Beta Chi Chronicle - Spring 2015

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Beta Chi Chronicle the Newsletter of the Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia

Spring 2015

2015 - 2016 OFFICERS

PRESIDENT Taylor Fisher

Williamsburg, VA

VP OF SERVICE Katie Wonders Haymarket, VA

VP OF MEMBERSHIP Joe Lindsay Alexandria, VA

VP OF FINANCE Sam Seldowitz Centreville, VA



Newport News, VA

Saint Johns, FL

Charlottesville, VA

Clifton, VA

PARLIAMENTARIAN Shaw Driggers Woodbridge, VA

SPONSOR: Dr. William Pease, Director of Bands, University of Virginia

KAPPA KAPPA PSI MISSION STATEMENT Kappa Kappa Psi is a fraternal organization that promotes the advancement of college and university bands through dedicated service and support to bands; comprehensive education; leadership opportunities; and recognition; for the benefit of its members and society.

ABOUT BETA CHI Originally founded on September 23, 1950, and active until 1962, the Beta Chi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi was refounded at the University on April 23, 2005. The original chapter supplied the first President and Secretary/Treasurer of the Northeast District in 1958 and hosted the first annual District Convention that same year. Today, Beta Chi provides support for the Cavalier Marching Band and other ensembles in the Charlottesville community. The oldest active chapter in the Southern Precinct, Beta Chi has welcomed over 250 well-qualified musicians into the Brotherhood of Kappa Kappa Psi.





In This Issue The Semester in Photographs My KKPsi Spring Break You Are The Music In Me Welcoming the Alpha Alphas Alumni Update Chapter Awards Departing Brothers Historical Update

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The Semester in Photographs

Brothers Rauen and Higgs get ready for Bid Night (above left), getting ready to play Broomball at the Main Street Arena (above right). A saxophone quartet performs at Monticello HS as part of an outreach event (below left); Brothers and new Membership Candidates have fun in the snow after First Degree (below right). Jamming out in the HSBB during a rush event (bottom).



Clockwise from below: Active and alumni Brothers signing the Fraternity Hymn at the 10th Anniversary Celebration, held April 2nd at the DoubleTree; the logo from Tie-Dye for Tunes, a philanthropic event held this Spring; some of the games from the CMB Field Day; Brothers Choi and Barrow painting Beta Bridge before Third Degree; A contingent from Beta Chi attended the 2015 Northeast District Convention at West Chester University; with Mu Nu.






My KKPsi Spring Break

Cancelled Flights, New Opportunities By: Alana Castro-Gilliard

In March of 2015, I was packed up and ready to go visit my dad in Puerto Rico for Spring Break. It seemed, however, that the weather had other plans for me. The day of my flight, Charlottesville received thirty inches of snow, or at least that’s what it seemed like to my untrained eyes. Born in Puerto Rico and raised in Florida, I was still unaccustomed to snow storms during March -- the month that I previously considered to have the best weather. Needless to say, my flight to warm, sunny shores was cancelled without the possibility of rescheduling. I thought that I was going to have to stay alone in C-Ville for the break. This thought lasted only for a split second because as soon as I shared the news with my MC class, I was asked if I wanted to spend some time in the 757 area. It seemed that I was going to be able to make a positive out of my first ever snow-induced flight cancellation. With new plans in place to go visit my fellow MC class, I decided to go eat a nutritious meal at O-Hill where I ran into one of the Brothers. She explained to me her plans to go to districts but also expressed how they weren’t sure how they were going to get there. Without missing a beat, I said that they could use my car. Just like that, my plans for spring break 2k15 were set. I would start the week in the 757 and end the week in Pennsylvania. During my time in the 757 area, I visited Colonial Jamestown, had lunch at Plaza Azteca, hiked the Nolan trail, watched Sherlock, and I got to fly a plane. Repeat. I got to fly a plane. It was pretty awesome. However, flying the plane wasn’t the best part of the trip. I mostly enjoyed spending time with the people that I would later be able to call my brothers. They took me in when I was upset about my initially failed adventures. This was my introduction to brotherhood as a tangible concept and it gave me personal memories to tie to the lessons I had been learning thus far. The second half of my trip involved driving from Charlottesville to West Chester University in Pennsylvania and back. Jam sessions in the car, a diner style dinner presented by a smokeyvoiced waitress, and a weekend filled with self-reference as the B’tachi (Ba-tah-chee) chapter made me feel at home with the brothers that I was just growing to know. I also thoroughly enjoyed the external part of the weekend. It was interesting to see the combination of successes and failings of other chapters because it gave me perspective on our chapter’s strengths and weak-



