised or improper data collection, storage, or transfer may lead to persecution of political, religious, or ethnic groups. For example, using biometric data for border security raises serious concerns about the protection of asylum seekers’ rights. With regulations rapidly evolving, both PSPs and their clients face legal consequences if breaches occur. The Code includes provisions for “intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance activities”, ensuring companies respect human rights as they adopt new technologies. ICoCA actively monitors this area and offers guidance to help navigate these emerging challenges.

10. Corruption, Bribery, Collusion and Organised Crime

In complex environments characterised by weak governance, organised crime and poor working conditions, the risks of corruption are significantly heightened, allowing corrupt practices to flourish. PSPs and their personnel can be both victims and vectors of corruption. As victims, they may face demands for payments at various levels, from obtaining licenses to passing through checkpoints. Employers may withhold salaries and benefits owed and subject staff to longer than contracted shifts, pushing employees into poverty. The prevailing power imbalances and precarious conditions in these contexts can foster collusion by personnel, leading to

activities such as the theft of materials or property. PSPs may also become perpetrators of corruption, engaging in practices such as paying bribes to secure contracts or extorting payments for access to certain locations.

To mitigate these risks, PSPs must conduct thorough assessments, establish robust policies and provide proper training to staff. Failure to do so can result in legal action, loss of revenue and reputational damage.

To support companies in managing these challenges, ICoCA has developed specific training for its Members and Affiliates, equipping them to minimise corruption risks effectively.

A Guide to Procurement of Responsible Security Providers

This article is based on ICoCA’s more detailed Private Security Services Procurement Guide, which can be downloaded at https://icoca.ch/procurement guide/.


If your organisation contracts private security providers (PSPs) or maintains its own internal security department to manage risks to personnel, operations, assets, or communities, take this quick test to determine whether you are exposed to risk:

• Do you trust your PSPs?

• Do you believe your PSPs affect your organisation’s reputation and liability?

• Do you only conduct operations in low-risk environments?

• Does your organisation assess and understand the risks of contracting PSPs in the environments where you operate?

• Does your organisation conduct human rights due diligence on PSPs and subcontractors?

• Does your organisation incorporate human rights due diligence into its procurement process?

• Does your organisation have processes to select and manage PSPs according to recognised standards?

• Does your organisation give credit to PSPs that are certified to international regulations and professional standards?

• Does your organisation require your PSPs to be subject to independent third-party human rights verification processes?

• Do you know whether your PSPs subcontract to fulfil obligations under their contract? If yes, can you answer ‘yes’ to all the questions above concerning these subcontracted companies?

If you cannot answer ‘yes’ to all of these questions, your organisation is at risk.


While price is a key factor in many procurement decisions, it should not be the only consideration. Procurement decisions based solely on cost carry unforeseen risks. Responsible companies and organisations must uphold their commitments to sustainability, ethics and governance, demonstrating a genuine dedication to treating people with respect and supporting fair pay and conditions.

Cost-cutting measures can lead to providers increasing working hours and decreasing wages, a cycle that exacerbates security risks. Inadequately vetted and poorly trained guards are often unable to perform their duties effectively. Working 12‑hour shifts, seven days a week for minimal pay, security guards are driven to exhaustion and, in many cases, into poverty. Despite this, guards are often placed in positions of relative power. When they themselves experience abuse, they may, in turn, become abusers. ICoCA’s in-depth research on working conditions in the private security sector explores these impacts in detail.

(https://icoca.ch/working conditions/)

These risks can be mitigated by procuring responsible security providers whose staff are properly vetted, well-trained and treated fairly. Responsibility begins with a robust procurement process at the Request for Proposal, Bid and Tendering stages. Follow the steps detailed in the next section.


While an increasing number of companies are joining ICoCA, in some regions of the world there may still be few or no ICoCA Member or Affiliate private security providers. In these areas, PSP clients are driving change by requiring their existing providers join ICoCA and by introducing ICoCA membership requirements and preferences in their security tenders, encouraging more PSPs to seek certification.

In locations where ICoCA Member or Affiliate PSPs are not yet available, your company can support its private security providers in improving operational


standards and reducing the potential for abuse. The procurement process is a highly effective way to achieve this:

• By including a requirement that contracted PSPs work in partnership with your company toward ICoCA Affiliate status, membership and full certification, you can create a mutually beneficial approach to mitigating risks.

• Establishing a clear improvement process will provide solid evidence of both your and your contractor’s commitment to protecting human rights.

• This approach can also encourage other regional companies to improve their processes, leading to more options when it’s time to retender. More importantly, it demonstrates your effort to support regional companies in improving their practices.

Companies that contract private security providers are encouraged to join the Association as Observers, gaining access to ICoCA’s expert support and advice on embedding robust risk mitigation processes within their private security supply chain.

Below is a summary of the 5-step plan outlined in ICoCA’s Procurement Guide


Answer the following questions to determine whether you should choose Option 1 or 2 in Step 5:

• Is your procurement process clear, up-to-date and rigorous?

• Does it need to be adapted to account for the procurement of security staff?

• Is there someone in-house who can assess the competence of security providers?

• Is the Board satisfied with the due diligence conducted?

• How would the Board feel if this information were made public?

• How do your suppliers demonstrate compliance with the International Code of Conduct and address human rights risks?

• Have your suppliers established grievance mechanisms?


The tender should include a comprehensive scope of work detailing all expectations of the contracted provider. These expectations should be clearly outlined in the contract, including key performance indicators, contingency arrangements and a monitoring framework to oversee delivery.


The scope of work included in the tender should also detail how the environment is to be managed. This includes security protocols and briefings, as well as clear procedures for a safe, healthy and secure working environment.


The scope of work included in the tender should also detail the ongoing obligations of both parties throughout the contracting period. This should encompass the obligations the contracting organisation has to the contracted company and its staff, along with a community engagement and coordination plan.




We recommend using ICoCA to help ensure a rigorous level of human rights due diligence is conducted on private security providers. Requests For Proposals (RFPs) should include the following conditionality clause:

“Must currently be an ICoCA Certified Member, Transitional Member or an Affiliate in good standing with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers’ Association (ICoCA) and confirm compliance with the principles and requirements in the International Code of Conduct (the Code).”

ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies should indicate their ICoCA status in their proposal, bid and tender submissions. This provides assurance that the company has committed to complying with the Code, subject to ongoing monitoring and assessment by ICoCA.

ICoCA maintains a publicly accessible list of Members and Affiliates in good standing on the ICoCA website: https://icoca.ch/membership/. Any company that claims to be a Member or Affiliate of ICoCA should appear on this list. If in doubt, reach out to secretariat@icoca.ch

Option 2

Companies independently conduct their own due diligence on private security providers. For more guidance on how to conduct due diligence, download the ICoCA Procurement Guide, which includes a ten-point selection checklist: https://icoca.ch/procurement‑guide/

ICoCA’s Impact

Our Members and Affiliates are leaders in ensuring responsible security. Discover their testimonials showcasing the profound impact of ICoCA on the private security industry and human rights worldwide.

After the signing of the Peace Accords in Guatemala in 1996, IEPADES took on the challenge of reforming the security and justice sector. A key issue was controlling weapons in the hands of individuals, while another aimed to ensure that private security services operate transparently and respect human rights to prevent abuses and violence similar to those experienced during the armed conflict. Engaging with ICoCA and the Montreux Document has provided a framework that defines the limits and responsibilities of private security companies and the international standards they must meet. Additionally, collaboration with ICoCA has strengthened state capacities for effective supervision and demonstrated to Guatemalan and Central American companies the existence of successful human rights practices in private security services from other countries.

Carmen Rosa de León-Escribano, CEO in Europe Institute of Education for Sustainable Development (IEPADES), Guatemala

Through its International Code of Conduct, ICoCA provides the security industry with the necessary backbone to operate professionally and effectively in difficult and challenging environments. Within this framework, guidance, cooperation and teamwork enable Belstone Dart International, its sister company, Physical Risk Solutions and other like-minded companies to operate in full compliance with international standards. Being a Certified Member also gives clients the confidence and assurance that the company they are working with is the right company to protect their people, assets and reputation.

Richard Wilson, Chief Executive Officer Physical Risk Solutions, United Arab Emirates

I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for the opportunity to complete two courses with the International Code of Conduct Association. The knowledge and skills I gained from these courses have been invaluable in enhancing my professional capabilities and understanding of industry standards. I am grateful for the quality of training, the expertise shared by the ICoCA team and their dedication to promoting responsible practices in our field. I look forward to applying what I have learned and continuing to support the mission of ICoCA.

Eric Ngugi, Control Room Officer

BM Security, Kenya


As the first Nigerian security company to achieve full certification from ICoCA, we have embarked on a transformative journey centred on strengthening our compliance with human rights, in line with the organisation’s mission. The invaluable engagement and training sessions have played a pivotal role in shaping our workforce and reinforcing the alignment of our security operations with the highest standards of integrity and human rights principles, thereby instilling confidence in our clients both locally and globally.

David Ware, COO

ICoCA has provided us with the necessary resources, tools and opportunities to carry out positive work in the fields of security and human rights. With their guidance and support, we have implemented more robust internal policies across the company. Whilst still a relatively new company in Iraq, we are demonstrating compliance with regulations and strict laws that respect human rights and protect the interest of our clients. By joining the organisation, ICoCA has recognised Sentinel’s efforts to uphold high standards and best practices. We are proud to be affiliated with ICoCA.

Barry Speight, Security Operations Manager Sentinel Iraq Security Services, Iraq

When the Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business embarked on the first ever baseline study of the private security industry in Myanmar, the work of ICoCA was very useful to us, and we were able to draw on the experience of similar studies conducted by ICoCA Civil Society Members in other countries. In our recommendations to companies, we referenced the relevant parts of the Code and ICoCA’s guidance for its Member companies on issues such as conducting human rights impact assessments and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. This gave our recommendations more credibility within the industry.

Vicky Bowman, Director Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business, UK

We believe that we must not only maintain our own robust internal standards to be a responsible security service provider in compliance with all international rules, regulations and laws, but also demonstrate this commitment through international standards and external certifications that go beyond ISO’s minimum requirements. Therefore, we became the first company from China to join ICoCA as a Member and the first from East Asia to achieve ICoCA Certification. Since then, we have encouraged the relevant Chinese authorities to meet with ICoCA to promote the Code alongside the Chinese version of ISO 18788/PSC.1.

Qing Liu, Director of International Business HXZA Security Group, China

ICoCA has been instrumental in helping us understand the security standards to which private security companies and the state can adhere, as well as the training and support available to them. Consequently, CECIDE was able to organise an information workshop for both state and non-state entities. Since becoming a CSO Member, ICoCA has consistently demonstrated transparency by sharing relevant information and involving us in all processes. Additionally, ICoCA fosters valuable networking opportunities among its Members and has enabled us to engage with private security companies and police officers in Guinea, deepening our understanding of the applicable rights in private security and collaboration with public safety.

Moussa Nimaga, Programme Coordinator

Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement (CECIDE), Guinea

The Code and the Association have provided us with the necessary tools, experiences and opportunities for exchange that are essential to positively addressing the complex issue of security and human rights. We apply its concepts and practices to strengthen relationships between extractive companies and private security providers, as well as with the national police and civil society. It has also helped guide the national body responsible for regulating private security in Peru.

Carlos Salazar, Executive Director Socios Perú, Peru

For everyone at AGWE, it is crucial to understand the importance of our responsibility to respect human rights. Each of us has a duty to uphold these rights and ensure that those affected by our business activities, including the local population in the areas where we provide services, are protected. ICoCA has assisted us in strengthening our policies and procedures, thereby assuring our personnel, clients, suppliers and shareholders that AGWE is committed to conducting all our business activities responsibly.

Tom Cockburn, Operations Director AGWE, Nigeria

ARB Security has benefitted in several ways from its ICoCA affiliation. Firstly, the periodic questionnaire methodology employed by ICoCA for monitoring and assessing progress in Code-related subjects has proven instrumental in refining our policies and procedures, ensuring they align with best practices.

Secondly, the trainings provided by ICoCA have been a tremendous asset, especially in the fields of Human Rights Due Diligence and Grievance Procedures, equipping our team with the knowledge and skills necessary to uphold the highest ethical standards.

Finally, ICoCA’s comprehensive framework of standards requirement has played a vital role in helping ARB Security seamlessly integrate national and international legal obligations into our business activities. This integration benefits our personnel, clients, suppliers and the local community we serve.

Ira Sinanaj, Head of Control Centre


As a recent Affiliate of ICoCA, we have undergone a remarkable transformation in our operations. Joining ICoCA has significantly enhanced the trust that our partners and clients place in our organisation. This newfound trust has not only strengthened our relationships but has also bolstered our marketing campaigns, giving us a competitive edge over local competitors. Furthermore, the impact of ICoCA extends beyond our business performance; it has profoundly affected our personnel and management in the field. This affiliation has boosted morale and fostered a sense of pride and responsibility among our team, inspiring us to uphold the highest standards of responsible security practices.

Mohamed Ali, CEO

Frontier Risk Solutions, Somalia

Over the years, the Code and the Association have provided our organisation with the necessary tools, valuable experiences and opportunities to implement transformational projects and activities aimed at advancing private security governance reform and responsible private security services in collaboration with the private security regulator and the industry association in Nigeria.

Okereke Chinwike, Founder & CEO

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW), Nigeria

ICoCA has been a game-changer for our organisation, leaving a profound impact in the international security community. It provides our clients and partners with the assurance that we adhere to the strictest ethical and operational standards, allowing us to stand out among other companies and gain a competitive advantage. By incorporating ICoCA principles into our daily operations, we have further solidified our ethical identity, moving beyond mere compliance to make these principles an integral part of our organisational culture.

Jihad El Annan, CEO

At Janus, we have found that more and more clients are now recognising ICoCA certification as a must have international standard for PSCs, which is more than just a fee paying membership. As ICoCA certification requires PSCs to commit to reporting, monitoring and performance assessments, it assures our clients of compliance with the International Code of Conduct. Access to ICoCA’s training packages has helped us to educate and raise awareness of our personnel’s responsibilities and actions whilst on and off duty in Somalia.

Charles Skinner, MD

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

Septimius Security is very proud to be a Member of ICoCA and our experience with the organisation has been both exceptional and beneficial in several ways. ICoCA’s commitment to ethical standards and best practices in the private security industry aligns with our own CEO’s core values, providing us with a framework for responsible conduct and continuous improvement. We appreciate the guidance and resources ICoCA offers to help navigate complex issues in the security sector.

Membership has also allowed us to engage with like-minded professionals from governments, the private security industry, businesses and INGOs. This networking has facilitated the exchange of valuable insights and best practices, fostering partnerships that contribute to global safety and security. ICoCA’s emphasis on cooperation and dialogue has been pivotal in broadening perspectives and helping companies make informed decisions.

Furthermore, ICoCA’s emphasis on human rights and employee welfare aligns with our dedication to responsible business conduct. The resources and training opportunities provided by ICoCA have empowered our teams to operate with respect for human rights, mitigating risks and ensuring the well-being of our personnel.

Peter Deane, Public Relations Director Septimius Security, Ireland

We are pleased to adhere to the International Code of Conduct and human rights standards as Members of ICoCA. Being a partner of ICoCA is essential for us as a large security company, as it helps us uphold these standards and comply with private security regulations. We value ICoCA as a reliable partner.

Yannick Lumbu, CEO Congo Astral Company, Democratic Republic of the Congo


SUMAJKT GUARD LTD (SGL) is a subsidiary company of SUMAJKT (The National Service Corporation Sole). It is a registered company which intends to invest in security guard services to diverse groups of clients. The company has been registered by BRELLA having certificate of incorporation number 68012 dated 20th October 2008. The company comprises of personnel who are in-service and retired from defense, security organisations and Tanzanian youth of the age 18 years and above and have undergone National Services or military training. The company operates in all demanded market segments in order to provide high quality service with a customer focussed philosophy.

SUMAJKT Guard Ltd strives to be the leading and most committed trustworthy, efficient, confident and customer centric security in the United Republic of Tanzania. The company provides Professional Protection, VIP Protection, Security Consultancy, Cash in Transit, Fire Fighting and Rescue unit, Paramedic Unit and Canine Services to meet customer and other interested parties’ satisfaction. We continually improve our processes in compliance with applicable statutory, regulatory and other requirements.



The company strives to be the leading and top choice in the market, recognized as the most trustworthy and reliable security company in the United Republic of Tanzania.

To satisfy our customers with excellent high quality and sufficient level of professional protection crowd control, security, safty to people leaders and properties, premises of Tanzania, and cooperation of our teams and commitment.

- Recreate and retain the most qualified guards in the company

- Provide continuing education program that employs the most current technology and protection techniques available

- Monitor the international and national, social, and political environment to develop our services in an efficient manner

ICoCA’s 2024-2030 Strategic Plan

ICoCA is committed to advancing international standards on human rights and humanitarian law in the private security sector. Our 2024‑2030 Strategic Plan consolidates ICoCA’s position as the leading international organisation dedicated to raising private security standards to prevent human rights abuses and humanitarian law violations by private security providers (PSPs), offering a robust quality assurance model for both security providers and their clients. Through its research and policy work, ICoCA will provide thought leadership on responsible security practices.

Focusing on five strategic goals, ICoCA aims to further elevate global security standards, safeguard human rights and provide assurance that private security providers operate responsibly in rapidly evolving landscapes.


ICoCA will prioritise customised human rights due diligence for PSPs operating in diverse, high-risk contexts. Recognising that a one size fits all approach is inadequate, the organisation will emphasise local engagement and the integration of regional dynamics into risk management strategies. By focusing on tailored solutions, ICoCA aims to ensure PSPs respect human rights while adapting international standards to local realities, particularly in areas characterised by weak governance.


ICoCA will advocate for better working conditions for the more than 30 million private security personnel worldwide, recognising this as essential in preventing human rights abuses. Through research and engagement with key stakeholders, including governments, clients and unions, ICoCA will address issues like low wages, exploitative practices and poor training. The organisation will encourage clients to prioritise fair labour practices, leading to safer environments for both personnel and the communities they protect.


To enhance transparency and accountability, ICoCA will strengthen its monitoring and grievance procedures for addressing human rights abuses involving PSPs. The organisation will work to improve access to justice for victims by enforcing legal standards, promoting professional conduct and holding corporations accountable for abuses, particularly in high risk sectors. This effort aligns with international frameworks like the UN Guiding

Principles on Business and Human Rights and the 2024 EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence.


