Coastal Villages Region Fund Turning the tide of economic development in our communities...
2004 Progress Report
Table of Contents Member Communities........................................................................ 2 Mission Statement.............................................................................. 3 Message From the Executive Director................................................. 4 2004 Quarterly Highlights................................................................... 6 Onshore / Nearshore Infrastructure Development 8 Coastal Villages Seafoods, LLC.............................................. 8 Onshore / Nearshore Fisheries Support............................................. 9 Fisheries Development ....................................................................... 9 Community Outreach......................................................................... 13 4-SITE (Scholarships, Internships, Training, Employment) .............. 14 4-SITE Support Services...................................................................... 15 Offshore Investments........................................................................... 16 Financial Overview............................................................................... 18 Board of Directors................................................................................ 20 Staff Members...................................................................................... 21
Coastal Villages Member Communities Coastal Villages Region Fund (CVRF) is an Alaska non-profit corporation participating in the Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) program. CVRF is the managing organization for twenty coastal communities within fifty nautical miles of the Bering Sea. The CVRF region ranges from Scammon Bay south to Platinum and up the Kuskokwim River to Oscarville. CVRF’s purpose is to build and expand our support of sustainable fisheries-related community and economic development in the twenty CVRF member communities. Our support is based on the renewable resources of the Bering Sea and our investments in fishing vessels operating in the North Pacific. We take the cash benefits of the Bering Sea and deliver them to our region in the form of local fisheries-related economic development projects and opportunities for cash wages.
Mission Statement
Purpose To maintain and expand on our strategic position in the fishing industry so that CVRF can provide support for community and economic development in the CVRF region.
Core Values From our history to date and from the commitments that we all share now about the future, we have defined the values that should guide all of our activities and staff in the years to come. • Maximum return on capital • Ethical, positive leadership • Respect for all and support all people • Teamwork • Protecting our way of life, language, culture and spirituality • Wishes of the communities
Our Vision
From our position as a key player in the North Pacific, we can build and expand our support for sustainable community and economic development of our local resources in the CVRF communities.
Strategic Initiatives • • • • • •
4-SITE Program Bering Sea Ownership Maximizing Returns from CDQ Allocations Community Development Projects Return on Invested Capital Resources for Strategic Performance 3
Message From the Executive Director Lessons from the Past In response to financial disaster, Coastal Villages implemented a plan for a classic corporate turnaround approach six years ago. The plan was designed to resolve all of the classic conditions typical of an organization due for improvement: limited resources; poor employee morale; skeptical “members”; and urgency. These distinguishing features can be detailed for the Coastal Villages of that time:
Urgency - Time was of the essence. We had to act promptly to stop the downward skid. Our poor corporate performance was quickly becoming an unstoppable deteriorating spiral. The patience of our communities, state and federal oversight, and the program were running out.
Out of the Darkness
Limited Resources - Limited resources are the primary reason our region has suffered a lack of sustainable economic development, and is an important consideration in our inclusion in and allocation from the CDQ program. Prior to our turnaround process, the CDQ group organized to provide a source of stable monetary resources to our region went bankrupt itself; as a result, we had virtually no investments, reduced pollock allocations, and very limited program delivery.
I report with full confidence and pride that Coastal Villages has pulled out of the spiral, stabilized our finances and operations, and continued to grow and expand. We have been granted relative stability in our CDQ allocations. We have exemplary returns (real cash) from many sectors, and our royalty rates are often the envy of other CDQ groups. We have endured very nearly 100 percent employee turnover and are now working as a staff completely dedicated to the communities and to the company. CVRF is being looked to as a reliable source of support; if not in cash, than in knowledge and Poor Employee Morale - From top to bottom, Coastal Villages’ expertise. Communities know that we have improved our financial employees felt uneasy with the transition of the company and their position and we are increasingly invited to participate in community place in it in particular. Past, present and future roles were unclear, meetings, planning sessions, community visioning and economic and just being present at the office during normal working hours strategizing. was an achievement. There was a pattern of coddling a select few human resources. Other CDQ groups have increasing respect for the position that Skeptical “Members” - Delivery of CDQ benefits to our twenty communities was slow in coming. Some communities inquired about managing their own CDQ outside the auspices of Coastal Villages. Communities simply had not seen any tangible results from the program.
CVRF is now in. Three other groups are in the process of combining the harvest of their pollock allocations with ours. The once unimaginable dream of the collaborative super-power CDQ is becoming a reality; other groups are pooling their harvest rights with ours to achieve additional negotiating power, higher royalty rates, and even higher investment returns.