nesses. Being able to see early on that our chapter wasn’t perfect allowed me to go through my MC process with a more critical lens and it made me more excited to be able to one day be able to contribute to chapter decisions. At the end of the weekend, I was amped to get back and make KKPsi a more constant part of my life. I’d like to take a second to give a special shout out to my beautiful Grandbig, Jackie Donovan, for cooking us a glamorous breakfast for dinner to reenergize us for our trip back (much love from littlest.) In a whirlwind of events with Brothers and fellow MCs, I flew a plane and managed to drive through 4 states without a dull moment. More importantly, I also managed to have the best spring break without even planning to do so and it was all thanks to my connection with KKPsi. Thank you to everyone who contributed to such an exciting week and showing me the meaning of Brotherhood. I really look forward to continuing to grow over the next two years in the chapter and I’m so excited to be able to say that I am a brother of KKPsi.

You Are The Music In Me Annotation of a Middle School Ballad By: Elizabeth Harrington

This spring, a burgeoning “do it for the gram” artsy AA did his Brotherhood task with me; as part of the second meeting, he told me that his personal growth included giving up solitude, which is comfortable and constant, for the opportunity to be part of a greater thing. During that meeting, we also delved into what music means as part of his life and our organization. Like all of the enlightening tasks that I was a part of this fall, that conversation struck a chord with me and has led me to reflect on the ways that letting you all into my life over the past year has let me be part of something greater than myself and develop as an individual. I also wasn’t super-involved in music in general beyond the band before rushing KKPsi, so the close relationships I have made with Brothers, from the Phis to the Alpha Alphas, is paralleled by the incorporation of music as a companion and friend into my every-day life. This semester, I also gained some minor Spotify fame from the playlists I made from the HooDat; one of the songs which affected me the most I had interpreted as a joke, but when I listened to it seriously as the recommendation of a fourth-year Brother as a “song everyone should listen to,” it really resonated with my personal growth of this semester. Rediscovering Gotta Go My Own Way from High School Musical 2 inspired me to revisit the entire soundtrack from the movie, which, in combination with the aforementioned realization of the parallels between music and the brotherhood, inspired me to annotate the lyrics to 2007 Summer hit You Are the Music In Me (sung by both TroyBriella AND Sharpay, take your pick). Lyrics on next 2 pages. BETA CHI CHAPTER OF KAPPA KAPPA PSI


You know the words “Once Upon A Time” Make you listen? There’s a reason.

One day, I will tell my And like a common children about all the fun thread times I had in the CMB Hmm, you’re pulling me and with the greatest group of hard-working-but-still-fun-loving friends a person could ask for. I hope they listen at least a little bit. Even if primarily from pity.

When you dream there’s a chance you’ll find A little laughter Or happy ever after

I had dreamed for a long time of having Brothers. Just kidding, I had six before I came to college. But having Brothers that When I hear my favorite I grew alongside instead song of being older or young- I know that we belong er by custom and role in a relationship was something I was super-excited for in returning last fall. Oh, you are the music in To be honest, you are all me so wonderful and skilled Yeah it’s living in all of us in such different ways And it’s brought us here than I am, and my year would have been very monotone without you guys chiming in it.

You’re harmony to the melody

It’s echoing inside my head

Nope, still don’t have the Hymn out of my head.

A single voice (single voice) Above the noise

It is Chris’ voice. I cannot hear myself sing during the Hymn. That is a positive. It’ll be different next year without you, buddy.



Because you are the music in me

I don’t know how I did band first year when I didn’t know that when I needed a boost, Sarah CC was always upbeat and smiling for that next run-through or that Sophie was there with a hug even though we were all sweaty or that anyone was down for a high-five while we passed, high-tailing our way back to V-Sabes. Still the Hymn. From singing it between Thomas and Chris to singing it at Districts, there is no denying that we all belong. Music has kept me company in Clemons in the middle of the night, and if that isn’t the Brotherhood, then I don’t know what is. <Insert sappy feelings metaphor of you all for the unique and beautiful components of a symphony.> Brothers have literally let me cry on their shoulders when I was upset, and I think I have laughed with each and every one of you at some point. Like music, you have consoled me, hyped me up, chilled with me,

know you all felt like reconnecting with old friends and I have learned so much.

and allowed me to escape my own thoughts on rough days. Na na na na (Ohh) Na na na na na Yeah yeah yeah (Na na na na)

It is supposed to be sung, but I can imagine it being the teasing sound that kids make. And I associate it with a lot of the snaps I received of me sleeping (thx Grant and Alana).