As the world shifts toward renewable energy, ICoCA will focus on the role of PSPs in ensuring responsible security practices around the green energy transition. Many critical minerals are located in fragile, densely populated regions, where security providers are tasked with protecting company assets while respecting the surrounding communities’ human rights. ICoCA will collaborate with stakeholders to promote sustainable security practices, engaging local communities and supporting fair employment opportunities, especially in the extractive and energy sectors, to contribute to a just and inclusive transition.


ICoCA will address the growing use of technologies like AI, drones and other surveillance tools in the private security sector. While these innovations offer enhanced capabilities, without proper oversight, appropriate standards and clear regulatory frameworks, they could lead to human rights infringements and unethical practices, such as privacy violations and biased decision-making. ICoCA will strengthen standards for tech-enabled security providers, promote cross-sectoral dialogue and ensure the ethical use of new technologies by collaborating with cybersecurity experts, other technology specialists and civil society organisations working in this field.

Government Supporters

Why Governments Support ICoCA

Governments play a critical role in the governance of ICoCA. As regulators, clients and donors, their influence on the private security industry is multi‑faceted. The Association was pleased to welcome Uruguay as its eighth Member government in 2024. The decision by the government of Uruguay to join is a testament to the growing importance of international cooperation in shaping the private security landscape.

General Commissioner Henry De León, General Director of Corporate Supervision, along with his Deputy, Christopher Daset, share insights into the motivations behind Uruguay’s membership and the opportunities it presents for the country and the Association.

‘Membership in ICoCA provides us with a robust framework to ensure that private security operations in our country adhere to ethical standards that protect the dignity and fundamental rights of all individuals.’

Why has Uruguay decided to join ICoCA, and how does the country plan to actively engage within the Association?

Uruguay decided to join ICoCA as a natural extension of its commitment to respecting human rights and International Humanitarian Law. Membership in ICoCA provides us with a robust framework to ensure that private security operations in our country adhere to ethical standards that protect the dignity and fundamental rights of all individuals. Additionally, it strengthens our commitment to these rights, ensuring that security companies operate transparently, ethically and for the benefit of both their employees and the communities they serve.

Uruguay intends to actively participate in ICoCA by promoting policies that encourage compliance with

these principles, working closely with other Members to advance regulatory improvements in the private security industry. We also plan to implement human rights training programmes that enhance good governance within security companies and help create a more responsible business environment.

What specific benefits does Uruguay expect from ICoCA membership, and how do these align with the country’s priorities in the private security sector?

The benefits Uruguay expects from its ICoCA membership align with our priorities of strengthening corporate social responsibility and ensuring respect for human rights in all activities related to private security. Through ICoCA, Uruguay will have access to an international network of experts and best practices that will help us improve governance in the sector and promote transparency in operations.

This approach not only raises the operational and ethical standards in the industry but also contributes to the sustainable development of our economy by fostering the responsible growth of security companies, which must comply with both local and international regulations. Adhering to these high ethical standards and pursuing continuous improvement also positions us as a leader in the region, encouraging other countries to adopt similar practices.

Henry De León, General

Could you describe the current state of the private security industry in Uruguay? What challenges do companies face, and how does Uruguay’s membership in ICoCA address these challenges while benefiting civil society?

The private security industry in Uruguay has grown considerably in recent years, playing an important role in protecting people and property in various public and private areas. However, companies face challenges related to the adoption of international human rights standards, the professionalisation of their teams and the implementation of effective governance and accountability mechanisms. Uruguay’s membership in ICoCA addresses these challenges by providing a framework that ensures respect for human rights and International Humanitarian Law in all security operations. Through ICoCA, companies in Uruguay will be able to improve their practices and operate more ethically and efficiently, which will benefit not only the industry but also civil society by promoting a safer and fairer environment. Furthermore, transparency in operations will reduce the risks associated with potential abuses, increasing public trust in the sector.

Why should more governments join ICoCA, and what steps can be taken to encourage broader government participation?

More governments should join ICoCA to promote uniformity in the application of ethical and operational standards within the private security industry, ensuring that operations are conducted in accordance


with human rights and International Humanitarian Law. This not only guarantees security within their borders but also contributes to enhancing the global reputation of the security sector.

To encourage broader participation, it would be beneficial to promote awareness campaigns at international and regional forums, highlighting the tangible benefits of joining ICoCA, such as improved governance and sustainability within the security industry. Providing technical resources and support for the implementation of the standards will also facilitate the process for other governments.

What key areas of concern related to the private security industry should ICoCA prioritise in the coming years, from Uruguay’s perspective?

From Uruguay’s perspective, ICoCA should prioritise areas such as training in human rights and International Humanitarian Law, improving accountability within security companies and strengthening mechanisms for transparency and governance. It is essential to continue promoting sustainability in security operations, ensuring that these are conducted responsibly, with respect for the environment and for the benefit of the communities.

Furthermore, it is crucial that ICoCA continues to support companies in implementing best practices to address the challenges that arise in contexts of high insecurity or conflict, ensuring that security operations contribute positively to social stability and respect for fundamental rights.

Meet the ICoCA Team

Tom Mather Compliance Manager
Valentina Potapova Membership & Development Officer
Vincent Bernard Senior Policy Advisor
Christopher Galvin Head of Communications & Outreach
Alexandra Garzotto Finance Manager and Administrative Officer
Dina Chantre HR & Office Manager
Antoine Perret Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Development Manager
Jamie Williamson Executive Director
Nada Bessassi Membership & Certification Officer
Florie Barbotte Communications & Marketing Officer
Jonathan Ondo Finance & Administrative Assistant

ICoCA Membership Explained

Understanding ICoCA Company Categories

ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies commit to operating in accordance with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Providers (‘the Code’), which represents human rights best practices in private security. They are all subject to monitoring, required to submit an annual self assessment and expected to demonstrate continual improvement in meeting human rights standards. There are three levels of membership:

• Certified Member

• Transitional Member

• Affiliate

Company Requirements

Certified through an independent accredited Certification Body (accepted by ICoCA) under one of the recognised standards (ISO 18788, ISO 28007 or PSC.1)

Provide full audit and most recent surveillance reports, including the Corrective Action Plan

Conduct an assessment of human rights impacts (Transitional) or full Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIA) (Certified)

Committed to becoming ICoCA Certified within two years

Operate in alignment with the principles of the Code

monitoring by ICoCA

self-assessment, reporting to ICoCA and status review

Alignment with human rights best practices in the areas of*:

• Human rights commitment

• Bribery and corruption

• Use of force

• Detention and apprehension

• Child labour

• Modern slavery, forced labour and human trafficking

• Sexual exploitation and abuse and gender-based violence

• Harassment and discrimination

• Identification and registration

• Personnel screening and vetting programme

• Company policies and personnel contracts

• Training of personnel

• Weapons training

• Management of weapons and material of war

• Incident reporting

• Safe and healthy working

• Grievance mechanism procedures


While all ICoCA Member and Affiliate companies have demonstrated a commitment to the Code and are significantly aligned to human rights best practices, ICoCA Certification is considered the gold standard for responsible security provision. It provides assurance that a company’s procedures and practices fully comply with the Code. As part of their due diligence, an increasing number of clients across sectors now require ICoCA Certification when selecting their private security providers.

ICoCA‑Recognised Standards

In accordance with ICoCA’s procedures, private security companies must first obtain external certification from an accredited Certification Body recognised by ICoCA for one or more international standards before applying for ICoCA certification. ICoCA currently recognises three international standards:


• ISO 18788

• ISO 28007

ICoCA Member companies may approach ICoCA for recognition of other national or international standards.

Accepted Certification Bodies

At present, ICoCA accepts certification from Certification Bodies that are either specifically accredited to the recognised standards by national or regional accreditation bodies that are IAF/ MLA members, or accredited to ISO 17021 by IAF/ MLA members and meet ICoCA’s competency requirements.

If your private security provider’s Certification Body is ISO 17021 accredited by an IAF/MLA member but not currently accepted by ICoCA, please contact the ICoCA team to discuss further.

For the most up-to-date listing of accepted Certification Bodies, visit the ICoCA website: https://icoca.ch/what‑we‑do/ certification/

A-Z List of Members

(see page 33)

Australia Canada











ISN International Security Network GmbH Affiliate 65

Mohamad Janaby Observer 77

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC Certified 50

Jubba Security Company Affiliate 65


Kazim Cetinkaya Observer 77

Keen and Care Initiative (KCI) CSO 81

Christophe Kerdodé Observer 77

Kijiji Yeetu CSO 81

Henri Knorst Observer 77

KRIMIVA Observer 77

LandMark Security Limited Certified 51

Larsa Security Services Transitional 59

Latlong International sarl Affiliate 65

Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE-Africa) CSO 81

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria) Certified 51

Marcus Libya for safety and security services Affiliate 65

Ligue Rwandaise pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits Humains (LIPRODHOR) CSO 81

London Security Service Affiliate 65

Loyz Marine Services Limited Affiliate 65

Lumière Synergie Développement CSO 82

Sorcha MacLeod (Dr) Observer 77

Maison de Gouvernance du secteur Extractif (MGSE) CSO 82

Mando Security Affiliate 66

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd Certified 51

Frederic Masse Observer 77

Juan Carlos Mendo Observer 77

Meridian Global Consulting, LLC Certified 51

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES) Certified 52

Metro Security S.A. Affiliate 66

Metropolitan Security S.A.L. Affiliate 66

Modus Concept Group Transitional 60

MS Risk Limited Affiliate 66

MSA Security Certified 52

MSS Global Observer 78

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)

Narrative Hub


New Nigeria Foundation (NNF) CSO 82

Newmont Mining Corporation Observer 78

Nibras Company for Security and Safety Affiliate

Observatoire d’Etudes et d’Appui à la Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale (OEARSE)


Rencontre pour la paix et les droits de l’homme (RPDH) CSO 83

Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et l’Analyse Budgétaire (ROTAB) CSO 83

Response-Med Observer 78

Result Group Affiliate 69

Rio Tinto Observer 78

Risk and Strategic Management Corp Affiliate 69

Saafi Security Company (S.S.C) Affiliate 69

Safeguard Security Services (Pvt) Ltd Affiliate 69

Sagam Securité Affiliate 71

Salama Fikira Certified 54

Sangfroid Group LTD Transitional 61

SASA (Security Association of South Africa) Observer 78

Save Africa CSO 83

Scandinavian Risk Solutions Certified 54

Seagull Maritime Ltd. Certified 54

Seakey Marine Limited Certified 55

Securitas Congo CSO 83

Securiteam Protection Services Affiliate 71

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS) Certified 55

Security Plus (U) Ltd Affiliate 71

Seguridad Privada Ginther De Occidente Affiliate 71

Seguroc S.A. Affiliate 71

Sentinel Iraq for Security Services Transitional 61

SEPAR International Affiliate 71

Septimius Security LTD Affiliate 72

Septu Group Security Management Srl Affiliate 72

Servicios Integrales de

Certified Member Profiles

AB Offshore Marine Services Limited

HQ: 10 Afolabi Lesi Street, Ilupeju, Lagos 100252, Nigeria

T: +234 811 224 4444

E: info@aboffshore.ng

W: www.aboffshore.ng

AB Offshore Marine Services Limited is a Nigerian offshore marine logistics and vessel chartering company that operates and provides specialised vessels to support offshore operations for the oil and gas industry and other maritime-related industries.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The Provision of Security Services in Nigeria.

Certified areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Member since: 20.01.2023

Acuity International

HQ: 10701 Parkridge Blvd., Suite 200, Reston, Virginia 20191, USA

T: +1 703 261 1110

W: www.acuityinternational.com

Procurement contact:  Katrina DeLaRouge, Director Supply Chain  Management

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services worldwide.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq, Somalia Member since: 16.09.2022

Agwe Global

HQ: Churchgate Tower 2, Churchgate Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

T: +49 1632 4951 12

E: tom@agweglobal.com

W: www.agweglobal.com

Procurement contact:  Tom Cockburn, Operations Director

Agwe Global Group registered in Nigeria focuses primarily on supplying professional marine risk solutions and services to the energy industry and international commercial shipping, globally with emphasis on the Gulf of Guinea.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in the Gulf of Guinea.

Certified areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea Member since: 06.10.2022

Al Hurea Security Services

HQ: Building 48, Street 11, Sector 601, Baghdad, Al Mansour 10013, Iraq

T: +964 7801 371 659

E: james.coo@alhurea51.com

W: www.alhurea51.com

Procurement contact:  Waleed Al Obaidy, CFO

Al Hurea Security Services (AHSS) is a renowned, fully certified industry leader within Iraq. AHSS is a fully Iraqi-national-owned security company and the pre-eminent provider of security services country-wide. AHSS is perfectly poised to provide extremely high-quality and technically compliant services to the highest international standards.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq Member since: 14.03.2017

Al Murabit Security Services

HQ: House 20, Section 627, Street 41, Baghdad, Iraq

T: +964 780 922 5118

E: info@almurabit.com

W: www.almurabit.com

Procurement contact:  Richard Jones, Managing Director

Al Murabit Security (AMS) is your trusted partner in Iraq for top-tier Security and Risk Management. Specialising in high-risk, complex environments, AMS crafts tailored security solutions to mitigate risks, enabling you to achieve your business goals with confidence. Realistic, effective, and reliable – AMS is your partner in securing success.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 08.12.2015

Al‑Baron Company for Security Services

HQ: International Zone, Baghdad, Iraq

W: http://albaronsecurity.co.uk

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 28.03.2023

Alastora for Security Services

HQ: West Al Rafidiyah – Al Zubair, Al Zubair Basra, Basra, Iraq

T: +964 781 266 6999

E: ops.director@alastora.com

W: www.alastora.com

Procurement contact:

Charles Nassif, Chief Executive Officer

As an ICoCA member, Alastora is committed to responsible practices in the private security sector, prioritising human rights and international standards. We emphasise local content to enhance community engagement and economic development while ensuring compliance with globally recognised norms.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 05.11.2019


International SAS

HQ: 6 rue du Général de  Larminat, Tour Montparnasse 48  étage. 33 Avenue du Maine, F‑75015 Paris, Ile de France, France

T: +33 1 53 16 29 25

W: www.amarante.com/en

Amarante International is a leading European security and risk management company. Acting as a global security designer, we support the international development of firms and institutions anywhere in the world, including in the most challenging environments.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, France, Iraq, Jordan, Niger, Somalia and Venezuela. Certified areas of operation: Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, France, Iraq, Jordan, Niger, Somalia and Venezuela Member since: 14.12.2016

Argus Security Projects Ltd

HQ: 81‑83 Grivas Digenis Ave, Jacovides Tower, CY 1090 Nicosia, Cyprus

T: +357 9685 2885

E: office.manager@aspgroup.com

W: www.argusgroup.eu

Procurement contact: Veronique Chantal Ruggirello, Since 1997, ASP provides integrated security services including risk assessment, provision of security teams, training, and full crisis management in complex environments. Our competitiveness stems from our extensive field experience, capacity of reaction, human resources pool and local competence.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Cyprus.

Certified areas of operation: Cyprus

Non‑certified areas of operation: Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, USA Member since: 20.09.2013

Belstone Dart International

HQ: Kemp House, 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, UK

T: +971 56 488 7146

E: richard@belstonedart.com

W: www.belstonedart.com

Procurement contact:  Richard Wilson, CEO

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Somalia

Non‑certified areas of operation: United Kingdom Member since: 24.11.2020

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited

HQ: 1st Floor, Yarnwicke  119‑121 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5AT, UK

T: +44 20 8099 9588

E: ops1@blackpearlmaritime security.com

W: www.ms bp.com

Black Pearl MSM – part of MS Security Group with more than 38 years' experience in the industry –provides a wide range of top-tier, effective and innovative maritime security services. With thousands of successful, flawless operations, our mission is to exceed clients expectations with top-quality, tailor-made and cost-effective solutions.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: The provision of maritime security services across international waters, operating in East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean.

Certified areas of operation: East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

Member since: 30.09.2016

BM Security

HQ: PO Box 21606, Polo Cottage, Jamhuri Road off Ngong Road, Nairobi 00505, Kenya

T: +254 722 330 330 /  +254 722 806 076

E: info@bmsecurity.com

W: www.bmsecurity.com

Procurement contact:  Astone Maungu, Chief of Business Development &  Customer Experience

BM Security is a Kenyan private security company established in 1984 with over 5000 employees providing: security personnel, K9 services, alarm monitoring and response, cash and valuables management, specialised services and electronic security including access control, CCTV, intruder alarms, integrated systems, and fire and safety services.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Kenya.

Certified areas of operation: Kenya Member since: 05.11.2019

Centurion Security S.A.

HQ: 17 Avenue 9‑43 Zone 14, Guatemala

E: informacion@centurionsecurity. net

W: www.centurionsecurity.net

Procurement contact:  Peter Snell, Director

Centurion Security is a professional British security company in Guatemala which provides security services for national and international clients providing services such as VIP transport, executive protection, uniformed guard services, convoy and freight security, consultancy support, CCTV alarms and GPS as well as an array of specialised training.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Guatemala.

Certified areas of operation: Guatemala Member since: 18.05.2015

Commissionaires Canada

HQ: 100 Gloucester Street, Suite 101, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0A4, Canada

T: +1 613 688 0710

W: www.commissionaires.ca Commissionaires is Canada's premier security provider: for nearly 100 years, we've protected people and property from coast to coast. Canada's largest employer of veterans, Commissionaires is a federation of not-for-profit companies with the highest retention rate in the industry, currently employing 22,000 people nationally.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Certified areas of operation: Nova Scotia, Canada Member since: 17.03.2022

Control Risks

HQ: 33 King William Street, Cottons Lane, London EC4R 9AT, UK

T: +44 20 7970 2100

W: www.controlrisks.com

Control Risks is an independent, global risk consultancy specialising in helping organisations manage political, integrity and security risks in complex and hostile environments. We support clients by providing strategic consultancy, expert analysis and practical on-the-ground protection and support.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq Member since: 20.09.2013

Defaf Al Khaleej Security

HQ: Property 210/53, Amman District, Algzier, Manawy Pasha, Basra, Iraq

T: +964 783 339 2934

E: john.kitchen@defafalkhaleej. com

W: http://defafalkhaleej.com

Procurement contact:  John Kitchen, Chief Operating Officer

Established in 2005, Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services is a reputable and reliable security provider in Iraq, known for our high‑quality services and professionalism. Our primary focus is on delivering high‑quality, bespoke security solutions to reduce risk and enable our clients business.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 01.07.2022

Erinys Iraq Limited

HQ: House 40, Street 3, District 609, Al Mansour, Baghdad 10013, Iraq

T: +971 566 768 848

E: info@erinysiraq.com

W: www.erinysiraq.com

Procurement contact:  Kyoung Yoon, Commercial Director

Erinys Iraq Limited has been operating in Iraq since 2003, successfully delivering over 20 years of security solutions to a wide range of clients including diplomatic missions, government and non government agencies, international oil companies, oilfield services providers, EPCMs, across Baghdad, Basra, Ramadi, Mosul, Maysan, and Nasiriyah.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 17.07.2018

EXERA Myanmar Limited

HQ: No‑3A, Min Ye Kyaw Swar  Business Building, Min Ye Kyaw Swar Street, Lanmadaw Tsp, Yangon 11131, Myanmar

T: +95 9775 111 551

E: enquiry@exera.asia

W: www.exera.asia

Procurement contact: Cho Thandar Thein, Head Of Service Delivery and Business Transformation

Since 2012, EXERA has been Myanmar’s leading risk management company, serving multinational companies, embassies, UN agencies, and NGOs with over 2000 employees nationwide. With ISO 18788, ANSI/ASIS PSC 1, and ICoCA accreditation, EXERA ensures top‑tier security services, fully respecting human rights and compliance standards.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Myanmar.