We have expanded our involvement in the Bering Sea from ownership in two vessels in 1998 to significant stakes in 25 vessels in 2004, with the value of those investments going from less than $1 million to over $80 million. Concurrently to increasing our investments, we have provided close to $45 million in economic opportunities and direct financial benefits to our region residents and member communities. Through arduous negotiations and prudent investing, we are now in a much better position to better deliver benefits to our region.
Conclusion To overcome all of the obstacles that we have encountered, we have had to move forward based on trust and confidence, relying on a relationship that has been able to understand and support the great changes that have taken place. All that I speak of has taken place within a structure that places the wishes of the communities first. Our bylaws provide an election process that constantly updates the voting base of our corporate governance to ensure that only residents vote and that the empowerment of those votes is continuously renewed. Although the process periodically dictates changes, it is clear that over time, we have a thriving company capable of continuing what it has set out to do: bring benefits from the Bering Sea into the communities of our region.
Morgen Crow, Executive Director
2004 Quarterly Highlights 1st Quarter • • • •
Construction was completed on the Scammon Bay Fisheries Support Center. Kicked off the Ciunerkam Tangruaritii (CT) process with community meetings in Quinhagak, Oscarville and Napakiak. The Loan Committee approved $87,000 in loans to eight applicants. A loan training class was held for all recipients. The University of Alaska Anchorage Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, coordinated by the Alaska Business Development Center and fully funded by CVRF, traveled to all twenty member communities to provide free tax preparation assistance, resulting in $1,673,000 in tax refunds to CVRF region residents. Twenty-nine region residents were placed in employment opportunities with seafood industry partners.
2nd Quarter • Completed the Ciunerkam Tangruaritii (CT) process by holding community meetings in seventeen communities. • The first pound of halibut for the 2004 season was purchased in Mekoryuk. • For the first time, Coastal Villages Seafoods (CVS) purchased salmon at the Bethel dock during the June salmon opening. • Purchased the LCU Kelly Mae for use in tendering salmon and hauling freight for CVS. • A grand opening community celebration was held in Scammon Bay for the new Fisheries Support Center. • Initial planning and design began for a new Fisheries Support Center in Eek. • Twenty-three region residents completed Refrigeration Maintenance & Operations, Fillet & Mince Production or HACCP training.
3rd Quarter • CVS salmon and halibut plants employed 291 individuals, paying $952,000 in wages. • Industry partners employed 36 region residents, paying $390,000 in wages. • Held a training session for community liaisons and recruiting assistants in Bethel. • Established a Memorandum of Agreement with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and placed a region resident in an active research initiative on the Goodnews Bay River. • The Louis Bunyan Memorial Scholarship Committee awarded 45 applicants $93,600 in scholarships for the fall semester.
4th • Quarter • Received a $2 million EDA grant to fund the acquisition of a highspeed vessel to transport fresh seafood. • Loan committee awarded $107,000 to twelve applicants. • Three residents were hired for Bristol Bay red king crab season. Thirty-nine residents were recruited for the pollock “A” season. • Sponsored 20 region youth to attend the 2004 First Alaskans Institute/Alaska Federation of Natives Elders and Youth Conference. • Completed a food cost survey in the region which included the cost of fuel and utilities in the communities, in conjunction with UAF Cooperative Extension Service. • CVS was awarded $30,000 for the Kuskokwim Bay Regional Salmon Brand Development project. • Construction began on the Eek Fisheries Support Center. • Army Corps of Engineers approved $35,000 to map the “New Newtok” site (Takikchak) and include it in the Lower Kuskokwim Community Mapping project. • Acquired 50 percent ownership in Pavlof Fisheries, LLC and the crab rights for the Deep Sea Harvester. 7
Onshore / Nearshore Coastal Villages Seafoods The CVRF Board established Coastal Villages Seafoods (CVS) in February 1999 to operate one salmon plant in Quinhagak and six halibut plants in Chefornak, Hooper Bay, Kipnuk, Mekoryuk, Toksook Bay and Tununak. CVS continues to make efforts to develop, maintain and expand the fishery resources and improve the economic and community development of the Coastal Villages region. Coastal Villages Seafoods created employment opportunities for 339 people in 2004. CVRF region residents made up 84 percent of the total, while 99 percent were Alaska residents. These employment opportunities paid more than $1.4 million in wages to local plant workers in 2004. In addition to employment opportunities, CVS provided markets for 549 herring, halibut, and salmon fishermen, purchasing 5.65 million pounds of fish for $1.5 million. Without our participation, there would be no buyer for these fisheries and there would be no processing jobs in our region. This is important with the current unemployment rates in Alaska and in the CVRF region. According to the State of Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, the CVRF region (Wade-Hampton District) has the highest unemployment rate and the lowest per capita income. CVS’s additional seasonal employment opportunities assist in lowering the unemployment in our region. 2004 CDQ Halibut In the past two years, CVRF has built four new halibut processing facilities, two of which were located in communities that had never commercially fished halibut prior to construction (Hooper Bay and Kipnuk). The other two facilities were required at our two most prolific halibut harvesting communities (Mekoryuk and Toksook Bay) to increase processing capacity that in turn allowed for greater harvesting capacity. 8