You are the music in me

<Cliche about us all being cooperative and coordinating though we aren’t all the same>

It’s like I knew you before Alpha Alphas, I did tasks we met (Before we met) with all but four of you, Can’t explain it (Oh ohh) but I made sure to get a meal/prolonged car trip with Allen/conversation with each and every one of you, and I can honestly say it was like greeting old friends right from the start. From sitting on the Lawn eating dumplings on a windy day to road-trippin’ to PA and jamming, getting to

There’s no name for it (No name for it)

Okay, yeah there is. It is “Brothership”.

I’m saying words I never said And it was easy (so easy) Because you see the real me (I see) As I am you understand And that’s more than I’ve ever known

I would not have made it through this semester without the peaceful walks to the HSBB on Monday nights and every other Sunday or without the Snapchat conversations that reassured me that I would NOT die. I choose to end this annotation here because it is getting long, and also because it really HAS been easy getting to know or know YOU as an individual better this semester, and it has been liberating and more than I would have ever thought to ask for. Go Hoos.



Welcoming the Alpha Alphas

Beta Chi initiated the 16 members of the Alpha Alpha class through the Ritual of Third Degree on April 19th, 2015. We are excited to watch them continue to grow and serve as Brothers!

At the beginning of the journey... The Alpha Alpha MC class on Bid Night, February 14th, 2015.

... to calling themselves Brothers The newly initiated Alpha Alphas with their VPM, Olivia Barrow, after Third Degree on April 19th, 2015.

Katie Brodie John Brownhill Alana Castro-Gilliard Abby Chan Virginia Crabtree Nick Ferraro Stephanie Flores Ji Kim Daniel Kingsley Andrew Lynch Liz Peratt Claire So Emily Streissguth Katey Summers Catherine Weathered Penny Williams



During the Membership Candidate process, the Alpha Alphas worked with each other to organize a social event, a service event, and a fundraising event. Pictured is their successful Bake Sale fundraiser, complete with performances of Tag (below left); as well as a selfie from their Carr’s Hill shed cleaning project (below right). They also put on their edition of “The Hoolywed Game”, which featured competing Big/Little pairs.

The Alpha Alpha Music Video Mashup

From the email when it was sent out after Third Degree: “If you choose to watch this, you will probably be confused as to what exactly is going on, but just go with it. We did it live. For the most part.”

Click the link or above to watch:



Alumni Update Transfigurations

By: Theresa Mason Fisher ‘10, Sigma Class During my tenure as part of the CMB and Kappa Kappa Psi, I had the distinguished honor being That One Guy in the Piccolo Section. However, I’m afraid I must now relinquish that title- not because I no longer play (I do, though nowhere near as often as I should), but because I am actually no longer, in fact, a guy (and arguably I never was one, it just took me a truly emThen and Now. barrassingly long time to figure that out). While I’ve had occasional suspicions that I might be transgender since I was at least 13 (and there were possible signs even younger), I didn’t really begin to come to terms with it as a serious possibility until a year ago. Largely this is due to the fact that, up until recently, there wasn’t much information available to the general public about trans people, and the few examples I was exposed to didn’t sound too much like me at all. After all, I hadn’t known since infancy, wasn’t hyperfeminine as a child or as an adult, liked girls, and wasn’t constantly suicidally miserable. As such, I assumed I simply couldn’t be trans, and rationalized away my various conscious and subconscious desires and longings. Surprisingly, that strategy worked out pretty well for a good 15 years or so, including my time at UVa. But, eventually, the dissonance of having my identity and my body out of alignment started to get to me. In the Fall of 2013 I seriously began to question my gender identity, and by January 2014, had started receiving psychological counseling to try to figure myself out. Soon afterwards I finally admitted to myself that I wasn’t really a man, though it took until March for me to realize I was a woman. In September 2014 I took the next step and started hormone replacement therapy (HRT)- the powerful first-line treatment often prescribed to transgender people. While the physical effects of HRT (which can be quite significant) can take months or years to manifest, the psychological effects kicked in much sooner- I felt more mentally at peace than I ever had in my adult life, and I consider starting HRT to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.