Certified areas of operation: Myanmar

Non‑certified areas of operation: Vietnam

Member since: 31.05.2024

Flash Intervention SA

HQ: Marconi Prolongée Street – Marguerite Sampa Street, Zone 4 C, Marcory, Abidjan, Lagunes, 28 BP 915 Abidjan 28, Ivory Coast

T: +225 27 21 21 71 71

E: info@flashintervention.com

W: www.flashintervention.com

Procurement contact:  Lilian Riportella, General Manager

We are an Ivorian company with over 25 years’ of experience and a perfect mastery of private security in Ivory Coast, offering the following services: close protection, meet and greet, escort, electronic security, geolocation, security audits…). Trust a professionally licensed and certified company, recognised for the quality of its services.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of Security Services in Ivory Coast.

Certified areas of operation: Ivory Coast Member since: 11.06.2018

Frontline Responses Finland (FRF)

HQ: PO Box 14, FI 00331 Helsinki, Finland

T: +358 456 745 485

E: aleksi.huusela@frf.fi

W: www.frf.fi

Procurement contact:  Aleksi Huusela, Senior Vice President Operations

FRF is a global provider of high-end security risk management services and technology-enabled solutions to support client missions and operations around the world. FRF offers a full range of services which includes protective security, consulting, assessment and analysis, planning, operational support, and training services.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Finland and Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Finland, Somalia Non‑certified areas of operation: Iraq Member since: 30.09.2016


G4S Kenya Limited

HQ: Witu Road, Nairobi, Kenya

E: fred.kinywa@ke.g4s.com

W: www.g4s.com

G4S is a leading global integrated security company, specialising in outsourced business processes where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat. Our services in Kenya include guarding, K9 & Secure Journey, Cash Solutions, Courier Services, Security Technology, Alarm Response and Fire Services.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Kenya.

Certified areas of operation: Kenya

Non‑certified areas of operation: East Coast of Africa Member since: 01.01.2024

G4S Peru

HQ: Av. Paseo de la República 3617 San Isidro, 15046 Lima, Peru

W: www.g4s.com/es pe

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Peru.

Certified areas of operation: Peru Member since: 20.10.2022

G4S Risk Management

HQ: 50 Broadway, London SW1H 0BL, UK

T: +44 7818 023 094

E: liam.kelly@rm.g4s.com

W: www.g4sriskmanagement.com

Procurement contact:  Liam Kelly, Chief Operating Officer

A quality assured provider of risk mitigation and consultancy services utilising armed/unarmed solutions designed to protect your people, assets and reputation whilst enhancing productivity in a safe and professional manner. Our solutions are developed utilising our culture of excellence and ESG compliance ensuring resilience and value for money.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Non‑certified areas of operation: Ukraine Member since: 05.11.2019

G4S Secure Solutions Uganda Limited

HQ: Plot 53, Lumumba Avenue, Nakasero, Kampala, Uganda

T: +256 414 250 256

E: g4s.info@ug.g4s.com

W: www.g4s.com

Procurement contact:

Samuel Tebandeke, Head of Business Development

G4S Uganda is the leading and compliant security company in the market and has an unparalleled heritage in Uganda. With more than 25 years in Uganda of protecting our customers and communities, we understand that having a local touch and the ability to leverage global strengths is what makes us support our customers better.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Uganda.

Certified areas of operation: Uganda Member since: 02.07.2024


HQ: 2502 Currency House, DIFC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

T: +971 4 453 8500

E: info@garda.com

W: www.garda.com

Procurement contact:  Jason Lewington, Senior Manager, Procurement & Logistics

GardaWorld is a global champion in security services, integrated risk management and cash solutions. Driven by a relentless entrepreneurial culture and core values we offer sophisticated, tailored security and technology solutions through high-touch partnerships and consistently superior service delivery. Anytime. Anywhere. Visit www.garda.com.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Yemen and Zambia. Certified areas of operation: Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA, Yemen, Zambia Member since: 20.09.2013

Griffin Security

HQ: Villa 8, St.16, Diplomatic Area, Sana’a, Yemen

T: +967 1 445 962

E: info@griffin‑security.com

W: www.griffin security.com

Griffin Security is a Yemen-based, privately owned, security and risk management company. We have substantial experience and an extensive client-base, including international oil and gas companies, governments, international organisations and private corporate agencies.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Yemen.

Certified areas of operation: Yemen Member since: 12.04.2022

Guardforce Security Limited

HQ: Office 2, Anglo House, 43 45 Butts Green Road, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 2JS, UK

T: +44 20 8597 7149

E: robert@guardforcesecurity.co.uk

W: www.guardforcesecurity.co.uk

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of Security Services in the United Kingdom. Certified areas of operation: United Kingdom Member since: 30.08.2024

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd

HQ: Suite 119, 246 Oxford Street, Paddington, New South Wales 2021, Australia

T: +61 4 1255 2888

E: sstone@hartinerntaional.com.au

W: www.hartinternational.com

Procurement contact:

Sally Stone, CEO

Hart International Australia is a risk mitigation company providing safety and security consultancy, training and operations. We specialise in rapid response tasks in challenging locations.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Australia.

Certified areas of operation: Australia Non‑certified areas of operation: Indonesia Member since: 23.07.2020

Hart Security Limited

HQ: Crystalserve Business  Center, Third Floor, Spyrou Kyprianou 65, Messa  Yitonia, CY 4003 Limassol, Cyprus

T: +971 50 572 6856

E: gbrownlow@hartinternational. com

W: www.hartinternational.com

Procurement contact:

Greg Brownlow, Business  Development Manager

Hart was founded in 1999 and has since remained an independent, internationally recognised risk management Company. Its primary service delivery remains the provision of armed protective security services in complex environments; but it offers a significantly wider range of services, as can be found on our website.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Afghanistan and Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Afghanistan, Somalia Member since: 20.09.2013

Horn Risk Management

HQ: HRM Mogadishu, Airport Road, Opposite Medina Gate, Mogadishu, Somalia

T: +252 615 158 383

E: info@hornriskmanagement.com

W: www.hornriskmanagement.com

Procurement contact:

Peter Campbell, Chief Operating Officer

HRM is a Somali-owned and Somali-led risk management company, founded in 2012. The only company to maintain valid security licences across every state and region of Somalia and Somaliland. Main services include risk advisory consulting, risk assessments, compound security, physical security measures and open-source intelligence gathering and reporting.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Somalia

Non‑certified areas of operation: Kenya Member since: 05.06.2020

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd

HQ: Fengtai District, Beijing, China

E: internationalbusiness@hxza.cn

W: www.hxzasecurity.com/#

HXZA is China's leading provider of security and risk management solutions. Our privately-held firm with over 30,000 employees provides customer-centric services to protect client assets by implementing bespoke threat mitigation strategies which simultaneously simplify operations and harden security posture while building a responsible brand.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: Provision of maritime security services in the East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean Certified areas of operation: East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean Non‑certified areas of operation: China Member since: 20.09.2013


HQ: 50 Agias Zonis, CY‑3090 Limassol, Cyprus

W: www.interarma.net

A pioneer in Maritime Safety and Security. Contact us for a special quotation for your operations through the Indian Ocean or West Africa regions. A pioneer in Maritime Cyber Security as well. Being a contributor of the Cyber Security Guidelines onboard Ships V.4 you can request a brochure at sales@interarma.net. Contact us for further insight on what we do.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: The provision of maritime security services in East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. Certified areas of operation: East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean Member since: 20.09.2013

Iraq Star Group

HQ: Az Zubayer Business Park, Zubayer, Basrah, Opposite BGC HQ, Basrah 001, Iraq

T: +964 07 834 994 988

E: dcm@iraqstargroup.com

W: https://iraq star137.com

Procurement contact:  Deputy Country Manager Iraq Star draws together the operating companies of Iraq Star Construction, Iraq Star Security, and their associates. The group provides a range of services to an international and local national client base and have decades of commercial experience throughout Iraq. The group owns and runs a professional bespoke built Business Park close to Az Zubayer.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq Member since: 29.11.2022

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC

HQ: Boondhere District, Mogadishu, Banadir, Somalia

T: +252 6169 03861

E: info@janusservices.org

W: www.janusservices.org

Procurement contact:  Charles Skinner, Managing Director

Operating in the unstable context of Somalia, Janus has since 2013, protected clients by leveraging the security risk management framework of acceptance, protection, and deterrence. We deliver protective mobile missions in Mogadishu and remote area missions to clients throughout Somalia.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Somalia Member since: 21.02.2023

LandMark Security Limited

HQ: 80 South Boundary Road, Community 20, Tema Metropolis, Greater Accra 233, Ghana

T: +233 307 0201 18

E: services@landmarksecurity.org

W: www.landmarksecurity.org

We are security specialists supporting offshore, onshore and the global energy industry to the highest delivery standards. As an ISO 9001:2015; ISO 18788; ANSI/ PSC.1:2012 certified company, we maintain consistent progress. Our offerings include maritime and energy security; security compliance, audits and verification; and protective security.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Ghana.

Certified areas of operation: Ghana

Non‑certified areas of operation: West Coast of Africa

Member since: 20.09.2013

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria)

HQ: Road 315 House, Trans Amadi Gardens, Odili Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

E: enquiries@lgs.global

W: https://lgs.global

LGS is a risk management company located in Nigeria, offering Onshore and Offshore Security Services. Our capabilities and expertise enable us to providing services that meet the highest standards of quality and professionalism. We deliver solutions that effectively mitigate business and security risks whilst adapting to the complex environment.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Nigeria.

Certified areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Member since: 08.12.2015

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd

HQ: Trident Chambers, PO Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

E: orel@mdf.com.sg

W: www.mdf.com.sg

Procurement contact:

Orel Paz Federman, Director Maritime Defence Force Ltd., established in 2009, operates security teams on board merchant vessels trading through areas of piracy and war risk, offering client-tailored security solutions. MDF's experience, commitment to quality and integrity, recommend us as a reliable partner for legally compliant maritime security, risk and crisis management.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: The provision of maritime security services in the wider Indian Ocean.

Certified areas of operation: Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea Member since: 20.09.2013


Meridian Global Consulting, LLC

HQ: 812 Downtowner Blvd, Suite A, Mobile, Alabama 36609, USA

T: +44 7709 404 479

E: asandoval@meridian.us

W: www.meridian.us

Procurement contact:  Anthony Sandoval, Vice President Logistics

Headquartered in Mobile, Alabama, Meridian.us is a certified Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB). Meridian.us provides professional, scalable, cost-effective solutions to our clients' safety, security, and environmental stewardship needs, giving the client the most efficient and sustainable service anywhere in the world.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: The provision of maritime security services in the Indian Ocean.

Certified areas of operation: Indian Ocean Member since: 30.09.2016

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES)

HQ: Safaat Al Basra Complex, Villa Number 11, Left Line, Basra 61007, Iraq

T: +964 770 342 2329

E: ops@mes106.com

W: www.mes106.com

Procurement contact:  Hassan Shahed, Procurement Department

We are MES (Mesopotamian Eagles for Security Service and General Safeguarding Ltd.). Our major activities are static security guards, PSD services, life support and logistic for most of our international clients all over Iraq. We established it in 2009. The expats provide a wonderful mixture for our company’s environment. The clients are so satisfied with the services that we offered.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 28.05.2020

MSA Security

HQ: 9 Murray Street, 2nd Floor, New York 10007, USA

T: +1 571 375 5018

E: ggoss@msasecurity.net

W: www.aus.com

Procurement contact:  Gerald Goss, Executive Vice President

For over 37 years, MSA Security has been a leader in providing Federal agencies with exceptional program management, specialised mission support, explosives detection canines, and security technologies. MSA’s expertise, broad service offerings and resources enable our organisation to support missions anywhere in the world. MSA is an ICoCA member.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in the United States of America. Certified areas of operation: USA Member since: 12.08.2020

North Star Support Group

HQ: 26, Grigore Alexandrescu Street, RO‑010626 Bucharest, Romania

T: +4021 795 7601

E: support@nssg.global

W: www.nssg.global

Procurement contact:  Crina Gegea, QAQC Manager

NSSG is a risk and crisis management company providing strategic and customer-focused advisory and support services to businesses operating globally. All of our services are bespoke and flexible to meet our clients’ unique requirements. NSSG is today a globally recognised leader in providing risk management services in the most challenging environments.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services worldwide.

Certified areas of operation: Canada, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom Member since: 25.04.2023

Olive Group FZ‑LLC

HQ: 22nd Floor, Al Thuraya  Tower 1, PO Box 502356 Dubai  Internet City, Dubai 502356, United Arab Emirates

T: +44 7765 799 660

E: david.elliott@constellis.com

W: www.constellis.com

Procurement contact:  David Elliott, President of Olive Group

As an ICoC 2010 signatory, Olive Group upholds the highest standards of compliance and quality, adhering to all relevant laws and regulations. Our aim is to create a safer world through exceptional performance and rigorous implementation of the highest standards as well as the implementation of quality processes and procedures.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 20.09.2013

Palm Security (Al Nakhla Iraq)

HQ: House 8, Street 10, CEC 913, Jadriyah, Baghdad, Iraq

T: +964 783 050 1883

E: info@nakhlagroup.com

W: www.nakhlagroup.com

Procurement contact:  Marwan Alkinani, Security Services

Palm Security is an Iraqi registered security company with integrated expatriate management. Our expertise and extensive delivery network enables us to provide everything from a standalone piece of consultancy to fully integrated solutions incorporating security risk management and static/mobile security to high international standards.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 19.12.2022

Patriot Group International, Inc.

HQ: 40 Rock Pointe Lane, Suite 201,Warrenton, VA 20186, USA

W: https://patgroupi.com/ Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq, Japan and the United States of America.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq, Japan, USA Member since: 05.06.2015

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd

HQ: Suite 27 Office 100, Block Plymouth, Melville, Royal William Yard, Plymouth PL1 3RP, UK

T: +44 1568 607 000

E: enquiries@peregrine‑rm.com

W: www.peregrine rm.com

Procurement contact:  Wayne Britton, Director

Peregrine Risk Management is a global risk management company with extensive experience in physical security, travel risk management, risk consultancy, training, asset tracking and threat and intelligence.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in the United Kingdom.

Certified areas of operation: United Kingdom Member since: 16.09.2022

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd

HQ: Kemp House, 160 City Road, London EC1V 2NX, UK

T: +971 56 488 7146

E: info@physicalrisksolutions.com

W: www.physicalrisksolutions.com

Procurement contact:  Richard Wilson, CEO

PRS / Belstone Dart International provide high end security, risk management, technical innovations, consultancy and accommodation services to our clients who include diplomatic, military and commercial entities. We believe in going the extra mile to deliver on our commitments to safeguard our clients, their assets and reputation.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Somalia and the United Arab Emirates.

Certified areas of operation: Somalia, United Arab Emirates Member since: 18.05.2015

Pyramid Temi Group

HQ: Via Rivani 83, 40138 Bologna, Italy

T: +39 051 531 804

E: pyramid@pyramid.it

W: www.pyramidtemigroup.com

Pyramid Temi Group (PTG)

preeminent Travel Risk Management provider based in Italy, operating globally. With over 40 years’ experience, we are the trusted supplier of best practice worldwide services to major large and small organisations. PTG is committed to clients providing quality, experience, competence, and reliability.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Italy.

Certified areas of operation: Italy

Member since: 20.09.2013

Qimat Al Iqtidar For Security Services Ltd

HQ: Iraq

W: www.qa‑iraq.com

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 28.11.2022

Red Latitude

HQ: Saudi Arabia

T: +966 0 50153 7261

E: thehub@red‑latitude.com

W: www.redlatitude.com

Certification scope: The  provision of Security Services in Saudi Arabia.

Certified areas of operation: Saudi Arabia

Non‑certified areas of operation: Nigeria

Member since: 14.08.2024

Salama Fikira

HQ: Cumberland Court, 80 Mount Street, Nottingham NG1 6HH, UK

T: +254 702 114 144

E: enquiries@salama‑fikira.com

W: www.sf‑group.co

SF Group is a specialist risk management, security and logistics provider. We operate in developed countries and emerging economies, offering attentive and innovative services tailored to protect our clients, their assets, operations and reputation. We were founded in Africa but now support a range of clients around the world.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788, ISO 28007

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Comoros, Cyprus, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda. Certified areas of operation: Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda Member since: 18.05.2017

Scandinavian Risk Solutions

HQ: PO Box 244, SE‑101 24, Stockholm, Sweden

T: +46 84 409 070

E: mail@srsgroup.se

W: www.srsgroup.se

Scandinavian Risk Solutions (SRS) is a comprehensive security risk management provider of the highest quality and ethical standards. Since our foundation in 2004, we have successfully delivered support to government agencies, companies, and private individuals in all types of environments and risk levels.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Somalia

Non‑certified areas of operation: Sweden Member since: 17.04.2015

Seagull Maritime Ltd.

HQ: 1 Kings Avenue, London N21 3NA, UK

W: www.seagullmaritimeltd.com

Seagull Maritime is a global leader in risk management, protective services, and crisis response for all types of vessel owners. With expertise in marine and offshore security, we operate globally with offices in the UK, Greece, Malta, Ukraine, and Nigeria.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: Provision of security services in the East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean and West Coast of Africa.

Certified areas of operation: East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

Member since: 23.06.2023

Seakey Marine Limited

HQ: 17 Umuechem Street, Off Olu Obasanjo Road, D/Line, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

T: +234 0803 413 2444

E: n.ekerete@seakeymarineng. com

W: www.seakeymarineng.com

Seakey Marine Limited is a Nigerian registered Private Maritime Security Company with extensive experience and specialised knowledge in providing compliance maritime security services for client vessels and crew transiting the Nigerian waters and the Gulf of Guinea. We offer a wide range of maritime security services tailored to meet the unique needs of vessels operating in high‑risk areas.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of Security Services in Nigeria.