Infrastructure Development Our goal is to enhance accessibility to halibut markets and provide direct benefits to region residents by supporting the region’s local commercial halibut fishery. Our participation in this local fishery also provides in-region employment, training, and on-thejob experience. Over the last two years, we have employed 425 people and paid a total of $415,000 to our halibut fishermen. We lease the quota to our region’s halibut fishermen for free in order to maximize the benefit to the region. 2004 Salmon There are four salmon districts in the CVRF region; W-1A, W-1B, W4, and W5. The Kuskokwim Bay region includes the area between Cape Newenham and Cape Vancouver. The region includes three main salmon spawning rivers – the Kuskokwim, the Kanektok and the Goodnews. While all five species of Pacific salmon can be found in these regions, each river system has particular species of notoriety. The Goodnews area is best known for sockeye, the Kanektok is best known for chinook, coho and chum, and the Kuskokwim for cohos and chum salmon.
The benefits we deliver do not stop at our twenty communities. In 2004, we operated a buying station in Bethel primarily to assist fishermen in 7 of our communities located downriver on the Kuskokwim River and in Kuskokwim Bay (Oscarville, Napaskiak, Napakiak, Tuntutuliak, Eek, Kongiganak and Kwigillingok). The operation was a success, and reached beyond the borders of the CVRF region. Fishermen from eight nearby communities joined others from the CVRF region and made over 2100 deliveries. Until our involvement in 2004, there was only one buyer on the Upper Kuskokwim River. Because of the competitive buying environment created when we entered the market, area fishermen enjoyed a price 90 percent higher than the previous year. In 2004, CVS purchased 3.6 million pounds of salmon from region fishermen.
2004 Herring Over $200,000 was paid to 80 herring fishermen in bonuses and incentives in the 2004 herring season. Over 900 tons of herring was caught in the CVRF region for the 2004 season. For the past three years, CVRF has contracted with Norquest to assure that a herring tender is available in the region. Without the cooperation The CVS processing facility in Quinhagak, which is the only salm- between CVRF and Norquest, there would not be a tender available on processing operation in the region, is capable of processing for herring fishermen to deliver their catch. 150,000 pounds of salmon per day, primarily from the Quinhagak and Goodnews Bay districts. In the past two years, this plant has operated at near full capacity. In 2004, CVS expanded operations to include full-time buying of salmon from the Kuskokwim River districts (W1-A and W-1B) in Bethel. Of the 780 registered permit owners, 467 fished for salmon in the 2004 season. Virtually all of these permit holders are Yupik Eskimo residents who depend heavily on fishing income to compliment their subsistence activities. 9
Onshore / Nearshore Fisheries Support In a reflection of our growth as an experienced, resourceful, and dynamic CDQ group, our infrastructure development program is rapidly expanding to better meet the needs of our communities. New project ideas, many of which have been discovered through the Ciunerkam Tangruarutii (CT) process, have been analyzed to determine the most effective way to deliver benefits to our communities. Each project within this program focuses on further developing the independence and economic stability of the in-shore and near-shore fisheries available to our region fishermen. The research, construction, and operation of CVRF’s existing and anticipated fisheries support centers, portable ice machines, tender boats, boat landings, harbors and ports are all supported by funding from allocations received by CVRF. The sustainability of local fisheries is directly related to the support facilities (infrastructure) available in each community. Creating a solid infrastructure base and a good reputation among the fishermen, processors, suppliers, and seafood buyers that we interact with is essential to developing viable selfsustaining fisheries in our region. In partial answer to the transportation needs of our local fisheries, we have applied for and been granted funds for the construction or purchase of a high-speed catamaran. This vessel will provide efficient, inexpensive, and reliable high-speed transportation of our seafood product to market, as well as reducing the cost of goods transported back to our communities. In addition, our tender vessel Kelly Mae, purchased and retrofitted in 2004, will be put into service tendering salmon and halibut and hauling product and freight for CVS in 2005. Both vessels will lower transportation costs for our local fisheries and provide job opportunities for region residents.