On March 18th, 2015- my 28th birthday- I officially had my identification documents updated to reflect my new name and gender identity. Needless to say, it’s been a joy to finally live as who I truly am, and get the chance to feel comfortable in my own skin. With all that said, I must admit I’ve had a fairly charmed transition. My family has been nothing but accepting, as have the vast majority of my friends. My fiancée was a bit reluctant at first (as one might imagine), but has since become one of my biggest supporters and allies (she even helped me pick out a name- Theresa, or Tessa, for short), and is still enthusiastically committed to spending the rest of her life with me. My colleagues have all been supportive, and my advisor and the members of my dissertation committee were downright unfazed by it. Compared to a lot of trans people, I’ve been extraordinarily lucky, and I’m incredibly grateful for that fact. Despite all the warm welcomes and acceptance I received, I’ll be honest- I was a bit nervous to go fully public with my transitioning, in part because I wasn’t sure how my Brothers would react to it. While I reminded myself that there are had been more than a few openly gay and lesbian Brothers in Beta Chi during my tenure there (many of them in leadership positions), there had never been, so far as I knew, a trans Brother in our chapter. In retrospect, I’m not sure what I was worried about- fellow BX alums gave me some of the most thoughtful and kind responses that I’ve yet received. Furthermore, here at WSU (where I’m doing my PhD), a member of the local chapter Iota Gamma (and who also happens to be on the trans spectrum) made a point to reach out to me, and even invited me to their 3rd Degree (although I wasn’t able to attend Updated driver license. due to schedule conflicts). What does the future hold? It’s hard to say- transitioning is a multi-year process, and while I’m arguably through the most personally challenging part, I still have quite a ways to go. Academically, I’m hoping to have my PhD finished within the next two years, and a position as a research scientist at NASA after that. Personally, my current project is helping my fiancée move down to the Southwest for her first job out of veterinary school. But regardless of what happens, I have no doubt in my mind that I’ll always have a place amongst the Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi. AEA, Tessa Fisher ‘10 Sigma Class



Chapter Awards Rachel Beaton Academic Achievement Award

Woody Wingfield Musical Achievement Award

Deri Bush Outstanding Big Brother Award

Sarah Cottrell-Cumber

Michael Dong

Elizabeth Harrington


Ben DeForest Service Award

AEA Spirit Award

Nicole Penn

Kyle Sullivan


Departing Brothers Olivia Barrow Chris Burkhalter Michael Choi Oscar Chow Zak Comer Sarah Cottrell-Cumber Michael Dong Andrea Goldstein Sarah Higgs Matt Jorge Julie Kusnerik Kaitlin LaGrasta Leah Naidorf Nicole Penn Kristian Robinson Mindy Root Kyle Sullivan Allen Wong Congratulations! Thank you for all of your contributions to our Brotherhood and remember to always strive for the highest in your future endeavors.



Historical Update

“Band Club Joins Honorary Club”

The Cavalier Daily, September 23, 1950 (Note: As part of a newly initiated effort to catalog and learn more about our Chapter’s history as well as the history of bands at U.Va., interesting or otherwise noteworthy findings will be shared in the Chronicle, as well as in short presentations during Chapter meetings during the academic year. This article originally appeared September 23, 1950 in The Cavalier Daily.) The Cavalier Band Club will be installed as the Beta Chi chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, national honorary band fraternity this afternoon. The ceremonies will be conducted shortly after the close of the football game by Lancaster Lowry of the Alpha Kappa chapter at George Washington University. Immediately following the installation, a banquet will be held at the Albemarle Hotel for the new members of the University chapter and those from George Washington chapter. Mr. Donald MacInnes, new director of the University Band, will be guest of honor. Officers of the new fraternity are Ernest Alderman, president, Roger Perry, vice-president, and Bill Kinser, secretary-treasurer. Others to be installed are Mark Berliant, Fred Fishback, John Fletcher, Bryant Freeman, Jack Hardy, Tom Hilton, John Knight, Wesley Martin, Ken Okkerse, Roby Patrick, Bob Perkins, Charlie Price, Ben Pubels, Bob Perry, Gil Tribby, Dick Turner, George Walker, and Stan Wasserman.

About the Chronicle The Beta Chi Chronicle is a seasonal newsletter that features articles written by current Kappa Kappa Psi Brothers and Alumni. Articles are written on a volunteer basis and are collected by the Beta Chi Historian. If you would like to write for a future issue of the Chronicle, please contact Andrew Knuppel, the Chapter Historian, at

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