Certified areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Member since: 16.05.2019

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS)

HQ: Villa 10, 414 Hadyab Street, Ainkawa, Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq

T: +964 750 445 8639

E: info@slsiraq.com

W: www.slsiraq.com

Procurement contact:  Soran Siyani, COO

SLS Iraq, is a locally owned Security and Logistics company that operates in Kurdistan, Iraq. SLS successfully achieved certification status on three international management systems in 2020, namely, ISO: 9001, ISO: 18788 and PCS.1. Quality is not just a slogan for SLS, but it is the SLS way.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 01.11.2023

SGA Security Group

HQ: PO Box 18670, Nairobi 00500, Kenya

W: www.sgasecurity.com

SGA Security, a leading security solutions provider in EA, has operated in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania for 55 years. With over 19,000 employees, we deliver comprehensive services, i.e. guarding, alarm response, cash-in-transit, CCTV, courier, CPO, fire detection, and asset tracking. SGA is ISO 18788 certified, ensuring operational excellence.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Certified areas of operation: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Member since: 06.06.2022


HQ: 3975 Virginia Mallory Dr, Chantilly, Virginia, 20151, USA

W: www.soc‑usa.com

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Central African Republic, Iraq, Israel and the United States of America.

Certified areas of operation: Central African Republic, Iraq, Israel, USA Member since: 20.09.2013

Somali Risk Management (SRM)

HQ: SKA Somalia Camp, Aden  Abdulle International Airport, Mogadishu, Somalia

T: +252 619 493 796

E: srm@ska‑arabia.com

W: http://ska‑arabia.com/skasrm

SRM, part of SKA International Group, is a leading security company in MGQ, Somalia, with over 10 years of experience. We provide comprehensive security services including crisis management, secure transportation, counter IED, and daily intelligence updates, utilising the latest VR7 armoured vehicles and a strong network of partnerships.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Somalia.

Certified areas of operation: Somalia Member since: 29.03.2017

TA'AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd.

HQ: Villa 158/1, Manawi Basha District, Basra 61001, Iraq

W: www.taazgroup.com

TA'AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd. is a leading provider of tailored security solutions, dedicated to safeguarding assets, personnel, and operations in diverse environments. Our trained professionals deliver static and mobile security, security consultancy, and risk assessments, adhering to ANSI/ASIS PSC.1 standards.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 19.12.2022

Triple Canopy, Inc

HQ: 13530 Dulles Technology  Drive, Suite 500, Herndon, Virginia 20171, USA

W: www.constellis.com

Triple Canopy, Inc., a Constellis company, delivers quality-driven, professional services to safeguard personnel, infrastructure and other valuable assets and investments.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraq, Kuwait and the United States of America.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq, Kuwait, USA Member since: 20.09.2013

United Guards Services Ltd

HQ: 123 Eirinis Str., CY 3041 Limassol, Cyprus

T: +357 2502 1200

E: operations@unitedguards.org

W: www.unitedguards.org

United Guards Services – part of MS Security Group with more than 38 years' experience in the industry – provides a wide range of top-tier, effective and innovative maritime security services. With thousands of successful, flawless operations, our mission is to exceed clients expectations with top-quality, tailor-made and cost-effective solutions.

Certification standards: ISO 28007

Certification scope: The provision of maritime security services across international waters, operating in East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean.

Certified areas of operation: East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

Member since: 20.09.2013

Vesper Group

HQ: Arenavägen 45, SE 12177 Stockholm, Sweden

T: +46 84 002 5400

E: info@vespergroup.se

W: www.vespergroup.se

Vesper Group was founded in 2004 and is a Swedish, intelligence-led security company. We are dedicated to helping and securing our clients’ personnel and operations, wherever they are in the world. We began by protecting individuals and operations in some of the world’s highest risk environments, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Afghanistan, Iraq and Sweden.

Certified areas of operation: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

Member since: 20.09.2013

VSC Security Solutions

HQ: VSC Compound, Dahok Road, Ainkawa, Erbil, Iraq

T: +964 751 002 8568

W: www.vscsecurity.com

Procurement contact:  Charlie Mayne, Managing Director

VSC Security Solutions provides professional security and training services that are uniquely designed for challenging geopolitical environments. The provision of robust security requires a keen awareness of international and industry-standard procedures. VSC Security is a certified member of ICoCA and offers global risk and security consultancy.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Certified areas of operation: Iraq

Member since: 05.05.2015

WS Insight Limited

HQ: Moka Business Centre, Mt Ory Road, Moka, Mauritius E: ashton.towler@insightsecure. com

W: www.insightsecure.com

Insight is a risk advisory and security solutions company operating in East and Central Africa with key offices in Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, and DRC. It employs over 7000 local staff and has been a leading provider of integrated risk solutions since 2006. Insight’s services range from information to technical and physical security solutions.

Certification standards: ANSI/ ASIS PSC.1, ISO 18788

Certification scope: The Provision of Security Services in Central and East Africa.

Certified areas of operation: DRC, Kenya, South Soudan, Tanzania Member since: 17.08.2015


Yutees Services Ltd

HQ: No. 3 Gulf Street, South Legon Development Scheme, Shiashie (Okponglo), Accra, Ghana

W: www.yuteesservices.com

Certification standards: ISO 18788

Certification scope: The provision of security services in Ghana.

Certified areas of operation: Ghana Member since: 30.01.2017


Transitional Member Profiles

Absolut Security Solutions

HQ: 761 Mendez Arcos Street, Sopocachi, La Paz, Bolivia

T: +591 22420492

E: info@absolut.com.bo

W: www.absolut.com.bo

Absolut Security Solutions is the first and only private security company in Bolivia that has made efforts to comply with the requirements demanded by ICoCA and the ISO 18788 standard. Our objective is to work with companies that share the principles of this prestigious institutions.

Areas of operation: Bolivia Member since: 11.09.2023

Axien Security Limited

HQ: 25 The Crescent, Plymouth, Devon PL1 3AD, UK

T: +44 01752 477 070

E: dhession@axien‑security.com

W: www.axien‑security.com

Axien Security is a privately owned company with offices in the United Kingdom and Afghanistan. Established in 2014 Axien has quickly gained a reputation for bespoke and high-end security solutions.

Areas of operation: United Kingdom Member since: 01.11.2023

Black Onyx Maritime

HQ: Unit 2, Alexander House, Campbell Road, Stoke‑On‑Trent, Staffordshire ST4 4DB, UK

T: +44 7903 411 485

E: andy@blackonyxmaritime.com

W: www.blackonyxconcepts.com

The Provision of Maritime Security Services providing contracted armed security personnel on board ships in transit across international waters: In accordance with ISO 28000:2022 and BS 28007-1:2015.

Areas of operation: Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea Member since: 28.04.2022

Bulsho Business Group

HQ: Nuur Hawaad Section, Koshin Village, Beletweyne, Somalia

T: +252 613 004 004

E: ops.director@bulshobusiness. com

W: https://bulshobusiness.com

"Embrace a risk-aware mindset rather than being risk-averse". BBG offers comprehensive security solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. We provide a range of services, including physical security, armed guarding, escort and armored hiring vehicles, access control systems and security risk assessment to safeguard assets, protect personnel to let our clients business continuity.

Areas of operation: Somalia Member since: 02.07.2024

EOS Risk Group

HQ: Lombard House, 3 Bucknall New Road, Hanley, Stoke‑on‑Trent, Staffordshire ST1 2BB, UK

T: +44 1782 283 323

E: david@eosrisk.com

W: www.eosrisk.com

Procurement contact:  David Johnson, Chief Executive Officer

EOS Risk Group is a UK based security risk and crisis management practice with offices in the EU and Middle East. Servicing the needs of corporations operating both on and offshore since 2004 the Group uses its 24/7/365 Security Operations Centre, in-house intelligence Dept, and teams of specialists to service client requirements worldwide

Areas of operation: Black Sea, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean Member since: 20.09.2013

Frontier Risk Solutions

HQ: Adada Area, via Mogadishu Road, Baidoa, Somalia

T: +252 770 880 000

E: operations@frs.so

W: www.frs.so

Areas of operation: Somalia

Member since: 10.08.2023


HQ: 22 rue Georges Picquart, F 75017 Paris, France

W: www.groupegeos.com

Founded in 1998, GEOS is the French pioneer in supporting and developing projects for companies and institutions in volatile areas, particularly in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Mexico and Venezuela, etc. GEOS has extensive experience in large industrial projects, both internationally and in France.

Areas of operation: Algeria, Central African Republic, Chad, France, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Venezuela

Member since: 15.08.2017

Global Security Services

HQ: Building No 3, 3rd Floor, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Street, Zone 1 – Ministries Complex, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

W: https://gss group.net/ Areas of operation: UAE

Member since: 01.11.2024

Hawki Worldwide

HQ: The Beehive Building, City Place, London Gatwick RH6 0PA, UK

T: +44 20 7193 9621

E: info@hawki.co

W: www.hawki.co

Hawki is a global security services company headquartered in London with other offices in Libya, Middle East and Africa. We provide risk and security management services, with particular focus on remote, post‑conflict, medium‑risk and high‑risk security environments. We operate worldwide and have offices in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Areas of operation: Libya Member since: 27.04.2023

IDG Security

HQ: Unit 1405, JBC 5, Cluster W, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

W: http://idg‑security.com

IDG Group is a distinguished provider of comprehensive security services, crafted to facilitate the vital operations of organisations and individuals in some of the world’s most demanding regions. Since 2001, we have been a trusted and professional specialist, offering a diverse range of security and consultancy services.

Areas of operation: Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia Member since: 08.12.2015

Larsa Security Services

HQ: Iraq‑Basra‑Baradeyah, Opposite to Al‑Rahmah Hospital, Basra, Iraq

T: +964 782 118 8111

E: info@larsasecurity.com

W: www.larsasecurity.com

Larsa Security Services is an Iraqi local security company registered in Iraq as a private company under the Iraqi Ministry of Interior under the registration No.164, based in the southern Iraq Basra City.

Areas of operation: Iraq Member since: 21.03.2023

Modus Concept Group

HQ: Premises 25520 – 001, IFZA Business Park, Dubai, UAE

W: https://www.modusconcept group.com/

Areas of operation: UAE Member since: 01.10.2024

Nation Security Services (NSS)

HQ: Wazir Akbar Khan. PD10, Kabul, Afghanistan

T: +93 70 0242324

W: www.nss.af

NSS provides Diplomatic Protective Services and with experienced international consultants, who guide the company in quality assurance while ensuring international best practices, policies and standards are maintained. Financial stamina, regional expertise and a tested track record places NSS in a unique position to surpass all expectations.

Areas of operation: Afghanistan Member since: 21.03.2024

NEC Security Services ltd

HQ: Plot 15b Kulubya Close  Bugolobi, Plot 2, Muwesi Road, Bugolobi, Kampala, Uganda

T: +256 414 674 211

E: necsecurity@nec.go.ug

W: https://necsecurity.nec.go.ug

NEC Security Services LimitedNSSL is a subsidiary of the National Enterprise Corporation - NEC which is the commercial arm for the Ministry of Defence in Uganda. Incorporated in 2019, NSSL provides private security services including Guard, Escort, Electronic Surveillance and Investigations. NSSL ensures top-tier security with professionalism.

Areas of operation: Uganda Member since: 30.08.2024

Page Protective Services Ltd

HQ: 36 Byron Avenue, Nicosia Tower Centre, 8th Floor, CY‑1096 Nicosia, Cyprus

T: +357 2245 6000

W: www.pagegroupltd.com

Page Protective Services Ltd. (PPS) is a security company registered in the Republic of Cyprus and a member of the Page Group of Companies, an international security, investigation and risk management group. It specialises in mitigating risk in emerging markets and hostile environments. PPS has been providing security services worldwide since 2004.

Areas of operation: Cyprus, Israel, Palestine Member since: 18.12.2018

Pilgrims Africa

HQ: 10, Bendel Close, Victoria Island, Lagos State, Lagos, Nigeria

E: info@pilgrimsafrica.com

W: www.pilgrimsafrica.com

Pilgrims Africa Limited was established as a legal entity in Nigeria in 2007 to service a growing client demand for quality security services in Nigeria. Pilgrims operates throughout Nigeria with its Headquarters and national control centre in Lagos and further operations centres in Port Harcourt, Calabar and Abuja, and a forward operating base in Kano, Shagamu, Gombe and Ewekoro. Our operations cover all states in Nigeria.

Areas of operation: Nigeria

Member since: 11.04.2022

Sangfroid Group LTD

HQ: The Generator Hub, Kings Wharf, The Quay, Exeter, Devon EX2 4AN, UK

T: +44 7554 432 011

E: alex.pilkington@ sangfroidgroup.com

W: www.sangfroidgroup.com

Sangfroid Group specialises in international risk management solutions and protective services to governments, multinational organisations, and the energy sector in emerging, often complex and high-risk environments. We have extensive experience and a thorough understanding of the risks when operating in remote, complex, and hostile environments, with safety at the heart of everything we do. Our security experts are highly experienced and qualified to provide a dedicated, client-focused service, delivering risk mitigation solutions carefully tailored to our clients’ priorities.

Areas of operation: Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, DRC, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guyana, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Oman, São Tomé & Príncipe, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Togo, United Kingdom, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, West Coast of Africa Member since: 01.01.2024

Sentinel Iraq for Security Services

HQ: Baghdad, Iraq

E: info@iqsentinel.com

W: www.iqsentinel.com


Sentinel is a Security Company working in Iraq to cover the Baghdad and Basra area to provide static security guards with a Mobile security teams, and recently Sentinel got international certificates ISO 18788, 9001 & ANSI/ASIS PSC.1

Certification from MSS Global; Sentinel is compliance with security standards.

Areas of operation: Iraq Member since: 29.09.2023


HQ: Teknobulevardi 3, 01530 Vantaa, Finland

W: www.takana.fi/en/ Areas of operation: Finland, Somalia

Member since: 03.05.2021


Affiliate Profiles

Africa Risk Compliance Limited

HQ: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX, UK

T: +44 20 3151 0170

E: info@arcafrica.com

W: www.arcafrica.com

We’re a leader in the field with decades of experience. Since 2016 our highly skilled experts have completed over 5000 successful maritime security taskings in West Africa. Under our protection we’ll do everything in our power to give you peace of mind. In short, trust us to deliver.

Areas of operation: Indian Ocean

Joined: 03.11.2021

African Skies Limited

HQ: PO Box 9034, Plot 58 ‑ Block 260, Busabala Ward, Kampala, Wakiso District 9034, Uganda

T: +256 772 779 933

E: horn@africanskies.net

W: https://flyafricanskies.com

African Skies has more than 15 years of Security and Risk Management experience in hostile and austere environments and provide turn-key solutions to support conflict and post-conflict reconstruction, critical infrastructure protection, and a safe environment for humanitarian work.

Areas of operation: Somalia

Joined: 08.02.2023

Alqabdah Security Company

HQ: Al‑Jadreya / Baghdad‑Iraq, Baghdad 10011, Iraq

T: +964 772 333 7574

E: akar.abdulla@ alqabdah‑security.com

W: www.alqabdah‑security.com

Alqabdah Security Company is a private security company in Iraq, providing security service since 2021. With more than 700 active employees, Al-Qabdah is dedicated to providing high-quality security services, risk management, training, and consultation in security services including (facilities, projects, PSD and convoys) throughout Iraq.

Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 29.09.2023

AP Global

HQ: Switzerland

Areas of operation: Switzerland Joined: 04.12.2023

ARB ‑ Security SHPK

HQ: Rruga e Durresit, Ish‑Uzina Tirana, Kompleksi LIM‑EM, Laprake, Tirane 1001, Albania

T: +355 672 057 010

E: info@arbsecurity.com

W: www.arbsecurity.com

Since 2007, ARB Security has been professionally providing the best security solutions as one of the leading companies in the security field in Albania. Operating in 12 districts of Albania, having a considerable number of well-trained employees. We offer a range of security services for more than 3000 facilities.

Areas of operation: Albania Joined: 12.08.2020

Arcfyre Group

HQ: 28 Apple Street, Blueberry Office Park, Block C, Unit 17, Honeydew, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2170, South Africa

T: +27 11 794 9502

E: info@arcfyre.com

W: www.arcfyre.com

The Arcfyre Group are specialists in providing turnkey security solutions in emerging markets. Our industry-leading brands all provide customised solutions with expert, highly trained teams in every area from specialist training to full protective and risk consulting services.

Areas of operation: South Africa Joined: 11.05.2023

Archer International

HQ: Rebekah St, Juba, Central Equatoria, South Sudan

W: www.archerinternational.co.uk

Areas of operation: South Sudan Joined: 15.12.2020


HQ: Of. 2, 25 Sofiivska St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

T: +380 442 309 277

E: office@argus.ua

W: www.argus.ua

ARGUS Security Company has been premium security partner to EU embassies, five star hotel chains, class A shopping centres and international companies operating in Ukraine for the last 30 years. ARGUS guarantees for its quality services; we hold a professional liability insurance covering €1.5 million. Areas of operation: Ukraine Joined: 08.10.2015

Avant Guard Security

HQ: 2548, Residence Bamone, Ave Kamanyiola, Lubumbashi Municipality, Haut Katanga Province, DRC

W: https://www.agsec.com/ Areas of operation: DRC Joined: 01.11.2024

Basalt International

HQ: Tunisia

Areas of operation: Libya Joined: 20.06.2023

Congo Astral Company

HQ: 1945 Boulevard MSIRI, Lubumbashi 598, DRC

T: +243 811 690 871

E: yannick@congoastral.com

W: www.congoastral.com

As a professional in the security industry and risk assessment, I am dedicated to ICoCA’s values. Proud to be an ICoCA member, I am committed to ensuring client security, which is my ultimate obsession.

Areas of operation: DRC Joined: 11.09.2023

Duguf Enterprise Security Services

HQ: Somalia

Areas of operation: Somalia Joined: 28.01.2020

Eaglematrix Security Agency

HQ: 124 RYS Bldg., 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines

W: www.eaglematrix.com.ph/home

Areas of operation: Philippines Joined: 27.02.2019

Eagles Egypt Security

HQ: Building number (1 2) Sheraton Area Square 1154, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

W: https://eaglesegypt.com/ Areas of operation: Egypt

Joined: 05.06.2015

Empresa de Seguridad Privada e Instalaciones Especiales (ESPIE)

HQ: Colonia Miraflores, Vía Santa Cristina, Casa B1, Tegucigalpa 504, Honduras

T: +504 8992 0212

E: ventas@espiehn.com

W: www.espiehn.com

Honduran company with over 25 years’ of experience in the private security sector at the national level. We are the best security partner for your business, providing you with highly trained personnel and high-performance equipment.