Onshore / Nearshore Fisheries Support A fisheries support center (FSC) was opened in Scammon Bay and the ground broken for another facility in Eek during 2004. The FSC’s are designed to allow fisheries support activities to occur within the community by residents. As an example, fishermen in Scammon Bay no longer must make the 75-mile trek in a broken or towed boat to get it fixed in Emmonak; they can have the boat fixed in Scammon Bay at the FSC repair shop. Fishermen also can now mend nets indoors and work on their outboard engines in the comfort of a modern building. All of these factors lead to greater participation and therefore increased harvest of our region’s resources. Coastal Villages Region Fund plans to construct additional FSC’s in member communities in the near future. Communities interested in receiving a FSC must be able to show that the entire community is behind the project, and a feasibility study must be completed. Our staff works with village leaders to ensure that the design fits with the needs of the community, adequate land is available for the construction, and there is a realistic operating plan.
Fisheries Development Marine Safety Program The marine safety program trains our region residents on safety issues and exposes them to survival gear and techniques. A better understanding of safety issues leads to increased harvest capacity through greater participation. For example, the installation of lit and non–lit buoys in the channels leading to many of our communities allows for safer travel at night. This has effectively increased the hours people can fish increasing the harvesting capability of our region.
Commercial Gear Loans The revolving loan program ensures that residents have access to affordable capital to enter the fishery if they so desire or to upgrade their current equipment. The revolving loan program also uses an education process to familiarize loan applicants with the responsibilities and risks of borrowing money. In 2004, CVRF granted $141,000 in loans to resident fishermen.
Fuel Delivery CVRF facilitates spring fuel deliveries to ensure that local fishermen will have adequate fuel to participate in the fishing season. CVRF loaned $441,000 to member communities in 2004.
Tax & Permit Assistance Each tax season, CVRF sponsors the University of Alaska Business Development Center’s (ABDC) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program to conduct free tax preparation assistance. ABDC conducted free tax assistance sessions in all twenty of CVRF’s member communities, resulting in $1,673,000 in tax refunds to region residents.
Community Outreach CVRF maintains open and continuous communication with our residents through media channels such as newsletters, annual reports, an internet website, local radio and printed publications. CVRF also relies on the direct link provided by board members and local outreach personnel in each community, and maintains a special program designed specifically to reach the younger generation (Youth Outreach program). Two factors are key to our ongoing dialogue with our communities: The activities of our personnel who live and work in the communities we serve (community liaisons) and our participatory needs assessment tool Ciunerkam Tangruarutii (Looking Towards the Future). Throughout our planning processes, our communities are at the forefront of critical decisions and design ideas. Our primary communications are through our Board of Directors. The Board consists of one elected representative from each community and is crucial to our company vision, direction, and oversight. We also utilize community liaisons and community program managers to provide a continuous conduit for information flow with our communities.
In addition to day-to-day communication, in 1999 and again in 2004, we undertook an extensive community survey and planning project to afford all of our region residents an opportunity to provide input on our current projects and programs, as well as make suggestions for future activities. During this process, known as the “Ciunerkam Tangruarutii” or “CT Process,” we distributed surveys and held town hall meetings in all twenty of our communities. The response was tremendous, and filled an entire five-inch binder with results, weighing a total of fourteen pounds. Through this process the people of the CVRF region expressed many development ideas, some of them allowable under current CDQ regulations, and some of them not. Despite whether the ideas were fisheries related or not, they represent a vision within our region to someday be sustainable, modern communities. These visions of the future from the people that live and work in the region must be kept in mind as we contemplate transition strategies and move forward on the path to self-sufficiency.
4-SITE Coastal Villages Region Fund continues to enhance the capabilities of our work force, as well as raise the human resource capacity of the population we serve. A cornerstone to this endeavor is the 4-SITE (Scholarships, Internships, Training, and Employment) program , which provides learning opportunities, as well as employment prospects both off-shore on CVRF industry-partner vessels and in-shore at CVS processing plants. This effort is further complimented by our youth programs, such as Junior Achievement and the Youth Leadership program that target building business knowledge and self-confidence for our children. Our scholarship and internship programs are designed to provide funding for secondary education/technical training and offer actual work experience and on the job training. Scholarship recipients are free to attend the school of their choosing, allowing for maximum benefit to the student. Internships are based in our corporate office or with our industry partners. In 2004, we established a Memorandum of Agreement with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, opening up opportunities for internships in fisheries research. As a direct product of this liaison, one CVRF resident is currently an active participant of a new collaborative research initiative on the Goodnews Bay River and we are working to place additional individuals in research internships.
4-SITE Support Services Apprenticeship Apprenticeships are available for member residents so that they may gain vocational and technical skills while on the job. An apprentice is normally placed on a fishing vessel or an on-shore plant operation. Apprenticeships available within CVRF or its industry partners include engineering, deck hand, quality assurance, culinary arts, or housekeeping.
Coastal Villages Youth Leadership Program (CVYLP) CVYLP is offered to region residents for ages 15–24. The mission of CVYLP is to promote leadership, personal development and citizenship by building strong, unified and self-reliant communities through informed actively participating youth. In 2004, there were active youth groups in ten CVRF communities. Through CVYLP, Coastal Villages Region Fund sponsored twenty youth leaders to attend the 2004 Alaska Federation of Natives/First Alaskans Institute’s Elders and Youth Conference. These young leaders actively participated in the conference and took the opportunity to learn about current issues that affect them, their families, and their communities.
Junior Achievement Coastal Villages Region Fund sponsors Junior Achievement (JA) within the region. The purpose of JA is to educate and inspire young people to value free enterprise, business, and economics to improve the quality of their lives. JA classes for the 2004 school year took place in Eek, Hooper Bay, Kipnuk, Mekoryuk, Napakiak, Newtok, Oscarville, Scammon Bay, Tuntutuliak, and Tununak. 15
Offshore Investments • During 2004, CVRF invested $11.7 million into its communities through employment opportunities, scholarships, training programs, loans, payments to fishermen, construction projects, and other programs. • CVRF has enjoyed strong financial growth over the last several years. CVRF has increased its net assets from $6.7 million in 1998 to $77.2 million in 2004, an average increase of $11.8 million a year. This growth is mostly attributed to our investments in the Bering Sea. • In addition to the growth of CVRF’s net worth, company assets have also grown considerably, from $7.5 million in 1998 to $83.8 in 2004. • Since 2000, we have increased our total investments in the Bering Sea from $1 million to over $80 million, while providing $46 million in economic opportunities and direct financial benefits to our region residents and member communities. • Coastal Villages Region Fund has had tremendous growth over the last six years. CVRF’s enterprise value has gone from $6.7 million in 1998 to $158.8 million or a change of 2,270 percent. • Total revenue for CVRF for 2004 was $51.4 million, an increase of 197% from the prior year. • CVRF receives higher royalty rates than the CDQ average in pollock, Pacific cod, Opilio and red king crab. We have negotiated some of the highest royalty contracts and overall returns on our CDQ allocations.
Offshore Investments We believe that no other CDQ group over the past five years has maximized their allocation as effectively as we have. Not only have we negotiated some of the highest royalty contracts, but we have also leveraged our allocations to make investments that have significant financial returns. In the short time since our reorganization, we believe we have emerged as the clear leader in participation in the Bering Sea pollock fishery. We have expanded our involvement in the Bering Sea from ownership in 2 vessels in 1998 to significant stakes in 25 vessels in 2004. Our main goal continues to be to establish a solid financial footing so that we can deliver, on a sustainable basis, economic development projects to our twenty communities now and in the future. Currently, we own over 35% percent of American Seafoods Company (ASC). ASC’s’ pollock fleet is comprised of seven catcher-processors (F/V American Dynasty, F/V American Triumph, F/V Katie Ann, F/V Northern Eagle, F/V Northern Jaeger, F/V Northern Hawk, and F/V Ocean Rover) that fish in the Bering Sea. ASC owns 16.89 percent of the directed pollock catch, and is the largest harvester and at-sea processor of pollock. Due to this investment, we have the largest interest in the pollock harvesting and processing sector of any of the CDQ groups. Currently, we own 35 percent of 3 freezer longliners via our equity stake in Pacific Longline Company (F/V Deep Pacific, F/V Lilli Ann, and F/V North Cape), and 20 percent of 3 freezer longliners via our equity stakes in Ocean Prowler LLC and Prowler LLC (F/V Ocean Prowler, F/V Prowler, F/V Bering Prowler). These vessels currently operate in the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands.