Areas of operation: Honduras Joined: 24.07.2019

Falcon Wings

HQ: Al Tuwaisah, Basrah, Iraq

W: www.falconwingsco.com/ security‑management

Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 30.08.2024

Fearless security services

HQ: Bradheyeh District, Sayed Ameen St, Basra, Iraq

W: https://fearless144.com

Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 05.02.2024


HQ: Sigma House, Gorji Street, Syahia District, Tripoli, Libya

T: +218 91 244 2671

E: commercial.manager@ firstcall.ly

W: https://firstcall.ly

In 2020, First‑Call® was established by a dedicated team of experienced veterans of the security industry, with an international background and well over 15 years’ of knowledge. We are a specialist security company offering an extensive range of bespoke protective security services, security consultancy and training solutions to clients across Libya.

Areas of operation: Libya Joined: 02.07.2024

Al‑Fourat River for Private Security (FRS)

HQ: Karada, Baghdad, Iraq

W: www.frsiraq.com

Full range of security services, mobile and static, convoy and asset protection, security consultancy. Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 29.11.2022

G4S Secure Solutions (T) Ltd

HQ: Plot 37, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, Oysterbay, Kinondoni, Dar es Salaam 255, Tanzania

T: +255 768 532 291

E: info@tz.g4s.com

W: www.g4s.com/en‑tz

G4S Tanzania is a subsidiary of Allied Universal which is the world’s leading security company. We specialise in outsourced business processes in sectors where security and safety risks are a strategic threat. As a security service provider, G4S’s solutions are based on our experience of mitigating the security risks to businesses in Tanzania.

Areas of operation: Tanzania

Joined: 27.02.2019

Gegenbauer Polska

HQ: Jana Pawła II 190 Street, Krakow, Poland

W: www.gegenbauerpolska.pl

Gegenbauer Poland is part of Apleona Group - a top European services provider in real estate industry, known for its skilled employees, quality work, and strong ethical standards. The company values trust, integrity, and fairness, ensuring compliance with laws and ethical conduct.

Areas of operation: Poland

Joined: 31.03.2023

Gelose Marine Services Nigeria Limited

HQ: No.11 2nd Avenue Circular  Road off, Alcon Road, Woji., Port Harcourt, Rivers State 500102, Nigeria

T: +234906 280 7051

E: info@gelosemarine.com

W: www.gelosemarine.com

Gelose Marine Services is a Nigerian-owned firm delivering world-class maritime asset and risk management services, with a focus on safety, efficiency, and exceeding clients' expectations. With a proven track record in the maritime industry, we provide innovative solutions to meet the ever-evolving demands of our clients.

Areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea

Joined: 15.12.2020

Al Ghadeer Security Company (GSC)

HQ: Safwan Main Base Camp, Safwan, Basra, Iraq

W: www.gsciq.com

Al-Ghadeer Security Company (GSC) is aligned with international and national compliance supporting its clients within Iraq. The company is led by a highly experienced expatriate management throughout. The company holds ISO 18788, 45001, 9001, 14001, 31000 and is PSC 1 certified. GSC has been providing an uninterrupted service since 2004.

Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 10.11.2023

Global Star Security company

HQ: 5th Block, 5th Floor, Alkozi Plaza, Ansari Square Shahr‑e‑Naw, 4th District, Kabul, 1003, 3rd Street, Shirpoor PD No.10, Afghanistan

W: https://gss.af

Welcome to Global Star Security Services Company, your trusted partner in private security services. GSS Services Company safeguard your business with our commercial security services, including access control, alarm systems, and 24/7 monitoring.

Areas of operation: Afghanistan Joined: 21.03.2024

Guard Dog Security Services Limited

HQ: Papua New Guinea

W: www.guarddogpng.com

Areas of operation: Papua New Guinea

Joined: 12.08.2020

Guarding and Services for Africa (GSA)

HQ: 47, Colonel Ebeya, Gombe/Kinshasa, Kinshasa, DRC

T: +243 991 556 760

E: info@gsardc.com

W: www.gsardc.com

Legally established in the DRC since 2008, our company, GSA ‘Guarding and Services For Africa’, is a private security company operating nationwide. We provide physical and electronic security for our customers’ people and property, which requires a homogeneous and coherent infrastructure throughout the country.

Areas of operation: DRC Joined: 28.07.2021

Hanwei International Security Services Co. Ltd

HQ: R502. Dahua Hualingguojia, No.333 Wen'er Road, Xi hu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310000, China

T: +86 0571 8739 3697

E: baron@hanweiss.com

W: www.hanweiss.com

Hanwei International Security Services Co. Ltd was established in 2014, specialising in providing professional international security services for Chinese enterprises and individuals abroad. Our service includes but is not limited to: security consulting, risk assessment, security training, protective service, security devices and equipment, etc.

Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 03.03.2016

Insight Security Ltd

HQ: Block A Plot No. 18

Sungwi Street, Near Temeke referral Hospital, PO Box 79826, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

T: +255 714 870 153

E: tom@insight.co.tz

W: www.insight.co.tz

Areas of operation: Tanzania

Joined: 30.08.2024

ISN International Security Network GmbH

HQ: Montreal Ave. D415, 77836 Rheinmünster, Germany

W: www.isn.eu.com/en

Areas of operation: Germany, United Kingdom

Joined: 05.11.2019

Jubba Security Company

HQ: 2430 Farjano/WM, Dalxiiska Road, Kismayo, Somalia

T: +252 619 432 648

E: info@jubbasecurity.com

W: www.jubbasecurity.com

Jubba Security has the organisational and technical capacity, experience, and professionalism to provide the required services. We have been operating in high-risk environments and offer a wide variety of security services, including armed static security services, provision of armoured vehicles with armed escort services, and risk assessments.

Areas of operation: Somalia Joined: 31.05.2024

Latlong International sarl

HQ: 325 Boulevard Kanyamuhanga, Goma, North Kivu, DRC

T: +243 811 442 569

E: info@latlongcongo.com

W: www.latlongcongo.com Latlong International exceeds world‑class standards. Our operational objectives are constantly evaluated, and adapted to a changing environment. We are committed to providing our clients with superior and reliable communication systems, integrated security systems, and professional security personnel. Get in touch for more information!

Areas of operation: DRC Joined: 10.11.2023

Marcus Libya for safety and security services

HQ: Hai Al‑Andalus, Tripoli, Libya

T: +218 91 2246 296

E: gm.marcus@marcus.ly

W: www.marcus.ly/m

Marks Libya established in 2012 and is one of the most experienced local companies in the field of security and safety. Providing consulting and protection services to major clients (NGOs, embassies, major oil companies). Our local, international experts, systems and reliable sources of information are keys to customer’s confidence in our services.

Areas of operation: Libya Joined: 30.08.2024

London Security Service

HQ: Suite 1, Unit 2, Mulberry Place, Pinnell Road, London SE9 6AR, United Kingdom

W: https://lsg security.co.uk/ Areas of operation: UK Joined: 01.11.2024

Loyz Marine Services Limited

HQ: 2a Louis Solomon Close, off Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos 101241, Nigeria

T: +234 818 563 6755

E: commercial@loyzgroup.com

W: www.loyzmarine.com

Loyz Marine Services Limited is an indigenous maritime servicing company. Leveraging on our partnership with the Nigerian Navy, we provide security escort vessels, armed naval personnel and security advisory services to commercial shipping within the Nigerian maritime domain. Our operations team is available 24/7/365 to provide support as required.

Areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea Joined: 03.08.2022

Mando Security

HQ: Vill 306 English Village, Gulan Street, Erbil, Iraq

T: +964 751 401 9135

E: info@mandosecurity.com

W: www.mandosecurity.com

Mando focuses on providing security services for international oil and gas companies that range from Security Management, Mobile Teams and Access Control with and without EDD and NDD Teams. We have also expanded our scope of work to include Diplomatic Security, Hotels, shopping centres as well as Cash in Transit for Banks and the retail industry.

Areas of operation: Iraq

Joined: 01.10.2018

Metro Security S.A.

HQ: 4, Angle Delmas 83 et 81A, Port‑au‑Prince HT6001, Haiti

E: info@metrosecurityhaiti.com

W: www.metrosecurityhaiti.com

Metro Security S.A. is a professional guard and security services firm based in Haiti. Established in 2005, registered and fully licensed to function, we have over 15 years of experience providing security services in accordance with international best practice standards. We operate at a level distinct from other guard service providers in Haiti

Areas of operation: Haiti Joined: 23.07.2020

Metropolitan Security S.A.L.

HQ: 7th Floor la Zarieh Bldg.

Block 1‑A3, La Zarieh Street, Downtown, Beirut, Lebanon

T: +961 3 080 837

E: aobeid@metropolitansecurity. com.lb

W: http://metropolitansecurity. com.lb/new

As an affiliate of ICoCA, Metropolitan Security S.A.L is committed to upholding professionalism, diversity, compliance, collaboration, confidentiality, continuous learning, advocacy, and accountability, as outlined in our International Code of Conduct.

Areas of operation: Lebanon Joined: 05.11.2019

MS Risk Limited

HQ: Burleigh Manor, Peel Road, Douglas IM1 5EP, Isle of Man

T: +44 20 7754 3555

E: liam.morrissey@msrisk.com

W: www.msrisk.com

MS Risk Limited is a security risk consultancy serving clients worldwide. Experience is across the natural resources, supply chain, marine, construction, hospitality, insurance and financial services sectors. We also act for the legal profession and are retained by leading insurers for crisis response events and advisory services.

Areas of operation: Burkina Faso, Canada, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea, Haiti, Isle of Man, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Sweden, Turkey, UK

Joined: 20.09.2013

Nibras Company for Security and Safety

HQ: Wallada Bint Al Mustakfi  Street Hay Al‑Andalous, Tripoli, Libya

E: info@nibrasmea.com

W: www.nibrasmea.com

Nibras has been providing security services since 2011 in Libya. We manage operations from our office in the Hay Andalous district of Tripoli where our expatriate country manager oversees all aspects of our countrywide client services. Nibras has the necessary management and administration functions to support a broad range of clients in Libya.

Areas of operation: Libya

Joined: 16.05.2019

Night Bird Security Services (NBS)

HQ: Area 42, H443 Baghdad District, Basra, Iraq

E: shawnbdm@nb‑security.com

W: www.nb‑security.com

We pride ourselves on service delivery and a relentless approach to continuous improvement and training. NBS is a company which understands its position within the grand scheme of client operations, we understand and promote a culture where our service is one that remains flexible.

Areas of operation: Iraq

Joined: 24.09.2021

Ocean Marine Solutions

HQ: 31A Evo Road, GRA, Phase 2, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

E: info@ocean‑ms.com

W: http://ocean‑ms.com

Ocean Marine Solutions Ltd is an accredited maritime security solutions provider for oil companies in Nigeria and commercial vessels transiting through Nigerian waters and the GoG. With a fleet of 40 purpose‑built vessels, our services are driven by a dynamic management structure underpinned by our ISO 9001:2015 accredited quality management systems. Areas of operation: Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Joined: 15.12.2020

Personal Security Systems

HQ: 142 G4S House Pasig Blvd, Bagong Ilog, Pasig City, Metro Manila 1600, Philippines

T: +44 02 7002 5348

E: info@5gs.com.ph

W: www.5gs.com.ph

Since 1996, PSSI has been providing top-notch security solutions to clients in the Philippines. The company offers range of services, including manned security, tecnology infused security solutions and security training, to meet the needs of its customer. PSSI is poised to become the leading security solutions provider in the Philippines. Areas of operation: Philippines Joined: 27.03.2023

Pinnacle Security Limited

HQ: PO Box 124853, Kampala, Uganda

E: gm@pinnaclegroup.co.ug / customercare@pinnaclegroup. co.ug

W: www.pinnaclegroup.co.ug

Pinnacle Security Limited is a privately-owned private security company that was established in 2009 with the aim of providing efficient and cost-effective security services. This objective has been achieved through the formation and maintenance of partnerships with key stakeholders, such as the public and private sector, development partners, and individuals who share a passion for national, regional, and international development.

Areas of operation: South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda Joined: 27.04.2023

Prevail Partners Ltd

HQ: Tower House, Parkstone Road, Poole, UK

E: info@prevail‑partners.com

W: www.prevail‑partners.com

Prevail Partners is an intelligence and security company, delivering security risk management, global intelligence, operational support, and resilience services to Governments, businesses, and NGOs. With an intelligence-led approach, we enable our clients to solve complex problems by helping them turn their risks into opportunities.

Areas of operation: UK Joined: 30.08.2024

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA)

HQ: Angle Avenue John Brown  et Chemin des Dalles, Port au Prince, Ouest HT6100, Haiti

T: +509 47 88 56 55

E: mrodriguez@pss.ht

W: www.pss.ht

Procurement contact:  Manuela Rodriguez, Business Manager Professional Security Services

S.A. (PSS) is a Haitian-owned, private, security services company. Established in 1995, PSS is a trusted leader with a proven track record in many markets. In 2021, PSS became the first and only Haitian security company to be ISO 18788:2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ANSI/ASIS PSC-1:2012 certified.

Areas of operation: Haiti Member since: 29.03.2017

Prudential Guards Limited

HQ: KM 14 Lekki Epe Expy, Eti Osa 106104, Lagos, Nigeria

W: www.prudentialguards.org

Areas of operation: Nigeria

Joined: 18.05.2015

Red Castle for Security, Occupational Safety and Training GmbH

HQ: Koenigstrasse 18, D 33330 Guetersloh, Germany

T: +49 1706 2669 24

E: info@redcastle.ly

W: www.redcastle.ly Red Castle is a specialised risk management company providing tailored solutions in challenging environments, particularly in Libya. With expertise in risk assessments, crisis management, and protective services, Red Castle supports clients through training and consultancy to enhance safety and operational effectiveness.

Areas of operation: Germany, Libya Joined: 04.03.2024

Reinaert LLC

HQ: 410 Ware BLVD, 825, Tampa, FL 33619, USA

E: jowen@reinaertllc.com

W: www.reinaertllc.com

Reinaert, LLC is a US-based, SDVOSB that provides operational support, trusted and secure logistics, and medical capacity building and humanitarian aid to governments, corporations, and non-profit entities. The Reinaert team has over 80 years of experience in national security activities, intelligence operations, special operations, and disaster management with unrivaled access in over 20 countries. Reinaert emphasizes accountability, ethical conduct, and human rights in its work. Founded in 2019, Reinaert is ISOA WPS-certified and upholds the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Do No Harm principle.

Areas of operation: Afghanistan, Israel, Pakistan, Ukraine Joined: 25.01.2023

Result Group

HQ: Waldstraße 3, D‑82343  Poecking / Starnberger See, Bavaria, Germany

T: +49 8801 8809 00

E: office@result‑group.com

W: https://result‑group.com

Result Group is one of the leading international consulting companies for global risk and crisis management. Our experts advise multinational corporations, government institutions and private individuals on defence against criminal attacks – 24/7, worldwide. Areas of operation: Germany Joined: 23.07.2020

Risk and Strategic Management Corp

HQ: 7180 Opal Road, Warrenton, Virginia 20186, USA

T: +44 7747 828 382

E: colin.brown@rsmconsulting.us

W: www.rsmconsulting.us

RSM is a full service Risk Management, Operational Support and Training Organisation supporting clients globally. Our services include Business Continuity Management, Risk Management and Crisis Management Advisory, Planning and Personnel, supported by our 90 acre training facility and over 450 eLearning, virtual reality and gamified solutions.

Areas of operation: USA Joined: 10.11.2023

Saafi Security Company (S.S.C)

HQ: Dolow, Gedo Region, Jubaland State 2526, Somalia

T: +252 615 540 193 /  +252 617 852 244

E: saafisec2000@gmail.com

W: https://saafisecurity.com

Saafi Security Company is a security guard and escort service provider based in Somalia. We have been in this business for the last 10 years particularly working with UN agencies to help and aid their daily activities for conducting humanitarian actions. We are delighted to serve you better. Areas of operation: Somalia Joined: 30.11.2023

Safeguard Security Services (Pvt) Ltd

HQ: 36 Telford Road, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe

T: +263 24 275 1395 9

E: info@safeguard.co.zw

W: www.safeguard.co.zw

Founded in Zimbabwe in 1972, Safeguard is the leading diversified security provider in the country, with a countrywide network of offices and support. Manned guarding, close protection, electronic security, barriers and turnstiles, investigations, emergency response services, the movement of cash and valuables. ISO systems certificated QMS EMS OHS.

Areas of operation: Zimbabwe Joined: 04.12.2018

Our main work is providing guarding and alarm services, utilising advanced technology we are also doing the security of assets in transit. We specialise in comprehensive patrolling and safeguarding solutions. Our team is highly professional and committed to delivering the utmost safety and security for our clients.

Congo Astral Company operates in both the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa. Our business is built on transparency and tailored

to meet the budgets of our clients. We take pride in our core values, symbolised by the three stars in our logo: Integrity, Vigilance, and Service.

We believe in building trust with our clients and have developed what we call the “Wheel of Success,” which emphasises our collaborative partnership with them. Our clients are the cornerstone of our company, and we acknowledge that without them, Congo Astral would not exist.

Sagam Securité

HQ: 3 rue de Kaolack x  Rue de Saint Louis Point E, BP 29 786 Dakar, Senegal

T: +221 33 859 74 02/27

E: sagam.securite@sagam.sn

W: https://sagam intl.com/ Sagam Securité. Pioneer in the field of Security and Fiduciary Logistics. Employs around 4500 people. Activities: Cash and valuables transportation; Cash processing centre; Fast-response intruder alarm system; Electronic banking and Security Guarding. Customer profile: Sagam Securité S.A. provides security services to many customers, including banks and financial institutions, embassies, industry, private residences, and international organisations.

Areas of operation: Senegal Joined: 23.02.2023

Securiteam Protection Services

HQ: 3‑3 Jalan 15/48a, Sentul Raya Boulevard, Off Jalan Sentul, 51000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia

T: +60 12 297 9477

E: info@securiteam.com.my W: www.securiteam.com.my

We are a Home Ministry Licensed Security Services Company in operations since 1994, providing armed and unarmed guards to various foreign embassies, residences and high end facilities in Malaysia. We are prepared to collaborate with interested international companies. We also provide corporate investigation services throughout the Asian region, tailored to the clients requirements.