2004 Financial Overview $80
Net Assets (Net Worth)
Net assets, a measure of a company’s net worth, were $77.2 million at the end of 2004, an increase of 105% over the prior year. This growth is mostly attributed to returns from our investments in the Bering Sea.
Total assets have grown from $7.5 million in 1998, to $83.8 million on December 31, 2004. $20
Our main goal continues to be to establish a solid financial footing so that we can deliver, on a sustainable basis, economic development projects to our twenty communities now and in the future.
$0 1994
Community Development Quota Royalties One of the largest sources of revenue for CVRF is community development quota (CDQ) royalties. In 2004, our industry partners harvested 99.4 percent of our target fishery allocations. Harvesting Partners in 2004 Pollock American Seafoods Company Crab Sanko Fisheries Pacific Cod Pacific Longline Company Groundfish U.S. Seafoods Halibut/Sablefish Kokopelli, LLC
In Millions
2004 was another successful year financially for CVRF. Total revenues were $53.9 million a 371% increase over 2003. Total expenses were $14.3 million.
2004 Financial Overview 2004 Season Highliners Local Fishermen are the lifeblood of the CDQ program. In 2004, highliners delivering to our local halibut and salmon operations were: Halibut Kenneth Davis Frank Pitka Carl A. Paul Phillip James John Eric
Mekoryuk Toksook Bay Kipnuk Tununak Chefornak
Salmon Robert F. White Esther Fox Carlie Beebe
Quinhagak Goodnews Bay Eek Island Area
Sources of Revenue CVRF had revenues of $53.9 million in 2004, an increase of 197% from the prior year. Revenues included $32.6 million in cash distributions from Bering Sea fisheries investments, $13.3 million from CDQ royalties from harvesting and processing partners, $3.9 million from CVRF region fisheries sales and $4.1 million in interest income, State and federal awards and other revenues.
2004 Board of Directors Executive Committee Howard T. Amos Oscar Evon Timothy Samson Wassilie Bavilla Eric Olson Sr. George Smith David Bill Sr.
Executive Committee elected at the 2004 Annual Board Meeting. Back Row: David Bill Sr., George Smith, Timothy Samson, Wassilie Bavilla. Front Row: Eric Olson Sr., Howard T. Amos, Oscar Evon.
Henry Williams Gabriel Olick Andy Charlie Sr. John Pingayak Jonathan Lewis William Brown Jack Stewart Ralph Kiunya Nicholas Paul Helen Kaganak Peter John Jimmy George Frank Berezkin Sr.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member
Mekoryuk Kwigillingok Kipnuk Quinhagak Hooper Bay Scammon Bay Toksook Bay
Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member
Platinum Tuntutuliak Tununak Chevak Chefornak Eek Goodnews Bay Kongiganak Napakiak Napaskiak Newtok Nightmute Oscarville
CVRF Staff Corporate Sta
Morgen Crow Robert Williams Joe Hall Patty Murphy Fred Phillip Ronalda Olivera Ted Wittenberger Rhonda Kelley Larson Hunter Shelley Stanchina Verla Mojin Donna Schwirtz Kimberly Good Nellie Kiunya Catherine Jumbo Gretchen Williams Sandra Guest Haidee Canete Marlene Kiokun Darla Graham Sam Carpenter
Executive Director Deputy Director Fisheries Manager Executive Assistant Executive Coordinator Program Director Resources Director Safety Manager Business Development Coordinator Project Accountant 4-SITE Coordinator Assistant to Director of Finance Controller Staff Accountant Payroll Clerk Accounts Payable Clerk Accounting Clerk Human Resources Clerk Administrative Assistant Receptionist Expeditor
Community Program Managers Lloyd Black Theodore Angaiak
Napakiak Tununak
Community Liaisons
Nellie Abraham Clifford Pingayak Stella Alexie Angela Chinglak Mamie Tinker Chris Dock Mary Nicholai Mona David David Albert Grace Friendly Nick David Jr.
Chefornak Chevak Eek Goodnews Bay/Platinum Hooper Bay Kipnuk Kongiganak Mekoryuk Newtok Quinhagak Tuntutuliak
Coastal Villages Region Fund 711 H Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: (907) 278-5151 Fax: (907) 278-5150 TF: (888) 795-5151