Areas of operation: Malaysia

Joined: 27.09.2021

Security Plus (U) Ltd

HQ: PO Box 31983, Plot 26 Bandali rise, Bugolobi, Kampala, Uganda

T: +256 0707 333 987

E: benard.ngati@securityplus. co.ug

W: www.securityplus.co.ug

Security Plus provides security products and services in the following areas: guarding, alarm monitoring and response, fire sales security solutions, electronic equipment sales, security dogs, close protection, car tracking and asset recovery, risk advisory, roadside assistance.

Areas of operation: Uganda Joined: 05.02.2024

Seguridad Privada

Ginther De Occidente

HQ: Cerrada de Barroca  No. 6106 / Plaza Barroca, Chihuahua C.P 31215, Mexico

T: +52 61 4415 0252 /

+1 800 830 1083

E: ventas@secorp.mx

W: www.secorp.mx

We offer security, quality, responsibility, and personalized attention. We are committed to following the international code of conduct, always aspiring to continually improve our procedures and practices to offer cutting-edge security services and maintain the trust of our clients. We have a notable presence throughout much of México.

Areas of operation: Mexico Joined: 30.11.2023

Seguroc S.A.

HQ: Calle Isla Hawai 145, Pueblo Libre Lima Peru

W: www.prueba.seguroc.com.pe

Areas of operation: Peru Joined: 08.02.2023

SEPAR International

HQ: Kemble House, Broad Street, Hereford, UK

W: www.separinternational.com

SEPAR International Ltd is a security risk management, Highfield accredited training centre and logistical support provider. We support clients in security and risk related matters, wherever needed across the globe and everything we deliver on the ground has 24/7 team oversight from our operational HQ in Hereford, UK.

Areas of operation: UK Joined: 02.07.2024

Septimius Security LTD

HQ: Unit P22, Block P, Grants Road Greenogue  Business Park, Rathcool, Dublin D24 W443, Ireland

T: +353 21 89 1311 5218

E: communicationdirector@ septimiussecurity.com

W: www.septimiussecurity.com

We at Septimius Security LTD are committed to providing the highest level of security service, enabling our clients to focus on their business objectives. The SEPTIMIUS approach to security is based on the specific threats to your organisation, avoiding a one‑size‑fits‑all approach that can overburden an organisation or prioritise the wrong risk.

Areas of operation: Libya Joined: 07.06.2021

Septu Group Security Management Srl

HQ: Via Plinio 27, I 00193 Rome, Italy

W: www.septugroup.com

Areas of operation: Italy

Joined: 30.11.2022

Servicios Integrales de Seguridad Privada (Security SIS)

HQ: Lomas del Guijarro, Calle  Costa Rica, Lote 1‑A, Contiguo a Escuela Valencia, Tegucigalpa, Honduras

T: +504 2290 7100

E: malvarez@securitysis.com

W: www.securitysis.com

Security Company with 16 years’ of experience in banking security, international organisations, airport security and commercial sectors. Our services include: security officers, electronic security, bodyguards, asset protection, alarm monitoring, armed response, security assessments, polygraph testing and home visits.

Areas of operation: Honduras Joined: 27.02.2019


HQ: Kawe Mlalakua Dar Es  Salaam, Tanzania

T: +255 693 236 993

E: sumajktguard@gmail.com

W: https://sumajkt.go.tz

SUMAJKT Guard Ltd (SGL) a subsidiary of SUMA JKT (The National Service Corporation Sole) intends to invest extensively in security services. SGL operate in all demanded market segments in order to provide high quality service with a customer centric philosophy.

Areas of operation: Indian Ocean Joined: 30.11.2023

Static & Close Protection Security

At SEPTIMIUS SECURITY, we tailor our security solutions to the unique threats facing your organization. Our bespoke approach ensures that we focus on the right risks without unnecessary overhead.

From discreet security for everyday safety to high-profile VIP protection, our extensive experience allows us to offer a wide array of close-protection and static services. Our approach combines deep expertise and advanced technology to deliver security that lets you concentrate on your business.


Key Offerings Include:

Static Protective Services (Armed and Unarmed)

Close Protection Officers (Local, International & Dual National)

Comprehensive Security Consulting Risk and Threat Assessments

Emergency Coordination and Response

Continuous Risk Monitoring and Analysis


Oficiales de seguridad

Protección de destinatarios

Monitoreo y reacción armada

Custodia de valores en tránsito

Sistema CCTV

Alarmas y monitoreo

Control de acceso

Sistema de GPS


Lomas del Guijarro, Avenida Rep. de Costa Rica.

(504) 2290-7100

Sunshine Security

HQ: 20283, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

T: +255 719 600 005

E: sunshinesec419@gmail.com

W: http://sunshinesecurity.co.tz

Sunshine General security services ltd is an outstanding security company that is based in Dare es salaam, Tanzania. We have a vast experience in security and security management since the year 2002. Our security company has been established to provide reliable security management system services for an organisation looking for security solutions.

Areas of operation: Tanzania

Joined: 02.07.2024

Talon Security Company, Ltd

HQ: Andazyaran Street 6, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan 46001, Iraq

T: +964 772 333 7574

E: akar.abdulla@talonsecurity.me

W: http://talonsecurity.me

Talon Security Company is a private security company in Kurdistan-Iraq, providing security service since 2005. With more than 1000 active employees, Talon is dedicated to providing high-quality security services, risk management, training, and consultation in security services including (facilities, projects, psd and convoys) throughout Iraq.

Areas of operation: Iraq

Joined: 30.11.2022

Al Tasweeb Company for Guard and Security

HQ: Iraq‑Basra‑Al Muhandaseen  Dis., Basra, Iraq

T: +964 7809 254 475

E: hr@altasweeb.com

W: https://www.altasweeb.com/

We are Al Tasweeb company for Guarding and Security in Basra, Iraq. We provide security services in various fields (Statice and mobile security, armored vehicles, K9, etc.) in addition to accredited training in the field of security with accredited certificates.

Areas of operation: Iraq Joined: 30.08.2024

Tutaré Management DMCC

HQ: One Business Centre, DMMC, Floor 6, JLT, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

T: +971 58 511 6193 /  +357 9788 4641

E: paul.scott@tutaregroup.com

W: www.tutaregroup.com

Tutaré Risk Management operates across multiple countries in Africa, including but not limited to Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Ivory Coast, DRC, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Tunisia, and Tanzania.

Areas of operation: South Sudan Joined: 21.06.2022

Veterans Security Services (VSS)

HQ: Mundri Road, Gudele 2, Near Acacia Village, Juba, Vebtral Equatoria, South Sudan

T: +211 922 589 472

E: ops@vsssouthsudan.com

W: www.vsssouthsudan.com

VSS has operated in South Sudan since 2007. It is the only licensed armed security company. We provide high quality security services to EU delegation, ICRC, several embassies and some of the largest NGOs and UN agencies operating across South Sudan. We provide advisory, VIP services, international CPOs, training and technical security solutions.

Areas of operation: South Sudan Joined: 28.01.2020

VxL Enterprises Llc

HQ: 3213 Duke Street, 204 Alexandria, VA 22314, USA

W: www.vxlenterprises.com

Areas of operations: Bahamas, Canada, France, Guyana, Switzerland, United States of America, Jordan, Costa Rica, Mexico, Italy, Moldova Joined: 01.01.2024

Al Zeizfoon Company for Security Sevices

HQ: Qadisiya District, Baghdad, Iraq

W: www.alzeizfoon.com

Areas of operation: Iraq

Joined: 14.09.2023

Zhejiang Hunter Security Group Co, Ltd.

HQ: No. 27 Chengxi Road, Yongkang City, Yongkang, Zhejiang 310000, China

T: +86 0579 8706 1777

E: zjlrab@sina.com

W: www.zjlrtw.com

The company service scope includes guards, patrols, personal guards, security checks, police dog guards, unarmed escorts, drone operation, risk assessments, smart fire protection module design and installation, security technology prevention, emergency police rescue, property management and other services.

Areas of operation: China Joined: 15.04.2024

Zhejiang Lion Shield Security Co

HQ: Room 6F‑664, Business Suite, Xincheng Square, Shangcheng District, Zhejiang Province, PRC., Hangzhou, China

E: zjsdab@sina.com

W: www.zjsdab.com

The company mainly engages in manpower prevention and technology prevention services, including party and government organs, banks, hospitals, colleges and universities, middle schools, primary schools, kindergartens, property communities, hotels, office buildings, supermarkets, exhibitions, entertainment venues, and escort services.

Areas of operation: China Joined: 17.11.2023


Observer Profiles

3SMART ‑ Swiss Security & Safety Management

Assessment, Remodeling & Training


ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd

Affolternstrasse 44, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland

W: https://global.abb

Mohammed Al‑Mafrachi


Alamaya Consulting Limited (Alamaya Group)

Fountain Court, Watermark Business Park, Ndege Road, Karen, Nairobi, Kenya

T: +254 769 302 175

E: info@alamaya.co

W: www.alamaya.co

Alessandro Arduino


E: arduinoa@protonmail.com

W: moneyformayhem.com

AngloGold Ashanti

4th Floor, Communications House South Street, Staines upon Thames Surrey TW18 4PR, UK

T: +27 11 637 6230

E: brgonsalves@anglogoldashanti. com

W: https://www.anglogoldashanti. com/

Asociación de Empresas

Seguras, AES

Calle 11 #100 ‑ 121 OF 1005, Cali, Valle del Cauca 760032, Colombia

T: +57 602 489 9191

E: cfarfan@aes.org.co

W: www.aes.org.co

Associação Nacional Empresas de Segurança (AESIRF)

Rua Carolina Michaelis de  Vasconcelos, 28 C/V Esqa., P‑1500 Lisboa, Portugal

E: geral@aesitf.pt

W: www.aesirf.org.pt

Deborah Avant, University of Denver

Anna & John Sie International  Relations Complex, 2201 S Gaylord St, Denver, Colorado 80210‑4743, USA

E: deborah.avant@du.edu

W: www.deborahavant.com

Barrick Gold Corporation


W: www.barrick.com

Bechtel Corporation


W: www.bechtel.com

Sanjeev Bhardwaj

B702, Swati Greens, Opp. Reliance Smart Mart, ABC Mall, IOC Road, New Chandkheda, Zundal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382424, India

T: +91 92 6532 5746

E: sanjeevb0404@gmail.com

W: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ sanjeev‑bharadwaj‑73b24b1a/

BP International Ltd


W: www.bp.com

Gilbert Buonomo

Pal Residencial c/3, Pal La Massana AD400, Andorra

T: +376 331 087

E: gilbert.buonomo@i‑a‑c‑t.com

W: www.i‑a‑c‑t.com

Prof. Carlos Martin

Macao SAR China

E: cmartin@hasiapacifico.com

W: www.hasiapacifico.com

Manuel Rafael Castillo Campos

Manuel, Rafael, Castillo Campos, Cucuta, Norte de Santander 540001, Colombia

T: +57 323 302 0364

E: mrcc7139@gmail.com

Centre for Business and Human Rights, NYU Stern School of Business


W: www.stern.nyu.edu/experience‑ stern/about/departments‑centers‑ initiatives/centers‑of‑research/ business‑and‑human‑rights

Chesterfield Group 1 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7AA, UK

T: +44 20 7481 1683

E: scassey@chesterfieldgroup.co.uk

W: www.chesterfieldgroup.co.uk

Consultores & Auditores en Gestion SAS (CONAUGES)


W: www.conauges.com

Crest Advisory Africa (Pty) Ltd

636 Banket Drive, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, Gauteng 1724, South Africa

T: +27 76 403 4307

E: info@crestadvisoryafrica.com

W: www.crestadvisoryafrica.com

Cristhiam León Orosco

Calle Managua 109, Dpto 301 Urb.  Santa Patricia‑La Molina, Lima 15012, Peru

T: +51 990 236 589

E: cristhiam.leon@pucp.pe

W: https://seguridadyderecho. wordpress.com

Yan Cui China

Christopher Enrique Daset


Calle 10 entre Central y B – Las  Toscas, Canelones 16002, Uruguay

T: +598 098 449 149

E: ch.daset@live.com

W: www.linkedin.com/in/chdaset

DCAF ‑ Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

Chemin Eugène‑Rigot 2E, CH‑1202 Geneva, Switzerland

T: +41 22 730 94 00

E: bsdivision@dcaf.ch

W: www.dcaf.ch/ business‑and‑security

Ruben Elendo


Freeport McMoRan Gold and Copper Inc.


W: www.fcx.com

Edgardo Frigo

Las Flores 1600 ‑ T 31 1 C, 1875 Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina

T: +54 91 1403 53902

E: frigoedgardo@gmail.com

Tomás Gil Márquez

Viladecans, 16, 5º 1ª, E‑08014 Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

T: +34 689 613 728

E: tomasgil55@gmail.com

Glencore International AG

Baarermattstrasse, 3, CH‑6341 Baar, Switzerland

W: www.glencore.com

Global Interagency Security Forum (GISF)


W: https://gisf.ngo

Whitney Grespin

Nairobi, Kenya, USA

W: www.whitneygrespin.com

Henry Vargas Polania

Calle 95B # 13‑10 Manzana C Casa  10 4 Piso Barrio Arkala, Ibagué, Tolima 730004, Colombia

T: +57 3 202 016735

E: hevapo@hotmail.com

W: linkedin.com/in/ henry‑vargas‑polania‑52321a6b



W: www.holcim.com

Industrial Security Foundation (Sri Lanka) Inc.

141, Kirula Road, Narahenpita Colombo 05, Sri Lanka

T: +94 717 551 575

E: pradeep@absecuritas.com

W: http://isfsrilanka.org

International Commission of Jurists


W: www.icj.org

International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO)

1076 6th Avenue N, Naples, Florida 34102, USA

T: +1 239 450 4342

E: sandidavies@ifpo.org

W: www.ifpo.org

International SOS


W: www.internationalsos.com

International Stability Operations Association (ISOA)

1725 I Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006, USA

T: +1 703 544 4226

E: isoa@stability‑operations.org

W: www.stability‑operations.org

Investor Alliance for Human Rights

475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1842, New York, NY 10027, USA

T: +1 212 870 2298

E: investoralliance@iccr.org

W: www.investorsforhumanrights.org


Mohamad Janaby


W: https://iunajaf.edu.iq

Kazim Cetinkaya

Yali Mh. Idil Biret Cd., Yildiz Sitesi, Alp No: 25, Ic Kapi No: 6, TR‑35000 Karsiyaka, Izmir, Turkey

T: +90 530 209 0186

E: kazimcetinkaya@yahoo.com.tr

W: www.linkedin.com/in/ kaz%C4%B1m‑%C3%A7etinkaya‑ 4a218294/

Christophe Kerdodé

South Korea

W: www.yonsei.ac.kr

Henri Knorst



Avenidad Residencial del Parque, Querétaro 76048, Mexico

T: +52 44 2678 9749

E: direccion@krimiva.com

W: www.krimiva.com

Sorcha MacLeod (Dr) University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, Copenhagen, Denmark

E: sorcha.macleod@jur.ku.dk

W: www.jura.ku.dk/english/staff/ research/?pure=en/persons/664378

Frederic Masse

Bogota 111711, Colombia

E: frederic.masse@redcoral‑map.org

W: https://redcoralmap.web.app

Juan Carlos Mendo



MSS Global

The Office, Gateside Farm, Cartmel, Cumbria LA11 7NR, UK

T: +44 20 3675 4585

E: tonychattin@mssglobal.com

W: www.mssglobal.com

Newmont Mining Corporation


W: www.newmont.com/home/default.


Oasis Management Consultancy

United Arab Emirates

W: www.omcdxb.com

Pan American Silver Corp.


W: www.panamericansilver.com

Pangolin Group

Redington Court, 69 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2BB, UK

T: +44 7877 438 921

E: mike@pangolingroup.co.uk

W: www.pangolingroup.co.uk

PATRIOTT consulting

42 Marden Way, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4PW, UK

T: +44 7454 735 736

E: colin@patriott.co.uk

W: www.patriott.co.uk

Cristiano Pazzini Lobo Lazzarotti

Rua Albatroz, 626/301 – Bairro Vila Clóris, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais 31744‑206, Brazil

T: +55 31 9845 51481

E: cristiano.pazzini@cpconsult.com.br

Cecilia Pechmeze

11, Boulevard de Sébastopol, F 75001 Paris, France

E: contact@pechmeze.com

W: www.Pechmeze.com

Philip Morris International Switzerland

W: www.pmi.com

Proelium Law LLP

35 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1NH, UK

T: +44 20 3875 7422

E: law@proeliumlaw.com

W: https://proeliumlaw.com


℅ Sanlam Trustees International Ltd, Labourdonnais Village, Mapou, Riviere du Rempart 31803, Mauritius

T: +254 723 110 031

E: tony@response‑med.com

W: www.response‑med.com

Rio Tinto

6 St James' Square, London SW1Y 4AD, UK

W: www.riotinto.com

SASA (Security Association of South Africa)

T: +27 83 272 1373

E: tony@sasecurity.co.za

W: www.sasecurity.co.za

Sinbad Navigation Company DMCC

2106 Fortune Tower, Cluster C, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai 00000, United Arab Emirates

T: +971 52 690 3535

E: office@sinbadavigation.com

W: https://sinbadnavigation.com

Survival and Special Training Tactics Center (SEAL)

Kyiv City 02000, Ukraine

T: +380 957 175 555

E: info@sealforce.org.ua

W: www.sealforce.org.ua

Tethys Naval

Boulevard St. Michel 47, B‑1040 Brussels, Belgium

T: +32 28 86 03 29

E: reachback@tethysnaval.com

W: www.tethysnaval.com

The Security in Complex Environments Group (SCEG)

9, Albert Embankment, London SE1 SP, UK

T: +44 7557 431 288

E: paul.gibson@adsgroup.org.uk

W: www.sceguk.org.uk


W: www.totalenergies.com

Tysers Insurance Brokers Limited UK

W: www.hostileinsurance.com

The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPI)

1 Nicholas Street, Suite 1510, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7, Canada

T: +1 613 519 5685

E: info@voluntaryprinciples.org

W: www.voluntaryprinciples.org

West African Human Rights Defenders Network

Togo W: www.westafricadefenders.org

Paul Westbury


Oliver Westerwinter Switzerland

Keith Xia China

Zhanggui Zhou

Hangzhou, China 310000, China

T: +86 137 3804 4005

E: zhouzhanggui@sina.com

W: www.nts.zju.edu.cn/ntsen/2021/0507/ c57832a2353940/page.htm

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Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Member Profiles

Action Contre l'impunité pour les droits de l'homme

701 Avenue Kasavubu, Quartier Makutano, Commune Lubumbashi, Province du Haut Katanga, DRC

W: www.acidhcd.org

Action Pour l'Éducation et la Défense des Droits

Humains (APEDDH)

KG 643 ST, Kacyiru Sector / Gasabo District / Kigali City, Rwanda

T: +250 788 444 013

E: apeddh@gmail.org /  alekizungu@gmail.com

W: www.apeddh.org

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW)

Suite D71, No 25 Ajose Adeogun Street, Utako District, Abuja, Nigeria

T: +234 810 634 4662

E: afrilawfoundation@gmail.com

W: www.afrilaw.org.ng

American University Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law


W: https://www.american.edu/ wcl/impact/initiatives programs/ hracademy/index.cfm

Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)

Chemin en Vuaracaux 11, CH 1297 Founex, Switzerland

T: +46 0799 663 606

E: wmacclinchy@civiliansinconflict.org

W: www.civiliansinconflict.org

Centre du Commerce

International pour le Développement (CECIDE)

Commune de Ratoma, Kipé Dadya, B.P:3768, Guinea

W: https://cecide.net

Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CDD)

Rua Dar es Salaam 279, Sommerschield, Maputo, Mozambique

E: adriano.nuvunga@cddmoz.org

W: https://cddmoz.org/

Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD)

#6, Abuja Lane, D/Line, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

T: +234 803 5513 707

E: info@cehrd.org.ng

W: https://cehrd.org.ng

Centre for Human Rights

University of Pretoria

Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028, South Africa

W: www.chr.up.ac.za

Children and Young People Living for Peace (CYPLP)

E4 Kano Road/Ibadan Street, Room 2, 2nd Floor, Nasara Plaza, Kaduna North, Kaduna, Nigeria

T: +234 803 646 4525

E: info@cyplp.net.ng

W: www.cyplp.net.ng

Collectif Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l’homme et de La Democratie (COCODHD)


COMPPART Foundation for Justice and Peacebuilding

59 School Road, Oku Abak, Abak Local Government Area, 532101, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

T: +234 806 668 0864

E: humanrightsabak@yahoo.com

W: www.comppartfoundation.org.ng

Consultation Framework on the Reform of Security Services and Justice (CCRSSJ)

Goma, DRC

T: +243 97 352 38 06 / +243 81 161 86 10

E: cccrdc@gmail.com / gerardmashusha@gmail.com

Dynamique des Femmes des Mines (DYFEM)


EIRIS Foundation


W: www.eirisfoundation.org

Foundation for the Conservation of the Earth (FOCONE)

20 Joinkrama (Ogwa) Street, Mile 1 Diobu, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

T: +234 806 116 2477

E: patrickchiekwe@yahoo.co.uk

The Fund for Peace (FFP)

609 G Street SW, Washington, DC 20024, USA

T: +1 202 215 3477

E: admin@fundforpeace.org

W: https://fundforpeace.org/

Hainan CGE Peace Development Foundation


W: www.hcpdf.org

Human Rights Watch


W: www.hrw.org


Calle 62 #4‑68, Bogotá, Cundinamarca 110211, Colombia

T: +57 310 585 0575

E: leonardo@indepaz.org.co

W: www.indepaz.org.co

Institute for Overseas Safety and Security (IOSS)

Room 106, Nanshan Road, Hangzhou, 310002, P.R. China

T: +86 571 8707 0070

E: zhouzhanggui@sina.com

W: http://www.icoca oss.cn/


Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Catholic University of Peru (IDEHPUCP)

925 Tomas Ramsey, Magdalena del Mar, Lima 15076, Peru

T: +51 1 626 2000 / 7500 / 7501

E: academica.idehpucp@pucp.edu.pe

W: www.idehpucp.pucp.edu.pe

Instituto de Criminología y Estudios sobre la Violencia

Avenida La Mar 540, Dpt. 108, Miraflores, Lima 15074, Peru

T: +51 981 401 999

E: ccampos@criminologia.pe

W: www.criminologia.pe

Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible IEPADES

18 calle 14‑41 Zona 13 01013, Guatemala

T: +502 2331 0060

E: crdeleon@iepades.org

W: www.iepades.org

International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR)


W: www.accountabilityroundtable.org

International Peace Information Service (IPIS)

Italielei 98a, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium

W: https://ipisresearch.be

Iraqi Al‑Amal Association (IAA)


W: http://www.iraqi alamal.org/

Iraqi Human Rights Defenders and Activists Consortium



94, Avenue Adoula Coin des Usines, Commune et Ville de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Haut Katanga, DRC

T: +243 970 197 416

E: justicia.asbl@gmail.com

W: https://justicia asbl.org/

Keen and Care Initiative (KCI)


W: https://keenandcareinitiative.org

Kijiji Yeetu

Diani Road, Kilimani Estate, Nairobi 00100, Kenya

E: rapudohawi@kijijiyeetu.co.ke

W: www.kijijiyeetu.co.ke

Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE‑Africa)

25, Amb. Joel Bisina Road, Beside  Ugbolokposo Secondary School off  DSC Expressway, Effurun‑Warri, Delta State 234, Nigeria

T: +234 703 490 3679

E: office@lite‑africa.org

W: https://lite africa.org

Ligue Rwandaise pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits Humains (LIPRODHOR)

Kigali, Rwanda

T: +250 788 831 104

E: liprodhor@gmail.com


Lumière Synergie Développement

BP: 658, Saly Carrefour X Résidences  Medsef – Saly Portudal, 23000 Mbour, Senegal

T: +221 33 957 20 34

E: a.sagne@lsdsenegal.org

W: www.facebook.com/ lumieresynergiedeveloppemnt

Maison de Gouvernance du secteur Extractif (MGSE)


Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)

London SW8 1PB, UK

T: +44 7986 365 702

E: info@ myanmar‑responsiblebusiness.org

W: www.myanmar‑responsiblebusiness. org

Narrative Hub

Hai Munuki Block C, Next to Souk Libya along Mia Saba Road, Juba, South Sudan

T: +211 927 699 140

E: narrative.hub2@gmail.com /  info@narrativehub.org

W: https://narrativehub.org

New America

740 15th Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, District of Columbia 20005, USA

W: www.newamerica.org

New Nigeria Foundation (NNF)

Plot 6, Block 128b, Remi Olowude Way, Lekki Expressway, Lekki, Lagos 1000001, Nigeria

T: +234 908 277 7784

E: contact@nnfng.org

W: www.nnfng.org

Observatoire d'Etudes et d'Appui à la Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale (OEARSE)

519, Avenue de Savonnier, Lubumbashi, Haut Katanga, DRC

T: +243 995 567 001

E: oearserdc@gmail.com

W: www.maliyetu.org

Observatoire de la Société Civile Congolaise pour les Minerais de Paix (OSCMP)

07 Ishasha, Quartier Katindo, Commune de Goma, Ville de Goma, Nord Kivu 243, DRC

T: +243 997 769 094

E: oscmprdc@gmail.com

Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix (OGP)

RDC Bukavu, Commune d’Ibanda, Avenue du Gouverneure, N°94/B, DRC

T: +243 994 541 218

E: ogprdc@gmail.com

W: https://ogprdc.org/

Omega Research Foundation

Bridge 5 Mill 22A Beswick Street, Manchester M4 7HR, UK

W: www.omegaresearchfoundation.org

Organisation de la Mission De Sécurité Diplomatique et des Relations Internationales (E.a.f.)

France ‑ Europe ‑ Pays Africains ‑ Pays Arabes‑ L'asie ‑ États Unis

Residence Le Sycomore, 118 Rue Crozet Boussingault, F 42100 Saint‑Etienne, France

T: +33 0 77 74 58 20 6

E: info@diplomatique‑gouv.org

W: https://diplomatique‑gouv.org

Our Secure Future

525 Zang Street Broomfield, CO USA

W: www.oursecurefuture.org

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP) Along M1 Road. Chirimba Lunzu  Road. Opposite Love of God  Secondary School, PO Box 545. Blantyre, Southern Africa, Chirimba/Blantyre, Southern Region 265, Malawi

T: +265 9 9930 1512

E: edwardchaka@yahoo.com

W: https://www.facebook.com/ PEFENAP/

PRAWA International 2 Engr Etim John Street Dawaki, Abuja Nieria, Abuja, Nigeria 900242, Nigeria

T: +234 803 687 7166

E: info@prawa.org

W: www.prawa.org

PRISEP Tanzania

Rencontre pour la paix et les droits de l'homme (RPDH)

64, Rue des Mandjis OCH, Pointe Noire, Kouilou, Republic of the Congo

T: +242 053 583 577

E: mounzeo@rpdh‑cg.org

W:  https://rpdh cg.org

Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et l’Analyse Budgétaire (ROTAB)


W: https://rotabniger.net/

Save Africa


W: www.saveafrica7.org/fr

Securitas Congo


Socios Perú: Centro de Colaboración Cívica

Avenida Angamos Oeste 1431 ‑ 202, Miraflores, Lima 15073, Peru

T: +51 980 942 732

E: csalazar@sociosperu.org.pe

W: http://sociosperu.org


Syndicat National des Convoyeurs de Fonds et Agents de Sécurité (SY. NA.CO.FAS)

Rond Point Colobane Parc à Mazout  Immeuble Ndaiga DIOP 3eme Étage, 319 Cite Comico Ouakam Dakar, Dakar, Senegal

T: +221 77 720 79 78

E: jeanlgueye@yahoo.fr

Tammuz Organization For Social Development

Baghdad\Al‑Karrada, Opposite the National Theater, Baghdad, Iraq

T: +964 7704 619 000

E: tammuzftsd@yahoo.com

W: www.tammuz.org

Usalama Reforms Forum

Ole Dume Road, Diani Road Off Ole Odume Road, Nairobi 27461‑00100, Kenya

T: +254 721 967 932

E: caleb.wanga@usalamaforum.org

Women Action Towards Economic Development (WATED)

Kigamboni and Kisarawe Kola Village, P.O. Box 3710, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

W: www.wated.or.tz

Youths for Peace Building Development in Africa (YOUPEDA)

Suite 25/26, Haske Plaza Opposite Orange Junction Karu Karish Road Kpeyegyi 900109 Abuja FCT, Nigeria

T: +234 803 605 6804

E: youpedaafrica.development@ yahoo.com

W: www.youpeda.org

Certified In-Country Security Services Index


Certified In-Country Security Services

The following section shows the in-country security services provided by ICoCA-certified private security companies in respect of the countries, regions and maritime areas that they are certified by ICoCA to operate in.

Note: Membership in ICoCA, which includes being subject to its monitoring and complaints function, applies to the member company’s operations in all countries considered complex environments and is not limited to the scope of certification. See Countries and Maritime Areas of Operations on page 96 for all member companies’ areas of operations.

Access control

Al Hurea Security Services, Iraq

BM Security, Kenya

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Airport arrival/ departure

Al Hurea Security Services, Iraq

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Armed PSD

Defaf Al Khaleej Security

Al Hurea Security Services, Iraq

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

Defaf Al Khaleej Security, Iraq

Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

Griffin Security, Yemen

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing)

Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS), Iraq

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq

Asset security

Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Aviation security

Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Camp security

Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

Al Hurea Security Services, Iraq

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

Defaf Al Khaleej Security, Iraq

Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania


Canine (K9) services

Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

Al Hurea Security Services, Iraq

BM Security, Kenya

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

MSA Security, USA

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Capacity-building and training services

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Cash in transit

BM Security, Kenya

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

CBRN detection

MSA Security, USA


BM Security, Kenya

Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Close protection

IDG Security

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

BM Security, Kenya

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

IDG Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia

Defaf Al Khaleej Security


Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS), Iraq

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Close protection (armed)

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

Griffin Security, Yemen

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

Close protection (unarmed)

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Convoy escorting

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

Griffin Security, Yemen

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania



Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Griffin Security, Yemen

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

Security and Logistics Services

Co. (SLS), Iraq

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Crisis response

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Cyber security

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia

Detection of explosives

MSA Security, USA

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

Diplomatic security

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

MSA Security, USA

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Drone operations

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

Emergency evacuation

Control Risks, Iraq

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast

Griffin Security, Yemen

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

North Star Support Group, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Infrastructure security

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean


Erinys Iraq Limited, Iraq

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Griffin Security, Yemen

MSA Security, USA

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Intelligence/threat monitoring

Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

MSA Security, USA

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Investigation services

North Star Support Group, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Journey management

Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

Control Risks, Iraq

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

Griffin Security, Yemen

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

North Star Support Group, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS), Iraq

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Kidnap for ransom negotiation

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean


Logistical support

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS), Iraq

Manned guarding

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

BM Security, Kenya

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

Control Risks, Iraq

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing)

Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean

IDG Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Somalia

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Maritime assistance centre

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Port security

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

G4S Kenya Limited, Kenya

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean


Acuity International, Iraq, Somalia

Al Hurea Security Services, Iraq

Control Risks, Iraq

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing)

Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES), Iraq

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq


reaction forces

BM Security, Kenya

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA), Haiti

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS), Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Risk assessment

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

Control Risks, Iraq

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

GardaWorld, Afghanistan, Belgium, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Kenya, Iraq, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Ukraine, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, UK, USA, Yemen, Zambia

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Hart Security Limited, Afghanistan, Somalia

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

North Star Support Group, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia

Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

IDG Security

SGA Security Group, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda

Vesper Group, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sweden

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq

Security escort vessel

Agwe Global, Gulf of Guinea

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

Security management consultancy

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Iraq Star Group, Iraq

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria), Gulf of Guinea, Nigeria

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

North Star Support Group, Canada, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK

Pyramid Temi Group, Italy

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia


Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Threat monitoring and reporting

Control Risks, Iraq

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC, Somalia


Alastora for Security Services, Iraq

Commissionaires Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada

EXERA Myanmar Limited, Myanmar

G4S Risk Management, Iraq

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd, Australia

Horn Risk Management, Somalia

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd, Somalia, United Arab Emirates

Scandinavian Risk Solutions, Somalia

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS), Iraq

VSC Security Solutions, Iraq

Unarmed PSD

Al Murabit Security Services, Iraq

Olive Group FZ-LLC, Iraq

Vehicle tracking

Flash Intervention SA, Ivory Coast

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd, UK

Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

Somali Risk Management (SRM), Somalia

TA’AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd., Iraq

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Vessel protection

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd, Gulf of Aden, East Coast of Africa, Indian Ocean

LandMark Security Limited, Ghana

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd, Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, Red Sea

Salama Fikira, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda

Seagull Maritime Ltd., East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean, West Coast of Africa

United Guards Services Ltd, East Coast of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

X-ray screening

MSA Security, USA

WS Insight Limited, DRC, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania

Other Services


Associação Nacional Empresas de Segurança (AESIRF)

Edgardo Frigo

International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO)

International Stability Operations Association (ISOA)


Kijiji Yeetu

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES) C

Pilgrims Africa

Rencontre pour la paix et les droits de l'homme (RPDH)

SASA (Security Association of South Africa)

Securiteam Protection Services

Syndicat National des Convoyeurs de Fonds et Agents de Sécurité (SY.NA.CO.FAS)

Firearms consultancy

Congo Astral Company

Arcfyre Group

Congo Astral Company

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP)

Proelium Law LLP

Government compliance and intermediary services

MSS Global

Alamaya Consulting Limited (Alamaya Group)

Alessandro Arduino

Children and Young People Living for Peace (CYPLP)

COMPPART Foundation for Justice and Peacebuilding

Cristhiam León Orosco

The Fund for Peace (FFP)

Horn Risk Management C

Industrial Security Foundation (Sri Lanka) Inc.

MSS Global

Narrative Hub

Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix (OGP)

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP)

Proelium Law LLP

Sangfroid Group LTD

Human rights education and advocacy

Congo Astral Company

Action Pour l'Éducation et la Défense des Droits Humains (APEDDH)

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW)

Alamaya Consulting Limited (Alamaya Group)

Gilbert Buonomo

Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD)

Children and Young People Living for Peace (CYPLP)

COMPPART Foundation for Justice and Peacebuilding

Congo Astral Company

The Fund for Peace (FFP)

Tomás Gil Márquez


Institute for Overseas Safety and Security (IOSS)

Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Catholic University of Peru (IDEHPUCP)

Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible IEPADES

Investor Alliance for Human Rights

Iraq Star Group C

Kazim Cetinkaya

Sorcha MacLeod (Dr)

Mohamad Janaby

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business (MCRB)

Narrative Hub

Observatoire d'Etudes et d'Appui à la Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale (OEARSE)

Observatoire de la Société Civile Congolaise pour les Minerais de Paix (OSCMP)

Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix (OGP)

Omega Research Foundation

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP)

Pilgrims Africa

PRAWA International

Rencontre pour la paix et les droits de l'homme (RPDH)

Servicios Integrales de Seguridad Privada (Security SIS)

Socios Perú: Centro de Colaboración Cívica

Tammuz Organization For Social Development

Tethys Naval

Usalama Reforms Forum

VSC Security Solutions C

Women Action Towards Economic Development (WATED)

Youths for Peace Building Development in Africa (YOUPEDA)


Gilbert Buonomo

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd C

Night Bird Security Services (NBS)

Seagull Maritime Ltd. C

Legal support for security companies

Action Pour l'Éducation et la Défense des Droits Humains (APEDDH)

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW)

Associação Nacional Empresas de Segurança (AESIRF)

COMPPART Foundation for Justice and Peacebuilding

Tomás Gil Márquez

Mohamad Janaby

Cecilia Pechmeze

Proelium Law LLP

Saafi Security Company (S.S.C)

Tethys Naval

Women Action Towards Economic Development (WATED)

Risk management consultancy

Africa Risk Compliance Limited

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW)

African Skies Limited

Agwe Global C

Al Hurea Security Services C

Al Murabit Security Services C

Alessandro Arduino

ARB - Security SHPK

Argus Security Projects Ltd C

Associação Nacional Empresas de Segurança (AESIRF)

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited C

BM Security C

Bulsho Business Group

Commissionaires Canada C

Control Risks C

Crest Advisory Africa (Pty) Ltd

Cristiano Pazzini Lobo Lazzarotti

Christopher Enrique Daset


EOS Risk Group

Erinys Iraq Limited C

EXERA Myanmar Limited C

The Fund for Peace (FFP)

G4S Kenya Limited C

G4S Risk Management C

G4S Secure Solutions (T) Ltd

GardaWorld C

Gelose Marine Services Nigeria Limited


Griffin Security C

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd C

Hart Security Limited C

Henry Vargas Polania

Horn Risk Management C

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd C

Insight Security Ltd

Institute for Overseas Safety and Security (IOSS)

Instituto de Criminología y Estudios sobre la Violencia

Iraq Star Group C

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC C


LandMark Security Limited C

Larsa Security Services

Latlong International sarl

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria) C

Marcus Libya for safety and security services

Loyz Marine Services Limited

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES) C

Metro Security S.A.

Metropolitan Security S.A.L.

MSA Security C

Nation Security Services (NSS)

Nibras Company for Security and Safety

North Star Support Group C


Observatoire de la Société Civile Congolaise pour les Minerais de Paix (OSCMP)

Olive Group FZ-LLC C

Pangolin Group

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP)

Peregrine Risk Management

Ltd C

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd C

Prevail Partners Ltd

Pyramid Temi Group C

Red Castle for Security, Occupational Safety and Training GmbH

Red Latitude C

Reinaert LLC

Result Group

Risk and Strategic Management Corp

Salama Fikira C

Sangfroid Group LTD

Scandinavian Risk Solutions C

Security Plus (U) Ltd

Sentinel Iraq for Security Services

SEPAR International

Somali Risk Management (SRM) C Survival and Special Training Tactics Center (SEAL)

Tutaré Management DMCC

United Guards Services Ltd C

Vesper Group C

VSC Security Solutions C

WS Insight Limited C

Zhejiang Hunter Security Group Co, Ltd.

Security management systems

Security LTD

Absolut Security Solutions

Acuity International C

Africa Risk Compliance Limited

African Skies Limited

Al Ghadeer Security Company (GSC)

Al Hurea Security Services C

Al Murabit Security Services C

Alastora for Security Services C

Alqabdah Security Company

ARB - Security SHPK


Asociación de Empresas Seguras, AES

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited C

BM Security C

Bulsho Business Group

Congo Astral Company

Crest Advisory Africa (Pty) Ltd

Cristiano Pazzini Lobo Lazzarotti

Edgardo Frigo

Empresa de Seguridad Privada e Instalaciones Especiales (ESPIE)

EOS Risk Group

The Fund for Peace (FFP)

G4S Risk Management C

G4S Secure Solutions (T) Ltd

Gelose Marine Services Nigeria Limited

Hanwei International Security Services Co. Ltd

Insight Security Ltd

LandMark Security Limited C

Larsa Security Services

Latlong International sarl

Marcus Libya for safety and security services

Loyz Marine Services Limited

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd C

Metropolitan Security S.A.L.

MSS Global

Nation Security Services (NSS)

NEC Security Services ltd

Nibras Company for Security and Safety

Night Bird Security Services (NBS)

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP)

Personal Security Systems

Saafi Security Company (S.S.C)

Safeguard Security Services (Pvt) Ltd

Sagam Securité

Seagull Maritime Ltd. C

Seakey Marine Limited C

Securiteam Protection Services

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS) C

Security Plus (U) Ltd

Seguridad Privada Ginther De Occidente

Sentinel Iraq for Security Services

Septimius Security LTD

Servicios Integrales de Seguridad Privada (Security SIS)

SGA Security Group C


Sunshine Security

TA'AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd. C

Talon Security Company, Ltd

Al Tasweeb Company for Guard and Security

Tutaré Management DMCC

United Guards Services Ltd C

Vesper Group C

Zhejiang Lion Shield Security Co


Security training

Servicios Integrales de Seguridad Privada (Security SIS)

Absolut Security Solutions

Acuity International C

African Law Foundation (AFRILAW)

Agwe Global C

Al Ghadeer Security Company (GSC)

Alastora for Security Services C

Alqabdah Security Company

Arcfyre Group


Argus Security Projects Ltd C

Asociación de Empresas Seguras, AES

Associação Nacional Empresas de Segurança (AESIRF)

Bulsho Business Group

Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD)

Commissionaires Canada C

COMPPART Foundation for Justice and Peacebuilding

Cristhiam León Orosco

Christopher Enrique Daset Franco

Empresa de Seguridad Privada e Instalaciones Especiales (ESPIE)

Erinys Iraq Limited C

EXERA Myanmar Limited C

The Fund for Peace (FFP)

G4S Kenya Limited C

GardaWorld C


Griffin Security C

Hanwei International Security Services Co. Ltd

Hart International Australia Pty Ltd C

Hart Security Limited C

Henry Vargas Polania

Industrial Security Foundation (Sri Lanka) Inc.

Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Catholic University of Peru (IDEHPUCP)

Instituto de Criminología y Estudios sobre la Violencia

Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible IEPADES

International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO)

Kazim Cetinkaya


Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria) C

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd C

Metro Security S.A.

MSA Security C

NEC Security Services ltd

Olive Group FZ-LLC C

Organisation de la Mission De Sécurité Diplomatique et des Relations Internationales (E.a.f.) France - Europe - Pays Africains - Pays Arabes- L'asie - États Unis

Pangolin Group

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP)

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd C

Personal Security Systems

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd C

PRAWA International

Prevail Partners Ltd

Pyramid Temi Group C

Red Latitude C

Reinaert LLC

Result Group

Risk and Strategic Management Corp

Safeguard Security Services (Pvt) Ltd

Sagam Securité

Salama Fikira C

Sanjeev Bhardwaj

Scandinavian Risk Solutions C

Securiteam Protection Services

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS) C

Seguridad Privada Ginther De Occidente

SEPAR International

Servicios Integrales de Seguridad Privada (Security SIS)

SGA Security Group C

Somali Risk Management (SRM) C

Socios Perú: Centro de Colaboración Cívica


Sunshine Security

Survival and Special Training Tactics Center (SEAL)

TA'AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd. C

Talon Security Company, Ltd

Al Tasweeb Company for Guard and Security

WS Insight Limited C

Zhejiang Hunter Security Group Co, Ltd.

Zhejiang Lion Shield Security Co

Countries & Maritime Areas of Operation


Amarante International SAS CM

GardaWorld CM

Global Star Security company A

Hart Security Limited CM

IDG Security TM

Nation Security Services (NSS) TM

Reinaert LLC A

Vesper Group CM


ARB - Security SHPK A




Gilbert Buonomo O

Arabian Sea/ Persian Gulf

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


Edgardo Frigo O


Hart International Australia Pty Ltd CM


VxL Enterprises Llc A


GardaWorld CM


Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Black Sea

EOS Risk Group TM


Absolut Security Solutions TM


Cristiano Pazzini Lobo Lazzarotti O

Burkina Faso

MS Risk Limited A


Amarante International SAS CM

GardaWorld CM


Collectif Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l’homme et de La Democratie (COCODHD) CSO

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


Commissionaires Canada CM

MS Risk Limited A

North Star Support Group CM

VxL Enterprises Llc A

Central African Republic

Amarante International SAS CM






Hainan CGE Peace Development Foundation CSO

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd CM

Zhejiang Lion Shield Security Co A


Manuel Rafael Castillo Campos O

Henry Vargas Polania O

Costa Rica

VxL Enterprises Llc A


MS Risk Limited A


Argus Security Projects Ltd CM


Action Contre l'impunité pour les droits de l'homme CSO

Avant Guard Security A

Congo Astral Company A

Consultation Framework on the Reform of Security Services and Justice (CCRSSJ) CSO

Dynamique des Femmes des Mines (DYFEM) CSO

GardaWorld CM

Guarding and Services for Africa (GSA) A

Latlong International sarl A

Maison de Gouvernance du secteur Extractif (MGSE) CSO

Observatoire d’Etudes et d’Appui à la Responsabilité Sociale et Environnementale (OEARSE) CSO

Observatoire de la Société Civile Congolaise pour les Minerais de Paix (OSCMP) CSO

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

WS Insight Limited CM

East Coast of Africa

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited CM

EOS Risk Group TM

G4S Kenya Limited CM

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd CM

Interarma CM

Kijiji Yeetu CSO

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd CM

Response-Med O

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Seagull Maritime Ltd. CM

United Guards Services Ltd CM


Eagles Egypt Security A

MS Risk Limited A

North Star Support Group CM

Equatorial Guinea

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


MS Risk Limited A


Frontline Responses Finland (FRF) CM

MS Risk Limited A

Takana TM



Amarante International SAS CM


Organisation de la Mission De Sécurité Diplomatique et des Relations Internationales (E.a.f.) France - Europe - Pays Africains - Pays Arabes- L’asieÉtats Unis CSO

VxL Enterprises Llc A


Sangfroid Group LTD TM


ISN International Security Network GmbH A

Red Castle for Security, Occupational Safety and Training GmbH A

Result Group A


LandMark Security Limited CM

MS Risk Limited A Yutees Services Ltd CM


MS Risk Limited A


Centurion Security S.A. CM

Instituto de Enseñanza para el Desarrollo Sostenible IEPADES CSO


MS Risk Limited A

Gulf of Aden

Black Onyx Maritime TM

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited CM

EOS Risk Group TM

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing)

Security Services Co. Ltd CM

Interarma CM

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Seagull Maritime Ltd. CM

United Guards Services Ltd CM

Gulf of Guinea

AB Offshore Marine Services Limited CM

Agwe Global CM

EOS Risk Group TM

Gelose Marine Services Nigeria Limited A

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria) CM

Loyz Marine Services Limited A

MS Risk Limited A

Ocean Marine Solutions A

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Seagull Maritime Ltd. CM

Seakey Marine Limited CM


Sangfroid Group LTD TM

VxL Enterprises Llc A


GardaWorld CM

Metro Security S.A. A

MS Risk Limited A

Professional Security Services, S.A (PSSSA) A


Empresa de Seguridad Privada e Instalaciones Especiales (ESPIE) A

Servicios Integrales de Seguridad Privada (Security SIS) A



Sanjeev Bhardwaj O

Indian Ocean

Africa Risk Compliance Limited A

Black Onyx Maritime TM

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited CM

EOS Risk Group TM

Hua Xin Zhong An (Beijing) Security Services Co. Ltd CM

Interarma CM

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd CM

Meridian Global Consulting, LLC CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Seagull Maritime Ltd. CM


United Guards Services Ltd CM


Hart International Australia Pty Ltd CM


Acuity International CM

Al Hurea Security Services CM

Al Murabit Security Services CM

Al-Baron Company for Security Services CM

Alastora for Security Services CM

Alqabdah Security Company A

Amarante International SAS CM

Control Risks CM

Defaf Al Khaleej Security CM

Erinys Iraq Limited CM

Falcon Wings A

Fearless security services A

Al-Fourat River for Private Security (FRS) A

Frontline Responses Finland (FRF) CM

G4S Risk Management CM

GardaWorld CM


Al Ghadeer Security Company (GSC) A

Hanwei International Security Services Co. Ltd A

IDG Security TM

Iraq Star Group CM

Iraqi Al-Amal Association (IAA) CSO

Mohamad Janaby O

Larsa Security Services TM

Mando Security A

Mesopotamia Eagles Security (MES) CM

Night Bird Security Services (NBS) A

Olive Group FZ-LLC CM

Palm Security (Al Nakhla Iraq) CM

Patriot Group International, Inc. CM

Qimat Al Iqtidar For Security Services Ltd CM

Security and Logistics Services Co. (SLS) CM

Sentinel Iraq for Security Services TM


TA'AZ Company for Protection and Security Ltd. CM

Talon Security Company, Ltd A

Tammuz Organization For Social Development CSO

Al Tasweeb Company for Guard and Security A

Triple Canopy, Inc CM

Vesper Group CM

VSC Security Solutions CM

Al Zeizfoon Company for Security Sevices A

Isle of Man

MS Risk Limited A




North Star Support Group CM

Pyramid Temi Group CM

Septu Group Security Management Srl A

VxL Enterprises Llc A

Ivory Coast

Flash Intervention SA CM

MS Risk Limited A

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Tutare Management DMCC A


Patriot Group International, Inc. CM


Amarante International SAS CM

VxL Enterprises Llc A


North Star Support Group CM


Alamaya Consulting Limited (Alamaya Group) O

BM Security CM

G4S Kenya Limited CM

GardaWorld CM

Horn Risk Management CM

Kijiji Yeetu CSO

Salama Fikira CM

SGA Security Group CM

WS Insight Limited CM


Triple Canopy, Inc CM


Metropolitan Security S.A.L A



GardaWorld CM


Hawki Worldwide TM

Marcus Libya for safety and security services A

Nibras Company for Security and Safety A

Red Castle for Security, Occupational Safety and Training GmbH A

Septimius Security LTD A

Tutaré Management DMCC A


Sangfroid Group LTD TM


GardaWorld CM

Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development (PEFENAP) CSO

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


Securiteam Protection Services A


Sangfroid Group LTD TM


GardaWorld CM


MS Risk Limited A


Salama Fikira CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM




MS Risk Limited A

Seguridad Privada Ginther De Occidente A

VxL Enterprises Llc A


VxL Enterprises Llc A


GardaWorld CM

Salama Fikira CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


EXERA Myanmar Limited CM

IDG Security TM


Amarante International SAS CM

MS Risk Limited A

Prudential Guards Limited A

Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et l’Analyse Budgétaire (ROTAB) CSO


Ocean Marine Solutions

AB Offshore Marine Services Limited CM

COMPPART Foundation for Justice and Peacebuilding CSO

GardaWorld CM

Keen and Care Initiative (KCI) CSO

Leadership Initiative for Transformation and Empowerment (LITE-Africa) CSO

Libertine Global Solutions (Nigeria) CM

MS Risk Limited A

Ocean Marine Solutions A

Pilgrims Africa TM

PRAWA International CSO

Red Latitude CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Seakey Marine Limited CM

Youths for Peace Building Development in Africa (YOUPEDA) CSO


MS Risk Limited A


Sangfroid Group LTD TM


Reinaert LLC A

Papua New Guinea

Guard Dog Security Services

Limited A


Cristhiam León Orosco O

G4S Peru CM

Institute of Democracy and Human Rights of the Catholic University of Peru (IDEHPUCP) CSO

Seguroc S.A. A


Eaglematrix Security Agency A

Personal Security Systems A


Gegenbauer Polska A


Associação Nacional Empresas de Segurança (AESIRF) O


Red Sea

Black Onyx Maritime TM

Black Pearl Maritime Security Management Limited CM

Maritime Defence Force, Ltd CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

United Guards Services Ltd CM


North Star Support Group CM


Action Pour l'Éducation et la Défense des Droits Humains (APEDDH) CSO

GardaWorld CM

Ligue Rwandaise pour la Promotion et la Défense des Droits Humains (LIPRODHOR) CSO

São Tomé & Príncipe

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Saudi Arabia

Argus Security Projects Ltd CM

North Star Support Group CM

Red Latitude CM


Sagam Securité A

Salama Fikira CM


Sangfroid Group LTD TM


Acuity International CM

African Skies Limited A

Amarante International SAS CM

Belstone Dart International CM

Bulsho Business Group TM

Duguf Enterprise Security Services A

Frontier Risk Solutions TM

Frontline Responses Finland (FRF) CM

GardaWorld CM

Hart Security Limited CM

Horn Risk Management CM

IDG Security TM

Janus Global Operations Somalia FZC CM

Jubba Security Company A

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd CM

Saafi Security Company (S.S.C) A

Scandinavian Risk Solutions CM

Somali Risk Management (SRM) CM

Takana TM

South Africa

Arcfyre Group A

Centre for Human Rights University of Pretoria CSO

Crest Advisory Africa (Pty) Ltd O

SASA (Security Association of South Africa) O

South Sudan

Archer International A

Pinnacle Security Limited A

Tutaré Management DMCC A

Veterans Security Services (VSS) A

WS Insight Limited CM


Tomás Gil Márquez O

Sri Lanka

Industrial Security Foundation (Sri Lanka) Inc. O

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


MS Risk Limited A

Scandinavian Risk Solutions CM

Vesper Group CM


AP Global A Member,Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Member

VxL Enterprises Llc A


G4S Secure Solutions (T) Ltd A

GardaWorld CM

Insight Security Ltd A

Pinnacle Security Limited A

Salama Fikira CM

SGA Security Group CM

Sunshine Security A

Women Action Towards Economic Development (WATED) CSO

WS Insight Limited CM


Sangfroid Group LTD TM


Argus Security Projects Ltd CM


Argus Security Projects Ltd CM

MS Risk Limited A

North Star Support Group CM


G4S Secure Solutions Uganda Limited CM

GardaWorld CM

NEC Security Services ltd TM

Pinnacle Security Limited A

Salama Fikira CM

Security Plus (U) Ltd A

SGA Security Group CM


Argus A

G4S Risk Management CM

GardaWorld CM

North Star Support Group CM

Reinaert LLC A

Survival and Special Training Tactics Center (SEAL) O

United Arab Emirates

GardaWorld CM

Global Security Services TM

Modus Concept Group TM

North Star Support Group CM

Physical Risk Solutions Ltd CM

Sinbad Navigation Company


United Kingdom

Axien Security Limited TM

Belstone Dart International CM

GardaWorld CM

Guardforce Security Limited CM

ISN International Security Network GmbH A

London Security Service A

MS Risk Limited A

North Star Support Group CM

Peregrine Risk Management Ltd CM

Prevail Partners Ltd A

Sangfroid Group LTD TM


SEPAR International A


Christopher Enrique Daset Franco O


American University Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law CSO

Argus Security Projects Ltd CM

Centre du Commerce

International pour le Développement (CECIDE) CSO

EIRIS Foundation CSO

The Fund for Peace (FFP) CSO

GardaWorld CM

Human Rights Watch CSO

International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR) CSO

MSA Security CM

Patriot Group International, Inc. CM

Risk and Strategic Management Corp A SOC LLC CM

Triple Canopy, Inc CM

VxL Enterprises Llc A


Amarante International SAS CM



EXERA Myanmar Limited CM

West Coast of Africa

LandMark Security Limited CM

Sangfroid Group LTD TM

Seagull Maritime Ltd. CM


GardaWorld CM

Griffin Security CM


Safeguard Security Services (Pvt) Ltd A


GardaWorld CM

Established in 2005, Defaf Al Khaleej Security Services (DAK) is Iraq’s leading security provider, offering comprehensive turnkey solutions. We operate a life support base in the heart of the Basra Oil fields and manage countrywide operations centres, including interconnected emergency support teams that enhance all our services.

We specialise in delivering tailored security solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. With a team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art technology, we ensure the safety and security of our clients. Holding government licensing and certifications in quality and compliance, including PSC-1, ISO 18788, and ISO 9001, we are committed to delivering high-quality services while upholding the highest standards. As a certified member of the

International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA), we prioritize human rights. Our national liaison and compliance capabilities enable us to seamlessly deliver services in full compliance with Iraqi regulations, ensuring uninterrupted support for our clients. With over 18 years of industry experience, we have earned a reputation as one of Iraq’s leading and most reliable security providers.

1800 + Security Personnel on duty 18 Years of Experience 24/7 Operations support

+964 (0) 7833 392 934 +964 (0) 7833 392 937

info@defafalkhaleej.com www.defafalkhaleej.com

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